I Survived 2,900 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft...

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today i will go where few players have ever gone before the world border in minecraft it's 30 million blocks away which takes 30 to 40 hours of nether travel and hundreds of elytra but i've invented a new contraption that literally slows down time in minecraft and makes this whole task much much easier and much much cheaper and i also make another massive perimeter a super op obsidian farm and another way for me to teleport millions of blocks in an instant the first thing you're probably wondering is just how much ancient debris did the world eater get me well we're now about to find out so this is my perimeter i'll turn on the chunk borders and then systematically collect up the ancient debris chunk by chunk slowly work my way across and i'm on one and a half stacks so far now two stacks with this i've got three stacks and that is the grand total three and a half stacks from all of this it uh it doesn't sound like much does it although the main use of perimeter was not to get loads and loads of ancient debris no this massive massive hole will allow me to go to the world border but to do that i'll first need to get rid of this entire machine i've also realized that i had some more ancient debris that i was mined up as the machine was going in this so i actually got six stacks over six stacks from the world eater which is he's a bit better than what he was before there's also something extremely satisfying about mining up a massive contraption like this i've made a bit of progress on breaking it all but to be honest with you it is taking forever i uh i might invest in some tnt my elijah are also nearly broken my pickaxe as well i'm a shovel i think i'm gonna go and get a load of xp and that way everything can get fully healed now that's all done i can offload these items into chests smelt the ancient debris then combine them to make ingots over a stack and a half that feels like so many but turn those into blocks and we've got we've got 11 all of that for 11 blocks this really is one of the biggest projects that i've ever tried but hey we're another step closer enough of that never-ending project let's get to the world border although before i go world border hunting i thought i could first do a little bit of not chapel hunting here's dungeon number one with a notch oh my god guys this actually it's so close to my house i've only gone like four 500 blocks away let's get another one i really think this is my best ever method for finding them though now for the second dungeon this time it's a little bit more realistic let's keep searching nothing in dungeon number three same at the fourth it is also empty the sixth somehow flew over a monument and got mining fatigue which means i really need to find a cow on this little island ah i found a whole herd of them now to make a bucket get some milk yeah that could have been a disaster i'll take another bucket of milk for the road now to get back to searching dungeons and finding nothing emptiness in dungeon eight nothing in nine ten though haha well very nice indeed look at that we've already got two that's that's perfect i was actually lined up to say that ten was terrible you know my little alliteration thing but two notch apples in that short of a time is very successful indeed i also just got mining fatigue again i don't know where from that's why i brought another bucket of milk now we're gonna need three things to make it to the world border also that's 27 not chapels all together the first of the three is more elytra the second thing that i'll need is more time because it's going to take ages and ages to get to the world border and i've already lost like 20 days in this episode you'll have to wait and see how i'm literally going to freeze time in my world and then the final thing will be a way to get back otherwise i'm just going to be trapped to the world border it's going to take me forever to get back so first things first i'm going to begin by getting more elytra turns out i've already been here that's um that's not good at all although i did leave some gold behind so that's something will this density be any better yes indeed it will here we have the second one the third is up ahead there we go now i have five elytra in total and now i've got eight in total i'm just gonna get one more although since i'm a little bit paranoid and haven't completely done the calculations of how many electric i actually need whilst i will have ten in total i'm just going to get a few more because running out of elytra is basically the only thing that could go wrong with this entire plan well technically a lot of things could go wrong but that's the one that worries me the most and so now i have got 18 elytra that's got to be enough it is kind of crazy just how fast you can get more elytra when you can literally fly all of these can go in the shulker box then i'll buy some emeralds a load of them breaking and then add it to the elytra this is definitely a great way to go through all of your levels and since this guy doesn't look like he's going to restock anytime soon i will buy the rest from you good sir and with that every single one has them breaking three on it it looks very nice indeed doesn't it so mission successful to get plenty of elytra apparently i have an electro right there as well next job continue getting rid of this world eater only this time i'm gonna speed things up with tnt will actually help i have no idea but what it will do is make everything much much more fun and you get 100 of the drop from tnt so it's not like i'm losing anything either well i have to say it's been much much faster using tnt and then just going along the bottom and grabbing all of the items before the despawn for this lower part i can reach it from down here which makes life easier although it's still better to go ahead and use the tnt would you look at that i missed a piece of ancient debris i don't know how it didn't jam up the entire machine must have gotten kind of lucky and it like snuck on through well that's just great i'm also not using tnt on this part because if any of that scaffolding breaks the whole lot will break above it and it just be too much of a disaster and finally every single block on this side of the machine is gone it is really good that with this machine i get every single block back since all of these resources are gonna be very very useful and it also means i can repair this instant wire that i had to break last episode in order to finish that world eater i took resources from everywhere that i could find them next let's sort all of these items into chests and now it's time to remove this side of the machine that is mission accomplished now to grab these stray bits of ancient debris and there's quite a few of them lurking around get rid of all of these items there sure is a lot of them smelt more of this ancient debris with that i can make a few more ingots next i'll grab a bunch of gravel and then patch up this lava i quickly realized that i didn't gravel all the way along here would just be a massive waste of time so instead i made it look nice with this little too high gravel border and then i also did the exact same thing on this side and after that i removed every single spawnable block down here so you