I Upgraded This One Too Many Times

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while this isn't a penguin it is still something we can crash into the ground for our amusement and profit and in fact being that it's a human it's probably even worth a little bit more that's as far as we can jump so far then we get eaten by a shark but that was a distance of 112 with a height of 48 so we earned 512 which means we can do things like increase our speed and have a smoother decline so now as we leap down into the water we'll go a little bit quicker and crazier fashion and i'm going to try and aim this thing straight and then we hit the water here now 184 distance 65 height still doesn't protect him from the shark so we'll add a little more speed frankly he's lucky he dies as quick as he does normally with me there's a lot more suffering involved but as long as someone dies in the end then i'm pretty happy about it 222 so we got almost a thousand dollars already and no one ate him this time so i guess a smoother decline it's fun to watch him go down the bumps but the smoother it is the faster he'll go we could buy tricks at some point but he doesn't deserve tricks he's got to earn fun things and he's not really ever going to get fun things he's mostly just going to die and if he's lucky he won't die that much not sure if that one made much of a difference upgrade wise but i probably also flew it poorly and when in doubt just add more speed we're already at three out of five the next upgrade is going twenty eight hundred dollars and i'm not sure if there's something i'm supposed to be doing here or not but the extra speed definitely makes a difference because that's 357 feet so we got fifteen hundred dollars just for that we're trying to make it two thousand feet and land safely i'm kind of unfamiliar with that concept but we'll get a smoother decline and we can eventually buy like basically an entire plane not sure why we'd want one of those when we've got one of these fine vehicles so how far are we trying to get 2 000 feet and we're at not quite 400 yet and the killer whale got him so let's save up for one more run and i just enjoy crashing him into the water anyways let's go face down no that's as much as it lets us tilt anyways let's buy a canopy i don't know if that's going to make a difference visually you can see it but i don't know if it's going to make his fly further in theory would make us fly less far because it's more weight but there's 387 feet for 1610 dollars so it didn't make much of a difference not to worry i've got the power of time on my hands and stupid persistence so before we're landing wheels we need an engine tail wings more speed things like wings and a tail are going to mean we land smoothly we're going to fly further but i don't want him to land smoothly i want to die a horrible horrible death but not before he makes me a bunch of money we got an extra 100 feet there for two thousand dollars so instead of buying anything smart i'm gonna save up for the final speed upgrade because all we need is speed we can get by on just that eighteen hundred and eighty eight dollars another failed landing later and we get maximum speed which looks something like this we're down the ramp in a hurry and i think we're gonna get pretty good speed i should probably be playing paying more attention to my velocity because we made it a little bit further but i was mostly watching what velocity is doing i'm not really sure what i did differently there because again i was watching velocity but we went 580 feet so i think he earned a smoother decline and even if he didn't he's gonna get one anyway i think last time i just pointed it all the way forward just to see if it would make a difference and it seems to because there's 650 feet and it only took one more round after that to get us 8 100 so we can buy a perfectly smooth decline at least i assume it's perfectly smooth there we go now we'll get lots of extra speed on the way down and carry this momentum all the way forward so we're at 740 feet without any wings three thousand dollars per run we still get orchid pretty hard but that's his problem so next we're gonna buy some wings probably wings will probably help us glide we don't need an engine or a tail yet we don't need to control anything we just need to store as far as we can i'm just going to continue leaning forward because that's all i know now i'm incapable pull up why would i pull up the ocean's down here we need to make sure those sharks stay fed all right well apparently the wings are probably going to make a difference so if we go down do we get the glide i don't understand how the wings work we pulled up there and we went less far and then we didn't get to feed a shark not to worry here's the tail we need the tail will obviously help us in a big way that's the best plane you'll ever see and it's gonna help us get perhaps a little bit further pull up it says 713 feet well we're making three thousand dollars per run that's good enough for me and just like that we've saved up nine thousand dollars so let's buy an engine and then i guess bio fuel and then maybe more biofuel and then i'm not really sure how this is gonna work or what we're supposed to be doing the engine doesn't really seem to be doing anything um yeah we mostly just hit the water oh start your engine to speed up by pressing bar i know this is going to sound a little bit hard to believe but i do know how to read i don't think that went like it was supposed to go okay i managed to start gliding this time and i think i've got it figured out that time we went a full 1200 feet we got 4 400 for that so what we're supposed to be doing is going like this and then gliding through the end then we start the engine uh we actually have to hold that down but then we got to use that to give us some boost again then we glide way up here and then we can glide to wherever we want to go from here which is hopefully gonna be the 2000 feet we need but probably not on this run i'm gonna get eight thousand dollars for doing that if i get fed eight thousand dollars for every time i fed a man to a shark i'd have a lot of money but i've got a good feeling about this one maybe we should use this sparingly does that work i don't know what i'm doing this is usually how i solve all my problems just winging it um i don't think the glide really works like we tend to just once we start going downwards we're just going downwards i think i just realized my problem is actually the wheels i wasn't gonna