i tried EXPERT super mario maker 2 levels..

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what is my character doing he's like welcome back to Super Mario maker - I had a little play of this game before I went off traveling on tour but I'm back I'm ready to play some more and I think last time we just played the multiplayer which was with weird to say the least and I'm kind of been eyeing up this endless challenge thing as well so I'm gonna hit it and see what's up for grabs we've got five lives on easy five lives on normal 15 on expert and 30 on super expert I'm feeling like a challenge today so the endless challenge is exactly what it says on the tin it's an endless challenge you have 15 lives you can gain lives as well but I'm gonna try an expert run and see how far we get Mario embarks on a journey Princess Peach was there normally you have to save Princess Peach but basically it just serves you a random expert level from the whole list of ones that are online and gives you 15 lives to get as far as you can whereas the level oh no oh no no no oh okay chill chill shell dude oh my goodness okay starting off big here I see hello goombas I like this style is just one of the new styles I think it is I'll take this mushroom thank you something's gonna happen isn't it yeah I'm just gonna would jump up here No oh you can ride him haha oh I forgot this block did that another bullet coming straight towards us wait wait wait wait no does that top one come down still I don't think it does okay I want this checkpoint how do I get it we're actually not doing too bad where did you come from get out of my town bro um yeah I have no idea what to do now we break this with this stay away stay away just keep going but what are you doing Mayr are you okay you could have squeezed one out buddy okay so we need to use these bombs to get down to the bottom right is that what we have to do I'm guessing so right get down there go go get down yes okay that works then we try and jump on this guy there we go boom I got another mushroom now why oh no no no no no no no no no I don't wanna get caught in the crossfire here yeah let's go look at this pipe Mario watch out Mario watch out okay that works too let's slide down here playing nice and safe oh dude okay I'm an expert super mario expert over here got myself a checkpoint and a mushroom and now the lava is rising at an alarming rate I'm gonna keep on going whoop clear the way for me big bold friend please Wow Wow it was going so well at least I get a mushroom back but that doesn't really help you when you hit the lava does it here we go here we go here we go okay I'm up now where do I go along here come Mario help me out here I'm not used to the controls of this this mario world I've played this game before let's get out of here Mario Mario get out of here what are you doing why can't you go through the thing okay it's gonna be like this is it Oh No Oh No why is that if you find a course too tricky oh no I will complete this even if I only complete one level today it'll be this one I definitely go this way right then do I just have to wall jump all the way up I don't know what's going on here oh that definitely didn't work before did it I'm a cat look at me oh no nonsense now please buddy take the take the thing there it is you can run up like this but you can't do the little like jumping move there he does hose run up this certainly can okay okay here we go get away from me what even is that won't even is that I want to go down I wonder down ha into the lava checkpoint I dig it okay go back on no cuz I don't think you do anything else in that little section oh man I don't know what to do here I don't know what to do here okay cat marrow is useless to me now I'm just gonna go over here hey hey this is just the fuzz level I got another cat Mario and I still don't know what he does I'm just gonna go this way I'm just gonna climb to my heart's content and just hope that this is exactly where I need to go help me help me help me help me help me what are you doing Bob but okay I think I need to jump up here yes now what where do I go no I had it then okay okay okay nine lives I hate you laws hey hold on a second a cat has nine lives you couldn't swipe the bullets did you see that that wasn't a good idea was it oh no no no no no come back quick destroy this thing for me quickly quickly quickly quickly I died great it's this bit again it's this bit again lost my cat Mario this isn't good no no I'm gonna do this I can't do it without the cat Mario oh you can stay on the platform kinda oh I made it I made it Mario please yes okay whoa whoa whoa whoa chill out I'm a cat I'm Mario and I'm out of here these are cats - where do we go where do I go where do we go I think I had to go down the pipe oh man I don't know you could stay on the wall you're probably shouting that at me for the last like 20 minutes come on now okay do this stay there beautiful good job good job oh I bopped one of them that what that definitely worked getting the pipe yes yeah it seems like an ending this seems like an ending come on be an ending be an ending be an ending yes it took me 16 lives and I got an extra one 15 lives and we passed the first stage let's go I never want to see cat Mario ever again let's go Mario let's do stage number two underwater maze Keim's ha ha what 30 minutes to do an underwater maze I want to kill this level already why would you do this to someone I'm moving so slow there's nothing you can do if you've gone the wrong way that's it you got 20 seconds what are we going where do we go where we go down I'm just gonna go across come on come on oh no I'm gonna die aren't I that's it that's it dead okay great I've drowned Mario four lives to go so let's guess that it's down it's a bit faster as well just go up come on Mario use those tiny little legs of yours these sideway bits are so slow pour almost lost I'm gonna go this way even though this is so slow it's not gonna be is it oh it could