can see there are pieces of netherrack but nothing can spawn on top of these ones so that this is completely spawn proof mobs cannot spawn on bedrock i did it chunk by chunk and also have to do is this end row of chunks right here because i didn't tnt this section there's a bit more work to be done with the mining and there we go mission accomplished it is now only bedrock all along here and technically nothing should be able to spawn and to test that out i'm going to stand right in the middle of this place which is here to put down in the chest nothing about spawn then i'm going to reload the world to turn off the mob switch so far so good according to the f3 menu zero mobs have spawned which means we can now begin phase two create a farm that will literally allow me to slow down time i designed this one myself and it's going to require a lot of magma and also a lot of obsidian although we we don't really have much of that and whilst my current obsidian farm is kind of decent there is a way to make a much much better one it's going to require a lot of items and also a wither but once it's complete it'll get me 32 000 obsidian per hour every item that i need is right here so let's head to the end so that we can start building this thing first things first i need space around this obsidian platform it's trapped it so i need to go mine loads of loads of end stone even with haste 2 efficiency 5 this will still take a while mining out all the sunstone was a lot more effort than i thought it was gonna be i've got loads of end stone here i've got loads in one of the shulker boxes loads in the double chest but i still want to mine out one more layer down here and also two layers on this side that is also now all gone i'm gonna take as much of the end stone as i can and add it to my chest room and you know what i'll grab all the rest of the end stone some of it needs to go in the shulker box mine up these hoppers and also the chests and add these to the chest room as well i've gone from no end stone to loads of end stone and the next issue i have in this area is those guys if i don't do something to get rid of those then the wither will start shooting them and everything could just go wrong so it's time to spawn proof the area the whole area is looking much much better i don't think i need to sport proof anymore time to grab some gloss and begin building also when i was spawn proofing the nether perimeter my siltox pickaxe did break and i need to kind of break some glass i don't have a salt touch pickaxe you know what i'm just gonna go get another one since all i need to make one is three diamonds two sticks and a bunch of books perfect that's now fully done i used some of the precious ancient debris to upgrade it to netherright and now i can mine up the precious glass i literally could just use this silk touch shovel but you know what we needed the new pickaxe now to finish these glass platforms which are going to have borders around them next i want another glass platform down here which is going to have the chests and the hoppers but we'll collect up all of that obsidian and this platform right here will have bubble columns on it which will deflect the wither shots these stairs around it are all going to be waterlogged this little mini cage right here is going to hold an iron golem i think if i break oh i did not mean to don't get mad at me that's it be nice anyway that's where he's going to live for the rest of his life it's a good thing that golems that you create will not attack you now to create the cobblestone generator that will absorb all of the withers attacks and that is the generator complete we're going to place some blocks over the top of that as well and right here we have the mechanism that will push that cobblestone down on a nice little clock and you can see if i just go ahead and let's say break one it will refill like that now to create the system that will protect the golem from the wither shots which is done by placing loads and loads of kelp and then breaking it all next i need water on all of these sides now to create the snow golem system that will make the wither keep breaking the obsidian unfortunately all of this from my old obsidian farmers is useless and it's just got to go oh my goodness there's so many random items and all this needs mining up under here the snow golem is going to go right here now don't don't hurt yourself but maybe i love how his head's just missing next time remove the rails now there's no escape now i'm going to place something for the snow gun to throw snowballs at i want to say play something i mean i'm going to lure something up here this right here shall be my victim never mind he seems he fell in the lava instead this guy shall be my victim through the portal he will hopefully go of course you might get trapped down the hole all right let's get you out of here now he's in there and i can name tag him this right here will be my on off switch because now this fella is throwing his snowballs and i've already got a chunk loaded over here which i think should be fine it is one chunk away which should be close enough and so now i could create the wither cage at least i could if i hadn't left the shulker boxes in the stronghold since a lot of these items are going to be very important there needs to be a stone cutter here and a grindstone at the top which are what will hold the wither in place and actually trap it without it being able to break the blocks above its head alrighty time for the moment of truth if i screw this bit up everything is messed up we just need a little bit of water above his head like that and to fly far far away now then looking from a distance he is going after the iron golem you can see he's not hurting him i think everything's working fine pathetic can't even break my cobblestone wall now for another risky bit but i'm going to remove that water and fix me broken torches then i'll return to the stronghold flick this lever and switch on the trunk loader and now when i go through the snowball should be hitting the wither let's be careful there we go we got a little bit hit but we should okay he's attacking me i'm just going to be a little bit let's just move on go for the golem not me whatever he got out what how is that even possible that's not meant to work though oh my god you know what this is this is a disaster now i've got to go ahead and battle a wither all right with it i'm not sure how you escaped or where i went wrong but you're going down seriously i spent all day building this farm and you had to ruin it for me so now i'm going to ruin you at least on the positive i've got another netherstar and it's time for me to work out what on earth went wrong there because look this snowball's coming through whoa okay i'm just trying to look here enderman yeah i've no idea what i did wrong but let's repair the golem head all the way to the fortress farm so that i can spawn another wither yeah everything i need is in here now i will attempt once again to make this farm work except this time i have an extra plan grab a bit of invisibility then when i drink it and yes this bit is kind of risky but in theory i should be able to sneak through undetected okay did i did i sneak through undetected just fly away speed oh my goodness again just let me quickly deal with this fella guys there we go no problem at all now to spawn