using 1000 IQ Impostor trick to gain people's trust

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all right me and ray guys first things first close every single door oops i didn't mean to do that that was an accident um okay you know i'll stick with very inside kuno they seem they seem innocent um this is the perfect chance but i won't do it i won't do it and here's why we're gonna use her sakuna seems good [Music] choice i've never felt this much anxiety in my life guys we're gonna we're gonna make her think we're gonna make her think we're extremely innocent and then she's gonna vouch for us at the end it's not you right okay he he could have killed me he he could have killed me so many times yup me and lily working together that's right it's a 100 not lily we both had the same exact time where's the body where's the buddy all right all according to my i know the uploads there i led her there to make it look like i knew what i was doing now she's going to think i'm innocent genius um dude no wait me and lily both just did the upload task we both did the upload test no lily knows it's not me lily lily tell him to stop me i feel like a [ __ ] pokemon like tell him tell him lily use thunderbolt to tell me what is up guys it's spykuno here it wasn't me wait i didn't okay i just want to hang out you know just trying to make new friends and i'm gonna kill him huh i don't think it's like you know he would have killed me right okay we were alone for so long so i i i don't think so but you know what we can't blow out options so i will keep my options open i'm just gonna pretend i'm afk [Music] oh he was asking for it okay that's kind of weird that was really weird that was so weird holy crap that was so weird he just stood there oh my god is it actually so good oh my god okay i have this funny feeling my god's telling yo [ __ ] this [ __ ] michael save me michael save me okay can i just say something the reactor was going off say colonel was kind of just standing there not moving what i was trying to follow you i was trying to do why does everyone suspect me for walking around and standing still all i'm doing is walking around and starting no no no i'm just saying i don't i don't i'm not saying what i'm just saying it was just really keep an eye out why do you guys keep trying to kill me for standing around when the reactor goes off as a cremate you want to go as fast as you can right you stand around i ignore it all the time prove that you're not involved i i trust you thank you it was so scary as soon as i just stand still i'm like dude oh my god okay okay maybe it isn't psycho enough does he actually just like stand there like just for no reason that that kind of freaking okay i'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt here and try not to throw stuff on him too much okay all right i will trust you seikuno better not let me down honestly okay i'm beginning to think it's not him because he could have killed me like any time we were alone and you didn't thank you shiva this is marcelo she knows too much she knows too much i just heard her scream i deserve to scream from downstairs um is she running upstairs is she running upstairs oh my god you tried to kill me for standing there you judged me i have trust issues this game is giving me major trust issues all right jack where'd you get all the time we left lilly with ray and sakura correct i was with you guys a lot of the time a lot of time yeah i i can at least know that i left lily because wait wait guys guys i was just standing there i was just standing there guys lily was suss of you for so long she that's why i left her alone this round i don't know what happened to her sakuno was anyone in until i ran into her at the end this entire round toast and valkyrie have been together like joined at the hip yeah for the last ten percent dang it if only we got one more i mean no matter what we're doing please wait guys guys what if it's not me i don't know wait felix who am i voting for it's like who knows oh god uh jack we've been together the whole time for round one two and three man um ray joined us oh man but she was gone and round three we left her with lily and secundum we know second was the bad guy i was the first one who called us you know and ray ray was the second one i called it out with verbally and the final thing i knew was ray three rounds ago because she faked trash and it's a one parter which is really obvious jack if you if you've seen my place seven rounds ago in my play style i'm going to admit i didn't listen to a thing you guys said um whose video i want to be in more oh this is true this is true jack i need you to i i would have played like this i kept track of the trash okay you know what oh i don't i don't know i don't even care if i'm wrong oh because i voted him out last time and the charlie won so don't worry you're not wrong he was right oh nice job oh my god oh man oh man how did how did pewds know it was me from the start he just knew from the start somehow he's standing with suspicion guys if i get imposter five rounds in a row again i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna have issues i'm gonna have issues guys oh no jack well we can't kill jack first corpse do it do it corpse i wanna see corpse do it he's gonna do it he's not gonna do it he's not gonna do it jack i can't kill jack what i called a meeting because my life was in danger that was extreme sus dude i was like felix what did you see and then he presses it and it's about me i'm walking with like three or [Music] keep an eye on corpse i'm not going near corpse oh all right tycoona was next to him too just so we know that wait what well i was just i was just walking around doing my stuff what do you mean are you holding well on your promise to not kill me first because it seems like you're kind of following me