I Survived Hardcore Modded Minecraft For 200 Days using the largest modpack possible

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what is up guys my name is socks for one and we will be surviving another 100 days in the largest mod pack possible in hardcore I really want to make this even a thousand day series so please leave a like on this video if you want to see another 100 days we barely scratched the surface of all the possibilities that we could do and if you're new here this video was inspired by luc de notable but it's kind of cool that we have our own thing going now also shout out to my merch is only gonna be there for a limited time and if you tweet me showing me that you bought my perch I will follow you please buy it last but not least please follow my Twitter I will follow every third person oh and if you haven't watched the first hundred days watch that first cuz then this video wouldn't make any sense to so yeah it's day 101 and we were back at our new base that we stole from someone else I thought it would be smart to put on a resource pack to make things actually look good oh wow everything looks like mumbo jumbo down our first day back in a Blood Moon was already rising so I used this time to actually think what I was gonna do for this 100 days wow we used to live here oh I spider pig the next day I knew exactly what I wanted to do I had so much loot from the last 100 days but now I actually understand what they do I wanted to start this hundred day strong so I decided to make a portal with the power of popular mmo's it turns out I could make this whatever this scary portal looks like I guess just Yolo gamer swag right uh hi you think darkness is your strength I was born in it molded by it and we were given some mysterious key I just realized it's really dark in there and I had no torches and we're going back in with torches each room was filled with different types of mobs after killing those mobs you could get a key that allows you to open another room hey there was a lot of loot as well every room seemed to follow the exact same pattern it seemed almost endless oh this room has ores don't mind if I do all the explode next room please Oh what is that not wanted to deal with whatever that was so I just took all the loot and left but this time it said Frick you and spawned me a hundred blocks away from my base stay 103 I had to take all my loot and put in on my storage system this warehouse chest is honestly a lifesaver I could search for any item that I needed by just typing and it stores so many items I ain't afraid of no bookshelves let's go it wanted me to complete like some sort of maze but I just broke through everything and took all the loot every room after that was just the same I was a bit jealous that these zombies had better looking source than I did I also found a skeleton with a dispenser on his head what I seriously bro what is this and then we finally made it the actual boss room I used these rooms as an advantage because I had a bow that had infinity so I could shoot him all day haha poor weather couldn't even get through ha now's not the time windows support for little wid there was too fat to get through the doors it even drop another star so I was pretty upset when I went to bed the next day I transferred all the loot from my backpack into the storage system bro what is that weird thing no I'm talking about me why do I look like this bro look at my head look at that dude I also decided not to waste my levels because lapis doesn't work in this modpack i had a lot of different ores than I did some research here in there see what was important and not most of it was pretty useless I wanted to travel just a little bit more before we started working on her base Karin the ostrich was still alive so I think it was time to get some more loot we came across a couple castles as usual and this time I had no trouble looting it all up I came across something really interesting called the Thunder staff oh I gotta try this out goodbye mister wash ho rip tree oh you like this house no house no more I came across baby dragons is they even possible I quickly made a portal back to my base because I learned that you needed beef in order to tame them hey now we had pet dragon that pooped out cold they were also actually pretty strong too so they may clearly mob so much easier and would you look at that a village means free loot I came across the funniest thing Kendrick the child I forced the child to follow me and fight against his will it was another Blood Moon but honestly with the Dragons health not even skeletons with blasters could stop us it was day one away and it was time to continue our travels there were a lot of chests in the open so my inventory was filling up pretty quickly oh another house damage damage damage destroy it all no okay lost Karin so I took out my rage on the fishermen Oh Kendrick the child is on fire now everyone in what party eventually died from my own hands oh you guys are cyclopses meet my lightning snap point is now invalid for the night say I just made a quick stop by a trading village hoping for some good Lu I just met some demon cows instead the next day was here and look what we came across these trees used to be the fright of my life but now I am stronger than ever I destroyed their entire