yet another wither well this time i'm not going to remove the water until i've activated the snowballs and here we go again all right did we get out come on tell me he's still in there you know what i think he is now to drink an invisibility and watch the magic happen he removed the water himself i would i guess that was where i was going wrong the golem is the bravest guy in the world and i just need to repair some of the glass because all of my obsidian is uh it's blowing away and now that all of that is fixed this farm it gets you a ridiculous amount of obscene look at all of this i've got stacks and stacks already because i kind of had to patch that up with random stone i'm going to mine up some of this glass so that i could use that to fix it it's already got me a ridiculous amount so i'm just going to spend 10 15 minutes afk here see how much we get well it did not take me long to overflow these chests in the middle and pretty much fill up the side ones as well so now i'll knit back home grab some shulker boxes make them all purple and hopefully when i head through here everything is is kind of okay no he's escaped let's get rid of with a number three although i have got into a sticky situation where i'm out of fire at rockets i'm out of food i've managed to quickly get a totem out of the shulker box i placed over here i'm going to try and grab two more shulker boxes okay that that should be enough could have grabbed a notch uplift i thought i was in serious danger but hopefully eating oh yeah we're rejenting we're good might as well have a quick golden apple as well and i accidentally grabbed the wrong bow not my infinity one which is a bit stupid i'm out of arrows it's time to fight this guy by flying into him you know what i've got a better idea just go back home grab more arrows and then finish the job yeah that was certainly a much simpler method no need to panic but i am now completely out of totems although they can easily be replenished at the raid farm and now i can bring back all of this obsidian every single bit of obsidian has been collected and all of these shulker boxes are full look at them all over 17 000 obsidian sat in all of that much better than any other obsidian farm i've ever had and i guess now it's time to build the farm that will slow down time i can't really complain that i haven't got enough obsidian anymore although before that a lot of my items need repairing so i shall spend a few moments at the pigment farm doing that one of the next things that i'm going to need to create the machine that will slow down time is a load of turtle eggs i did at one point have loads of turtle eggs but i kind of got rid of all the turtles that would get me them i'll grab a bunch of seagrass there's also a load more of that in this chest here yeah when i say a little more and some turtle eggs perfect then i will fly far far away breed any turtles that i can find and then steal their eggs i can even find room portals on the way which pretty much have nothing useful in them few more turtles over here and if i can lure this one from the water and breed these two that'll give me a few more eggs to go at this gets me up to eight eggs in total now i've got a total of 10 eggs here's something that i didn't realize before once a turtle has just laid an egg you can immediately breed it again straight away it's actually very very easy to get lots and lots of turtle eggs very very fast in that case i'm going to leave these turtles head back home and get loads of eggs from the turtles that are in here i've got the 32 eggs i needed so i'll just leave these other ones to hatch i've also got another beehive that can go in here and i am going to need more magma but i've managed to run out of shulker boxes probably because i filled them all with netherrack for some reason the shulker in here has died which means this shulker shell farm is currently useless although i tell you what there's nine there 18 there nine shulker boxes i'll worry about fixing that farm some other time now to make some shulker boxes make fire resistance and now to mine lots of magma look at that bit of ancient debris as well and with almost two full shulker boxes worth i think i've got enough i also need lots and lots of glass as well as trapdoors and of course obsidian i didn't build that massive farm for nothing now that i've got everything for the farm let's fly to the perimeter and now using the f3 menu i've got to find the nether waste part of this perimeter and so right here is where we shall start the build i'm just kind of marking out the area so this is the magma platform that the pigment will spawn then we've got a portal here and then another nine magma along another portal a row of glass another row of glass which will have the turtle eggs on top of it protected by trapped doors and glass in between just smashed an egg now i've got to fly all the way home get some more eggs and then go back to the nether and get back to work this portal is going to be five high in total and 15 wide because to make it any wider and try and make this farm bigger then there'll be problems with the portals not linking correctly they go to new ones so this is like the max width and length that i can do it and i would like to make these magma platforms a lot bigger and so that is all the magma down on this side but that is only half of the floor plan yeah i've got to now repeat it all over here and so that is this bottom layer done i need some obsidian here as well otherwise the portal will be too wide and you won't be able to light it let's add in the rest of the eggs and trap doors i need to make sure there's still two air blocks above the eggs otherwise the pigment won't go from so we're gonna do something like this and add one more layer of trapdoors to 100 make sure no mobs can get to the eggs that's all done so now i'm going to add another magma spawning platform that is all now placed down and it's made me realize that to finish the entire farm i will need a little bit more magma but before i do that i'm going to add in some glass walls and now that's all done we're going to place glass all the way along here and the same thing on this side and finally another row up here and that is where the next batch of turtle eggs will go but after placing all of this glass i realize i'm also not going to have enough of that to build another two layers of this so i'm gonna head back grab more fire resistance repair my pickaxe mine a load of sand so that i can get more glass and i'll also mine up lots and lots more magma i do actually have a magma cube farm somewhere over in this direction so i wonder if this has got me a load of magma cream i could just use let's see how much we're gonna get definitely faster for me to just mine it but it has been a nice little boost i think all of this and all in that sugar box should be enough although we'll just grab a little bit more from here and now i'll definitely have enough and the smelted glass is filtering through and whilst i'm waiting on that i have got an idea if i grab some black dye and mine up this shulker box and instead change it to be black i think it just blends in with the wall a bit better than being a bright orange one all of this will definitely be enough and so now it's time to build another two layers of this farm [Music] and i have now run out of glass but the farm is very