I Survived 100 Days in Better Minecraft Hardcore… Here’s What Happened

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i'm gonna try to survive 100 days in better minecraft better minecraft is a mod pack that adds tons of new features to minecraft while still staying really similar to the original game it adds new mobs better caving better dimensions and so much more in this video i plan on building an awesome home using new features from the mod pack doing a lot of adventuring and exploring and just trying to stay alive because i'm on hardcore mode and i only have one life i am very excited to show you this adventure so grab your favorite snacks relax and enjoy as i try to survive 100 days in better minecraft [Music] starting out on day one i spawned on an island completely surrounded by water it was really beautiful and i wasn't alone i heard seals oh hi how are you you know what i think i need to make a zoo i might i might make a zoo when i make my house and just try to get as many different animals as i can and make an aquarium like look at it it's so cute i chopped some wood down and it was a new type of wood called rainbow eucalyptus which looked really cool i made basic tools and also took a look at the book in my inventory which ended up being a quest book that gave me different missions to go on and i'd be able to go on those later on after that i chopped a whole rainbow eucalyptus tree down because i didn't want to leave anything floating in the sky that would really annoy me and then i made some more friends geese hello oh man i just i just love animals too much yeah i want to make a full like is it called a sanctuary like a safe place for animals i don't want it to be a zoo actually i want it to be a sanctuary where they can be safe oh look at you that's awesome i then made a boat and headed down in hopes of finding land and i found a glowing squid along the way which was just so cool and then found this house which was strangely empty on the inside but when i went to the attic it had wool in it so i was able to make a bed and i slept off my first night before we get into day two i'd like to quickly thank the sponsor of today's video dashlane dashlane makes it really easy for you to store all of your passwords credit cards and other info and it keeps them all secure with encryption across everything everywhere it also has these generate secure password and autofill features which save you a lot of time so you don't have to fill in your address and credit card over and over again dashlane has a vpn as well that keeps you safe when on the web and helps you access content from anywhere so make your life easier i really recommend dashlane if you want to try it out for free on your first device my viewers can do so by heading to dashlane.com and if you find it as helpful as i do you can use the code swev for 50 off dashlane premium [Music] so day two i left the house and found a jellyfish in the water which i did not get near and then found a bird's nest that gave me some duck eggs these nests actually have a lot of bird types and i could collect them later on to add to my sanctuary not too far from the house that i found earlier i found an area that i wanted to set up in so i cleared out a lot of trees in the area and i started building the outline of my base night came around so i went to bed and with the beginning of day three i planted my tree saplings and while those grew searched for food because i was basically starving and i was still on this vegetarian diet even though i would never go on one in real life i mean come i i couldn't do that i ended up finding some carrots and i set up a little farm for those in front of my house and i was searching for some more crops when i ran into these funny little guys oh some owls hi you eat onion no you don't like onion okay that's unfortunate onion's pretty good raccoons hey like onion oh it picked it up yeah you want more here i gain absolutely no benefit after that i wanted to start getting some oars so i went looking for a cave and i found this huge generated cave from the caves and cliffs update which was just amazing to look at this generation makes it a lot more fun to mine seriously it is a huge huge difference i eventually found diamonds or rather i should say a diamond because the diamond vein only had one ore who wants to find that who wants to find one diamond anyways to my luck i found another vein pretty soon and i got seven more diamonds from it i made a diamond pickaxe and for some reason i thought that i would easily find more diamonds so i just made a helmet with the with the diamonds that i had left i have no idea why i thought that that would be okay but after a long time of mining into the next day i found this crazy cave generation what oh my god what is this oh my eyes what is this oh my god this is crazy oh diamonds nice oh another diamond it's a lot of diamonds was that is that nine ten was that ten or nine was ten i think it's time to head back i think that that time has come [Music] i returned to the surface and i was met with the sunrise when i returned home i made some tools with all the diamonds i had gotten and i made some pants as well leaving me with just enough items for an enchanting table i noticed that i actually got a potato