I Survived 100 Days In A Minecraft Horror Game... Here's What Happened

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i survived 100 days in a minecraft horror game i regret playing this so much on day one i just spawned in i came across a village pretty quickly i decided to loot everything that i thought was going to be useful got some wood quickly so that i could get a basic shelter and very luckily came across some coal on the surface the reason this is so useful is because basically the way it works is if i don't have some sort of light source gru comes to say hello as the fog starts to roll in monsters start to spawn and i am already terrified i decided i was going to make the top of this hill my base because i thought it would make quite a good defense i came across this hull which i was going to build in because it meant that i didn't have to build as much i could see this weird tower in the background i had no idea what it was but that was gonna have to wait for another day the sun was setting and i needed to get this base built quick and that is what gru is as you can see he's not very friendly and of course there were a bunch of monsters outside my base and i was gonna have to figure something out after trying to kill as many as i could i just ended up decided to dig a hole and sleep in that day two was pretty great definitely nothing terrifying happened i could already hear the spiders in the background and i was not happy about it there's that weird tower again no idea what it is hopefully it doesn't try to kill me after dealing with the spiders i got some stone tools some wood and as i was getting more food i kept coming across zombies that were spawning in the day damn it clearly something was wrong because zombies don't spawn during the day and after a bit of investigation yeah there's one of those right next to my home i swear this modpack hates me so obviously i did the only sensible thing and blocked it off never to be seen again and that sign pretty much explains it all i got some more coal killed some more pigs and then decided to go caving for some reason maybe because i like being scared i don't know no no no no other way other way run away no and of course it's getting dark why wouldn't it be getting dark on day three it was time for some remodeling dig some stone dig some dirt dig everything dig a big wide area so that had a lot more space although i wanted to keep it semi underground so that mobs couldn't find me because zombies react to light in this did i say that oh after digging out a big area it was time to lay some wood and it was looking pretty good pretty pretty good i needed glass i had no glass i must get sand and now here we are happy as can be digging sand well i mean you know until a creeper comes and blows up our sand castle i have animations glass glass glass more glass more more glass they can't get me now it was kind of dark in the room so i wanted to build a skylight here's another demonstration of my immaculate building skills so because our last expedition to the cave yesterday ended in me carrying away in fear i decided to go back today because i really needed iron you can't see anything anything could be in there right now and just come up and scare me coal is always useful that keeps me away from gru dude this is so creepy i'm not happy about this at all why did i choose this mod pack it's surprising how well these creepers blend in this is ridiculous look at him changing color i did not sign up for this i definitely did not sign up for this these are terrifying what is this no no no run run away this is hardcore i cannot risk dying on day six i blocked the corner off with some dirt and basically just waited there for mobs to be spawned die die please eventually they did end up leaving so i just made a run for it and when i got home i could finally make another flint and steel so that the light didn't run out day seven and we're back at the cave i'm determined to get iron tools in iron armor so that i don't die you can see every time i mine something i'm constantly checking behind me to make sure there's no creepers i hate exploring new parts of the cave it's so dark and creepy and anytime i hear a noise i just block myself in and hope for the best i am getting a decent bit of iron though so that's quite useful hopefully eventually i'll have my iron doors in iron armor i decided to mine some cobblestone so that i could turn it into stone and then eventually stone bricks so that i could make a cool underground base this way every time i needed to go mining i would have somewhere to run back to instead of running all the way back home i put slabs on the floor so that mobs couldn't spawn even if it was dark on day 8 i figured it was probably time to see what was up with this tower it didn't seem like there was anything around i got up to the top with no troubles and it looked pretty safe i didn't really know what this towel was supposed to be but at least it wasn't trying to kill me it almost looked like something was missing though i don't know i couldn't explain it i also decided to go back and check out the dungeon and was immediately greeted by a creeper well i mean at least it killed all the zombies and took care of the spawner for me all of the stuff in the chest was pretty generic but semi-useful but then i came across a book it seemed somewhat out of place almost as if it had been hidden here what do not let anybody see this i have developed a method that will put a stop to the darkness once and for all i cannot tell you outright for fear of somebody thoughting my plans i fear i do not have much time i've been trapped in this dungeon and the zombies are coming please if you're reading this follow the trail i've left for you head north to the edge of the world what what does any of that mean there's a way to stop all the monsters i guess that's kind of useful thanks dude i hope