very close to being complete as you can see i spawn proof the obsidian with glass as well so nothing spawns on there now all i need to do is mine up some sand that way i can get more glass and then i can finish building this the glass i'm placing here is what will stop gas from spawning and now it's time to activate the portals i'm gonna light this portal and then fly to the corresponding coordinates on the other side although i think it's just gonna be faster for me to go through this portal break this one and then build another portal in the correct place let's light it and see if it's connected so far so good and i'm going to test every single portal individually to make sure they're all linked correctly this is the last portal to link it based on the portal blocks as well so if you're on this edge one you could go to different portal to being towards the middle they've all linked up absolutely fine if i made this farm any longer or any wider then linking problems would happen so this is the sat why it's the size i've made it next i'm going to go to this afk spot and build a tower with stone bricks up to the bedrock which will have ladders on the side and don't be deceived this tower is going to be crucial for me being able to get to the world border and now to fly all the way over here go up above the bedrock and start destroying a bedrock hole right here this is a very consistent way to break bedrock as you can see when i mine the piston the bedrock is gone and now to do it about 50 more times [Music] now all the bedrock pieces that need to be removed have been taken away this right here will be very very useful later on and whilst i'm up here i might as well work on the chunk loader as well gonna be a pretty straightforward junk loader you've seen me do it quite a lot of times only this one won't use a comparator to detect every time that a item comes through instead it'll just be attached to a clock that keeps going off that way it's got less chance of breaking because if this breaks at the wrong time then uh it will be a disaster so when i flick this lever it will send a little pulse that will go around and items will go through these droppers so if i go ahead and just fill this up with a bunch of random items let's go stone bricks you'll see that the stone bricks are getting dispensed and they will go through the portal although i will need to activate the portal and make one on the other side for that to work so let's dig our way out of this cave and even when i build a pool in a random place i still see evidence that i've been here before i think that's when i transported the pandas no matter where i go i always find some familiar place this is where the other portal needs to be and with that we should have a fully working junk loader although i am losing all the nuggets over there i should put something to block them shouldn't i let's now light it up add some nuggets to this side and hopefully it will work both ways now seems to be working fine i'll just spawn proof the top of this portal and that brings me yet another step closer to going to the world border but there's one very very important problem before any of that i need to add the other side of the pigment farm and this is basically the part that is going to literally slow down times gonna be trap doors here and also here and on top of these as well and a couple of turtle eggs in here which will be very well protected nothing's getting in there nothing's getting in here either so the pigment will walk down this chute and into this hole and that is where these vines come in the pigment will try and climb on these vines which will disable entity cramming meaning we can get millions and millions of pigmen in here and that is exactly what will slow down time probably a little complicated it's because i built a terrible creeper farm that's super laggy that i realized i could use it to slow down time if i kind of tweaked it a bit and use pigment instead but discovering this very interesting mechanic is literally going to be the reason why i can get to the world border so the farm that slows down time is ready the chunk loader can be turned on anytime so i'm almost ready to go to the world border but there is still one problem and it would be quite a big problem really if i didn't solve it when i go to the world border i'm gonna be 30 million blocks away so i feel like it's probably pretty important that i have some sort of way to get back otherwise i'd have to make a very very long journey home and to do this i'm gonna use a really simple variation of wireless redstone that i've never used before super super simple basically if you sleep then you get teleported backs so i'm just gonna build one at spawn if i go to sleep at the world border i'll come back instantly the plan is completely foolproof but before i do that i'm going to repair my items so in order to build this particular wireless redstone we're not going to need very many items at all just a few repeaters bunch of redstone composters and comparators let's now head over to spawn and build this teleporting device as you can see the redstone is pretty simple and it's all set up once i place this trapdoor and remove the kelp the stasis chamber will be done the final thing for me to do is fly over here grab some melons and then fill these composters up a few layers this one six layers and this one five now to throw in an ender pearl and travel really far away so i can test it i'll offload all these items first grab a chest and plenty of pearls so that that one will never run out and now to go a very very long distance away i've come all the way to the fortress farm which will be good for getting more bone meal and coal more importantly if i go through here for some reason it's taking me to a lush cave which is interesting and in theory if i if i sleep i would teleport back but being the idiot that i am i left it a little bit too late instead i'm going to spend a bit of time exploring this area one of the most useful things about these lush caves is the amount of clay that you can get because normally it's kind of annoying to find and underneath the clay i've discovered a diamond no two diamonds it is so so easy to get clay here like look at the amount of it here swamps are the next best thing but these are way way better and i think i'm happy with all of the clay that i've got grab a load of musk blocks whilst i'm here according to my clock it is now night time let's go to sleep and uh see what happens so as soon as i wake up in theory yes it's teleport i've lost my bed actually but it did work that is the main thing we can go to the world border and actually be able to get back which was my main concern let's reset the stasis chamber although actually i'm going to leave it for now in case i want to sleep i'll i'll do it just before i set off i'd rather not go to sleep and randomly underput spawn when i don't want to be i also don't currently have a clay chest so i'm going to add one here the stocks are certainly looking much much healthier and i can also top up these furnaces with coal and for my next thing i'm going to build a perimeter in the overworld it took me hundreds of days to build one in the nether but trust me it won't take anywhere near as long with this everything that i need is right here and i know just the place for this perimeter as well so i think