We Survived 100 Days in Star Wars on Minecraft... Here's What Happened

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hey guys in this video me and my friend diamond ninja are gonna survive 100 days in the star wars universe we will have a large-scale battle at the huff base survive the harsh and lifeless deserts of tatooine find an old jedi that is gonna teach us the ways of the force visit the valley of the dark lords to loot an old crypt enter camino facility to uncover a dark secret and also visit the death star in an all-out battle will we make it will we survive the 100 days tune in to find out it is day zero location planet half i just completed my training and was given a rifle by my commander we were ready to go and defend the base against the droids but while running out the battle has already begun it was fierce and the droids had armored tanks which were hard to bring down and after a while we started losing so we had to quickly escape we started running to the closest flying ships we found and quickly started taking off to escape this battlefield but we didn't surrender no this was a tactical retreat to regroup and common with much bigger numbers and our first task would be to get to kamino and find some allies to help us with regrouping and also supplies it took a long time to travel free space to reach camino the place where all the clone troopers were made and trained and unfortunately we didn't have enough fuel on these ships to reach it so we had to make a quick stop at a local planet called tatooine it was a sand planet filled with nothing but barren wasteland bounty hunters and sand people and as we got here we were really low on fuel we had to make a quick landing to avoid the ships being completely unresponsive as i followed my friend for the best spot we didn't stick the landing well enough and as i woke up we were now stuck on tatooine without any ships or ways to get out of here but we knew there was a republic base somewhere around here we also saw a little rundown village and coming closer to it we noticed the clone troopers standing guard it was good news to find some civilization and upon searching a few chests i found a pair of laser range finders and going out a little bit in the distance i saw a hanger with what looked like a ship so we started running there to see what it could be and while running to the top of the cliff the weather and temperature was so very hot tatooine is a desert planet and the temperatures reached so high we didn't even know how long we could survive out here and at the top we see a bunch of monsters inside the hangar we use our blasters to shoot them but then mine breaks i pick up an iron shovel and fight them off picking up some other good loot and xp and then we see a ladder that leads to the ship at the top we see a person with big goggles named garrold and he says he likes the way our armor sets have both looked and he also said he could trade two speeders for them we thought this was perfect as we needed some sort of transportation to get off this planet and as we accepted his offer and placed the armor and the chest we took the speeders [Music] and then my friends started blasting some enemies and the hangar they seemed to have a fast respawn rate so we had to be quick i spawned a 74z speeder and it looked awesome my friend had a bark speeder b-a-r-c and it looked like an older model something from an older time but still awesome to say the least and not wasting any more time we quickly got on and started driving through the desert the journey was long but we had an objective we needed to find some sort of civilization and luckily there was a little town a few days from where we crash landed we wanted to go there and find a way to escape this planet and as we were getting closer to the city gates we used our speeders to get on a close mountain for a vantage point we wanted to make sure there was no threat in the city as we found a good spot i used my range finders to scout out the game and i saw a couple of drones standing there luckily i had a sniper rifle with me and i used it to snipe out any droids we saw [Music] and running down we started exploring the city for anything we could use i found two beds and also going inside a room i got nearly blown up by a creeper luckily i had my blaster ready and shot him in time while running my friend also says he found some iron in one of the chests and hands me down an iron chest plate i put it on and we go inside a random house and inside it i find a chest with a note it reads that there was a jedi on a green desolate planet ravaged with war he said he can train people how to use the force and we thought that knowing the force could benefit us and fighting droids later on so before leaving town i gathered some wheat and crafted some bread our plan was to find a working ship that could take us to that jedi and our journey was long we needed to traverse a lot of desert but after a few days of running we saw a tip of a ship in the distance it looked like a millennium falcon but we had to go close to be sure and yep this was an abandoned airfield base of some sort it had free ships stored but one stood out because it looked like it was actually mobile unfortunately it didn't have any fuel we went inside the millennium falcon to see if it had any good loot and inside i found an awesome place this corner was where chewbacca and the cree would play their board game but scouting the whole ship it was empty so while going out we saw a bunch of monsters hiding in the shadow of the ship and started blasting them their spawn rate was insane and that made the knights even more deadlier but