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after completing Mario Odyssey there was only one thing I wanted the skeleton Mario costume but it was 9999 coins it took days of playing directing coin after coin but I finally did it yes yes nine thousand eight hundred and seventy seven Mario Odyssey coins and it took so long as you've seen but while I was exploring and to try and find other ways to get coins right at the end of this journey I found this room right here oh and forgive the outfit I think he looks up pretty good but I walked in here and I was greeted by this literally a bank worth of coins let's see what's inside here first there's a moon I'll take it bowser castles treasure vault i mean look at this floor what is browser to get all this money from but i'm hoping that all of these coins will tip us over to 90999 the magic number that we need for that all-important skeleton suit here we go I'm going for it oh my goodness it does it's so close I'm gonna leave some in here you kidding me slowly does it slowly does it is this it so close yes nein nein nein nein nein we did it yeah buddy so now we need to visit the shop another thing I want to do today is to unlock a brand new world so I'm only like 20 moons away let's go back to the Odyssey I need 24 more so after these I literally need just 20 more moons and then I don't know what happens I'm on 230 so when I get to 250 I have no idea what happens and apparently there is also a secret ending when you hit 500 which is mad I've also got myself a lot more stickers what do you think I think it looks pretty cool where is the shop on this level I feel like it's actually oh it's right there we can go here and see if we can grab the scalloped own I am so excited to see what this looks like sir has he got it has he got it has he got it has he scarlet yes yeah all this skeleton costume look we're not sure how this works but it's cool right it definitely is and his theme expensive item in the game which is mad I'm gonna spend 9999 Mario coins you ready done and there they go ah pains me let's change into it and I'll look great in the skeleton suit thank you sir let's see what it looks like I'm actually really looking forward to it oh my goodness whoa that looks insane are you kidding me and what can i pry it from here I need stickers that's a cool set of stickers I'm gonna take those I can't believe how amazing that looks with the Hat as well what other hats do we have that could look better on him look at him oh my goodness I am actually amazed at this and look you can have copies eyes on the scalloped own we could have skeleton on skeleton captain's hat Mario hat what should I choose I quite like the chef's and I think that looks pretty good and there you go the most expensive item in the game purchased and it looks absolutely incredible I did not know the skull did that that's cool oh hey peach what are you doing I forgot you're around here what is on your face are you okay Bowser's Castle I think it's the first time I've been here on my own two feet oh yes you usually get kidnaps but basically in the previous episode if you guys haven't seen it the ending peach just goes off and explores all the worlds you have to kind of find her in each world and this is Bowser's one and she gives you a power moon so give me the moon please she didn't even comment on my new look so I do look a little bit different right I am going to head back to the Odyssey because we need to collect now 19 more moons and see what happens so let's do the world where should we go to I think we should go to Metro Kingdom it has 66 moons available and we've already got like ten of them so we're going we're back and we've lost all of our skins since last time okay so we need to I was gonna say we need to find this but it's literally right here you need to explode these and then launch into the sky explodes and loads more moons are available and it tells you where they are so hopefully we'll be able to find 19 moons pretty quickly there it goes and then they literally are shown on the map which is perfect Oh guys I completely forgot give me two seconds I'll be right back this isn't completely random by the way is completely to do with Mario honestly nananana this is amazing so if you didn't know Nintendo have these things called amiibos which are little figures which I think we used in one of episodes of Mary Odyssey cuz I literally only own one but now I own three more we've got Bowser we've got a peach and we've also got Mario as well and these allow you to have secret abilities and costumes inside the game which is awesome and they're actually pretty hard to get hold on so I'm glad I got all three this is Bowser this is Mario this is peach with a very weird facial expression but anyway though I grab those so I can potentially do another video on this because I'm pretty sure you can put Mario in peaches wedding dress so if you want to see that leave a thumbs up because I definitely do but enough of that let's head into new dong city and grab ourselves amused looks so weird was so amazing right there's a lot of moons around here but we need ourselves how many 19 also I learned this really cool new move check this out you can do like a diving cap thing then you can do it again so you can really like do some crazy parkour nonsense or in the seconds no way you can become the letters that's crazy these are all out of our you can spell Mario haha there we go that's one let's do this I did not realize you could become letters that's cool it looks so weird how are these humans not freaked out like see how much this game can just expand we've completed the story already but there's so much more to explore come on that's got to be a moon is that a moon it's a moon yeah it's no good a few to go though oh wait a second if we go into the hat store we can buy moons can't we like ten at a time maybe not here but you definitely can in Mushroom Kingdom we need any more coins I need to go back to Bowser's Kingdom actually let's do this first I just found another one let's grab all the moons that we can get his bold skeleton Mario oh my gos watch this I could I don't know no I haven't I haven't got my hat on so um yeah I didn't work I was gonna show off then and I completely did the opposite come on come on come on come on come on come on don't disappear yes so close okay