I Tried Japan's JoJo World

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welcome my fellow jojo enthusiasts to jojo world in yokohama and today i'm going to be taking you all around jojo world you may be thinking conor what is there possibly to do well don't worry i should be finding out everything you need to know in the video today now you might hear the word world and think a giant theme park but no it's more of a disney store-esque style in a shopping mall in yokohama japan so i'm going to walk you through everything there is to do here today and hopefully keep you entertained and if you're not a jojo fan you might be very confused but if you love jojo you're going to want to see this video so without further ado let's get into it so yeah maybe you guys don't care maybe you do but i'll give a little back in for how i found out about this basically on twitter the official jojo account kept retweeting something about this jojo world happening in yokohama and i was like okay well i'm literally wearing jojo my room is literally jojo i literally have a stand arrow my life is pretty much jojo why i don't know i love it so naturally i wanted to go so i continued them asking them hey can i come and film for the event uh before it opens and they said yes and i also wasn't told anything so i didn't know anything about this before i got there and essentially the pop-up stores run for about two months each and then they move so currently it's in tokyo and then it's gonna move to osaka and then presumably it's gone and so when we got there they basically just told us a bit about it told us what we can do told us what we can't do and most of you have probably never been pressed for anything but essentially you turn up they basically lecture you for about 10-15 minutes letting you know hey don't film this please film this please don't say this please don't say that and then all the staff were kind enough to give us a tour around the area showing us all the stuff that you can buy all the possible merchandise that you can win in the little raffles and i'll show you guys all the events when i'm going through them but to give you a brief explanation of what they are the first three parts part one two and three had kind of quick time-esque things for a raffle basically a raffle with extra steps in georgia five and there's a bunch of items that you can get and of course it's japan so it's gachified it's all randomized these jotro figures are really cool i wanted to buy them you can also buy portraits of your husbandos this is something i can kind of get behind i do i do kind of want a picture of jojo on my desk not gonna lie so japan does this thing called an ichiban kuji uh and essentially what it is is that you buy a ticket and you get a raffle and on that raffle is a to e or however far down it goes and normally a is the best so here with these figures they've basically done part one being a part two being b look at that plate they need a jojo wine glass as well so i can store my jojo wine glasses and of course every single pop-up store or cafe or anything has to have its own themed food and drink i wish i remembered what it was but it looks good i think again i'm gonna be honest again i normally avoid the food in cafes i normally prefer to just go to an actual restaurant but hey some people love it i i'd already give a [ __ ] it does actually look pretty good in this one not just saying that because i'm biased as jojo yeah i think it looks good i did it so here we have right these are acrylic stands but if you look very closely at them there's two slots so you can either put the jojo world little sign there or if you're into that source cbl you can put your preferred ship on both the acrylic stands and have them in one stand great i want dio and deer so naturally any good world or place that has attractions has mini games mini games is a very generous term and luckily georgia world is no exception to this as we have some mini games over here if you've seen part one of the anime this will look very familiar too if you haven't seen the anime don't worry but essentially there's a scene where you have to hit the frog and uh you'll get a prize based on how you perform with hitting the frog so give it a shot that was the weakest most anemic punch in my life very exciting stuff i got a c that's like the worst normally you'd get a prize based on different kind of value based on which letter you got obviously a being the highest and c being the worst so i did actually get the worst i think it's a really cool concept i just wish there was some input into it you guys know me i love skill-based games i am a gamer guys and i love it when my games reward me for doing something i hate randomness so not gonna lie as cool as it is to punch a frog and get a prize for it i wish there was some way that i could influence it and the prize that i get there is another attraction here from part two which is uh spinning a wheel so i just spin it and we get a little orb with a prize [Applause] oh surprise no i see you again i'm so cursed if you've made it this far in the video already you're probably thinking wow this is not really that cool it does get cooler later on the better stuff is in part four part five part three it's just a shame that the first mini games are kind of lackluster in my opinion but it's still cool if you're a jojo fan i think if you're not a jojo fan you probably have no idea what's going on a grown man just punched a toy frog and turned a wheel and is happy about it i got the worst prize again so these two have the same prizes and c being the worst uh you get is that clear files uh just pictures basically you get just pngs we got we got rob boys you can tell i'm very happy about it next time i want to get like an actual prize but luckily for me there's more mini games uh luckily this one right here it's from part three so the