it got out alright yeah i don't know what any of that is i guess we'll have to come back to it what is that what what is that wait no no it's breaking the doors breaking the door hello go away please what are it you randomly moving how do i kill it wait if i wait hold on hold on hold on if i turn around oh that's not good that's that's not good how do i kill it stone maybe i can use my pickaxe i don't know wait did that do damage that's doing damage yes when i leveled up i'm i'm gonna have a heart attack this is this is not good i decided to go outside to test whether the monsters were actually that bad and it turns out they definitely are well this was such a dumb idea this was such a dumb idea well at least we made it home all right on day 10 i decided to go see what that book was talking about and it was actually quite a nice time the sun was out there were no mobs i got some meat the scenery was pretty nice eventually i got to a desert and i could see something in the distance it looked like some sort of entrance i didn't really want to go into it at night but i didn't have a choice as mobs were starting to spawn and it was getting dangerous why is there a big hole and what is down there am i going to have to jump i'm going to have to jump aren't i i jumped down and of course instantly there's something down here oh it's running no oh this this iron armor is helping out that is a creeper that's not what i wanted to see i managed to get through all of the mobs and then climbed up this ladder i came out to an opening and from what i could see there was a maze why oh that's creepy i can hear mobs oh i don't even know if i'm going the right way what was that wait wait i have to go this way no again again again where am i [Music] why am i back at the entrance i'm just running i don't care i'm just running [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what's this what's this oh there's a chest surely this is it right this is the end surely diamond pickaxe and another book if you don't want it to stay night forever you'll find yourself heading for the nether why we we can't go there yet we can't go there yet we need to get gear first we need to get back first luckily day 11 was coming and the sun was rising on day 11 it was time to head back home i found this cool well i don't know who made it but it looked cool i don't know maybe some ancient civilization or something i also came across this cool forest area i don't know it looked pretty cool sometimes the world generation in this game is just outstanding i mean look at this view i came across this sand pit and then oh yeah i've fallen in of course i've fallen in luckily there were no mobs in it but that could have been really really bad but eventually we did make it back home safe and sound over the next seven days which is a very long time i decided that we needed a base defense and so i was gonna dig out the entire bottom half of the mountain and add a big wall this took way longer than it should have i used some stone brick to build up the wall and then also added a lip so that spiders couldn't crawl up i don't know at first i didn't like it but it's kind of growing on me it's definitely unique you don't see it often mainly because it takes so long and i can assure you it definitely works well in addition to the base defenses on day 19 and 20 i made a watchtower so that i could see everything that was going on around me i wanted to use the shape of the mountain and incorporate that into my design here you can see the wall working very well you might get hit with the occasional arrow but at least you don't die to a mob of zombies so that's a bonus the watchtower was coming along pretty nicely add a couple of ladders and a trapdoor and i think we're pretty much done on day 21 i wanted to make a staircase down the mountain that kind of fit in with the shape of the mountain again so that i could easily get down to the wall if i needed to and i'm pretty happy with this design and then out of nowhere as i was about to go to bed what is that what is a blood moon what what i didn't really know what a blood moon was so i went out to the watchtower to try and see what was happening turns out this was a really big mistake i went up the watchtower and then all of a sudden a bunch of mob started spawning and i was more or less trapped in here why are there so many spiders i tried to go down the ladder slightly to get a better view but then instantly got knocked off and this was really really dangerous territory couldn't manage to get into the house without something hitting me oh that's not good that's really not good lock myself in block myself in try not to die that was that was so close that that was so close what do i do eventually daytime came and i could let the sun do most of the work but all of the creepers and the spiders were still going to be hostile and were still going to try and kill me and so i pretty much just spent all morning killing these spiders eventually i cleared most of the spiders up and thought i was pretty safe yeah it turns out that phenomenal case those creepers blend in far too well and there's this creepy laughing what is that so creepy dude where did that come from where did that wear why leave me alone and so the cleanup began i started with putting all of the dirt back and then started building the buildings out again on day 23 i went out and killed a bunch of animals so that i could have some more food because i was running kind of low and then randomly got jump scared by a weeping angel i didn't have a pickaxe on me but luckily i had a crafting table and some materials to make one on day 24 to 27 i built a bridge across to the other island so that i didn't have to walk down and get beaten up by mobs some people say my building skills aren't that great but you know what i'm pretty proud of this i built a tower in the middle so that i could change the