traversing the desert even more i finally see a java vehicle these were huge and we wanted to find some fuel luckily these guys almost had everything you can find in the desert but coming in i again saw some droids we made sure not to spend any more ammo than we had to my friend had a whole stack of ammo and rifles for us to use but it was still unlimited supply and after we dealt with the droids i went inside the monstrous vehicle inside was a creeper and a bunch of other mobs the corridors were also insanely small but we squeezed them and explored further until i got to really low health and we decided to bail we started scavenging the chests outside the vehicle and inside one i found some fuel canisters as well as some cookies this was a really lucky find as i don't think we'd have any other chances like this to find some free java lui so satisfied with our expedition we started making our way back to the old hangar base we saw a working ship at earlier our plan to leave the planet was becoming a reality as we reached it we got in and i refueled it with the fuel canisters we found and once everything was ready i took off the ship had awesome foldable wings and just looked amazing as we flight through the air we were onto our next goal reach the green planet where the jedi the book we found in that town spoke lived in it took days of warping free space but we finally reached the green planet i started looking for any signs of civilization or that of a jedi and found myself flying too close to the ground i had to do a barrel roll just to scrape the mountain side and after more exploration our ship was suddenly shut down by a pack of droids it started flaming in air and i started taking damage jumping out i found the droids that took it down but we had to be careful as these guys had shields that protected them and gave them much more health but as we started blasting we took the one droid down i'm not sure where the others have went because we couldn't find them anymore but exploring more we found more droids just patrolling about it seemed we were in their territory it was also getting pretty dark and we had to find some shelter quick i started beating a tree to get some basic tools for [Music] survival and we explored further into the forest killing any droids we came across until we found an old temple it looked abandoned [Music] as i broke some tree leaves blocking the entrance to the second floor [Music] i placed our beds and we decided to sleep this night off and as we woke up with the sunrays shining at full brightness we started making our way through all kinds of terrain [Music] i killed some pigs and chickens along the way because we needed food to survive out in the wild [Music] [Music] until we came across a nice little spot by a lake [Music] i started breaking some trees because we wanted to build a little base here to store all our items and also let us survive and this wilderness [Music] we still had to find the mysterious jedi that could teach us the force but for that we needed to have a roof over our heads and some safety at night so without wasting any sunlight we started working on the house [Music] i used a shovel to break the floor and replaced it with cobble a quick word from our sponsor [Music] a giveaway is happening right now if you go to shop.thearcan.net click on free rank enter your username select a realm and then enter my coupon code cyrex you'll get a special five dollar rank that'll make the server more fun i'll see you there but as we made for an opening in the trees we found a ship parked on the edge of a river it looked old and it stood on some wooden planks we decided to scout it out closer to see if it could fly and as we tracked around the pond of water from the forest we came from behind the house it had two speeders parked there and they looked like droid ones definitely not the republic but as i crept closer the ship was gigantic and inside this little house the door looked to be open and going inside we found master yoda this was insane and as i approached him he greeted me by my name welcomed me into his house and asked if i wished to train in the ways of the jedi this was so cool to find master yoda here and talking over with my friend the offer we accepted it [Music] and yoda said that we needed to bring him lightsabers before we could commence our training he said the dark forces grew in number in these areas and that for us he began the training we had to be worthy of wielding the lightsabers [Music] as i finished admiring his ship i asked if we could take one of his vehicles and he said we could take the two speeders and the back as we came up my friend sat on one but he had all the fuel so i asked him to give me a few canisters i then sat on my speeder as well and we started to drive them back home the steering was not what we were used to probably because they were designed for droids but it was still a lot faster than being on foot it also tipped over a bit from riding on all the hills and free me off but i ran up to it and we continued the journey the speeders were also really good on any terrain even a thick forest like this they could destroy everything in their path like plants and even tree leaves except for wooden blocks so it was fairly easy to ride them even in the forests but once we got closer to our base we saw some droids that were scouting out our place we dismounted and started blasting them there was also a big group of them stuck in a cave [Music] and as we cleared everything up around the base i got back and put everything i didn't need into a chest and we started looking for a mine we needed to mine an ore called uranium and