house haha I only had two more shots of my lightning staff so might as well use it on whatever these guys are doing they weren't very happy about it so they started burning down the entire force smoke it would not be very happy right now I didn't realize how amazing Karin the ostrich was because now going across these mountains I really wish I had her it was day 110 and almost every single backpack was full of loot honestly the cats in this game are really really weird I didn't like the whole swamp biome kind of thing so I just traveled the ocean I got attacked by something and they almost killed me and I have no idea what it was when I finally crashed on land some demon chickens were waiting for me honestly there's nothing normal about this game anymore I found a different looking castle before I raided it I slept for the night it was a new day and it was Radian time I was basically a master at killing these guys the inside was a lot more different there was a lot more chests but not as good as loom I didn't have any more room in my inventory or backpacks so I just set up a portal going back home and that's when I found it there's secret lair there was some sort of password protection on it so I made sure there was no lava beneath but it only looked like more chests even though it was nighttime in I could just break in I wanted to figure out the passcode which I did the other door had two levers one that opened the door and the other opened the lava pits making sure there was no way I would fall into the lava I placed blocks in there there was so much blue in all these chests if it wasn't for the portal gun and backpack there would be way I could take all of this look at all that loot after moving all the loot from this castle to my castle I just had to make sure if there was any more secret rooms there wasn't did I tell you guys I got an assault rifle yeah Winston all the ammo and them on these yetis but it was totally worth it the next day I explored the rest of the snow biome because I wanted to see if there was anything else that was crazy I found this weird hole in the ground with these weird creatures and no I wasn't gonna touch that I was ready to pack up and go home but there was a village that was burning lost in the guard how are you asking me it's good to see me when your whole village is on fire I got out of there before the night because it looks like there was another Blood Moon there was an angry neighbor outside my castle shooting arrows I tried to see what it was but I couldn't see it in the morning I decided I was done exploring for a little bit and it was time to do some home improvement I first filled in my storage room with redstone lamps because I thought they would look really cool I wanted to get as much birch wood as possible because I thought stone bricks and birch went really good together I chopped down as many trees as I could before the night fell I tried to make some cool design out of stairs and slabs but it didn't really work out so well I even fixed it up and it still looks pretty bad I kept things simple by putting the burst wood with the stone slabs and wow that actually looks really good the sides were filled with stone bricks but I didn't really feel that raw like this minecraft noob doesn't even know how to make an item frame the next day I finished out my storage system by labeling them using item frames rather than signs I was thinking why I didn't make this actually I level I destroy all the chests behind the control blocks so I can move the entire storage room up a block this took forever because there were so many items I had to put back into the storage system bro day 116 was here and I was nearly complete with my entire storage system I made a really cool design using the stone slabs around the wooden planks tab was actually pretty impressive and tada our finished storage system and then I spent the rest of the day getting some research points because now I actually understand what they do the next day I saw that I actually had a ton of music discs this made researching a lot more dramatic I was screenshotting important recipes on a Google browser so I wouldn't forget him so you're probably wondering what I was researching boom tree farm and I still have no idea how it works after reading some more wiki pages I learned that I needed workers in order to power these stations before I did that I found a good place to place my tree farm it was day 118 and it was time to make some slaves I mean workers but I don't pay him minecraft didn't like this so it crashed my game and while our first worker but he seemed to be hungry and he didn't do anything ok so you turn that off so it turns out they need something called the town hall where I have to put in food because they won't work without food I finally made it but it became nighttime and the next day boom I put in the town hall and all I had to do was put food inside and then you have to give them the tool of what you want so I want a lumberjack so I gave him an axe look at him go he's actually planting the saplings that's incredible go new master go so my research was correct he's gonna plant the saplings here and anything in this area he'll cut destroy replant it's just fully automated I don't even have to pay him as you guys saw I could change his name but it turns