I Spent 100 Days being hunted in Minecraft and Here's What Happened

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[Music] my mans how's it going tried to uh try to survive 100 days with my good friend kim hunting me down manhunt style yeah went into the world i yeah got a 10-day head start and then said my man kim come find me see if you can kill me see if i can survive all 100 days with you uh hunting me down and uh wow a little bit out of control just uh kim also made a video of him uh documenting his 100 days hunting me down we had very little communication we were not talking over discord i have no idea what he was doing throughout this entire time his video entirely different from mine i was not with him for the majority of this whole thing that man was doing stuff while i was doing stuff here you know what i want to know what he was doing because there's a few things i gotta go watch this video and kim i know you're watching this video right now you're gonna you're gonna see me how i you're gonna see some stuff too kim okay i'll tell you right now just don't worry about it don't worry what i did to you it had to be done okay so here's what i want you to do after you finish watching this video go watch that guy's video yeah and make sure you subscribe to him too he's a he's a very good friend of mine and uh don't want to help him get some you know just go help support that man okay i'm not even gonna tell you subscribe to me because you know what actually i might you know i am gonna tell you hey click the red button subscribe button you press that wow you know that's all i'm going to say this was a good one had some fun doing this this was uh anyways you know what no no nothing more to be said besides this is a story of two men two men who hunted each other down and against all odds one of those men prevailed this is 100 days manhunt [Music] hey here we go just a man heading to the unknown with the yeah what am i what am i saying here okay so i got 10 days to get as much done as i possibly could before this man started hunting me down first thing on my mind getting gunpowder okay i had no time to waste i just had to be laser focused on getting as much gunpowder as i could so i spawned next to this village and uh immediately got distracted yo cows how's it going good to see you pigs look at this what is this oh hippos hello my man are you friendly sometimes hippos are not uh what about you get on you what was i doing here trying to ride a hippo that was good i was glad i was spending time doing this not getting a gun powder yay so i went through the village and i started gobbling up as much as i could i did not want kim getting anything okay not a scrap not even a piece of wheat no this was all for me taking everything i could on my way out of the village i found a snake yeah a little snake slithering around wanted to see what would happen if i tapped it oh okay okay okay oh it's chasing me this snake is chasing me i pulled two chickens into a house right away because i was gonna need to start manufacturing arrows as fast as possible and uh i got these what am i saying i got chickens in the house this is my script is just no i'm not gonna barely gonna use this script this time uh so at nighttime i made a shield and uh an axe i'm reading the script again just focus on the thing so i there was no sleeping i couldn't waste any time to sleep because there was so much stuff to do and only 10 days to do it so i went out to kill some spiders and everything just got out of control fast oh there's a bear sitting here how's it going my man like chicken oh oh whoa little guy little guy okay okay can't jump out of the roof can you no we can't oh whoa whoa what's with the okay okay hey a lot of little guys a lot of little guys just going in here going here going upstairs like a night of the little guys or something i couldn't go outside so i spent the night just mining okay day two immediately in the morning went over and bred those chickens i need to start doing this as much as possible be like a chicken man or something like that hey why don't you call me the chicken guy actually don't don't call me the chicken guy okay no one no one say that this enderman walked into the village and the iron golem took care of him which was good because i got an ender pearl figured that these things might be useful later on if kim starts attacking me and i need to just get out of there as fast as possible i can like throw one of these things and teleport away from him so i wanted to keep some of these on me at all times i was looking around the village a little bit and uh there's a bear up top by this garden so i walked over to it and this man was a crazy guy he went went nutty oh okay okay look at that the bear it chased me to the house you see that the bear's outside the house okay the bear is hitting me through the window i'm just gonna like what is going on here i shouldn't be i shouldn't be there shouldn't be an angry bear outside the house right now i didn't do anything to that bear i think it's going nuts so i mined more and i found some iron not a lot just a few oars so i got a furnace going got it cooking and i figured that that bear would be gone by now and no wow this uh this thing was waiting for me outside so i tried to hit it from the safety of inside the house which was just another big mistake this man was uh mauling me through the windows and just look how much damage these things do so i just went right back to mining not not gonna be screwing around with bears i dug down pretty deep and uh i saw these things look at this what's this stuff cobblestone deep something okay i'm not used to playing on this version of minecraft where the they made the look of the oars different so i thought it's almost emeralds or something like that those emeralds [Music] are those diamonds the emerald or diamond [Music] if that's diamond i'm gonna be a very happy man if it emeralds i'm gonna be a very upset man you know what it doesn't matter because a man like me can't no iron hey i was a very happy man when i came back yeah four diamonds on day two my man's day two a man with four diamonds can you believe that i felt very rich anyway so i kept mining all night and i got more iron some redstone some gold there's a lot of good stuff down there very good stuff down in the mine in the morning it looked like that uh bear had uh walked away so i walked outside and you know what the bear was not gone okay the bears back so i ran into the house with the chickens and bred them and waited being the chicken guy again no stop saying you're the chicken anyway so i climbed on the roof and uh the bear looked like the bear had left so carefully i climbed down and went outside looking for some sheep and i grabbed some bamboo wood or a few cows i was out here before finally finding some sheep i got my wool and i headed back into the village by nightfall and then i used that wall to make four poles yeah you need poles if you're gonna make some strong weapons here and i got four handles as well just in case that's why i'm a man who can make a two-handed great sword a battle axe i can make a saber i can make a whole a lot of good stuff with this stuff my whole whole base is recovered oh but when a man has a lot of options there's you don't know what to do so i wasn't sure what i wanted to make normally i'd make a halberd but uh i changed the damage on it because those things were just way too strong way way way too strong i decided that i wanted to make a warhammer or battle hammer whatever this this thing this thing is deadly i'm telling you right now when you hit someone with this thing they go flying okay and my plan was to smash kim in the head with this and just have them launched way back but in order to make it i needed more copper so uh more mining for me more mining but when i went down there i found something whoa whoa hey gonna stop the video right here quick short break from uh this video's sponsor dis plate my man's i gotta tell you about display okay this is just look at this oh look at that that's a beautiful frog yeah that that's a disc plate no that's a frog a beautiful looking frog absolutely beautiful these are metallic posters that you can put up anywhere around your house and there's so many to pick from there's over 1.4 million just look at this website there's so many of them on here here's a few i picked out a whole bunch of look at this guy a seagull or something like that these things are super easy to set up with a magnetic mounting system and they're printed on high quality metal okay very good quality stuff right here and the best part is is everyone that's sold uh they plant a tree so this gorilla right