I Survived 100 Days in the Minecraft Wild West... Here's What Happened

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green feed i haven't heard that name in years [Music] howdy partner grief i can't keep that up hey guys greenfield and in this 100 days video i go back in time to the minecraft wild west there are wild dogs that can hunt me down gigantic bears that can mall me and kill me and a massive custom generated world to explore now i know it doesn't actually look like this but this is actually minecraft hardcore so if i make one small slip up or mistake i die for good one last thing before the video starts i just wanted to quickly thank everyone who subscribed last video it actually really does help the channel grow so thank you so much i really appreciate it anyways in this video i spend 100 days in the minecraft wild west all right day one the first thing i did was look around and survey my surroundings i realized i spawned right in front of a forest so i chopped some wood and got some basic tools i got a bit more wood and then headed off on my adventure i was attacked by this wild dog but i managed to bridge up and take him out from there i kept walking around trying to figure out a good place for a house i tried to get a few seeds from the grass and also some meat from the animals turns out the frogs were actually poisonous [Music] i upgraded my tools with some stone nearby and then started clearing out an area for my house don't feel sorry for this little guy because those rats are nasty and they bite you turns out you can only drink water from certain streams i can't drink from this from the stream that's weird this would become quite an issue later on i ended up coming across a larger river and you could drink from that so thankfully i didn't die i finished clearing out the land where my house would go and then started construction by this time it was getting pretty late so i did the old stay in a box for the night trick in the morning i took the box down and gathered wood for the majority of the day later i got up a little bit of a structure with the wood i gathered i really wanted the house to look nice this time and fit in with the surroundings also turns out eating frog meat gives you jump boosts makes sense i guess in the evening i gathered some sand from a nearby river i wanted to use glass windows for my base because i thought that looked the best the next morning i ended up killing some zombies they definitely weren't as hard as the zombies from the nuclear winter video but they were still annoying with basic tools later that day i was out chopping trees and then this happened oh whoa that night i ate like a king day five day five i decided it was a good day to start mining i really wanted to make a water bucket so i wouldn't have to go all the way to the large lake every time i wanted water i ended up making it all the way to bedrock but i still couldn't find any iron later that day i added a floor to my house to be honest it wasn't practical but it looked cool i also just stood there uh i guess i was admiring the floor the next day i went out exploring a little more i didn't want to stray too far away but each day i would get farther and farther away from my house at this point i needed iron more than i was letting on i ended up finding a cave dog so i guess that's a thing now are you literally kidding me gold so much gold so many emeralds emeralds all around but not a single iron ore what is this you know what i think we're gonna go over there oh okay the lake seemed to be infested with piranhas but i took them out and started exploring honestly i wasn't looking for much i just wanted to see what was going on [Music] i didn't know why i wasn't finding iron so i started a mine in the desert to see if the biome was the issue i mined down to bedrock for the entirety of day nine but i still found no iron okay well i guess this biome does not have iron the next day i figured it was better to just forget about iron and focus on other things oh i'm sorry i pretty much went out gathering materials that day i ended up exploring a pretty far ways away from my house and found a cave are you kidding literal diamonds but i don't have iron yet what the heck more diamonds those are diamonds right there and those are diamonds right there but i don't have iron yet oh my gosh dude to tell you the truth it was getting pretty hard to survive without iron i didn't have a bucket or a shield or a decent sword so things were pretty rough that night i decided i would mine for as long as it took to find iron dude there's does this have so dude wait what the heck okay okay what the heck man so this was iron ore the whole time turns out the entire time i was mistaking iron for coal there was so much iron i mined it all and brought it back up to the base i also made a drinking trough because for some reason the water i placed down i was able to drink with this in my house i wouldn't have to go all the way back to the big lake every time i wanted water the next morning i set out to find the diamonds in the cave i had found earlier [Music] oh yes nice oh that feels so good two diamonds baby i also got a bit more coal because i was running low on that [Music] afterwards i went straight back to the house and crafted a diamond sword look at this oh beauty after that i remembered the underground cave i'd found earlier and got some emeralds and gold look at how much gold there is this is just a theory but it looks like the diamonds spawn right beside the coal because there's lots of coal here and there's diamonds beside it and i guess that's how it happens like how diamonds are made in real life so i see why that would i see why that would be logical we're gonna chop this tree down yeah i think i think we're gonna do that i guess for some reason i just didn't want that tree there anymore i also chopped down a second spruce tree i also went and chopped a ton more oak trees but don't worry i was gonna use them for something i started crafting some stairs and planks and started building my roof i figured my house would look a lot better with these changes especially the spruce wood while adding some windows i was rudely interrupted oh my gosh i've had enough of this okay creeper of this growling what the heck man [Music] not today i ended up finishing the roof before the night time came honestly i think that looks pretty good we don't have very much food left on day 15 i went out hunting for some animals okay sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i feel bad when i kill them i figured this would be enough food to tide me over until my farm started kicking off later that day i ended up detailing my house and sorting my chests by the time i was done things were looking a lot better i ended up still needing a bit more wood