I Survived 100 Days in Zombie Apocalypse on Minecraft and Here's What Happened.

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all right after that last zombie attempt i think it's time for some r r look at the stars just take it all in maybe maybe maybe i'll catch a shooting star ugh what's that oh my gosh are you serious really right now i just finished one what oh my god get away from me get out of here we doing this again [Applause] [Music] so i'm gonna try it again this will be my second attempt to try and survive 100 days in minecraft hardcore during a zombie apocalypse so here are the rules number one no sleeping it's absolutely not allowed i mean the most difficult and entertaining times are at night so it kind of makes sense right i thought so number two diamond is useless let's just pretend i don't have tools to make diamond stuff because if you think about it in reality you technically don't make diamond armor or whatever i don't know i just i just want to make it more challenging that's all number three no one chanting this ain't hogwarts folks this is a post-apocalyptic nightmare so all the potters can stay home they're not allowed number four mutations happen every 10 days this would include boosting the zombie's abilities increasing the probability of the blood moon etc etc anything that makes the days harder as i progress basically number five there is a probability every night that the blood moon will happen but every 10 days when the mutation happens they are 100 guaranteed and finally this is minecraft hardcore meaning if i die it's over all right and i'm back day one what do you do on day one get that material you find a nice cozy spot and you build that house and to give a little advice here you better have a roof because speaking from experience it's important now to be fair my last attempt i couldn't get the mod pack to work 100 which resulted in spiders spawning during the blood moon which made the difficulty of surviving a hundred times harder so for this run i decided to create my own mod pack to make it a little easier to set up also as a bonus i created a tools and weapons mod i just wanted something to increase the difficulty a little bit and overall just to create a little bit more immersion i guess or something aesthetically to fit the theme just for a quick explanation the tools are basically useless when fighting mobs and weapons are useless for harvesting so there's no double use items like the vanilla axe whoa what is that this game trying to kill me already this game is glitching out but it's like an invisible waterfall or something whoa holy crike don't ask me what a crike is i have no idea i can't believe i almost fell down that things are going so good not really so just to be clear there were holes all over this place and for some reason i thought it was smart to build the base here go figure i don't know maybe i was thinking that since the holes were there and i would have easy access down to a cave or something but whatever i started clearing the place out so i could start building get that roof up because i wanted to get it up on the first day that was my goal that's all i cared about but unfortunately that didn't happen i had zombies bugging me that night i even got in a little bit of trouble here's a sword and of course i panicked as you can tell me throwing wood everywhere not good not good it get up no no not tonight not the first night come on oh my gosh i'm getting the heck out of here no way i'm dying tonight geez shadow it's the first night man well that kind of screws up my plans for the night oh my gosh shadow come on you know what i should be like playing a hardcore farming simulator or something i probably would have a hard time surviving that i mean look at these zombies they're not even that fast like what am i worried about like these zombies might as well be crawling or i i could if i had a broken leg i could just roll away from them they're slow but when i get in situations like this i i tend to panic like i can't help it it's just it's just me all right so i'm gonna try to swing around here and try to get back to the base if i can oh yeah yay oh my god are you kidding me was i seriously scared by a nut i'd gone from ducks to nuts i hope you guys enjoy this i really do because this is kind of embarrassing for me sometimes it really is anyway so if you guys like seeing me put myself through this kind of a punishment and you just enjoy the content in general don't forget to like and subscribe like i said it really helps out the channel and it lets me know that you guys like this kind of content and overall it just makes me a happy guy really i like seeing the community grow because you guys are the absolute best now the problem is i don't know where my house is i'm gonna starve here soon which is not good all that running around really made my hunger go down okay sorry piggy it's gotta happen it's gotta get done come on piggy die come on oh my god i can't kill a pig oh man and this is where the weapon pack kind of shines because i wanted to make sure the tools were meant to be tools and the weapons as weapons now i know what makes it a little bit more difficult but that's kind of what i was going for i wanted you to really think what you had in your inventory slots yeah i just wanted to be a little bit more immersive that's all so first night not very successful so yeah that's uh day one i got myself a house with no roof and tons of zombies around me great so day two got the roof up which is good it's great perfect but there was one thing in my house that was really bothering me it was the corner the corner for some reason was all over the place and i had to get that fixed i just had two why are you gonna be such an eyesore i'm gonna fix this ow ow what the hell yep scratch that looks like it's just gonna have to be a problem for now yep all right so i was kind of running into a little bit of a problem on day two because i was low on hunger and i didn't have any food and i couldn't go outside to get food because well there are zombies out there and i didn't want to take that chance so the only option i had was to go down let's go down and do some mining maybe maybe i can find some iron and maybe i can build myself some armor and proper weapons i was kind of surprised that i found a cave system fairly quickly but it kind of makes sense with all the holes around my house so maybe i shouldn't have been that surprised yeah just so everybody knows zombies do spawn in caves right from the start so technically i'm not really that safe down here but i figured since most of them respond above the ground i should be okay for a little bit underground i think don't quote me on that oh my god the bat scared me now oh all right so i got the place lit up now they shouldn't spawn where it's lit up so yeah wait they can't spawn where it's lit up i guess wait what you're not supposed to be down here how'd you get down here how did you spawn are you cheating all right maybe it's not that safe down here that's okay i got a little bit of iron so i'm gonna take my chances at the surface i don't care i'll swing from tree to tree to get some food i just i gotta do it i can't i can't die on day two right i gotta at least make it to day eight i have to right so i took that iron and i made myself a rusty saw blade look at that thing so smexy so my attempt from swinging tree to tree really didn't work oh bad idea bad idea bad idea uh i don't even think that's really a mechanic in this game but uh whatever i ran i was getting desperate i really didn't have a choice i was either going to die to a zombie or die to starvation i knew there were a few pigs out here so i just had to go run get one and get back that's really all i could do sorry pig i have no other choice this has to happen i need food i'm hungry now how many pork chops did he give me one ah i gotta get more i need more but these damn pigs weren't making it easy don't go too far don't go too far come here come here i don't got time for this oh come on pig oh spam clicking everywhere i know you guys told me not to spam click i i know i know i know i know but when you panic you tend to forget that stuff right it just it just kind of floats away i did find a pack of wolves though and i thought well you know what i could tame them they could be my wolf army they could fight the zombies for me they could you know defend my perimeter while i did stuff i don't know i was just thinking ideas you know some good some bad you take what you can get whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh i guess he doesn't like me knocking down these trees so uh i'm gonna just uh mosey on this way all right shadow you gotta get back to your house you gotta stop fooling around you got your meat go cook it you're only at three hunger stop messing around with the bird and zombies do they're out there when i see a bird i kind of forget how dangerous the zombies are because uh these birds are ducks or whatever they're they're bad ass all right so i made it back to my uh well it's not pretty that's for sure uh house and i cooked my meat i ate it and you know what i started healing and day two that was that was interesting that's that's that's all i'm gonna say so day three i basically you know i worked on the house worked on the floor i had the roof so what was next all right all right all right so i still want to try that moat from the last playthrough that i did i never got a chance to really put it in play now in the last playthrough i wasn't being super smart because i built a wooden house in the middle of a lava moat now at the time i thought it was okay because it wasn't right next to it but as you could tell or seen from my last attempt that didn't really turn out that way my house caught on fire still i gotta be smart with this playthrough i gotta be smart with this attempt i'm gonna make this house stronger i don't care if i mine every single cobblestone in this map i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it now just talking about being smart i ended up stumbling across a new extension to my original cave system do i dare go in hell yeah why not oh wait that's right um i could die possibly but you gotta you gotta live a little right let's do it oh wow i'm gonna have to explore over there not yet though soon all right my pickaxe is gonna break i'm gonna have to go back up gonna take out my trusty rusty saw blade axe and mosey on up just gotta be careful though i think i think i think i'm going the right way or not nope definitely not this is a dead end nope definitely not this way wait wait wait wait oh no no no definitely not this