from a zombie i had defeated earlier as well so i planted and bone mealed that and my farm was slowly starting to grow i had to hunt some fish to get food while my farm grew out and while hunting i was approached by a friend oh who are you goblin trader efficiency six unbreaking four wow my friend one apple for one emerald wow you are um you're cool all right i'm good on food now i'm good i'm not gonna have any more issues on the next day i started cutting down the eucalyptus trees that i had grown which all merged into this one huge tree and yeah they gave me enough wood to last for a while after that i went exploring and found these whey posts that said 300 blocks and pointed to the right i followed the top one and it led me here i think this is the thing that the the sign was pointing to i hear bad guys oh yes ow ow wow oh he almost killed me in one hit okay i'm out of there fortunately fortunately i survived but that was really close that was too close for comfort i continued adventuring into the next day and i found this spider cave that i was thinking of entering but then cave spiders showed up and i left immediately and i found out about something pretty cool oh look at that f5 oh that's way better i can just fully do anything i want in this f5 and i can look all around better minecraft rocks that's what i'm talking about i then found the strange hole thing and i got an achievement saying jump but when i went to the bottom of it nothing happened there was probably something else i needed to do and i decided i would return to here later on i then found this battle tower which was actually pretty easy to adventure through it just had a few spawners and i found an aether dragon egg in one of the chests yeah you heard that right i could grow my own pet dragon and all i had to do was place this egg down i could not wait in the meantime though i finished adventuring through the battle tower and at the top of it i found gold blocks and this waste stone which lets you teleport to other wave stones that you have discovered so i picked it up and it kept it to place at my home and that way i could teleport to anywhere i wanted all from my house i also found a village and here something very special happened oh there's a way stone that's good oh we got villager guardians you guys are fighting oh what's going on oh they're fighting off the alligator look at them they're all decked out wait where was that cat hey cat i have fish hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey best friends forever what's your name get out of the way verda lucy that's your name lucy she's lucy it's my cat lucy ah look at the eyes one blue eye one yellow eye so cute and so i had a new pet lucy which uh it was just a good moment for me i slowly transported her over the waters and brought her home with me i placed down the waystone that i got and named my home eleanor i made some golden carrots as my new food source my vegetarian diet was now looking good and i made a fenced area for the dragon egg which i placed down in the center right clicked and waited for it to grow on the next day i collected some sand mine for cobble and when i returned home to smell everything the dragon had to groan oh he hatched look at you i need to tame him quick get up beat up buddy eat it eat it all grow i'm gonna need to keep an eye on him but he's gonna keep growing and then i need a saddle to put on him and i can fly him i didn't name him yet and i was kind of hoping to have some help with that from you guys you probably have some cool dragon names so i'd like to hear those but anyways i used the name tag that i had to officially name lucy i got to building on the next day and i used glass and stone bricks for the walls oak planks for the second floor i also found out about these chandeliers which were perfect for the ceiling i outlined the flooring of my base with stone bricks made some finishing touches and for the time being i was happy with the progress i had been making on my base so i went mining again i found this boss underground called the pharaohs rot not i don't even know if i'm saying that right i wasn't ready to fight him yet but i would return at a later time i also found a mine shaft and looted that for a while and by the end of the mining trip i returned home with diamonds obsidian amethyst name tags and just a lot of stuff i went out exploring again because i wanted to find a saddle for my dragon and i found these two pirate ships and i tried to defeat the pirates but it was pretty difficult they kept knocking me back into the water and i didn't want to risk anything too much so for the time being i retreated and decided i would return later while searching for more things out in the water i found a much smaller pirate ship and thought that it would be easier to take down so i slowly made my way through the archers who ended up just standing still and i was able to defeat all of them the chess that they were protecting were actually loaded with stuff and i got some great enchanted gear and resources i wanted to go to the bottom area of the boat but i just about died doing so so i left i left happy with the loot that i had gotten i found a village which had a waste stone so i could teleport to home from there if i wanted to and i also