Super Mario Maker 2 is FINALLY HERE!

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that's right it's here Super Mario maker zoo well can you you can play these backgrounds that's awesome hold on a second does it just load a round one I like playing the game but I'm on the menu this is great yeah Super Mario maker - I made a lot of videos on Super Mario maker 1 I want to say like two or three years ago and you guys love them and yesterday's Super Mario maker 2 came out and I'm excited to play there's lots of new features lots of new craziness to be had and I'm sure many troll levels are about to be experienced I really want to finish this now that I'm playing it but I won't I won't so I'm gonna play the game so you can even make or play today we're just gonna play because I don't have enough experience to build a level yet there is a story mode cuz then there's also course worlds what is cool spots hold on a second ah okay there's nothing here right let's go to course world instead for playing course world let's pick a me and name your maker avatar your Mii BRR BRR BRR why did I let Jim make my me I I don't really know into the maker name you want to use am I actually gonna be able to use this there's no way the game came out yesterday and card use my own Dave yay for goodness sake guys come on there's only one of me around here but apparently there's there's more of you yes dantdm underscore that's all that's all I had I didn't have anything creative welcome to course world this is yes I would like to do this oh my goodness so much stuff is happening look at the dog look at the dog of course world is where you're able to play other people's courses I think if you just hit courses you go on hot courses my childhood level nine-year-old hmm and you can have popular courses which are the most popular that have been created since oh my goodness someone's popular they create a switch inside Mario maker that's impressive and this game only came out yesterday this already has two hundred and thirty nine thousand plays that's crazy you do new courses you can search for things the search for difficulty and all that stuff but also you can now play with other people and I think that's what I'm gonna try today you can do the endless challenge as well which is kind of like the 100 Mario challenge shall we try it the versus mode because that's what's brand-new and that's what excites me most about this new game so let's do it if you play a core script by another user blah blah blah go okay let's do it you are like the Mario let's go we found people we have friends meet the competition let's go teeny koala Zack hall has no legs and look it's sick hoodie okay heavens arena so I think you just play against other people in the same level the first person to the goal wins which one am i on the red one of course I am let's go it's got why are you jumping on my head you beast oh okay maybe not am i red I completely forgot it's annoying that you can jump on each other you can use them to jump up as well yeah I've got him I'll take thee I'll take the credit for that how you die it's oh no you died what a shame he's come to join us give me the key give me the key give me a cape that's my cape rock him from the invincible I'm such an idiot hold on a second you could grab people too Oh with my key now oh it's my key now let's go hey what is happening I died if you die you go all the way to the beginning okay they're above us let's go through this door I'm losing track of Who I am she just got the key I'm gonna yep just going through the door she's a big old toadette right now I think you can change you play as is Wow no I don't like this level what happens or does happen he just flew straight past me I'll take this flower though let's go flowers galore give me they got they they've gone they've gone through the door so I'm gonna follow them let's go down the pipe someone's reached to go no where am i oh it's finished because I lost greats okay I'm gonna measure level it was pretty literally told me I was a loser look at me I'm sad do I not get any points zero points there's already one winner I can't believe that this is difficult and you can mess with each other as well someone picked me up someone stomped on my head this is craziness but but also kind of fun I think we need a better level though let's see if we can find one here we got this time ba-ba-ba-ba with the tiniest faced in the world and some ugly critter on the right I don't know about that one a standard level by Barney Dino it's called speed run I'm just gonna hold the right hand trigger and keep going first person to the goal wins I am Luiza let's go guys okay I'm last already but I've got myself a mushroom someone's died someone's well a heads they can't be ahead already what is happening someone just died I'm just gonna keep on going these clear pipes are brand new he's got a car since when do we have cars I'm just gonna keep on going I'm out of here there's a tiger Bowser as well what is happening did this Gabe hasn't blown my mind in 20 seconds and they just tried to kill me as well right at the end I think I got a points death Oh guys let's go I win um I'm gonna met one too I'm sorry I feel like I'm playing our build battle here rating everyone's hard work we saw a lot of new stuff their cars are definitely a new thing yeah everyone else has voted met as well look at me glorious how many points to get 154 I'll take it I think you can unlock new stuff your character as well so they would like to build a hat the other hats can I see if I can buy some stuff maybe you worn your first multiplayer versus match got shorts of doom I mean great how do I change myself