direction of the drawbridge without it looking weird and you know what this looks awesome and now i have direct access to this weird tower next i went out looking for slimes i needed sticky pistons so that i could make a redstone contraption so that i could get up the wall easily it took a long while to find these things but i'm glad i did because now i knew that i would always be able to get up onto the wall no matter what next i just needed to mine a bunch of redstone because you know redstone contraptions don't really work without it these lava pools are not fun to walk past on hardcore mode especially with all the creepy mobs in this modpack eventually i did find some redstone though and that would be enough i also mined a bunch of other roars at the same time because why not next all that was left was to actually build the redstone contraption it took some fiddling around in some trial and error but eventually i got it pretty good once i'd got a working design i basically repeated it two other times around the wall that way no matter where i was around the wall i was always able to get up and they worked pretty well on day 35 i went to mine obsidian this was so that i could eventually build a nether portal it took a while and i was very paranoid the whole time but eventually we managed it on day 36 i made a never portal room and also made the never portal i made these on the other island so that i didn't have to hear the never portal the whole time i've been trying to get better at building and i think this looks cool at the end of day 36 i went back to go get some supplies and then on day 37 it was time to head to the nether i wanted to see what that book was talking about after getting to the nether it looked like there was this weird path so i just followed that assuming that might be the right way to go once i got to the other side of the path i found a never fortress i figured i should probably go and explore it turns out gru is still active in this dimension so i still have to use torches this was so sketchy i was running around with no idea what to do in this dimension i didn't know what i was supposed to do here and i kept almost dying to mobs this place is really unforgiving and i almost died to wither skeletons turns out they hit pretty hard eventually i did stumble across a chest though and i figured this was probably what i was looking for hopefully there'd be another book inside after looking around and making sure there was no ghasts i looked inside the chest as luck would have it there was another book but i would have to read this later because this place was far too sketchy to stay once i'd managed to successfully get home i took a look at the book you have gone to the depths of hell to retrieve your prize you must now go to the world between this one and your own sometimes to proceed forward one must retrace their steps why are these all so cryptic i have no idea what that means where am i supposed to go on day 38 to 40 i used the netherrack i'd gathered to make a bunch of fires and place them all around the mountain this way i would have constant light without it running out this took quite a long while but after i'd finished placing all of the fires i was pretty happy with how it looked and it looked even better at night next i wanted to make a farm so that i could have a constant supply of food rather than having to go out and kill mobs i wanted to make the farm look like it was sloping down the mountain so i started replacing the water blocks i added this pond at the bottom to give the illusion of i guess a small waterfall or mountain stream while it took a bit of extra time it was definitely well worth it and it looks even better with wheat in the fields next i wanted to mine for diamonds and get full diamond armor that way i knew i would be totally safe no matter what at least that was the theory i went back to the cave and started a strip mine this is definitely the best way to mine basically you mine out 10 to 15 blocks and then slowly mine all the way down to bedrock that way you don't miss anything eventually i got enough diamonds to make full diamond armor and even had some left over to spare i look so cool with all this new diamond armor i needed to make an enchanting room so my next task was to go out find a village and get as many books as possible i found a village fairly close and after having a look around it the terrain generation was kind of cool it had like this really vertical build and some of it was even inset into the mountain nearby sometimes minecraft terrain generation is pretty cool anyway i got a bunch of books from that village but i found that actually it wasn't anywhere near enough so it was time to go and hunt some sugarcane after a ridiculous amount of time looking for sugarcane i finally had enough to make all the books i needed i then turned all of those books into bookshelves and then it was finally time to start building out the room i decided again i wanted it to be a part of the mountain i wanted the whole mountain to be my base so it needed to look natural as i was digging out the enchanting room i came across a small cave with a pond in it rather than completely demolish the cave like i usually would i tried incorporating it into the design of the enchanting room i thought it would be cool if to get to the enchanting room you had to hop over these small ponds unfortunately however where i wanted the actual enchanting room to go i dug into where my bed was so i decided to move my bed upstairs cover up the hole and then build the enchanting room i used the mossy cobblestone from the dungeon to make it look more weathered like it had been there for a really long time after some finishing touches it looked pretty cool day 56 i just mined lapis somehow i hadn't really come across any and i needed a lot for the enchanting next up i went outside to farm a bunch of xp i wanted enough