I Survived Minecraft's Most Dangerous Dimension...

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in this video i'm gonna try to conquer the most dangerous dimension in minecraft the betweenlands is a whole new dimension that's filled with the scariest of monsters new ores and even bosses and ancient items my objective is to defeat all of the bosses and monsters in between lands and collect their legendary items so that the overworld can stay safe in the beginning i'll focus on gathering resources and gearing up and towards the end i'll be hunting down bosses and collecting ancient items along the way i'm faced with a lot of challenges and i only have one life to live so this is quite the adventure without further ado it's time to try and conquer the most dangerous dimension in minecraft also if you end up enjoying this video consider leaving a like and subscribing we're building up an awesome community anyways grab your favorite snacks relax and enjoy the video what is that okay i heard something between lance here here we are yeah this place does not look friendly already and it does not sound friendly i don't know what that is ah whoa whoa whoa why okay i'm okay i think ah stop stop stop what is that there's some [Music] oh okay there's these towers i'm gonna check that out in a moment okay yeah i know that's not a nice guy that's not a nice guy you're not nice okay food this is food right yes and so i had entered the betweenlands i got some of this wood and made some tools so i could protect myself from swamp hags and after defeating them i got some slimy bones which i then used to make a slimy bone sword i then ran into uh into quite the fish fish okay aggressive fish okay very aggressive fish come on gotcha after that my decay meter started running down which is right above my hunger bar and when that gets too low you lose a lot of your heart so i had to get some sap from this tree to keep my decay from falling too low as i was finishing up with chopping it down though an unfamiliar creature approached me ah what ah that's not a good thing oh that's not a good thing oh these ones are bad i know these guys oh oh okay okay no please that's a tar beast i found a cave afterwards which i figured i'd explore and i found some slimy bone actually a lot of it and some sulfur which is like the coal of the between lands and makes for some really cool torches i managed to get myself a full set of armor made out of slimy bones and it looks really really cool i only had mushrooms for food which were basically just rotten flesh so i went out to collect some better food and i found some snails which were way better than the mushrooms that i had been eating i also found these really cool glowing mushrooms as well night approached however and it was not safe what are you what are you okay come on i don't know what you're doing oh what is that shambler okay i can capture you captured a firefly oh not again here are the structures that i saw i want to check these out i don't know what these are is there anything here what is that what is this angry between stone there's a vase oh that's a bad thing oh there's another one of these oh okay note from a fallen shadow this is the first day i've managed to find time to write ever since evil was released upon the land just before i was a scholar dedicated to the preservation of knowledge then the nether destroyed everything i stood for except my memory for some reason although i have transformed into this hideous shape as my fellow people have i am different the evil energies remained dormant in me turning me dark as a shadow and they have preserved my memory but those that that may read this one day remember me remember me as white of shadows had found a note left behind by one of the people who had been transformed to a monster in the between lands i was finding out that apparently these lands were not always corrupted and filled with monsters but had a civilization there was a lot more that i needed to learn about the between lands but in the meanwhile i had the idea to set up a base in this huge tree that i found i went around lighting it up and then dug into it through one of its corners i made some progress and then placed a chest to keep my belongings safe the front was looking good and i went around breaking some more vases and got something called a bone way finder which you'll see comes very very handy later on overall i got a lot of great loot from the vases but everything comes with a price what is that what is this die die die die die die die die why why the it's not doing anything because i think i attacked it so early oh okay [Applause] i survived but it was not time to relax i was getting a lot of arrows so i made a bow i cleared up some more of the tree and made a front door entrance to my base since it was not safe outside i decided i would make a mine under my base and after digging down for a while i found a cave and carefully began mining i continued into the depths of the cave and the further i went the more darkness started to surround me i found a strange shrine and soon found this glowing oar which is called octanore and is basically a better version of iron i smelted it in a double furnace that i had made and crafted some octane tools and these