change your plan I'm going back to Bowser's so that I can get myself some coins I'll show you the best way to do it because we only needs 1700 coins to be able to buy enough moon to be able to get to the next world I'm guessing it's the next world I'm not too sure it's just telling me that I need more moons I can't actually remember where this Bank is though give me these give me these Oh actually it might be over these slingshots yeah the slingshots are definitely new yeah it's definitely up here see you needed the birds how many coins the left though I hope there's the whole loads or there's not that would be that would be pretty insane but how many do we get we get ourselves 149 that will get us one one moon is also the space rock which is just down here and look out far you can travel using this hat method it's crazy and you can do it again it's mad guys just flew across the whole lands give me this well there are so many moons here on such a small platform okay so the best way to get coins is actually this way so you go down here where you went earlier then down here you need to grab this seed run it all the way down to here and then you can throw it onto this Mound and just climb the Beanstalk as soon as you climb up the Beanstalk there's like a special kind of level that gives you loads of coins just need to do that over and over again and then you'll get many coins we need seventeen hundred's there we go so this minigame will give you so many coins look how many we're gonna have after this it's mad and all you need to do is throw your hat once and then just just jump I guess and if you hit all of them you get so many coins around 310 already hit these last ones as well three hundred and fifty coins I just need to do that till we've got 1,700 and then it sends you back here and rinse and repeat which I found that out before I collected all my coins right I've got a thousand coins I'm just gonna go to the shop and make sure that I can actually buy them because surely you carve by just like 999 moons right excuse me sir I would like to buy your moons yeah look by ten let's do that okay he's just gonna take my money is that all you need to do shopping up Bowser's Castle but surely you can't buy look up maybe it's going up so will you just can't buy that over and over again the right is not gonna tell me that I have enough coins that's mad though we need 17 so we need seven more that is actually one on this platform somewhere if I turn to the left there's one down here Oh sir you'll want to use this shortcut are you sure I just want to get through here there's the moon I can see it right up there and we'll use some parkour skills here we go let's see we can do it y'all that is so cool being able to learn that move is it was it was the but it's my moon buddy Absolutepunk it's right there it's right there how do I grab it how do I grab it grab the birds no can I sneak up on it this is like this is like of hunting the bird so I guess I am bab-oh up all of this for a moon really give me why moon what how do I get bad you know what birds you win this time see you later right let's do this instead there's definitely a moon there wait do I have to land on that I guess I could do that here we go there we go it doesn't like a moon though it is a moon quick quick quick Mario Mario jeez what's wrong with you buddy you took two log Oh Mario come on come on come on come on yes that's six to go there's definitely one in here there it is don't mind if I do thank you okay there's definitely a couple up here so let's use this flower and let's see if we can go on the slingshot here here we go yeah that works that definitely works and I think there's a couple inside here whatever this is oh okay we can overtake these bones they're like they're like friends we're both skeletons guys stop chasing me please okay looks like I need a key but I need to find one and moon tokens as well I'm getting lots of coins cuz I can buy extra moons with every hundred that we get there's the key go on little man let's go we can find the moon tokens on our way back up we've actually scored ourselves a lot of coins and a lot of moons there it is double moon please now let's get out of here without dying there we go perfect right let's grab this one and then we need to grab this one too so we only need I think to find two more we can actually buy one okay here we go let's try this as well there's a moon in there but how do I get there is that literally yet give me that moon okay there's two more moons here but I'm not actually sure what you need to do I'm guessing you need to stack these guys okay yep you definitely do but now what what is this doing it's like a mini boss fight I see all you have to do need to stack these and then get on top of this machine and the way you do that is by this there we go and get some we have to do it three times oh my goodness is like a mini boss fight this thing is insane and I'm just about to die can I just do this I can yeah I did have to do it three times it was just once and there's another one on the other side as well which is it's the music notes actually I need one more moon let's go back to the shop here we go I need one of your beautiful moons please sir yep you can t buy ones you can only buy ten once in each world maybe I'm not too sure that's our seventeen with skull Mario we spend over like over ten thousand coins in one episode and I just ignored what Cappy was saying so let's go back to the Odyssey and let's see what happens cuz I actually have no idea whatsoever seventeen more here are the 17 that you need what happens next because at the end of the game when we completed it he did hint towards there being other worlds and we're halfway towards the 500 that we need to get the true ending which sounds pretty interesting you wanna see is powder I was gonna say please don't just be new products in the shop cuz that would be here we go here we go here we go where we're going to a new place on the moon what the Dark Side of the Moon okay this is interesting here we go into space can we see our new sticker I carve over the new one that we got but look at look at the scale of own Mario he is my favorite Mario so far there we go let's get there let's get there quickly please the dark side rabbits Ridge okay this is a giant carrot on the moon okay how many more does it say we need