this area around here is a pretty flat one should work perfectly well i just realized i forgot something sponge will be very handy because my plan is also to drain a bit of this river as well this is so so much easier than draining the lava was i literally just played sponge and okay well that wasn't very good but you get the idea a bit of sponge and it's all gone the fact that scaffolding can be waterlogged it kind of makes this not work as well instead it's much easier to just place a load of gravel using this method where the piston will just keep going in and out and i just keep placing it yep this is working much much better this time progress is going pretty well as you can see i have drained so so much to the river it looks really surreal i might get rid of that little section as well i just kind of couldn't be bothered to do it i don't know if i need to i've just got this bit along here to do and that is this part of the river completely drained i also need to drain a little bit of this river that's all of that drained and it looks really good because it kind of connects up to the other one so it goes really far you know what i'm just going to drain this bit as well it won't take me very long at all and this bit of river is also completely drained as well now now to dry all of my sponge remove the lava a bit more water and also get rid of these trees and the final thing i want to do is make sure there's no land above y equals 70. that way i don't have to worry about the tnt bouncing back up and breaking the machine first things first we're going to build a little tnt jupiter using the coral and the same thing on this block as well and also need a detector rail with a minecart there okay i did that wrong i did that very wrong indeed what a disaster i'm not sure what i did wrong though but i think it was having the coral fan there no okay i don't know something something's not right i think the problem is that you're meant to push the minecart on with pistons rather than place it so if i instead do something like this there we go it's not blown up and now to rebuild this side both of those are now properly set up and now to add all the other redstone on top and this side of the machine is now ready but now i have to fly all the way to the side of the perimeter and this is where i'll build the system that will send it back along and to correspond with the observers on that side there's gonna be a slime block here and one here the pistons are also in place so i just need redstone and glowstone on top of these like so now the fly machine is done which means all i need to do now is test it out in order to start the machine i just simply break this redstone block and as you can see everything starts moving and it looks like it's working worked really hard to get this river completely drained and now it's just getting blown up i gave the machine plenty of height as well so there's no chance that it's accidentally going to get blown up you can see it's tnt flying about but it's out of harm's way and so far it all looks absolutely fine but now for the moment of truth will it go back the way it came oh look at that it's worked perfectly this design is by raise works and it really is a great little machine i only have to have the redstone block here and it will stop when the machine gets to the other side what i will have to do while the machine is running is just be going around and removing any water that i see this machine on its own could do the entire perimeter but it would take hours and hours and hours for it to go all the way along i'm talking like 16 hours so instead i'll go two chunks along and build eight of these in total and this one is now also done oh i made a mistake i think i i in breaking the scaffolding because it was touching the tnt yeah okay i've learnt my lesson with that one so rule number one when you're adding your scaffolding don't have it touching the tnt anyway the tnt's back in this side completely finished now to add the return pad and that has successfully been built as well now to build the third one that's the third one complete and that is seven of them now complete and these phantom okay somewhere wrong because these phantoms distracted me now this side is complete with one final machine to go the rain is stopped this side is finished the phantoms are in trouble after a long night everything is coming together the return pad is also now complete which can mean only one thing it is time to remove these redstone blocks and create the perimeter apparently this one right here is somehow broke but i can easily fix it when it gets back to this side in the meantime i'm going to be looking for water and lava so that i can remove it from the trenches i think the repair job is now complete this machine can to be set off to destroy the world there's a decent patch of water here so i'm gonna get this sponge out probably not a good idea considering there's about to be tnt on my head so i better hurry a little bit more water in here this is basically what i'm gonna be doing looking for water looking for lava which is a little bit more annoying if it's an actual sauce oh this is just a single one so it's pretty easy but this one in here will be a little bit more challenging i actually need scaffolding to get rid of it although this lava over here is one that needs dealing with quite quickly with scaffolding it just couldn't be easier could it look how fast i've done that it's quite a scary thing when you see it come every time i'm when i'm here it's always coming above me isn't it hit it just in the nick of time let's keep getting rid of the water and lava this is another decent sized lake and i don't know if i'll have time to fully finish this one actually if the tnt is going the other way it might be okay well there's nothing like a healthy bit of pressure of the tnt coming towards you he's been making me pretty successful only if i'm biting off a bit more than i can chew here with the amount of like water and lava i'll have to clear out in like a short space of time but i think i'm keeping up with the machine trying to get things like ruined portals we have to break the obsidian that's gonna be annoying i'm going to put this nether right efficiency 5 pickaxe to good use imagine if the chest down here got blown up but it actually had a nut chapel in it and they're not trouble burn that would be a very sad moment i guess we'll never know although what we all know is that all of this lava is now gone not a good day to be a glow squid at the bottom of a cave on another decent sized lava lake you really have to act fast when you find these you know i think i'm doing a pretty good job of keeping up with all this although having said that there is a lot of water in this area that has got to go although you think it's a lot of water it turns out it's just like one or two sources but with it all being blown up it just keeps flowing and flowing and that creates obsidian which is something that you definitely don't want what else when you've created another perimeter doing a normal one like this is just so so much easier this is what happens when you get your timings wrong and uh the tnt comes to blow up all of your scaffolding i suppose it could have been worse at this point i'm just going to stop all of the machines so i can catch up properly because we're now getting down