I want to put on these shorts of doom you kidding me [Music] where are they let's go look at these great okay part of the skirt okay that actually looks pretty good I'm gonna go for the shorts of doom though because I earned them what else we have no t-shirts um I don't know super shroom shirt no hats unfortunately and it looks oh all you compose look at this face I'm so angry which one should we do I'm doing that what about cute see how cute see that's it that's not hype that's just angry cutie okay we're done oh this is co-op as well let's give that a quick try and see if we can get some points this way too cuz I just want to unlock more clothes and hats I just want an outfit basically but in that level we saw cars and the cats Bowser it'll went so fast I couldn't quite take it in but that happens those are new things in the game what's the team let's go bubble ash aqua dragon and coast that had a status vote for a course difficulty yeah let's go normal team the people have spoken I love the way Nintendo words things it's so like happy and it's just innocent it's great come on guys let's go deadly lake doesn't sound normal though does it Oh what is this connection here we go how did you do a message what else can we say I'm done for hello I know we're playing an old version of a Mario but what is this nonsense it hasn't even finished the countdown I'm done for my messages only just happened a we good I don't think we're good guys yeah I killed the thing I think I'm gonna have to bounce I'm sorry I'm gonna have to give up never mind communication error someone's got potato internet right new team kragle gobbly blah a Jay monk boy these guys look up for it I'm certainly offering I'm gonna hit a normal someone's going oh okay how are we gonna how are we gonna suggest you wins when we pick every single one standards are we're not gonna know climb top galaxy because someone signed us up for the super expert modes I really hope not dad's better look at this connection silky smooth I just died everyone died apart from toadette I'm just gonna retry from here let's go oh I see what's going on here I think I thought there was some low gravity going on but there's not could you choose where to start from oh there is low gravity going on I'm on top of Luigi put me down put me down there we go they're swimming do do you couldn't make these levels before this is awesome and I think thankfully this is not a super expert level because I don't know who picked that but you got a little bit heavier you got a little bit out of yourself buddy reach home from here Oh cuz it's teamwork that's why you help your each other okay this is this is good but it's also a little less interesting giving this checkpoint thank you grape I'm like halfway down the course and someone has already won look at them they're not even gonna let me finish I would rather compete against people than work together that's right I'm getting toxic but at least we don't get cooler loser that's great and look how happy I am you create your first course in multiplayer co-op get burner skirts I mean let's find out what that is oh it's this lets go I've taken away my legs like competition time that's right look me in the eye because I'm closing the other one I think it matches you up with people that have a similar rating to you as well which is cool first person to the goal wins I am repping Luigi right now I just want to jump I just want to jump there we go through the door through the door this is competitive and we're gonna swap we have to survive I just died what if I just wait out here get off me why are you throwing me what do we have to do Oh someone's reached it already there we go get in I pressed up oh this game is not healthy for me I've already realized it was bad enough when you had to play it by yourself but now you can play against other people and it tell you that you're a loser after each round oh no I lost points too oh wow look at his outfit come mat-su wow it's first person to the goal wins oh my goodness this is happening every time okay noobs all round I'm actually I'm the most qualified here which is worrying the whole dang right Luigi I've got my faith in you buddy Luigi's Mansion is a popular franchise so you should be used to all the hauntings right yeah I literally can't play this game like this what is going on why is it like this I'm somehow doing it what just happened oh it's the haunting other ghosts coming I feel like the games gonna it's gonna run better what happens if the toad goes through go through go through the thing it's still running weirdly I like these levels as well give up this has happened to me like three courses in a row I'm so sad and this terrifies me look at his look at his face you gave up fine I will play by my son this one's called Mario Kart let's go I want to actually be able to use oh you have to reach the goal in the Koopa Troopa car that's interesting so yeah the car is brand new well you can add comments - hold on a second what is ah CK wah-wah will you chill I can't get him I can't get any phew boss there we go give me your car boy it's like Mario but GTA at the same time dude this is unreal I someone literally just said dude on the course did you see that it distracted me and I died can I turn the comments off I don't want weird things coming up there we go let's take those off you will not distract me this time come here dudes missed it's fine give me your car get out of the car come here okay perfect I know where a bucket came from here we go koopa troopas car is mine all of you get out of here this is mine now why do I keep doing this or the mechanics are so weird not sure I like this yeah that's