here yeah a tree planted for this man and by the way it's not all animals okay there's all sorts of stuff on here tons of stuff yeah i like this stuff it's good if you click the link in the description you get a little discount you can head over there and pick one up it helps support the channel big time so uh be sure to check out this plate and thank you so much for them for sponsoring this video it uh just i mean look okay it's like elephant seal keep getting distracted if you click the link in the description and get yourself a display it helps the channel out big time it also plants a tree too hey good deal whole jungle down here look at this like a underground swamp or something like that it's cool though you know this is a place i like looking around here although i was a little bit worried that uh some sort of human-sized venus flytrap was gonna get tagged me and kill me so i tried to get out of there as fast as possible after getting iron hey day four running out of time before my man kim gets here he's coming soon so uh gotta start thinking about laying down some traps for this man make sure you kill him as soon as possible so before doing that though i made a full set of iron armor which is good you need that felt very good to have that on day four i also uh finally made that a war hammer decided to make it out of iron instead of copper because now i had a ton of iron i went back to that first town that i had stumbled upon when you first spawned and i wanted to make it look like did no one had walked through it this was a brand new town so i brought some stacks of wheat or whatever it is uh put them in front of a base i kind of closed some of the doors i i think i like put some torches out or whatever i wanted this place to look like it had not been touched by me so that kim would just walk right in here and not think twice about opening a few doors i also put a chest here right by the door so that if kim walked by you'd see a chest in there and definitely go in this building you know i really wanted him to walk through this door because uh when he did game over this i was going to rig this building to blow but to do that i needed a lot of tnt so i spent the whole night looking for uh creepers to kill but i ended up having to deal with like a hundreds look at this look how many zombies came after me at this point it started raining the following morning and i just kept pulling stuff outside looking for skeletons creepers anything to kill but these snakes having a huge problem okay why am i getting it's a snake what's with the stakes why are every snake in this thing is attacking me it's still this what is going on with the snakes the snakes are going that's that's a whole field of snakes up there i was getting scared walking through this tall grass up here found out that the snakes bite you if you step on them okay and this tall grass loaded with these snakes step on the wrong man and it tags and i was reading about the mod apparently some of these are lethal snakes some will just kill you if you don't heal yourself fast enough so yeah i did not want that to happen to me oh look at this yeah i walked into a field got chased by a bear oh another bear oh look at all these chickens bear here there's so many chickens there what does that think there's a frog what's that bear attacking that bear's attacking the chickens is it like chicken or something oh okay look at this bear's going nuts the bears just ate the fr okay these bears just went nuts look it's still going look at all that meat i can't let me go to waste you see that you beast barreling at me it gave me an idea apparently these things you get you can tame them okay if you get the right combination of meat or whatever yeah you can tame them and i thought wow what if what if i could have one of these things barrel at kim maul him to death so i tried to tame that bear by giving it a big slab of meat and uh wow it did did not work out at all so i ended up running and had to put the thing down i also noticed that the world border was way too close so uh i expanded it later on i went back to the village and got there by dusk and stayed out killing more stuff because i needed a lot more gunpowder if i was gonna rig that building to blow i also still needed to make a bow and uh so i was looking for spiders too okay day six i was out all day looking for stuff so i started by getting some sugar cane and planted a ton of it around because i was gonna need to eventually enchant my gear i also killed a bunch of cows chickens i got some pumpkins i was a man who's busy doing a lot of stuff working away working away so i spent the night outside that night killing more stuff and i got enough spiders to make a bow or something like that then i killed more creepers which gave me enough gunpowder to make three tnt i wanted to have like 40 by this point but i'm being honest a little bit unrealistic three should be uh enough to do the job but i kept looking kept trying to push my luck and ran into another angry bear okay these things are everywhere i also found these like giant pumpkins whoa look at this pumpkin city oh what's going on here a lot of pumpkins i was getting really desperate to find some leather and i figured you know what a hippo yeah probably got a lot of leather on it you know uh but the only thing is that the hippo is the apparently the most dangerous creature on earth you know that these things that kill a lot of people probably shouldn't have attacked it because this thing is sort of fighting back and i had to run eventually though i i think i yeah look at this i killed it and oh look at that i got a ton of leather from this thing it's pretty good uh anyway so i got this stuff and headed back i spent the rest of the night mining and i found three more diamonds yeah three more and a ton of iron and uh even more she's a very productive night the only thing was was that i was uh starting to get lost down there okay a little bit worried now how do uh how does man get out of the here where's the exit if you know what i mean i don't know how to get out of here things are gonna start spawning down here those are zombies down here i did not come this way i just keep ending up in the same pits i'm gonna have to just dig straight up i guess i'm up where am i i managed to dig myself out at some point on day eight i don't know if it was in the morning evening night i don't know what it was but i got out on day eight i then used uh my diamonds that i had found to make a diamond pickaxe and went back into that cavern but this time i was gonna be very cautious about getting lost and marked my path i was looking for obsidian now needed this stuff because uh apparently to make a observer which i was gonna need to make my tnt trap you need nether quartz okay and you can't get if as far as i know you can't get another course without going to the nether so looks like i was gonna be a man going to the nether this early on in the game yes i was i was not excited about that at all very nervous by day nine i had enough obsidian to make the portal so i made it and yeah went in oh i was not expecting it to look like this i'm not used to playing this version of minecraft i think i think i know that they did another update but wow i was a little bit confused so i started looking around for another quartz i almost got killed by an enderman now look at this okay and just as i was about to leave i found one single nether quartz so i got it and left it was night so i ran straight over to the place after making the observer i started rigging this house to blow okay i put the observer facing upright at the door so the moment the door opens the observer sends a signal to a bunch of tnt that i had below that so the plan was that would kim would walk in the village see those stacks of uh hay and he'd see the house look walk up to the door see a little chest inside then he would open the door walk over the chest and before he knows it this whole building annihilated man down so then i ran back to the house i was staying in and started taking out all the valuable stuff out of the chest i couldn't risk him getting an entire stack of iron on the first day in diamonds didn't want him getting any of this good stuff however there's still stuff here that i'm gonna need to leave here because i can't carry it all so i came back up from the tunnel and i filled it in with a little bit of the floor blocks to make it look like it's just a regular house and hopefully you'd have no idea that there was a chest hidden down below the floor you're gonna see me do this a lot okay i'm a man who couldn't stay in one place for very long so i had to uh keep hiding chests and floorboards and