Frostpunk: The Last Autumn | Unions. Docks. Communism.

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👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Ger-Faro 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Lets hope he didn't put some people in the walls.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Chous_master4 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

this video is amazing

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/nittor14 📅︎︎ Jul 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
  • new workers arrive
  • they see this sign on the entrance: "Work sets you free."
  • ???
  • Profit

Workers: "Yo, what the fu-"

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LukeSky011 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

"I'm sorry, but I'm a little curious what the higher ups are going to say when I telegraph them for some more workers and when they finally arrive and they see 'work makes you free' on my f*cking gates! Hell, listen to the shift sounds!"

This is probably the best summary of the extreme engineer path I've ever heard.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Vistulange 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2022 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by audible and the incredible audiobooks that you can find over at a lot of you might know that i am part of adeptus ridiculous a warhammer 40k podcast for new people along with my co-host dk diamantes and supreme overlord and editor quiet shy not only do we talk about warhammer weekly but we also do a book club every single month on 40k books and we always recommend audible for them every single time so far we have covered the necron book infinite and the divine we've also covered the imperial guard book gaunts ghosts and now we're working on soul hunter which is my biggest recommendation and one of my favorite 40k books of all time soul hunter is the first in a trilogy of books regarding the eighth legion of the night lords chaos space marines written by aaron dempsky bowden and narrated by andrew wincott and he does a stellar job at bringing these characters to life and his incredible voice acting really carries the audiobook these books are so good they have got me to start a night lord's army myself and if you would like to listen to this fantastic trilogy or the two that i mentioned earlier visit brickie or text brookie to 500 500. thank you very much for sponsoring this video and let's get into frostpunk hello everybody my name is bricky currently running from the law for dressing up like an owl the response to my frostpunk video was incredible it's not my highest view video in the world but everyone seemed like they really enjoyed it i really enjoyed making it and so i want to ride that high of validation and create another one on one of their dlcs the last autumn the last autumn is one of the two major expansion packs for frost punk and it is the far superior one you are a subordinate of the iec and you are creating a generator over on site 113 to house the people of liverpool and if all of that went right over your head let me explain the iec is a chad company why do i say this because they are literally listed as a chad company on the wiki what is site 113 well it's one of the sites to build a generator rat so you can house people when the great frost comes what's liverpool well it's a fictional quarantine zone meant to house any kind of football fan that's a menace to society which is most of them say the line england first and most evident cold is not a factor the great frost hasn't come yet and so you are having a beautiful toasty 10 degrees celsius or what an arizonian will call mild hypothermia for most of the game so your workforce actually won't be getting sick from the cold and also you don't have to deal with discontent and hope you now to deal with discontent and motivation this is not a game about survival this is a game about time the motivation meter actually carries with it positives and negatives unlike the old hope meter if motivation gets to the highest level that third pip right there your entire workforce is 30 more efficient which is huge they're zero percent more efficient just normal in the middle and they're 30 percent less efficient at the bottom now this doesn't mean you're not going to be doing your usual stuff for the rest of the game you're still going to be gathering coal wood steel steam cores food all that kind of stuff but how you go about it is drastically different you start off with you know your usual gatherings you got lots of things like steel and coal piles and wood all around your work site and you're going to start gathering that stuff up but soon you will run out and the first big change is actually going to be to food food is relied on foraging teams which are kind of like giga scout chads and outpost teams combined the groups of workers that you send out to go find different areas that might be full of food like a lake full of fish or a herd of reindeer and then you can go ahead and create an outpost there and they'll constantly send back food like an old outpost team as for the rest you still have tons of trees around you for sawmills and the like but the main main difference is that all of your unlimited buildings are all gone there are no coal mines there are no steel works there are no wall drills anything that had just an unlimited resource generation is no longer there this has all been replaced by the docks now there are four spots where you can place docks this is also including the fishing docks as well so if you want to go ahead and have regular docks or food docs you have to kind of mix and match the docks are a special building that will constantly bring in resources of one of three types coal steel or wood they then take all that material and then load it out into giant piles which you can then collect afterwards either with using gathering posts or special reloading stations which are way faster but guess what steam core costs lastly what about steam cores and new workers well that is another awesome change the last autumn the telegraph station you are a formal employee you are formally employed by a big company so you can use the telegraph station to request supplies depending on your logistical limit and what they offer to you these supplies are either workers engineers steam cores and prosthetics once you get the lost signs and they also have different varying like logistical limits depending on what you want workers super cheap and easy prosthetics not too hard either engineers you can only have a few of them compared to workers and you can have barely a single steam core with every single shipment every single 24 hours this thing will come over and the moment it arrives you can send out another telegraph with a small logistical limit that increases the longer you wait so resources are now complete how do you build the generator well the generator is starting off in just a gigantic pit and