I Found MORE GOLD and SILVER In An Abandoned Storage Unit Auction!

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this is handmade in Spain I want to know what's in it [Music] well good evening this is Jason thrift trader and this evening since it's already dark out here is day number four at the steampunk storage unit and we still got a lot of stuff left this stuff right here this stuff right here we already went through so I'm going to go ahead and load that stuff up and then try to I'm gonna try to get another load I've got my trailer with me today so we should be able to get quite a bit done this evening some of this stuff I moved around just because I wanted to get to the back of the unit and see what kind of furniture was back there we did go through a couple of boxes off of camera but we'll be going through those again on camera only a couple of them I didn't go through all of them so let's see what we get done today so stay tuned alright guys well it's the first time I've used this GoPro I got the chest chest harness on I got a head lamp on so that you guys might be able to see a little bit better I got all of the boxes that were over here that we've already went through all those are gone okay so now we're gonna start working on these boxes and I'm gonna make this kind of quick so we'll start with the obvious stuff this right here's a bunch of comics a whole bunch of comics here all these are comics comics hopefully you guys can see that know if you can or not comics comics and comics and these will go through at a later time now we're gonna start going through these says plants and shoes I have forgotten my knife so we're gonna use a key today where's our shoes no shoes looks like boots and shoes and restin oh no if you guys could see hopefully you'll see that miscellaneous Christmas Christmas cards and randoms deaths oh my eyes are cool yeah I got a lot of different stuff in here that's cool Rudolph that's the abominable snowman a different Christmas stuff in here that just looks like we're having a paper I'm not gonna go through much of this right now we'll go through that later just miscellaneous stuff here a lot beads and stuff in here looks like more crafting supplies in here more crafting supplies books that's probably yeah Edwin Knowles China where's that so random miscellaneous that risk just looks like books yeah [Music] kitchen I can't believe I forgot my dang looks like name tag name badge things and that's pretty cool I have no idea in here mini bow that's cool just roleplay stuff [Music] [Music] it's cool random stuff in there I'll leave that's heavy oh man there's a ton of these says your Persian horse archers dang that's cool there's a whole bunch of those in here I [Music] can almost guarantee you this is the same thing yep those are the same thing cool it's a bunch of them just randomness in here looks like okay these rainiest wire baskets bedroom stuff [Music] let's take a gander [Music] Marvel Super Hero Squad random stuffs dragon Lego Star Wars the only pin you can you connect and build that's cool random things in here troop supports cooling a scarf some kind of sample large sewing set rack up random parts no clue just random stuff joiner clipless that's cool looks like some comics down there possibly more ravenous crafting carry case and miscellaneous [Music] that's cool a lot of cross stitch patterns here and an empty carrying case miscellaneous crafting and antique metal long stem table lamp alright I guess this is the antique long-stem table lamp I don't think this is antique nope there's made in China I can't imagine that antique water different parts in here looks like a throw blanket not sure what this is okay if there's anything in here it up this is personal things here this little looks like little beads random stuff nice Christmas Tim okay new package these could be Longaberger baskets throw your stuff in here then put it's a crafting basket yeah lots of crafting supplies in here holy cow looks like buttons draw buttons nice he's got things in it too it says this is along a burger basket right here hand-woven nice 2001 collector's edition more beads and stuff I have to go through that later got books bookends and glass here we've seen separately these pretty neat stitching rodeo that's cool new the only thread University more of these those are gonna be trash yeah a bunch more craft supplies everywhere what this is here oh boy nothing's jumping out at me as real gold to look into that some more [Music] bunch of cassette tapes alright there's that box top drawer this is fragile glass display case okay I see the display case here we're not gonna mess with that Dutton diorama figure base there's a lot of different crafts in here glass this looks like a dragon's head here we're not gonna get into this guy's I don't want to I don't want to disturb the rep stuff yeah here's a painting who's this from don't have a clue only two bucks at one point I cannot read that I have no idea who this is from this they're not a painting I'm sorry there's a lithograph just a print see what this is miscellaneous also it feels like a bunch of books those are a bunch of resistors or circuit that's some kind of this is some kind of electrical stuff 1701 1801 Rohr wider I'm supposing that's what's in it yeah that's cool a lot of brand-new stuff in here guys new coat Apple image where no