to the y level where there's just loads loads of lava everywhere so pausing the machine really has got to be the best option look at that they're all back in position not a scratch and just look at the size of this hole that is being created obviously there's still a little bit of way to go but it's coming along very well since we're now getting to the y12 area obviously there's loads and loads of lava down here so that's pretty much the main thing i need to get rid of and i have kind of run out of scaffolding as well so i'm gonna go get more and also dry off all my sponge just realize i have a shulker box full of scaffolding in my ender chest but you know what i'm also going to grab a bunch of string from the bartering farm but this massive bamboo farm to good use by crafting plenty of scaffolding and now i've got two shulker boxes full of scaffolding and the only thing i need to do now is repair my elytra before i go back that is mission successful now to get back to removing all the lava and well what do you know i found some diamonds in the area as well say what i do not miss this draining out lava it's such a tedious process at least it's a much smaller task than it was in the nether turns out this was a massive cave full of lava but it's now all gone just got this little bit here left to do even more diamonds right here and it's time for the very fun task of mining up this obsidian i think i have now completely got on top of the lava situation which means it's time to set these machines off again and then i can continue removing water and lava the perimeter is coming along very nicely indeed and i'm keeping on top of the lava without too much trouble now you can see the current progress is out so there's still a little bit for it to do but it shouldn't take very much longer at all the top of this perimeter is so so close to being finished so i'm now focused on tidying up the blocks on this edge along here because i will need to build flying machines at a lower level since the tnt can't quite reach much lower it really is starting to look incredible and if this was before 1.18 the proof would have more or less been done but instead moyang had to add another 64 layers for me to get rid of didn't they which i won't be doing today because we're not going to have time if i if i do we've got a world border to get to i'll just wait until the machine has destroyed all of these middle bits and i'll shut off the machines and begin the long long journey i'll just get rid of this little bit of extra water it looks to me like phase one of the perimeter is now completely finished there is the odd stray block that's been missed here and there but getting rid of those won't be a problem i think my best options now is to turn off the machines by placing redstone blocks all the machines have stopped so far the perimeter is looking pretty epic i'll be back later to finish the job and now the next thing i'm going to need is quite a lot of gunpowder i have quite a lot here probably enough actually so before i use all of that it'll be a good idea to get everything repaired now to offload these items and on a side note i got loads and loads of diamonds from that look at that over two stacks i think these diamonds should start living in with the rest of them so first things first for the preparation i head to spawn add a ender pearl to the teleporter and fill a shulker box up with sugar cane next i go to the gunpowder farm and create lots of firework rockets but not flight duration one but instead flight duration three ones which is the max that you can do with the way i'm doing it i can only bring a limited amount resources which is why the best firework rockets are needed these will then go into the shulker box and i repeat the process again realistically i'm not going to need all these rockets but i want to bring extras just in case i'm happy with the amount i've got in here and in here i've been lying if i didn't tell you that i'm starting to get a little bit nervous let's empty out the contents of this shulker box and now to try to remember where i put all the electro it was in this chest i'm also going to require a spare bed so i'm stealing this one let's dye it black just for effect this is how things are going to look this is this is going to be my inventory for the journey in fact i'm going to take out another stack of fire rockets i've got loads of electric i'm not sure if i'm going to really need them all but once i'm in the air i can't really leave the air so i need them in my inventory most importantly there are ender chests in here so i can access all my items i will need the flint and the obsidian to get off the bedrock roof there's only one thing now that i'd like to do i'd like to make a banner a banner that i can place at the world border to prove that i was there although to create one i'm gonna have to actually remember how to make a banner i'm gonna need an oxide daisy i'm using the precious firework rockets and elytra already pretty sure there's gonna be some of them yeah there's right here perfect with that i can yeah i can make a flower charge banner pattern let's craft the banner and i need something now that i've apparently never made in my world a loom pretty straightforward to craft you can go in this room full of the things that nobody ever uses and we're gonna put the banner kind of thing like this so yeah we go like that next we go with this one then this one yeah it's not quite looking like a penguin just yet is it if i do this all of a sudden it it does kind of look like a penguin i just need to sort the beak out now and then a bit of orange there and i can tidy up the final bit by doing this there we go i have got myself a penguin banner ready for the uh the world border i can go in there let's make sure we've got all the fire this is it now guys this is this is the final send off okay i don't know where this pattern's gonna go no more drills this is it a final pork chop think i'm as ready as i'll ever be but because i am gonna leave my pc on for the next 40 hours because i cannot reload the world once i start the journey i'm going to restart my pc right now okay i'm now back i'm going to go ahead and try and collide with this pill you see it's a bit bit broken so if i do something like that there we go we teleported i just want to kind of replace it just to be safe if i can't get back i will be uh i'll be very very screwed in fact it's going dark so i should probably sleep anyway so it's going to teleport me when i sleep there we go at least we know it's working place that in there once i head through this portal there really is no going back the mob switch needs to be turned off and this chunk loader must be switched on from what i can tell the trunk loader is working perfectly now as i head down here and get into position the lag machine will be starting as pigment go through the portals the reason i need to build this down in perimeter is if i did it on the bedrock roof it would just be way more way slower it would take far too long this is why i've created a super super fast one i'm gonna take off my current elytra and put on a brand new pair as well and i need about 16 stacks of rockets so i've got all of them i've got plenty of electric i don't think i can be anymore ready i just have to now wait for the game to get laggier and laggier and in fact you can probably