moving around a lot and with that the stage was set for kim to join and start hunting me and i know what you're thinking okay things are looking pretty good for a man like me right now i got a full set of iron armor i got diamond stuff i got a explosives rigged in the building but i want to just point one thing out okay i'm a man who almost just died to an enderman i am not good at this game yeah i could there's so many ways kim could kill me okay i just want to put that out there if i was in this position about to join what i would do is i would stay away from me for the first like 20 days i would go deep underground get a bunch of gear set up a chest somewhere where i can just start storing stuff so that if i do die i can come back and get it i'd be a man who'd be making a lot of plans okay and here's the other thing okay i know people are gonna say why don't you just go kill him why don't you go hunt kim when he first spawns no i'm gonna tell you why i won't do that all right because that would defeat the entire point of this video just make it pointless the point is for him to hunt me okay now if he decides to walk into a building rigged with explosives on day one that's his decision okay i didn't make him walk in that building he did that enough talking about it the hunt begins now okay there he is yeah i got no time to waste i gotta i gotta immediately start getting to work here as i was grabbing my sugarcane before leaving i was really hoping that kim was gonna walk into that tnt trap a man like that and he can't help himself you know he sees the building he goes right for it he blew up he walked into the trap he walked into the trap okay it worked okay okay i just bought myself two more days okay okay i gotta go inspect that i ran over to the house to confirm that it was my trap that killed him and sure enough yeah big massive crater where the house used to be yeah look at this he just walked right in uh oh no hey if you want to watch uh you want to see what kim does see him do a breakdown of day by day what he was doing while he was hunting me there's a link to his video in the description okay that's the last clip i'm going to show you from him i'm good go watch this video after you watch this one let's see watch it because i started to feel bad i said uh you know what 10 days is way too long come back in three 20 days would give me a way too big of a head start so in three more days kim can rejoin anyways those three days got a lot to do places to be you know so i ran across a field made a boat and set sail you know i went far very far from the spawn as far as i could get actually if i'm being honest was not that far but you know what far enough that uh when kim rejoins he's got a little bit of a trek ahead of him so i found this uh other village that yeah one of the buildings he had a library in it yeah pretty good a lot of books here tons of could use this to make my enchanting table very good i found this so day 11 i got harassed by more bears okay these bears everywhere across the entire world these are just walking around ripping people apart anyways i uh cut down the bookshelves and uh collected the books because i wasn't gonna build it here and let kim come and use my enchanted table no way so uh i wanted to find somewhere else to build that was a easily defendable somewhere that i could hunker down and if kim tried to attack me it would be very difficult for him to get to me so i went out looking for that and on my way i found a look at this one a little cat it was perfect i needed a cat very badly because i wanted to make eventually a creeper farm to manufacture gunpowder and if you want to make one of those you need a cat so very glad to find this he's not glad to find this bear though chased by it that's a it's a rhino or something get back to the safety of that village okay it's a bear please don't eat my cat looking around more on day 12 yeah just looking for somewhere to build and it was it's tough to find a spot because i needed to be able to see him coming and have some sort of advantage on him and i didn't find anywhere and just like uh lit myself on fire in a cave by accident that's a that's good okay day 13 my man kim is he's already back i sort of wasted my three-day lead there anyways i felt bad for killing him so soon so when he joined again i used server commands to give them a six iron and you know what you probably shouldn't have done that because this uh this was a very poor decision now you'll see uh you'll see in a second okay you'll see why that was a bad decision anyway so i continued looking for a place to build i didn't want to lug everything around with me so i left a good chunk of my stuff in a chest back where i found that library and uh went out looking i put down torches as i went so that i wouldn't get lost and i could find my way back and it ended up in a little pond with a little clearing behind it i thought you know what this is hey this place isn't bad i can see all the way around me if kim tries to attack me from the forest i could put a bunch of tnt down there a bunch of booby traps is a good spot maybe i'll uh build a compound here but before i could really even start i got chased by a bear okay okay had to uh build a little you know platform to get away from him and then uh some other stuff started spawning it was just a man on a platform surrounded by stuff so in the morning it came down and i killed everything since it was a fresh day i figured you know what going on to start building some walls now i got this stuff why run all the way back so i started getting them up and uh it was good you know was there putting on balls here walls there get a nice high wall up so that no more bears could run in no more zombies none of that stuff but you know what it wouldn't stop a player i don't know why i thought that just putting a cobblestone wall up would stop a player and he forgot that they can use a pickaxe you know stop the bears the bears becoming a big problem i was wondering if uh kim was getting involved by these things too i spent all day working on this wall and eventually i put down a bed and in chat i asked if kim wanted to sleep and uh that's when i saw it i hope he sleeps because i'm just laying it oh okay he yes diamonds now and that's uh [Music] okay yeah i really regretting giving that man iron because it took him like two days just two days to get diamonds that's uh hey i love that anyways i wanted to get back to the village as soon as possible because i could i couldn't help but think if this man had diamonds it's time to start enchanting my gear okay this man if he has diamonds he's gonna be coming for me soon and uh without enchanted gear i don't want to fight him so i wanted to get back to that village as soon as possible but when i tried to get back i was attacked by another bear you just look at this okay how fast can bear swim how fast can this one ah not fast at all can you my man you're slow oh trying to swim underwater are you oh you can't shoot around okay yeah so while kim was getting diamonds and whatever else i was out here just screwing around with bears that was good and it got worse because when i tried to get home oh got lost got very very lost this doesn't this doesn't seem like the way back i can't see where i put my torches that's a swamp i never went through a swamp to get here i don't know how to get back i mean i'm lost meanwhile this guy's getting ready for war i don't even know where the lake is where i was just at is that the lake is that i don't know i don't know if this is the lake it must be cover me with he's making diamond armor he has better armor than i do now what do i have a thousand pumpkins well i'll be good i'll just try to throw pumpkins at him i didn't i don't remember running through a pumpkin forest to get it okay there it is is that it is that the same village this is in my villa this is a pumpkin village i was not in a pumpkin village okay it's becoming night now it's becoming i don't know how to get back to the lake he's he's caught up to me he doesn't even just caught up he's he surpassed me how does he have so many diamonds that he's making diamond armor i need to make that enchanting table i'm gonna die to a bear i'm gonna die to a a wolverine there's going to be some sort of beast that spawns in this in this forest i don't know why there's rocks in a tree i didn't run through this why am i going right now i have i have no idea where i'm i need a compass i need to make an atlas i can't get lost anymore i need to go back to the lake i need to locate where that one torch is and i need to start running in that direction in the morning not at night in the morning but i don't know where