idea I'll have to look those up I don't know what those are just the pepper grinder oh I have you no clue what this is don't know the clue the stovetop type deal I'm sure the other pieces yeah the other pieces down they're not marked I can't tell if it's surely that's not silver no stamp there's a little Mickey Mouse clock Chinese origami brand new in the package that's cool miss kitty this is cat litter bags Sims classic a lot of books down here more random stuff this looks like a old pair of glasses here yeah same here more books or stuff randomness goodness good mature no doubt looks like fourth of July just looking here more crapping supplies a lot more crafting supplies here goodness gracious Medieval Fair and then of course we got a lot of knives that is a good-looking knife nope yep that's a Cutco knife there's a gut cone a few a wonder if this is Cutco it says echo echo Flint I'll bet you that's that's would be some more research so I'll have to pay attention to this to the cookware because there could be cut though that one piece of cut cut at least there's a bunch of ribbon cool his heart on the old back this says clothes looks like clothes to me just curious what kind of just a jean jacket the antsy Google nothing too special I don't think what I'll have to pay really attention to this stuff use some of some of the clothing earlier on in this unit was vintage real silk stuff this says kitchen very breakable Corel glass on top oh why Christmas ornaments this is pretty intriguing Walt Disney showcase pixie bewitched that's cool oh wow I got Burt how you start just copper looks copper done it copper bracelet I don't see anything nothing of extreme value in there I don't think there might be a different story my husband Starling in here that might be something it's hard to say there might be some Starling in here it's a really cool snake pin or pin yeah that's cool that's pretty neat is that sterling yep that's Charlie that's pretty wild-looking it's in the Fox box empty what is this thing oh wow that looks like a puzzle no it's just uh that's really cool that is really really cool 2705 kin spud a spoon SP u di n maybe 2002 walnut this is a walnut that's cool it's very nice hardwood there's more more stuffs for crafting see these are sylvestre crystal ornaments interesting see what's in this bad boy Lord of the Rings Gandalf looks like a glass goblet cool breakable miscellaneous crafting it's lightweight it's all threads it looks like that's interesting boxes crafting looks like a basket pencil in there this is just fabrics and little Christmas stuff that's cool Oh miscellaneous dunbrook jacket that's a nutcracker that's cool I have no idea that's a really old piggy bank that's crazy just a bunch of miscellaneous stuff this has got something in it oh that's a nuts Lord how old is that no water but that's no good anymore bunch of paperwork looks like some framework books another steps there's a box here Dungeons & Dragons man that's old that's really old tactical studies wheel and rules and here's more crafting earrings we'll have to go through this another time guys that's wild I think the most interesting thing and there's this that dungeons and dragons those dungeons and dragons whoops miscellaneous from cabinet and dining nook nook not a cranny dining room not a cranny art gallery there's an answer this is an art gallery the cross stitch pattern office art gallery random stuff in here guys there's a magic book intriguing a bunch of random stuff in here Disney originals will Epis it looks like a some kind of a Disney Cup that's a cool looking Cup can't go through everything here sorry guys I'm kind of hurry - trying to get this entire unit out of here into my house just for sake safekeeping are l p UW graphic Neopets what's in this the horizon book of the Elizabeth and world and that's crazy what's in here and obviously this is something I wanted to keep holy cow Charles the first skelton 1898 what Charles one Charles first by john skelton Wow 1898 says 206 and pencil that is wild this is a pretty crazy looking look guys fish bunch of other books in there too miscellaneous from library room let see whittles in here some kind of tin here that's book more crafting supplies crafting huh nothing too wild alright see what's in here these look like Christmas cards that's quarter-inch real a half-inch rail on the - looks like plushies random crafting stuff nothing too wild wild and crazy what's in the tub actually I better give this up this looks like a bunch of books books books books personal photos tons of books guys tons and tons of books what is in here more more steps these are all bead bottles s'more crafting supplies this looks like a bunch of paper oh man it's a whole bunch of these things a whole bunch of Christmas ornaments in here guys there's that see if there's anything in this oh yeah more crafting stuff look at all that more crafting crafting crafting holy cow oh my that's I think that's pretty much empty look at this guy's holy cow these were painted that's amazing there's more crafting stuff in here this is kind of heavy we got to go through this oh boy when we have empty this however is not empty and was this made of made in China is what it is hmm not too promising in the gold Department maybe though what is this let's stamped nine to five this is Charlie I don't know what kind of rock that