way either man where am i all right i got to figure this out because i can't be down here all day i gotta i gotta find my way out god darn it why do i always get lost in these things like really whoa tons of iron i hit the jackpot man that's a lot of iron for day three well i think but you know what that calls for another furnace heck maybe i'll make two i'll spoil myself a little bit and just for the record made a chest day three made a chest day three i got it done i did it hey me and the rest of day three i basically just started making my house stronger now before you all start coming at me saying why are you building it with brick stone why not just do it normal stone you're wasting so many resources well i'll tell you why i got to spend the next 100 days in this thing and i want to make sure it looks somewhat presentable all right day four that corner really was starting to bother me well excuse me zombie you're not supposed to be doing that you're glitching on me now what trying to play peek-a-boo well it ain't cute so go away okay thanks all right i guess i'm going to scrap that idea for now ah so ugly a few moments later maybe maybe maybe i'll just just try ah there's a sword go away go seriously go no no no all right it's not worth it not worth it it's not worth dying over some more moments later shadow leave that freaking corner alone man i get it i get it it's an eyesore but it's not it's not worth it they start coming in here it really isn't ah don't you see me trying to work here come on give me a break so i was getting a little impatient with that corner and i figured you know what it's not worth doing i got i got to distract myself i'm going to go down and i'm going to mind some more cobblestone because the stone blocks i'm going to need quite a bit of stone so uh that's what i did and hey i i just wanna show you guys something i took your advice that you gave in the comments about spamming and i tried to really focus on not doing that because i guess if you spam you don't hit them as hard which makes sense i get it so so i appreciate it i really do thanks for the tips but but just to be fair i just want you guys to know sometimes i do panic and i click like crazy i'm not really sure why it just it's my nerves i guess maybe possibly or maybe i just forget i don't know i tell you this corner was really bothering me like it was it was always on the front of my mind and i just i just couldn't get it out like i went to the to the surface to gather some some wood and some dirt and stuff and like i i just got drawn to it like i just want to fix it of course it's got to be at night with zombies all around me but that's me not thinking shadow you just you gotta be smarter than this man like i'll be surprised if i get to day 100. heck i'll be surprised if i get the day 10. oh an apple i'm gonna save that apple sweet oh more apples i hit the jackpot all right i think i'm all right i think i'm getting a little too excited here i really do oh right i got apples now i can build a farm i think maybe well i'm going to tell you right now i have no idea what kind of farm i was thinking of i just i just seen apples and i thought you know what apples right like they're important i'm sure all right i got to be careful i don't want to fall down out zombies i mean no fall down zombies what i don't want to fall down a hole see look they're like littered everywhere around here i don't know why i chose the build here but i did because i i smart right day five started off pretty good just building the house working on that but i have one little problem whoa how'd you get in my house get out zombies were spawning in here for some reason probably coming down from the caves but i don't know they yeah they're just here all right so if i was gonna build them out i need to start getting lava so i started building those buckets if you're wondering why i only built a few buckets it's just because i didn't want to use all my iron now i know a moat's going to take a lot of lava and i technically should have more buckets but that's just the way it goes sometimes finally for the love of god finally i fixed the corner it's done big achievement for me yay me perfect i'm sure that wasn't the most important thing to do but to me it was everything at this point you know the house was coming along you know it was becoming very strong with the brick stone ugly as sin but you know what that's not what's important down the road if i found that you know i didn't i had more time on my hands maybe i'll spruce it up i'm not the greatest designer but i'll do what i can yeah so on day six i uh i started building the second floor i'm not really sure why i guess i'm just obsessed with second floors maybe but you know what at least i built it this time after i finished the first floor so i see that as progress yeah so for the better part of the day i i worked on the second floor yeah that's that's it well i needed a door and i want to say thank you to nikki for letting me know that the steel doors are okay with zombies i really appreciate it i really do now i do know i make a lot of mistakes in these playthroughs i get that and i'm fine with that you know you live and you learn but i i do sometimes get good ideas you know i ventured out looking for lava and when i found it i built myself a trail of torches so i could find my way back i was starting to feel pretty good maybe i was letting it go to my head a little bit too maybe a little bit suckers so i was starting to think that i was getting super lucky because it was day six and i didn't get a blood moon yet so i really had to start thinking about how to thin these zombies out because they're starting to become more of a problem during the day because they don't die in the sunlight so they just kind of pile up and if the blood moon hits i'm basically gonna be screwed if i can't get out of my base like i can't if i can't gather resources then i'm really putting myself at a disadvantage so i really had to start thinking about that this could end very badly for me very badly but i gotta try it all right so this seems like it works fairly well but now i need to make it scalable i need to make it bigger i just got to figure that out the reason why i got to make a scalable is because this method is kind of slow and as you can tell i got a little impatient so i decided to go down myself and you know handle the problem once they were cleared i started working on them out yo buggers get out of my house and the nerve of the zombie while i was out there busting my butt building this mouth they're inside having a party like what the heck well if you think about it you know they're in there they're not out here so party on all right so i got the mope pretty well done to a certain extent uh let's let's uh let's see how smart these zombies are no they don't even go in the lava yes smarty pants huh i'm gonna have to figure something out now this had me a little worried because the moat i was hoping would thin them out too where they'd just kind of be dumb and they would walk into it maybe so i decided to test something else out like a trap where they could just fall in and overall as i was building it it seemed to be working they they were falling in but i uh i wasn't being smart about it that's for sure ah son of a that guy punched me on the way down oh no oh no oh no i'm gonna block that up great now i'm stuck good job shadow good job yeah so uh that just happened but don't worry don't worry i got out i got all fine it was just you know it was a little tricky but i figured it out just a piece of advice with anyone you know building a trap like this don't be like me block the top because i almost had a heart attack a few times yeah my heart oh my god my heart and between you and me i don't know didn't work out that well either i wasn't sure at this point what i was gonna do come on zombies why aren't you falling down ah these zombies are way too smart that ain't working they were up there i could hear them they just they're just too smart now on the plus side the moat was working somewhat i mean the zombies were smart enough not to go into it but they were pushing each other in which kind of made it worth it come over guys just push yourself into it there you go i know you can do it now the real dumb thing about making the trap underground is i had no idea where that hole was outside so uh yeah now where is that trap i just made i probably should have lit it up above ground just so i don't fall into it how embarrassing would that be if i fell into it yeah i don't even want to think about it so the best thing for these traps is for the zombies to be able to see me so they could pathfind to me they can't see through walls yet so if i wanted to be able to thin them out at a safe distance i needed to get myself some glass make myself visible it's just me or is uh sand really annoying to gather i don't know i find it really annoying and if my fear for birds was bad this made it a heck of a lot worse get away from me bird go go oh lava literally thought it was coming after me oh i almost fell in that like i literally just walked over it this could have been over and i cannot believe how unaware of my surroundings i can be because i literally walked backwards away from the bird over this tiny little bridge i could have fell in the lava here wow just wow so for the rest of the night i started working on a different trap that would have lava come down to them instead so they couldn't avoid it i think i don't know we gotta test it out so just a friendly reminder every tenth day a blood moon is 100 guaranteed so there's no way around that i just got super lucky that i didn't get a blood moon on the first nine nights super lucky and with the blood moon on its way i really needed to finish this trap don't fall in don't fall in don't fall into the lava the blood moon is rising zombies terrorizing it's starting to get scary finish my trap just barely now it's time to test it all out okay so here's the plan the plan is i break out all these blocks and what happens is that the lava will start falling down kind of like a lava curt and i'll trap these guys in and kill them hopefully whoa whoa hell nah look at them all they're everywhere and they just keep coming wow i forgot how many zombies could spawn during the blood moon okay so this is just kind of like a prototype what i want to do is kind of get them all piled up here and then once i do that i can just break these blocks and the lava will come down and there you go cooking zombies yeah bring the old barbecue sauce what the heck am i talking about and you know what the trap was working pretty