it is in the big center point of the map in a little circle where you can't actually build normal buildings at the creation of the generator is the ticking clock aspect of this dlc you have a schedule and if you're able to finish the generator ahead of schedule great for you very good to hear but if you can't and you consistently miss deadlines you'll get fired and that's basically the way to lose the game very similar to being exiled in the base game now generator completion has an entire workshop tap and there are four main buildings that you build in order to create the generator with three of them entirely being dedicated to resource creation these buildings will create things like structural profiles steam exchangers all different kinds of materials out of wood steel and then steel and coal respectively however like i mentioned in my main video this is the 1800s and you are running an 1800s workforce and that's dangerous workplace safety is now a tangible stat where your people would get sick and injured from the cold in the prior game now the sick and injury part comes from workplace safety this can become more and more dangerous depending on multiple factors the length of the work shift there's also whether or not you're doing safety procedures to work slower but safer whether you're using profiles to help with the building or if you're venting out the toxic gas that spews from the generator site yes that's the fourth building the ventilation which guess what uses coal you thought you could escape the coal gang the coal life never leaves when you finally actually get to work on the generator itself though it is a monumental task the amount of workers that you can throw at this is just massive and things are absolutely going to go wrong [Applause] but that's when the dlc really starts to shine because how you make this thing safer and how you're able to consistently create the giant generator is entirely up to you did you have more structural profiles that you didn't need well great you can use them to increase the safety of the actual workplace did you have more steel exchanges or steam exchangers those things can actually be used to auto advance the entire generator construction which is really handy motivation high good 30 speed increase you didn't think that just because there was no call this was going to be easy right no no it's not you think that frost punk just happens to be going through its goth green phase right now you think it's gonna be easy workplace motivation is a lot like hope obviously where you have to fight it against discontent the difference though is that not only is it tied to the actual efficiency of your workplace but it is also a ticking clock event because you're out in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere it's raining it's cold cold it's not as cold as it's gonna be and things are rough for these workers and workers are superstitious people too motivation will fall every single day and it will not stop and you need to find a way to counteract that honestly everything from the meals they eat to having a place to wash to owls which you can provide an appropriate response to motivation is gonna start to fall motivation falls each morning so how do you counteract that laws of course and the laws have been retuned for a labor force because instead of adaptation you now have administration administration is mainly used to work with motivation and reduce discontent a lot of the laws from the main game are here but sometimes they're tweaked around a little bit medical laws are pretty similar but you can actually do something instead of making a snow pit you can actually just send their dead back to london which helps with motivation and reduce discontent food can become hardy and give them more motivation you know what just bring out the [ __ ] cocaine why not just give him some cocaine pills hey if it works for the germans it'll work for me on the other side though from administration you also have labor and labor is all about how you manage the workplace either through efficiency or safety you can actually create shorter shifts than normal which will increase safety but you know shorter shifts you can do those safety shifts that i mentioned earlier which are better but they are also a little bit lower in terms of efficiency you could also do the opposite you could do longer shifts and you can also do 24 hour shifts but not in the old way in the idea of you have the night shift and the day shift and they have to swap but because of that you actually are going to need far more workers in order to get that done but you're not here for that no you're here for the moral dilemma you want to see how quickly you can become a monster in this game just like in frostpunk and oh boy do i have great news for you out of all of my praise for frostpunk the one major fault i had was that order and faith not that different the last autumn rectifies this by basing it on how you want to run your workplace you either have engineers or workers and you need to decide who you want to lean on when it comes to workplace safety and efficiency picking workers will actually have you create the workers union and it'll allow you to help with things like getting the motivation up making the workers happy and also reducing strikes yeah people can go on strike and you know what that means the workplace will simply not function rising discontent that increases your strike chance bad workplace safety that increases your strike chance give them double or triple rations give them the whole rest of the day off sign a law you got to do something to get them off strike and almost every time it's a pain in the ass so if you want to help out the workers and side with the workers union well awesome happy workers means fewer strikes on the other side you have the engineers and the engineers are the brain of the operation you know they're the smart ones they have the degrees they have the plans they know how this works they're very good at maintaining efficiency and safety unfortunately sometimes they can be kind of stuffy [ __ ] because they consider themselves higher ups they're actually very good at assisting with safety and efficiency with the factory inspector rip or you can have four men that go around check and check on people but obviously no one likes being told what to do so sometimes you give the engineers too much power your strike risk will go up and of course this is the low tier of laws this is the early part before things start to get a little bit more worried what's that abolition of privileges engineers can be employed anywhere at lower efficiency but anywhere oh propaganda time let's take a listen free man and slave patrician and plebian lord and surf guild master and journeyman and a word oppressor and oppressed stood in constant activities the people's militia let the people police our workforce let them provide a show of force to any troublemakers let them oh [ __ ] go back a healthy society must be free