Surviving 100 Days as a Bounty Hunter..

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surviving 100 days as a minecraft bounty hunter but i never intended to start as 100 days as a bounty hunter i was just surviving in a simple village in my last 100 days that i was on the server i was in a war taking back my land where i originally spawned 200 days ago the nation was captured by a guy who's called a mill and he's one of the most evil players on the server after the war i retreated to this jungle village lost in the jungle where time seems to stand still the leader of this nation is forest she owns one of 13 god weapons that were originally scattered across the world when the server first begun these weapons are unique and one of a kind and each weapon is attached to a land claim so if you own this weapon you own the land it's responsible for the player that has a bounty on their head is a player who goes by the name of wilbo he's wanted for the weapon that he yields called the great hammer which is responsible for this land claim right here and this is also a personal bounty because let me give you a history lesson a hundred days ago in the war when a mill's army tried to stop us from taking back our nation wilboa and his nation sided with a mill and tried to stop us taking back our home but we managed to drive them out and with that a mill scampered back to his nation and willboat ran to his so this story begins when myself and jack summoned back home to our nation to attack wilbo and his land to take his home away from him jack and i started heading down to storm's landing jack was also part of storm's landing it's where he spawned and where he's been a part of since day one but truthfully i don't think he wants to be part of this nation anymore but when war calls and there's a battle jack can't help himself but be part of anything he's potentially one of the best pewds on the server here and as no one else i'd rather have my back during this series we started heading into storm's landing and things have changed since i've last been here it's nice to see this place coming alive again but i didn't have time to soak in the town because there was a war brewing and it was day 304 and in the book it told us that on day 305 the battle begins now when we declare wars on the server there are rules both parties need to be somewhat aware for the battle that is about to come but this war was quite easy because both wilboa and our nation don't get along for obvious reasons both nations want to drive us out i just don't think wilboat knows how strong of a nation we have become and we have a lot of members on today a bridge has been prepared that will hopefully take us over to wilbo's land where we will hopefully take his nation with ease and the main goal that we need to do is retrieve his weapon called the great hammer soccer is our king and he too should have a god weapon but it's currently lost on the server the past owners who controlled this land when they were driving out took the weapon with them and there's a bounty for anyone who can find it and i think sucker also hopes from this war that maybe the weapon will be locked away in wilboa's nation that he'll find the sun was rising which means day 305 was about to begin on day 305 anything happens if wilboat manages to drive us out of our land he wins if we manage to drive him out of his land we win it's that simple i drew my sword [Music] soccer lined us all up for cool effects and we headed into battle everything seemed quiet at first and maybe they've forgotten about the war but it wasn't long until we started seeing fiery arrows coming from the sky let the battle begin [Music] [Music] [Music] two bridges were constructed on each side and we had a plan to get across by using block shifters i started being pushed and i attempted to charge across but an arrow shot me down into the water extinguishing the fire at least but unless they destroy the cobblestone right now they will not be able to stop the horde the army that is crossing into their border and like every leader soccer jumped across first and after that with the momentum everyone followed we were now on their side of the bridge and we started pushing them back they retreated and closed the gate but it wasn't long until our catapults annihilated the game pushing through the barrier and now we were at the castle this was their capital building and it was also a very strategic position because it was in the center of the world who doesn't want to own the center of the world they started firing catapults at us on the outside we did our best to dodge it i pushed closer to the gates because there was no point fighting on the outside that's when i saw a wilbo up on the walls with the god weapon on his back that's what we truly need so that we can rightfully own this land without that our claim to the land is false tnt was placed down at the gate and we charged through another barrier destroyed but before we could keep charging we need to clear them off the walls we couldn't let any of their soldiers get in behind us it could wreak havoc i went up the left side of the ramparts to drive them back while some went up the right and an army went through the middle of the town we'd managed to push them back to the keep and now it was time to drive them out of the keep and claim this land for ourselves we clearly outnumbered them and they were not prepared for a moment i almost felt bad for the enemy team as they were running and cowering trying to reach the ocean so they could get to safety but our arrows were too strong and the shore was filled with loot from the dead players that have tried to escape but there's no mercy they try to take our home away from us so now we take their home away from them and we see how they feel about it i had not froggy in my sights i was after him [Music] and we weren't gonna let him escape the chase went on for a while and capo and rangs were ordered to go back to the castle to scour it and search for anything worth of value while me and jack went to go hunt