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how's it going everyone my name is poppers and today we're going to be surviving 100 days in minecraft hardcore in the aether now you probably look at this place and you're like well that must not be hard to survive 100 days in because it looks really nice well looks can be deceiving okay there's these cloud whale things that basically ghasts but uh they just throw you about the place they can knock you off dead there's these these plants that can shoot you they they shoot you too much dead then there's these big bird things that walk about all over the place going whoa and if they shoot you too much dead all right dead but like i said looks can be deceiving a lot of things out here are here to kill me and my goal at the end of these 100 days is to kill all three of the aether bosses and finally set the aether free from the vicious cycle that it's trapped in can i do it well stick around and find out and as always if you enjoyed the video at any point then please consider dropping a like and subscribing i would greatly appreciate it and it would really mean the world to me and if you want to stay up to date with anything regarding this channel videos behind the scenes things then join the discord there's a fair few people in there we've got a really nice community i'd love to see you in there anyways on with the video okay so on day one things start out a little bit differently in the aether you see all the tools have different abilities for example the skyroot wooden tools give you two times the amount of blocks you mine so i decided to use that to my advantage and gather as many resources as i could get with these tools all right we're gonna get some basic tools and uh then we're gonna i'm gonna try and get as many resources as we can because if i remember correctly if i mind this it'll give me two yeah there we go there we go we see yeah all these tools have got little little bonuses on them so that's pretty it's pretty cool i kind of want to pick up these bushes you know they're quite useful this is gonna be like our main source of food the oh entire time see this stuff this stuff's very useful okay this stuff is basically uh it's very useful all right you can use it for torches you can use it for i think it's like fuel for the altar if you don't know what the altar is you'll find out soon um and also i'm pretty sure if you're low on heart you can eat it and it gives you a heart back or like half a heart back it's very useful all right how much we got 40 40 abrosium and ambrosium ambrosium all right well after getting a lot of basic stuff and food i decided that i was going to make a little heidi hall to spend the first few days in i think right here is going to do to make a little hidey hole for the next few days you know just so we can get situated in this place maybe get some better tools and have a have a renewable food sauce straight away what's this boy is it are you are you you sweat oh oh god oh god where'd it go oh my god where'd it go what the christ did let it go it just jumped on my head and then ran away what all right i'm gonna continue on with this house i don't wanna get shot off or engulfed by a sweat hey look at that cow he looks he looks cool look at him whoa how you doing buddy you're all right damn you're looking hella cool oh there's another sweat coming and want to deal with that thing oh god they're fast they're fast get back there we go sweat down what's this sweat ball lovely want one of them oh yeah also i forgot to mention so starting off in the 80 you get a book of law and basically you put something in there and it tells you what it does all right so you start off with a book of law and a parachute there's different versions of the mod and i think one of the versions you don't start off with them but i tried doing it and uh sounded like bugging out or something i don't know but this is where we are right now no no no get off me get off me smite you with my holy stone sword yeah i'll take you out with it on day two i went out and started leveling some land outside of the little hidey hole so that i could make a berry farm that way i'd never run out of food why are you in the house buddy are you lured by this hello you follow this why are you just all right you can chill in here then i guess all right i wanna i wanna just finish leveling this you know i wanna get a berry farm started up in here it's gonna be good i think i'm gonna have to establish a perimeter to keep these things out you know i don't know if they can jump over uh walls but the hell with it i'm doing it i'm making a perimeter i don't care i'm gonna block them out forever there we go all right that should keep him out for now and then just here we'll make a little berry farm all right we'll have it coming down a little bit there we go then we can plant our berry brushes in here there we go look at that that's brilliant that's beautiful stop shooting me i don't like you all right i need to uh put a little little fence gate here and maybe two there and we'll be good all right nice little perimeter secured everything's going good it's looking up it's looking up i'll tell you this much after sorting out the berry farm i uh i started expanding the house and made it into somewhat of a mine i guess and i did that for the rest of the day on day three i headed outside in search of a little tornado wind thingy that i saw when i first arrived because i knew they could drop over world items and i wanted to see what i could get from it and while i was out i also grabbed some wood all right what are you gonna drop me oh god oh god they dropped things right they dropped things right whoa stop throwing me about oh it's just gone i thought they dropped things what's this clay oh it did drop something all right well i know i saw one over near spawn but i didn't think they despawned that quickly so maybe it's still there i don't know i'm sure we'll see loads more of it oh there's one literally right down there oh god not them thanks not them things okay they they're like oh god there's so many sweats where am i living right now it's an infestation of them i don't like it there's too many and i'm jumping on my head and throwing me about the place it's not fun as if the big cloud whales wasn't like you know enough of a problem on my way back home i saw this plant thingy and for some reason i decided to hit it what's this oh god that was a mistake that was a mistake that was a mistake okay okay get back home get back home i can't i can't control myself that well oh oh my god that was a really bad idea eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat oh my god uh how long nine seconds i should be fine i should be fine jesus you're right piggy this don't feel like heaven to me you know i'll tell you this much right now feels like a different version of hell i tell you that much oh my god oh then the cloud thing getting shot in my house i'm just i'm going back in here all right so don't attack the plants we've got it right uh i'll pluck my two belly bushes so after surviving the demon plant i uh i thought i saw something that i needed see some of brosium over there ah that that's what we need it's right behind the cloud boy that purple stuff right there that's what we need that's what we need we're gonna go get some just give me a second okay i'm not even sure you can mine it with a wooden pickaxe but i'm gonna try at least so we just need to try and not get knocked off not get eaten by a sweat and we should be pretty good just avoid all the dangers you know just avoid all the dangers it's fine fine this is a lovely place so nice everything's everything's so lovely is that a rabbit is that a rabbit i want a rabbit i want the rabbit ow ow ow i'm sorry i'm sorry oh my god oh my god this is bad this is a bad place to be i could i could go off the edge right here this is not good what's that oh god now there's a thing coming for me oh god thank you thank you oh my god thank you all right where's that there it is this is what we need oh the sheeps as well that means that we can like sleep here right i want the sheeps come here i need you all right don't go near any of them plant things i didn't think they were hostile until you hit them but apparently they're all hostile on me now so that's that's fun hey