MONEY MONEY MONEY! Selling at flea market I bought an abandoned storage unit

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this is what the flea market is all about right here and that's the gold price sale there 520 put that in our pocket for now so this is our sales for today we're a little over - this is - ladies and gentlemen boys and girls parents of all ages it is Wednesday morning in the house we have Tony that's weird a to give you a cool nickname salt princess and over here we got the man the myth the legend unload in the van 300 dollar unit lots to do today we got to get this van unloaded we got to get this trailer unloaded we got to sell everything we got to clean it up we got to take it to the dumps that is two dollars and then we have to go pick up and fill more units to come out here and sell tomorrow on a Thursday because that is hustle grind the line that's a boost a little engine that could look yeah yeah that's money right there how much you think that's work hundred I'm guessing somewhere between one and two hundred dollars nada get a good observation and we get my Google machine and I'm gonna look at the time well if y'all have any idea have to comment down below oh my gosh hi blurry but y'all can still see it hey I can fly and you guys a train club doesn't have any idea about these things let us know with some comments down below this is one's plastics some train tracks down there to train track do they have anything on that I don't think so oh look at this market is dead today ladies and gentlemen this is kind of nuts Wow I don't know what's going on hold that money and do something silly oh yeah it's 8:30 in the morning we still got so much to go these guys are taking a break finally uncle Michael's back on the job and we have just stuff everywhere not only that we have next door to us our neighbor the world-famous Locker nuts over here look at this guy Jack you want to say hello to the whole world no I'm not going live till 10:00 this is just a video what are you selling here look at him he's upselling Jana has a better storage buyer than him I like it she's had her fair share how much did this one cost how much you be made back on and so far okay great shoes all name-brand okay the video come out are you giving us like a sneak peak here okay not to mention over here we have a nother storage buyer here man II have to go check out his channel hey you know this is sign that's sign Bret the Hitman Hart what are you selling here today mani is this all one storage okay so this is several units no way to tell how much you paid for so then there's no way it's heading to find out how much you're gonna make off it all right well I tried no I'm just filming right now making a flea market love what's that you tell everybody you love them didn't go to like his videos you want to say your channel you have English subtitles correct I see them ladies and gentlemen boys and girls pirates of all ages we got stalkers we got Uncle Mike's we got hustling with hustlers Benji okay Michael Harold's left him alone dig sharpen and we got the whole market okay we just got a little bit of stuff bro you're selling this good unit from that $3,000 my massive pay off with a little bit of gamble price and bats some of these bats are very expensive new but the bat has a high depreciation value I'm looking at these at 42 50 apiece youth I got a guy coming to look at Rasta by him these ones were like 80 to 100 used these three right here so we're gonna see what we could do right now with that we're gonna show you some more sales what are you googling benzene well Alex like but I only find the one with the signatures and it's like 2750 oh yeah this man wants to know a price on our hoes yeah we're selling hoes what are these good depends on what they are made of these are high quality yeah I'm thinking 15 polyurethane the rod sage very expensive what is it I think my guy will probably buy those too my price would be 400 given 350 450 for that those that was that would be like 260 100 week 360 plus four days you said before so that knocks that down 50 baht yeah they said you buying it yeah look ladies and gentlemen astro pop does work ice babe here we are the flea market and Alex just brought up an interesting point my camera is it the flea market is the essential place to sell most your stuff from storage unit correct correct unless you use Craigslist place with marketplace consider to get rid of minimal changes but this man just pointed out that I have a man for everywhere everything I told my head a Batman he didn't think I had hey I'm Batman that is the key to this business in my eyes is knowing what your customers want when you buy something if you already have somebody in mind to buy it you've already won because you know as soon as you bring it to them it's sold instant cash transfers you know what I got a man for right now office equipment you know yeah cubicles and stuff and it's hard to find people once you get a cubicle man I don't I don't think you can move in shake hands we're gonna shake hands shake hands Alex shake hands with this this is a deal you guys haven't seen yet but you will see someday in the future it's been agreed upon far more than just this plastic toe they will record your name dispensers challenge but that one that I bought for for 4200 in extra space had the cases in heat transport office by the way Scott a