the lake is where's the lake the lake is gone so i found that uh lake i was building on in that but at this point becoming a very paranoid man i was thinking oh what if uh what if my man kim never went mining at all and uh the diamonds that he had got were yeah from a chest yeah from a chest that he had found uh what if he had found my chest i was getting very paranoid and when a man is paranoid he makes makes lots of mistakes doesn't think right you know since i couldn't get home at night and i didn't want to bother trying i just waited and hoped that eventually i would see one of the torches that i had put down from the little the walls that i made and that would give me a sense of direction of where to head sure enough when it got dark enough i just saw one of the torches and just made note of it and uh went to bed the next day i found the village and i was very relieved to see that my chest full of stuff was still there very happy that this man did not get all my stuff that was uh that was good okay no more screwing around i had to uh i went back to the lake and started getting flint if this man had diamonds i was gonna need arrows or something i'm not not going out on day 16. i was thinking about it and i thought you know what i'm not doing the compound thing in that field that is that was a big mistake thinking that i was going to build there instead i ran to the mountains and thought you know what this man attacks me i'm going to use my warhammer and launch the man off the peak of the mountain and you'll splatter on the ground that gave me all the advantages i needed that if i was on top of a mountain i could see him coming yeah i could launch him off the mountain everything i needed it was a good spot to build i figured i'd also make knockback arrows because these things were these things were good uh so i started building my or at least digging out a little hole here a little cave i spent the next day killing stuff and uh getting xp i wanted to get to level 30 just so i could start enchanting my stuff and uh i made something called a helper arrow you'll see what this thing does later these are they're good arrows so i built the enchanting table and bookshelves and lastly i made a diamond battle hammer yeah if you thought the iron one was good diamond one even better okay this thing wow so i started enchanting my iron armor but yeah i can tell you this right now i don't know what i was doing i should have just waited because i wasted a bunch of xp getting like protection two on my legs and i you know i don't even remember what else on the chess piece and stuff this was a big waste of xp then i got distracted and tried to make an iron golem but just didn't work what the what's going on here however i got to level 28 again and i put power 4 on my bow which was uh good and then uh i did more bad enchanting and put what did i put on the hammer i got like knock back one i don't know i needed diamond gear diamond armor because this was uh not gonna cut it the following day i went mining but i was nervous about him pouring lava down the chute or something while i was mining and then me trying to run back up and just getting a mouthful of lava so i sealed myself in so that if he was walking by he couldn't see where i was at least i hope not and then you know what i found slime look at this slime guy oh slime yes yes yes yes if you've watched any of my other videos you know that uh i can never find slime i don't know what's going on but i always need slime can never get it this time i was very lucky so i was happy to find this man it's sliming around on the cave floor so i mined the next day and i wouldn't see look at this there's a big skeleton fight look at this only one skeleton's gonna win i just need this guy to shoot the other guy come on shoot him okay i'll take this guy off there we go oh we shot the bat hey look at this oh yeah that's uh enough of that i found uh diamonds yeah eight of them my man's eight diamonds was good so i made a diamond chest piece on day 21 uh and i went out looking for leather kim had made a bow i saw that he got the uh take game achievement so i thought hey time to get uh protectile i wanted to protect projectile protection no way i'm going down to a bunch of arrows i want those things just bounce right off me so i wanted to find some leather that i so i could make some books or something but that night when i was starting to enchant books or make more arrows i don't know i was working away at my little workshop i heard someone walking around outside of my base and sure enough tim made an attempt on my life he's here he just walked in his own lava he walked in his own lava there he is he's dead he's dead okay okay okay he's gonna pour lava on me diamond leggings diamond chest piece okay okay i gotta sleep and i gotta get that stuff oh he destroyed my bed though this man tried to assassinate me and he failed look how close i was to dying here he misplaced the lava by one block yeah one block away from killing me right here day 21 video over right now i don't have water i had i had a bucket did not fill it with water yet so what that was that was gonna change so the next day i went out and i picked up everything he dropped and look at this he had tons of diamond gear which was nice thankfully now mine yeah really glad i made that diamond chest like two days ago anyways it was good to have this stuff good good good to have a backup so i had 10 short days of peace day 32 the man would rejoin between now and then i had to uh get that creeper farm built since it was safe for me to travel i wanted to get back to the cat i tamed a few days ago and bring him over here needed that guy to uh work in the creeper farm uh but i had that i had a hard time finding my way back and ended up in that pumpkin village again you know what it wasn't bad because i needed two cats and uh this village yeah the second cat for me oh there is this cat right there okay that's what i need so i started looking for salmon the next day and i don't have a clue what had happened to that yeah big stack i had i was gone i don't even know if i showed you it but at one point before i found all this salmon and stacked it all up and now it was gone i mostly only found tropical fish throwing i thought you know what hey maybe this cat will eat some of this stuff i don't know let's try cat oh there it is okay come here come here hey cat i got some delicious fish i can hear you yeah yeah where are you don't run don't know whoa don't be running for me look at this i got fish come here no relax relax i got a job for you once you uh take this fish i'm gonna put you right to work why are you running there's snakes out here they're gonna one's gonna tag you i can hear his um look there's a there's a venomous snake where's this cat here i got fish for you no no no no here salmon okay see that hippo ate the cat come on what are you doing yeah luckily the village had a second cat but if i was going to tame this thing i wanted to make sure that i had salmon so i thought i might have had left some in the stack and in a chest in the old village old uh hut that i had banded with my stuff so i went out looking for it look little salmon right there little salmon look at all the salmon it's salmon city wait those aren't salmon by night fall i'd found it and look at this my little guy the cat he was still there just hanging around outside look at the cat right there is that my cat that's my cat there is how's it going my man good to see you let's go take a little snooze in here hey get up get up i checked the chest the stack of salmon wasn't there it's fine though cause i can just find more the real problem was getting my cat back safely as long as you follow the coast i should be able to make it back to the pumpkin village for the other cat bring the other cat home it's gonna be a job well done no problems literally no problems okay and i'm a man with two cats that's all i need okay there's hippos cat i want you to i want you to be real smart about those hippos right okay be smart about the holes do we just walk right into one of those hippos run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run do not go near the hippos avoid the snakes avoid the hippos no no [Music] god not another cat not another cat god [Music] i can't ah god these cats man these snakes the cats the hippos the bears all of it okay that was a man with zero cats and only eight days before kim was back this was uh it's not good i was getting very desperate so i went back to the village and started trying to force feed that other catfish it's not like all day trying to get this cat to eat this fish but i ran out and just couldn't get it so i gave up