get landing wheels because i don't really care if he lands very safely but i think because they're down while in the air they're probably slowing down my flight a little bit because they seem to be able to go something like this 1968 feet we were very close but if we buy the landing wheels and then we're able to raise them we should go just that little extra further at least that's the dream uh so far the wheels don't really seem to be going anywhere so that's fine i guess we'll just kind of see where this goes not very far on the bright side we've saved up forty thousand dollars this time i tried something a little different that might actually work i kinda drifted to the right before uh using my engine and that definitely worked now those wheels are gonna save our lives so that's a distance of almost three thousand with a height of 882 and we get to go to the next area because we landed safely this is gonna be fun we get more like jet parts and we get to bring our money from last time so let's have a go now just to see what we're capable of it's probably not going to be anything too exciting but we'll quickly upgrade into what we need yeah this we can do better than this so lots of speed now we have 30 000 left let's buy a smoothie decline now we have twenty thousand dollars left but let's see what this gets us the notice the difference should be quite noticeable already because yeah we went almost nowhere now we went 500 feet that's an extra two thousand dollars so i guess now what happens if we buy engines before the other stuff oh we get three bursts of fuel on this i wonder if we can actually make it as far as we need to go without wings and stuff now this just feels right and it looks right it's basically a massive engine with some wheels behind it so this is obviously gonna go very well so we're gonna scoot down we're gonna do what i did before where i kind of yeah there we go i just use this kind of sparingly like this as i'm moving over and well that's okay we're still gonna go way further than we should consider we don't have wings seven thousand one hundred thirty six dollars wings are a full ten thousand dollars a canopy we won't give him the luxury of a canopy yet he's going to enjoy that open air feeling nothing like searing hot sand in the eyes in the middle of the desert and i'm gonna go for my usual strategy of kind of using my engine intermittently to just try and get as much distance as i can but we've already gone 2 000 feet and that's probably thanks mostly to the wings once we have a tail on the canopy we'll be unstoppable but for now we're going to settle on 3000 feet so let's buy a tail then he can get things like a canopy wheels after this i still want to make him suffer a little bit this seems better but still nothing that i would ever fly on myself alright we've reached our initial descent so we're gonna see where this one lands us we seem to have gone a little bit further at 3 500 feet yeah 3 500 and change but we did make 16 000 doing it so i guess we might as well buy in the canopy and the landing wheels not entirely sure uh what difference that's gonna make at this point because the canopy just basically keeps him a little bit safe and the wheels are always there they're gonna help with the landing i guess but we're just gonna keep going like this i think i screwed up my timing again because we're descending a little bit quicker than i thought we've gotta go five thousand feet we're gonna get another 3 500 or so well it's a little better than last time but not good enough okay the whole wheel thing seems to work on this plane because i can actually put the wheels away so that's hopefully going to mean i fly a little more efficiently though i'm not entirely sure it helped there but that's just kind of my lack of flying knowledge it's not helping me at all we got very high there so clearly we need to be working a little more over than we are up 3800 feet is the new record though maybe the way to do this uh not like that but to stay low and go straight that worked better than last run but not nearly good enough i seem to have gotten it figured out by using my engine very sparingly i can go much much further and i even found superman at the top might make the 5000 i need so we're gonna put our wheels down and this is gonna be a beautiful landing i can feel it we actually went way further than i thought we would 5500 when we touched the ground rolling to 6 000. basically not with any strategy i just kept screwing around until it worked 27 thousand dollars then we're going to wind up with an even better plane again and look at all the speed we can get here we have 121 thousand dollars to spend so we just need lots of speed probably we can't even afford all the speed upgrades so let's get smoothly declined and we have 22 000 left over so let's buy some we need an engine first by tail end engine why are they a package deal i've also maxed out our bio fuel so we're gonna find out exactly how this thing flies oh it's like a jet engine now but basically all i was doing before was going like this this way to a losing speed a little bit then give it just a little touch because that way the engine will last a long time and get us a long ways before we're done to gliding we'll see our fuel in the upper upper left so we've got lots left to use our goal distance is 10 000 feet and basically having a rocket engine attached to our little bus we're gonna get half that already uh yeah this is gonna be easier than i thought best plane ever now prepare to die also thirty thousand dollars for single run although that did take a minute to get all the way through so now i suppose we can buy the wings and the nose it looks worse than it did before like nothing i'm adding to it really actually helps it in any way but this might be a good one i feel like it's going to carry us a long way so we got plenty of fuel left uh we're kind of on a downslope right now but we're also still 2000 feet in the air we're over halfway to where we need to be i do need to start bringing myself upwards again you kind of got to ride that balance you don't want to be dropping but you don't want to be going too far up you want to be going over mostly uh there's our little friend again we seem to find him when we get 2500 feet or so up i think we're actually going to make it to where we need to go it is not going to have any wheels to land with and i'm okay with that thousand feet left are we gonna make it it's gonna be close 95 96 oh we're definitely going to make it because