froggy but this time froggy he had a friend mignato it was a 2v2 we chased them all across the ocean until we lost orientation all together and all we were focused on was trying to kill one another they would get out we would fight they'd get back in a boat we'd chase them they would fight us then we'd get back in a boat it went back and forth and until froggy made a fatal mistake and didn't see me coming i destroyed his boat and thankfully he didn't pick it up he was now stranded and both me and jack were on him my mission was to take at least one of these guys out and with froggy strand in the ocean it didn't take him long until he died but froggy and miato had called for backup and backup had come for sure now we were the ones being hunted at the time we didn't know how many or who they were exactly we tried to turn back to the castle we had taken but we couldn't get past them we had to do our best to dodge and weave the arrows that were coming and that's when i saw that we were being chased by wilboat and the rest of his army that survived the arrows kept coming and we kept getting shot out of our boat we just did our best to get back in we knew this was a fight that we couldn't take we were chased for so long we ended up in the jungle back where our journey first started and there was a whole army behind us chasing us now we attempted to hide behind a tree in hopes that they would just run right past us but that didn't work i tried to fight but there was too many jack and i had two goals that was to survive and not to lead wilboa and his army back to forest's peaceful jungle we decided to cross the border into another nation's land that lives in the jungle this nation over here weren't peaceful and they were quite aggressive towards forrest's team so we didn't mind doing this but jack and i decided if we were gonna do this we weren't going to escape so we needed to split up so that we could potentially take one out at a time i had two players on me at the time wilboa and colt jack was currently fighting one by himself by the runes of the neighboring nation that i was just speaking about they were building a temple here but they luckily wasn't online the time because if they were they would have definitely battled us as well i came in just at the right time we'd managed to kill one of their members and with this will bolton cult disappeared his other members must have been lost in the forest somewhere splitting up was a good idea this gave us a moment to grab his loot and to run we didn't want to run straight back to faris's land and risk them following us back so we took refuge in a tree and we let things cool down then we slowly snuck back to the border of the jungle and we crossed into forester's land with no one following us i made sure of that but we wanted to be extra safe i knew of a hill near forest's village where for a while we could relax and keep an eye out because if wilbo is following us he'll come for us here and that way we can lead them away again if so needs to be i sat in the hill keeping a lookout while jack was down but a ward had bordered that naturally divided both territories of the jungle but then jack came up to give me the all clear that no one had crossed and no one was around not that we could see anyway so we decided to head back down into the jungle and head home we snuck in and it was nice to see that things were untouched that the jungle canopy had kept this place hidden fars had spent a long time working on this jack went home and i returned back to my house also where my parrot was still sitting there happy as everything i still don't have a name for him but i'm sure he'll get one eventually i put all my loot that i got from this battle into a chest all the stuff will come in quite handy for trading and a day or so rolled by when i received a message from forrest on discord saying i had mail in my mailbox so i went home to go check it out it was the mail that made this video what it is a bounty hunter the male red wanted wilbon reasons we need his gob weapon the great hammer in order to fully control our new land we will reward those who find the weapon generously delivered to a storm landing castle i knew it was real because it was signed by soccer himself that's something you can't fake that's when i told forrest about the whole drama just went on a few days ago and how we led we'll boat back here but let them away hopefully and since i had been so involved and knew where wilboat's last whereabouts was i decided i'd take this challenge on and try hunt down wilbo and retrieve the weapon but with this i also wanted to ask jack because like i said there's no one else i'd want by my side and wilbo is a tough opponent especially with the players around him and jack then logged online ready for another adventure i took my armor back off the wall again it was time to head out time to head across the jungle border and go back to the location [Music] we crossed the border but watching this in replay mod i could see forrest [Music] watching as we crossed maybe she's thinking this is the last time she'll ever see us we were now technically in enemy territory we had to sneak through i don't know what we were expecting going back to the last place we've seen wilbo what is he going to be doing standing there just randomly [Music] hasn't moved for the past few days both jack and i knew where he probably went and that was to a mills land and his nation because he was a very close ally with a mill and he did choose his side after all when he decided to battle against us for our home in the last 100 days this nation and this part of the jungle the players weren't online a lot but when they were they were very hostile and they would chase you down luckily i've never had that experience but jack has [Music] and to be honest that's the reason why jack stays in this jungle and lives with forest he's protecting forest and the village because without them they would probably try to invade that site and take it for their own as well at last we returned back to the location