we needed a lot of it if we wanted to craft the lightsabers including the armor because we were getting kinda tired running around in iron armor and getting back some clone trooper armor would make us feel more like home [Music] but going deeper into the cave it seemed it would never end it just kept going down and it was nothing like we saw before like this cave was huge and also deep but that was good for us because the duranium ore is really low underground there were constant spiders creepers and skeletons we had to deal with but luckily my blaster once shot them as i said before my friend had a lot of them stacked up so we could use them on these mobs they were also pretty easy to craft you just needed a lot of iron [Music] but getting deeper we were finally at the level the horse spawned up and just wow this cave was rich in them the oars covered every wall so i began mining some our objective was uranium but mining other ores would be useful as well as we needed redstone and stuff to craft more tech heavy items later on [Music] i also found some emeralds which was really lucky too but after spending more time exploring the cave and the mining we decided to head back to our base using our speeders it was already nighttime so he went straight too bad and in the morning i put all the geranium ore we had and the furnace he smelled this ore was the best in game for armor as well as a key ingredient for the lightsabers i checked out how cool our speeders looked and then went for a little expedition and returning shortly the oar was already smelted my friend gutted and crafted us some clone armor this armor was really heavy and had a lot of protection so now we shouldn't have any problems fighting droids as you could have guessed normal game armor doesn't really protect you from a blaster shot my friend used one of the lightsaber crystals we found in the cave to tent his armor into yellow and we already looked more like clone troopers again although my armor kind of reminded me of the stormtroopers for some reason but my next goal was to get some sandstone and crafting a pickaxe with some geranium i went exploring for the sandstone we would need a lot of it for the lightsaber forge and after i finished mining enough i went back to base and started crafting the forge this would require a lot of materials but that's why we were in the caves for so long we had all the materials we needed so i started crafting some light force stones using the sandstone and also a lightsaber crystal in the middle after that i combined some different items and all different ways to get more and more items he said a lightsaber forge would be easy to craft this is by far the most delicate process excluding of course when it comes to the actual lightsaber we already chose our colors and i wanted to make a green lightsaber while my friend wanted to make a blue one but as i got the lightsaber forge crafted i placed it inside our base and looked awesome now all we needed was to gather more lightsaber parts but one of the crafting recipes required diamonds so i spent some time covering them and more caves [Music] as i got back my friend fished us some food and i continued crafting [Music] i made some lightsaber circuitry but it was still a small part of what we needed for the lightsaber we thought maybe master yoda could know where are some items located so we decided to get ready and pack to get back to his hut we also decided to use the speeders again as they proved to be so useful in this terrain especially since yoda was so far away from our base as we took off i kind of lost control and accidentally fell off if you never rode a vehicle in minecraft then hey you can't judge well as we were coming closer to yoda's place my speeder started smoking i guess i crashed it too many times on the way here but thankfully it didn't explode as i spoke to master yoda he knew that we finished crafting the sabre forge and also that the circuitry for the lightsaber was done too he said something sets deep and sith land some were abandoned he asked if we could make the journey and also if we required the lightsaber parts and said he knows a place i guessed he meant that southland but anyway talking to him more he says we can take his ship but be hasty and make sure to return it that was awesome to hear because the ship looked really cool and i wanted to fly it before so our plan now was to take it and fly it to your sith planet yoda put the gps coordinates into our ship and we started flying [Music] it took days to reach it as the ship didn't have hyper drive but what can you expect from a ship this old [Music] as we got closer to the temple i released the ship's landing gear and went in for a smooth landing if you could call it that the ship is massive and these landing areas are designed for helicopter-like vehicles but anyways coming out i pull a lever and the door opens walking in further we come across another door opening it with the lever two i see a ton of droids we start blasting them this space looked like it was filled with them so we had to be quick about going in grabbing what we needed and then leaving but in every corridor we went there were just endless waves of them as i open another door we are outside we shoot the droids we see in the distance and while walking on the bridge i look at this building and that looks pretty cool but as the door opens there were more of them inside and since we cleared them there is a casket right in the middle of this room we think that this is the spot master yoda talked about here lies a sith and opening the casket and animation and sound plays this feels like a boss about to appear