out I could also change his skin but that didn't work out so well what happens look at his head they so deformed new master no the next five days took way too much to do so little I didn't only want a tree farm by I wanted a wheat farm in a sugarcane farm and basically every farm ever I had to change how all my original farms look so they would fit in the automation zone the automation zone is that kind of white box that crates and that's why my cow farm didn't work my cage was just too big I ended up having three workers up here one for each of the farms so yeah my old base is now like a farming area for all these workers on day 126 I wanted to spend some more time in my old base because I wanted to see how efficient these workers were I have to be honest sometimes they acted really weird and kind of wandered off in their own like what is this guy doing well with all the glitches and bugs away it seems to be working pretty well today after I learned if I'm not loaded in the chunks near the workers they won't work after doing some research and crafting I learned there's something called a chunk loader which basically loads that chunk that little green box I made is called a chunk loader that loads like a 16 by 16 area or something I was a hundred percent sure I was doing this wrong I guess we'll just find out if I'm not there and they're getting materials then it's working day 120 it was a big day because I wanted to research a worker that could mine blocks the only problem is that the research required iron and I didn't have any iron left I found a couple pieces here and there but it was nowhere near enough yet luckily there was a lot of chests I didn't loot in that weird cave dimension or whatever the next day I still didn't have enough iron so I had to do a little bit of off-camera mining haha and for some reason this is also the first time I was mining diamonds I would spend the entire day but now I had enough iron in order to get my mining research done the next day I learned that I had enough iron but now I had to make minecraft rails however in modded minecraft you can't just make rails of course it has to be overly complicated I had to make this thing called like a rolling machine and I didn't know how to work it look at this thing I needed like power and heats and you have to cool it down with water why is this so complicated but after a lot of trial and error the machine was actually heating up all that hard work was actually paying off and to work yeah I used this rolling machine to make side rails and those side rails would become normal rails yeah it was way over complicated well that was taken forever I had to also make regular rails and of course those were also over complicated long story short I need a clay but that was kind of a problem when thousands of mobs spawn in the water so I just left tomorrow's problems to tomorrow's me today was a big day and that was to get clay aka mission impossible because everything wanted to kill me and I actually nearly died but I finally found a good spot to get clay I got as much clay as I possibly could before the knife fell because I never wanted to do this again you're probably asking why do you need this clay well I need to turn the clay into bricks and the bricks will turn into this like mega furnace and that mega furnace will make what I need to make the rails yeah overcomplicated before I went to bed I cleared up some room for the furnace I turned the clay into this coke oven brick and if I put this in a 3x3 area it would make this furnace would you look at that it worked you guys want to know something funny that everything I just did was completely useless because then I learned I could make the quarry without actually doing anything what I just did I was kind of relieved because there were still a lot more steps I had to do for this mining research or whatever it was day 133 and it was time to start off with the slave limine mining workers I had to make another of these home stations and I realized I might not have enough food nothing to worry about now and now we have our first miner and we're gonna name him your mum your mom is actually going to the working station yay look at them go your mom and your dad's now mining away people skipped in the next day and they sort of ran into a problem they just dunked themselves into a hole in that now they can't get out and you know my chunk loader and the other castle it didn't seem to be working cuz the loot wasn't that great the next day I was able to get the miners out but this time they didn't fall in so that was great I also noticed that they didn't mind like imports and blocks so I had to upgrade their system to Diamond and even better news I was actually even able to finish the mining research but future me knows I didn't do anything with it I spent the next two days doing a lot of makeovers I first upgraded my store system with a lot more slots so now we can hold even more items I destroyed a lot of the Interior the castle because I wanted to have room for the stuff I wanted to put in this included the King's chambers and even that little secret room I showed you last episode during all this time look how deep the hole is the only problem is that I didn't see your dad anywhere he probably left longer time ago when he said he was going to the