my FASTEST 6500 IQ task speedrun ever....

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[Music] i'm gonna speed run my task but i'm gonna start on the left side and i'm gonna go [Music] i'm gonna finish all my tasks before the first body is reported let's go baby oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god the legendary full clear and one round point seven point seven i can do it after years i'll try to do this finally gonna do it i can do it i can do it i can do it i can do it i can do it almost almost i'm so close don't kill me ray i'm gonna do it on the planet find the planet yes i did it i have achieved the impossible i completed all my tasks before the first body is found dreams do come true but now i just need to live to be able to tell people about it oh my god oh my god that task bar i almost did all my pass wow i did every single task that's the only piece of information i have is that i finished all my tasks before the first body was found so you're so good faster than me you're insane everyone to know that this guy's toast well now that i did all my tasks i'm going to live on the cameras uh red they come at the bottom doing trash cycano is doing water jug filling the gas canister okay so i could only that you did that gas canister way too fast buddy hey event tycoon are doing some weird stuff hooray wendy wow god never mind um what the heck anyone got any information um i literally just came out of vitals and hafu was alive so she just died no that's not true that's not true both of them were dead when i checked vitals and i checked it before abe so huh what wait i'm lost i was going to clear cycuno and ray because they're in you're both at the button yeah wait am i tripping so either abe or rey is yeah why would i push the button here yeah i don't i don't think it was reaction oh so when she does this she's innocent but when i do it i get thrown out the airlock because toes hard accused leslie for not pushing it which is like i don't know it just seemed very anyways anyways arya what do you think i think the two bodies are an ad or a med area because i checked admin right before pushing the button and there was two in there unless anyone else was in there that's all right awesome i i kind of wanted to see what aria was thinking because i have an idea what everyone else was doing haven't seen arya too much though i no i'm shocked because i passed by wendy um near the o2 area on the left side like the i was i was at the tree area and i saw her but she went up so to see her dead i didn't i don't think yeah yeah and then i stayed in that area i went down like confirmed the bodies aren't left side wait ray question did you come from the right side i came from the left i went to lights i fixed them and there was saikuno who are you killing i actually don't know um if it will we have to not corpse if it's between ray i don't think that's right you want to shoot arya i think arya or abe arya or abe would be my guest i'm shooting arya just because she said that she's with wendy wait he said okay didn't we learn anything about voting it says that i had we had five seconds left to vote still at him yeah yeah that happened to me too yeah sometimes wait that's so weird i saw arya with rey and ray with all of them do any of them are any of them smart enough to camp the button though no we haven't lost yet well we haven't lost yet oh ape oh ray oh even ray oh you want me to press it you want me to press it wait why did you push the button i mean we don't have to because we didn't lose oh it wasn't abe that was me it wasn't yeah oh my corpse i thought it wasn't even the whole time uh-huh wait till i'm imposter peter oh god oh i'm just kidding i'm oh imposter game okay maybe i can make a wiring call electrical storage admin navigation cafeteria security so everyone's electrical tasks always happen first security and there's their electrical task never ends and security ever never starts the security and never ends an electrical sydney died first last game so i'ma let her live peter and wendy and abe though you guys are ripe for the picking who did it all right this is by elect this is by the vent in the electrical wow i think i can clear probably pokey and ray maybe who's in navi who was in navigation with me yeah yeah i just i just walked into navigation and i just saw race it was earlier if i think okay i saw everybody it couldn't have been ray right yes me and lily are by oh i mean like just at this second like i just saw a race wait peter where did this come from uh we came from the right side so i started at weapons did download uh did the leaf cleaning task after and then uh went to shields and then went to trash shoot where me and lilly met up nah that sounds really accurate i don't doubt peter did anybody anybody that keeps her on the right too accurate yeah yeah i saw peter doing the legion pretty sure just as you said i was doing weapons were you on the right side yeah i saw you i was i see you who wasn't there huh tell us lily said toast what are you doing toast i am trying my super