but luckily for us nothing happens i look inside and find a lot of lightsaber parts the sith must have been buried here with his lightsaber and since all this time passed his body has decomposed but not the light saber so i sat in the gunners seat and watched as we took off the journey back would take days but we finally got the lightsaber parts we needed to master yoda we showed him our lightsabers he said that he will finally teach us and that he senses a strong power within us and when we started training it consisted of days of fighting droids master yoda collected around his base perfecting our techniques [Music] and after a few days it was snowing outside me and my friend were ready for a duel and this battle would be legendary we start swinging at each other i block out a lot of his attacks and actually gain an advantage on him in the end i win the duel and i'm declared the better fighter as i come up to master yoda he says our training is complete and that our next task is to defeat a sith lord he says one can be found in the shadow steps of another fortress [Music] so as soon as we got back to base we didn't waste any time and started crafting another portal the seth was our final challenge and becoming a jedi and defeating him would let us gain his powers of the force we also needed flint so i digged around some gravel beside our base and started building the nether portal oh boy i didn't yet know what was waiting for us inside so as i got some iron from the chest and crafted a flint and steel we were finally ready to enter the dark realm of the sif upon loading in we got the luckiest spawn right inside another fortress so now all we had to do was find this seth lord i placed torches exploring the tunnels even find a chest with some gold equipment inside but then all of a sudden someone launches at me it's the sith and by the looks it's darth maul he has a dual ended lightsaber so the battle is tricky luckily we got prepared with gymnasium clone armor so his hits don't affect me that much but nevertheless he is super tanky [Music] it looks something like this and when we hit our final blow he dies he drops some xp and armor plates we can't yet craft the armor he drops the items for so i just store them in my inventory and as we head on and explore the fortress even more we are trying to find a sith holocron [Music] but once we get it we start heading back to the nether portal our job here is done and now all that's left is to place it inside our base and use it to learn some awesome jedi power moves [Music] take [Music] [Music] two [Music] when we get out of the portal we are in some new place but while i'm confused and nearly ready to go back my friend shows me that it's right beside our base this is really weird as i never saw another portal spawned so close to the one we used [Music] and as the next day begins my friend places a special blog for the sith holocron i place it and we look inside this menu allows us to gain new skills and there are a lot of them they use xp we collected throughout these days but luckily they don't decrease the level of our player so we can enchant our gear if we needed i spent all my points into learning how to throw my lightsaber and go outside to see how it works yes [Music] i then also learned the shock ability and upgraded it into the force lightning and then force mile storm this was the ultimate sith ability and i know that were jedi but it's so cool that i thought i just needed to learn this ability the mod also works by adding a bar on the bottom right of the screen and the 50 energy bar under the xp board the energy is what we used to use the powers and the extra hot bar is where we stored the spells we used i used only three slots because i didn't have any more xp for a third spell [Music] and after we had some fun with our spells we saw a bunch of clone troopers and the distance from our base as we came closer to them they started blasting some droids we quickly joined them to help them i tried using my pro lightsaber ability but picked up some random item into the slot and my laser landed in my inventory it seemed i'd need more practice with it but as we explored the place a bit more we found one of their ships the clone troopers just landed here it seems to help fight against all the droids patrolling these lands but with our new jedi powers and also lightsabers we thought we would use it to fly to the death star that is where the final boss was waiting for us and we were finally ready to fight him [Music] as we took off with my friend as the pilot i sat in the passenger seat and was getting ready for the big fight to come it took a lot of time for us to reach the death star it was located in space and we had to travel a lot of distance to get to it our plan was to break into one of their hangars and fight our way to the final sith lord we then got to the death star and it was big my friend steered the ship into the hangar exploding it but we didn't need it anymore so it didn't really matter we started shooting the droids that tower and the hangar they had a lot of more different droids on the base and these guys were a lot tougher than normal droids i used my blaster on the faraway droids because i didn't want to get into the firefight right between them [Music] and making our way up to the staircase diamond ninja blocked the entrance with some dirt blocks to stop the deadly machines from coming in we saw their legs through the hole below and tried using some of our jedi powers on them [Music] as we made our way further into the death star i threw my lightsaber into the droids this was awesome as it returned automatically and also did