I think I really messed up

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i messed up she was guarded guys where are you [Music] that's not good wait my job cooled down i can't kill him wait someone's dead all right guys i've been holding on to this information i'm the sheriff and i'll take him out next round what is up guys it's spykuno here you can hear people you can't talk while you're in the event um hey don't kill me right now um just jump in this vent and thanks for the thanks for the 10 gifts up spooky what did you guys see them what who is that wait oh wait that was the sheriff that got him oh my god wait it's this guy is this mean think this through hey fixed the top one who fixed the top one i don't know we're about to find out all right let's go see all right so the sheriff killed my partner so what wait no one's up here who fixed it i went and killed you also the sheriff must have killed my partner so i'm doing the episode but you know what guys we got to do this for janet we gotta win for janet [Music] jesus what happened guys sorry i panicked reported because i didn't want to i didn't know so they turned cars off and they keep um jumping in and out of the bed i saw someone vent so i ran to fix the comms well i was with edison and leslie and i don't think either of them were venting i don't know who would jump in and events constantly that would that would make any sense to me but that was amazing wait guys guys i was with you guys it couldn't have been me i've seen your videos before guys guys look i i i will say that is something i love doing but it wasn't me this time and to the person who did it i'm proud of you i'm proud of you to the person who all right hear me out hear me out i have a theory it's a little crazy but i have a theory okay now sounds like this required a decent amount of apm jumping in and out of vents and aliens and hiding trying to get they said people were venting like crazy and none of us right i don't know why that's cat you guys smell that guys wait guys edison went for eight's june edison went for eight students probably the two imposters went for him well we're not going to get double killed um yeah just watch i got a strategy okay here's i can't [Music] i was way ahead of unh right and then someone hopped out of the vent and sliced it stream right in front of oh my god we killed the right thing was edison though what no leslie was oh my god wait guys guys remember who h june said it was what do you say it was ed eddis edison to the left and bro wait a second since when have you set to vote on seven you always say don't vote oh that's true i'm just pointing out that you did kind of go for h what do you guys think i turned off the colors vented to try and kill someone and then accidentally killed h june because i couldn't see who it was that very much sounds realistic that would be ridiculous i'm skipping on seven that would be ridiculous i'm skipping on seven guys [Music] samantha and i inspected h june's body and most of it was gibberish but the last sentence said they had a notebook and a page was hastily scribbled out or scribbled on and torn out so he was the other detective was also the detective [Music] wait wait why would you it's not it's it's not bla bla we gotta stand i it's definitely not blau well i thought it was but now that's vouching for me about for psychology yeah thanks wow i got you i got you covered um let me tell you what happened in the beginning lizzie it was hilarious what don't even leslie i'm just going to tell you i was telling her what happened at the beginning leslie at the beginning so my imposter partner was uh janet right and she was ve she turned the thing off and vented uh like crazy you're you're in your mind wait are you admitting people come stand with me i'll explain everything you okay she kept venting in and out after turning the gray thing in my honor because i thought it'd be cool it was very cool janet if you're listening that was really cool and then here's what happened even though it was oh um uh what happened literally i need to hear nothing else in the middle of confessing uh about how he was impossible so you can just continue that story right now well what's the story i was just telling you what happened earlier in front of the jury it's like who knows to me that he was chester so i don't know what we want to do with this no what the heck um anyway the point is um what happened at the beginning leslie uh was um so we're skipping on seven right guys wait no no no i saw rey hovering with my imposter vision yep i actually think it is like by the way no no no no he's just so do i know i'm pretty sure it's like widow i'm starting to think that two killers left guys how could i see rey without my imposter vision it's not like he was passing through the doors and you can see the doors through the fog i vote it's like i voted oh wait guys i think it's blah i think it's like 100 yes i could have voted himself i think it's 100 me too guys i think it's a hundred percent me too i think he's on the side if i die if i die as well leslie i'm the killer come down come back down here i'll i'll literally kill you leslie to prove it to you oh what's up edison said if i die it's wow do you know what that means yeah but i can't do that blau you can't take the fall from me you can't take the fall from me blouse i'm gonna find someone else no please um yeah guys i messed up i messed up she was guarded guys where are you hey guys you guys i messed up real bad she was being protected i really messed up i you heard the noise right no guys you heard the noise right i messed up real bad she was protected guys hold on hold on i'll be back so bad guys this game's over this game is over oh that was me you guys i messed up real bad i was trying to i was trying to kill someone and they were protected i know it's seven but we may as well get it over with okay wait this means it has to be if leslie's trying to vote me out then it's leslie by the way it's working it's working who hard cleared you why are you wait guys hold on it can't be leslie i was with her all the time in the bottom yeah i'm voting leslie because i'm what you're voting leslie leslie i'll defend you i'll vote for her because i i'm defending leslie i think we should skip okay i don't know i'm just backing up leslie i know she's innocent i know she's innocent guys it has to be me it has to be me i knew exactly where janelli was right sort of no i didn't really i was wrong i should have voted leslie was she reacting i really was [Music] i just came