found these mysterious plants and these can actually take you to a new dimension but that that is for an adventure that you'll see in one of my next videos i ended up making a backpack while adventuring which gave me three extra rows of space and then i found this desert woodland mansion and this was a very dangerous place to adventure into i fought in evoker and managed to defeat him so i got a totem on dying but these illagers were very strong and could easily two-shot me if i wasn't careful i fought them for a while longer but i soon decided to leave the dungeon because it just was not worth the risk and in the night time a blood moon occurred which i couldn't sleep through and i had flashbacks i had very bad flashbacks to my previous experiences with blood moon so i placed down the waist stone that i had and teleported back home i set up a level 30 enchanting table and luckily got fortune 3 on my pickaxe as my first enchantment and then efficiency four is my second i combined the two pickaxes that i had and i made a fairly decent diamond pickaxe i then placed the saddle that i had gotten onto my dragon which we still need a name for and tested out his flying skills oh yeah look at that oh that's so nice oh man all right i could fly now it was it was just awesome the next thing i wanted to do is get a full set of diamond armor and stock up on oars so i put my fortune 3 pickaxe to use and mined away i managed to return home with 12 diamonds and an inventory full of auras i made a diamond shield and with that i figured it was a good time to adventure into the nether so i took everything i needed and headed in oh boy [Music] oh there's a spawner here already i mean that's actually not bad because it's basically right in my base they're gonna keep spawning unless i break the spawner aren't they um all right there we go that's blocked off for now what are you whoa teleports are you friendly or not well it looks like he's friendly you're looking strong my friend and this looks crazy it is insane oh what's down there what are you guys is that redstone it is brimstone this is seriously so chaotic oh another fortress let's go and this biome does this grow in the tree is that how this works now how do i get there boom place spawner ow [Music] oh this is called the wildfire oh man there's a lot of damage got one got two can i trap them in here like this that work [Music] oh oh oh no no no no no that's like a super blaze wow oh man that is so difficult oh man it's blocking everything got it and everything is dropped burn oh my god okay i got it i'm going back home this has been too crazy return of jimmy it's a new jimmy it's a new jimmy yes yes yes yes yes get me out of here get me out get me out get me out oh my god oh my god that took so long it took so long to get back oh my god that nether trip was quite an experience and it felt good to be back home at last i enchanted my diamond legs and got protection 3 on breaking 3 on them and then went out to mine for some cobblestone and diamonds i mined into the next day and then being happy with the amount of wars i got returned home and with that done i wanted to start working on my base some more i played around with the design for a bit and i ended up using regular oak planks for my flooring and sealing and then i used stone bricks for the walls of my second floor after completing most of my house i was pretty happy with the result i mean it wasn't the best build in the world but you know what i was proud and i was i was happy to have a home next i decided i would work on some other cool things i had collected a few of these mystery eggs from bird's nest and i wanted to discover what they were i found out that i had to make something called an egg analyzer put the eggs inside and then the analyzer basically decrypted the mystery eggs the awesome thing was that this gave me the ability to spawn a lot of different birds around my base after that i wanted to go on adventure some more i returned to the pirate ships that i had found earlier and shot at the pirates from a range while on my dragon my dragon got completely out of control while i was looting though oh my god what's my dragon doing i'm back what is my dragon doing oh no no no no no no stop stop stop going crazy please stop stop he's out of control stop stop stop stop oh man okay i'm putting you back on land i don't trust this guy at all time out for you bud i got some enchanted iron gear from the chest there and then i went on to the next ship which was actually controlled by skeletons these guys didn't do a lot of damage so i was able to get on board and defeat them fairly easily i looted their chests and then continued my adventure into the next day where i found an underground village this huge mushroom thing and finally i found a boss named morocco and this is when something bad happened morocco the sun chief ah i hate these guys you know i've seen like some stuff about them whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you know what oh my god no no no no no no no how difficult is this guy because i kind of want to kill him right now oh my oh my god dragon stop stop i can't control the dragon dude my dragon is just gonna die because of himself what what no no no no my dragon's gonna die stop oh my god are you