next kind of mini game quick time event as i'd call it is a reference to part three in the anime there's a character called joseph who can put his hands on a tv break it and it'll give him the information that he needs essentially if you haven't seen the enemy so now i'm channeling my energy to find deer i swear to god i forgot to see oh okay not bad not bad it wasn't the worst which is c as you've probably just seen we've covered parts one through three attractions but of course there's more and over here we have rohan kishibe's house where he draws his manga which is another mini game attraction all right okay so i just pressed start this was a bit unfortunate because we weren't actually allowed to record any of the audio or film much of it as they wanted it to be a surprise and now here is me voicing out a very quick recreation of what happened oh who are you oh you like jojo huh well let me ask you a few questions about jojo if you one day developed powers would you use them for good or evil then you have to choose blah blah blah oh really you choose evil huh would you tell your friends and family if you gained powers oh interesting you wouldn't if your homie went to hug you but you're wearing socks on is it still considered i'm going to pretend we never had this conversation and you won't remember any of it but i'll remember you fondly that's an extreme memeified tldr of what happened it was about 20 minutes of brand new dialogue that was recorded specifically for this attraction by the voice actors just to like do like a personality test and this was 20 minutes of just the route that i got so i'm assuming there's more roots and more stuff and if you're a jojo fan and a huge one of that this is gonna be awesome because you basically get to have a jojo character ask you questions and figure out your personality and that's so [ __ ] cool and i wish i could have showed you some of it in the video so this is the world tour attraction and this is from part three obviously so we're gonna be going to egypt with the boys and maybe go and find dio so if you don't know the plot to part three of the anime don't worry essentially it's five of our boys going on a journey together to beat the evil deo and the series is laid out in a kind of monster of the weak system as they progress from japan all the way to egypt by land and boat and all of that interesting stuff and they have so many enemies along the way oh no it's a visual novel so currently it's just recapping the story of uh part three letting us know what's going on so you spin this roulette wheel and depending on what number you get you go that many spaces and you need to go x amount of spaces to get to dio and depending on which spot you land on is which stand battle you'll be quizzed about we're fighting the monkey and you bet your boy got the chimpanzee right away you know me monkey men and i don't know if you can see it but essentially there was two monitors so one up here and one down here which is a touch screen where the answers were presented is it play you wrong i got it right i think it's asking what was the missing word i didn't know what it was asking i just yes i had no idea what the first question was asking cause it was very fast i didn't have time to prepare so i picked one and luckily i got it right so now we have another roulette wheel oh my god this is so fast so i shouldn't have to get to egypt or roll to egypt yes yes you do con so it's like if your knowledge of the show is good you can pass this that makes sense okay all right okay we're finally at egypt wingo boingo amazing stand battle okay i think what shape should be right for the order to go through the fights uh i think i got it wrong i got it right i guess i i did not know what that was so hard that was 10 seconds so not all of the questions were knowledge about the show uh for example the oingo boingo fight like this one just asked me to put the correct maze in between this box here i don't know i didn't have much time but i got it right so who cares all right we're against dio great sound effects fantastic very very very reminiscent we did it yes there's no final question would you beat dio okay i guess i was so knowledgeable about jojo's that i one shot dear very easily thank you for playing game clear wow we did that that was easy our jojo part 3 knowledge is clearly too excessive we're just too good and there was a reason to beat dio because if you actually did do it you got an exclusive stardust crusaders polaroid and let's be honest you know your boy got it i was a bit disappointed that there wasn't a final battle against dio as i wanted some kind of budget family and feud against my boy dio you know but whatever come with all of them oh my god oh wow it's got more on the back it's got all of the cards that's so cool it's the picture that they always have in the show got a fanboy that's pretty epic these are the tarot cards and i'm not gonna lie i think it's pretty awesome you get every single tarot card from part three which i think is really cool just for playing even if you lose so i you know i mean i can't complain that's pretty badass i love that again if you're not a big fan of the show probably me fanboying over all this stuff is just like what what what is this grown man getting happy about he's literally going around a store so we have one final attraction and that is the passion a part five attraction so i'm excited to see what this is because i have no idea apparently it's a test of sorts so i'll find out what kind of pasture passion a member or task that i'm doing so naturally my japanese listing skills are pretty poor i'm okay a little bit but i have to use 110 of my brain but i've only had one hour sleep so we'll see how this goes i'm going to try and join and essentially how this attraction worked is that it would start off by asking a bunch of questions about your