things can set enemies on fire when you attack them which is just so strong i got enough octane to where i made a full set of tools with it and also made a strong chest plate with some blue oar that i had found called cymorite i was very happy with my progress so i headed for the surface and made it back home with stronger gear i was confident enough to explore more of the ruins around my base i found a crystal that spawned termites and the chest next to it had some rare gear like the critter cruncher which can defeat insects in one hit again though while exploring i was faced with an unfamiliar creature i hate this this stuff i can't oh that's a bad guy that's a bad guy that's a bad guy oh [Music] i got him i got him can i just get off this sand this this whatever this is i hate it i hate it so much i hated that dirt and it was everywhere i found another spawner with leeches and this time was able to fight them off easily with the rare weapon that i had found in the chest i found a piece of valonite which is very rare it's like the diamond of the between lens i made a new set of armor because everything i had was breaking and i made this interesting thing called a purifier which let me purify an ore that i had gotten into a gem i wanted to make an amulet using this gem but i needed this reed rope stuff so i went out to collect some it was hard to see anything but i was finally able to find the reeds that i was looking for while traveling back home i made a boat and in the between lands you have to use row boats to travel in water and these things are actually really cool once i returned home i made a rare amulet and this would basically give me a chance of getting strength and also to damage other mobs when hit i then decided that i would fully hollow out the tree that i was in and after quite some time i completed hollowing it out with my base progressing well i wanted to get more powerful so i headed down to the mine i defeated this rock creature and got a piece of valonite from it which was a really nice find i continued on mining and mining because i needed a lot of resources and then i finally progressed into the next layer of the caverns and right away tons of swamp pags started coming at me i had to be really careful on this layer because this is where the most hidden and dangerous mobs were these included stalkers which crawl on ceilings and walls and follow you around without making a sound and while they follow you they start breaking your torches one by one and once they've broken enough torches they attack there were these structures underground which had more pots and i found another journal entry explorers entries underground ruins all right i'm not liking the vibe of this place yeah i'm not liking the vibe of this place either at all it was pretty terrible before okay i like this amulet gives me strength too a lot it's awesome i feel as i'm always being watched everywhere i go yes i've been down in the caverns i hear more mobs it's the infestation oh man okay let me finish reading this real quick i've been down in the caverns again quite deep now where there's lakes of water and scattered ruins some of them had decent loot but i was more worried about the things that were looking for me rather than the things i was looking for there's a thick fog surrounding me and it keeps trying to close in there's a presence beyond the fog that is eyeing me as prey if i get out of here live i might want to call off the plunder i wish i could find the person that made all these entries you know but i don't know if i'll ever find that person i think unfortunately either either they're hiding very well or they are dead i found my first vein of actual valinite ore but it was only one piece so getting enough for a set of gear was proving to be very challenging i started searching for life crystals in the water as well because that's the only place that they spawn and they're very useful as you'll see later i didn't get any until later on but i did get some of this turquoise which is called scabist and you can basically coat your gear with this to make sure it doesn't corrode and when your gear corrodes it just basically becomes weaker and weaker so this was really useful i also found a life crystal shortly after and mined it up and i found out afterwards that these glowing mushrooms that i got earlier actually give you night vision when you eat them they do give you nausea as well but this stuff turned out to be perfect for mining i mean you eat one of these and it's like you gained x-ray for a few seconds as i continued to venture further into the cave though more and more creatures started to appear after a lot more mining i found my second vein of valinidor and again there was only one piece of it it is really really rare i then finally found a vein with two pieces but then something really really bad happened whoa oh i'm dead i'm dead cursed are those who eat the for bitten fig okay no that come on that just that does not that does not count he killed me through a wall are you kidding me no i can't how that that that that come on seriously the swamp had glitched and killed me through a wall and i didn't even know that that was possible so look just for this one time i went into the game files and restarted