screw you buddy hey a blue sheep are you doing sorry i know you like the only friendly things in this but i don't need your stuff all right i need this i don't know whether i can mine it with a wooden pick so we'll try oh it's this stuff uh i don't know if i can mine it with a stone pick never mind a wooden one i thought this was the the other stuff can i mind that no no i can't that's gravitate god damn it i need the zana or whatever it is the the other purple one that's the wrong one right i want the little bunny little bunny hey little bunny yeah oh yes we've got a little floaty bunny now all right this little fellow will help me float around jump real high he's a good boy i like him on day four i started mining in search of zanite okay so my plan with the mining is you'd normally you know you'd normally do a little strip mine maybe mine out to the side a few blocks no no no no no no and this i don't i don't know really know how the all spawns work so i'm just gonna mine out big chunks like big square chunks like i did with the house and then hopefully i'll find some stuff i mean i'm already quite lucky right here i found these two but i think this is quite common looks like there is a like a boss dungeon thing around here as well if you see that on the minimap right there that's that's pretty cool there might be some zanai in there i know that i can like choose whether i want to start the boss fight with one of them i think it's that one i don't know i think it's the big stone square he's uh he looks like a tough boy but he's really he's really not too bad he's just he strafes a lot all right well back to mining uh hopefully we'll find something good but uh we'll cut back to if we ever do buddy don't come down here don't want to be down here buddy it's much better up in the house even though it looks round about the same and after mining for a little while i ended up finding some so i could make myself a zanite pick hey hey hey is that that yes yes give me this stuff give me this how much we got one two wait no can i man it with this oh no i'm not gonna be able to man it with that okay no it's fine it's fine we'll take as much as we got here how much is it four there are four yeah that's four anymore no pause enough four's enough right we can get the altar hell yes hell yes after making it i spent the rest of the day searching for more but didn't really have any luck on day five i headed out to grab that gravitate so that i could hopefully make something useful from it if i could even mine it can i mine you now please let me mind you please let me mind you yes gravitate or now i don't know if you put this in the altar i think you do i'm not too sure but it has some there's some weird properties this thing i'm pretty sure you can send things like flying upwards with it or something like that and it makes sense with the name but quite a weird quite a weird item right do you go in here yes you do you take a while to cook though oh my god all right well i guess we'll be back we're back when this cooks and hopefully we can make like a sword or something out of it i don't know maybe a pickaxe maybe a sword i think a sword would be a better call especially if they get better over time and boom we got enough for the sword let's uh let's make that bad boy and see see how we get on slimes come here i need to test this out on you where you up sweats sorry whoa oh my god yeah launch them in the sky i think i'm not too sure yeah yeah it does all right that's pretty cool launches them hell yeah all right all right so on day six i headed down to the dungeon thingy underneath my house in search of some loot and uh well it wasn't fun it was not a fun time okay there's the boss we don't want to go in that room oh there's a chocobo in here oh god okay okay okay oh there's multiple chocobos in here okay how am i gonna deal with these i'm gonna break this yeah i can kind of go around the side oh some more gravitate right there i'll take that okay we'll go around the side oh there's some even even more all right i'll take it all don't worry about it i'll go around the side to this side uh and just block them off like this there we go you see now they catch oh god what the christ was that jesus oh oh my god was that one of the sentry things oh my god dude just get the hell out of me oh all right i don't want to mess with the chocobos because they're so annoying like this is this is not coward strategy all right this is a good strategy and uh i will stay alive hey samosa right here you see taking the coward i mean the safeway isn't isn't a bad idea there we go block the choker bows off we've got this thing and it's in the live chest so that's brilliant kill it kill it kill it there we go all right well we've got another chest from that there's another chocobo right there oh god now i'm now i'm choker bowing out jesus christ uh eat the abrasion eat it eat the ambrosia chew on it god what an awful place what are so many chocobos i need a bow to deal with them i like the dart thing i don't think you can get a bow for money you can get the phoenix bow i think this man drops it but still can i kill this guy stop how long have we got left okay one second all right come here oh you son of a come on now how can you hit me there hey you tell me oh god i don't want it to come over oh no stop hitting me no please stop ah all right this is slightly annoying maybe we should just come back here when they can't really mess us up as much you know oh god that one can hit me that one could hit me no no get up get up get up no oh he hit me again god damned i hate these things they're so annoying block it off like that yeah yeah there we go what are you gonna do buddy what are you gonna do what are you gonna do oh i've got to take your fake chest again stop stop stop i don't like you all right hopefully this one's an actual chest oh for god's sake dude come on now jesus all right are you an actual chest oh the hell with this place it's just having me on no loot from this no loot from this just the fake chests anything under them there's nothing under them all right but these blocks are quite cool on day seven to ten i went mining again to try and keep myself out with zanai or gravity oh i need to uh i need to stop with the pickaxe and put it in the the fryer or whatever it is the the altar that's in the fryer oh my god if i put it in here it should hope i think it repairs it i really need to find more zarnite though i want to get a full set of armor we've got the chest piece but uh we need the rest i think we can make a zanite ring as well so i'm gonna try and try and get that well i appear to have mined back into the uh the dungeon i've decided to change up my mining strategy so i'm just gonna go in uh in lines now i ended up stumbling outside here uh but there wasn't really anything i found one piece of gravity one uh but it's more than we had so we're winning i'm gonna go and keep mine him when i returned to my house on day 10 i managed to get myself 17 gravitate and 28 zhani all right we're going to take this gravitate down to uh these things and smelt it down to the enchanted gravity and then we're going to make as much armor as we can with it because uh i found out that all if you get all the armor it negates all fall damage and you can jump higher but all the fall damage negation is very very useful believe it or not so i'm going to try and work it on getting full gravitate armor but i think after we've made all this armor we might go down to that uh dungeon thing down there and uh see see if we can see if we can deal with the boy down there so i spent the entirety of day 11 smelting down the gravity to craft some armor because this stuff takes a while to smell and on day 12 it was time to head into the dungeon and put down our first boss all right buddy it's time come on now he's not too bad initially all right he's pretty easy to deal with we just got to keep him stuck in this little like loop right here and he'll die pretty easily it's just when he starts going mental at the end we've got to be careful oh and if he also lands a hit on us he can break out with a little cycle so we're going to let him drop down no drop down god damn it no oh god oh god eat the ambrosium eat the ambrosium whoa this boy's not messing about now what you got on my uh we got my gravitate