so i chopped down another spruce tree later that day i added some bridges and cleared some land i ended up clearing a lot of space i needed room for a path i was planning later that night i started outlining a small wheat farm if you haven't noticed already these next few days were about improving the base i hadn't really explored very far up until that day so the next day when i went out for some wood i explored a bit further in this video i really tried to make my builds fit in with the western theme they were aesthetic yet practical so right now i can make a saddle with three leather two iron and one wool or five leather and three iron so either i get one wool or i get one more leather but uh yeah let's do that i almost killed this goat but then i realized he was the key to getting my saddle [Music] oh yes oh my gosh she follows me yes yes he follows me i ended up having to use a boat to bring him home [Music] i took him up the stream by my house and left him in the pond for the night then i finally crafted the saddle yes yes saddle okay sweet nice now the previous day i'd left the goat out in the pond so on day 21 i built him an actual proper fence area after that i wanted to use my saddle so i went out and got a horse there you go that night my horse slept inside my house since my horse was living in my house i decided to make a stable i spent a lot of time gathering wood but on day 23 i started construction i ended up getting a bit sidetracked so the next day is when the building really came together i wanted the stable to stay true to the theme of the house but i wanted it to be a bit different i basically had to destroy half of my house to get my horse out but in the end it was worth it the next day i added a path from my house to the stable after that i needed more sources of renewable food so i started a melon farm i also got rid of a ton of pods all because that was getting really annoying by this time i was itching for adventure at first i didn't really find anything because the desert was massive but once i set out for the second time i found an abandoned mine shaft i also found a spider spawner and inside one of the chests there were more saddles and that was really good because i could get more horses while i was doing this i started gathering more resources for an enchanting table later that day i wanted to test my theory about diamond spawning near coal i think it's pretty safe to say my theory was correct i needed one more thing for the enchanting table and that was a book i gathered sugarcane and started a farm i was also really attacked by some piranhas once i got home i crafted the enchanting table during the next few days i found myself exploring a lot more i also found myself taking more risks which wasn't a good thing the next day i got iron and made an anvil i also got some better tools as well that night i sat on my porch to relax who knew minecraft could be so pretty the next day i went out to get some chickens i brought them home and made a little coop for them i figured i'd be able to breed them and make more chickens i found out later you couldn't throughout the next few days i started to get more animals i discovered some goats and sheep on a mountain and knew i wanted to bring them home i wanted to have as many food sources as possible so if one of them didn't work i'd still have the others the sheep were pretty annoying to transport because they kept ignoring my wheat i tried the boat strategy again but the night time came and i almost actually died the next day i rode the sheep back to the house i needed to create some sort of way to get the sheep from the boats into the pen i ended up creating an airlock style entrance you would go down into the tunnel and then get the sheep into the pen the next morning i went out to get another sheep the airlock style system seemed to be working pretty well later that day i crafted an antique atlas this would allow me to know where i was in the world at all times on day 37 i spent the entire day mining i didn't find a diamond but i was determined i also tried exploring that far away coal cave because i knew it had lots of coal i was pretty sure there would be some diamonds where the coal spawned after that i decorated the base with these cool sand slabs day 39 was a good day i went out exploring and i found a dog i gathered some resources and built him a dog house i wanted it to be as good as possible with the highest quality material in the end i thought it looked pretty good my dog didn't really want to go in though so after that i made a small bed in my house for him day 40 was also a good day the next day i set out to get some clay now i needed the clay to make a coke oven and eventually make a water wheel i used the clay to craft some coke bricks and built the oven there we go i couldn't figure it out at the time but the coal would produce coca-cola and produce creosote oil as a byproduct okay looks like we've got a little bit of creosote oil forming from this so yeah i'll probably just leave this to do its thing and then we can go like mine some trees or something now the reason i needed creosote oil was because i needed that to make treated planks and treated planks were a very crucial ingredient to make a water wheel there we go [Music] i pretty much spent the entirety of day 44 getting cold i wanted to make the water wheels fast as possible so i needed more treated wood on day 45 i crafted most of the parts of the waterwheel i needed one more thing steel unfortunately to make steel i needed a blast furnace and unfortunately to make a blast furnace i needed to go to the nether i didn't want to do this because i thought it broke the western theme but the next day i created another point okay let's do this last video you guys told me to take more risks so here i am speed bridging over lava to be honest the nether wasn't too bad i did run into a little issue with the blazes and made a hidey hole into the spawner other than that i got out pretty unharmed nice on day 48 i finally made the blast furnace and got to work smelting some steel okay we'll uh wait for that to smelt and then we'll come back i also mined a ton of wood because i was going to need it for the water wheel structure the steel was taking a long time so i just worked on the structure and chopped some trees finally at the end of the day the steel was finished oh yes okay and boom nine steel oh that's awesome on day 50 i finally made the water wheel oh yes now i need to figure out a way to get the electricity from that wheel across and maybe power some lights and stuff but first i'm going to finish the structure because uh it is it is looking pretty barren and then i chop more trees i wanted the water mill to look nice because i was gonna see it for the rest of the video the water wheel would