subnautica but I download EVERY SINGLE MOD (part 1)

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obama oh he's a demon now he's an actual demon what is up guys my name is socks41 and welcome back to uh some nautica if you don't know where we are right now we are actually in the last alien base with the queen mother right down below us this is exactly where we left off in our 24 hour subnautica video and i plan to finish the game but now i have installed every single mod if we go here on the blueprints you can already see there's a lot of things that are not in the game like altair shipping focus attachment battery attachment driller mk3 solar attachment reactor rod even laser cannon and there's a lot more that's not even here in the blueprints what is perfect about most of these is that most of them they're actually late game stuff which is perfect because we're basically in the late games now not only did i install every single mod i hired someone to retexture every single model so i made my own mod and every single creature has been retextured so now the bone sharks are thomas the train the sea emperor queen she's thanos there's even dr phil swimming around all over the place i have to have a google doc next to me because i i don't even remember some of the things we we put in i'll make a deal with you guys if this video hits 100 000 likes i'll give you guys this mod for free so you can try it out well we actually have a story to do here we still have to hatch these eggs we didn't get to finish that last time we have to make this the hatching enzyme so that means we got to go from portal to portal to get all these different seeds and there's actually i'm pretty sure the sea crown seed is already here in this place is that pacman gingerbread man as well oh my god and there's actually venus as well he's probably just one of the fishes all right right down here should be one of the plants we actually need ah here it is the sea crown let's get all of those now i think we got to go back into the alien base and we got to open some new portals there also seems to be a mod that gives me a lot more like inventory space which is actually really nice and really handy let me just put thanos here so we know that thanos is down here wait what oh do i have to place the beacon in the water oh where did the beacon go what the why did it go all the way up there i need these iron cubes if you don't mind i think the one we want here is the eyestock seed all right i just got to make sure we don't want to get lost here am i going way faster than i usually am they really upgraded my lamborghini didn't they oh no we need these like these mushroom things right here the tree mushroom there we go where even are we are we close to our base here we got two sample seed things down three more to go we haven't even seen about like 90 of the creatures well now i hear i hear pigs dying minecraft pigs alright what do i need here oh hello thomas and binos i'm assuming i need those little purple things right there there we go oh is my inventory full who's that all right i think we have to make a quick stop back to our cyclops oh oh bowser's here though okay quickly make it back to the cyclops let me get in thank you into the cyclops this right here on the cyclops i do want to actually see all those new upgrades oh my it doesn't even fit on the screen oh we can get an auto parasite remover and the solar charger looks great even a speed module a standard torpedo a homing torpedo a nuclear torpedo and a nuclear homing torpedo say no more how does it look from here hello there's a creeper on my ship is that what's sucking the energy now are you kidding me get off my get off my ship creeper you're sucking my energy there how do you like that yeah you didn't like that did you i think i'm gonna go get the rest of the enzyme now oh this is not creepy at all do i need to go down there oh is this the the eye stock is that what we need i think that's the last one oh it is freaky in here we can make the enzyme nine oh thomas thomas you can't just come barging into the cave like that let's go back to our cyclops and crab that up at a fabricator here we go hatching enzyme we got it thanos i'm coming okay i'm here to hatch your little kids your little thanos children he's already ready he knows get out of my way little mermaids and fish that are not changed all right you ready for this thanos this is a very big moment boom i did it they're hatching oh my thanos i don't know what to tell you they don't look anything like you i think your wife oh i mean i think your husband might have cheated on you what i guess we did it the only thing left is flying the ship was this thing touch concentrated 4-2 what's going on something's happening hand sanitizer i put on a lot of hand sanitizer did that cure me time to scan myself you stupid i'm cured does that mean warpers are not gonna attack me anymore wait does that mean we can turn off the machine that wants to destroy everybody okay we're back at alien base two we should be able to turn this bad boy off now right because it wouldn't let me turn it off because i was infected but not anymore it's gonna stab me but i'm cured trust me i have no infection now whoa we're shutting off the machine it's so dark so mysterious there's a reaper levith in here but now we're so fast could he even catch us is that the reaper leviathan is he shrek shrek is the reaper lawyer well i don't want to get eaten today i don't see any