pickaxe hey i use a right click on you i send you flying straight up to the sky buddy don't you worry about it i just get kind of sick of strafing you know oh god jesus put me in the corner why don't you oh he's getting faster now you see this he's getting a bit faster i think at least i can't tell i can't tell you if he is or not i know he goes red and goes mad how dare you hit me like that ow ow stop stop it devil spawn how dare you how dare you defile me like this oh now he's now he's going fast now he's going fast now he's going real fast now he's going faster than i can run so we need to we need to really keep an eye out on this now whoa calm down calm down calm down calm down buddy all right all right all right i've got you now i've got you now i've got you now oh god he's got them strafing skills you know he's done he's done there we go get down kid get down bronze key let me in here oh my god eat some of these berries an entire stack of ambrosium that took an entire stack of ambrosium but it's worth it we've got some flaming so we've got three flaming swords some gummy sweats and a cloud staff oh all right well i guess we're going to figure out what this stuff does in a minute oh god it minds the block so quick i'm going to see what the staff does you know is some weird stuff i kind of want to what does it do there you go whoa whoa what do you do hello whoa who are these boys how you doing all right well welcome to my house uh i've got some rabbits in here you guys are the new addition you like my pets i guess i unknown you fight for me or something now i spent days 13 through to 18 building myself an actual house and let me tell you this was quite a pain to do i kept getting shot about by the cloud wells and thrown in the air by sweats or shot by plants that would make me just lose all motor function and just it look it was annoying all right just take a look if the if you don't leave me alone i'm gonna have to take action on you and i don't want to do that what's that a black moa egg can i get a mower oh yeah dude stop shooting me with everything dude just go you go away all right this is gonna be the worst house building session i've ever had what the cry you grab onto me and you're dead what are you doing leave me alone please just want to build my home my god this is so annoying i have to keep coming back in because everything's just everywhere out here i don't know if this house is going to be able to be to be made hey well where did you come from buddy what the christ are you doing in here this is supposed to be a sacred place and you are the most unsacred thing i've ever seen in my goddamn life i'll tell you that much get out the creeper coming in here all right here we are here it is the finished project well i guess i need to put a few more torches down here and there but i mean it's it's done all right it's very empty it's very open it's very spacious but i just thought it'd look really cool to build something like this in in the eighth i don't know the front doesn't look that great and matter of fact i could have done the roof a bit better but it's fine don't worry about it right that's where we're living now all right it's secure except the gaping hole in the front but we're all good we're all good i'll move everything in here and then tomorrow we're gonna go when uh we're gonna go and get a lot of wood and also figure out what i can do with this black moa egg i don't know about it i'm gonna right click with it no i think i need to get an incubator or something but we'll figure it out tomorrow on day 19 i went out and gathered some wood and i also had a look of how to make an incubator for my newly found black moa egg i'm pretty sure i just found another mower egg i'm not too sure but i think it's a white one yes it is all right well what we're gonna do with these i've got a black one on a white one now all right we need to search like incubator or something oh right here inca bear holy stone and okay that's all i need really oh i'd need more stuff than that all right put some holly stone right there and cause i'll make two of these things [Music] i guess i'll put them here right what do i do with these then is it does that go in there and then dead cooks what do i do with this is it cooking will use oh it's torches really okay this this works this works well this is working so i'm just going to leave it to do what it's wanting to do and we're going to go and see if we can find some more of this ambrosium before we run from too low after crafting and lighting the incubator i spent the rest of the day mining ambrosium and i also ended up finding four bits of gravity so that was pretty good day 20 i uh returned to check on the incubator and uh well just take a look oh oh oh hey how you doing buddy can i what do you do now all right you just chill with me you're my friend now you mine do i own you you get off the incubator there we go how you doing buddy how you doing i've got another one of these eggs i'm gonna i'm gonna hatch the other one as well i'll put that in there there we go look at him oh you're so beautiful hell yeah let's try some slime trying to get him but don't worry about him all right don't worry about him all right i'm going to little pet mower now what a good time on day 21 i went out looking for a little bit more gravity because i only needed a couple more pieces to make a full set of gear but during my search this happened no no no no oh my god oh my god it's an invasion i need to get out i need to get out i need to get out i need to go let me go let me go let me go let me go right i need the i need the i need the ambrosium i need the ambrosium go go go go go go go go go oh my god jesus christ go oh my god oh my god there's so many there's too many there's actually too many this is ridiculous this is actually ridiculous leave me alone leave me alone oh oh what it was gravitate no you leave me alone you leave me alone oh my god dude look at him look at them all how's one supposed to deal with that how am i even supposed to start to deal with that that is ridiculous there's like a thousand holy crap there's so many i'm calling it a day i'm calling it a day we'll look for the rest of the gravity some of the day oh my little my little black mower in the corner is ready as well that's pretty cool on day 22 i decided that i wanted to find myself a golden amber tree because these things would allow me to craft a dart gun or whatever it is and darts so i could deal with the cloud whales but uh whilst looking for a tree i got ambushed again oh my god there's so many there's actually so many what the hell oh no oh god this is not good uh these things are absolutely awful dude look they're all over i don't know how i'm gonna get out of this maybe if i went higher maybe i could like kind of jump off the top of the tree or bridge over back to the house but this is i i only wanted the tree man jesus all right so we've got ten golden amber all right that's that's not bad that's not bad that should be an all right amount i need to try and bridge up and get out of here staying here is a absolutely terrible idea okay here's the plan onto this tree onto the floor and we're gone there we go don't turn back don't look back just go just go oh the sheep just launched itself it's fine we're running there we go a dart shooter golden dart shooter so it's just that and uh okay so if i just go boop boop and then pop one there yeah look at that so then the arrows are like this aren't they that makes one golden dart are you kidding me they're so expensive oh wait but i can make four if i have a feather and wait wait wait wait wait i've got three feathers and i've got the stick so i can make a few of them yes so finally on day 23 i went out looking for my last two pieces of gravity so that i could finally make a full set of gear and after mining for a little bit i ended up finding enough so i returned home and i put the r in the altar and made my final piece of gravity armor and let me tell you this stuff is amazing this is absolutely amazing this stuff is broken there it is full gravitate now let's just test out that whoa oh my god jesus all right it said a slight jump height increase not like this this is like 10 blocks dude what oh my god all right uh i can't even i can't even bridge like i can't even place blocks with this it's