kidding me no no you did not just do that that's it this is war this is work oh my god oh my god never mind get away get away oh my god he killed my dragon he's healing and he's healing no no how am i supposed to how am i supposed to defeat him okay i'm leaving wow killed my dragon man the sun chief had destroyed my dragon and i was just really sad i returned home having completely failed but there's no way i was just gonna leave it at that i needed to get my revenge on morocco so now it was time to get as powerful as i could get i had a new dragon egg that i placed down and i decided that i would name this dragon whatever the name of the first dragon was going to be i think that would be at least a decent way of kind of remembering the dragon that we lost next i wanted to create some fishing gear because first of all i needed to feed my dragon and second of all you can get some really overpowered stuff from fishing i fished for a while and i didn't get lucky with anything yet but i did get fish and i fed those to my drag entertainment now i just needed to wait for him to grow i enchanted my diamond chest plate and got protection form breaking three on it which was perfect and then i headed back into the nether so i could mine courts to quickly level up i managed to get the levels that i needed and i got a sharpness four sword a powerful book a bow with flame on it and a protection for helmet after that i combined some of the books that i had gotten with my gear and now i was really well geared i couldn't hunt down morocco yet though because my dragon still needed to grow so in the meantime i decided i would do a little bit of base work what i wanted to do is set up a kind of aquarium by digging a path from my base to the pond build a glass dome and have fish around it floating in the water while the glass dome would be dry but while doing that i quickly realized that it would be difficult to do without sponges since otherwise i would have to go through the very painful process of individually eliminating each water source so i decided that i would work on the aquarium later on instead i looked in my quest book and i decided i would adventure into this place called the deeper dark oh whoa oh look at that i can just hit this and it teleports me oh my god what is this oh my god this has the warden do i hear the warden walking what do i hear i ended up leaving pretty soon because i was not ready for whatever was down there and i actually lost all of my levels when i entered this place but i do gain them back when i re-log later on next up i began working on a little teleportation hub using the quartz that i had gathered i was planning to go to a lot more dimensions in the future than just the nether in the end so i figured that it would be very fitting to have a whole structure where i could place all of the portals i got a pretty good framework done and soon enough my dragon was fully grown which meant that it was time to go back to the sun chief i was actually able to teleport with the waypoint while on my dragon which saved me a lot more time and after a bit of traveling i made it to morocco's village dragon i need you to sit down and chill out because i don't want you to die let's go power five bow take that doing a lot of damage oh my god i'm doing a lot of damage oh [Music] all right these guys okay i can't attack him while these guys are doing stuff ow take that you killed my dragon oh that was so easy you noob you you noob get look at that that's the head of a loser actually i shouldn't say it because i might want to put it on soul visage that's a cool name never breaks equip then right click with a barracoa mask to spawn followers right click a follower to return it to its mask okay if i right-click this boom he's my follower kill that guy follow her kill him he's not a part of our tribe kill him what are you doing they're they're agreeing what that's enough you poisoned me apologize apar you're going to timeout i dominated the boss and it felt good to get revenge i checked my quest book and i had another mission in it that was to defeat the fairest rotnop boss which i had actually seen early on when mining i had a lot of momentum so i headed back into the mines where i found him and with two enchanted golden carrots held very tightly i approached the ferrous rotna there it is i don't know what to expect but oh man [Music] can't hit him oh [Music] get him ow meeting my enchanted golden carrot are you kidding me i need him to do the forward attack he did the forward attack oh my god oh i did so much damage forward attack come on oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yes what yes come on [Music] oh i did it it took me two enchanted golden carrots but i did it rot helm never breaks ax of a thousand medals right click to attack in a large arc shift right click to slam the ground and create a shock wave oh boom look at that i don't know if i'll be using that but man i will add that to my collection what's my reward for that another star yeah that's that's nice i got another star for doing that with the ferris rotnot down i wanted to take a break from all of this boss hunting and work on my base for a bit i wanted to set up a storage and i needed item frames for it so i went out and searched for leather