okay day 25 i went back to uh my mountain hideout and uh i made an atlas i did not want to get lost anymore zero percent chance i get lost with this thing so just sort of marking everything down i went out looking for the salmon the next day and i i finally found a salmon city as i kept uh calling it salmon okay this is the glucose three salmon look i'm just saying again oh it's all salmon is that all salmon it's cod i have to stop eating instead of a cod hey don't know why i wrote down salmon city in my notes that was those were all cod anyways looks like i did find a bunch of salmon so i went back to the village the next day and i started looking for the cat but after spending all day looking for this man i could not find him i'm going crazy right now bear bear bear bear bear big bear the hippo i buried the cat the hippo hit the snake get it so chicken i got a feeling the cat's dead yay at this point i was getting uh even more desperate time was ticking and uh had absolutely nothing built on this creeper farm so i made a boat and just sailed off looking for a new village that would hopefully you have a little cat walking around that's why i saw it a witch house oh you probably know but uh it took me a second to realize that there's cats in these things yeah so i sailed up to one and started tagging this the witch outside with my bow stuck inside and tamed one cat yeah one cat down one to go so when i checked the atlas it looked like i wasn't that far from this village that was near my house just outside of the mountains so i figured i could probably make the run to it with the cat but very nervous considering i just seen like five of these things die before i did not want to have this man walk on a snake so just kept my eyes open eventually i killed one on the way i made it to the village there's so many snakes slithering around in this village tons of them look at this launched one off the ridge started doing that a ton every time i saw a snake boom sent this man flying and that that right there yeah that's exactly what i plan to do to kim i managed to get the cat safely into one of the buildings close the door behind him and felt very good to know that i had at least one cat safe you know what the luck didn't stop there because when i walked down from the village there was a second witch house right next to the village okay i don't wanna i don't want anyone thinking that i off camera which house okay those two those are there i tamed the second cat and got him home that's wow two cats in one day now all i needed was to start building the creeper farm okay the next day i started building it i was uh following a youtube guide on how to build a creeper farm search that on youtube and uh i don't know this man must be in a genius or something because he showed block by block how you build something like this i was looking for somewhere to build it and decided to build in an open field i figured once it was built i would just cover it in dirt and make it hidden by the end of the day though i had most of the shape built now i needed some trap doors and carpets so i started getting the stuff to make all that stuff so i went out and got some wool or something i don't know i was cutting down trees i don't know all i know is by the end of the day i had uh i i started putting carpets down on this thing i think it was to stop spiders or zombies from spawning i don't know so i just did started putting those down i also put down slabs for the roof i continued working on to the next day and i got the slabs for the roof done and then i put these little trapdoors down inside and uh i needed to get the cats and i just worked on this thing okay i'm not gonna i'm not gonna break down every step but the one problem that i ran into was that to get the cats inside of the building you need a you need a lead i had this slime very glad i found that guy back there uh but i did not have string you need string so i went out looking for spiders spent the entire night looking to see if there was any around and i kept finding them but uh wow for some reason they were not dropping string oh look at this again i see him launching these people off the cliff that's exactly what's gonna happen to kim if he steps foot on this mountain and uh speaking of kim i uh i forgot that he was about to rejoin and start hunting me again really hoping that he didn't have a like a a chest full of like a gear stash so that when he rejoined he could just quickly rearm himself and come after me again you know what even without a gear stash there's like a hundred ways he could kill me he could uh approach me from afar with like uh you know what i'm not gonna say i'm not gonna give any examples because he's gonna watch this video i don't want him getting any ideas of what i might do in the next video when i hunt him oh just i got an idea why don't you leave a comment giving me some sort of meth that i could use to take him down and give me some suggestions anyway so i was still down one string but kim was in the game now so i had bigger problems he knew where my base was and i had a lot of good stuff in my chest that if i wasn't around he could just easily take out of that chest so i had to get it out as soon as possible i brought most of the good stuff to the village and then dug a hole in one of the houses and yeah put a chest down there and started filling it then i filled the hole back in with cobblestone and another hidden chest you know that's what you got to do i realized that i had extra string in one of my chests though so i guess i'm an idiot i'm a man who never checks his chest so i grab that string and finally made the lead the next thing i needed was some hoppers never made one of these before and wasn't entirely sure how they worked so it just was following a guide i uh put the chest in the middle and put the iron around it or something like that and uh made four of them despite only needing two so i kind of just wasted some iron there hey day 33 i got both my cats but uh attached them to the lead and brought them to the the farm i sat him down on the carpets and said you know what you're gonna some creepers are gonna be spawning just sit right here and and do what you got to do get those guys to go down this hole so i started digging the hole in the middle and filled it with water so that it would uh push the creepers towards what would eventually be some lava and then by day 35 i was done building this thing here's the finished so i started burying it with dirt and walking around and collecting as much dirt as i could and placing it down trying to make sure that uh kim yeah would not see this thing you'd walk right over top of it and you might might hear a cow meow but that was it he would not know what was below his feet the very facility i was using to manufacture explosives that i would use to annihilate him right below his feet you'd have no idea but the next day when i checked the hoppers there's nothing in them i started to get a little bit worried yeah i was worrying that baby uh and this video that i watched wasn't it wasn't a good video but then i thought you know what maybe just enough time hadn't passed yet so i just kept digging and burying this thing just trying to get it hidden i also started making more arrows just you know just in case someone tries something to pull someone on me i realized that the cats were supposed to be on the trapdoor so i moved them into their correct positions and uh yeah you got those guys sitting where they need to be that thing should be actually functioning now okay time to uh come on creepers let's get going here the farm was totally hidden now and you know what i look at this it looks pretty good i i think i did a decent job blending it into that uh little cliff there look looks good looks even got some flowers on it you see that looks very natural you'd have no idea okay so now i need to start building building big hey time to start uh building my base finally no more living in a village house or in a cave or something like that so i decided to build a big platform directly above the farm so that way when i was in my base the farm would still be functional and that way when i was on top of it i could see him coming from all directions and then if he did manage to get up top i would just knock him off with my warhammer send them flying yeah this plan zero percent chance it fails absolutely fool proof plan so i started towering up yeah building this thing nice and high the next day i went back to the mountain hideout to uh try to enchant my stuff but all i was getting was unbreaking three on everything so i gave up and uh sealed the hole so that it kim if he started walking by this place