good i just had to make it bigger so on day 11 i uh went down mining to get more resources to build a bigger trap you buggers where you coming from these turn guys were falling from the ceiling or i guess a hole in the ground but they are falling on top of me did they dig down or is there like a hole but it was getting a little overwhelming and i just didn't want to risk it so i uh went back up and uh created a barrier wasn't a bad idea because that night i got another blood boot two in a row and i wasn't 100 sure if they would start spawning in the caves and coming up so you know i felt more comfortable with that door there as i was up on the roof that night though the one thing i did realize is that you know this blood moon was fairly tame the zombies were slow but as the mutations move on things are gonna get a lot tougher like i really had to start realizing that because you know one slip up and this is all over for me reason why redstone was so important at this point is that i literally was playing with fire you know it's not that big of a deal if i got to break blocks and stuff but it can be very time consuming especially when you're dealing with situations where you only got seconds to react so i wanted the redstone so i could develop or design or build the type of lever system that would do everything for me you know just make a little easier on myself so where are they falling in here oh right here okay hello why are these zombies always sneaking up on me it's not good ah see now where are you coming from ah another hole i thought i already closed that off maybe it was a different one i was feeling a bit nervous going down for redstone because there were places where the drop-offs were pretty big and with the zombies coming out of nowhere i guess they're falling from the sky any one of them could have knocked me off here and it would have been game over so i made sure i took precautions as i went down yeah you know it might have took me a little longer to get down there but i felt safe doing it so yeah like this guy he could just come down on me i see you up there zombie i'm just gonna close this off so you can't kill me okay whoa or i'll just do it for ya come on shadow why would you use gravel i thought i'd play it safe and go get some water make a couple pools in the house because like i said i'm playing with fire here with lava if i get myself in a situation where i can bust in flames i can you know put myself out it was also important that i had to start building some kind of a pen or a greenhouse for food source you know i'm 13 days in and i literally have nothing set up for that so i figured you know what let's do it just gonna put some lights up here guys i just i don't want you spawning up here because you've been being kind of annoying everywhere else so yeah well hello zombie how are you doing why are you being such a creep oh no no starting to think this wasn't a good idea i should have probably just kept them there come on don't come on oh is that a carrot i don't know if this was pure coincidence because i decided to build you know a greenhouse today zombie dropped me a carrot cool day 14 was a pretty good day i was down in the mines and i was finding lots of sources of lava which was great because i knew i was gonna need a lot of it and two i finally found some redstone but i know redstone isn't really hard to find me personally i just don't know what level it's on and you know i felt good about myself i got an achievement yay me after a hard day's work of mining some resources and dealing with you know the odd zombie i was pretty surprised at how much iron i collected that's all i hear now outside it's just zombies every time i come up here holy crakes that's a lot of iron what am i going to do with all that iron day 15 i was just working on the house trying to get that pen together in that greenhouse man it's even getting risky just doing this oh my gosh i held the button in too long i almost went over the edge they would have had some supper that's for sure good old shadow mech good job buddy all right drama over oh my gosh shadow i don't know if i'm gonna die to zombies or just a stupidity and it's more likely gonna be that stupidity because yeah my house looks like crap and i'm trying to pretty it up but is it really worth risking my life over i don't know but but i'm doing it so day 16 was uh was an interesting day let's just say that so basically it all started off when i had a plan to go out and collect sand for glass i needed to make sure that the zombies could see me it's really the only way it worked and i wasn't at the mutation where they could see through walls so that was my plan and you know i did pretty good i collected some sand it wasn't too bad and i didn't stop because i wanted to i stopped because i got distracted i seen this really big mountain and i figured hey that looks like a good mountain i wonder if it's got anything good inside it let's go look as i was scaling my way up the mountain i started noticing that the zombies were getting a little bit more dense during the day it was actually starting to become a problem so i safely kind of dodged my way around them fought them when i had to and found an entrance into the mountain and i decided to go exploring there were zombies in here too but it was a little bit more manageable so it wasn't too bad geez you didn't sound that close you got me freaky deaky he really didn't sound that close but man man i think that was the worst i got scared in this game so far and then i seen it whole reason why i wanted to come in here figured i find something good oh wow i want to explore you right now but i can't i'm going to have to come back and the reason why i didn't want to explore at that moment in time is i knew night was coming and if there was a blood moon i knew there were multiple entrances to where i was and i knew the zombies would find their way to me and since we were in tight spaces didn't want to risk it so i decided to head back but see this was the problem there were multiple entrances into this mountain and i didn't know which one i came in and i got turned around i had no idea where i was basically i was outside and i was lost in the night great just great okay uh okay something's gotta look familiar to me here i should uh probably hold my weapon that'd be a good idea nothing looks familiar at all shoot not good really not good i got lost great uh i think i'm gonna go over there better not be any sharks i swear oh there's a squid i don't think he hurts though but then i thought ducks didn't hurt either so yeah just wait till these zombies start running then i'm screwed that's for sure okay some things are starting to look familiar i think i gotta be really careful because that lava traps around here somewhere i fall in like i pretty much trapped myself okay all right that looks like my house i think i think she's over there all right excuse me excuse me zombies trying to get through but the lava really lights it up so that's good you can see it further away i can breathe i was super lucky that it wasn't a blood moon it wasn't too bad getting back but it was definitely a risk shadow you really need to change the way you play you're gonna get caught day 17 i worked on the house now i know i'm trying to make the house pretty per se i get that it doesn't really help the resistance against the zombies i know this might be a waste of time but i am killing zombies in the process can't you hear them dying look i know i know the pen kind of looks like a prison but gonna keep them safe from the lava that's the important part right and the greenhouse i'm gonna put above the pen why there's no real reason just wanted to i guess just gonna venture down here to get some more cobblestone whoa well look at you hello sir hey hey ow wow i'm getting a little too careless yup we're not going to do that right now wow that really shook me up the thing about building your base completely out of like stone brick so you need a lot of cobblestone a lot of it which is okay because cobblestone is extremely common but still this was a cobblestone kind of morning okay so i need uh another cave with cobblestone i just i want to get resources too at the same time uh i gotta be careful i don't fall in my trap like oh my god like this hey this this looks promising do i hear a duck whoa hey hey duck you want that sugar cane you yeah you can you can keep it i'll stop cutting it down i can see it's yours uh yeah i'm just gonna go this way and uh thanks for not killing me see ya if you watched my last video you'd understand why ducks are kind of not for me not 100 sure what i'm doing here to collect the sand and if there's an easier way to do this let me know so day 19 i basically was finishing up the pen and the greenhouse is coming along good i had a carrot so there was really no reason for me not to try to get some pigs and not to plant the carrot hello piglets you like apples right i thought you like apples i thought you liked apples do you not like apples what i thought pigs liked apples what the hell look i i know pigs eat carrots and not apples i i recorded this before everybody helped me out in the last video so i apologize but i had to show it i thought it was funny but i did have one carrot in my inventory and i could use that and i did and i led a few pigs into the house and i got them pretty well into their pens everything was going good until this there you go come on in come on in oh are you kidding me did i just feed you that that was literally the only carrot i had ah and i bet you don't like pumpkin seeds either of course the only carrot that i had in my inventory the only thing that pigs actually eat i think i basically fed to them what a waste now i had nothing to plant and i had to hope that a zombie would drop another one because way to go shadow way to screw it up gosh at this point i was pretty you know frustrated with it i know it was entirely my fault i should have put the carrot away but i didn't so i figured you know what i got a bone in my inventory i'm gonna go tame one of those wolves and bring them back you know i need to win i really need a win on this hello puppers so uh you're friends with me now why why aren't you friends with me now uh um what seriously i'm sure that's how you tame a wolf okay i'm gonna check this out how to tame a wolf okay here go to the wiki yeah that's what i did well i didn't work oh wait because it's me of course [Music] so this was a second stage mutation on day 20. to make matters worse it was raining out so zombies were gonna pretty much spawn all day and the reason why this was bad is because i wanted