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Disney pen now we're talking hell yeah ladies and gentlemen boys and girls of all ages we are back just bought this unit for $1,100 bought it for more than one specific reason there's at a very expensive laptop case you're about to see there's a really nice-looking gas-powered scooter and potential of gods all right here we go whoo look at that guns are they real I don't want to touch them this is the main reason why I bought it right here alien where let's see if it opens up let's just go right to it right now let's see if it opens up because this could be a three thousand dollar computer engine this is a laptop see that's why even has this fancy thing because I just remember I was showing you that laptop the win for 3,300 used could be this one it's locked and I don't want to destroy this case but it is fulfill it ladies and gentle we have a special guest star here that is it there's a laptop in there it is a laptop in there there's it's made to go perfect in there that's got to go with me um what do you think you ever we at home no I'm just rying to get fit oh this is brand-new in the box right here this is really nice it's a good sign when you see something even though this is cheap it's brand-new in the box yeah can you grab an item yeah grab an item oh look at this I'm a junkyard junkie I see money already we're Hot Diggity damn what are those it's 1995 nine what are we looking for star in the bottom yeah that one is after save a star in a bar though that would do where'd you learn it from look at that 1999 with a star in the bottom Jack had that his specialist Greg on there recently we're gonna have to do an in-depth analyzation of these at a later date because we can wear none of us or Pokemon experts and continue now it's junk drawer man is that real kind of feel they could be up to ten grand I think you see where that is Bank of Korea a thousand some things it doesn't even tell us either it's just a thousand oh these are always good these all right they're money bags from noon for the new year there's something in there there's something in there yeah I want you to have that give you good luck look at these yeah that's a good little junk drawer here all the change money Oh another thousand of those two thousand of them yeah let's keep going here look at this this is for the wallet Starbucks that gift card or is that uh who found gift cards I think that's a credit let's look it up anyway see units got a look it's just got a little bit of money in it look at this coach it's kind of cool what are those he's a time bourbon Oh a coaster something nobody ever uses when they come over ps3 airplane ticket manila the Thrilla in Manilla duo I don't never do I know there's a youtubers that do I should give that a try that's the money right here that is we can use it to count all the money we're gonna make on this unit yeah sadly these are empty what positive I think those are will go in those are nice rims and there we go was it was that what do you owe him that scooter right there yeah look at that I think we're everywhere yes boxes of shoes and Cadillac converters hold on let's get to them cuz I know somebody wants to buy a ps4 and then there's these right here oh this one could be a gun right here look it's got two gas tanks - made in USA look at the exhaust on that thing this thing probably goes fast enough to hurt ourselves yeah I see if it gots compression Hedi do that oh it's got a choke thing or a full start right there it's nice Wow oh we got tires yeah oh there's a nice case of some form it could be a real one this looks like you think that's what's in there no maybe and there's another one of these like somebody had a kid what kind of rounds are these they say Jeep on those looks like don't look in the rearview here those look like these black ones here and these chrome ones look at their chief why they're Nissan's and they're really well worn Nissan's poker poker oh this is the most extreme looking DJ Wow serious think it's that gold it's like Eminem in what you call it edition okay so so my $1,100 right here mm-hmm probably a nissan car park yep stop it sometimes I want to be wrong what is it look at this selfie stick a selfie stick no look at Mike the case you've already found are there alien alien where you know okay it's because that we've had to Alienware so that could make something what is oh please be alien where oh yes yes looking good shape alien where holy crap that's the one you showed me earlier like it was like I don't know which ones they were I just know I looked up alien where but that that's a good sign of the other one has an alien where does they're probably gamers that's I'm thinking I'm feeling confident there's definitely money to be made on this one finally the trendy guy have a slump after that last one I bought oh look at those BBS I would be she would probably know what is this since for moms no moms brand-new in-the-box whatever that is and throw some Levi's got them whatever those are don't look at these those are almost cool no so any wanted to be suave these are almost cool get it very interesting a very specific style brought to you by skater looks like I might actually wear those look and then it's the lower top version high top low top yeah circa slippers no gonna make some skaters day ain't you going zucchini what's the jimmies nice $49 $49 halfway there yeah keep going this guy see them all okay okay so he went to court look court class either more skating ones phone bidder that's the breakfast on its way oh those like vans Oh finally come on be them rare oh you know who might like those yes those are nice those are realize those are dibs sighs twelve days ten austere boxes - hmm no dibs but these are money box and your last box nice skating shoes are expensive skating shoes on expensive another selfie stick I think he was trying to do something like something fancy some youtube type stuff maybe we got here I'll break Trump's week almost build a Nissan there's one want to lift your Nissan maybe got a Nissan Shox oh I'll need this can you put that on my good pal you know who likes plants ooh ooh ooh come on no don't Disney pen now we're talking Oh hells yeah please be real Shh tell me isn't real oh