so you jump so high it's so inefficient but i'm assuming if i'm jumping this high there's no fall damage so this is this is amazing i could i don't even need to use my door i can just jump up straight out here oh my god all right well we're uh what op now yeah mr plant what are you gonna do about it now yeah that's what i thought too all right i want to see what this is about i don't even need the rabbit now although this would be a pretty insane jump with a rabbit whoa oh slime what's up buddy can y'all get me can y'all get me slime buddy hey there's a slight problem with you being able to catch me now eh all right i'll stop bullying this limes i don't want to bring them to my house uh we need to move the berry farm over here and on day 24 that's uh that's exactly what i did on days 25 through to 28 i decided to go on a little adventure over to the big island see if there was anything of interest over there and uh oh boy was there okay so my plan is to bridge up or to tower up and then launch myself over there with my new jump boost and a rabbit on my head it's gonna be pretty risky but i feel like we can make it easily like without a problem all right we're going for it we're going for it we should be fine we should make this easily oh my god dude we're literally flying right above oh my god adam meis is right down there oh my god this is crazy this armor is so good with a rabbit as well is that temple yes there's a temple over here as well oh my god this was so worth it hell yeah dude let's see if i can land here no land here yeah there there works all right we have struck the surface oh and there's a big whale as well hello buddy how can i can i hit you yeah what are you gonna do now buddy oh you can't boot me off can you because i've got too much control over the air space now you're nothing to me anymore you're not think to me all right we're going to go in there at a later date but uh as for now i prefer this island to mine but i don't want to relocate my house over here but it is a nicer island there's less slimes aha we've arrived in the dungeon oh yes oh i didn't mean to do that oops let's put a torch down here all right these things could still be annoying to me but i don't think they're gonna mess me up that much just jump you know just jump what they're gonna do what they're gonna do you can't hit me buddy we're gonna do oh you see that juke oh oh oh god no you're gonna hit me god damn it why would you do this get out get out they don't actually do that much damage anymore oh god the blow up he thinks oh i don't want to go in that room no no no rabbit okay oh my rabbit's not taking any damage from these fools i won't just kill you guys all day like yeah great it's nice getting free chests but when it's all you get like literally all you get stop just die just go away you know a problem to me a problem to me not gonna eat me up today oh god oh god not you get away that's so annoying oh this is an actual chest a sweat cape whoa whoa whoa stop calm down i'm inebriated leave me alone uh and a torch all right well we've got a cape at least i don't know what we can do with that but do i have a cape slot yeah that's a cape what's this put it on wearing a cape now yeah look at that thing hell yeah all right well we've got a cape we got a cosmetic item oh and then another fake chest of course get away and what are you oh you've got enchanted darts and some ambrosium and zanite picks which i'm never gonna use but still at least there's something now we've got an entire other side of this to uh to explore no wait a second hang on a second here right okay so if you see on the map these two dungeons aren't combined there's can i mine through this no i can't mine through this there's a second one right over there so this boy is the boss of this one and then in this next room there's another boss of another dungeon oh my god we're gonna get so much loot right okay my rabbit friend i shall encase you in here for now um i shall come back to you after i have decimated this this poor this poor being i'm actually gonna have to make a zanite pick because i don't think this one's gonna last that long so i'll make two zanite picks and take them into the fight with me but i don't think that my gravitate want to make it through the fight so we're just gonna have to wait and see but uh yeah we'll engage in this on day 29 it was time for me to fight the slider once again yeah i know your strategies now buddy did i use gravity on you the first time oh just more damage you know what i'll go until it's like low low health but i can just jump out the way of this man now like yeah you can't do anything oh that hurt though i just let me just eat for a second mr slider let me just eat for a second oh oh where you going up there buddy you don't want to go up there i'm down here now oh god stop hitting me like that that's cheap that's cheap dude it's harder for me to uh like block the strafes if you know what i mean like juke him out because i uh i jump a lot higher now so he i can't just jump around the middle anymore i've got to try and do something else oh listen you're not even close to killing me oh god i say that and he starts beating me okay now he's mad now he's now he's quite mud but if i just spam him with this oh god he's not happy with me i'll tell you that much stop leave me alone are you guys so mad buddy oh wait no i thought i could juke him up by just jumping up and down that'd been too easy and you're done you're done there we go goodbye good night again all right another bronze key see what we're getting here uh an agility cape a valkyrie lance there we go and a phoenix bow all right what are these agility capes oh what does this do equip this cape does it make me faster or something am i faster i don't feel faster i don't know is my rabbit's still in here yeah you are buddy come on come with me come with me all right i think before we go into the next dungeon i want to head home and repair my pickaxe and also get rid of some of this stuff uh but after we've done that then we'll we'll come back and we'll we'll deal with the next slider on day 30 i returned home and i spent all day repairing my pickaxe and getting ready for the next fight on days to 33 i headed back to the dungeon and i was ready to fight the boss again now this man wasn't like any who came before him no he um he just started destroying everything like he just he just trashed his own home just just take a look at this all right die time now die time come on now what the why are you breaking the floor you're breaking your own house you're breaking your own house buddy whoa you're doing man you're breaking your own abode what are you doing whoa hey calm down man this is your house this is you you live here you've just broke the bloody floor i don't seem to know what you're doing oh you're breaking even more break the chest so i can get what's inside it go on oh my god this is your home do you not understand this why are you breaking where you live i think this one's uh i think this one's not a normal uh slider you know i think this guy is on a warpath right here oh god let's just go down here come on break your house more break your house some more oh my god this stop going into the walls stop breaking it you literally live here my man you literally live here this is your home look what you've done to it look what you've done to your home this is your doing can't blame me all right you don't know why you're mad at me look what you're doing look at this look at the state of this place now you do what you all right okay look at this you made a right mess of the place now you can't be mad at me all right this is your doing this is you're doing i just i just dared to challenge you i don't even know where the entrance is anymore can you break the entrance for me i think it's here break the entrance for me buddy please come on this way this way a bit more ah you see you couldn't break that so that's where the door is but the door's still unbreakable oh my god oh my god you're breaking everything stop i don't need to break the chest because i don't know whether i get the loot or not if you break it stop stop stop okay okay now you now you're just now you're just going a bit a bit too mad you know you've gone mad with power you have to be put down you have to be put down this is such