is though that's cool it's pretty old but this watch here Seiko - Seiko watch let this 10-carat GTR I'm not sure what that means 10 carat GTR that could be gold there well it's got some kind of gold in it not sure what the GTR means though so they're sterling and gold in there again not sure how much gold cool get in there and off to piss what else we got in here clocks not seeing any anything else of grave value that's really heavy whatever that is just a big old piece of copper you can knock somebody out with that thing so you may have found another piece of gold not sure you just look like hex nuts just parts metal parts crafting books [Music] this is from Disney well I'd say that the bags from Disney oh wow Disney's artist collection mm - oh wow yep stuff is from Disney more Christmas ornaments from Disney that's cool there's another one in there looks like a whole bunch of a whole bunch of crafting books here look at all those [Music] dang that's crazy tons of crafting books I don't know if there's a market for this stuff for not guys cross stitch patterns I guess maybe is what they are not sure that's cool I'll just leave this stuff in here for now this is it nice [Music] Jourdain oh my gosh look at all those little guys this was he was definitely working on these here's more oh yeah all those there wow that's wild there's a bunch more bunch more down there that's wild holy cow okay this box about paperwork some kind of wooden bowl genuine monkeypod made in the Philippines that's interesting paperwork we turn y'all down here so you can see what's going on we have another box here guys it's a really cool looking box but it is empty as you can see these look like little catapults empty box that's cool doh a whole bunch more costume jewelry goodness it's everywhere that's some major crafters here we can't go through all of this right now a bunch of books here all books [Music] here's a loot crate got everything in it marvel that's cool here's a Grendel statue that's pretty neat get these moved over here I'll bet these are more comics plumb full guys then we get more comics all these myth adventures - robert aspirin and phil fog leo those are old we'll have to go through those later more comics says fragile a rustic stuff a bunch of blast tubes in the world upper mask that's crazy that's a laser tag deal looks to be no good but everything else in here is pretty breakable so I'm going to just leave it be we'll go through it later this looks like looks cuz it says it's books books and a purse loads and loads of books let's see what this one's about bedroom red boxes oh yeah that looks just miscellaneous and Christmas ornaments miscellaneous miscellaneous random stuff this is used to be chocolate hey Snoopy chipper nope that's not even a Zippo bum-bum-bum mid-south con that's cool what's in the dr. Scholl's box a lot of randomness I can't go into that right now look Cat in the Hat earn years of magic Walt Disney World what is that down there guys all right I'm taking it out world of warcraft it's open this coyote wolf dang business card magnets I'm taking this out I got to get to this box here couple boxes in here I don't know if this is DRAM I mean no little bitty beads drama mind you ever seen that commercial I don't know what that is this is a very old book famous science fiction stories adventures this is what I wanted to see now just a wooden box little wooden wouldn't drawer thing this is some kind of painted I'm supposing that's Japanese maybe Chinese I don't know but it looks like a painted porcelain slate that's really pretty so there's there you got to see what was in the box I like it just get it back in here just puzzles and miscellaneous crafting well there is a piece of paper there y'all come back crafting supplies here's more cross-stitch stuff paperwork thinking here guys puzzle puzzle puzzle kaleidoscope seashell kaleidoscope it's probably a puzzle just a bunch of puzzles and looks like cross stitch patterns this is miscellaneous gaming and artbooks realms of fantasy hmm nice thing is this little fella those are pretty blue topaz stone you're neat bunch of games in here the visual I Ching a new approach to the ancient Chinese oracle cards and commentary by Oliver para 10th my a magic millennium edition acropolis thieves world players manual the black black company campaign sitting okay oh that's cool Calvin and Hobbes collection books here the cartoon history of the universe books and games that's cool don't dorama kits do diorama the kids Dunton rowhouse 5c that it's all in there that's crazy this kit contains the complete front of a two-story stucco over brick building Wow I have no idea how much this kind of stuff is worth wouldn't have a single clue it's just a bunch of them in their miscellaneous paperwork is that what this says yeah it's more than paperwork that however is paperwork and personal I just turn it to its side hallmark keepsake ornament a bunch more crafting supplies books books books paperwork lips in paperwork crafting miscellaneous oh yeah there's crafting see crafting miscellaneous stuff dude there's more crafting stuff in this unit I've never ever seen in my entire life says gaming books Wow says Bubba's of the Apocalypse the card game well these look like authentic Mardi Gras beads look at all these gaming votes holy moly flesh holy riffs there's a bunch of wrists in here