and let's just say that i had a bad dream where mobs kill you through walls and just now just now i am waking up upon awakening i found a vein of five valonite which was the most i'd gotten so far and was a very very good find in fact now i had enough to make boots and legs with it which made me so much stronger whites and hags continued to be very prevalent creatures in the caverns so as soon as i got more valonite i made an axe with it i actually found out that there's something called a great axe which is an even better version of the axe but when i tried to make it i couldn't do it because i had used just a little bit of durability on the regular axe i was pretty bummed out about that but with a full inventory i decided that it would be a good time to return home but uh just as i was about to leave this is what happened what that's the thing that's the stalker oh my god i need to bait it look at it look at it how do i bait it [Music] look at it look what it's doing [Music] oh i need a sword oh heal heal what is it doing oh my god there's two [Music] no no get away get away get away they're calling for more get away get away get away no no no no no no no no no no no no no they're calling for more oh my god i was afraid of those the whole time and as i'm going back up that's when i find them are you kidding me oh my god get me out get me out get me up get me out no no no no no no no get me up get get yes that has definitely scarred me for life believe it or not i actually made it back up to the surface and got back home without falling over from trauma i had just enough valinite to make a helmet and all i needed now was the chest plate and a sword the next thing i wanted to do is use these cool item scrolls that i'd been getting from pots and these basically give you random rare items and relics the first scroll gave me eight octane ingots which was pretty good and the second one gave me a weapon called the sludge slicer but the third one the third one gave me something called the ring of power this ring was an overpowered find because it gave me permanent speed to and strength i mean i fell in love with this ring i was i was like that little creature from lord of the rings with the ring i then started working on a second floor in my base because i wanted to set up a farm and it turns out that this floor ends up saving my life as you'll see later on it took me a while but i fully hollowed out the second floor and started working on a little farm while i was outside of my base collecting materials this cool thing happened what what oh oh where it's one of the the violin guys look at him oh hey guys oh that's really nice ah it's really nice guys i wish i could sit next to them if i walk up to them though well at least i still got you buddy also i connected a bone wayfinder to the stone and now i could just teleport back here by using the wayfinder whenever i wanted to i continued working on the farm and planted these things called weeping blues which make for an amazing food source and while those things spread i made this lurker skin pouch which gave me an extra row of inventory and i could upgrade this to get more rows later on as well i decided to go mining to get some more life crystals and get enough valentine to finish off my valonite set by the end of the mining trip i got just enough valinite to make a chest plate and my set was mostly completed with that i was just about ready to start adventuring into dungeons and fighting bosses the last thing i needed to do was brew up some potions more specifically potions of healing i mined for a little bit more valonite made a sickle which i needed to collect herbs and i collected as many types of herbs as i could find when i returned home i got a bit sidetracked and worked on the base for a while i added some new flooring to the base but i didn't really like it because it was too dark so i end up changing it to something lighter later and i also lit up the tree that my base was in all the way to the top of it and i couldn't really see the results yet because of the fog but it would show later on i also did something really cool i put some gems on my gear i put a green gem on my sword which gave me a chance to heal when i would attack enemies and i also put a blue gem on my chest plate which would give me a chance to gain extra defense when attacked i got back to working on brewing so i had to capture some geckos which i had to test herbs on to see what effects each herb has and felt bad testing the herbs on them but i had monsters to defeat and i didn't have much of a choice while i was doing that i also filled in the flooring with these new crag rock bricks which i thought fit very well with the base i was able to find out which herbs i needed to use for potions of healing and threw them into a brewer where i stirred them until i got the mixture that i needed you'd think that was it but i still needed to do a few more things and i barely had any oars left which i would need so i had to go mining again but uh things just went wrong wow i just thought about that i just thought that was gonna happen as i broke that block that was way too close that was way too close these sounds i'm freaking out i'm freaking out seriously this is not i can't handle these