go to the ice cream shop I even made more mine areas because I really wanted the whole underground to be completely empty it was day 138 and look how many workers I made with so many miners they were able to dig the hole so fast but they kept on filling up these chests so I had to quickly empty them every time also there was still chests under the base so I had to quickly get all the loot from there before the miners destroyed everything the next day was more of the same the first hole was basically already completed the best part of all of this is that whatever they mined I get to keep they even found me a Harry Potter broom that I could actually fly it crashed my game really quickly I finished up the day by learning that I could actually make those cool-looking gates that I fell in love with at the beginning of this game they won4t baby was all about these gates if I did my research correctly I was able to build these gates wherever and whenever and I should be able to open them by just right-clicking and what thought that gay it looks weird of course I make my gate non symmetrical all of that hurts forgetting about the other gay I had to destroy this drawbridge because technically it wasn't mine and what I mean by that if the drawbridge is mine I can just open it by right-clicking it now this is honestly an epic gamer moment the next day was pretty lame because I was just messing with my drawbridge when the snake attacked me in my own moat I kind of forgot that I was in hardcore meaning if I die I lose everything I did some research on some armor I could make but I wasn't there yet I didn't have the material the next day I found out that I forgot about my workers and Wow did they dig a lot of holes but a lot of them got stuck they mined so much stuff I had to transfer all of that into my storage system one of the holes were complete so I wanted to block it off but like almost killed me and I almost fell into the lava and now I was stuck with the miners I am a soulless creature so I left them to die as I made my escape you might be asking why are you building giant holes right under your base well I want to have a multi-level base under my castle so everything I need is in this certain area trust me it's gonna look amazing so you better hit that like button so we can get another hundred days after this as well on day 143 I learned that I can make an elevator using wool and ender pearls the sad news is that I even have enough ender pearls to make one I wanted some elevator / teleporter so I could get up and down really quickly because now we have giant holes in our base I decided that we're just gonna go with the classic stairs so we started cleaning out huge area in the back so that's where the stairs would be day 144 and I thought had the craziest thing ever you know how hundreds of mobs were always spawning in the water well I thought it was a great idea if we went to the nether and got lava buckets so we could actually patch all the water up this was the dumbest thing I'd done in the series yeah because not only do the Pigman have two assault rifles that I had to deal with you know how actually dangerous this was I could have died any time here and when I actually got the lava buckets off and land they was so laggy anyway I could barely move there were so many mobs there good job socks for one this would only take five point six years of non-stop lag the next day I came back to my senses and started working on my base again I had to move everything from the middle of the base to the side the base because I was clearing out the entire middle included the workers but luckily I could just pick them up and then place them down like blocks I started working on this giant doorway so every time I came back home to my base or the portals it would actually be a cool entrance however minecraft didn't really like my style so much because they crashed my came again I didn't even like what I built so I destroyed it again triggers me quite a lot it's the use of glowstone the next day I felt ready and refreshed and I knew exactly how I wanted this to look I actually wanted the store system to be seen and used to slaps to complement that if you ignore the left side the right side is the coolest-looking storage system effort I really didn't like this orange so I destroyed it immediately and I forgot to tell you guys the mining upgrade was actually useful because I could increase the size of where they could mine so that was amazing day 147 is a little embarrassing but I'm still really proud of myself like I said using these portals are usually the way I enter my base so I had to make a really cool entrance every time I come into the base I didn't even finish it but this is all I did the entire day I try to make some like cool design and then it would turn into like this cave thing but you know how hard it is to do this honestly I should have just put these two days together it took me the entire next day just to finish this cool arch kind of thing I put the next five days in a speed laughs because I did a lot of break in and buildin just you know the usual Minecraft things firstly I created a copy of the arch on the other side because eventually I wanted to put a roof over it you remember that snow castle we raided earlier that place had a ton of vines and even the