personality for example in case i have an email do you want to be a leader yes i do i would think so would you say you're self-confident a little wrong too much do you want people to acknowledge you as soon as possible oh wow that's this is getting deep isn't it oh my god i mean i i mean sure i mean who doesn't right questions along those lines they ask about 20 plus in total and then based on those results a character from the show will email you now based on my results i got emailed and called by your boy butcher ready i love that man he's my waifu man and if you don't know who that is best mom butcherati uh bhutarati's calling me what i wish you guys could hear the audio i'm telling you's the team leader and he's here he's telling me these are the team members already that he has oh she's telling me like a little bit of the backstories of the characters he said i did like that part and once you've been chosen by your selected gang member man that sounds weird to say how loud you get an email with pictures from the show that kind of like you know like scout out like oh yeah this is what's going on in the show you know yeah we gotta scout out the enemy and they're just screenshots from the show and after you've looked at those you do a jigsaw puzzle i guess under a time limit not really that hard it's a jigsaw puzzle but we have a new email now so we click the new link oh it's a jigsaw puzzle what wait why why is this part of the test this is like i'm literally a two-year-old right now needless to say i'm very thrilled about doing a jigsaw puzzle i'm over the age of five that's doable that's quite comfortable and finally after the call happens it has a kind of tom cruise mission impossible self-destruct moment and you have 60 seconds to go through the pc and look at all the information that you were presented that's pretty cool shut down in 60 seconds oh i have no idea what i'm looking for napoli okay cool so normally i'm not supposed to see this information but because i'm on the team i can see the stills of the anime which is what it is sorry pc shut down now you basically just told me about all the characters in the gang and told me their strengths and weaknesses and just sounded hot in my ear because that man's voice actor is just sex so i guess based on which answers you give you'll get different calls from different characters because i saw that other people were calling from different characters amazing deduction skills connor that is indeed how it works i wish i could understand more but essentially he was just telling me about the team and what type of you know characters they have in the team and i'm guessing based on the answers that you give in the first part you might get called by mister or you might get called by fugo depends on who you are most like i assume based on your answers and there's up to 13 different scenarios so you can have 13 different conversations and what's cool is that none of these lines are being reused from the anime it's all being recorded new just for this so it's like a whole new jojo experience as you can go in this as many times as you want and experience every other character which is pretty cool and obviously if you do come to jojo world it isn't just the attractions over there there are actually some games over here now if you haven't seen this game it's essentially jojo battle royale it's jojo fortnite that's what it is it is pretty fun though i have played it a bunch it's just kind of expensive like a full box to play one round against people and most people are really bad at the game so it's really easy to just win but i'm not kidding so if you played fortnite you kind of get how to play this so any modern battle royale is literally that just with jojo you get dropped off in mariocho and you essentially have to just pick a character i think there's rohan dio jyotro pretty much every character like mainstay character in jojo you just fight each other and it's not playable right now i would play it for you but hopefully there's some footage on the screen it's fun please try it out you will not regret it it's a lot of fun please play with your friends [Music] [Music] so there you have it this has been jojo world obviously if you're not a big jojo fan you won't find much to like here but if you're a big fan of the show and love everything around it as much as i do you'll probably find something that will tickle your fancy here that's for sure from punching frogs to having quizzes testing your knowledge of jojo there's something for every jojo fan here if you are in the yokohama area i do recommend coming here i don't know if i'd make a trip all the way from the us just to come here but if you're here you may as well check it out without further ado like comment subscribe and all that fun stuff i'm going to go home and sleep because i'm very tired right now as you might be able to tell so yeah all right bye bye i'm going bye but i'm curious you as the viewer what did you think are you a huge jojo fan do you want to go here do you not give a [ __ ] about jojo and have no idea and don't give a [ __ ] about going here just tell me what do you think i'm genuinely curious please let me know down below just tell me like the level of jojo fan you are and if you think this looked even remotely interesting to you and if you don't think it looks interesting at all i won't be offended i don't care i just want to make this video and show off what i thought was kind of neat could have been better but anyway bye [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,002,337
Rating: 4.9856906 out of 5
Keywords: JoJo, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJo World, JoJo Japan, JoJo World Japan, JoJo Land, JoJo Theme Park, Connor, CDawg, Japan, ConnorDawg, JJBA
Id: aXW4xlN0uns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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