twice the damage from a distance once it went into them from the front and then returning from dubai [Music] we then entered some type of room which was very tall [Music] we looked down and i had some buttons and then we started climbing the staircase and the middle [Music] at the top were a bunch of droids and even as i had some they just encircled me luckily i killed them all with my blaster and we made our way further into the corridors shooting and eliminating all the droids we saw before us it felt like they never ended a s'more just came after you killed them but i guess this is the main enemy base so there is bound to be a lot of them here but the door was open and there were also droids there we charged at them and killed them nothing is going to stop us from reaching the sith lord in his throne room we then reached an end to one of the corridors it was an abrupt edge that led to darkness and we had no way to get over it as we didn't bring any blocks but luckily for us there were jet packs in the chest right beside the door we took them and started flying our way to the edge these jet packs felt awesome and reminded me of boba fett and after another door we found ourselves in the throne room this is where the sith was supposed to be but he was nowhere to be found instead of them there was a group of the dark council they served as the rolling body of the sith empire they must have got wind of our attack and let the sith lord escape the battle against them was fierce they had more numbers but luckily my armor was really tough and i could defend myself the jedi powers we also learned were really useful as when throwing the lightsaber at the damage to a bunch of enemies at once [Music] and the one i brought the last one down i could still hear their screams even after death i used my jedi electric powers and also sealed my lightsaber we got the dark console down but unfortunately our target escaped we needed to go to the camino facility in order to fight him this was a whole another planet surrounded in constant darkness so we had to fight three other countless droids just to reach the closest hangar [Music] and when we finally reached the hangar there were two empire ships and the hangar surrounded by a bunch of droids they must have been getting them ready to fly somewhere but we came in and after killing the droids took the ships ourselves the ships also looked really awesome and as we took off we were heading to our final battle on the communal planet [Music] the communal facility was originally called the tapoca city but later renamed under the new empire the sith must have hid there 100 as that is the last safe place there was after we cleared the death star as we got here it was dark and the raining the visibility was bad but i tried to land on an open landing space and after a successful landing i waited for my friend his landing wasn't as good as mine though but when he got closer he gave me his jedi robes he said i had to face the sith alone as that was the prophecy master yoda said could defeat the sieves once and for all so as i got closer i killed a few droids that were guarding the entrance and have entered a large empty room there was no one here i don't know where the stuff was but then all of a sudden he starts sprinting behind me i take out my blaster and fire a few shots i go in to fight him with my lightsaber but he does so much damage it's insane it's a good thing my friend gave me the jedi robes as my clone trooper armor would be a one shot for his damage when he got me really low i started to run away this was a time game and i had to regenerate my health before attacking him again his movement was sporadic and unpredictable but with my tactic of beating him and running away when my health got too low i was able to bring him down to low health tight and with my final few swanks i finally took him down he dropped two lightsaber parts which would let us craft his special two-sided red lightsaber it looks something like this this was a big one for the republic finals if was just killed and that meant peace around the galaxy as we got outside it was still raining we got back on our ships because we wanted to go home we completed our mission and the galaxy was safe we also needed to repair the lightsaber that the surf dropped and my friend really wanted to wield it but after our defeat at the huff base in the very beginning we met master yoda crafted our very own lightsabers battle darth maul and another learned how to use the jedi force and also went to the death star defeating the dark council as well as the sith lord of the communal facility if you made it this far into the video i hope you truly enjoyed this adventure leave a like for part two comment what you want to see next this was a blast to record and i hope you enjoyed everything we had to show i'll see you in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: ImSyrex
Views: 1,125,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days minecraft star wars, 100 days minecraft mandalorian, 100 days minecraft clone wars, 100 days minecraft zombie apocalypse, 100 days minecraft arctic, 100 days minecraft zombie, 100 days minecraft duo, 100 days minecraft achievement, 100 days minecraft bedrock, 100 days minecraft cave, 100 days minecraft hard mode, 100 days minecraft amplified, 100 days minecraft apocalypse, 100 days minecraft challenge, 100 days minecraft be like, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 100 days
Id: mHxVqHpRlRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 10sec (3790 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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