I was gonna look at this in a second it looks like mmm I'm not gonna let you didn't bring that negative energy in here yet thirsty more what's going to Philippines they would be rich for like 10 minutes what time is it any candle some love makeup tonight no games for window d can't white go woohoo is that real is that real this one that doesn't look pretty real don't it I don't know what brand a bike that is are we're gonna throw this all in here and finish up this video at the next location cuz we got to go I think we've pretty much ransacked everything here of value I got to open the laptop up we're gonna take a look at those eye and see if that's real and check out that gold in here to se if I got a hair tie yeah I have a pen that's a nice hat apiece no he's got a head of piece because I'm had a piece I can see how to do it he pushed on the thing to the side of this oh yeah I don't want to break it I don't know do something like this what I did when I was younger I need it I need hairpin this is what we do when we get bored we use our truck keys to open our laptop that I really want to know what's inside of this case you know what don't give me on camera not know what I'm doing that's what you've been doing since you've been on camera I know you could be funny like that I don't know what I'm doing I must admit you want a knife well we're gonna drill it got a drill wrong Channel good with a sledgehammer wrong Channel oh I got screwdrivers maybe I know how I knows your fingering of a suitcase it's not working now what's up I'm gonna break it oh do we have a key we do sticky I'll see how he's this he's a little not more caring on this one now let's get in there Megatron receptacle is that an alien where what is it it is be careful holy laptop Batman it's heavy oh I just flipped it around you did absolutely not that nothing that one's nice looking actually that's the person gonna sue and - 11 D bucks in Pokemon DS games this game is dis unison train and money oh nice I'll poke you - okay my brothers again bringing age no laptop charger back ready welcome boys and girls of all ages alright so we are back here at my store just made a thumbnail fancy little thumbnail and I was looking at everything that there is and there's a lot of silver pieces here we have one silver necklace one two three four silver rings here that's a nice silver ring this is a nice silver ring one's kind of cool I don't know if these will end up in an auction if they'll end up in a mystery box we got tons of necklaces and bracelets this one's not real we got something with Asian words of some form two of them a bunch of necklaces charm not charms but just regular braces that don't have the names already in them we got the one Alienware I did not find a charger for that we found these two I guess they're airsoft guns or pellets right here this one what a bit this gunner here is real is $20,000 guys this gun right here is $20,000 it's a Thompson this I was hoping was real gold but upon doing my research it doesn't look real looks like there is metal showing when all the pieces come together at which is said this was a nice piece here this is a good I think for the most part I'm gonna get my money back and then some out of just the things you see here this was a nice set right here it's the Jay Z mm DJ Hero you got the pokemon card which could have extreme value you got these crazy Nikes I don't know what these are Junkman's and Concord 12 or I don't know people get mad at me for not knowing my shoes they say Viper hyper fresh with a three on them I kind of like my wish they're my size cuz uh shaumbra had like a dam and got this baby open right here crash bang boom didn't find a ps4 found the Wii Fit brand-new there's definitely some cool things that will make my money back I'll let you guys know about this we got the Louis Vuitton first I'll set up in a future I'll let you know if that was really got foreign money we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna take this one around the corner here and we're gonna see if my buddy can get this thing started for us kinda neat huh the a Spanish storage unit this things that needs to be replaced cuz it's gonna break they'll get it done doesn't talk much but that's that's no biggie I might even have carbs probably got to get cleaned that's it maybe the only thing you have to do yeah you know the roller that's that roller there what they do to it well it's uh it's it's either the wrong type or the the tensioner needs to be tighter these ones are always they always come with the guaranteed hollow yeah is it this one we're gonna that's a lot of money like at least a few thousand oh come on baby Jesus see yeah no hollow error so for it to be the no ha lawyer and asked to view the first edition Team Rocket and it's got to have a five instead of an 82 22news you okay and we just thought a first edition because it's miss Hart it's missing the foil it's supposed to be holographic but it's missing the foil when it says a five they're 82 in first edition sandwiches seems worth 30 for the condition on this one's kind of like bad right there yeah so that's not good but that's what I'm saying like a lot of the cards that I've like a little meter like this one should be yeah that's probably gonna be the most expensive one look at the little stars yeah and it's an e-reader one but the condition isn't like there yeah the rest like wouldn't be like then so I'm not sitting on a gold mine no yes we can't catch them all holy think we found a million dollar Pokemon ladies exam it was only $7
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 7,055
Rating: 4.9238901 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction pirate, storage auction, storage wars, storage wars best find ever, storage unit finds, storage pirate, storage hunters, finding money, storage wars full episodes, container wars, storage wars fight, auction hunters, storage hunters best find ever, found money, abandoned storage units, storage unit, storage wars 7.5 million dollars, best storage unit finds, auction, storage locker finds, auctions, locker nuts, American pickers, pawn stars, new storage wars
Id: yhwGzln_VYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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