lot of people have been sending you prayers and wishing you well because Uncle Mike will disclose that you went into surgery on a video so you've been getting a lot of goodness nieces you will have to see what we disagreed on very soon we will announce that deal close once again how we make a legal because that's how we deal with projectile dispensers here at storage auction pyre is we make them legal that's why we're able to show them that's why we're not afraid of them and that's why it pays to have friends and know what they're doing because everything in life you should have somebody to help you make it happen ten oh five 10 15 whatever packing up calling it a day we've done some money today got our sorted stuff ready got our eBay stuff set aside again did our double root getting ready for Stockton Monday we're gonna go this man's gonna go fill up his trailer with some stuff I'm gonna go fill up my trailer with some stuff we're gonna have our own stuffs that we're selling on top of our collaborated stuffs look at the way he packs that ladies gentlemen getting the same thing up here you hear you was like 7:00 in the morning ladies and gentlemen with the girls and we're at the flea market we're taking up everything today we got the salt princess routing we got Tony and Uncle Michael doing their thing we got customers we got outlets we got trailer loads everywhere whoo good lordy what is it like 9 9 16 we finally got everything out and everywhere you look is stuff we go all the way down to the Ford there we got Charles rootin for paperclips and envelopes and crayons see I'm not I know you I know you I was talking with this last time I live last night the key top-selling is knowing what your customers want before you even get it we got Uncle Mike over here we got Alex he's coming back from his was that your fourth trip to food that's the problem we got a Roach coach across from us we got Tony we got just customers and we got more stuff please Jim a look at this it's up everywhere it is nuts this is how you gotta make money sometimes you got to bring it out we're looking at rain for like ten dates I bought then we're gonna rain for like ten days so we've got our gold from our units this week that's silver isn't it I didn't what about these you can test us here we are we have made some chemical got a pocket pan full of money there I got money here we got Tony over here got a pocket full of money and got more money here from sales today how is the guts sale what's that I got make my little clip for a dollar so let's have a dollar sale this is the aftermath for the three thousand dollar storage unit show you guys what it's all about all the eights I always ask guy I told everybody if they want to see a dollar sale to type eight in the comment section know we have these are you ready start yelling everything with the tool bar gonna go stand by the toolbox buying is always selling the key to getting rid of everything is having a place you can liquidate the 95 to 98% that it's not worth selling you sell the same stuff over and over in my eyes you're actually losing money because you're not getting on to the next one turn a burn and making lots of money and this is how you liquidate the ninety five percent the free sale and you see right here if you saw how much we had in this flea market load it's almost gone this is what the flea market is all about right and ladies gentleman we have made it to the market is 703 we are technically three minutes late Alex showed up a little earlier nice got some of the load out already it's still kicking well we got one trailer we got two trailers we got uncle uncle Michael converted finally look uncle Michaels and on the phone Alex he knows a winning team when he sees it he's got my oh he's just so happy and smiling doesn't even matter we know customers to below zero and Jax just got the biggest grin in the world it's now eight forty nine as you can see everything is out first flea market and how long alex forever we've been waiting forever and eternity make a sales left and right i just show him cracks either for two bucks of it we got everything you could think we got records brass tables golf clubs boxes I came in described it all talked to full of money here storage doctor stocking all the customers and we have gold I'm curious to know what you want to pay me for these because these have a loose tonight Jayden him I think is what it's called all right bacon we're gonna play let's make a deal is this fourteen and that's the gold price sale there five twenty put that in our pocket for now we're here trying to make money at the flea market and there's Alex dipping tools hash tag dips taking a quick break needed to get a break from Alex so I left him in our booth oh hey there he is he followed me we're over here looking at storage Scott's and uncle Michaels booth since I'm in your booth I want to take this opportunity a lot of people been asking about you and wondering how you're doing they have I seen that oh my uncle Michael disclosed a little bit of your life recently on YouTube Sinatra bass mr. concern for you I can't complain things went all bad but I'm alive I'm grateful for that but it didn't go very well so hopefully in a month or so this next surgery Susy produces the turn will show y'all any specific reason why you're back to work on arrest them right away and the weather has taken a little bit of