to get the moat finished around the house the problem was that the zombies were smart and they weren't going into the lava but i wanted to try something a little different where i put stairs around the perimeter maybe they would slide down or get pushed down or whatever it might be that's what i wanted to try but i really wanted to finish it before the blood moon because that's where i could really test it because that's where the zombies were more dense and i think more aggressive it always feels like they're more aggressive anyway so once the blood moon started i wanted to test out my two traps now the bridge seemed like it was working pretty good they're getting knocked off they're dying a plus i really like that [Applause] not so smart now eh that's right keep coming keep pushing each other teamwork the second trap the one i'm not super happy about the one that kind of comes down it worked okay it's just too small i need something bigger and as for the moat it was working it it keeps them at bay and they do die when there's a bunch of them trying to push in so it works it's good you know i was happy with it day 21 i was still having some issues with zombies spawning in my house now i understand there's no roof but still they shouldn't be in here well that's a good thing i didn't build my house out of wood i guess figured this was gonna happen so this is a prime example to make sure that you don't have something in your hand that can harm yourself and when i mean something i mean lava because i had a bucket of water and this is what happened ah not what i wanted to do i lose my button good thing this wasn't lava that could have been so much worse because for one my whole floor there is made of wood and two i got it burnt to death yeah so i finished building the greenhouse and you know what i wasn't happy with it it wasn't symmetrical and it was bothering me like you wouldn't believe so what did i do i fixed it does it help me to survive hell no but you know what whatever i did it anyway because i had a look at it so yeah that's right risking my life for beauty because why not i'm only trying to survive a zombie apocalypse here like it really matters what it looks like all right day 22 today i'm heading into that mountain i'm gonna find out what its secrets are this is the time to do it right now oh wait sand there's so much sand here i can make tons of glass now oh wait what was i doing oh yeah the mountain all right so last time i came to the mountain i kind of got all turned around i had no idea which direction i was going because i went in one way and came at another so i decided i'm going to build my own entrance just so i wouldn't get lost now before you guys ask why are you building this two blocks wide well because i'm trying to make the house pretty and i need all the cobblestone i can get because i feel like if i don't make it pretty enough i'm gonna have people commenting about it and uh it might hurt my feelings maybe yeah i probably would hurt my feelings please be gentle all right here we go this is what i was looking for this is what i was digging for finally i got through i thought it was going to dig right through the mountain oh yes siree bob if this isn't a big cape slap me and call me larry being the smart guy that i am i decided to build down and put some railings on the side just so i don't get knocked off it's kind of funny how smart i am in some situations but completely dumb in the other but hey i'm just human it happens so there was definitely more to this mountain than i thought because i thought it was getting somewhere with all the twists and turns but i uh i guess not i really underestimated how big this mountain cave was so the next day i decided to go back to the house get more tools build more furnaces and basically throw all my raw material in to let them smelt because there's a good chance i was gonna be gone for a couple days how did i switch the thing on my hand how did i do that how did i do that and it's situations like this where sometimes i question if i should even be playing minecraft i couldn't figure out for the life of me how to get the thing out of my offhand yeah yeah yeah that's just me don't worry i'm a special kind of person sometimes very unique all right after i got myself all figured out back to the mountain i went look at those guys down there they're just waiting for me well i ain't coming down zombies so you can forget about that well wait i have to get redstone okay zombies i might be coming down but can you please play nice i just want the redstone and i'll leave i swear although i'm not sure why i was scared of the zombies because this thing this thing scared the heck out of me what is that thing what is it is that a bat that thing is huge um i think it's trying to kill me do i dare this isn't gonna hurt just just a little poke oh man starting to wonder if it was even a good idea to come down here i just like to mention that zombies do spawn in caves right from the start now the only problem with this is i was kind of dealing with some issues where the zombies were invisible i really should have fixed it but for some reason i didn't i don't i don't know why but i just didn't finally i found some redstone the whole reason why i was down here and not just that i found a bunch of lava i needed lava so this was great perfect oh yeah things are going good yeah yeah seriously darn it shadow what are you doing stop throwing your buckets away do you remember how i mentioned you know invisible zombies i really need to fix those invisible zombies because they could hit me off this right now and uh yeah i was taking huge risks doing this because one could come up and throw me off of this and no problem luckily that didn't happen but it could have i'm actually pretty happy i came down here there's there's a lot of material down here this is great tons of iron tons of coal getting redstone awesome also this mountain cave is like never ending it's great every twist and turn i go around boom there's another cave extension i go down here boom there's another one it's great so great there were so many materials down here that i mined that i had to go back to the house because basically my pockets were full i don't know if zombies spawn in the caves during a blood moon oh my god it is rising oh no i gotta get out of here gotta get back i got like 30 seconds before i'm swarmed usually really game i'm i'm on my way out ground level and you're gonna throw a blood moon at me come on all right let's do this just go shadow just go this is not good this is not good why am i doing this why am i running i can do this i can get there oh my god but there's holes everywhere i can do this i'm almost there not tonight zombies not tonight oh i knew this was going to happen ah no yet i got to get to my door i got to get to my door let me in let me in oh oh crap i can't believe i made it back that's right zombies you can't get me enjoy enjoy i feel like that's going to come back to bite me or they're going to come back to bite me either way i feel like that wasn't a good thing to say yeah 64 iron jeez hey piggy guess what we're safe you know what i'm gonna give you a name how do i give you a name do i hit you with it no oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm just gonna call you timothy okay i just wanted to call you timothy i'm sorry but hey my bridge is working they're pushing each other off so that's a plus look at them die i mean like the the bridge is working good so i mean that's good for me but man that that uh that blood moon on my way back that uh that really had my heart pumping day 26 i was attacked by an invisible zombie in my house all right cook the iron oh what ow what the hell sometimes logging out and logging back in work but not every time damn invisible zombies man felt like the game was coming at me at this point because uh i got another blood moon two nights in a row two nights right on there wasn't much i could do i i wasn't going to go back to the mountain during the blood moon so i uh i tested out a redstone contraption to see if i could implement that into my trap idea which it was it was working kind of well so yeah that was a plus i guess on day 26 day 27 i'm still on this apple kick for some reason i think all animals like apples i i don't know why i have no excuse for this i really don't okay so the glass walkway out to my new trap it's working pretty good they're following me so that that's good now it might not be that smart whenever they can break blocks because glass can break fairly quickly yeah on day 28 i basically spent the entire day working on the new trap one two three four one two three matt it's good for you somewhere along the way i picked up another carrot i'm assuming i got it from a zombie but uh i can't remember i got a carrot i got a carrot hey hey i got a carrot leave me alone i don't have a hoe i know i said i wasn't going to use vanilla minecraft tools and weapons because when i made my tools and weapons pack um i didn't make a hoe i didn't think hoes were important but i guess hoes are important i guess hoes have a purpose let's put him here there you go oh oh wait i didn't realize i didn't finish that oh well well i'm also finishing now i guess okay on day 29 i kept working on the trap and unfortunately it was raining and the zombies spawn in the rain and they are being very annoying okay guys come on let's this is enough really go away oh geez how am i supposed to get this pit down when you guys are bugging me like this come on go buck someone else okay i can take 60f or whatever five i don't know i can't count i can't see that's i'm fine i don't want your meat get away oh my gosh man like why can't you guys come whenever i'm done really seriously this is this is enough okay go away stop trying to sell me meat i don't want it [Music] i got nothing to say to you okay go away come on this is getting old oh all right yeah you just watching over there pig you can't help me come on do something all right i'm gonna i'm about up to here with you guys i'm gonna just i'm just gonna okay i'm leaving i'm done i'm done like oh you got a sword wow okay i gotta get out of here i'm done okay whoa whoa whoa okay see you later not messing around anymore i'm not playing i'm going i'll see ya see you later that's it no more shadow's done building today it's raining i'm going in gonna watch some netflix see you later maybe watch the youtube a little bit gosh here you guys want to play play with that buggers all i want to do is build my pit you guys just want to mess that up that's right okay okay okay wait wait wait i got water here i'm good i'm good