sounds what is that what is that what why do those sounds exist i have to deal with this it's still going it's still going it's been doing this for 10 minutes now i don't get if there's something that's chasing me i don't know what's happening but i really just i don't like it wait what okay this is too creepy i'm just returning home i've had enough i have had more than enough of this oh i see what's happening i see what's happening now there's an event it's a it's a it's a reddit oh no oh no oh my god oh my god let me up let me up my heart is pumping what i just got snuck up on it's the red sky it's like a blood moon but it's oh it's worse okay i need to relax oh i need to relax i don't know if i can get back to my home without dying i'm going for it get away oh i hear you i hear you i hear you oh back to my home back to my home let me get back no oh oh no oh no no [Music] no please i pray i pray please don't hit me through a wall i think that's it i think i'm safe while i waited out this red sky event i continued working on my brewing and also found out that i could actually repair my valentine armor by putting it in the animator eventually after brewing for quite a while i was able to get myself 12 elixirs of healing and these would be crucial to my survival in dungeons i was now as prepared as i could be to take on bosses and dungeons and after some searching i was able to find a fortress it was quite empty on the bottom only termites running around but as i progressed further up i encountered chiromas swamp hags these fiery thingies and at the top a lot of mobs hey hey oh oh oh okay there are a lot of whites oh this is bad when the whites attach to mobs they make them shoot okay quick break no break broke it one more spawner break got it the tower had some decent loot and i ended up getting some valonite and item scrolls but not much other than that when i started running back down the tower though it started crumbling so i had to rush out i did end up getting out but it broke my helmet because some of the blocks fell on my head which really sucked the good news though is that i got back home and one of the item scrolls that i used gave me three pieces of valonite so i had enough to make a new helmet which i was really happy about after recovering i was ready to start searching for a boss dungeon i explored around for a bit and eventually found the sludging tower this thing has a puzzle that i needed to complete to open up a secret doorway but to start the puzzle i had to perform a ritual i lit up each of the braziers on the top of the tower and then fought these guardians which were fiery lizards or something and once i had defeated them i could start working on the tower's puzzle what i had to do is redirect the beam coming from the top of the tower to each of the beacons and then to the outside it took me quite a while to do this puzzle but eventually i did get the beam to come outside and i unlocked the secret door oh i did it i opened up the the door okay let me see okay yep here we go all right while exploring the first room of the dungeon i had to make sure to memorize this symbol because i would need to use it to unlock the door to the second floor later on actually as a test see if you can memorize it and later when we get to the second door see if you would be able to put in the correct symbol as i explored i ran into tons of these worms all of which were pretty easy to defeat and found a chest which had a swift pick in it that is literally the most overpowered pickaxe you can get as you will see later on and i also got an explorers hat which was pretty cool i made it to the door leading to the second floor and maybe you memorized the symbol but i was able to put it in and open up the door to the second floor this layer was filled with shamblers and they gathered in large groups but i was able to fend them off fairly easily i found the next door and went further down to the third floor and as soon as i went down to this floor it was already much more challenging than the other levels there were spikes everywhere which were really difficult to avoid and as i progressed further through the floor i was attacked by little worms that exploded and gave me decay and these things that sucked me in which worked in combination with the worms to trap me i managed to get to the next door and this floor was pretty empty there were these floating eye things but i was able to defeat them pretty easily and i found a chest on this layer which had a legendary predator bow which basically gives you a bit of aimbot when you shoot at enemies so this was an awesome find i approached the next floor and this one had a bunch of new traps laid out everywhere what is that what is that what are those uh oh that's decay oh it took my sword oh wow i had to quickly head back home because i ran out of food that would replenish my decay and i farmed up some of the weeping blues to make more salad out of them i also repaired my gear and tested out the new swift pick that i had gotten wow it's breaking wood very fast it's breaking wood really fast wait breaks dirt pretty fast too oh wow look at that oh yes yes wow okay that is amazing i returned back to this legend and tried to run past all of the traps and tentacles that