warpers so there is actually a mod that removes them once you get cured or this place does the power of mods oh my goodness [Music] that's the reaper leviathan that's not like harmful he just kind of floats well now he's even more beautiful there's more it's about to become nighttime so let's sleep quickly oh we are back at the sock drawer and there's peter griffin right outside my base all right let's quickly sleep the power is showing much better so we're gaining 216 and we're minus 81. that's helpful and there's mr roblox man wait i think i know what that roblox is mr roblox man i think that's the cuttlefish it is come back mr cuttlefish i want to play wow he just ate my tree telepathically and who's peter griffin are those those gaster pods i have some good news i found the alien rifle but you need a status rifle and i don't even have the status rifle blueprints but we gotta go find that i also just realized look there's seamoth mk2 all the way to mk5 does that mean you can take the seamoth down to the lava zone how far is mk5 that's crazy first thing i actually want to make is the laser cannon for the seamoth and i need to make a propulsion cannon and a repulsion cannon so that shouldn't be a problem and i never tried both of these weapons so that's gonna be a first time as well all i need is a wiring kit and titanium and a battery the funny part is that all my materials are on my sock marine the cyclops so i actually have to go hunt down some of this stuff like titanium and repulsion cannon now i have both i'm gonna try these out real quick how does this work you come here no one wants to become a mermaid goodbye did i literally send you it literally yeets what about this bad boy right here the repulsor why are we still here oh what did i just do to pac-man goodbye oh it just eats them i got everything i need except for copper for some advanced wiring kits and then we should be able to make the laser cannons for our seamoth which is pretty crazy actually i can't wait to see how that works hopefully this is enough copper for two advanced wiring kits and if it is then we should have enough for the lasers oh what did you see that i didn't have any wiring kits but i could make the advanced wiring kit that's because we have like an easy craft mod that's a lot better you don't even have to worry about making the small things i love mods okay they just make life so much better oh my goodness here it is the laser cannon yes please oh my goodness there it is i also noticed that we could actually add like arms to our sea moth we could do that after we laser beam the mermaids okay we gotta hit a bigger target like benos he went flying come here big chungus you want some huh but we could try this on shrek right on the river levithan come here shreky shrek we still have to remind ourselves that is a reaper leviathan but i got a freaking laser oh no he's coming there we go laser him laser him bro laser him oh he's angry wait what though where is he going where is he going he's going way past the ship oh he's running from me he's scared i've never seen a reaper leviathan go this far like inland come here shrek oh oh my god i think he's got me oh my god twenty percent i'm broken oh four percent quickly repair shrek nearly broke my sock marine are you kidding me he's messed with the wrong space man you want to go i got freaking laser cannons we just can't let him get close come on take it how much health do these reapers have we'll meet again shrek we want to keep on upgrading the seamoth and i know i want to get those extra depth things but i think i kind of want to work on my base because every night time it runs out of power because i only got solar panels and a bioreactor but i have to constantly refill it but let's start with the jet streams but i have to build it at the fcs tech fabricator what is that look at all these new fabricators there's a seeds fabricator a decorations fabricator where's that tech fabricator the fcs tech fabricator oh i guess i'll just put it right here next to my other fabricator right oh so this is where i get the drill some power cell socket oh quantum teleporter get out of here are you serious we just need some creep vine cluster thingies and a uh and some more gold i think i got enough gold two pieces it's taking me a lot longer to find these resources honestly i should have just went back to my my cyclops that's where i have everything jet stream i got it we're building a box and i'm hoping inside that box is a jet stream all right boom jet stream let's see how this works must be on a platform it looks sick though but if i place it right here on the platform with my garden speed 2 miles per hour it's getting faster even though there's like no water currents here it should go up to 50 rpm i wonder where which areas would be like the fastest decorations fabricator i guess we could just put it right here how much decorations do we have monitors laboratory elements drinks and food a cup oh my god you can grab the doomsday device and put it inside your base coast leviathan eggs but does that actually hatch imagine this actually hatches do i just like put them right here we just have some uh it goes leven levithan eggs right outside our base nothing too crazy it's time to go upgrade my seamoth but i don't have any resources here so i'm gonna make a quick stop by my cyclops so i can get the uh nickels and the kyanite hopefully i actually have both of those in my uh in my cyclops if not i can quickly