mossy stone bricks I put them on my base so I would have a lot more when they started growing and then I could put them all around my base to create this kind of mossy green environment kind of thing I even spent a lot of time expanding my lava army because it's actually kind of working you see there's no mobs spawning it was day 155 and it was time to check on my miners progress your mom was still alive so that was great news the whole strip was almost completely mined out and over here is where we're gonna put the giant staircase that will allow me to go from level to level I can already imagine multiple different levels holding different sort of things and even use the caves to get to one place to another we had another Blood Moon meaning I couldn't sleep so I actually started working on the staircase but something really weird was happening there was like a force pulling me in like some sort of black hole and I could barely move I found the weirdest-looking thing it was like pulling me in and I got like a little too close and now I couldn't even move I literally couldn't get out of this situation I literally spin the entire night like this because I was contacting people in discord how do I get out of this I'd tell you what my whole thing to end like this I tried attacking it pickaxe saying nothing worked and even the wiki said I need some sort of complex machine because since it is an actual black hole it's crazy to me that I would have to end the series because I was stuck on a black hole and I couldn't escape at all but turns out I could have just used half slabs if I didn't have half slabs in my inventory I would have been stuck there forever I made sure I would go nowhere near that again so I made a barrier about 10 blocks up and since I still had time of the day I started making the staircase that would lead me all the way up it was day 157 and even though the miners mined out a lie I still needed them to my nap this whole left chunk so I could continue the staircase I decided since I had so much resources why not just make a ton of miners but then I also realized most of them would just die anyway so I just spawned - I changed my mind the next day I spawned all of them they remind you so fast I have to keep on clearing out their chests I didn't do much this day either I kind of left it all to the AIS I guess I was just becoming old and lazy because I just started planting slime trees you heard me there's trees that grow and give you slime balls and I spent the rest of the day looking at these awesome pickaxes that I could craft but I needed materials from the nether and that's why the next day I decided I have to go through the nether but this time I also test it if I had a good range weapon and could you believe that bird I just killed gave me rubies all I was thinking at this moment was please don't die I got a nice warm greeting of assault rifles to my face I killed so many of the assault rifle Pigman that they gave me their assault rifle and I used that against them honestly it wasn't enough though they just kept on spawning spawning like infinite pressure I dug myself into safety and I was out of there it was day one sixty point and look my slime trees actually grew I checked on my miner's progress and whether they mined out the entire Lane we had a lot more room to start working on an underground base what we needed a lot more mining done I decided to get every single best ore from my chest and see the best possible thing I could make right now remember that bird that dropped those two rubies well a ruby sword just 21 attack damage I checked every order to see how strong they were and it turns out this emmerich triangle looking thing it was so strong the whole set was over 30 protection that's as if I was having three sets of diamond armor on I put it for safekeeping because I didn't want to use it till I enchanted it talking about Sheamus the next day I set up my enchantment table all over again and since lapis enchanting doesn't exist I couldn't waste any levels meaning whatever I'm 30 I have to enchant a piece of armor I spent the rest of the day working on my staircase because the miners already cleared out the entire section it's gonna be a long process but it's gonna be totally worth it and that's what I did the whole next day look at that bird thing I got stuck in the black hole now I can't leave and just a couple more blocks in will BAM that is the whole right side completed the next day I just had to keep up the grind I had to do the entire left side now this took longer because I had to do a little bit more clearing I worked through the entire night but it was totally worth it because we were nearly there just a couple kiss tear cases here in the hair and oh my goodness does that look amazing I was so pumped for this day look how big my slime form has grown instantly satisfied I cleaned up my stairs a little bit and don't laugh at me but it kind of took me the entire rest of the day just to make this gate the worst part about it I didn't even like it day 166 is actually the day I almost died I mean it was actually the day after it but this kind of led up to it it was a Blood Moon this night meaning I couldn't sleep so I just did some home improvements the only problem is that mobs can spawn anywhere in this Enderman game out of