we're so high up where's it going to hit the ground like a missile there it is 22 thousand dollars to incinerate a man so basically i just want to save up for more speed while we get all sorts of people showing up up in the sky i still don't have my landing wheels because i want more speed to start with but i'm also just pretty excited to watch him explode again we went 11 000 feet so far might be close to 12 000 feet by the time we do that you know what we don't really need to increase speed do we we're clearly making it far enough so let's move on to where we're going to find a better plane this one's fun but i want to see what the next one is and now we can also raise the wheels and have our little canopy man activated we just crossed the 9000 feet mark so we're coasting even with fuel almost to the 10 000 feet mark so it's probably safe to put the wheels down in fact we're going to otherwise i'm gonna forget but there's 11 000 feet and we're probably going to be pretty close to the last one which is going to be worth some money but without the big explosion there's 12 000 feet and almost 13 000 feet the canopy must have helped i wonder if there is a wrong way to land anyways 55 000 next area now we're starting to get some bigger jet looking stuff so right away let's buy the tail and engine and then as much speed as we possibly can and then probably smooth the decline and maybe some fuel while we're at it that at least gets us going it's basically an enormous jet engine on my little potty racer thing so let's see exactly what this is gonna do yep there we go that's a much bigger engine so we gotta go 15 000 feet and i feel like i could probably do it basically with this we're probably not going to be able to glide very well but that's more a problem for him or whatever animal we're unfortunate enough to land on top of if we could land on one of the whales that would be great but for now where'd this be pretty content to smash into the water we were a long ways up there still got 6000 feet basically with an engine so let's add the wings and the nose on top of that for aerodynamics we'll increase the speed when we can then all we have is canopy and landing wheels after that we basically built a jet fighter but without really any of the actual stuff i do like this engine though it seems to put us a long ways in a hurry it's very powerful i definitely feel like we need a little more that initial speed though because even though we're in the stars we have only gone 7000 feet so far and we're out of fuel so let's get back down to earth and get our money who pays us for doing this who would pay for us to just crash this man into the ground again and again we were so high up it takes forever to get to the ground though we did make fifty thousand dollars because of the height then we're going to take more speed then it's basically the same thing again just gonna go like this until we're very high up and then coast down to the ground and crash and die we made it back into the stars so i'm just gonna aim straight up and go as far as we can with the last bit of fuel that way we can get as much money out of this as we can while also not wasting any more of my time we've actually managed to make it what's gonna be probably 12 and a half thousand feet which is almost to the finish line we just need to add a few more pieces and it'll be easy so one canopy plus landing wheels so as long as we remember to put the wheels up like that we'll be fine now we just gotta do the same thing and wait till we make it all the way to the end oh we even got past the stars we're in an asteroid field now that's how high up we are uh our current height is about seven thousand actually so that's pretty impressive and we're out of fuel so hopefully we'll be able to close to the 15 000 feet we need and i actually might not make it this is gonna be close uh we might be okay we're losing altitude yeah i gotta put the wheels down though yeah we made our fifteen thousand feet prepare for landing which basically means put the wheels down we didn't make it but we had to coast for a long ways seventeen thousand feet new record congratulations for two hundred thousand dollars you know a step away from reaching the stars i was already there let's do it or that's okay you know we don't actually have to go to the next area or is it trying to tell me i need two hundred thousand dollars i'm very confused i should have actually read that so we're just gonna do it again i guess made it back into the meteors but not too far into them because they're gonna be back into the stars soon seems i didn't quite do this one right because that well since i've done this enough times to save up almost three hundred thousand dollars we're going to spend another eighty thousand on one more little speed upgrade or what's probably actually a huge speed upgrade so now i just need to get my flight trajectory right and we'll be there in no time the speed seems to have made a difference because i was very lazy on this attempt and i'm still doing very well for myself though i think i still screwed this up again it's very hard to find the right trajectory again i got pretty lucky the first time apparently because i don't think we're going to make it again i've got to go 2 000 further feet with one thousand feet of elevation left we can put the wheels down just in case but you know i see the trick now is basically to keep your rocket pointed largely upwards while using the engine because now we're nine thousand feet distance but we're also 7 500 feet into the air this one is also somewhat close but we are gonna make it officially as of now so let's put the wheels down before we forget and there we are moderately safely on the ground so now we're back to here congratulations for two hundred thousand dollars you're in our step away from the stars blah blah blah there we go oh this is interesting we're getting loaded on to an actual rocket and this is obviously pretty good news for me because we're crashing into the moon and dying well we made it all the way to the moon good job my max distance was seventeen thousand five hundred forty feet my max height was seventy five hundred we have a hundred and fifty thousand dollars left over but good news more stages coming in the fall of 2010 i can't wait
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 3,446,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F84P3z7fEts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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