new big brain strategy involving wires so if you guys could go ahead and remember every wire you do i think i can solve this anyone do wires today i don't remember no i did last round no i haven't done a single one okay if you guys just remember your wires i can i can pull off this new iq plate i'm watching the wires remember wait location i thought you said you're not exactly you're not recording today so like you know did i do wires trying news i don't think i have any wires or i don't do we i might have wires that i don't want to only have wires kill me i haven't done wires yet so if we don't have wires kill you perfect just remember your wires and give me the information and i can clear you instantly okay i never got to answer cody's question but was she on the right side too lily my bad no problem been electrical or anywhere near there the wires fire [Music] the wires all right you're still wire sydney did a starter step on the wires pokey didn't do wires cindy did a starter step pokey didn't do wires did a status that pokey didn't do wires he needed to start a step poke he didn't do wires said he did a third step pogba didn't do wire you're sitting into this third step hope you didn't do uh peter peter did you see the blood spray poke just died right below it i saw the blood spray oh my god i thought pokey killed someone but someone else killed her but i don't know who it was i don't know either all i know is that you were there and you were there with me and we were hugging in the in the night time and well i was trying to see if you would kill me again that's besides the point the point is pokey just got killed in electrical perfect a second ago this is actually i have a question tell us what were you saying about the wires yeah what's up you guys remember your wires the first two i don't know what's your first tip my first one was in the top of storage and my second one was oh i think it was outside of navi no it's outside of navi yes okay peter's cleared anyone else got water peter's already clear i know it was wait can anyone clear each other maybe we should like actually talk about pokey dying right now wait where did you well i liked the wires but pokey just died right in front of us oh oh god wait what if post is imposter he's making you just die relying on him i think ryan was passing by yeah i did see him like within once you're both in navigation yeah can anyone else no i'm not in that i passed him huh i passed him right now so you're both on the right side i saw him in the last three i passed anyone else uh how many why is it electrical there is no wire meta is there toes wait peter did we see them there uh i did that no no one was there when i did it i did it first no i mean like where are you in the last like 10 seconds like like right before the meeting was hit um i'm just to the left of uh electrical room right now what i'm skipping uh what are we doing from the number it's abe or toast okay or cycuno peter you know it's not me wait oh we should have taken a shot well not really oh sakuno you know too much my friend you gotta go i need ryan i need ryan to double kill these two bonobos [Music] i should probably do some door sabotages i thought i was jumping in bed it stopped nice i knew it i knew it all right all right this is uh on the far right right middle bottom-ish hallway but you saw toast jumping to a vet i'll let you go first does it connect to the middle vent hallway security security camera the bottom vent in that room he just jumped in right in front of my eyes i can't believe it oh okay wow wait a minute literally less and less the more she talks i'm camping the security electrical so there's three wire tasks right the security wires so the algorithm of wiring means that the security wire i'm voting him just right now no no no no no no listen listen the security wire can never be the second wire lily claims her first wire was electrical that makes sense fifty percent of all wiring test starts in electrical but zero percent of all second wiring tasks this is some fifth a curse at security so i was trying to like go back and forth in the area and i think lily missed me and i just walked in uh with her on top of the body i don't know between sydney and ryan who's the imposter i hope sydney's the imposter i don't know i was kind of obsessed with you from the beginning when i was following you with all the same tasks how did this turn around so fast ryan ryan ryan the fact that oh okay and let's see what happens i think it was toad well we'd lose here if it was it was toast right you would yes [Applause] i have no idea what you were talking about wow that game was oh [Music] and rey sounded really innocent and her padding for tasks lined up really well as well oh god lily on a vent so that was my main hunch because i passed peter in the top and i didn't die maybe his kill was on cooldown but i thought i figured he would have just killed me there maybe he should have if it wasn't cooldown it might have been on cooldown wait i was surprised oh god lily saw me in the dark and i'm