were there and uh well it worked pretty well on the next level i tried to do the same thing locks were falling all over the place and these mole rat things were running at me but i managed to get past it all and i got to the next layer this layer just had a bunch of moving walls i ended up getting lost in here for quite a while but eventually i made it to the next door and i got very close to dying because i couldn't remember the code right away and i kept getting crushed by a moving wall fortunately i was able to enter the correct symbol just in time and with no more healing potions left i entered the pit of decay i had to lower this cube to begin the actual boss fight so i fired at it for a while and eventually i successfully broke its chains i should have brought more arrows i didn't think all right just attack it attack it it can't hit me while i'm down here oh now i can oh okay my shield is not gonna work is it if i keep moving it can't hit me i'm doing a lot of damage to it oh it's spawning stuff it's fine just keep attacking it i'm i'm killing it really fast nope get off oh leeches are bad oh i got it i got it spawn like some sludge snake get this away i did it that was uh that was that wasn't too bad the sludge menace gave me two amulet slots meaning i could have all three amulets equipped at once and not only the red amulet it also gave me the ring of dispersion and as you'll see in a moment it's pretty cool i wasn't done with this dungeon yet though i still had some things to explore because it had some hidden ancient items lying around i quickly went home though so that i could repair my gear and equip two new amulets and these things float around you which is the coolest thing ever i restocked on healing potions and then i returned to the dungeon to hunt for the ancient gear the ring of dispersion let me crouch walk right through walls so i went around searching for a while and eventually i found the secret gate which i could actually just break through because i had already defeated the boss i searched around for a while and found an entrance to the crypt tunnels oh okay yeah never mind oh yeah you are a dangerous one oh would you look at that ancient great sword i don't have a gem to put on it yet i'm gonna save it for a moment and i'm gonna use it to fight the other bosses the ancient armor should be hidden somewhere here yeah yes yes oh i found it i found it false walls look at it look at it mine mine mine oh yes look at that this stuff is really good now there's one more thing that i know is here i don't know exactly where it is i had one more of the ancient items to find and that was the ancient great axe this thing is really cool and i would use it in addition to my ancient greatsword i also got a music disc called beneath a green sky and the ring of gathering which lets you teleport or revive your pets and as you'll see this is actually a pretty important ring later on having successfully obtained all of the ancient gear i returned home dropped off all of the loot that i had gotten and put my item scrolls in the animator from which i got a cool skull mask that i couldn't actually really use because it blocked my vision but i did also get a magic item magnet that i could use while mining and i also made sure to jam out to the music disc that i had gotten after that i went out looking for gems to put on my new ancient armor and i did something really cool to speed up the process after farming lurkers i got enough lurker skin to make a full set of lurker skin armor and this stuff made it so i could swim very fast and after searching the waters for a bit i was able to find the two green gems that i needed i put all of the gems that i had gathered onto my ancient gear and then i finally equipped it and so i was ready to fight the next boss the dreadful pete mummy to summon this boss i had to bait it out with a very specific mommy bait which would trick it into coming above ground to get it i had to brew up a specific potion and then had to try to acquire an animated tar beast heart which would involve me hunting for tarbys they are some of the most dangerous creatures in the between lands even more dangerous than some of the bosses as they can one shot you at any moment oh two tarbys oh no no no no no no no no no oh my god seriously this is really bad go go go shoot him shoot him if they get to me i'm dead shoot what what is behind me now yes i got it okay look at it [Music] yes get away get away from me get away from me my fire doesn't work right now because of the rain oh no i can't have that happen to me okay it's slow in the water and it gets knocked back that's good die yes dead that's it that should be it there we go eight tar drip i'm done i made a tarby's tart put it in the animator and with its completion i had all four items required to create the bait i wanted to fight the boss in the water so that its minions would be slowed down so i made a little path that i could jump through while fighting it and after that i braced myself for its arrival and by the way as a side note sorry for the change in microphone quality but i did not want my microphone in my face while i fought this boss so i used my headset microphone but hey at least it's it's authentic okay at least i don't have a