see the game is already very laggy look at that i've broken the trapdoor and it's probably gonna take about four five six seconds i'm gonna get it so that it takes about a minute and a half for that trap door to drop and then i'll know that time is going slow enough for me to make it to the world border in time you can already see that the movement's pretty laggy over there i can't really show you because they'll despawn if i go there but go on the other side of the portals the pigment aren't despawning they're not having entity cramming because they're climbing on vines and the trunk loader is keeping them loaded even when i travel you know millions of blocks away so that is why they're causing you know the tick rate to uh to really slow down and i'll be back in about 30 minutes when things are super super slow been a while so i'm once again gonna break this and see how long it takes [Music] that took one minute and five seconds so we're getting there but there's still a little bit to go yeah one minute 30 is my goal and now it's time to do the test again i think this time we might be ready to go and you can see on the f3 menu that is still day two eight eight six even though i restarted my pc 40 minutes ago so you know that should have been a minecraft day in that time but because time has been slowed down this day is gonna last for hours and hours and it took one minute and 50 seconds alright time has definitely slowed down enough for us to set off i'll have my final pork chops which are going to take forever to eat in hindsight i should have done the eating before i slow down time it's really taking forever are we in one okay took about two minutes the eating has been successful now to wait a minute and a half for this shulker box to drop let's do it okay this is why i built a lot of here so i could easily get up without having to you know fly through a tiny gap i'm using mini hood to show my coordinates in the top left just so that you know the f3 screen can be a little bit big and we have now made it to the bedrock roof now because time is slowed down chunks won't really load properly they'll kind of be a bit slow in loading and if i try and use a fire rocket whilst loading new chunks it will it will go wrong so i need to look directly upwards now and and i just need to get going and there we go we're flying up now and look how high it sent me okay so one rocket okay hold on that's um that didn't work i just went right back down to one and a half hearts take two okay you can see it's a bit laggy to get going but i'm just gonna use a bunch of fire rockets just to get up to speed a little bit but this firework rocket once i'm going will get me uh get me quite high so we're at 500 blocks in the air now now that i'm gonna use another rocket just to get to y2000 we're gonna see how high this one rocket gets me because i've slowed down time the boost works for so so much longer so far it's got me up one thousand blocks and it's still no signs of slowing it was 1750ish something like that which means roughly every minute i'm gonna release a new rocket and that's how i'm gonna get to the world border with very few resources you'll notice that we're at 7 700 blocks in the air and my durability has gone down by one of my elytra so i'm not even gonna go through my electric thanks to this machine but i've got to get to 410 000 blocks in the air so if you think i'm gonna sit here for the next few hours and and do that i'm not i've got an autocad autograph every minute that auto clicker is going to right click release a rocket and i'll just keep checking in on it and making sure that everything is okay look at that guys we have just surpassed 50 000 blocks in the air and after traveling those 50 000 blocks we've literally only used 13 durability i might even only need one elytra for this entire journey or two or three at most and i was out of the room whilst it happened but we have made it to 105 000 blocks i've just got like 300 000 to go the elytra durability look at that still 400 absolutely perfect let's just keep flying high up into the sky so i've left it for four or five hours we are 470 000 blocks up in the air my elytra have barely broken going all that distance which is pretty crazy i also don't know what day it is because if you go above that the build limit then it doesn't tell you the dale near free menu which is a bit weird all i know is that i'm high enough to start gliding into brand new chunks and it should all work fine the trunk loader should stay loaded so i need to look at about an angle of basically of zero and directly north and we're gliding we're going okay because we're so high we can't load chunks below us because we're miles away i get my totem back into my offhand and yeah this is me now the beauty of this is that i can go ahead and just leave i can do other things on my computer now i don't have to leave the window open which is good it's just going to be gliding i have to keep allowing the electric durability and it's just it's just going to be like 30 to 40 hours of of me gliding now and we've made it to 5 000 blocks we just caught 3 million thousand to go yeah i'm uh i'm gonna need another cup of tea few more hours have passed and i've made it to 375 000 blocks i also realized i can change my angle to 25 because i'm high enough it'll make me fly much faster and get there so it's only gonna take me about 20 hours now and i've got enough height so that i won't hit the ground before i get to my destination it's getting late so i'm going to leave this running overnight and i'll keep checking on it through the night to make sure nothing goes wrong and uh yeah we'll see how we go well guys about 18 hours have passed since i first started gliding and we are at 2.87 million blocks we've got under a million to go by my calculations we've got six hours to go then i can make a new portal and i'll finally be at the world border also as you can see this electro has been used for ages and it's absolutely fine i might as well just switch up into a new electra and that will probably get me all the way there so yeah i'll leave this flying for a bit and uh yeah see you three million seven hundred thousand blocks look at this guys we have just surpassed three million blocks as well as that you'll see that i'm kind of in a boy don't really look like i'm in the nether but if i go ahead and just pause the game you'll see that the chunks load and then i'm like i'm back and then i disappear and i'll kind of fly back out of the loaded chunks that's why it just looks like i'm flying in a snowstorm or somewhere weird already 760 000 blocks to go now we are now more or less at the place that we need to be we're about a thousand blocks away but i'm quite high so i'm just i'm just gonna start flying directly downwards pretty soon i'm gonna hit the ground i should probably careful yeah let's let's be graceful you can see it's flickering though the textures when i move that's just a sodium bug so if i save and quit the game and now when i've reloaded the world as you can see the flickering has gone now i'm not quite in the right position we're on day 289 by the way i'm just finding that out in three minecraft days i made it to the world border that's got to be kind of a world record even though i i slowed down time to do it i've got a pretty exact position that i want to make the portal it feels