a lovely room before you start trashing it i don't know what this guy's doing with his life but he's he's on he's on a war path i'll tell you this all right you're getting put down there we go all right give me the bronze key uh what we got in here oh some gummy slimes a lightning knife shield of repulsion uh another flame sword another phoenix bow but i'll take them all um oh my god dude look at this room oh my god i'm gonna take these these are pretty cool stones and well i don't have to mine them so i'm gonna pick them up all right i'll get my rabbit we're gonna go i'm gonna go back home and i'm gonna empty out my inventory from this month that man was crazed he had to be put down i don't know what was wrong with him but anyway he was dead he's dead he's gone now after dealing with the two bosses on day 34 i returned home and spent the next three days preparing for the silver dungeon aka the valkyrie queen all right so we're gonna spend a couple days uh preparing gearing up a little bit well not necessarily gearing up but repairing my gear and uh basically just getting the rest of the stuff i think i'll need i think i'm okay on ambrosium uh i got a little bit of that i don't know i really don't know what to expect with this boss i know that it can like float and it can do big damage but i mean i've got i've got my lightning knives all right and i'm hoping that these are gonna come in quite helpful during this fight so i guess we'll see but uh i'm gonna wait for this to smelt down and repair and that's going to take like a day so yeah we'll uh we'll spend the time just thinking about what we can do on day 37 it was finally time for me to enter the dungeon and put an end to the valkyrie queen all right here we are at the entrance of the temple of like the valkyrie queen or something i don't know i think she's called that anyway uh are you a real chest no you're not but you know what you're gonna get put down you're gonna get put down buddy because you can't do damage to me now hey you can't do damage to me now i'm bringing my little rabbit friend with me actually it's probably not a good idea bringing you with me buddy um i'm just gonna build you a little encasement once again stop booping me oh there's some gravity though how many of these are actually fake i'm gonna assume a lot so we're gonna be doing a lot of cutting out of opening chests here oh a blue mower again some sunlight armor don't need that all right where are these valkyries oh there you are oh you damaged don't you you do you like doing damage don't you oh my god that was a close one already oh all right they do not like dying apparently are they they're fake oh they're both fake brilliant i've realized that i've come in here with the wrong sword just give me just give me one second i need to go grab my flame sword all right i'll just be a second all right here we are we're back with the flame sword because it keeps launching them the air um the valkyries and they're harder to hit because they can float so i just thought that this one would be easier to use in here oh a lot of ambrosium torches lovely valkyrie you gonna spawn in here one in here maybe no just the one there you are get away oh god there's two there we go that's one dealt with now you yeah get away ah there we go you just keep them at distance and they're done there we go how many keys we got uh three oh my god there's three in here that's four all right this is how we're gonna do this i'm just gonna block that off and then i'm gonna go boop oh god wait i need to block this off too because i don't wanna come around there we go all right there we go this is how we're going to deal with you there we go get out get out there we go you see she'll die she'll die there we go well we can take less damage while in here now that's great i'm really scared of the armor breaking while i'm in here it's it's like a genuine fear you're going to go easy on me when you can't really get to me that's the that's the problem you're facing right here is you can't you you can't really get to me can you come closer please thank you thank you i really appreciate it nope come back all right so you're the last one i need to kill my good friend so i shall block myself in here and uh deal with you accordingly there we go that should be that should be all ten we only need ten right i think i think we only need to i'm not too sure oh that's a real chest and some mower eggs lovely you're not a real one though of course you're not real you're fake a daca oh god stop stop stop stop ah we're gonna do now right take me to your leader i don't know how to get to her oh i found the way oh there's a cloud in here dude why are you in here get away stop you i can't have you in here while i'm fighting the boss all right do you understand me okay here we go so you want these right uh i wish to uh i wish to fight you i'm ready and i have the medals you're done you're done you can do nothing to me although she's gonna hit me and do big damage as well but it's fine can i not destroy that whoa why can't i not destroy that thing get away get away good can i just keep you arranged with this thing yeah i can't what are you gonna do what are you gonna do oh god smite me and i'll smite you come here oh it does nothing to her it does nothing there we go keep you a distance and you're all right aren't you hey you're not gonna hit on me yet i mean your balls have but other than that you've not done anything to me there we go get it to hit me get it hit me go oh god it's doing damage actually why did that do that much damage to be fair i'm pretty sure you're a bit easier than the slider to be fair i only have to just jump about in here and you're done you know i'm going to keep you at range with this thing and it's you know you're done really these little balls are annoying but i mean you don't really seem to do you know you're not too bad to deal with you're really not that bad of a boss these things are annoying as hell though i'll give you that you've got some annoying mechanics get away i know what these things i can't get i can't get rid of them so they just kind of chase me until they detonate all right come on oh come on now you're done so you're done so this is it this is your demise goodbye sit down all right we're taking the aether by uh by storm right here silver key what's in here lightning sword valkyrie gloves regeneration stone two of them what do these do oh they just give me regen oh i wasted that oh no neptune chest plate neptune helmet yes it did all right i'll take this i'll take this this is a lovely place i might make this my house uh so i hope there's no hard feelings but i just um just killed your queen don't worry about it can i get out of here yeah am i still like stuck in here oh no i can just mine through it it's fine all right well i might make this my house you know it's a lovely place but uh it'll be a bit later on i'm gonna go back to my current home and try and figure out what the christ i'm doing with everything here and on day 40 the valkyrie queen fell to my blade i spent the entirety of day 41 just sorting out all my loot that i got from that dungeon because it was it was pretty good on days 42 to 45 i went exploring around some different islands to see if there was any more dungeons and i ended up finding exactly what i was looking for this is a pretty big island i'm not gonna lie this is pretty big wait is that it that's it there it is there's our third and final challenge right there the the magama boy look at him shall we let's go take a look at him we're not going to go and challenge him right now all right that would be very very stupid of me to do this right now all right after just getting out of that fight you know maybe just maybe wait a bit but we'll we'll have a little look at him all right we'll put take we'll take him on later i should have a little look at him i wanna see what i'm getting myself into you know ah it's is it this side it looked like it was on the map oh it's here all right wow dude there he is there he is give me a little bit of gravity too over here how are you doing in there my friend oh ho ho ho i'll tell you right now tell you right now you're going to be struck down my good friend you're going to be struck down this is a cool room too i want the stone look at it hellfire hell firestone oh