i'm good i'm good damn ah yeah okay okay okay shadow seriously can you just do something that you're not gonna put yourself in danger seriously come on but hey at least i was smart enough to put the pool there the whole reason why i had it i knew i was playing with lava basically playing with fire so i gotta be able to douse it out right [Music] oh you're fast wow why do you guys keep coming man they're a lot faster than i last remember i really wanted to finish my trap but i figured it probably wasn't a good idea to be outside especially with all them around so it was probably smarter to thin them out first watch this epic move you ready oh yeah you can't get me haha you like that pro move right there oh yeah sometimes i don't know if i'm stubborn or just not very smart shadow there's a blood moon get out of the trap get back inside timothy you feeling safe in here whoa hey how'd you get in here okay i i think it's time i uh deal with that with them spawning in my house it's starting to become a problem then i got distracted whoa damn well the moat's working look at them all yeah day 31 i got a nice little surprise oh a potato i bet you can't guess what i did next i bet you think i planted it didn't you i'm gonna plant that right now yeah i planted it i was being smart sometimes even the smallest things could bother me like this i couldn't get it to work for the longest time i i don't i don't know what i was doing wrong but eventually i got it so there whew yeah it was all good moving on and i started feeling the zombies were a little too smart for my liking so having a big trap out there very visible to them i decided you know what i'm gonna disguise this i'm gonna put some flowers down make it inviting let them come in and be like oh a flower this has got to be safe right oh yeah there you go zombies here look there's flowers it can't be dangerous if there's flowers around it right yeah there you go so in order to get this trap to work i needed glass and i needed a lot of it so i spent a good part of the day just gathering sand yeah it was pretty boring nothing nothing special oh that's some good fork yeah oh timothy sorry i didn't eat anything don't worry about it but i don't think timothy cared too much uh because he seemed like he was happy you know jumping around in his bath or maybe maybe those were his tears nothing special on day 33 just me uh just me being special and impatient i don't know when these are done is it done yeah i screwed that up yay gosh darn it uh how long does it take feel like it took forever already look at them following me what's up guys i think i got some fans or something or maybe they're just waiting for me to fall so they can eat me i think i made the trap a little too inviting uh i guess he thought he can go inside it hey how did you get in there yeah bugger that night i decided to start putting my redstone contraption into play trying to get a handle on this stuff i really am but i think it works so for the whole day on day 35 i really just pushed to get this trap finished because i knew the mutation was going to happen in the next couple days and i wanted to make sure i was ready just made sense this continued on in the day 36 until i ran out of materials then i went hunting for more sand and more cobblestone and while mining i came across some more redstone and i found more lava oh yeah look at that that is beautiful that is beautiful day 37 laid out by pistons for my trap to get that all set up and ready to go day 38 i was basically messing around redstone couldn't get to work for some reason or it wasn't working the way i wanted to and a guy like me i like to solve problems so uh i kept at it until i got it to work so on day 39 i i noticed my crops weren't really growing that quick i didn't think they'd take this long and i was running out of food and i didn't want to take a chance of not having something on me if i ever got in a situation where i needed it so i spent a better part in the morning heading out and uh basically hunting yeah we'll call it that where are all the pigs i thought i had cows around here at one point in time too maybe not if my potatoes and carrots would just grow you guys would be safe but unfortunately that's not an option for me at this point in time so sorry timothy i didn't that wasn't anything don't worry about it don't look at me like that please i was on a mission today to find more redstone that's where i was going so the zombies were getting worse because they could sense me farther away and being down here made it worse because they were dropping from the ceiling or the sky or whatever you want to call it the roof oh jeez what the heck where are they coming from oh my gosh they're dropping down [Applause] okay okay i can do it no no no i can't do this no no oh god oh geez take that these guys aren't messing around that's crazy so i thought maybe it would be a better idea to go back up to the surface then i found this guy you're just like stuck aren't you and i got a blood moon that night it was guaranteed but i got one it's even storming out my frame rates are dropping look at them all crazy now it's everybody active everyone's active perfect i finally closed the circuit the redstone was done all i got to do now is lay out the lava day 41 her buddy was still stuck at the trap looked like he was having fun so i uh i left them good for you oh you having fun timothy good and i don't just have zombies trying to kill me it seems like they're stealing my stuff too you got my stone block i want that back thank you the nerve of these zombies other than that day 41 was pretty boring just getting cobblestone just always seemed like i never had enough day 42 i think i found a friend or maybe he just wants to eat me that's that's probably what he wants to do yeah he's a zombie uh yeah makes sense and just for an update uh our buddy's still stuck in the trap i kind of feel like i should let him go yeah oh wow you're still there well i'm gonna call you jim then have fun jim the trap was pretty well done and i wanted to make sure that zombies weren't gonna spawn on top and fall on me so i started counting out the torches to make sure that they're evenly distributed and then it just wasn't working out for me so i said screw it every torch gets a block that's right every torch gets a block or i mean every block gets a torch or i say that right the first time i don't know it doesn't matter i just put torches everywhere so the next three days were not exciting at all i basically just went and collected cobblestone went got some more lava and basically worked out all the kinks on my trap that's it so day 47 it wasn't a good day it all started off great had the idea to go to the mountain gather more materials explore the unexplored it was it was a sound plan it was all going good until this i never thought i needed this much coal but when i you know take the cobblestone and smelted the stone it's quite a bit hey what the hell is that a flying coal like what is going on okay this is definitely an invisible zombie i can't go anywhere i can't fight it i can't damage it i'm gonna reload in no that didn't work at all so i'm uh screwed i got nowhere to go yep this is it right here yep oh my gosh are you kidding me [Music] okay okay i know i said that these hardcore attempts once i die i'm dead it's over right would you call this a fair death i i wouldn't i mean i died to a zombie it says but it to me it looked like a piece of flying coal yeah you might say it was my fault for not fixing the glitch but i'm telling you i tried and it's hard to test for because you can't really test it until you run into an invisible zombie which is not often it just happens once in a while so because of that i'm gonna continue but if i die to an actual zombie one i can actually see then yeah it's over but until then it's just something i'm gonna have to deal with so the next day i just basically moped around the house but i did start tinkering with an idea of a new trap this trap was from my front door i noticed the zombies were all bottlenecking at that bridge and i figured i would take the opportunity to build something that would retract or disappear simulating like a rug pull from underneath the zombies to where they would fall in the lava and have no way out i guess you could basically call it a submerging bridge i'll go with that so the next day i noticed the zombies weren't really reacting to my pit trap i don't know if i ever referred it to the pit but i am now that's what it is it's the pit i posted a teaser image on my youtube channel asking you guys what you thought it was and what you would name it and you guys came up with some pretty good ideas and if you want to get involved with stuff like this just click on the community tab on my profile and uh all my posts are right there guys you can find new mods that i've been working on and teasers and whatever who knows what's going to be up there who knows it could get crazy so yeah i really had to start thinking about how can i get the zombies to come at me in the pit i don't think their sense or their sight was very far at this time so i needed to basically make myself the bank so i built myself a little platform to stand on and hope for the best i only had one scare that day just one i caught on fire i was trying to work on the mode a little bit okay okay i'm fine ugh get in the door get get in the door get in the oh i hate when that happens oh where's my weapon where's my weapons why don't i have any weapons come on over guys well this is working so far all right guys you guys just stay right here okay i'll be right back i promise i just gotta it's gonna flick a switch here there we go and there we go sorry folks this is just the way it is it's gonna get a little toasty and the bait platform it was working yeah oh oh you want to fight let's go come on oh there you go oh yeah you can't handle this [Music] oh yeah oh you want a fight too come on out oh oh wow oh wow wow wow wow you hit hard i got no food there hey uh timothy uh i got no food left you you think you can help me out with that you think nah i won't do that to you you're my friend friends don't eat [Music] friends right this is the first time i'm gonna breed you guys this is so cool all right here you go you take one and you and you and you and you take one there you go oh cute baby you didn't see anything you saw nothing i don't know what it is i don't know how they're spawning in here it's kind of annoying this guy hits me that's like 100 deaths right now jeez all right i'm not messing around i need lots of lava so i'm gonna make lots of buckets just seems logical right i