again he wouldn't find it and be able to use my enchanting table look at that that's totally hidden zero percent chance a man finds something like that he's gonna have no idea gives me a little bit of peace of mind you know don't worry about him gobbling up my enchanting table get your own go build it i worked on my platform again and built more another pillar and i connected the two of these things okay day 39 wow this was uh you just watched okay so i i started walking back to the village and i heard a weird sound sounded like a norwegian guy saying something what no it was kim you see that yeah he was planning on sneaking up on me and trying to assassinate me and you know what that is wow that is you can't let a man do something like that so i started chasing him down what are you doing here kim you spying on me there he goes he's running you see him he's running way down there let's see how far he can get yeah he's got full audio there he goes i do it he's getting chased by a bear yeah there's a bear over there what are you gonna do when the bear gets you [Music] hey what are you doing why why why do you have switches in there oh you got a barrel of explosives eh i'm talking to nobody hey kim come out i'm coming there we go there we go okay okay oh i can relax okay we decided to change the rules of the game a little bit here because having to make him wait 10 more days for him to rejoin it's just it's way too long way too long in 10 days who knows how strong i'll be so we figured that it would make more sense and be more fair if he could rejoin in just one day yeah so going forward if yeah he dies the next day he can rejoin as simple as that i'll tell you right now we are still figuring out how this game works while we were recording this and uh the next time we were i'd film a video like this we'll have it more ironed out okay that was the first time we did this my man so bear with us we'll figure it out and again by the way next time i'm hunting kim going after him so again give me some ideas of how i can take a man down anyways at this point forward any time kim dies he just needs to wait until the next day to rejoin and it's gonna make it much more difficult for me with the rest of my safe day i gathered his stuff there really wasn't much of it which was just some iron fire arrows and i worked on the platform since kim could rejoin over and over now i was a little bit concerned okay when a man gets desperate that's when he's at his most dangerous and kim kim was getting real desperate he's back in see that every day now we're gonna be dealing with that so i worked on the platform more and uh i added some more dirt down and cobblestone around the trim just to make it look uh yeah i don't know i i truly don't know what i was going for here but then i realized something how am i gonna get aggressive here we need to like make it touch or something so then i built this uh like giant dirt tower coming up from the grass thinking that you might spread the grass to the up top here i also figured that i would destroy this later neither of those things ended up happening just a big waste of time the next day i checked the creeper farm and there was like just two gunpowder here and a whole bunch of garbage what was going on here this thing was not working anyways i kept working on the platform trying to get it built before he attacked again i have a man who is unkillable he absolutely cannot take me down maybe i'll just wrap it up right now because i win okay why am i saying stuff like that unkillable about right there that's exactly how i get myself in trouble it was unkillable i was very killable like look at this i almost died like 12 seconds later oh he was attending right there and then again later that night when i spotted one of those uh salamander looking things yeah i don't know they're what are these things called it starts with like an a oh ox a lot or something like that anyways it was in this ravine what's nothing what is that thing so i went down to try to get it and uh like put it in a bucket or something like that but it was not working and i don't know why i came down here for it honestly it was just kind of a big waste of time trying to get this thing i didn't even know what i would do with it once i had it okay i think i think i made a mistake coming down here nope how do i how do i get this man i want this thing no what are you doing don't be going to the waterfall there you go hey how's it going i've seen people put these things in buckets how do i get one on a bucket oh never figured it out just uh left the thing down there so i'm back to working on the platform the next day and i added wood to one side so it wasn't just one big dirt pile i added like uh what did i do here i guess i finished the platform kind of i don't know this whole thing was just just a it wasn't the best okay by the end of the day though it was mostly done and just it didn't look good it was a big floating it just it was bad all right this whole thing was bad i didn't want to build a house on top of it and i didn't want to have walls up because i wanted to be able to shoot off of it and not have him sneak up on me the whole point of this thing was just to defend myself just as long as i was up on top of this thing and he was down below i was gonna be a-okay no problems before finishing the day i went down and i emptied the creeper farm once again and there's only like three gunpowder down there this was starting to feel like it was not worth the work at all just a big waste of time i started to get worried about my man kim again so uh i filled a bucket of water and started trying to learn how to use uh tripwires yeah you see these things you put one down put one down somewhere else and someone walks through and then hits it something can happen but i did not understand how to set this thing up so i spent like a good i don't know five minutes trying to figure it out and eventually i did and i figured you know maybe i'll uh set a couple of these up in the forest around my house but not now later on once uh things start to get a little bit more i don't know that was my plan for later okay next day i wanted to uh build another nether portal yeah i'm gonna be honest i forgot where i put the first one and it probably wasn't close here so i also needed more nether quartz uh there's probably some good stuff in another you know everyone's always going to the nether they're always saying go to the nether go to the i don't know what's in there yeah i know you can go to those fortresses and get some blazer rods and stuff but i don't know what the main point of going there was i needed nether quartz to build more observers and that that's really all that i wanted from there anyway so i went out looking for a lava so that i could uh make some obsidian and finally found some grab that stuff and headed home and did a little bit of farming a nice relaxing night of here we farming kim's probably saying look at this are you okay i'm gonna guess exactly what he said he goes i can't believe this he's farming right now he's being a farmer the answer is yes yes i am kim day 45 okay just flying through these days here i put railings up around my platform i was kind of getting a little bit worried about falling off and uh dying but at the same time i didn't i didn't want to have these railings up here because if kim came up i wanted to blast this man off the edge and the railings would stop me from doing that so it's kind of like uh i don't know i i this the only thing about these railings is if i see them coming up i remove the railings okay zero percent chance i do that i i don't know why i assume that i'll have the brain power to remember to do something like that while i'm being attacked i'll just scramble and freak out i ended up going back to the mountain hideout to grab my enchanting table and move it over here there's no point in it being that far now and just getting it over here would be better so i went there and did that uh but it was a little bit nerve-racking running all the way over there just thinking that i'd be attacked or leaving my base unguarded for kim to go up and do whatever he wanted to with and speaking of kim i had no idea what he was up to i didn't hear anything from him i didn't see him anywhere there was nothing going on and i was starting to get very paranoid so i spent the night just looking you know sitting on the platform looking off into the distance looking for lights looking for movement looking for anything i could see that would tell me where he was or where his camp was or if he was planning an attack just basically spend the night on guard if you know what i mean a man looking out into the