my god you're going down buddy but not right now right you enjoy your life right now i'm gonna do some more exploring i want to find uh the peasant dungeon you know the little one the bronze one not the gold one i don't want to be dealing with that boy right now on day 46 i'd had enough of the slime so i decided that i was going to move my house over to the other island because it had less slimes so i got to work on building a new home and this took me until day 52 to gather all the blocks and build it on day 52 the new house was finally done and i think it was looking pretty good alright so the house is done i'll let you have a little looksie right here just go away mr slime please thank you lock you out you're not coming down here okay so here we go um i need to move all the stuff in but i'll do it a later date but this is i'm liking this all right i'm liking the design i went for here with the carved stone and these century stones it looks pretty damn nice i'm gonna put like the the altars and furnaces and stuff here enough storage over there um yeah it looks pretty good i like it on days 53 and 54 i headed back into the silver dungeon to grab all the chests that i've missed ah here's one right is this natural chest yes it is but we already opened it but i will take the chest though we are in need of some more chests i just want to try and get all the ones i missed because i know that i didn't want to be bothered dealing with the uh the chest goblin things so see how many there actually is in here that i missed valkyrie right there oh poison and another mower egg yeah dude we're collecting mower eggs you know gotta gotta hatch them all just in here just a skyroot bucket one right here and you're a faker daker that's what you are you get away now you die ooh an iron pendant what does that do i'm gonna put this on see what it does a pendant an iron pendant i don't know what it does i'll have to like look at the wiki oh wait no i've got my no i don't have my book of law on me all right well i guess i'll i'll go get my book of laura at some point uh are you gonna be a faker take chest no you're not okay um and i think this one just takes me down to the boss fight i'm pretty sure yeah it does is there anything in here i missed because this is a this is a nice area that is a nice golden tree is that a golden oak sapling yeah i'll take that i'll take that i want to replant some of these is there anything under your throne anything of use to me no i guess we'll take out this golden oak tree because i guess it gives you some good stuff and uh then we'll head back and i'll plant my golden oak sapling i guess i mean all in all not the best loot from here but not terrible either not terrible either very nice room oh we missed this chest but it only has zanai armor in it i don't really need that there we go all right that's that dungeon officially looted and done i know there's some gravity up there but i'm not really too interested right now you get away after clearing out all the loot from the silver dungeon i spent the next three days moving all my stuff from my old house to my new one on days 59-60 after moving everything over to the new house i decided that i was going to make the area around my new house more secure by putting up some walls and making sure that i couldn't be pushed off by the big cloud whales okay my plan is to make a perimeter around this little area right here so that we can have less of these to deal with even though we already do have less than over there but make a little perimeter so that way we don't have to deal with many slimes and we won't get booped off by these things i'm going to start work on that with a little bit of land to level but it shouldn't be too long shouldn't take that long all right here we are here's our little area i'll get up get up as high as i can so you guys can see here we go oh well nope i won't yeah there we go we've got a bearer farm over there uh we've got slimes that can't come in unless they jump off the second ledge strong enough to push that back a bit and we've got our golden oak saplings planted down here and just some other trees around the area i built this giant golden like cloud pillar for some reason i don't really know why but i did it anyway so this is where we are right now all right this is the entrance and exit to the like way back home or at least the way i come up yeah feeling pretty good feeling good on day 61 i spent all day repairing my gear because i was going to go out exploring and i didn't want anything to break whilst i was quite far away from home on day 62 to 69 i went exploring around every island i could see just to check if there's anything of interest and i'm just gonna break it to you there really wasn't that much so i'll just let the footage roll but it wasn't really that great okay so basically the the plan of action here is to just have a look around some islands um that we've not been on and uh you know a little bit ways away considering ours all the way back up there um and just see if there's any structures that we've not seen yet um or if there's just anything cool that we uh haven't been able to run into just yet i mean so far we're not finding that much to be honest with you i've been around like this entire island and there's literally been nothing all right we're gonna try looking underneath and like through the islands just to see if there's any uh structures oh there's one literally right there and i guess i'll go in and check on the loot i know it's not going to be much for me at you know but this stage in the aether but hey it's worth a look you know it's worth a look i'm not going to kill the boss though it's not worth my time how's it going in here hey we're all right are we going you're a fake chest i hate you i actually hate you i actually you make me mad you you anger me greatly greatly i say all right you are you fake as well oh i've not got time for you buddy you fake yeah i've not got time for you just run away from him just run away from him that's fake as well lovely what's the bets is this one a fake chest yes it's goddammit big chest oh no it's real okay this island did not hold much for us i'll make that very clear that was a very dull island and now you see this one this island looks real cool hopefully there's actually something on it i hope there is uh we came from that way i've got the coordinates of the house written down so we won't lose it well i say won't but we shouldn't lose it and we should be all good i'm not really hoping to to find anything specific but i mean i've not even found like another silver or gold dungeon yet and we've been been out here quite a while might not seem that long to you lord could be cutting it down but still jesus what is over here hello this is a oh this is a big jump this is a uh it's quite a big jump we should be all right though damn look at this you see you go further away and the islands look hella cool always happens to me always happens look at this this is way cooler than where i live i live in a hole on a very peaceful island don't boot me back you idiot i was really hoping to find something but i don't think we're gonna end up finding anything useful or interesting or anything it's just the same over and over and over again just repeating the same islands is that gravity whoa no is that gravity i want that let's grab a tight yeah i'll take the gravitate there we go at least i get something from this this venture oh my god this is a lot of gravitate how much that five gravitate whoa i don't know what i can make with it but hey we've got it there really don't be much here do they these boys are friendly though how's it going i kind of left my mower in the uh in the other house didn't i oops oh it's fine they're all right they're probably safer away from me i cannot ride you no i probably need a saddle but where would one get a saddle in the either okay all right last island over here last island over here if we uh we find nothing good on here then we're we're headed back oh oh oh that's a silver that's a silver up there hell yeah okay um i guess i could go in there and maybe pick some stuff up this is a big island or at least a big set of them that'll do right hopefully we can make it oh i'm going for them clouds right there oh my god can we make it yeah we're easily making this i