and uh i had to hunt some cows and horses and i mean i felt kind of bad but at the same time i didn't feel bad because i needed leather while exploring i also found this villager called the gatekeeper and he offered a blue journal as a trade and this journal was a guide on how to access new dimensions which would definitely come in handy later on by the next day i had collected enough leather to make some item frames and i upgraded them to glass item frames slowly but surely i organized items into separate chests and while it took a while it was really worth it now i could easily distinguish which items should go where and while i would still like to build a bigger storage system in the future this would definitely do for now with good progress made on my storage i decided i would get some wool make some beds and go mining for netherright i'm not sure why i wanted to do this so early but i wanted to take this as a chance to get quartz and levels at the same time so it was a win-win i mined for a while and i got no netherright but at least i got a lot of quartz and levels so it wasn't too bad after that i ended up getting lost in a mine shaft for two days and it was a nightmare but thankfully thankfully i got back home i enchanted some gear with all of the levels that i had gotten and i was out of beds but i did want to continue mining for netherright in court so i went to the ships that i alluded earlier and i collected all of the wool from their sails i'm mine for another right all the way through to day 51 and i actually did get some pieces of netherrite along the way this time when i returned from my mining trip i wanted to use the netherright and upgrade my gear but i realized that without mending it was not a good idea to use netherright gear yet since i just wouldn't be able to repair it i would use the netherright later on for now though i wanted to start putting all of the quartz that i was getting to use so i resumed working on my teleportation hub i finished this nice design of slabs and stairs all around the base of it and then i used these chiseled blocks which made the building look like a greek temple or something and i really liked it you know i really want to go to greece someday if you've been there you're lucky but anyways i fully built up the walls filled in the ceiling and then added stairs all along the top of the temple as well which fit really nicely and i felt really proud of myself with this build this is looking good look at this this is i'm actually really proud of this i feel like a greek god and it feels good next i wanted to build a green house for my crops i'm becoming a real farmer so i started cutting down a lot of trees to clear out space for the structure and to get a lot of wood after chopping down a lot of trees my axe was just about broken and i didn't have any more diamonds to repair it so i had to take a break to go mining and mining with fortune 3 makes a world of a difference i got so many diamonds i ended the trip with 44 even though i only stripped mine for like five minutes it was crazy i repaired my axe and with lucy alongside me continued lumberjacking until i was happy with the amount of space i had cleared out with that i wanted to start flattening out the hill next to my house so that i could build the greenhouse on an even surface but i didn't have efficiency 4 on my shovel yet so it would be really slow because of that i decided that i would go out adventuring to get some levels and at the same time discover some more of the world while i was flying i ran into the ships again so i took the chance to stock up on more wool and then i found a desert temple and while there i found out that because of an enchantment that i got on my boots called ariel affinity i could break blocks when jumping just as fast as standing still and it's just crazy fast i also found a village another ship and then i started following an underground dungeon map and this this was a bad decision i followed this map through day 58 to day 59 to day 60 where i i actually found something pretty cool on this day i found a water dragon egg but you know what that x on the map did not move one pixel and i had had it i had traveled for more than 15 000 blocks looking for this dungeon and i had no success at all i decided i would just quit and return home so i alluded one last battle tower and i actually ended up getting infinity from it which made this trip not so much of a waste after all after that i returned home placed down the water dragon egg that i had gotten so it would start growing got efficiency 4 on my shovel when enchanting it and put the infinity book that i had gotten on my bow and renamed it legolas in honor of the one and only after that i wanted to complete my mission of hunting down a hidden dungeon so i grabbed a different map that i had and this time i successfully followed it at first i was confused and i thought that there would be a treasure chest but then i realized that it was literally just a hidden dungeon so i mined down and there it was but to be honest it was a big letdown it did not have any good loot so i got out of there and i returned home to finally continue my work on my greenhouse i started shoveling the hill next to my house and with efficiency 4 it was really fast i