a turn for the worst you can see the sun's there but the fog has said in its coal or think it's made this customers want to leave we've got all this stuff out here from that three hundred dollar nightmare unit we've got stuff from the 25 hundred dollar pods and even a little bit of stuff left over from the $1500 know that three thousand dollar pod look you guys are all on a vlog if you guys comment right now anybody who's on comments right now you will be live on the vlog that comes out they will show the free sale look at that see everybody look at your life look at that say hello to yourself and then you'll see yourself later saying hello to yourself so if you guys watch the live from the video I did at the market this day you solved the dollar so you saw the getting rid of everything we're about to start the free sale since you're gonna see that jacked are you're not doing a dollar sale today we hogging them all can I teach you a little something out psychology you want to be the first like it's like yeah on Mondays there's not as many people do it like Wednesdays we have to compete with Troy and Marco and all the other buyers the key is you want to be the first to do a dollar sale because then you control the crowd and then when you're doing with done up a dollar then they start doing a dollar right then what do you do free and you steal them back again I usually go straight to free I really don't see you doing that shit acting because I think you like money too much that you're gonna at least get a few dollars and you're gonna put away a few things probably oh okay free it is free so everything's free here is it really everything's free is that how you yeah do you really want to be free everything's free gratis gratis free free free right here everything over here is free fill your carts up everything's free you don't even have to steal it you just take it we got a few people to move grotty she has her hands on your monkey No I said she has your hands hey is this a movie prop this isn't the one from last night okay you know what I like this I'm stealing this I'm stealing this take as much as you can carry man we need all the help you can get everything is free gratis Betty there's a cute doll house sir I could see you enjoying that later I have dolls over there we could build a whole set well yeah I'm gonna film you filming me film off almost everything is gone now where's my commission I get 10% all the sales oh look at Alex he says Tony I got that on film Tony dollar dollar dollar dollar dollar dollar the dollar sale is officially working it never works for us but now it's working that girls over there too so she's officially a flea market dog $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 I do he undo the eBay day and night here's 40 you guys a good view thank you listen that's how good the business is we tried to take him a deal he gave us more money ladies and gentlemen yeah we got a tip I got a tip for you Tony don't eat yellow snow they match your fox hat I like trying to set you up with your girl he told her that she should ask you out side chick number 72 Tony asked Alex after she would ask you out take you to nice dinner she said you're a little too nice way that's nice is good still so basically you got to do something uh nice to get her attention I was like so he's too nice maybe dude deuce you wanna know what you do next time she asked for a price don't be nice break the item well yeah but she said she's too nice so you have to show like a little non nice I just break it no look at that that's what a bullfighting guy's got a nice pile going here yeah that's he understands the art of reason I think that spider that bit and made him delirious dollar everything's a dollar over here Alexis serenity looks like me Scot says there's no customers out here oh cool can we give that to Liz and say you got her dog take her home be like babe I got your dog it's a clip for your next video Alex comment below hashtag live deserves no put it in your pocket put it in your pocket or a box not on the ground I'm gonna say this time and time and time again when you buy a storage unit the most important thing is how to get rid of this stuff and this is literally worth probably 60 to 70 percent of stuff from storage units goes the dumps or free would you agree with that total you have a different percentage I agree no emotional attachment to none of this I wish some of this was the breakdown of 60 to 70 percents dumpster free sale 20 to 30% is good stuff and then 5% is internet not even that much looking all of this running right where's that like 82 bucks 82-62 so this is our sales for today we're a little over 2 this is 2 and then we got her countless small bills she's practicing 7 12 6 9 13 that's 27 30 that's a wrap ladies and gentlemen two trailers full one goes home empty like three things in it and then this goes to the dumps that is how you liquidate a storage unit to make huge profits and a tiny little bit of time I feel like that was the longest flea market of my life it's been forever as I stay there till 2 o'clock this Uncle Mike would have a field day picking apart this load
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 14,040
Rating: 4.933434 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: VlKgdfEba2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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