say easily we only just made that all right i guess let's break into here oh we can't break into here okay all right well we'll go through the front door all right we'll do it normally hey some ambrosium and the torches hey some more and a golden dart gun as well lovely white mower egg and another poison bucket two fake chests lovely all right i think that's basically all the loot from here we're gonna get out right now i don't i don't trust myself not to swing at these valkyries okay well uh i would say not the best journey i've made away from home but it's all right we're gonna head back and then we shall decide what we're gonna do next and two days later on day 71 i was finally back home day 72 to 75 was spent hatching all my mower eggs because at this point i basically became a mower farmer all right look at my oh for god's sake get off me i'm trying to do i'm trying to do it oh christ oh well either way um yeah look at look at all the mower i hear them but there should be more than this are they down here no they didn't go down there but i should probably block that off just uh just so if they get the temptation of going down there they're not gonna so there's one two three four where's the other four did they get out i moved the berry bushes so that they wouldn't jump over the fence but i don't know where they've gone where are they oh christ no no no no no don't be in here oh they're all in here dude they're so loud i don't want them in here they're so loud oh my god all right well i guess i guess you are in my house now that's why i put the incubators up top so you lot wouldn't get in here but yeah yeah you are all over the place never shut up jesus all right well i guess that'll i will have to deal with this in due course but at least we've got a lot of mower now bomb these things and sell them off i don't care on day 76 i headed back to my old house to see if i had any ice stone there because i remembered that you can make a freezer i didn't know what it did but i wanted one all right so i think i have some ice stone over at my old place and uh i want it because i want to make a freezer and i have no clue what they do but i want one because i saw that you could make one and i was like oh yeah the freeze is a thing so we're gonna go check if i do have any i think i do but i know you can make an ice ring with it um but i looked at the crafting recipe and you need a gold ring or an iron ring and i don't have either so i don't really know what i can do with it i don't know i'll put a berry in there and see if that does anything but yeah we'll we'll find out what it does holy stone ice stone no like that and then the wood freezer right what do i do with you i know i put the ice stone in here can i freeze this no can i freeze them no uh anything can be frozen no oh oh a cold air cloud into a blue air cloud oh okay scout released crystal leaves that into ice what valkyrie music disc i don't have this welcoming skies what the christ is going off here oops oh my god iron ring yep gold ring into that i am pendant into an ice pendant oh i have an iron pendant i will put that in there i'll see what that does oh no i want to put them back on thank you uh give me my iron pendant and make that into an ice pendant and see what you know see what happens with it uh right so an ice pendant uh a pendant which allows you to freeze water and lava when walked on what i'm gonna just take this and equip it immediately that is really cool all right uh what what is the book of law's law you know a large book containing many lore entries written by the wise lorists it describes every object in detail all right well what's the sky root log all right we're gonna put this away and i think we're gonna start preparing over the next few days to uh to tackle let's tackle the sun god so i spent until day 80 preparing myself for the final fight i repaired all my gear and i got as much stuff as i thought i would need to take on the final boss the sun god and on day 81 i headed out to put an end to the sun god and lay the ather to rest once again there it is our final boss let's go let's go put him down okay little rabbit you stay here all right this is no place for you to be no no no rabbit don't go in there no no no don't go in there no do not go in there do not oh no come back come back come back there we go all right all right there we go there we go all right you're in there you my friend you're going down buddy yeah you're not gonna be alive much longer buddy come on get out of here open gl area ruin in the moment you feel my wrath will i oh well leave now or prepare to burn i will show you my good friend oh god jesus christ is out he's up all right here we go here we go all right come on buddy i don't know what's happening with you all right uh he's a bit i don't know what's happening with his texture i think it's the shaders i'm using but it's um it's not that great i'll tell you that much right here's the ice here's the ice i think we need to hit this at him ow stop stop no you're burning me now this isn't fair this is illegal my friend right there's the ice there we go there we go you took a hit then didn't you buddy oh god jesus dude this fight is a lot more jesus christ oh my god oh my god get away there we go he's done he's done you stay away from me buddy you stay away from me we're not friends we're not friends all right this is my half of the room okay buddy oh come on how did that not hit you yeah you done so now there we go i've got to remember that this thing's got mad range there we go he's done he's done all right not so tough now are you buddy hey where's the ice ball there it is look at that oh and i missed completely i'm awful i'm awful all right it's okay there's the ice we go it's hit keep you away from me this thing's got mad range you're done all right we're going good we're going strong we're going strong got plenty ambrosium left we're all good right can i hit you with this now here yes it hit you screw you buddy have that buddy oh god no don't spawn your minion right there you idiot jesus trying to get me killed eh you trying to kill me i'm gonna put your your reign of terror to the grave where's your ice cube there it is oh missed the guy's kind of phasing in and out of existence because of the shaders i do apologize there we go still hit you though buddy try me try me hey not fun is it not fun is it getting destroyed next ice cube oh come on he's right there hit him oh he moved out the way he strafed how dare you all right i need to wait for him to come a bit closer and then i'll hit him with it like that yeah well that was nowhere near closer but i hit him with it it counts as a win for me oh god how am i gonna hit him with this now oh close hit him yes i can't tell if his minions are getting any faster because they are pretty they're pretty pretty speedy boys you know god this fight is taking so long it's taking so long been there about 15 minutes there he is there he is one more shot well no he took one more shot he's probably got a couple more left these regen stones are extremely useful to me i don't know how long they last but they are very very useful is that gonna hit him he's done he's done so he was one more shot oh my god he's done we've done him that's it get his little minion out of here ow stop hitting me all right there we go what's this the sun altar what gold key let's see what lou we're getting here oh phoenix helmet phoenix gloves life shard and vampire blade i'm gonna take a guess and saying that that heals me when i kill things what's this life shard an extra heart well this is an absolutely lovely place and i am going to therefore take the stone i'm gonna gather this stone and then we're gonna we're gonna head back home as a uh as a champion as a champion of the aether on day 84 the sun god finally met his end and then i spent the next three days grabbing as much hellfire stone as i could carry to bring back home because i thought it looked cool but i didn't really use it that much when i got back home i'm not gonna lie to you i don't know why i got this much on day 89 i returned home and started replacing some of the stone in my house with the new hellfire stone all right there we go i think that looks pretty good i only added a little bit because i didn't want to get rid of this one but i think it looks quite