where we had last seen wilbo and where we had killed one of his players but looking around i could see the iron in the diamonds still on the building wilboat definitely wasn't here and he definitely didn't come back when he ran away jack and i believe he headed west which if we're true because west lies a mills nation his only ally that we're aware of that would make the most sense of where he'd go jack and i trekked across the continent sailing and marching over the hills and finding unexplored lands which were raw and filled with resources [Music] [Music] [Music] when we arrived at the tiger forest we knew we were now close to a mill's land and by law of our nation we couldn't enter it see a mill had retreated and had been quiet for the last while emil is an evil player on the server and he has a god weapon that allows him to revive any dead players on the server but it's not just like they can come back alive and just be fine about it and go about their day these players have to serve a mill and have to do whatever he says they're almost like zombies so any player that has died on the server likely lies inside a mills land if not they're dead inside the nether this is when we came to the border of a mill's land it was my first time being here and instantly we could see activity right across the water they were building hots fortresses i'm not sure if wilboa wasn't here there's no way we're gonna find out because there's no way we're going in there until jack wanted to go in because it's true what he said there's only one way of finding out i insisted that we waited until a mill and a few of his members go offline that way we can explore the land a bit more freely but jack wanted to go in now so we headed upstream to see if there was a safer place to cross somewhere where no enemy players are we found a quiet place and jack crossed i would have entered two but my armor was half destroyed and i wasn't ready for a fight and also i think i value my life just that little bit more jack ventured into a mills land and through discord i was able to keep communication with him while i kept an eye out from across the border i took my armor off so that i wouldn't glow in the night and it would be a lot harder to see emil's guards were just across the water and when the sun was rising that day it was perfect timing not for us but jack had been spotted not by the guards across the war but inside the town area that he was sneaking into and instantly the guards across the water started moving you could tell that they were all in a big discord together and definitely communicated jack was trying to make his way back to the water [Music] and the guards were trying to cut him off that's when i fired across to distract the two guards that were going towards him but at this moment in time jack is being chased by a mill and another player i tried to use my bow on the guy that was in the water but this bow is terrible at times and it doesn't fire right but it does a lot of damage it's the only reason why i keep it i stayed across the water just trying to keep the attention on me waiting for jack to jump in that water so we can swim across the safety and here he came so with that i charged across the water myself to stop anyone trying to intercept him i didn't want to fight here i just wanted to escape the arrows and to escape this chase but the two guards across the water were following us now we tried to hide [Music] but hiding wasn't an option so we decided to fight them jack took one on while i took another on each carrying her own weight but the player jack was fighting was a new recruit and he burnt to a crisp and died while i was still fighting my player who awkwardly put down water making the fight harder than it already was that's when jedi's best made a run for the boat [Music] and i attempted to try to destroy it but i couldn't [Music] i don't even know why that player is running they've already chosen the mills side if they die they can just be respond and fight again when emil watches this video he's probably gonna kill him himself but the player ran and jack and i tried searching for him but he had disappeared probably returning home but during all this chaos i had received a discord message from forrest informing me that she had been raided by wilbo and his crew and that wilbot was here with this information we sailed home as quick as we could we were now in a discord call with forest at the time and she informed us that she did get jumped and that she ran and she has two members ready to log online but she's told them not to they're not that well geared to fight we got close to the village and we decided that we'd climb a tree to get a better vantage point the raid had taken place a while ago we were a little too late to protect the stuff that was already there it's gone now as we climbed the tree i took off my armor so that we wouldn't glow and we'd be more hidden forest had the same idea and was across the water on another tree keeping a lookout she said she hadn't seen wilbur for a while but this is where things get interesting and i would love to know if we've been followed or not because what's about to happen truly surprised me how we did not see this coming oh put your hammer on thank you i luckily managed to put on my armor just before the first strike came into my back but wilbo and now the people we were fighting over by mills land are now here and it's almost like they expected us but did a mills team follow us home how did they find us on the trees like that i don't know and i still have no answer to this day but it didn't matter wilbow was here and a lot of the stuff from the village was raiding if i pause right here you can see that wilboa is holding a total of them dying that is my totem he stole it from my house when i jumped into the water i told forest to run she holds something very valuable and i don't want her dying wilbo now seems to be here with his members and also a mix of a mill members by going into a mill's land we have just awakened a bigger enemy but i've noticed