continued working on clearing out everything into the next day and got the area flattened out really nicely after that i started building out the foundation of the greenhouse and i wasn't exactly sure where i wanted to put the glass yet so i filled in the walls with spruce planks for the time being by the following day my water dragon actually hatched so i quickly fished up some food and fed it so that it would be tamed and after that i started filling in the walls of the greenhouse with glass then i started working on the roof and the greenhouse was really shaping up after that i worked on the entrances and added some additional detail and then i laid out the farmland which ended up being a really nice and even design i planted all of the crops that i had and boom my greenhouse was completed and actually turned out a lot nicer than i thought it would after that i removed the old farm that i had to clear up space and made a new pen for my dragons i would actually like to build a full dragon monastery but for now these pens were good enough i also named my water dragon drafts and with a lot of base work done i wanted to continue getting stronger so i went mining for netherrite and levels again and while mining i found this little guy who gave me a sweet deal on netherrite oh look at that nice i mean it's not even that big of a difference but hey it's kind of nice isn't it i like you you're you're a good guy when i returned home this little bird was waiting on my doorstep and i fed it some seeds which actually ended up taming it while in my inventory i also noticed that my chest plate was just about broken and definitely would have broken if i wouldn't have ran out of beds which caused me to stop mining i repaired it but then i also needed to repair my pickaxe because it was just about as broken so i mined for some levels and i ended up just enchanting a new pickaxe with efficiency 4 for the time being overall i was very well geared i had a full set of protection 4 a sharpness 4 sword and a power 5 infinity bow i was ready to go into the end and fight the ender dragon i grabbed my eyes of ender and started looking for the stronghold i searched for quite a while and my search continued for a couple of days before i successfully found the stronghold it ended up being a much larger version than the regular stronghold and it was kind of confusing to navigate around i got pretty lost for a while and there were actually a lot of different rooms that i explored honestly i was starting to give up hope on finding the actual portal because of how long it was taking but after another day i finally found the portal room i only had eight eyes by the time i got there and there were none placed down on the portal so i ended up having to go back home and go into the nether to farm up some more blaze rods i got a good amount and i got back home and made the eyes of ender that i needed and after that i flew back over to where i found the stronghold placed down all of the eyes of ender i had to activate the portal and after that it was time to fight the ender dragon that is an intense end but let's go oh look at that beautiful beautiful ender dragon you are going down my friend hello enderman hello hello what's throwing bombs at me man come on i looked at an enderman i'm sorry i'm sorry hit it yes go oh let's go that's it i got them all take that that work no oh what oh my are you kidding me what was that okay i'm not using the bed the beds are not the strategy my bow is gonna run out of durability take it oh oh how much experience am i gonna get yes yes i defeated the ender dragon and now i was free to explore the new end and hopefully find some end cities and other cool structures wow look at that wow oh no what is that is that a bad thing okay die because i don't trust you they're scaring me what if they knock me off why do i hear oh my god that that enderman's angry at me i've got a new tree type this is really cool this is really really really cool oh i don't think that these things are nice you're dangerous aren't you yeah absid wow look at that that's crazy that's insane some uh dungeon here or something oh wow wow that's a very good hoe okay oh music disc 11 nope oh can be used to locate an end city what this is incredible i did not know it's showing me where the end city is wow look at that oh there we go end city wait there's a a way bigger end city over there than that one so i'm gonna go over there let's check it out oh boy yeah here we go all right break that choker boxes oh nice nice inner chest two swords uh i'm breaking three i mean that's decent this uh you know what i do need an ender chest oh i don't get the inner chest i forgot about that this is crazy this is crazy man oh my god i just i quit i quit you know what just make me levitate all the way what what is this man like i hate these shulker boxes that looks so beautiful like look at all of that look at that just you know what i didn't admire this i haven't been admiring this this looks awesome okay really i stopped to admire that hey what do we got what do we got oh my god are you kidding me you followed me die die oh my god i'm done i'm done i'm actually done i'm being bullied i'm i'm being bullied this is not okay spawner got you autumn of void undying put this totem