alive so um that's weird cafeteria okay i think i only found leslie's body from i can tell but i'm not 100 sure edison might be in here too this is electrical there are actually there it might have been i'm not a hundred percent sure how uh people are in there well i mean he said he only found leslie's body so we don't when i reported the body i probably should have checked the back of electrical but i know pokey was right behind me and i thought that it would have been me a little sucks if i didn't report the body right away when i saw it so edison's body might be the back of electrical but i'm not sure if you peter okay cool uh i know there was a bunch of people in electrical when it was fixed can anyone say who that one um really i thought it was just you that fixed it on your own yeah i actually just dipped in to check there were like three or four people in there i think who fixed the lights peter did oh i didn't i didn't fix it i actually just walked into check there were other people already on it yeah oh well who did you say who was there i'm starting to think this was a double kill and um i didn't check admin the thing is i actually went into electrical to finish a task uh and that's when i found the body pull in there nope so when i went in to fix electrical i already saw two like two or three bodies already in there fixing it so i left um when i went in i only saw leslie's body and uh edison's also dead my speculation is that this was a double kill and the two other people that i saw in electrical aren't saying who they are because they're imposters so did you see edison in electrical the first time i think i might have but i'm not 100 sure um this is a lot of uh sorry my my memory is fine it's just hard to work off i'll upload because i was too stubborn to interrupt to go there but without that brain i did see i did see on upload yeah she was there and i saw pokey earlier and she seemed fine but i don't know okay i kind of want a button just so we could talk about where everyone else was then yeah it seemed like a lot of talking going on leslie and edison they're both dead oh oh gonna be like that i would say i'm pretty clear of lily peter and faye did it i'd be hard-pressed to imagine it slowly that okay let's get a quick count peter's at the table uh i'm with lily and corpse corpses yeah walking back to the table like yeah i was walking back as well were you guys together no i was heading down south yeah i was just going north where you were heading down south that's you ray excuse me is that stinky how you heading back to the table from the south side where it's twice as long to get there well i mean because i know there's people there people are going to push the button so i was like waiting for people to push the button but in that case you're not to the table i saw toes head south as well so i was going that way as well that was going on then it's tycoon then right right what likely yeah i don't know where faye went though yeah i don't know where she went she was left in reactor she was in reacting yeah well then it has to be psychonaut wait why because i saw toast go south the thing is like i don't know when she died unless i kind of double backed and kill her no i left her reactor as soon as i went south yeah i just left but i don't even remember seeing her there because everyone else did the thingy toast have you been gathering intel where were you first round uh with lily for the most part oh wait where's lily at oh yeah lily lily you haven't said a word this way really really really are you doing a youtube video where you don't say a single thing and you win lily you know i'm not even sure what happened that round okay i'm sucks of lily and cycuno then it's me it's nice guys please try to clear someone we we don't have much information i think i'm clearing pokey here for sure and corpse yeah but that's all i know it's is it rey inside kuno then ah man okay you know what i'll i won't try too hard i feel like it's ransacuno and i want both of them to be able to win all righty card swipe and she's just staring at people menacingly all right ray you want to kill me don't you you want to kill me ray you want to kill me oh she was killed on the button what holy that's crazy okay this could not have been corpses literally just with me in electrical it could not have been peter all right can anyone vouch anyone was like they're okay oh my god i just saw pokey leave admin to head up so this this had to have just happened some other people toast are you toast are you in admin lily were you an admin there was people in there with us yeah michael was an administrator oh my god wait this is michael i i was so confused it's like is that michael okay so it's not michael ray or toast not me it's not me saikuna where were you um i was on the right side by the weapons area um i think i think based off of previous round sauce i'm most awesome cycuno you know i'm pretty suss with myself too yeah yeah i i feel like i feel like past rounds in this round house looks like her now tell us what do you think yeah