there's one thing missing from wilbo he doesn't seem to have the weapon on him not on his back anyway and i'm not sure if it's in his inventory since wilbot has now raided the village he probably knows that he's wanted and he probably knows that he's wanted for his weapon so potentially he may have hid it or given it to a mill in his team to then take back to their land but when i got to my base i could see a lot of my stuff was taken all my golden apples and my totem of undying which now will holds making him even stronger from what i'm aware that's nearly the only totem of undying on the server a few hundred days ago we were able to explore outside the world and there we could find natural structures like golden apples and tomes and i think i had the only one but now he has it i hid my bird in the forest so it's not in my house i was surprised that it wasn't dead but maybe wilboat isn't that evil but i don't trust him my power is my only companion in the series and i want to look after him jack is bravely kiting a few enemies around the village because i need to repair my godset as it's going low but luckily my godzilla has mending on me and there are plenty of animals to slay all these animals have allowed me to repair my godset to a nice healthy amount while jack is kiting i take this opportunity to take whatever was left and to take it out of here so i can hide it after all this is the only stuff i have and i wanted to get my parrot to true safety so i ran through the village and started heading up to the volcano where originally forrest found the god weapon lying in the middle a few hundred days ago but i didn't realize that i was being followed and an enemy was following suit i knew i couldn't fight right now because i had my parrot and my priority was getting him to safety and trying to take him to safety i've just got him into danger i made him sit down on a tree and i ran luckily the enemy did not notice and he was focused on me i decided to engage the fight knocking him off the tree giving me time to run away i do want to fight but my main priority is linking back up with jack but before i can do that i need to hide the stuff that i have in my inventory i found a place just right next to a tree where i could dump all the stuff that i had looking at it now i don't have a lot but you don't need a lot when it's hardcore just need what you have in your inventory but it was perfect timing just as i ran away the enemy was still pursuing me this was definitely one of a mill's gang and not will boats with my i items safely tucked away it was now time to fight and both of us were in well-enchanted gear and there was a hill we were about to play king of the hill my goal was to try and knock him down so that he could take fall damage and die that way after all i did have a big sword and it did have knocked back two on it deadly winner up somewhere high but fortunately the gear that the enemy was wearing went in my favor with this fight and as he hit me his godset activated rampage which gives him strength three but puts him down to three hearts and that's how he fell to his death so soon it wasn't even a far fall but his in chance had ended up killing him i took his loot and i ran as quick as i could the goal was to all meet up myself forrest and jack we decided we'd meet at the volcano jack was already there it was now forrest who needed to make her way back she had ran a very far away away it wasn't until that night that she made it to here alive but just about she'd been chased heavily we all grouped up and we went back into the town now fortunately that i managed to kill one of the enemy players we now had that gear and now we were able to get one of forest's team to come online and give them the gear that we just got from the enemy player we need everyone we can get here to fight [Music] i gave her the gear except the chess play because that's what has reckless on it which brings you down to three hearts but makes you do a lot of damage but i think it just ends up killing you especially to fall damage like he died now with us all armored up it was now time to at least fight at this point jack and i feel responsible for wilbo doing what he just done raiding pharisees village and we all believe now that wilboa is using the thick jungle to hide to conduct his business in a hidden fashion he has all of the village's supplies and a mills army have came to aid him at this point the bounty hunter mission is over and there's a personal bounty on wilboat's head we need to get revenge and we need to get forest's items back but first we need to find where they're living so naturally we went to the place that started this fight on top of the trees when wilbo and his gang jumped us and in the night we trekked across the treetops searching for any signs of life when we found a structure deep in the forest and straight away we could see that it was them it was a mix between wilboat's army and a mills army but we didn't have lung to think or even spy in them because we had been spotted straight away and arrows were already being exchanged fighting wilboa's team is one thing but fighting a mill is a hard one and his gang because they play very aggressive because they know if they die they can come back alive and still serve a mill we all believed that farce's items were inside this compound and we need to try get them back but there was a problem there was four of us and there was plenty of them we were very outnumbered and barely anyone was online on the server so if we were going to raid this we're gonna have to be smart so we regrouped and we made a plan thebes and forrest needed to escape and to loop around the compound and be on the other side while me and jack hopefully distract and then that might leave a window of opportunity for phoebes and forrest to enter the compound and to attempt to get some of their loot back they ran off we climbed back up into the trees we did our best to distract and there i could see wilbo again inside the compound but still no god weapon to be seen and here i had the