more like it I'm just gonna hold the right hand stick that seems to be working pretty well for me so far this is like those happy wheels levels that's exactly what Super Mario maker reminds me oh by the way it's like the the kid-friendly version of happy wheels look at this I haven't really touched any buttons I'm just gonna left them right my eyes are going funny when it's all working out perfectly there's cat Bowser again oh we thought it the car is not I think it was a cat Bullet Bill as well a little bit weird not sure where all the cat tails are coming from I got a white tank top where is it wait we've got the one up Hoodie - look at that that's actually really cool I'm going for the tank top I'm looking like someone who'd be really good at basketball but it have legs whoa you can get leaderboards as well for the course makers and you can see their courses ok oh he's the one who created the top one so far oh this one only has a clear rate of 8% I might messed up here to the Elite Eight let's do it bro ok I can't come back after hitting these so I have to be careful bop you know it's a puzzle ok fine that's the kind of puzzle that I can do let's go through the door Mario oh man I remember these this guy has wings - icarver oh I don't have to do you have to hit them from the blocks like this but hey which one's got the key though can we um oh no I don't know if we can ground-and-pound on this one though I missed he avoided me come on em God sure there's the key that's what I thought let's go so that's 2 out of the 8 shoes next to power flower what's good buddy oh I know what to do here this is horrible we have to jump up and get rid of those little pads underneath all that's gonna be ridiculous oh I made it I made it I made it Oh servant they come back why would they come back it's keep saving him can I do both at the same time hold on a second I can't there we go get out of here we did it this level is cool see how much cool stop you can do in super wait wait wait wait how do I do this I think I have to do that there we go let me through the door yeah look how many cool things you can make in Super Mario maker this is nuts little checkpoint don't mind if I do who's next the people okay there's an arrow pointing to a box I just fell in the lava I didn't mean to do that how do I do this one do I need to put it in the box he climbs it too what do I do how do I defeat something so small I can't even ground-and-pound it's got the guy interacts with the POW block so are we comes with what's due this is ridiculous I think I know what to do actually if he's hanging off the edge and I delete it does that work let's find out yes I'm a genius I think that's only halfway done haha skill abode up next okay these are actually quite difficult to UM Alyssa there's a swamp over there let's try and get him to go down that didn't work these guys rebuild themselves so it's kind of hard to get him into that little section wait wait where are y'all on this isn't solid and he can't do that ah wait I think I know what to do do I not just it's not solid yes it's in the hole okay oh I know what to do this is easy okay maybe not um wait how do I get him to come down oh wait I knock him out and then make him come down I know what to do see this noggin does work sometimes emphasis on sometimes there we go then we crush this dudes dreams are you ready guess max I'm running some Mario knowledge here let's get out of here spikey man and wait granted whip both of these there's one oh this is just this is keep some region in huh ah okay I don't know what to do okay I definitely messed this up look how many of them there are how do I kill you oh I did it I did it I had to pick it up and knock it out with the Goomba of course I have 20 seconds left to do this now that's horrific wait how do I do this one oh is that it great I don't have long to do this come on get out and cute I got seven seconds you think I can do it in seven seconds I don't think so get a checkpoint yes if I die what happens life I die for the time out what happens oh man okay okay okay what's going on I'm dead no just puts you back here right a car remember how many I'm done this guy's a squid on top of him something about a power block what just happens what am I trying to kill there's nothing left everything's dead oh it's the flame I'm pretty sure it's the flame I just need to hit it right how can I hit that with a power block or is it this I didn't even know you could knock these things out that doesn't work that actually doesn't work I think I need to go back to the drawing board here no no no ah [Music] I just started the whole thing again by accident I don't believe it anyway that is my experience of Super Mario maker too so far I really like the network play that is a lot of fun but um some of you guys need to get better internet come on now all jokes aside I think you should check this game out let me know if you want to see some more Super Mario maker 2 or play the top levels I like the look of the switch 1 I think they'll be pretty cool and if you didn't enjoy this video I wanna like see some more please leave a like that'd be greatly appreciated subscribe to our brand new as well for daily in videos and I will see you all in the next one remember there's a dog in a rocket in this game yep bye [Music] most is our swing wagon candle campus super full rubber band
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,685,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, dan tdm, tdm, dan, funny, gaming, super mario maker 2, super mario maker
Id: 4oCkE3pXebY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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