a whole bunch of wrists the magic official encyclopedia myth adventures and gate of Averell rival dragon magazine tool that's pretty interesting blankets and pillows this has blankets and pillows and it definitely feels like it so I'm gonna go through it this one says miscellaneous these look like a bunch of neckties here oh wow it's pretty wild-looking some beadwork I can't show you the name on there trying not to show you the name but I do want to see what the heck tango life member the embroiderers Guild of America random stuff looks like a bunch of random ornaments and stuff what's it little toys wait the wizard game bunch of random stuff down there what go through this another time guys next miscellaneous items the fury of Dracula the enclosed sculpture is very fragile and it requires extreme care and handle handling the Franklin Mint sacred okay there's a ton of cards in there trading cards of some sort just fabrics random stuff in here what is this the fury of Dracula it's a board game that's cool heroics for beginners an original mass-market paperback from a science fiction fantasy is this up oh yeah it's a proof or something no yep can't look at that man that's wild that's a that's a proof of a book this looks like books books crafts Dilbert oh here homework keepsakes one of its there's a bunch of those crafting books feels really heavy so I guarantee that's probably what's in here crafting books and craft supplies lots and lots of these little cross stitch patterns see it that's pretty cool with beads that's me this is cool that's pretty neat no telling what else is in it separately very very heavy what's down here books the unsightly opiate sherlock IANA sherlocky Anna some of this stuff is pretty wild that's in a different language books this says more books guys a whole lot more of that stuff holy moly look at all this stuff I'm sure that's everything that's in here Wow hey guys all right guys this hand made in Spain I wanna know what's in it there you go oh wow it's just but Gepetto's was just different different coins from around the world that's pretty wild whole bunch of it that's cool this is more crafting supplies what this is but I'll have to go through all of this very meticulously and see if there's anything just possibly gold in here and you never know [Music] see like this right here this is this is sterling and that might that might even be actual turquoise I don't know here's more sterling these are the earrings that go with it these are sterling there's Jasper in here look at all this this is probably likely mostly sterling in here Wow hello snake ring all right guys I can't make this [ __ ] up I really can't my GoPro here died as I was going through this box here and I'm gonna show you what we found it's crazy okay so you guys saw this I'm pretty sure full of coins right here and this is what all was left in the box go through this okay this the stamped 14 14 karat these this is gold and I would assume real pearls those are opals they are in there but this is this is golden pearls guys the real deal the real deal golden pearls in here so there's that this thing was empty this thing was feels empty too yeah that's it spitted this one this guy's look at this I believe that this gold that's gold there's many gold ring I don't I don't know if this is gold or not not sure not sure if this is gold could be here's another golden ring with two pearls on it I'm pretty sure that this is not gold might be though I don't think this is gold Oh not sure about this one either it's stamped down there something just can't read it [Applause] sorry guys the light is pretty bad in here this is gold [Applause] it's just stamped him might be sterling not sure this is gold once it stamped their 14 karat I'm not sure I think this is good too [Applause] let me move these I'm actually gonna move these over here so I don't lose them I got the truck running and warming up I'm gonna be hauling this home I have no idea if this is looks like it could be sterling I'm not sure it's crazy-looking I'm not sure what its don't know what that says this Moores trailing here's gold - snake [Applause] that looks like sterling what's it stamped an L I'm not seeing a stamp on this I'm not sure looks like it would be gold though could be more styling I'm not sure probably sterling I don't think that's anything I think this is sterling pretty wild-looking it's windy today tonight what's that stamped oh come on I can't tell there's this look at this guy's I think that's gold sure looks like it Spain another snake it may not be I don't know that might not be golden there's no snake ring to have success at buying and selling I'd say this is pretty successful this is freaking amazing I don't understand I don't understand what I did to deserve this this is crazy look at all that so yeah there's gold there there's definitely gold in there okay so there's one box I think this is just I don't think that this is gold this is not gold Wow what's going on here this is ambassador hey guys you getting this um unwound I gotta set you down that's pretty wild-looking I don't believe this to be gold though there's that ambassador pendant not sure if this is real gold or not that looks like a real piece of jade this might be gold I can't tell with this piece that's crazy I don't think that this is gold either a lot of stones missing in that it's