a lot yeah well i'm done how can i be following everybody at once all right let's just not look at each other um everybody's traveling yeah yeah let's all travel in groups safety i [Music] okay the teacher put you with your buddy stay with your buddy sorry my game glitch i can't vote uh but it should be um oh that's awkward it's my teammates well what do i do now my teammate just yellowed it i um do i just kill someone look i'm just gonna kill the next person i see because i think it's over my teammate just admitted to it oh michael i i can't kill michael guys the next person i see well this is only my second time playing with i can't the next person i see well i said i wouldn't kill jack the next person i see well they're in a group i can't i can't kill them they're in a group um ray wouldn't mind right you locked me in [Music] corpses oh god oh god okay this is very interesting here squad so cycuno and toast and i were all in electrical and then rey came in and then i went up top at electrical and came out and there her body was oh it's gotta be toasted let me defend myself never like why are they two i couldn't trust another toast oh kill ray first because i know she hates being killed first there's only one person with the balls to kill rapers wait wait toast at the beginning of this round you said i'm killing rey first you remember that charlie i trust you because you did calibration by yourself that's why i was sticking with you i'm taking calibration um charlie what are your moist senses saying i've got i've got a lot of tingles in my ball sack here there's a lot of moving parts cycle [Music] though well i think we should skip because he dc'd right now i knew you were following me because you wanted me no no jack would end the game how did they not vote corpse off when he straight up said it was i feel like corpse the only reason i went for that crazy kill was because corpse randomly said it was him last time so i was just like well if corpse said it was him then it's over how is corpse alive right now plenty of opportunity to come um he self-reported it it's [ __ ] thousands what we can i don't know what that [Music] he's just hilarious how is he still alive when he admitted to it count kill a corpse that is true that is true can't kill a corpse i like this group a lot already i honestly i'm shocked that you won after you confessed to it being you at the first flag from lily i i don't know how that happened hey corpse is just too good um oh my god i can't believe it corpse you're so good at this you still won after you straight up said it was you at the first thing yeah we didn't even have [Music] good thing you reported that because we're about to lose billy who was there with us at reactor you're on my way with somebody better that does me me rain yeah i just have to say reactor i want to know either of you or holding the button no i don't know we both just got there yeah we both just got there and we both ran down and i was running back up uh how much time was left on the reactor there was like a second plenty of time plenty of time yeah right you kind of played that up yeah ray really played that up on us i'm suss of her now you're right thank you [Laughter] i was about to go push push the button you made it seem like oh my god thank gosh someone reported it yeah she really was doing that you really pushed that who did trash at the start oh my goodness oh at the beginning but now you didn't say you did it so i don't know what's going on oh i don't think i did crash i did download because no one went to the second trash immediately that doesn't mean anything jack you know about the second trash there's a second troll there's a second trash that's a pro trick wow jack you're crazy now dude i'm cracked he's cracked cracked jack is that weird to say all right off to the weapons oh lily wants to be buddies okay i'm like pretending i like pretending to see it but i can't oh lily you check me now right i can hear her laughing i can hear her laughing she knows that she doesn't have hers but here's the thing she's gonna think i actually did it it's genius she's gonna think i do i'm i'm too smart i'm too smart at this game now she thinks i'm innocent um yeah yeah let's stick together let's stick together yep now she thinks i'm innocent i'm too smart so you might be wondering sikuno why'd you even bother faking that you're not even an imposter but you know you still want to look innocent when you're the crew mate it wasn't ray yes i agree because she's dead yeah it's not lily for sure either did anyone vouch lily's med bay um yeah it's it's definitely not lily it's a hundred percent it's outside we've been together for the entire time above each other in med bay i walked in and yeah lily you checked my med bay right there yes corpse walked into the middle yeah i got ptsd wait lily you you queued up for my med bay right you didn't just burn yours and then and then um uh yes that's not sakuno you didn't just burn yours and then watch me do it in a strange angle right it's not you okay i was just checking i was just checking i was just checking that so i'd absolutely okay michael why did you giggle again i'm you know lily should have some tasks right i'm gonna follow her oh my god it's quartz it's gloss killing what it's corpse of grease i know i think it's lily what there's no defense from it okay it's toasting lily i guess toast i'm going corpse oh okay in plain sight oh god i thought i saw lily do a task but i'm not sure what i i cleared lily i cleared lily oh god oh god i gotta go with corpse all right corpse is dead thank god will they figure out the game here oh no my brain sorry can i ask a question if there's two imposters left with the game be over now or could it still be happening so there's only one imposter for sure left yes yep uh who is it something like you've never