microphone stuffed in my face oh i forgot i pushed it ocean version diet i can't hit it oh get off get off get off die die oh i'm good wait i'm actually fine i'm fine my ancient armor is doing well die all of you die die i did it wait that wasn't even bad oh okay i'm fine that wasn't even bad i did it ring of summoning grants the ability to summon allies from the depths at the cost of xp i'm using it oh i see it summons these things and they they hurt people these tentacle things with the dreadful pete mummy defeated it was time for me to fight the next boss the spirit tree while heading out to find it i actually found out that this ancient great axe can break wood and uh it's pretty effective anyways after some searching i found the mythical spirit tree all right spirit tree here we go okay you're already fighting me jump over the spikes jump over the spikes what did you zap spit i quickly lit up the area so that i could see and then placed wisps on the tree's altars which made the boss more difficult but would also give me better loot once i would defeat it and after i placed the final wisp it was time to begin a fight oh it got me trapped not good healing potion good ow going in oh i'm not going in did a lot of damage to me i'll poison it i don't know if i'm hitting it like that oh wow there's a lot of damage come on i have heart oh wow this thi this thing does not kill me yes thank you thank you i just have to swing oh can't stay that long see that trap if it traps me when i'm next to it i'm dead oh oh trying to trap me in getting out of there ow ow oh i have to dodge this one ah my gear is almost broken oh no my gear's gonna break i did not bring extra gear i did not think that was gonna be a problem okay you're so close i can see it it's so broken it is so broken my potion of healing is out it's gonna make it a lot more difficult fire oh two hearts two hearts oh oh no oh no i have to dodge it or else i'm dead oh my helmet's just about broken my helmet is literally broken look at it come on oh it's definitely broken it's gonna take it off it's gonna break anyways i'm taking it off now i can put on this mask oh that's a terrible mask yes yes my helmet was like one durability look at it this stuff's that one durability i did it i did it oh what is this what does that even do oh yes oh it was that was so close and i got the large spirit face mask which i can't look at i cannot wear that like that and look i can i can now grow my own spirit trees but they won't be aggressive ones they'll be on my side yes yes oh i did it i did it i did it i did it i almost died so much i was very very happy to say the least i returned home and upgraded a spirit tree face mask that i got and used it to create the legendary living weed wood shield i actually couldn't use the shield with the ancient great sword because the greatsword is a two-handed weapon but i would be able to use it once i'd get my next legendary sword this shield acts as both protection and arranged weapon at the same time that actually deals a lot of damage also if you're wondering why mobs now have circles above their heads it's because of the amulet that i got which shows how much health the mobs have i also planted my two new spirit trees that i got and hoped that they would be able to grow in this climate the celebration was nice and all but my work in the betweenlands wasn't done i still had two more bosses to defeat i started repairing my gear but i didn't have enough sulfur to repair it all so i went mining and while mining something very special happened whoa oh wait you're nice oh wait i was actually looking for one of these okay i want to test something there you go tell my friend please yes best friends forever that's what i'm talking about look at that i can just summon it to me oh that's the best thing ring of gathering that's so nice i can ride this thing and it's awesome oh oh yes what's your name um i don't know i'm feeling jimmy on this one i'm feeling jimmy this is jimmy and so i had a new companion to help me retake the between lance i returned home summoned jimmy to me using the ring of gathering which is just awesome and repaired all of my gear now i was prepared to take on the next boss who resided in the white tower and after searching for a long time i finally found it oh wait i think i see it is that it i just see shadows is that it did i yes i finally found it that took me so long to find wait oh i don't even have any more healing potions okay here's the entrance the top floor whoa whoa what was that ah oh not you break the spawner sorry you know i wouldn't fight any of you if i could i'm just here to take loot and then leave that's all what is this what is that what is that i've never seen those ghosts before it's my first time ever seeing them oh no way yes yes oh another swift pick oh it's a great time a great day ring of ascent grants the gift of levitation at the cost of xp no you're kidding me look at that yeah i'm just flying it doesn't let me fly very high though actually i guess it doesn't let you fly up up above a certain height oh there's a chest here that i missed gem singer oh this is a good thing that helps you find gems item scroll music disc yes stuck in the mud i will take that yeah so i can only float like