a cufflink what's that stamp there this is Japan I think can I get to light on it anyways I don't know if that's good or not that I don't think this is gold this is a metal 1971 so there's the second box third box okay guys so my phone freaking died so we're sitting here in the truck I got this stuff moved in this is the third the third a little drawer in that chest I'm a friend of the earth so we're gonna look through this and go through everything else cuz I wanted to show you all I don't know if this is sterling or not kind of doubtful maybe but it's a creepy-looking clown necklace weird don't know what this is looks like brass or copper I'm doubting it this is real gold I'll be trippin if it is of course at this point nothing will surprise me but here's that I didn't see any markings anywhere that's gold that's a lot of weight there a lot of weight but I'm really doubting it's gold [Applause] there's just a I'm not sure what that is but there's a pin in here and then here's what I think might be a gold chain I'm not sure that's what was in the third deal now I'll go to this box empty pretty sure it's empty empty now we'll go to this box singing was full of rocks that have weird designs on them full of rocks and this is some kind of ritualistic stuff right here this is weird and this is full of stones that have different signs I don't know don't have a clue that's empty this is the cloth so that's what's in there now we'll go to this thing really nice-looking it's made in Japan I'm sorry about the light guys see if there's anything in this empty empty empty nothing in there you guys have seen this stuff right here I solve that I need to put the third one back in there I hang on guys limited space here then we have this golly it's heavy all right charley horse look at this guys look at this is this not insane I'm pretty darn sure that this is gold that gold koi that says limb something France this is stamped 14k and see it there in the middle Wow I'm shaking let me get to the where the clasp is where would it be where would it be stand I'm not sure that this piece is stamped but I'm fairly certain that it's gold golden necklace look at this what's it say 14 karat Italy 14 karat gold necklace or bracelet I don't see anything on that clasp do you but if this is real gold this thing's heavy that stamp something as if I can get I can't read it Wow this is real gold another gold bracelet I think that's gold to build necklace there's another gold necklace if I was betting I'd say this is gold - I'm looking yep says Italy there and I think that says yeah it's gold another gold necklace I think these are all gold necklaces guys Wow look at that these are all Gomez necklaces not sure about that this is pewter oh boy this thing's really heavy see that 14 karat our glass there's diamonds in there Opel's that's heavy too I'm pretty sure that's real - damn thimble I don't know if this gold or not looking for a stamp won't see one [Applause] this just has a W or something stamped on it look at this guy's there it is there's the stamp and barely catch it if it'll ever focus there it is that's real real gold it looks like sapphires blue sapphires look at all this oh goodness no telling how much of that's gold there's just no telling this was stamped 14k right there in the center I don't know about this one we that it's a little perfume bottle says made in Austria maybe this I'm not sure what that says there's a stamp there can you make that up well does it say something plate I'm not sure dude if this was solid gold it weighs probably get three ounces you can't see it but those eyes are grain in there this is wild tons of more coins in here [Applause] this is green I don't know if it's Jade or what [Applause] I don't have a clue what is hanging for compass bracelet his computer that's weird [Music] these are just earrings I don't think they're gold Oh could be wrong they looked at color of gold I know this isn't gold well I don't know but looks too shiny be golden what does that say kara Oh I don't think this is gold don't have a clue that might be gold I'm not sure carriage watch I don't know what that is probably sterling this is sterling this is likely sterling this is likely sterling I think that says sterling yeah that's pretty cool this is copyright JJ that's likely sterling too I'm not sure what that says koi fish nine to five I think that's what it says yeah miss charlie there's a lot of sterling in here that's all sterling so yeah Wow a box full of precious metal crazy models poppin bottles [Music]
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 187,787
Rating: 4.5936675 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Unit, Abandoned Storage Unit, Storage Unit Finds, Storage Wars, Storage Auction, Bought, Spent, Artwork, Steampunk, Storage Locker, Auction Bid, Storage Unit Auctions, Treasure, Auction Hunters, Unboxing, Found This, Unclaimed Storage Unit, Unclaimed, Vintage Storage Unit, Haul Video, Real Storage Auction, Auction Hauls, Storage Facility Auction, Won A Storage Unit Auction, Buy, Sell, Antiques, Treasures, Treasure Picking, Thrift Trader, collector, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Jewelry
Id: HLo8yyg26uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 42sec (7002 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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