I Survived 1000 Days at WAR in Minecraft Hardcore... (FULL MOVIE)

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i survived 1000 days in a minecraft war and today i'm going to take you through the whole story that took place over the last nine months on this server i posted this as a seven part series but today i'm combining them all into one movie for you to enjoy all at once so if you enjoy this subscribe to the channel and i'll make a bunch more movies just like this so now whether you lay in bed eating food or even studying whilst watching this get comfy because this is the story as to how i survived 1 000 days in a minecraft war so on day one everything seemed peaceful no explosions were heard so i decided to get to work it would only be a matter of time before i ran into somebody or somebody ran into me so i had to get myself prepared i grabbed some cobblestone made some tools and gathered some food then after sleeping off the first night it was time to dive into the caves to gather some helpful laws all right is there any i see some mores down here but i need iron and coal there is obviously i can get out okay there's some coal right here is this coal yeah i've got a little bit of iron here off your first few pieces i need as much as possible i need to get set up real quick a few more pieces right here this is not a bad start up to now let's just grab all of this this is a big vein as well this is really nice i need um i need to make some home i'm gonna have to start cooking this up in just a second [Music] anything else through here i don't know what that is okay definitely can't mind that with this pickaxe okay let's set up a furnace that is not how you make one there we go boom place that down and then we can put in our coal and iron and start cooking this stuff up boom there we go so let's make ourselves a chest plate and some leggings there we go we need a little bit more iron yet so now i had some form of protection it was time to head back to the surface and see what i could find up top is the coast clear it seems it i don't want to get ambushed on day three there's a big tower here i don't know what is going on but is there all right it's just some scraps inside nothing super helpful but i guess i'll take it it's all free might help me in the future anything else around here oh there's another tower in the distance over there all right this actually doesn't look like a bad place to set up if i that could be cool and just in the side of that mountain there i guess we could have like a little secret door i just i can't be very obvious i need to be hidden here because uh if i if i get found it could be the end of this we can start digging this place out a little bit we can hopefully get a nice not not big but a little space we can have a little bunker i guess to hide away from people and start developing ourselves a little bit this place would do the job for now a small hideout for me to use as cover in the meantime but before i could get myself involved in any of the wars that were going on around here i needed to upgrade my armor and for that i needed lots of shrink so that meant it was time to head back out and go hunting okay it is raining quite heavily out here which isn't ideal but as long as uh as long as there's nobody out here apart from the rain that is fine what is that i can hear is that oh oh my god did he see me it's gone what was that where was that going i am just gonna move on just as i left my house a plane flew overhead i had no idea where that plane was going to or if i was spotted so my best bet was to keep on the move and be ready for the worst there's some sheep here which is exactly what i need so i'm going to make sure i grab all of these so obviously i can make the armor that i need this armor the armor i want to make is helpful so i definitely want to make sure i get my hands on that is there any more sheep around here i don't hear any oh oh there's a build here what is this place what i don't know it's like a helipad and like a little hut thing i don't even know what this is is there anything in anybody inside no it's pretty clear oh that door's loud okay that's not very quiet it's just it's pretty small is there any oh okay i am gonna take all of this this is very helpful stuff this is pretty much exactly what i need a karambit knife as well on some steel i'll take that it's this a uh that's a siren and this is like a vehicle crafting table what if we got over here bullets and a gun a glock 32 nice okay i'll put that on my inventory oh look at this nice real nice all right let's grab the bullets for it and uh we can't forget the ammo clips what else do we have in here hazmat chest plate has my boots uranium all right we probably don't want to pick that up but we'll take the hazmat suit i guess let's grab all of this oh no i picked up the uranium get rid of it get rid of that that'll poison me if i hold on to it i think ah all right it's uh is this crowbar for this crate i wouldn't mind busting this thing open let's boom there we go what anything round stimpak those are really good they're like bandages i uh yeah i need to keep those on me oh wait what what's going on oh my god there's a helicopter i gotta go i gotta hide quick quick quick quick quick run oh oh it's right there okay right let's just make sure we don't get seen here i am probably gonna die here if he sees me where's he gone i can hear it but i can't see it we just need to be on standby here right there's the helicopter it's just parked right on the helipad but i don't see the pilot anywhere no i'm i need to go i think he's gonna realize that his stuff's gone and he's going to come for me i need to get out of here asap i'm i'm just going to run oh he's coming he's coming he's coming did he see me i think i think i just got away oh my right i need to go back the other way my house is the other way i went the wrong way there's some sheep here which i wouldn't mind snagging up i'm just super scared that this guy's gonna come back i'm on edge all the time now there is look i knew it and no he is definitely looking for me there is no way he's not he's like circling the area i need to really be on guard that was a close call once again i had no idea who was in that helicopter but it's pretty obvious that the loot i stole was theirs and they were trying to find me after i stole it so i'm going to have to keep an extra close eye on my surroundings to make sure i don't get attacked from now on but nonetheless i was still able to find a bunch more sheep and slowly make my way home through the rainy conditions to craft up the armor that i needed all right my house is there yes okay right i'm so surprised i even got back