distance i know taking pot shots at spiders though down below and a bunch of other stuff oh i hit that one so i went down in the morning and uh collected the string and a whole bunch of other stuff i got from killing all those spiders it was like you know this is actually a a good strategy here sitting on your platform just start shooting stuff from up top you don't have to worry about getting hit by anything you just get all your stuff later on it's pretty good then i got those uh bookshelves built and uh put down the enchanting table it's good to have this stuff done you you sit around too long you forget to do the work you need to do so i got this all set up and tried to enchant my stuff but i was just getting some bad enchants just bad bad stuff nothing really exciting and eventually i ran out of xp so i planned on heading out the next day to uh just kill a bunch of stuff and try to get a few more levels day 47. okay this one this is a big day okay i had no idea what was in store for me so i left that morning thinking everything was fine figured i'd go out do a little bit of hunting little did i know that i was the one who was being hunted oh i need xp bad i was trying to drink my coffee there i took down a rhino but got bit by another snake what was going on with these snakes okay these things just kept tagging me everywhere i went it was getting bit by a snake here bit by a snake there they were freaking out i don't know day 47 the snakes go nutty i spent the whole day out there looking for stuff to kill and eventually i came home and went up my waterfall he's up top he's up top you see that you see that he's here he laid a trap for me he's up top there he's blowing up my base i dropped my guard for one second kim come down okay you see that kim was there and he was this close to blowing me up with that tnt that was one extra second if he had waited i would be one dead man but you know what did not get me i was ready to go the only problem was was that kim yeah he was remember what i said about my base just as long as i'm on top of the base and he's down below there's no problem yeah now he was on the base and i was down below this man had the high ground and i was not about to be anakin here so i took my time and i just kept firing arrows at him every chance i got i would i should fire an arrow he'd peek i'd fire an arrow i walked around the platform just waiting waiting to take my shot to get this guy with at least one arrow but it was getting darker and darker and uh more and more mobs were spawning and i was starting to get worried eventually an arrow connected but by this point it was a fully night and i didn't want to be down here with my guard down and i fell off one of the hills and then i started getting attacked by all sorts of mobs i was getting getting pretty rough down there i was starting to think oh this might be the day that i died day 47 well then i remember yeah i had an ender pearl [Music] kim it's over okay it's over you're trying to blow up my stuff you got tnt i can see it you got the whole thing loaded what can i can i leave and give you a case to leave me peace no you're gonna die up here there he goes [Music] [Laughter] yeah you see that you blasted that man you ever watched that show pokemon yeah you know uh team rocket yeah when they blow up and go flying into the sky yeah the kim was team rocket here blasting off again i was feeling very good after doing that to him the only problem was was now he was probably very aware of the power of the knockback arrow and couldn't help but think that he was now going to knock me off this tower so i started getting a little bit paranoid i started repairing the tower as fast as i could and uh just went to bed the following day i i think i continued repairing the the platform as much as i could then i climbed back down and uh started looking for some wood to build the wood shelves that i guess he destroyed oh yeah look at that you see notice that with all the tnt going off and all this the explosions and stuff he stole my enchanting table and blew up the all the stuff so i wanted to fix that as fast as possible not realizing that i probably should have gone after where he went flying to to collect some of the stuff that he stole but by the time i got there that evening it was gone it was also because i just didn't know where he went he went flying again team rocket i had no idea where he landed but i looked for it and just i couldn't find it he either got it or it despawned i was hoping it despawned honestly okay found out that i had no more iron left either he uh he must have taken that too so i was hoping that it was lost in the river and it despawned and he didn't have a big stack of iron in a chest somewhere now because that's just so i had to go climb into that uh ravine to try to get some more i was very worried about doing this if kim was walking by and saw me one arrow would knock me into lava here and kill me but you know what there comes a time when uh every man must do what he has to do go mining for iron in minecraft i made it out with 31 iron which that's not that bad at all for half a day just looking around but when i got back i realized that uh kim yeah he'd also also taken my flint not good this was uh really starting to hope that all this stuff despawned otherwise kim was about to return with a vengeance locked and loaded ready to annihilate me the next day day 50. i was a man with uh flint on the mind couldn't get it off my mind was thinking i gotta go get some of that badly at this point because wow so i went out to look for it and uh while i was out there i came up with another plan this one zero percent chance of failure okay i'm telling you right now i was going to set up another chest on my platform and rig this thing to blow if kim was gonna steal from me he was gonna pay for it setting this up also meant that i could now leave my house and not have to worry as much about getting raided and coming back to my house with nothing in it but there's one big problem i uh having trouble figuring out how to set this thing up he's gonna see that that was so obvious realized i was going to need uh to make another observer which meant going back to the nether so i jumped in that portal and found the nether quartz right away did not want to get distracted down here now it's time for me to another work oh so i got out of the nether and started walking home when i ran into kim again hey how's it going kim hey man i have a gift for you i have a gift i feel bad what's your gift whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that there's a bear in the box oh okay no no okay okay okay okay okay okay okay hello excuse me yeah you what are you doing putting bear in the box i wanna see oh my god oh my god okay okay why is fish slow the clip down yeah you see when i'm flying right here look where i land one square one block away i would be one dead guy i was so lucky right here i should have died here but you know what i didn't i was ready to fight another day and i couldn't help but worry that uh yeah i got lucky but you know what luck runs out hey day 51 another day above ground live i was very very happy to be alive so i spent a good chunk of the day trying to figure out how to rig that chest to blow with the tnt the problem was was that i didn't want the tnt block to i didn't want anybody kim to see it i wanted to be hidden not only from the top but also from the bottom i didn't want him walking up to the platform and seeing a tnt box right underneath it he would know right away so i had to go get some more cobblestone but when i went to do that you remember that bear in a box that kim left for me let's just say i hadn't wandered too far oh the bear the kim's beer what was that what was that there was an explosive arrow is he here right now he's there he's there he's shooting arrows [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no stop for a second he's going for my base oh she's gonna go up that watch and there he goes [Laughter] there he goes okay with kim dead again just getting real uh real close here uh i finally could focus on getting this trap built so i did it and then uh made some arrows i made this uh vampire arrow yeah take a look at this thing this is uh you're gonna see this later on i feel better about uh leaving my base now if you know what i mean there's a little saying you know curiosity gets the cat and uh kim he's the cat i was interested in kim's box trap i thought hey that's uh you can put stuff in a box hmm maybe that's something i want to do so i grabbed one of those boxes and i brought it to a rhino and trapped this beast we go i found a bunch of wolves in a field too and i marked it