nice i should have probably replaced the middle ones but the trapdoors are connected to them and i don't want slime to get in so yeah it looks pretty good on day 90 i decided to place down the sun altar to see what it was all about all right what are we going to do with this do i want to put this down here i don't think i want to put this down here i think i want to put it up top all right let's test out this vampire blade as well while right i don't i doubt it's going to do anything for me but i can just put it in the book of laura if i really want to know what it does all right sun alter oh my god oh my god you could what oh my god this is crazy it's finally night in the aether beautiful what the coal we've got some coal finally oh my god yes everything's coming together everything's coming together it's going good look at this night time in the aether though i'd never see it but here it is these damn things still you know pests but it's fine we can deal with them they're part of the wildlife here all right and the part of the wildlife on days 91 to 95 i went out in search of the little whirlwind windy things again because i really wanted a golden ring before these 100 days were up and while i was out i also killed a fair few slimes get out earlier you are not the glowstone sweats oh that's another chunk of gold yes right one more gold so we need one more gold oh well there it goes ah it's these sweats we need take you out buddy there we go see we need the glowstone for a reason that'll come to you know you'll come to know later oh right there's one yet there's one here give me the gold give me gold no gold no gold we still need the glowstone geez i forgot how many slimes were around here i actually forgot how many there actually was this is oh god i hate this area i don't remember if i left the gold in this chest over here because i didn't think it was yeah necessary there we go all right so we've got three gold now all right oh god i almost jumped straight out my house oh there's another tornado here a little wispy worm all right let's see what you got for me come on something good please no that's flint don't give me flint why are you on me why you want me get off me man i need i need the loot that this gives me i'm pretty sure i don't have to jump into them but i'd do it anyway oh what's that what's that oh that was flynn no it wasn't was wood oh there goes that tornado lovely this is sending them what the crisis happened here oh no the eighth has been grieved it's been grieved after unfortunately not finding enough gold to make a ring i decided that i'd spend days 96 and 97 and gathering as much quick soil as i could because i wanted to make some glass for the top of my house all right so we should have enough quick soil i hope that we do i'm pretty sure that this should be you know it should be a fine amount and i'm sure that i have to put it in the altar because i think kind of like the furnace of this place yep there we go and it smells pretty quickly all right well i'll start taking down the roof and put up the uh put the soil or at least no the glass sorry not the soil the glass tomorrow i'll put up the glass tomorrow on day 98 i placed down all the glass that i'd smelted and uh i thought it looked okay nothing more just okay i mean it's all right i'm not gonna say it's terrible i don't know why the sky is bugging out but um it doesn't look terrible whoa whoa whoa what is it sucking me about whoa whoa all right so you move quick on this then all right so here's the end result of it um i thought i'd show you at night because the sky for some reason doesn't bug out at night but here we go i i don't really know i mean i like it and i also don't like it but it's i guess it's pretty cool it's not too bad you know it's not too bad um it doesn't look great from up top i'm not gonna lie but hey we've got glass now all right it's something i wanted earlier and couldn't get and of course the slime gets me on that stop stop i'm trying to speak to people stop you jesus all right well at least you can put torches down on that i mean that's kind of cool but yeah um it's okay it's okay on day 99 i decided to head back to my first house i built here and reminisce well here we are first home sweet first home uh we've got those mines down here i'd actually don't you think i showed you the scale of the mines so if you just take a little oh wait no it's not even that way if you take a little look on the mini map this is how much i mined all right i did big strips all right look at this did we get down to it yeah you see all the strips on the map that's that's that's my mining for this gear i have now just big strips all the way across and i completely forgot that it spawned at the side so i didn't really find that much but i found a decent amount yeah this is where it all started what a yeah what a time what a time it doesn't even feel like it was that long ago but it was a fair few hours ago at this point 90 97 days our first boss was killed just under this house as well what a time what a time there's still things in the chest you know my first tools are still in here my first sword wow slime's still getting in still to this day still calling them slimes even though they're called sweats yeah good times and we built the second house which i thought was gonna look a lot cooler than it did um i kind of messed up on the roof it was the roof that i uh it's the roof that does it all right it's the roof that makes it look bad and then here we've got my original two mower who i still don't pay any attention to i don't pay any attention to the ones i have at the minute but yeah we've come quite a long way on this we've come quite a long way on this i feel like we became pretty pretty kitted quite early but that's just how it happens in the 8th you know it's ready rewarding and finally on day 100 i said my goodbyes to this world because i was probably never going to see it again goodbye cloud whale i'll uh i'll not really miss you i mean you're better than a gas i'll give you that but uh i will i will slightly miss you i guess you i will not miss all right i hate you i hate you so much you can you can just you did you belong in the nether my friend you belong in the nether yeah that's where you belong my good fellow yeah this is uh this is it and i feel like it's only right to end it off where we started so i'm gonna just uh just gonna do this right here and we're gonna we're gonna say goodbye to this place whatever that's it we're done it's our final goodbye to the aether it's been a good journey i uh thank you all right i've had some good time but a good time here lovely lovely mod but we saved it we've uh we've restored the day night cycle and it's finally time to go now my friend i'm taking i was gonna take you to a world that is not yours all right this is your world goodbye goodbye there he goes well [Music] let's return home let's return home well we've done it we survived 100 days in the aether 100 days once again we restored everything back to the eighth i don't know what's happened to me what is why am i engulfed by my armor excuse me is it the repulsion shield yeah it's the repulsion shield for some reason it doesn't work outside the aether anyway we did it we survived 100 days in the aether if you enjoyed the video at any point then please consider dropping a like i would really appreciate it and uh consider subscribing as well because these videos take a long time to make and it would really mean the world to me anyways that's it from me today thank you all so much for watching and joining me on this journey and i'll see you all in the next video you
Views: 549,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, game, Minecraft, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days, 100 days in minecraft modded, 100 days in minecraft hard mode, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, 100 days in the aether, 100 days in modded minecraft, 100 days in modded minecraft hard mode, minecraft 100 days, i survived 100 days in minecraft, i survived 100 days minecraft modded, i survived 100 days in the aether, modded minecraft, modded minecraft 100 days, 100, 100 days in minecraft hardcore, minecraft survival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 35sec (4295 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.