mine it but that's what i need i really want to get the mk4 and mk5 and i even want to get like arms and stuff on my seamoth like you can actually get branson arms on it i find that crazy oh god why shrek right here yo yo yo why is he so close he's not a reaper leviathan is not supposed to be this close hello thanos again are you still dying let's quickly park this in before bowser eats us all right so we just need titanium i don't have any titanium though so i think i'm going to have to go on a on a little mining trip i'll be honest i actually never mind here before and i already have a question can i walk in this lava i'm assuming not oh yeah that definitely lava definitely hurts okay all right elmo's and uh are you guys mean teletubbies i don't even know what you are you could be lava lizards and why do i keep on hearing creepers oh i know why who are you are you the guy from up i was hoping for like large batches of titanium but there's nothing except for kyanite i'm bringing all those important materials but i don't have the titanium for some reason my uh my lamborghini here is not going lamborghini speeds was there like a key i was supposed to press that makes it go very fast and i have to watch out for the shrek if he's gonna be here oh why were you there that wasn't horrifying at least i can quick scan these for titanium all right one plastial ingot and two nickels three rubies boom done easy boom blast steal thank you easycraft oh wow that's really that takes a long time to make doesn't it oh my goodness mk for baby seamoth how deep can that go well i want to see how how much is mk4 and then how much is mk5 what mk4 is a thousand three hundred meters so mk5 will be a thousand seven hundred that's as good as the cyclops please tell me i have ruby somewhere i'm begging you did i forget to bring rubies from the ship no don't do this to me no no no no no i don't have the rubies i'm so sad i just noticed something i don't even need the materials in my inventory it literally takes the materials from my chest look it says i have the two table coral samples right no i don't not in my inventory but they're in my chest right here now that is epic my seamoth has arms it's evolving it's growing now i want a seamoth propulsion arm you know how funny that would be or grappler a grappler on a seamoth someone called the police maybe i'll get some silver down at the the purple caves i've even seen what these giant lizard guys are gonna be changed to are they even here i see something i don't know what they are are those are those actual oculuses i know there was a fish called an oculus but now they're actually oculus headsets what about the snakey boys where are they what what is that are you the snakey boy it's obama hello obama what happens when i get close to you do you go out this hitbox is probably all messed up now obama oh he's a demon now he's an actual demon with his oculuses i think i'm gonna lose my mind if this doesn't give me a piece of silver are you kidding me this is ten times versus more versatile than the prawn suit i mean the pronto is just gonna be not even usable because this will have a drill and everything and it's got a laser system is thanos just gonna be dying forever or is he just gonna be kind of just vibing there for the rest of times i'm bringing everything i need this time rubies yes diamonds sure oh bowser you need to stop doing that man lithium yes more ruby sure i got everything this time i hope oh my bowser is coming in hot yo breathe fire your big buffoon i kind of want to see that oh he's breathing fire okay i guess i'll make a nuclear homing torpedo nuclear torpedo or nuclear homing torpedo we're making a nuclear torpedo no way this can't be happening this actually is this real i need to save now before i blow up my entire base all right let's just put in that nuclear missile oh what could possibly go wrong i got a propulsion cannon i got a nuclear weapon let's try this proportion cannon first come here little mermaid goodbye what about you grandma or should i say boomer we got our missile ready where was mr shrek was he over here or was he the other way oh no he was towards beacon too okay well i don't want it too close to my base i don't know how big nuclear i mean nuclear is really really big like really big oh there he is they wouldn't actually put a nuke in the game but then again they kind of would all right shrek come at me bro fire i fired i fired that was a lot less nuclear than i thought it would be okay let me just laser him a bit shrek is definitely very strong i think i'm gonna wrap it up there we still got lots to do like making drills wind turbines we gotta decorate our base auto store lockers cyclops we gotta upgrade our cyclops like crazy next episode i'm pretty sure there's a cyclops death ray so uh we'll see how that goes i'll see you guys next episode a spaceship with
Channel: Socksfor1
Views: 5,847,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor1, subnautica but I download every single mod part 1, I played subnautica for 24 hours straight, socksfor1 subnautica, subnautica mods, subnautica, subnautica game, surival game, subnautica best mods, subnautica meme mods, subnautica memes, subnautica reaper leviathan, subnautica reaper leviathan reaction, subnautica all creatures, subnautica alien base, subnautica funny mods, subnautica funny moments
Id: 2DFx8yWJjYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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