three blocks up or something oh whites i'm not afraid of you guys no more i have ancient gear i have to break each of these [Applause] boom one broken look at that break that all right last one let's see oh look at that wow that hurts shockwave sword ah that does a lot of damage oh look at that right click on the ground to create a shockwave legendary item can i have a shield with this yes i can check that out oh look at that shockwave that's so cool yes yes yes yes i hear mobs underground ow snails following me there are mobs underground oh yeah look at that there's something going on there uh this is bad water okay if i if i eat this i should be okay when i go down i'm doing it yeah it's giving me a lot of decay oh please save me it's i'm so glad i ate i have a salad choc waves eat those shark waves look at that look at that i'm just kidding everything with the shockwaves break the spawners the shockwaves are so strong look at all this stuff that's so much felony valonite how many two three four five seven seven blocks of valentine i'm never gonna have to worry about balinet again look at all this stuff at that and more item scrolls i'm just living my best life but all that there that's so much ore wow so i'm gonna go to the top i can't shock wave these oh how did that happen oh blocks are just falling let me break those a lot of spawners is there any good loot here okay that's it for that only the sword keeper may pass this point with the shockwave sword obtained and the rest of the tower eluded i was ready to fight the primordial malevolence boss i think i have to look at this eye oh yeah whenever i look at it oh oh wait i can't ow okay i can't shoot you i guess oh hey oh look at that get shockwaved on i'm talking about i'm not sure i need to break his shield i think i think what i am supposed to do is is catch these heads there we go and then boom yeah oh got it gotcha blow it oh oh look at my boat it's doing a lot of damage green yeah there we go i have to catch the green one gotcha gotcha oh a lot it's a lot i need to catch a green one oh that's really fast that's really bad that's really fast okay oh oh it's going again i have to run don't get stuck run run run run can't get hit by this oh okay i'm all right yes got the green one boom i'm gonna get you i'm getting you oh okay i'm i almost got it green shoot at it gotcha gotcha what did you drop ring of recruitment yes none to rule them all obtain all of the rings i got every ring grants the power to recruit and control entities at the cost of experience i'm gonna add that to my collection i i'm basically a god now look at that i'm a god i just float around and do shockwaves and i can't even die it's amazing and so i had completed my mission at the white fortress and there was one more boss that i needed to hunt down for a legendary item the cairo ma matriarch this is a boss that likes to nest itself on these high up islands and i traveled these islands for a while until i finally found what i was looking for or rather it found me oh whoa whoa whoa there it is there it is ow i'm stuck oh my ring is helping me wow you are aggressive okay i'm all right as long as i keep using the ring well get away get away get away get away stop i got it i got it dead i did it the ring the ring helped me so much the bad news though is that it didn't drop its legendary item so i had to go searching for another cairo mom atria there you are okay i need to light this area up yeah yeah yeah come on let's do it oh there's two of them now this is interesting they're hurting each other ow wait this actually really hurts they're going crazy go oh oh no oh that was bad oh this is bad got it i got it there we go pick it up yes cairo barb erupter i got the legendary item and the other matriarch ended up actually falling to these minions that were shooting at it unfortunately though i lost my frog jimmy all right can i summon jimmy back here please tell me i can no i can't summon jimmy no never leave your close ones behind jimmy was a close one i will not stop searching i will continue traveling until i find him is this jimmy is that jimmy it's not jimmy it's not jimmy i can't do you know where jimmy is pop show me ah jimmy jimmy please oh jimmy yes i found jimmy i got him i got jimmy jimmy oh look at your eyes oh you're so beautiful handsome you're handsome oh [Music] i found jimmy jimmy we conquered the between lands jimmy there's no more bad stuff it's not coming into the overworld i did it we did it jimmy and so the frog had led me to where jimmy was i returned home and noticed that my spirit trees had grown and were protecting my home and now it was time to go to my real home the overworld i gathered everything valuable i'd collected over my adventure and headed back to my friends and possibly to another adventure soon
Channel: Suev
Views: 1,075,448
Rating: 4.9314342 out of 5
Keywords: Suev, minecraft, minecraft hardcore, minecraft modded, modded, mod, betweenlands, minecraft 100 days, 100 days, hardcore, I Survived Minecraft's Most Dangerous Dimension... (The Betweenlands), survive, survival
Id: G-mYgIXf8I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 33sec (3273 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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