player on the tree who escaped from me a few nights ago running away again things were going good we thought we had most of their attention but sadly they had already seen forrest and thebes so they were now looking for four people so i think they kind of expected it because after a little bit of fighting our best efforts to keep them distracted failed and thebes and forest were caught and they were now being chased knowing that i won't be able to catch up with thebes and forest as they run it was up to them to survive they knew this jungle better than anyone i decided that i would attempt to push to the compound see if i can get the loot myself but the constant arrows were annoying and my shield was just after breaking there wasn't much i could do but me and jack got forest into this mess so i pushed on pushing towards the gate i knew that if i at least put pressure on the castle the people pressuring forest as they run would return knowing that i had breached i blew open the gate and i stormed in and it was right wilboa and the people chasing fires were home within seconds fighting is a tough one because we're all in decent armor and every hit gives you slowness and other bad effects jack and i are desperate just to get a kill just to weaken their army by a fraction because the mill isn't here so we can't instantly fight it would at least delay them but we were overrun and we purled out onto the treetops and took a minute to get a breather thieves and forests are safe now and jack's on the run with jack kite and the whole entire army again i attempted to try again to enter the castle see if i can retrieve some sort of loot and to see if it's there but when i got closer to the gate i just blown up it was already repaired and i had to blow it up but as i broke in it was just cold here and with no shields his arrows were such a nuisance but jack was helping me out on the trees i started having a look through the loop to see if there was anything but this didn't look like their stuff not forester stuff anyway this looked like wilboat's actual stuff or some of it that's when i found tnt and golden apples i took them because i knew that that could be damage that they could do towards the village and i legged it out of there heading into the jungle but with wilbo's tnt in my inventory he was right behind me and he wasn't leaving me alone i started giving jack my information of where i was so that he could meet me we have will vote and he's isolated but we've got to catch 32 at the moment yes wilboat's wanted and he's wanted dead or alive but he's wanted for the weapon that he holds which is the great hammer but he does not appear to be using it and he doesn't have it on his back so either he's hit it or he's given it to another enemy like a mill if we kill him the information dies of him or worse we kill him and it miller rises him from the dead and gives the weapon right to a mill jack finally came to my aid and the first order of business was making will both vulnerable after all he did have a total of undying there's no way he's going to give himself up when he knows he can't die yet we needed to break that down it almost looked like somebody out of a comedy scene jumping in and out of boats at one point willpower was even in my boat but that's what we wanted we wanted to drag him out to sea so that he could be more isolated and pearls would have no effect we knew what wilbot was doing he was definitely stalling for time and he was waiting for backup to come and backup did arrive and a fight broke out looking around now in the actual recording i can see it's mostly made up of a mill and his members why are they here why are they helping him so much they definitely want the weapon too but wilboa seems to have done a 200 iq move and hid the weapon willpo tried to jump in a boat but i got him first making him get in the back he tried to bow me down but i was just rolling him out to sea to try and isolate him a bit more from the group after all we're trying to break down that totem of undying and i believe we've already been close to it after a while wilbur got wise than what we were doing but now it was just me and him having a fight in the middle of the ocean when checking my inventory i could see that i was close to my armor breaking and that armor is the only lifeline i have i myself needed backup to take on wilbon so jack started making his way out to me but it came with a price it also meant that the other enemies followed us but we stayed on wilbo trying to break down that total from dying and after a long-winded fight of just focusing on wilbo we managed to break down the total moon dying he was now vulnerable and he knew it but my armor was also breaking and it was breaking fast we had wilboa on the run and he was swimming further and further out to sea until he got his sense of direction back and started heading back for land he desperately wanted to get back to his stronghold and we were desperately chasing him but as we got to land his goon started jumping us giving him the window to escape jack managed to kill one of wilboat's gang giving us some armor and some much needed resources like ender pearls which at this moment in time only come from the tiger regions and the pearls are a very rare resource in our nation wilboat was gone and he went back to the castle we assumed jack and i were heavily damaged and without some needed rest we wouldn't be able to fight another day so we decided to call it there we headed back into the village it was a risk but it's the only place i know where i can repair my armor but the problem was the animals were dwindling i already used them not long ago to repair the armor that i'm wearing already but it's better than nothing and it managed to get my armor to about half durability which is much better than it was before with the momentum it was time to head back into the fight and head back over to the castle thebes and forest they had now gone into hiding they don't have the gear like us to fight for too long and also all their resources have mostly