I Made Your Cursed Game Ideas

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I'm a game developer and last week I asked you guys to give me your dumb stupid and dare I say goofy game ideas and I'm going to use all of these ideas to make the dumbest game of all time YouTube commenter anas sidik suggested monkey driving a golf cart simulator I mean sure why not step one model a golf cart in blender actually we'll make a few just to be on the safe side next we need to make this thing Drive in my opinion there's three main genres of driving games out there you've got your classic racing Sim then there's cart Racers these are games like Mario Kart and Garfield Kart however in most of these games it feels like you're glued to the ground which isn't really the route I want to go down here but there is a subgenre of cart races that I'm dubbing rage races these games allow the cart to bounce flip and generally just do the opposite of whatever the player wanted them to do and that's the type of game that I want to make here so I started by making the suspension using hooks law or as I like to call it the Pirates Code yep that's exactly what I was going for making this thing drift around was a piece of cake as illustrated by this incredible driving game I made when I was 15 I also gave the car eyeballs I I I don't know why literally nobody suggested that and as specifically said that the goal of this game should be to collect bananas and a ton more of you guys agreed with that hey it's your game first I jumped into blender and modeled the banana I then brought that into gdau gave it and outline as well as this bubbly base next I tried to animate it but honestly I don't know if this is safe to show on YouTube all in all I think this looks pretty good though all right monkey time if you're new here this guy's name is berg and he's become somewhat of a mascot of the channel he appeared in his own game titled Berg as well as one of my later games called barik cart so I grabbed the model from barik cart and improved it a little bit so now he looks like this so here's Berg in game and as you can see his arms are linked to the steering wheel to give him a a little more life I also made him slide in the opposite direction to your turn which rounds it all off quite nicely Twitter user midow strand wanted to see if we could do a flip so prepare yourselves all right besides some trivial things like UI showing you where the banana is as well as collecting the actual bananas themselves that's anas's idea complete all right next idea comes from YouTube user star fighter 7570 who suggests did a game where you are stranded on an island but there is a weird twist that happens and there is a barge NATO all right then a barge NATO is simple enough I made this tornado graphic with some particles and made it so that driving into said barado launches you into the air as for the island that's actually quite a good idea this gray floor needs to go I started off by making some Terrain in blender using geometry nodes I then separated the UVS into two channels the first of which lets us interpolate between two shades of green based on the height and the second allows us to Overlay a grass texture on top then to finish it off I changed the Sky Box to be a lot more vibrant now you guys are creating quite a goofy game here so I decided my contribution would be to give the Sun a face of its own oh God to try and make him a little less creepy I added a sunflower stem but that really didn't help sleep well tonight guys all right so our Island looks beautiful but there's not much going on it's literally just a load of grass a few ideas mention different biomes that they want wanted our game to take place on so here's my idea we split the island into four quadrants each with their own difficulties such as Helo terrain or reduce visibility YouTube user Zev Kev suggested we make one of these biomes a rainforest to be fair our ground is already pretty rain foresty so all we need are some trees I modeled this one in blender and after giving it some Alpha card leaves as well as a wind animation it actually looks quite good there is a tricky performance problem at play here though so we'll come back to this section later okay for the next quadrant Discord commenter Peppa code said a huge hill that drops into a pool he didn't mention what type of pool this was so I'm going to be cheeky and redefine this as a volcano to begin I added a mesh under our terrain to represent the lava and carved out some rivers that will Meander through it now one of my main motivations when making this game was to improve my art skills from some of my previous games here's the first pass of the volcano when I took this to Twitter however a ton of people said it looked very N64 esque like banjo kazui or Mario 64 and while I'm flattered that isn't really what I was going for that night I basically cried myself to sleep but when I woke up I decided that I wouldn't be defeated needless to say this looks a lot better a ton of you guys mentioned beans somewhere in your comments one guy a little too enthusiastically so I added some Bean stalks to cut off the edge of the island as well as a train that zooms through the mountain cuz why not and I'm actually really happy with how this turned out now it