thought so well look at me i get a blood moon that night i don't know why i'm so excited about it maybe because i want to test my traps out here they come look at them all all right all right all right so you go like this yeah break this one and break this one yeah i'm satisfied sweet i know it's not completely finished but i think that was pretty good all right so that was the first trap the front door and if you come down here this is the second trap oh wow look at them all come on guys come on over are you ready i hope so this is going to be fun all right yeah you guys just yeah line up yeah keep coming yeah think they're good all right so you come up here flip flip here we go here we go i'm excited oh look at it oh yeah oh my frame rate this is ridiculous i hope i don't crash oh sorry sorry i'm a little giddy this actually works really well really well so happy with it oh yeah for the rest of the night i took it easy i went down i gathered as much love as i could it was a good day it was a good day the next morning i became even more happier because this is what i really wanted it for to be able to thin these zombies out a lot quicker so i could work on whatever i needed to work on in peace which is exactly what i did i worked on the moat gathered more lava and kept on going not to mention i set myself on fire and for some reason i didn't think it was that important this is okay this is okay okay okay it's not okay oh my gosh am i gonna die oh no come on come on come on sometimes my brain hurts it really does the pit it was fantastic i was able to thin out the zombies really quick so this allowed me for the next three days to continue working on the moat gathering more materials and basically working on the house you know fixing it here and adding additions day 55 was uh kind of eventful i found some sheep roaming out in the field and i figured i'd you know cheer them thought about making i don't know the house prettier i guess i don't know i just i just figured i should shear them for something yeah that night well i'll let you watch for yourself all right i should be heading back in it's getting a little too much here but i'll get one more tree i can get one more tree yeah that'd be fine oh that glare i can't that's distracting whoa whoa jeez holy freak i almost died this was almost over really wow that glare really got me okay okay i can get out i can get out of here look how far it is yeah i would have been dead like this would have been done wow all right all right all right all right i'm okay i'm okay i'm okay so i just fell in the hole almost died if i didn't land where i landed and when i got out i thought it was smart to fight zombies especially one that had a weapon shadow i don't i don't even know what to say at this point i really don't look i'm not in the mood today okay wanna fight we'll fight here we go come on ow ow wow nope okay nope nope nope hey timothy how you doing buddy hey guys i almost died today uh wait where's the other hey come on get get back in here come on there we go there we go want some more carrots here you go yummy uh mama you got some explaining to do today i figured i needed a break and i figured you know what it was time for me and timothy to have her own spot something a little safer than being at the front door hey timothy i got the best idea the best idea we kind of need our own space not down here where all the zombies are we need something more comfortable somewhere we can relax at the end of the day right the next morning i took a lot of those materials and just started sprucing up the place you know try to make it a little bit more comfortable for me and timothy you know timothy was my bro he deserved it you know things were going good as long as i was inside and not falling in holes i was going to make it i think i was gonna make it i hope i was gonna make it day 58 while i was working on the house i uh decided to check on the crops and kind of really uh really get that going you know it was kind of late in the game to be breeding and everything else and i figured if i get in any sticky situations i really should have food i like enough food because i didn't want to get to the point where timothy started looking delicious like don't get me wrong he looks like a snack that's for sure you go timothy but i didn't want to get to that point you know he was my friend i couldn't do that to him day 59 i made a fairly poor decision i went out to go gather some more wood and uh it probably wasn't the smartest idea i always seem like i don't have certain materials for some reason all right these zombies are getting close i don't know if i can get this tree down in time oh my gosh wow wow you guys are quick see this is why it's kind of like not really worth coming outside anymore because uh yeah look at this and you're on fire wow bugger okay okay i gotta go back inside i'm done with this i'm done tonight with this yeah oh [Music] day 60 yep day 60. the virus mutated again so we know that we're going to have a blood moon 100 i don't know what i was thinking i really don't okay so i'm going to break it down for you so today i decided that i needed more wood i took my rusty hatchet and i went out to get wood so here's the problem with that as i was out collecting and chopping down trees i kind of led myself away from my home i didn't really think about it i just figured if i walked in one direction i'd be able to find my way back right well that didn't happen when the sun was starting to come down i figured it would be smart to head back home right well guess what i got lost i think i'm a little lost [Music] why did i come so far out i was using the sun as direction but it started raining so that screwed up that idea i didn't know what direction i came in and at this point i knew a blood moon was coming and i felt screwed let's just say it was an interesting night are you serious oh crap oh crap oh crap no what am i gonna do what the heck am i gonna do okay i officially regret my decision oh gosh oh no oh pig get out of the way oh my gosh no no no no no no oh why did i do this why did i do this this is not good this is not good come on don't get stuck don't get stuck come on let's go oh gosh oh my aunt oh man oh no where am i going where am i going i don't know i don't know where my house is oh my gosh they're everywhere what am i gonna do what am i gonna do well i'm gonna keep running that's for sure oh no look at them look they're just like whoa they're like spawning like right here no no no no no no no don't get stuck don't get stuck dude get in another way better not be any sharks in this water i swear to god what am i gonna do what am i gonna do okay so maybe go this way no no no no no okay i gotta i gotta dig up i gotta dig up oh my gosh they're everywhere come on get up get on it get on it don't panic get on it oh my god get off the freaking sand or the dirt oh okay okay i think i'm good is this it is this really it like am i done like like they don't they're not gonna die during the day so like what am i gonna do i have no idea what my house is no idea and these guys are just like lining up like they're all gonna take a turn and take a bite i guess i don't know i don't know what they're doing but if i look up to the moon it's okay if i look down it's not i got to figure something out i got to do something all right all right i can do this i can find my house i can do this come on shadow focus focus don't be scared don't be scared i got this all right okay i think it's this way oh wow what the heck they're spawning in front of me that's not fair ugh all right so the game's playing dirty i don't need my weapon because i'm not gonna try to fight them there's no point i'll get swarmed come on don't get stuck don't get stuck come on don't get stuck focus out focus oh my god they're right there all the time okay okay is it this way please tell me it's this way okay does this look familiar i don't i don't know oh bugger okay come on oh my god they keep spawning in front of me i'm not gonna make it i'm done this is it this is it i'm gonna die i don't remember this much water okay okay all right all right i think i think i'm okay i think i'm okay oh no get out of the tree get out of the tree get out of the tree ah oh hold there oh that would have been good i really don't remember crossing this much water at all like i don't even think i cross any water so that means i'm going in the complete wrong direction okay oh oh no no no no no no no no oh my god oh my god i regret this decision okay i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead oh oh i can't believe i survived that okay okay hey i don't think there's any sharks in this river okay oh my god look at the mall i gotta get out of here i gotta get out of here no no no no no no no okay they can't swim i don't think they can swim okay all right ow ow ow i just gotta dig up get out of the way oh my god okay so they can't swim but i can't stay down here very loud i'm gonna die i gotta go for air oh okay okay okay okay just build up just build up no no no no no no no why can't i when i panic i can't i can i ah i can't do it okay there yes yes yes yes oh okay so i'm okay i'm all right again i regret that decision of jumping up i'm not gonna do that again no way what am i gonna do so i bet you can't guess where i was on the next day that's right in the same spot because i had nowhere to go this is this is this is oh i can't even speak okay so i had multiple problems one i didn't have any food no cooked food anyway two i had no way to thin these zombies out plus i didn't want to take the risk of trying to be quite honest with you three i had no idea what direction my house was in so even if i jumped down to run i had no idea where to go okay so i got tons of raw meat but i thought i read somewhere that if you eat raw meat you could poison yourself and i only got like a couple hearts ah i think should i risk it yeah i'm gonna risk it i'm gonna eat it okay okay that's all great all right that's good that's good maybe you don't get sick i don't know but i i should probably cook it right like i if i can get underground and build a furnace i can cook all this meat and then i'll be fine but i just gotta how am i gonna get down underground all right so i got a plan are those zombies stuck in a hole looks like they're having a mosh pit right on guys cool okay um so here's the plan see that tree i'm going to try and basically build to the tree put some wood around it and then kind of make a little tiny i don't know tunnel down it's just the tree helps because the zombies won't get in that space because if they get in the space i can't put blocks down