nowhere he had a giant freaking sword I closed myself off for the rest of the night nope nope nope and this is the worst part in the morning the mobs don't despawn and they killed all my workers on top of that those weird cats kept on spawning that don't take any melee damage so all I could do was run away I tried to break through the top but of course look at that dude he was waiting for me I tried to do some weird block kung-fu action but it just made things worse luckily they stayed down there so I was able to get my bow and all their careers day 160 AI knew I need some security so I took all the turrets from my old base into my new base and I put them all around I charged these babies up and if you haven't noticed I did spawn the miners back in but I forgot to record it so 869 and I wanted to go on an adventure because I needed a lot more XP and I didn't know a house to get it it was a pretty good idea but most of the mobs were too scared to fight but I did find a couple of these coin things so that was pretty cool and whatever that thing was I guess I did come across this chariot mansion though that looked amazing there wasn't any loo inside though except for this weird herobrine summoning center I'll give you the highlights of the next five days because I was kind of going all over the place and I really know what I was doing I found this cool meta shack with decent Lube but nothing too special my main goal was to find a mob spawner because I wanted to get as much XP as possible I went through many caves but this one was definitely the most promising I fought some pretty funky mobs so that was a pretty good start now here's where I spent the most time I found a mineshaft but there was so much oil going around like I couldn't really do anything instead of going around like a normal person of course I went right through it I thought the spawners would be like hidden behind the oil but no and look at this do that I found there was the clown an actual clown how was that even possible you should have gave me much more XP that's our surgeon cave after cave I finally found a spawner but it was a game spider spawner are you serious no I didn't want to deal with that at all so I just took the XP it was day 176 and I returned from my travels during those 5 days I forgot that there was actually spawners right outside my castles yeah you remember these scorpions that sound like frogs well yeah they actually have spawners in my eyes this was the perfect place to make an XP farm because it was already in a box the next day I already started putting this to work baby I was gonna make a scorpion blender I was already starting to develop some sort of kill zone but I didn't know exactly what to do it was kind of annoying because the scorpions kept on spawning outside their blocks or should I say frogs whatever they wouldn't stop spawning outside I started putting in the final part so the water would go over and push all the Scorpion looking boys into the kill center I let it open and it seems to be kind of working I mean they were dying before they were even reaching the end it was good until I saw the rats we're still going through hands of scorpions kept on spawning outside I spent the entire next day boxing it all up so nothing would spawn on the outside nobody was gonna leave my spawn chamber just took longer than usual because they kept on spawning even though I was trying to not make them spawn and I sealed it all off by putting half slabs on the top so nothing would spawn on the top day 179 is a day to remember even after of my amazing fortification they kept on spawning on the outside and for no reason at all silverfish started spawning and destroyed all the stone breaks were made all the scorpions go loose I quickly tried to change it to wood and this seemed to work for a little bit for these weird dogs man I don't even know look they're spawning on the outside I was so done at this point the next day I completely gave up on that operation and I started brand new on I actually Oh what is that guy doing how is that guy in the overworld while I waited for the emperor scorpion to despawn like I said we needed more XP in order to upgrade our amazing marine armor there was another froggy scorpion spawner on the other side of my castle but this time I made sure to take all precautions I made the concealment out of wood and I made sure there would be no way they would be able to spawn from the top little scorpion boys didn't know who they were messing with and before I went to bed I made sure to clear all the miners chest because they mine indefinitely I will summarize the next five days because I had to make the XP farm all over again the other spawner was a test round and now I won't make any mistakes but even after all of this I still didn't know the best way in order to get XP from them I started with one where I would attack them from above but they didn't even come near even a fence gate didn't work so well because they were still able to attack me through it I even tried like an onslaught mode where I would just kill them instantly when they came by but that just seemed to manual I eventually sneaked with a fence one for now and even set up a hopper system to pick up all the items this was the best I could do for right now and at least it gave me XP day 187 I