generate electricity for some lights i wanted [Music] i actually put a lot of effort into the water mill and in the end i thought it looked pretty good nice that does not look too shabby for the rest of the day i harvested crops the next day i wanted to start drawing power from the water wheel although the wheel itself was set up i actually wasn't getting any electricity that day i crafted a capacitor and a kinetic dynamo when i attached the kinetic dynamo to the water wheel it would generate electricity look at that after that i wired up the electrics there we go the next day i was looking at some electric light recipes and found out you needed blueprints turns out you needed lapis to make blueprints so with that i went back down to the mines and found no lapis i was spending a lot of time trying to find lapis uh yeah hi uh turns out lapis doesn't spawn in this world so i was wasting a lot of time for nothing the next day i prepared to go to the nether again since i couldn't make electric lights i was going to make some glowstone alternatives these glowstone lanterns are fine i guess i just want electric ones i set them up around the base so mobs wouldn't spawn i thought the base turned out quite nicely oh that looks so good oh i love that i was still pretty bummed out with the whole light thing so i took a break from the engineering i wanted to make a barn so i collected a lot of wood like always construction was slow at first but by day 59 i'd gotten most of the structure up once i filled in the walls the barn looked a whole lot better about halfway through i realized i needed more wood for the roof i spent a pretty long time on the roof because i wanted to get it right after a few revisions i thought it looked decent the barn was really coming together but i kept running out of wood i ended up taking down a massive spruce tree and that took me a few days by day 64 i finished mining out the roots after that i got right to finishing the rest of the barn i was also getting pretty decent at uh mlg water bucketing the barn was pretty dark so i collected a ton of coal and made some torches after that i brought some of my horses and put them in the bar that reminds me you guys voted on a name for my horse god that's such a weird name i can't believe you guys would choose that okay i uh i guess that's your name now that name is so strange what what kind of name is that anyways i planted a wheat farm for the rest of the day the next day i looked up some gun crafting recipes that i would never use they looked like they required a ton of iron so it was back to the mines baby i decided diamonds were probably more of a priority considering my pickaxe was almost broken after exploring for a while i found a spawner with a name tag and a music desk cat yes yes i made it hey what do you know day69 i probably shouldn't celebrate too much because uh my mom and my family watch my videos uh hi hi mom i ended up getting really lucky that day i found some emeralds and some iron the next day i found a massive coal deposit with six diamonds on day 71 i got up and wanted to do something monumental i want to make a bridge from here to there that goes across i started dropping trees because this project was gonna take a ton of wood after that i started construction this is gonna go like straight past this so we have to rebuild this after that minor hiccup i got right back to work later that day i found a skeleton with a power one bow so that was a nice upgrade i wanted the bridge to have rails so i got some from the mine shaft wait there's no way dude what the heck spawner there and then a spawner there that is weird the next day i put the mine shaft tracks onto the bridge i also counted and measured the bridge so i could add some support beams i kept having to go and chop more wood because the bridge needed a ton i was literally spending entire days chopping wood but in the end i had enough sort of i thought adding some side platforms would make the bridge look nicer i also added some fences in between the support beams the next day i tested the rails and they were slow so i added some powered rails it was a lot faster after that on day 83 i made a small house on the closest side of the bridge i mainly made this as sort of a checkpoint where i could rest i also started carving a path because climbing the mountain was really getting annoying after that i planned and built the pathway back to my house [Music] the next few days i started chopping down a ton of trees i needed the wood because i was going to build something massive on the mountain at one point i must have gotten a little bored chopping trees so i pretended i was a robot just look at that machine precision uh anyways on day 90 i went across and started preparing for what i was gonna build i had to clear out a ton of trees and bushes and land but in the end it was totally worth it on day 92 i started planning out the structure for a mansion on the mountain and on day 93 i got most of the walls up and started the roof now you might be wondering if i already have a house why am i making another one anyways i finished the roof and detailed the house the next few days i brought some items over from my old house and brought them to my new house good boy what do you think i think he likes it come on harpoon let's go the last few things i did was make a dog bed upgrade my armor and make a fancy floor finally i woke up on day 100. [Music] yes yes oh that feels so good yes i did it i survived 100 days in the minecraft wild west now wait before you click off i have a few important announcements firstly i do actually have a discord server so if you want to hang out with a ton of really cool people that enjoy similar content feel free to join that in the description now not many people know about the next thing but i do actually have an instagram twitter and patreon so if you want to follow me to see cool posts and potentially get a sneak peek into my next videos consider following me at fee underscore yt or joining my patreon finally the custom modpack i used for this video is linked in the pin comment in the comment section for free so if you want to play on a similar world as this one you can go check that out anyways that's it from me peace
Channel: GreenFe
Views: 278,110
Rating: 4.9391103 out of 5
Keywords: 100Days, Minecraft, HardcoreMinecraft, 100DaysHardcore, Hardcore Minecraft, 100 Days Hardcore, minecraft hardcore, luke thenotable, 100 days, 100, 100 days in minecraft, minecraft zombie apocalypse, minecraft wild west mod, minecraft wild west survival, minecraft wild west modpack, minecraft mods, minecraft wild west, minecraft wild west builds, 100 days paracite, 100 days virus
Id: 0J1_uqR0A7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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