looks like a Wii game all right so let's improve the lava region by giving it some more atmosphere I started off by giving it its own ground color and using a texture mask to blend it into the jungle region one glaring problem with this is we don't really have a way to get across that Lava River unless I guess you count tornadoes so let's fix that by modeling a bridge in blender as well as these ramps that I placed at the end of each of the bridges now we can drive between any of the four quadrants with ease but I don't really think we can call changing the ground color a biome so let's add some valleys and Peaks to it this makes the area really difficult to navigate without flipping over and finally I made this Effigy and blender with Berg's skull on it the figs seem to give the biome a bit more of a thematic Vibe and with that the lava region is done Discord member P do dot dot commented add corn okay man I'll do it as Mr dot dot dot wishes I made this corn texture in Affinity which I then turned into an alpha card and Scattered them all around the terrain as much as I'd love to do an Interstellar bit here I am also really really really scared of Christopher Nolan oh and by the way if you're wondering how I'm making these animation sections for Berg let me introduce you to today's sponsor Animo trust me it's a good one Animo is an industry agnostic animation tool that you can use to animate characters in VR you can also collaborate with other users over the web to make short films or create an animation for your next indie game and at some point in March anim motive will be adding the ability to export the raw fbx animations which means you can tweak them in your game engine of choice if there's something you're just not happy with if you're interested in this anim motive has a Discord server where you can keep up to date with the tool and all things anim motive you can join their Discord and download and try the tool for free at the links in the description I complemented the cornfield by making a windmill model in blender and wrote a script to rotate the blades and finally to round off the cornfield biome I changed the dirt color to something a little easier on the eyes my thought process here is that because the corn is yellow the banana will be harder to see in the field so let's go back to our rainforest area I updated the tree with a particle system that dropped some little leaves randomly and Scattered them all around the terrain each one of these trees is quite bad for performance though because of the alpha cards so we'll have to use them sparingly I modeled some palm trees that should be a little bit more performant and Scattered those around the rainforest as well which definitely improves this biome a lot okay so that's three out of four biomes the final biome is a suggestion from friend of the channel Justin Hughes who commented spooky ghost ooh now I'm not sure if this was a threat but either way we're adding a graveyard I started this biome with some hazy fog to reduce the players's visibility then naturally modeled a grave these look pretty scary if I do say so myself next I modeled and animated a ghost in blender to patrol the biome but I had no business making these guys look so cute next to make this plays a bit more mazike I scattered some purple fences around now as this is a community effort I didn't want to leave out my beautiful patreons who for his little as $2 a month get the source code to a ton of projects including this one so I asked them for something each one of them wanted in a grave to represent them there's a playing card a block of cheese a rat apparently someone wanted to be a rat I don't know a pepper this frog a flower a bee a heart and finally my favorite penguin so now our environment is completely done and we can race around collecting bananas but the last thing we need is an actual game loop I decided the goal of this game is is to collect 15 bananas as fast as you can there's some UI at the top to show you your time remaining as well as your banana count bananas do spawn randomly but there's a seed system which will let you and your friends compete on the same layout I've opened up a channel on Discord for speedr running so you can join that in the description you'll also find a link to the game there it's called Kaji uh you uh you see what I did there and finally I added some music which is what you're hearing right now it was made by YouTuber aali so go and check them out if you want make sure to subscribe like join the patreon if you want to delve into the source code and I'll see you soon for something very very special
Channel: Barji
Views: 177,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Game Dev, Barji, Game Development, Unity, Godot, Godot Game, Godot 3D Godot C#, Minecraft, Dani, How to make a game, Unity Game, Godot Tutorial, C#, Barji Kart, Burg, Mushy, Grapple, PolyMars, PolyMars++, BarjiLIVE, Barji Live, C Sharp, CSharp, godot c#, Godot C#, Godot tutorial, Godot C# tutorial, How to Godot, I Made your dumb game ideas, I made your dumb ideas in Minecraft..., I made your dumb ideas, I made your dumb games, dumb games, I Tried Your Dumb Chess Ideas
Id: 1qa3EkWJa6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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