now yeah 250 so that's how you get the secret actually it's cool too ending not the secret ending you need to work towards that at some point but let's see what this oh my goodness is bunnies everywhere look how many there are and they're all wearing top hats this is this is glorious I'm just gonna dance with it what can we do here how many moons are there 24 and we need to get into that big carat okay let's do this oh we got the zero gravity as well nice which makes this even more powerful right let's go into this giant carats made out of moon rock ahh I don't know what's gonna be in here maybe some of those rabbit bosses I'm not 100% sure but let's have a look I did not expect this at all rabbit Ridge tower first floor oh no they're gonna be like loads of boss fights with these guys I thought I'd dealt with you guys before so why have you stopped the wedding you can't stop me you can't stop any of us come on let's see you try okay so we're gonna have to do it said first floor so I'm guessing you can go up floors and then just keep defeating them we're about to find out guys and we're in zero gravity as well which is interesting so you're just kind of like redo all the boss fights maybe I don't mind that I think they're gonna be easier in zero-gravity as well now we can hear them and destroy them that's that makes it easier stop moving stop moving get out of here okay so it was gonna be easier with zero gravity I think it makes it harder and he has a lot of hats now yeah I'm dead oh you know I should have bought one of those powerup hearts that would have been perfect okay this is it guys this is it I got it this is the end yes these are actually way harder do we get a moon for each one maybe nope definitely no moon and it looks like I'm keeping the same amount of hearts as well so I definitely should have picked up a definition to picked up a six one poor Mario I'm sorry I'm sorry I should've got you more hearts okay so we're heading more up the carrot every single time so I'm guessing we need to fight each wanna get to the top and maybe we'll fight the big fat one again I would like some hearts though please okay maybe not it's just gonna make me do it all in one that is crazy I don't think this one's too bad though you just need to wait until she does what you need are two which is this there we go boom then you sit on a red and now it's gonna send me all the way to the bottom right there's no shop on this land so I'm gonna have to go back and then grab myself a heart and then come back I'm gonna do this oh what's the new clothes actually is it always the doctors outfit okay how many more do we need ten thirty fifty you keep on looking outfits like every multiple of ten almost buy any one of these please thank you okay here we go I'm ready now let's do this okay done it I did lose two lives which is annoying but the main reason is you can't get out of here with the zero gravity you can't get away from him before he does it's a spinning attack very quickly because it's zero gravity but we've done that I've got four lies left if I don't lose a life on the next one I think I'm pretty good cuz I'm guessing there's four of them right round two let's do this I need to not lose any lives on this one okay I lost a life jeez and I missed it as well what's wrong with me no again oh my goodness have you got two lives to be able to complete this one and the next two okay now got less now I've definitely got less I can't believe I've lost so many lives on this one this one's easy dudes you're dead now though please give me more lifes please I think it's the sick one next I actually do and there's no extra lives oh man yeah it's sickness himself and I have one life to be able to do this game this bit is the hard bit when he does the following you I just need to hit him one more time though nope I'm dead yeah okay did the first boss without taking any damage let's do this okay I lost two lives on this one and that's because I didn't realize she hit you when you when you hit her spiked balls and she spins round the spiked balls can still hit you before isn't so bad the stick one is up next which is great so I think you can actually do this guy really really quickly if I didn't do that because you can knock his hat off quite quickly but I'm not gonna rush it because why we'll just make stupid mistakes and not need the help here we go here we go could we do it yes haha right we already lost one HP which isn't so bad now we've got the other guy and then I don't know if after that they're gonna do that big robot one that could be pretty difficult yeah it's this guy I can't actually remember what he does he just kind of throws this at you whoa okay okay I think I just remembered it so you need to do this and then straight on top why can't I do the Zetas TAC though that's weird oh my goodness he is crazy fast look how fast this guy is you kidding me back off dudes oh you can bat him back Wow okay I've lost way too many on this already wow I can't believe that just happened so actually you guys I'm gonna leave this here for now because this is gonna take me way longer than I thought it would so remember guys if you want to see Mario in this beautiful wedding dress where we complete the moon carat thing and in the meantime I'll also work towards 250 or more moons so that we can get the real ending to this game and so we also spent nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine coins on this beautiful skeleton which I think looks amazing I hope you do too if you enjoyed this video please leave it like that we greatly appreciated and if you're hanging out with me a little bit more every single day then please do consider hitting that subscribe button to join Team TDM today apart from that guys thank you again so much hanging out with me today and I'll see you next time good bye [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 11,210,722
Rating: 4.8990245 out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, super mario odyssey, dantdm super mario odyssey, super mario odyssey dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, app, nintendo switch, mario, mario boxers, mario human, mario fireball, super mario odyssey ending, wedding, 9999 coins, super mario odyssey 9999
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2017
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