kind of fitting that i would graciously walk the last few blocks all this running is making me hungry i kind of forgot what it's like to eat fact i can probably just get all my tools back i don't need all these firework rockets anymore you'll also notice that because i reloaded the world that turned off the trunk loader and the lag machine has been stopped so i can place things break them instantly absolutely no problem and this right here is the very spot if i ever place the bed right here well guys this is the moment that i end my hardcore series i'm going to blow myself just kidding guys i wouldn't do that you'll have to wait until the 3000 days episode to know what this bed is gonna be used for it'll be very cool indeed so you're probably tired of waiting let's go ahead and go through the portal and see what is gonna be that at least i wish i could go through but there's one small problem i built a teleporter that when you sleep it teleports you back which is which is a good thing but i believe that if i enter the nether in the day and then come home at night it might trigger it i haven't tested it i don't want to risk it so i went during the day i'm going to wait until the day counter goes up 1 to 3 8 90 and then i'll go through that way i don't get teleported back instantly it would it would just be a disaster it's now day two eight ninety so we are going to do the monumental moment and head through the portal this is it guys this is a long time in the making the world border the edge of my minecraft world i cannot go any further it blocks you from exploring past this look at this two nine nine nine nine eight three i believe if you go a little you can go a little bit further with pearls but like you know what yes there's a chance that i could die trying this but let's let's just do it okay put my chest plate on as well for a bit of extra protection life outside the world border guys so you can go up to 29999 which is it's kind of that way i don't want to go too far because you can get stuck i can i can come here i'm kind of safe which is it's good but yeah we we made it to the world border i should stay on the safe side of the border we can't pass back through now only ender pearls will get you through here is the banner that will prove that the penguin was indeed there and it is actually possible to use pistons to make something known as ghost blocks so if i can grab a little bit of cobblestone and grab some sticks from a dead bush to make a lever i believe i have all the materials right here to make a piston there we go that can be crafted if i put a piston facing this way and then a lever so you can actually push anything through the world border technically so if i go like this you'll see like it kind of just goes inside and it's super weird enough i pull it back like it is there but it isn't there because now if you look i can do something like that as you can see there's two blocks in the same place which is super super weird i think i can only break the crafting table yeah the the oak one is just is completely is completely glitched and so by creating some slabs you can do something very cursed like this so you can push that one away and then you can put a slab on top and look at that i have got a uh an illegal slab in minecraft it's it's half and half very very cool indeed so you can basically do that everything you know stairs any funny sights shaped blocks and stuff like that and what about this one i flick that and then we put an anvil inside of it and it's like pop i'm bull part slap you can have some fun with it it looks a little wacky but to be honest guys there's not too much else to do it like it's just the achievement of getting here that i'm very impressed with and this will not be the last time that i managed to come here okay mark my words guys all right you'll just have to wait and see how i do that the final thing to do is place a bed once we wake up and it turns today yes we're back back home so yeah i've successfully been to the world border and back and who knows maybe i'll create a way that i can easily get there in like a couple of minutes you'll have to wait and see tomorrow i'm gonna do that one all these electric can be safely stowed in here probably never to be used again i expected to use a few more up than uh than those these spare fight work rockets can be safely stowed in here you know what's deserved after a long journey like that a bit of improvements to the old village they probably have no idea that i've been gone for so long because technically for them it was only three days but for me it was it was a bit of a lifetime so this random bit of ice is is kind of in the way it should probably go and something tells me i blocked some villagers in here for some reason at any reason or you're still touching and you don't just really deserve to be like you know what be free guys i'm in a good mood like that what a guy he just can't leave his work kind of since i lost both of my beds on the journey i make a brand new one and i fancy an orange one and i can't relax for much longer i've got work to do i've got an entire perimeter to finish i'll start by completely destroying these machines which is a much faster project than it was to build them in fact whilst i'm removing them i'm actually going to keep this one running so that it can still be breaking like this edge here and just making it wider like i might as well just have it whilst i'm doing other stuff it probably won't get there and back too many times since this is so fast but as tesco would say every little helps all of them on that side are broken except for the one that's still in use and whilst that one is running i should probably get rid of this obsidian that's all the obsidian gun and scaffolding can be used to get rid of this lava and that should be enough of the lava removed now to build the next set of the world eaters although before i do that i should also remember to remove these return pads and that is mission accomplished a bit annoying to get all my materials back from that though and now i can get all of these built that's the first one successfully built that is the second one done i think enough has been broken the lava is starting to get a bit annoying and we're starting to go into this massive lake here which we really don't want to do i shall turn it off and then i'll be able to remove it the fourth one's done and the fifth the sixth and the seventh is done as well i don't know what those guys down there think they're doing although i'm just gonna ignore them and patch up this lava and now i can get rid of this machine and then i can rebuild it down here this one is now done all that's left to be done is remove this return pad and then build a bunch of them over here and all of these return pads are done as well and as you can see the sun has now set i don't have quite time to run the yeah the next part of the world either that is the next episode saying but what an episode it has been that ladies and gentlemen was 2 900 days in hardcore minecraft
Channel: SB737
Views: 4,460,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 2900 days, world border, reaching world border in minecraft
Id: blFhfbXNeco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 33sec (2673 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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