just did a little home improvements to make the XP you farm look a little better I don't know how these Rascals kept on spawning on the outside maybe it was just natural spawning on top of that I actually found a better way to do this where I would actually attack them from under I did accidentally break a block in they were settlers for a while and I started screaming the next day I just set up my enchantment table so I wasn't wasting any levels I only had a couple more pieces to enchant anyway I even blocked off a huge portion of the spawner so they wouldn't even spawn anywhere near me I also wanted to change the position of the chest and hoppers but that was a little difficult I spent this entire day eating grilled cheese and hacking at scorpions the next morning I learned that the miners are actually loaded in when I'm doing the XP farm so they were mining like crazy there was a lot of blocks I had to transfer to my storage system I also checked up all my other farms but I accidentally punched the cow so that didn't end up very good and I spent the rest of the day smacking some scorpions and even all night it was day 190 and my full and chanted set was almost ready turns out I could make something called it an advanced enchantment table that would allow me to repair my armor using XP this would be an absolute lifesaver because then I could repair my armor without using the same material I could just use XP I accidentally punched the cows again and I almost died I'm pretty sure I'm part of the matrix or something cuz if I wasn't I would have been dead already today was a really big day because today today I've fully finished my armor and also turns out those scorpions give titanium and uranium so that would be really good for the next hundred days our final piece is finally being enchanted it is the Ruby sword it will become the ultimate devastation weapon we are fully equipped and it's time to kick some butt I knew exactly what kind of boss fight I wanted to go through so I got fully equipped these next seven days we were gonna go through the ultimate challenge we were gonna fight the biggest and baddest bosses for what I could find in this heaven portal and something did catch my eye it was this weird-looking brick structure kind of thing you are attempting the sliders labyrinth on your own this dungeon is a very dangerous place and you could lose all your items as a result are you prepared to enter these deaths now that's what I'm talking about baby I spent an entire real day in these labyrinths so that's why I'm assuming it's about seven minecraft days bro I fought against these mean iron golem looking boys that did some weird drug motion thing oh it was totally worth it though there was chests what was that I probably fought a hundred of these iron golem boys and then there was these jumping bouncing boys that I don't even know man this place was crazy and I thought I couldn't get any worse there was this giant spinning fan looking boy he was trying to cool me down and then he started breaking apart I think I was killing him I don't even know what this dude was freaky and I wanted him out of my sights and then there was another boss he was a giant box but he didn't really do much so I don't even yeah and then I spent another three hours fighting these dudes that put me on some sort of drug in my whole field of view is like whoa why are there so many of them here it's like I literally can't even focus and then we found it that big boss room and what's one more key what do you mean key I haven't gotten any keys and I figured out these guys aren't bosses they're like mini bosses and they're the key fragments this was it the big day 200 what we're gonna fight the big bad baddie I would just like to thank anyone for coming this far in this video and you deserve not one but two gold stars this guy's kind of scary he's just like a giant box kind of thing I have no idea what to expect and he can only bear hurt by pickaxes oh my god okay he's a moving box this cardboard box guy kept on knocking me around like some sort of plastic bag man he has no manners he almost kills me too he knocked me into the wall and I started suffocating like what I was could you believe if I died right now on day 200 but luckily I got out using my amazing magic broom I was honestly hoping for some super secret ability but he was literally just a giant boss hey hey hey we did it thank you guys so much for watching me survive 200 days of hardcore if you made it this far you deserve not one but two gold stars if you haven't already please follow my Twitter so you can keep up to date with awesome funny moments and whatever yeah just follow my Twitter right now [Music]
Channel: Socksfor1
Views: 7,284,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor1, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft modded surival, minecraft hardcore surival, i survived 100 days minecraft, i survived hardcore modded minecraft for 200 days, minecraft, 200 days hardcore, 200 days, socksfor1 mods, socksfor1 modpack, modded minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, i survived hardcore minecraft for 100 days and this is what happened, 100 days, minecraft mods
Id: 5sdk5UFouGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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