i'm inclined to agree with that it's either cycuno or rey no it's not me it's not me and i'm pretty sure toasty went south after admin right yeah okay and i think lily's still in the room the admin room so it has to be and if course and peter voucher has to be like who knows it has to be yeah that makes sense uh but but wait guys um it has to be rey because it's it's not it's okay shut up shut up it's definitely something wait wait don't suppress him what are you trying to say kudos speak your piece thank you peter thank you peter okay um uh well you see let me explain why it's ray um so her she's red because of the bomb kill cycuno now kill him now how do you hit him this [Laughter] i don't know if it's rey anymore then because saikuno can be accounted for for both those kills [Music] it's ray i think ray is still the other one i think ray's still the other one right yeah it's gotta be rey someone just died outside the hallway i'm guessing it's corpse i'm gonna finish my stomach says uh this was on the left side um outside reactor hallway who fixed lights raided yeah i honestly don't know is discord broken oh okay ray what'd you who'd you vote for i think we know i i don't i was gonna i was gonna i have no idea really i'm not trying i'm probably i skipped i skipped peter why'd you do this round i started top right i did the second part of the power diverting and weapons i went back doors closed on me uh ray was in the general area as well i'm trying to get back in the cafeteria i finally get back in lights are called i head south oh wait no lights aren't called yet i go south go into storage fill up my gas tank when lights are called and then i wait outside because i don't want to die inside of electrical but then i head in eventually and i see ray fixing lights and i think i saw michael passing at some point yeah i definitely saw peter top right by weapons and i feel like he could have killed me but he'd not this is a little hard i'm kind of still think it's ray though that's wrong i would not have been so gung-ho about saikuno gung-ho my ass you only gung-ho after i called him out i think toaster's struggling because i'm proven innocent okay wait the way ray said that makes me more can we please skip you guys are stressing me out uh i'll i'll skip i was good i also haven't heard anything from michael aka lilly hey i don't know what's happened no offense oh the problem is like where was ray that first round crap was peter cleared round one i don't have my button anymore do i oh my god it's gonna happen i just know it's gonna happen the classic kill in the corner call oxygen kill at oxygen ray were you cleared from round uh sorry peter were you clear from round one round one oh you no peter found the body god damn can we just stick together i'm having the hardest time remembering what happened um but i want to say that i'm actually really scared of ray because like the past two rounds when i'm around her doors keep closing around me goddamn michael's cleared i'm hard i'm gonna hard to get myself michael's clear as well yeah michael's for sure clear in my opinion okay so toast doesn't initially suss of cicuna before ray hopped on even though ray went super hard on cicuna so i'm thinking maybe it's just rey flipping on her partner you i was suss of cycuno that round with the reactor three people at button all right i saw toast go south i didn't know saikuno or lily but i was sussex i could know that round for sure i definitely was ready to vote him out look it's peter or ray from my perspective assuming i'm innocent i understand that yeah i unders well actually i don't understand why you think it's me but i understand that i would we should skip see i'm more sauce of rey of course you are because you're probably the imposter oh you know what i'm willing to bet my my life on this one don't don't do it love i love you toast don't do it it's wrong it's wrong why would i vote it's really wrong you i hate you right i hate you no you don't we're friends let's get you voted for me ah because he michael's cleared fears down there race on the left michael's alive why are we splitting like this this is so dangerous go go go go go go go go go go oh thank god she didn't kill peter fixed both i need to check from bottom side he needs to check from top side and check from bottom side these are such nice door closes how how long how long ray how long two seconds that was a very nice place very nicely oh you convinced me to skip to spy my vest toast you couldn't just let me have it look you played it really worked so hard you did that's good acting damn i can't believe i skipped oh and the door closes were well done too yeah that was sakuno that was me yeah that was a good door literally like on peter's ass right behind him about to cut up makes me scared i agree you developed your strategy [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 3,156,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay
Id: oc68u-j7sdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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