of parasites for the good of the masses enemies of the working class will be executed and made an example of soviet national anthem dot exe base boosted dot mp3 this really caught me off guard one person probably engineers will be executed every single morning and motivation will skyrocket all the way to the top every single morning the thing is though i had to do this on my first playthrough motivation is tied to efficiency and i was slacking so hard i was behind schedule things weren't working out well i was low on food i was a lot of resources i needed the motivation increase and guess what i still lost and this scenario ramps up it is horrendously deceptive while the fall of winter home might be the hardest of them all the last autumn lures you into this nice and security oh there's no weather problems you know the cold's not here things are going fine but it will ramp the [ __ ] up with time and it gets really difficult once the deception wears off that death belt will chime oh will it chime but seeing this brutal and unique way that you eventually become like a fear-mongering communist workforce it got me so curious and interested what's the engineer's side going to be like and to my surprise it's worse overseers increased workplace efficiency but a higher chance of strike that makes sense security outposts make sure that the workplaces are safe or you know so they say class segregation engineers live in their own lodges which will heavily increase their motivation okay you're getting a little worse now strike busting armed guards and armed engineers will go out to get rid of strikes and people will be hurt by this oh goody a penal colony cheap labor and you don't even need to worry about workplace safety they're criminals just make them work rationalize health care convicts don't need the same health care that us engineers and workers need and if they die that's fine just throw them into the foundations of the generator roundups turn workers who were troublemakers into convicts and throw them into the penal colony and finally servitude look at this [ __ ] haunting image it's a labor camp you get to create a labor camp you have an ability called forced labor you build a panopticon i'm sorry but i'm a little curious what the higher-ups are gonna say when i telegraph them for some more workers and when they're finally arriving they see work makes you free on my [ __ ] gates hell listen to the shift sounds it's so grim attention get to work immediately this admittedly i think is really cool because it's so incredibly dark i haven't wanted to make a labor camp since release date february 11 2013 and the fact they had the titanium balls to go that far it completely matches the ideology that i believe that the creators of frostpunk tend to have which is everything in moderation it shows what happens when you go too far and what i love is how it gets under your skin as the player because you know this is the end of the world you know that the world is about to enter a new ice age and humanity as far as you're concerned if you do not finish this generator might as well go extinct you're constantly battling with the moral and pragmatic parts of your mind because unfortunately for all of us no one's going to care about all of my immorals when i am a pile of bones under 10 feet of ice especially when the gameplay mechanics themselves the work safety and especially the motivation are tied to the efficiency of your workplace and the weight of what you are doing it'll force you down these incredibly dark paths faster than you ever thought you would and that i think is [ __ ] awesome you must see with eyes unclouded by hate see the good in that which is evil and the evil in that which is good pledge yourself to neither side but vow instead to preserve the balance that exists between the two quote from miyazaki director of armored core 2. and that's what makes this dlc so incredibly good the insane moral dilemma between all the laws the workers and the engineers the classism as well as how hard it ramps up because you might think you're doing fine you might think you're doing great but then when the cold finally arrives when your docks freeze when your foragers can't hunt anymore and when the death bell is chiming you're gonna have to make some really hard decisions huge recommendation entirely worth the money great spin on the main game i think even utilizes some of the mechanics better than the main game but it's just not quite as long and also it's a little bit less expansive but still 100 worth the money frost punk is an amazing game get it if you have the money and the chance to do so if you do play the main one if you love it get last autumn if you like it get last autumn it is such a good way and i want to see more labor force ideas from this developer i think they have a great grasp on it and i think that the idea of managing a workforce in this way like this intimate way is something i don't see very often in games in general and i think it's actually a really untapped market to see how you can run as like a manager to other people and see how you think and the ideas you have in your head i think it's a really good idea huge recommendation from me if you want to get yourself some bricky merchandise like the one i'm currently wearing there's a backside too check out or the link in the description as for all the names on the screen you are my patrons you are my youtube members if you want to become either of those and support me i would appreciate you wholeheartedly and thank you to all of them who are currently supporting me right now you are all fantastic and let me answer some real questions this time bungis or war banner so long as it's not daisy i'll take whatever what's a game movie show or possibly book that you wish you could have enjoyed the first time knowing less than you already did a schindler's list it's a one of the best movies i think ever made and the ending literally gives me horrible ugly man tears every time i watch it but i already knew the story i wish i just knew nothing about oscar schindler and was just shown in the movie i think it would have had so much more weight to it brookie what is your workout music and why it's not to do maternal ost oh please listen do maternal is great but there is nothing that will get me more swole than seem to bury the light while at the gym all right all right everyone i'll see you the next video thank you so much for your patience
Channel: Bricky
Views: 428,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bricky, Frostpunk, Frostpunk review, Frostpunk a new home, Frostpunk the arks, Frostpunk refugees, Frostpunk winterhome, Frostpunk last autumm, frostpunk game, frostpunk game review, frostpunk commentary, frostpunk scenario, frostpunk dlc, frostpunk final dlc, bricky frostpunk, the last autumn, frostbunk the last autumn, the last autumn dlc, frostpunk dlc review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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