be no that's all the endings right there okay I know it's way to go now but I don't know if I'm gonna make it ha ha this is a horrible horrible idea come on Mary I need you to go as fast as you can buddy there we go and it was down here wasn't it I bet there's different ways to go at different speeds to went down and then it's just this final section you go up here through the hole was it this way I don't think it was it was down come on Mario come on to the end three two one No why would anyone create a level like this why come on this is a better run this is definitely a better run six five four yes this is it let's go ha ha ha one second to go I didn't get any extra lives somebody got two but Mario looks happy oh my goodness that was almost the world record too look how close that is small madness this guy's looks like he means business as well how crazy is this huh no this can't be it this can't be one of these I don't like these here we go hey see I am pretty good at this game give me a mushroom or something please can I have a mushroom at least give me enough coins for a life Kevin give me the goods 49 not bad but not good either oh oh why am i rushing what I doing Oh No leave these moles oh oh they forgot they bounce off of each other leave me alone oh I'm gonna have to time this I hate these I did it perfectly though I minute ago why do we make these things no wha short and sweet one life left do I get a zero life as well I really hope so here we go well that went well zero live come on come on my high score guys watch out it's too it's a stupid idea a real stupid idea I'm just going to normal courses I don't even know why I tried that in the first place what's the most popular course at the moment it is what okay let's calm down with a nice round of Super Mario mini-golf this would be fine how do we play oh oh oh I did not know what I was doing there I see what's going on here this could be this could be mega relaxing Omega frustrating which one oh oh oh hey okay this is cool people are so creative give me that so that needs to bounce or I'll take the life thank you very much so this needs to bounce up I'd student 1 I just did it in one to avoid the swamp this should be easy no no no no no no no that was not easy okay yes gimme I wonder how many um I wonder how many holes there are yes no no okay this was this could have to be Mary Oh Mary you okay Mary's go he's golfing hon well this is I'm much better at the mini-golf than the actual Mario and I can dig that that was not well supposed to do so I need to hit the hurricane here so that it takes it for the longest amount of time yes was that it did I do it all I go down here I was like uh what do I do now different course I'm ready for this one I like the music in this one - that was terrible well this is useful good job Mario Saul in the Timon Saul in the timing just like that that is how it's done give me 50 coins as well easy so easy Golf is my game in Mario anyway oh no no no no this is a boss what what is going on oh I have to get the key I'm just gonna throw it and see what happens come on no yes yes God um see you later Punk am I done now is this it what's in the magic box another life I guess that's just in case you get it in the the unlimited challenge right I think that finishes the level where can I send this yeah I destroyed it I did it that was relaxing what a welcoming detox after getting to a high score - I completely forgot you could change character we can be towed snowy slides now he's a big boy hey get out of here you punks I'm here sliding I'm on holiday I've just had the most stressful moment of my Mario career and now I'm taking a little vacation to the Alps so I can just slice my life away let's go I did a completely wrong that's fine it's cuz there's no stomp here come on toad don't let me down buddy don't let me tell him to just hold down I thought that was the end thing but it wasn't I was like okay slide just like the whole way no didn't mean to do that get out of here it's my resort I'm out of here I want this whole vacation to myself please is everything gonna be okay why is the accent like this is this a stressful slide oh yes this music is classic if you are a Mario fan you know what's up okay I messed that up whoops hahaha this is such a this is a great level oh I like this give me that mushroom I'm all grown up now all right proper has the vibes of the super mario 64 version as well oh well I go down here ah I see 30 points me as well thank you this is so good it's paying me to be the level oh that was great I love that one I like it I got a googoo onesie because I like to cause for the first time ooh I'm is open he's gotta hang out as well completely forgot but for now [Music] okay okay see how this is gonna go um we need to show it off ya body that's what I'm talking about it's got poppers at the back for easy access look at them booties fidgety no Boyan I'm looking buoyant oh that was worth it you know what that was definitely worth it well so we have going on here we have we do have super experts so that gives you 30 lives and then it's complete as many courses as possible let me know what you want to see I really love this game I think it's great the creativity that everyone shows in the levels are insane turns out I'm not cut out for Mario expert but you never know my talents could shine in a super expert level let me know if you're what you want to see leave a like if you enjoyed Super Mario maker as well subscribe if you're brand new for new stupid videos every single day and I'll see all of you yeah all of you in the next one also check out my arm Instagram in the description below cuz not enough of you are on that so gonna check out please I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,266,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, super mario maker 2, super mario maker
Id: PbDHVdpZmkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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