to be able to enchant all of my items all of my diamond gear and all of my diamond tools i hadn't however enchanted since 1.14 so i didn't really understand the new enchanting system it turns out i gathered way more xp than i actually needed next it was getting pretty cramped in my base so i decided to make an external storage facility so that i could store all of my items there instead i thought it would be cool to have it look like it was hanging off the mountain and then have a balcony even further out than that i think this design ended up working pretty good it also gave me another spot that i could look out from and see what was happening around me i then wanted to make a nether wart farm and a brewing potion room i wanted this room to look a lot darker than the enchanting room almost like a witch's coven or something i think fire looks really good with these shaders i spent the next two days trying to figure out what that clue actually meant i crossed the drawbridge that i had made went over to the second island because i thought maybe it was trying to lead me there but after fighting off a bunch of mobs i couldn't really find anything i then ran around the bottom of my mountain i thought maybe that's where it would be but i couldn't find anything there either and i also went to the original cave that i built my cave base in no luck there either after taking another look at the book i remembered when i very first spawned in i came across a village it wasn't really of any note but i figured it would make sense to go and check there as well because that was one of the first places i came across day 74 rolls around and i'm going to the village i just hope i can find something here because everything else has led to dead ends i looked around the whole village i looked in every house all of the farms tried to even retrace my steps but i just couldn't find anything then as i was checking one of the last houses on the outer edge of the village i went up to the roof and out the back of the village there was this massive tree it didn't really make sense for a massive tree to be in the middle of the desert so it looked kind of out of place i decided i needed to investigate it on closer inspection this tree was huge it even had an inside carved out and there was what looked like a portal in one side of the tree this had to be the clue for now i went back to my base so that i could get anything and everything i thought i would need so that i knew that i wouldn't die on the other side of that portal if i died now it would be devastating when the time came to go through the portal i headed toward the village i was really nervous i had no idea if i was gonna come back this could be the end of this entire world i made my way over to the village found the tree again and made any last minute checks i needed to once we were in the all clear it was time to dive in there's already noises this is weird it's dark out seems like a big swamp my food's rotten why is my food rotten creepy what what is this in like an upside down a another book coordinates nothing else do i have to go to them whatever i don't know i explored the surroundings a little bit and also wanted to make a base in this world so that i knew that i was always safe i would always have a place to run back to turns out gru was also active in this world but torches didn't work once daytime rolled around i instantly went digging to see if i could find something that i could use as a torch that was a really close call but luckily i survived and i managed to come across this thing called sulfur and yes i could make torches with it oh what is that what is that oh that's so creepy it's like a big worm wait wait i'm stuck i'm stuck i'm stuck what is that that's not right that's this place is so weird dude what is that wait can i eat this is that something in the distance now that i had a couple of resources from the surrounding areas it was finally time to make my temporary base look at how cool this furnace looks next i wanted to go out and find something that i could make glass from i decided to go near the riverbed because i figured maybe there's something here turns out this silt stuff makes pretty good glass and with that even though it was very simple i finally had somewhere that i could call home in this dimension and stay safe next i just needed to farm a bunch of food so that i could eat because my food from the other world didn't work here once i had gotten some food it was finally time to go to those coordinates i didn't know where they would take me or what they would take me to i had no idea what to expect all i could do was trust that it would be a good thing unfortunately i forgot to actually record myself going to the first sign so i'm really sorry about that on my way to the third sign i came across this really cool pillar just in the middle of nowhere there's so much crazy stuff all over this place finally though the hunt was over and i came across the third book and yes you guessed it more coordinates it was time to head to the fourth sign there's always something interesting to look at in this dimension i came across this big tree trunk and it had fungus growing on it also had these weird little fungus people which was pretty cool i'd never seen a mob like this in any other mod pack i went up to the top of the tree trunk and inside of it there was this weird block i had no idea what it was but i mind it anyway luckily i could see the fourth clue from the tree trunk more coordinates i came across this weird mushroom thing it almost looked like a slime block but was blue and yeah it turns out these mushrooms have a pretty weird effect but you'll see that in a minute looking up at the sky i realized that there was a crack in it it almost looked like we were somehow below the ground like maybe below the void even look at these blocks i've never seen anything like this before in