which is what i'm having an issue with right now okay there we go good good good good all right all right so i got the tree covered which if i dig down i should be okay ow ow why do i speak so soon i get up get it get it get get get get out of there okay all right all right i'm good i'm good here we go let's go down you know what i i have a plan i think i think i might just stay down here for a couple days the hopefully the zombies will despawn i don't like doing that but i don't know i i don't really have a choice the next day was pretty uneventful to be quite honest with you i had to deal with this you guys can stop coming anytime but you know what this is a great opportunity for me to build lucille so after what felt like an hour of me just sitting there and knocking these zombies out they finally thinned out enough for me that i could just take off and run home and when i mean run home i mean not really know where i'm going and hopefully i find my house soon pretty much that's how it went for the next two days yeah she was fine just worked on the house worked on the tower kept safe yeah that's it oh timothy come here buddy i finished wouldn't be comfortable you don't have to be down by the door there you go right up here look that's a room for me and you you like it there you go i know you love bathing so i i made you a pool there you go and uh you can you can sleep in the bed here too because uh i'm not allowed yeah this this is basically it timothy enjoy after i completed the room upstairs and timothy was all settled in and comfortable we were finally able to sit down and have a real talk and you know what timothy had a great idea timothy told me that i should probably build a perimeter around the house so you know what i listened to him and for the next several days that's what i did i mapped out my perimeter and i got to work all right drop that beat and start that [Music] montage [Music] all right day 70. so it became very apparent i needed to add some torches inside my gate because zombies responding in it uh kind of defeats the purpose of a gate right right yeah i think so i didn't really worry about the blood moon too much because the trap man it was it was destroying them it was great so the next couple days were pretty rinse and repeat i worked on adding more light to my i don't know yard i guess i kept working on my fence with a few annoyances but that's fine and then i had an idea that you know the moat worked really well around the house let's put one around the gate ah big brain move right there shadow big brain i was getting to the point where night time was exciting i know this is killing my frame rate but i don't care this is awesome look at them all oh yeah okay so for the next six days i repeat six days i decided to work on the moat around the perimeter why did i spend this much time doing that well that's a very good question i wanted to make sure that it was done for day 80 because time was very limited to me at this point because 10 days after that that's day 90 and that's when the zombies can start breaking blocks did i make the right decision to spend six days doing this i don't know but i felt confident enough that the moat around my house worked this has got to help me too i really hope it does [Music] on day 80 me and timothy just relaxed i didn't want to go out and start gathering material just to get you know caught in a blood moon i just i just chilled with timothy and we just we just had a good talk after mine and timothy's long talk we discussed a few different ideas to work on for the next few days now one of those ideas was very smart because timothy and i agreed that if we kind of ran into a worst case scenario if the zombies made it all the way up to us what were we gonna do so me and timothy thought of a backup plan and for the next couple days i worked on that backup plan am i gonna tell you what it is no why because i want to keep it a secret i guess if you guys know what it is or if you think you know what it is comment in the section below and then if you get it right i'll call you smartypants or smart people or big brain people i don't i don't know on day 89 my backup plan was completed me and timothy celebrated but the celebration was kind of cut short i knew timothy was a pig and i knew he couldn't fight with me and if anything ever happened to me i can't even think of the horrors that timothy would have to go through so what i did is i built timothy a teleporter he couldn't stay with me the last 10 days just didn't make sense i couldn't let my friend die on my watch come on timothy i know i know this is going to be tough buddy but it has to happen timothy please don't make this any harder than it is you gotta go buddy you gotta go i you know how guilty i would feel if you died to the zombie horde there you go just like that come on come on up buddy look timothy i know it looks scary but you just gotta get in trust me you gotta trust me okay all right buddy one last carrot there they echo hopefully i see you again i really do you're a good friend a good companion and with the flick of the switch timothy was gone to where i don't know i didn't get a chance to calibrate it i just hope it's somewhere where he can lay his head and rest easy [Music] this is just beautiful so beautiful this works so well like i feel like the last 10 days are they're gonna go pretty good i think i hope that's right line up oh my gosh look at them all here comes here comes in all its glory that's right zombies that's right i'm ready for you i'm so ready let's do this all right just block off that cave i don't want them coming up from there stones in there good bridge is good to go okay day 90 bring it on oh hey zombie you know what i'm gonna be a little ceremonial just because timothy's gone this is a sledgehammer it hurts it's slow but it hurts see one hit alright here comes blood moon i think i'm ready for you oh here they come oh my they can break blocks they can't dig today but they can break blocks so it could pose a problem if they can get past the lava oh my god look at them all are they pushing in oh my god look at them look at them look at them they're pushing in they're breaking the blocks look look wow i mean it's not horrible but it's not good either what are you guys doing over here in the corner you guys do anything bad oh my gosh look at them they're they're coming oh they're gonna break through here yeah look look look how close they are like they're gonna start breaking this gate down what what the heck are you doing are you dancing oh wow he didn't die okay oh this is really slow what are you doing he's being evasive i guess oh my gosh okay i'm switching here we go come on oh wow he was strong weird okay okay let's go in and uh let's go let's go get the big trap let's let's thin them out okay i'm scared to go down here and uh that's exactly why i'm scared to go down here they're breaking it oh wow i guess i don't need the platform because they can see through walls now so wow look at them all come on over zombies come on over it's all right oh you're messing up my stuff though i worked so hard to build that [Applause] okay is that enough i'm they're still like they're still coming that's a blood moon so i i don't know what to expect they're gonna keep coming anyway but i'm just worried they're gonna break down my fence so here you guys been bad you're breaking my stuff there you go enjoy don't worry the lava takes forever to fall should have probably built this lower but it's okay it's gonna work here she comes yep any moment oh man this is gonna kill my computer but it's so satisfying to watch yeah there you go oh wow yeah yeah my computer's not liking this at all yep yep ah super cool super cool i think i'm okay i think i'm all right oh wait why is that not oh they're messing up my trap there's an empty space there that's not good yeah that's not good okay so day 90 wasn't too shabby i guess oh okay well that's things i gotta fix there the fence seemed like it stayed up pretty good nothing too bad there not too much damage i mean you can see them breaking the blocks on the other side for sure but they're not getting close enough just yet what the heck did they do in my trap i'm gonna have to go check that out what's going on how did they get up there all right let's let's fix this first get the get the easy things done first um okay yeah look at this look at this breaking blocks everywhere everywhere wow i don't know if this is gonna help me or not okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i didn't realize they broke that out okay okay hey what are you looking at man you got you got a problem you want to go come on whoa whoa whoa that was that was kind of close uh yeah all right let's let's stop messing around let's let's get out of here let's go let's go check that trap let's go see what's going on oh look at you oh oh ouch ouch ouch oh my gosh the pigs are gonna kill me i'm gonna dive to a pig come on timothy he was my family just i'm sorry like why why are you coming after me okay i'm sorry i'm gonna have to do this i'm sorry ouch ouch i'm gonna die to a pig oh okay i'm sorry i didn't mean to eat pork in front of you god what the heck was that you're kind of flipping around are you thinking you're a ninja get out of here all right zombies i gotta fix some stuff okay only got so much time to do this you guys screwing up my traps this is what's supposed to keep me alive the day's pretty much all over i don't know what they did up there but i think i think i can fix it i don't think it's that bad okay nope just just gravel all right all right all right let's get back in oh look look at you guys messing up my freaking gate now okay yeah i guess i guess i'm ready for tonight i got it i i'm pretty sure i hear them underneath like they're underneath me i guess i guess that's kind of the downfall from having like a cave underneath your base because technically they would spawn down there and they could dig up right oh no oh my god here goes my frames again look at them all are they going to make it in tonight i don't know i'm going to get inside i'm going to do the trap right away i'm going to get the pick going because they really messed it up like really screwed it up hey zombies let's go come over here okay let's do this let's get this done oh my gosh there's so many of them all right day 91 wasn't too bad either but i don't know how much longer my traps are gonna survive like look at this it's not even working all correctly now they get it all messed up these zombies start building i'm pretty sure i'm screwed i really i really do i believe that all right day 92 and uh it's raining