in your mane slash offhand to prevent dying if you fall in the void oh wait i just picked oh an unbreaking three mending elytra i i accidentally picked that up and it was oh wait this was all worth it but this was the best thing ever oh this feels so good wait let me let me through here oh weird oh wow wow wow i don't know how to use an electro like i've never used this before i'm not gonna lie i've actually based i've basically never used an elytra is it a bad time to be honest about that or because that's kind of just the truth is that a new missed job kilobyte okay oh efficiency for mending unbreaking three i'll take it that's uh it's actually perfect and dragon egg that's a dr another dragon mount oh this is some good stuff guest wow wow efficiency five unbreaking three mending silk touch are you kidding me on breaking three protection for helmet protection for unbreaking three protection three mending unbreaking three the end trip was very successful and also very new all of the new biomes and mobs and structures just made it into a crazy adventure i returned home to my little bird lucy my farm and my home in general and it felt great i started building up a little trophy room for all of my past adventures and my future ones and it wasn't perfect or anything yet but it was a little start next i placed my end dragon egg that i had gotten from looting and i used my levels on a lot of enchanting and a lot of repairs and then this happened oh my god wait has this turned into ice dragon no way this might have turned into an ice dragon because it's snowing oh man i kind of wanted the end and dragon but you know what you know what i like the ice dragon too that's cool the end dragon had turned to a snow dragon which actually you know you know what is pretty cool i wasn't sure how to feel about it at first but now that i think about it it's really cool i then finally upgraded some of my gear to netherright my pickaxe chest plate and actually my bow as well which was really cool after that i remembered that i had left my dragon dry office where i found the stronghold i had to go get him and i also wanted to set a waystone up at the portal so i made some fireworks and used them with the elytra i made it to where the stronghold was placed down the waste stone got on drafus and got back home with them now that i was home i wanted to work on the aquarium that i had been wanting to make for a long time very conveniently there was a goblin trader in the stronghold and he sold sponges so i got some of those and i also put respiration 3 on my helmet and then i got to work on building a glass dome i didn't have an exact plan so i kind of just went off of feeling but i didn't really end up liking the first shape that i got so i redid it with a smoother shape in mind and it came out a lot better with the glass dome finished i sponged up the inside of it to take out all the water and after that it was completely dry on the inside i then went into the nether to mine some glowstone because i had a great idea i placed glowstone all along my pond and it made it so that i could see everything underwater when i was in the glass dome to add to the design of the dome itself i also used the amazing amethyst blocks for the flooring and i outlined the floor with glowstone i also made the ceiling of the dome stick out by one which gave it a more circular shape and i was finished with making the first part of my aquarium now i wanted to build something very useful to every world an enderman farm i ended up working on this from day 86 all the way to day 95. i had to collect a lot of materials head down to y level 1 in the end and build out 200 blocks from the end island after that i built up multiple layers set up an endermite to bait the enderman and my enderman farm worked really well now i had an amazing source of experience in my world and not to mention the enderman farm looked really really nice i was really happy with it i returned to the overworld and an idea popped into my head of the next structure that i wanted to make i wanted to make a giant lava beam going all the way up to sky limit so that i could easily locate my base from far away i built a lot and mined a lot of sand for a couple of days and by night time of day 98 i placed a lava bucket at the top of the beam and watched it as it slowly came down while i was waiting for it to finish i also named the ice dragon that i had to frost which was a very soothing name and as i always do i jammed out to some music discs soon enough the lava rod was finished and it was exactly what the base needed as day 100 approached i went on one final ride on my dragon frost ross what do you think another 100 days there's a lot more to do there's so much more to do here a100 what really really zombie day 100 okay 100 lucy oh look lucy's sleeping next to me
Channel: Suev
Views: 5,435,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Suev, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, 100 days, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, modded, minecraft modded, better minecraft, minecraft survival
Id: mLHdbWOktRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 50sec (2630 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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