a mod pack you can actually see all the way through them that's so cool yeah i have no desire to mess with that guy boat it is and this boat was so cool it looked nothing like the vanilla boats it fit in perfectly with this sort of aesthetic it actually looked like a small dinghy and to sail it you had to pull each individual ore separately so if you wanted to go straight back you pulled both walls left the right or right the left door such a cool mechanic and as i was going through the water i had these weird i guess piranha things chasing me the whole time at least they lit the way for me finally i came across the fifth clue and it not only had a book but a bunch of weird parts in it as well they were just labelled machine block machine computer i had no idea what they were i decided to take the book out first and read that so that i knew what i was dealing with but all it said was go back and find the machine and then just some coordinates i guess to lead me back i took the machine blocks and the machine computer with me but i still didn't really have an idea what to do with them or what they would do anyway i would have to worry about that later because for now i had to make my way back on my way back i came across some crazy stuff i was making my way across this weird ocean thing with a bunch of trees coming out of it accidentally fell into the water i was so scared because i had no idea what was in it oh by the way here's what those mushrooms do i used the mushrooms to look out and i saw this weird floating gas ball i didn't want to get near it because i had no idea what it would do i didn't know if it was hostile if it was a friend but i didn't want to test it i also came across these cool ruins and also found this tree i tried to get near it because it looked so cool but as you can see the tree was alive and it did not want me to get near spikes were coming out of the ground faces were appearing on the tree trunk and damaging me with something and every time i tried to get near it would do so much damage it was really interesting but i couldn't risk dying to this it was time to leave and come back another day and after a long journey i finally made my way back to my base after organizing a few bits i jumped back through the portal so that i could finally see what this whole wild goose chase was leading me to day 98 and i'm welcomed back with two zombies already after coming back to the overworld i made my way back to my base i decided to test out whether these sulfur torches worked here but unfortunately they didn't in the other dimension they didn't run out so it would be useful if they worked here but i guess you can't have everything i put everything i had gathered away and tried to figure out what to do with these blocks and i had a sneaking suspicion this tower had been here the whole time and i had no idea what it was but it was definitely worth a try i headed over there to inspect whether it would make sense that this machine belonged in that tower i headed all the way up to the top and it looked like there were markings on the ground i decided to place the blocks where these markings were and it turns out it was a perfect fit i did the next layer up and again perfect fit the last diamond layer also was a perfect fit and i guess finally it was just the computer that needed to be installed i went back to my base to make some preparations because i had no idea what was going to happen when i turned this machine on on day 99 i was a bit nervous i looked around my world and i'd built so much i'd come so far from shaking in my boots running away from weeping angels don't get me wrong this place was still terrifying but at least i wasn't gonna die every time i left my house i figured it made sense to turn this machine on when night fell because supposedly it was gonna get rid of the darkness but of course on my final night it just has to be a blood moon clearly whatever entities in this world existed they did not want me to turn on this machine i could already see mob spawning this was not going to be easy things were already jumping out of me this weeping angel came out of nowhere and almost got me after i finished it off i made my way across the drawbridge but by that point there was so many mobs around what whatever i'm just gonna make a run for it come on are they coming what no no no oh no just go up just go up up up up up up up come on no i need to place a torch otherwise gru's gonna get me please please oh so low health oh this is bad this is bad just run run run run run run wait where's my shield okay no no no oh oh this is bad this run run run away i decided to go back to the drawbridge to try and funnel them so that i could kill as many as possible but there were so many mobs i finally cleared a few up but they were still spawning at rapid speed i would just have to run past it all and gun it towards that tower just run just run past it all run past it all run run run past it all it's okay come on come on finally i made it up the tower but things were still trying to stop me and it was so creepy up here but now it was finally time to end it all it was time to hit the button what happened wait what where am i what why is it daytime why is there thunder what wait is it over wait are we done there are no mobs no nothing i would later find out that there were no more mobs there was no more night time no more darkness no nothing we'd finally overcome this terrifying horror mod pack and i would no longer be scared every time i played minecraft
Channel: Kracket
Views: 210,968
Rating: 4.9077578 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hardcore, 100 days, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, 100 days in minecraft
Id: GIkSEAqRmio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 15sec (1875 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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