played the game this is going some some kind of way you're making me ambitious again felix i just followed oh [ __ ] i'm jail force i'm sorry i got one test left you saw me do a test do you not pay does anyone pay attention to the [ __ ] bar the green bar um yeah we're skipping no no no we don't have to skip yet we could figure this out oh i like it i like how he plays my gut my gut is my gut uh-huh okay i why is michael making a shrieking noise he's not even alive um okay i don't know what's happening i just uh michael but you did somehow and i don't know how you [ __ ] did it would um he just came in my room said this game sucks oh my okay um i i could not explain to you what just happened there i think he's enjoying the game he's he's really enjoying so i was the one who backed up lilly and confirmed that court was a bad guy when you didn't trust lily okay so if i was going back into a corner though like everyone was thinking no it's up to me uh okay so charlie you're gonna have to you're gonna have to convince me better than that because it was the four of us at the top we went down erase your voice all right you just dressed i was the one the door closed as soon as the door open rolly's body is there i wouldn't have backed up lily's claim that corpse is a bad person because i would just jump in with you with corpse against lily make it a 3v2 and then wait again it's not going to be sorry again it's really quick so corpse bath want kill lily elix as well [Music] good job charlie you did it i feel a lot better [Applause] wait guys how does corpse win every imposter around he hasn't lost a single one what he's been impossible he's been imposter every round and won every single time he can't lose let's go to reactor first before we die oh uh casey thanks for the 100 bits again case oh is that shadow lily oh she killed me for taking pink well at least we can reach out now i can't believe it i'm gonna stomp on the floor she heard that she heard that she had to have her die there's no way she didn't hear that she had to have heard that react okay run down to her room i can't i'm out of shape i'm gonna lose all my breath right but she lives right below me so if i stomp on the floor she'll hear me yes is anyone stream sniping her supposedly i heard it right no no no it's lily there must be someone else because i'm alone just being a good task you need to do those voices um lily is straight up throwing michael under the bus here i should have checked the logs you can still check you can still check them if no one passes and one you know it's logged it'll show okay wait where was the body uh lice was up so i don't see but chad is telling me log grease ball oh stoop thanks for the song oh well they i just glanced come on wait a minute just the widow only imposters can reach chat chat you know it's fine it was an accident i'm sorry thank you it was an accident it happens all right it's about right it's because he was reading chat he must have been cheating now i'm just kidding we wanted to speed right here i'm voting out of principle we can check the lines we can check the lines all right see guys guys it's okay but how do we check the lives it's fine i've never done it oh they hit the mountain what do you got for us what did the logs say i got the locks i got the locks all right i got a screenshot holy [ __ ] all right i screen shot [Music] is past southwestern um i was literally with everyone the entire time someone vented right after the call though the doors opened and they didn't open what's the difference between screenshotting and have good memory you know what's the difference really and then felix shows up in reactor all of us how did you get to reactors okay okay oh they're turning on him you said you were doing logs but you were in reaction i don't know if it's cheating because other people have notepads you're literally the last people are allowed to have notes and i'll tell you how i got the reactor i walked there it's how far from logs i took this last one after you because some leslie has a notepad are you allowed to use notepad too because that's the idea is the same you have something that can save stuff i can screen i can send it in the chat i'm you know i don't give a [ __ ] there's the logs there's the [ __ ] he posted it he posted the screenshot of the line i can't read this he posted it in the discord i literally cannot decipher what we say did he circle did he circle [ __ ] with me did you circle something on microsoft paint on the he circled something on literally none of you know how to read logs [Music] he circled something on microsoft paint and posted the screenshot in discord uh i'm unsure on the legality of this but it was funny so i'm fine with this now you got it wrong wait what do you mean he got it wrong he got it wrong he took a screenshot and circled it that's the way he got it wrong wait it was rain lily that's michael wait he got it right i found the body you guys are kidding me he no no no no no no there was a wide hallway wow someone else there he screenshotted the bottom circled it and then i saw there was like how is he [Music] from the process i think it's michael but it's not you will oh my god do it this game's over this game's over this game's like 100 over youtube videos innocent oh no that's why you don't vote on seven oh no welcome to youtube michael just got played by lily oh god the last michael's last words michael's last words were lily was innocent did you circle jack on microsoft paint how did you get it wrong you circled jack on microsoft paint you posted the screenshot you can't just go to the logs someone who's not [ __ ] charlie to read the lot [Applause] oh [Music] thanks for playing that was a super fun round that was i love the logs thing oh but that's fanned wait a minute he said i was lying which means we should show oh