been lost because of the raid that will about done in their land we got to the trees near the fortress in the jungle we're having a peep in when through the tree line we could see a name it was wilboa and he was heading into the jungle and by the looks of it alone we started running after him but we quickly lost him but we went in the rough direction he was going in as it wasn't long until we spotted him again he was inside what looks like to be another camp this one really hidden inside the forest but he was alone and it seems like after the battle a lot of people are now offline again one wrong move and if he sees us he'll summon everyone back online i felt like a right stalker watching him through the trees jack and i at this time didn't really know what to do we had an opportunity in front of us but we were scared to take it but we also had a dilemma like i said he didn't have the weapon and if we kill him the weapon could be lost on the server now the rules do state if you want to hide a gob weapon or anything of that sort you can't just hide it simply underground you must make something cool you can try to hide it but it must be some sort of structure or something something hidden that way it makes it interesting for all parties on the server but still this world is big you could be searching for a long time so whatever we do here we want to make sure that we make the right decision and that we won't end up regretting it later killing is definitely the easiest option but is it the right option jack had managed to find a security breach inside the camp and he was able to hop right over the fence so through discord he taught me how to do it and i jumped right over we're now in the camp and wilbo didn't know so we jumped into the discord and ambushed him it's die i'll come with us why would i go with you it's die she will die or come with us now quickly because we're going to kill you otherwise because if you message them on discord i swear to god if you message any of mill's team or your team all right wilbo informed us that he had indeed hid the weapon but it wasn't entirely because he was wanted he was afraid of what a mill would now do that he's vulnerable because a mill only wants god weapons he doesn't care about the actual people who hold him so i said you can choose one side you can choose the evil side who will kill you no matter what the second they hand over it or you can go with us the people that will attempt to stick to their words will both hand himself over and this is when we put another server rule on him when we captured him we put the server rule of he can't message anyone and discord his chords his location or that he's been taken that's for players to find out in-game it makes it more of a challenge and not just like hey i'm here come save me it ruins the fun i asked wilboa where the weapon is and he said he wouldn't tell me until his part of the deal is done wilboa wanted to be transported down to safety down the storm's landing and imprisoned he accepted that he needs to stay in prison until we actually find the weapon and then once we find the weapon and he's been true to his word that is let go to be honest i said we won't kill you that's the least i can say we can do right now but he knew it's a better option than being stuck with a mill because eventually emil will turn his back on him and he will kill him the second he gives up that god weapon so we've trust we gave wilbow his armor back so if he gets jumped he has some sort of protection [Music] and we transported him down the storm's landing we knew that there was no one online in storm's landing so noam was able to hold him so that he wouldn't escape so i called down another nation a good allies of ours missing gnome to come take him and take him to their kingdom will their hold in prison and keep an eye out wilbur told us that the god weapon was hidden on a jungle island off the west coast it's the smallest island and it's right bang in the middle of it it's a mossy cobblestone structure there you'll find the gut weapon this is when he also informed us the reason why emil was not at the compound of the castle and why he was trying to escape was because emil had decided to take his army and make them search the jungle to find the weapon and mill essentially leaving wilboat to die thinking that we would just kill him so for wilboat this was a holiday gnome and wilboa went their way we went back to the jungle territory and we started searching all the islands looking for the structure that he spoke about when we found a small island off the coast to the west and right in the middle there was a mossy cobblestone structure but when i got down here the weapon was there but i couldn't help but feel that the room was trapped so i took it slow i was afraid to take the weapon off the wall in case it triggered something so i mined the floor making sure there was no traps or no holes it was all clear we had managed to pick up the hammer and it was now in our inventory we had managed to acquire the bounty and jack and i started transporting it home but this journey came with a price an expensive one at that and now far as his nation is overrun with emil and his team so i'm going to command soccer as payment to drive a mill out of pharys's jungle and bring peace back to this lovely nation [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 2,384,240
Rating: 4.9344244 out of 5
Keywords: I Spent 100 Days as a Bounty Hunter in Minecraft, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in minecraft war, creepersedge, hide or hunt, mc war, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hide or hunt, minecraft war, ryan not brian, ryan not brian minecraft war, ryan not brian minecraft war. ryannotbrian hide or hunt, ryan not bryan, ryannot brian, ryannotbrian, ryannotbrian 100 days, ryannotbrian mc war, ryannotbrian minecraft war
Id: t40acQizet4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 59sec (2699 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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