down to the bottom and they were talking about helping friends out that's all i hear wait guys hold on what if ray's the jester i think we should vote for me guys what if ray's the jester hurry vote for me wait leslie who'd you vote for all right you know what there's nobody i trust more than leslie right now i know for sure no i wait wait who did you vote for um definitely not jester and then i'm not the jester i'm the imposter come on ray you know you said i was the imposter three rounds ago you caught me i know it's lizzy it's not leslie it can't be leslie it [Music] [Applause] oh my yeah and then i i killed ass because she killed janice [Music] janet janet i'm proud of you janet that was clean that was i'm proud of your plays janet you you did great it's me and ash guys guys i've been the detective four games in a row i've been creating three games in a row how does that make you feel good guys i've been crewmates i'm guardian not that much lately not gonna lie janet oh are you scanning yeah i definitely just pretended to check your scan but i trust you oh wait do you agree did you janet can you come with me to reactor i don't want to go there alone here come with me janet okay i just don't want to go up here alone after you did that vent trick that i told you to do i i feel like you know i feel like i owe you one so give me a name janet give me a name oh oh um oh yeah let's do let's do blouse toys for solving that imposter game of me yeah all right i'll go get it i'll go get em yeah oh hold on i can take the vents where is he what on earth is happening down there janet janet you still here uh sorry he was in a swarm of people i couldn't get him oh no he's with like three other people i don't know okay so guys nelly was the jester oh so we could vote anybody off um but no no this was a while ago we chased the killer down at the beginning of the game they killed her outside of medical we chased them across the entire map onto into admin where they jumped into event me and leslie did that and then the comms went back on i was like oh it's leslie is not the killer and then we know the killer jumped into a vent which could have gone anywhere ash talia where were you guys oh no all right yeah that's right so it's either actually tuned cool yeah i did it wow no that was fast and now that the jester's dead we could easily vote one off yeah let's do it i'm ready which one should we do oh yeah cause we've there's no way oh let the sheriff decide all right sheriff you got a 50 50 shot 50 50 shot h jr ash is it both of them is it both of them no no wait what if it's both of them vouching for each other sheriff sheriff's second i mean that was you it comes though wasn't it what i yeah the know gonna clean it up danny you remember the code word right uh yes yes yes you might have to uh you know activate a different uh tomato well i yes yes like five people just heard us i could see them on the left side of the screen where's the shirt i actually think it's actually she wants to take a shot oh god we're all dead wait why do i have a report button oh no jesus i couldn't even see the body so was it the sheriff my god what happened wait guys oh the killers are dead all right guys here's what we do eight june go for another one eighteen go for the two for two i i don't know i don't know anything that's a good point it's not the same killer or if there's a sheriff's badge and i can vouch for leslie i don't think leslie would chase down the killer with me let's see edison is a detective i'm a detective h would be a sheriff [Music] here's what we should do here's what we should do me and hq will walk 10 paces away from each other and we'll see what happens there's all these towns not big enough for the two of us all right guys guys wait don't push the button we're we got i need your help i need your help guys hold on everyone come down here come down here guys guys h june is going to try and kill me i need you to tank the bullet dude [Music] no he was trying to kill me i was trying to get help oh my god my fellow korean brethren all right guys i've been holding on to this information i'm the sheriff and i'll take them out next round [Music] don't kill kill someone kill someone oh [Music] it's like you know wait was that a double kill no no you tried to prove his innocence that he's a sheriff by killing a crew so two kills happened i saw what happened no no guys wait wait guys hold on hold on i have valuable information it couldn't have been h june because i just clicked kill and it went on cooldown guys i could have literally jumped out of the vents guys i have useful information it's like who knows what's your information all right all right if there's only one you ever hear of an endangered species you guys ever hear of endangered species before yeah they might be a menace sometimes maybe they're not even friendly to everyone but you got to keep them alive you know to preserve preserve the wildlife right so if there's only one imposter left you really want to take out the last one i think we skip on six i'm skipping guys i think we skipped tomato tomato skip tomato skip another flashback tomato tomatoes but i mean tomato owes there's still one thing i have to do guys there's one thing i have to do since the beginning of this round hold on let me call something so everyone leaves all right look guys you aren't hitting the button you can leave just leave you're not hitting the button like this we got to do this janet said she had one favor to ask for me and she she said i had to i had to kill you blou i had no choice she did the vent trick you know the one where you go black and white you jump out of this vent in and out yeah she did it she did it in my honor i had to let me let me look out this way we're running out of time we're running out of time they're coming back for the button do it now i'm sorry i'm sorry all right there's the body we can't do this anymore i'm voting myself dress up guys it's time i i can't do it anymore just vote for me i'm not the jester i'm not the jester i accomplished my mission deeds [Music] well that was a weird last kick i need to formally apologize to june because i misread what oh wait maybe it means the sheriff killed him wait what was that wait guys the dead body for ash says strange obsession with macca's [Music] softly all over me
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 966,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4MN5cHh-X_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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