on my map because did not have any bones on me figured i'd come back the next day and capture all of these things make them uh hunt down kim so the following day i came back with a ton of bones i'm talking like probably like a 100 bones or something like that i don't know but i got them all got all the wolves got them to follow me uh but don't tell you right now don't get too attached to these things they don't last long anyways on my way back i tried to capture a bear and that uh wow i probably should have skipped doing that okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay that did not go as planned because i got a dog in the box okay day 54. you know what i did uh did a ton of stuff so you started with me at capturing this black bear okay there we go there we go when i got back to my house i noticed something was a little off where's my water tower oh get him boys yeah i do get him oh the bear he go keep going keep keep chasing him keep going after him what are you doing where did he go [Music] find him sniff him down find him where are you guys doing hundreds you should use your noses hunt them go get them attack yay yeah lost them i couldn't had no idea where he went for a good five minutes but when i was out standing on my uh platform looking across the fields just look at this why is he got a giant okay i'm gonna follow him he's trying he's trying to capture a magma cube but he's gonna fall off that cliff i wanna see where he goes because i wanna know where his house is he's trying to get the magma cube on that yeah she's resetting it now look too many zombies for him it was white viking pants running across where is he going to go where are you going because he i know he got my enchanting table and i'm getting it back oh yeah look at this he uh stole my enchanting table love that i'm glad you just took that thing away that's uh wow things were not going well for me i mean this also happened you know what you want to play that game kim [Music] yeah it doesn't even stop there because just this was just getting out of control no you know there's no point in even showing you that stuff it's on him don't worry nothing else happened nothing uh the next day i captured a rhino in a box don't know why i was so obsessed with trying to capture stuff in boxes kind of wasted a bunch of time doing this but uh as about to something else it was really stupid remember that tnt chest trap that i set yeah look what i did i opened the chest [Music] it didn't go off okay i went to the nether for some reason i don't know why i think i stopped taking notes at this point because i got that things were going so poorly for me so i i was in the nether for some reason oh hey day 56 i just wrote down a time stamp so see what's going on there okay new day i gotta i gotta make some moves because uh i feel like a sitting duck right now a man on the clock if you know what i mean okay check my gunpowder farm and like usual there's nothing going on in here this whole thing i i don't like this farm okay just big waste of time i needed diamonds though so i went mining and you know what it also wasn't going very well oh get a dog that bug no eventually i found three diamonds and then i found some more later on i think i walked out of that mine with the five diamonds which is exactly the amount that i needed to rebuild some i don't know what was going on at this point okay i don't know things were falling through my hands at this point i used the diamonds and i started rebuilding the enchanting table it looks like the thing kim stole that thing yeah i'm glad i hope we used it okay i don't even know if he used it i hope he used it actually i don't hope i'm just getting i'm all so off script at this point i don't even know where i'm going it looks like i went to get some bamboo oh yeah then i got back and uh yeah just oh no no no no no no no what are you doing up here oh my goodness you're gonna say hello i don't know where are your wolf friends they're dead what happened to that oh that's a nice cool friend get him shoot me no i'm not gonna shoot you oh get out okay kim no don't make me do this do what i have a way to kill you right now [Music] what happened next [Music] go [Music] oh my friend is oh my goodness what are you doing to him he's gone we could do this dance for a long time yeah we can you need to leave oh you hit the rhinos [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] no no [Applause] go get him [Music] no no no no no no no there we go [Music] there we go no no there we go oh oh okay i truly thought i was gonna die there if it wasn't for those vampire arrows remember as i said these are going to come in handy yeah i would have died so i returned back to my base i made the enchanting table and enchanted my gear i tried to bait kim by going to the nether uh getting this achievement into the i don't know what it was and then i was waiting for him to uh say something in chat which time look at this he did uh then i hid by the nether portal i just waited for him to come i spent almost the whole day just sitting there waiting for him to come to the portal but you know what he didn't come i just wasted another day doing this this was pointless but it wasn't it wasn't a total waste because i used that uh blaze rod that i got to make thunder arrows yeah all i had to do was read the name thunder arrows and thought you know what that is something i'm making thunder god arrows feel like my main kim's about to be hit by one of these day 59 the uh you know you'll just see what happened on day 59. i was about to go up to my platform when i spotted kim and i had a feeling that this was it oh there he is all right time to get in with the thunder hey kim good to see you again oh wow yeah come here oh oh not gonna work keep trying it's not gonna work i got tricks you come closer i'm here i got a trick got tricks up my sleeve oh [Music] oh no oh no okay okay okay okay oh whoa whoa let's talk about this you don't you don't you don't have to kill you don't have to kill you have to go you don't have to kill you can go home you can go home oh you can go home you can go home give me give me give give kim kim keep giving him there's so many more days left there's so many more days left kim i have explosive arrows i'll shoot you right now [Music] no kim i'm here okay okay i'm gonna tell you right now we don't have to do this we can disconnect right now how about you wanna get off now how about we both get off right now i don't know i want more punishment no no i gotta get off i gotta go okay i'm gonna disconnect her now i gotta go [Music] oh okay okay okay okay hey [Music] no yeah dead day 59 i really wish i could have uh like made a crafting table midair and then made a boat and then like just launched an ender pearl into a swamp and then ricocheted it off a tree and bounced off a pig's head and landed in the boat and the water and then like slingshotted myself to a different uh something like that you know you ever see someone do something like that i got a dream guy did that that's something i wish i could have done here but you know what i would not dream i'm a simple man a simple man who can't even place a water bucket when he's falling stuff like that does not happen on this channel there he is a simple channel anyway so yeah i was mad i died here really wish i could have gotten to day 100 but in all honesty i thought best case scenario was day 50. so i'm happy that i got nine more days than day 50 so that's pretty good anyways next time i'm hunting kim yeah i will take this man please give me suggestions i don't have a clue of how i'm gonna take him down i need i'm gonna need a lot of help okay i don't want him to get pas a day past day 20. leave me suggestions on how you how you kill a man like that also go watch his video i i please go watch kim's video subscribe to him give him some support this man he deserves it he's a really good guy although he killed me you know he's a good friend of mine so uh yeah thanks for watching and just uh don't know how to end see you i'll see you later okay [Music] you
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Views: 6,974,276
Rating: 4.9369421 out of 5
Keywords: Forge Labs, ForgeLabs, RLCraft, RLCraft Forge Labs, Minecraft, VR Minecraft, 100 Days, luke thenotable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, hardcore minecraft survival, hardcore survival minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100, 100 games, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft
Id: Pzj3u_Agpkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 38sec (4238 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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