he thinks i'm the killer let's scare him guys all right i'm gonna i'm gonna play a prank on him by following him around creepily uh-huh he has no clue i'm gonna stand in the doorway like a menacing killer i bet you he's afraid what wait he did he he he he accused me of being the killer wait he was supposed to wait oh god can we hang out sometimes oh really yeah oh maybe once covered eight streamer boys psyching each other off please what the heck pokey i don't even know what flirting is i don't know unless you want to though he just wanted to hang out as friends okay hear me out we keep doing this thing where we're super passive when there's nine people left true we should kill someone before the killers kill someone if his girlfriend says it's okay it's fine get him guys oh my god oh my god oh my god he's gonna be more mad at his girlfriend for killing him than he will be at any any of his other friends right so she's going to take the heat if we're wrong i need to know espen's um please i went back down he's really quiet i went to check the water can then i came back around you were coming out of deacon tam and then i was going into it and then that's where the thing was so you didn't come to lights it looks like you went left i didn't go lights yeah did you go left or right no i went back down to the water in canada i think we just bought the button jody how sure are you it's s fan i'm voting for s fan because jody would look really cool if she got it right two in a row i'm just saying jody would be really cool if she got two in a row right if jody got two in a row she would have a youtube video no i get john i think that did oh okay well um okay i don't know if it's s fans but i'm just saying jody would have a fresh youtube video if she got him both right instantly me and miz are clear also don't be so quick because she'll pull down his mouth this is clear because he's dead what do you think jody oh she's dead too um wait wait two people died [Music] wait when did jody die i i thought she was alive just last round where i walked in i could trust my crew we gotta put someone off with this who do we go for 100 it's not pokey i don't know 100 was not pokey i was panicked everyone was making noises i didn't know [Music] she has very good guts sounds weird what can i say i meant good gut feeling good good gut feeling why do people make things weird guys anyone got a scam scan ludwig no sure hope they don't kill me here oh no who did i just see who's on lights with me would you [ __ ] off um it was me okay so i just uh it was me miss why oh miss went to the lights i was [ __ ] watching you guys playing patty cake dude oh my god you guys got any interest in the body yes yeah it was in the cafeteria uh myth was here but it sounds like he left to the lights and i think i might have seen s fanned here also so how many people were in cafeteria yeah who was in cafeteria right now there's like a ton of us in there one that was i'm pretty sure this happened after the lights went out though okay when i was i thought i saw but you just said that sorry to cut you off you just said that myth was leaving after the likes uh myth must have left when the lights turned off because i was looking for him no i'm randy i'm pretty sure i saw ludwig and s fans wait security is it you what i want to hear from jody that was well because me pokey and john are running up and i'm pretty sure i ran like in lights room it was i want to say miz um what wants tep and myth and someone else it's wanted okay i gave it oh so these are the people that i saw i saw one tip there one thing i think it says fanned i saw him with blood you know i saw miz and um wait but the body is in cafeteria i think it was s fan guys [Music] um oh man if it's not his fan this is gonna feel terrible i thought i could guys when i was running down here i swear i saw green and red i could have sworn i saw green and red unless i'm blind and myth said he left immediately so someone's gonna pop out of that vent it's jody myth myth what are you doing she just opt out of like three different vents oh oh my god if you can't guess i was not sure if it was myth um wow they just went on a killing spree [Music] oh it's not that they just killed so many people what did you do in high school oh um i did my homework and i ate lunch and did you get like tons of girls dude were you're just like the biggest ladies man um oh oh i've had one relationship but it was online all right dude you don't got to rub it in our face man yeah oh wait i thought that's what you were asking come on we're like come on we like just met dude this is ridiculous you don't have to like we get it yeah like we gotta get over his ears when you're telling us those saucy stories you guys ever played maple story before dude no no i gifted this person a hair coupon turns out it was a guy but nice um oh so you you oh you got the kia fish too shame oh you too myth oh yeah absolutely dude dude it's crazy i used to play maybe one time this guy i called like you gave me a hair coupon i called it police i called the chicks local police and they were like yeah that person doesn't exist oh god [Music] you
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 2,822,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sykkuno,, offlinetv, lilypichu, lily, valkyrae, otv, pokimane, sykkuno valkyrae, disguised toast, toast, among us, among us sykkuno, among us offline tv, sykkuno offlinetv, among us impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us funny moments, among us gameplay, disguised toast among us, among us vent, among us vent kill, among us toast, pewdiepie among us, jacksepticeye among us, among us pokimane, among us trick, among us greatest, among us crossover
Id: 4IpD3w-jSBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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