and i got these buggers underneath me basically digging up the heck am i gonna do with them oh just pour some lava i guess i i don't know like the whole purpose of a fence was to kind of you know keep them out all right so they're breaking breaking the gate down a little bit here oh they made a mess the pit though all right i gotta try to fix this somewhat it's gonna be difficult because it's raining so they're gonna be spawning as if it was night which is super annoying all right this is getting a little too much i'm gonna i'm gonna head in there's yeah just not worth it not worth it i'm just gonna have to do it as it is i guess they're breaking everything out there it's not entirely bad because it just lets the lava flow out but still if they can build they're going to build over they're going to break through this fence and then i'm going to have to retreat all right i'm going in okay let's uh whoa whoa whoa whoa hey how the heck you getting here where'd you come from oh oh oh oh wow they're in here all right i'm dropping the bridge because they can break through metal doors so i'm dropping the bridge there we go and two there we go hey whoa oh wow they were coming through okay well all right i'm gonna i'm gonna go drop the trap right now i'm just gonna build up a little bit here so if they do break the glass that goes i don't just fall through all right zombies here comes get ready anytime likes to take its time doesn't it okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa they're coming through wow okay i probably should have sprung this trap a lot earlier than i did whoa whoa whoa whoa i could have fell down there that would have been bad all right i don't know what to do right now whoa whoa whoa whoa hey get get okay i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done and so you remember those confidential days that i kind of wanted to keep a secret well this is what it was for those days i was building an underground bunker that i could retreat to for a last resort to help me possibly survive a night if i needed you know the extra couple minutes i made sure that i had some furnaces down there with me cooking and i had some weapons in the chest not to mention i also had a panic room just in case i got into my bunker you know a backup for the backup and then that's exactly what i did i waited the night out let's see the damage oh my gosh i got a hole in my floor oh wow there goes my fence oh man they're breaking through everything and this is a mess like the trap's not gonna work like this i gotta i gotta clean it up like look at it it's not even the lava's down but it's not even like in the pit so the zombies can just climb up but you know i gotta i gotta i gotta try to fix it because this the pit's not gonna work i'm gonna be screwed so yeah we'll just get rid of this platform there's no point having that just break it how am i gonna fix this there's so much i'm just i'm not even gonna bother using stairs just just blocks maybe maybe that works okay well that's all i could pretty much get done out here today all right let's just yeah fix this fence i think i think that's all the holes i think what what day is this 90 93 i'm screwed like i think tonight's the last night like i i don't know if i'm gonna survive i really don't yeah and it's a blood moon great awesome all right bring it on let's see what you got oh my god i didn't even i didn't even i didn't even notice my front door was broken gosh can you imagine if i was out here and i was swarmed i would have no way to get in oh my gosh i didn't even notice the walls gone all right let's just yeah there we go i am so screwed i'm still fixing still fixing stuff okay i'm gonna i'm just gonna drop the pit right now i'm just gonna because it seems like i give them a chance to get in the middle and climb up and then they get up here so let's just see how that works love is really slow dropping so unfortunately i'm just gonna do this so it'll go in the center and hopefully they won't build up oh my gosh they look they're in my house come on come on i gotta keep looking behind me like they're in here i hear them they're digging up there you go come on let's go let's go okay i'm just gonna i'm gonna close this off i i really might have to abandon this whole thing look at them screwing everything up whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey hey not cool get out go away oh my gosh they're making such a mess what am i gonna do oh do i hear do i hear one down underneath me i guess i guess i just stay up here for now oh no here they come what do you think you're trying to do get away okay nope yep screw that to the bunker i go oh my gosh are you kidding me everything's broken like literally everything's broken i didn't have enough time yesterday to fix stuff this is it like look at it it's it's a mess all right maybe if i really focus i can get down there and fix it maybe maybe okay let's go oh geez they make a mess everywhere didn't they oh my gosh they're digging from underneath that's what's killing me next time i do this i'm making sure there's no caves underneath me like oh wow there goes my old bridge this is great no this isn't great this is horrible i mean it's great in the sense of like wow but all right zombie get get out of here okay stop breaking my stuff i don't know how many times i've fixed this freaking fence i'm done with it okay i'm done oh you just took out the whole gate anyway we're just gonna block that all off who cares i'm so done with it i'm so done with this i can't i can't fix all this like they just they knock down the gates so easy it's uh i don't i don't even know what to do i am so lost i don't even know what to do i'm just gonna take some lava buckets so i can yeah all right so here's one problem they kind of get in this way to climb up so if i like drop some lava here then maybe just maybe i won't have to worry about them coming in they'll have to get through the barrier of lava to get to me rather than them coming into the center and then climbing up maybe i don't know we'll try it out okay i'm really going to try to fix this somewhat i mean if i just do like the outer area if it's a shell in the back who cares they're going to dig through it anyway i just want to make sure it has that cascading effect down okay all right i'm going to put lava here in the middle so if they do to get to the center maybe it'll deter them a little bit i don't know i don't know all right let's just go in this is it i'm gonna i gotta hope for the best like if i survive this night cool if i don't cool like i'm i'm literally having i have no time basically to to fix anything now like i'm missing things see i'm missing the fence a very important part and i'm missing it all right this is my final stand i guess i'm gonna drop the trap right away i'm not even i'm not even messing around whoa whoa okay okay okay all right so we're already getting started i guess oh great blood moon awesome let's do this that sucks okay so i am completely surrounded by lava they have to go through the barrier to get to me just want to fix up these holes i don't want to fall in that would suck i'm dying to zombies i'm not dying to lava all right so it's kind of working but not really that's but it's fine because i still have to go through the whole the outer layer barrier there so we'll see how that goes oh my gosh they're digging through though look the zombies got enough health now i think that they can dig right through i think it feels like they can oh my gosh i just hear them out there like it's crazy whoa whoa whoa where'd you come from get out of here man hey what are you doing flying get out of here go geez sneaking up on me how'd you get in here anyway some broken spots over here maybe that's where you got up see that's what i mean they're coming through and they're and they're building and they're going to get to a point where they built up where the lava won't even hurt them anymore these guys are just chilling all right i got someone coming at me here like they're they're they're definitely in my house now or they're just spawning in my house because all right what can i oh wow they're breaking that now i don't know if i should stay in here much longer because i'm gonna get stuck look they keep breaking it one misstep and i'm done down there hey buddy whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where the heck does she come from just come through that hole there no i was just i just turned around okay whoa oh oh oh oh oh they're coming from the ceiling this see there's a hole in the ceiling okay i'm out of here i gotta get out of here nope go get go all right i gotta abandon the trap this is it like look at them they're coming down i gotta go i gotta go oh whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my gosh oh my gosh okay run run run run run run run okay okay so trap is done there's no way i'm gonna be able to fix that that's pretty much done and over with i'm just gonna chill here see how things go whoa whoa whoa hey don't be jumping out like that man scared me give me a heart attack all right i'm just going down the bunker anyway screw this oh my gosh they're dropping down with me they're chasing me oh no i'm going to the panic room screw this i'm done this is it this is it i can't fight all these guys there's no way there's no way get get out of here this is my final stand take that take that all right survive today 94 not too shabby if i say so myself anyways guys if you enjoyed this please don't forget to like share and subscribe again it helps out the channel greatly and i really really really appreciate it it makes me makes me very happy if you guys have any ideas of what type of survival i should do next let me know in the comments below because you know what i'm going to continue doing this because it's fun and you guys enjoy it and with that thank you for watching guys shadow mac out um
Channel: ShadowMech
Views: 853,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, hardcore minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, RLCraft, 100 Days, 100 Days in Minecraft, hardcore mode, 100 days in minecraft zombie apocalypse, 100 days in minecraft zombie apocalypse forge labs, i survied hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, 100 days hardcore, ShadowMech, and this happened, Parasites, luke thenotable, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, Scrape and run, 100 days skyrim vr forge labs, 100 days skyrim
Id: UE5H0aXdGJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 19sec (5899 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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