alive i thought i was dead there let's lock this door oh that was more eventful than i was expecting i was missing a few pieces of titanium so i did have to visit the mines again but eventually i had all i needed and was ready to start crafting boom okay so if we put the cloth in this place right here and then the titanium there we go some specinized boots then we need to do the chest plate which is this and how do i do the helmet again uh okay yeah i got that green cloth there and then we get the titanium in boom helmet oh this looks good this is much better than the iron all right let's see what we can go and see now that the storm's gone so it's much clearer we might actually be able to find some stuff here so with my new armor i left my bunker and headed out into the open world i wanted to follow the path of that plane that flew over my house to see if i could find out anything about where it was going or what it was doing some trees taken down here oh oh there's more than some trees taken down that place is destroyed what is this place it look is it like a farm it looks like a farm let's go check this out all right i don't see anybody or anything this is real oh oh there's a guy there no no he's shooting at me nope please stop stop stop stop stop i'm on the floor i'm i'm just gonna lie on the floor you might take that as peace sign maybe please explain yourself who are you what are you doing here dude i'm innocent i'm innocent i promise i didn't do anything i didn't do anything drop any weapons you have are you with the outlaws yeah there take it take it i didn't do anything that's all i have i'm on my own i promise just please don't kill me just take it i don't mind mate i promise i didn't do anything i'm literally all on my own i'm not with anybody as i lay on the floor at gunpoint i had to plead for my life and explained my innocence he made me drop my gun and accuse me of being involved in the destruction of this place i was so confused as to what happened here but that was when this guy started to explain the story he said there was a group of outlaws that had a camp nearby and they had been scouting out this farmer's base for a few days plotting an ambush to steal their resources so after a few days of preparing they attacked the farmers and did insane damage to their base these outlaws dropped air strikes killed their sheep for armor and completely erased their houses from the ground there was no mercy shown here and as the outlaws left this place in ruin coincidentally that's when i showed up a few days later wearing their exact same armor hence why i ended up in this position being held with my life on the line these farmers weren't happy but that's when things took a sudden turn this soldier trusted me and believed my innocence and was quick to offer me an invite to his team to help in the battle to take down the outlaws instantly i accepted and i was returned to my weapons so he started leading the way and i followed my new leader i had no idea where i was going but i just decided to follow him and see where i'd end up i have no clue where i'm going i am probably gonna die here all right here we are this is our campsite welcome to your new team oh this place is nice this place was great so i quickly found myself a bed and made myself at home well i guess this is my uh my new team now how has this happened but there was one big thing that we didn't know whilst i was being led to the campsite we were being followed and now these outlaws knew exactly where we were living so they used the element of surprise and launched an attack there is gunshots going off and i don't know what is happening but everyone's going crazy these guys were not messing around they came at us with full strength in numbers so we had to gather some weapons quickly and defend this place as best as we could just everybody stay on guard this is um this is okay this is not what i expected to be getting involved in so quickly watch the door they're trying to i think they're trying to get in the door just people watch that i'm making sure i uh i can i'm trying to get rid of the ones on top of the trees there's so many of them they're everywhere right oh oh oh the tanks coming in watch out [Music] the tank was in and it was doing some huge damage just try and take down that tank i'm gonna keep my eye on the wall oh god this is getting close this isn't good there's a few of these guys around the back just they've literally completely taken over this place everybody trying to help me at the back here oh anybody not everybody but anyone [Music] i don't know how many men we've lost this is they're everywhere there's oh god no no no no no no where are they i'm just getting shot at from places i don't even know i can't even see them [Music] [Music] oh the tank's coming for me all right can i break this can i destroy it i don't even know i don't even know if i can get rid of this thing i need to try and heal up a little bit he's trying to kill me whoever's inside of that thing all right i'm gonna shoot shoot oh come on reload reload reload quick let me shoot out this back window let me out i'm gonna crawl out oh my this is ridiculous why how have i got myself into this no matter the dip it's kind of a death trap inside though that tank is destroying is the um is the back open is the back open all right there's a few more is there anybody in there anybody else come on quick get get out get out yeah sorry go right is everyone out can i go oh there's so many of them still in there just run just run just go we had no option but to escape our camp had been completely taken over and now we had to fall back to another facility that the team owned so now with the remaining members of the team we had a journey on our hands to get back to our newest home as i arrived i checked this place out and familiarized myself with the new living space this place was super high tech but we had no time to waste because as i was checking this place out the outlaws were spotted lurking in the forest just outside of the facility by our team so now we had to stay on guard to make sure that these guys wouldn't have the upper hand against us again but one thing we were now missing was all of the loot from our old camp which means now we know when they come back they will be very strong so we had to stay on guard checking up on the walls and making sure the perimeter was safe and we had to do this for many nights then one morning after a few days of peace we heard some noise coming from the forest and they were back oh as well a bunch of them oh yeah oh my these guys there ever so many of them if anybody's got a clear shot just just take it i'm going for it oh i hit our own wall no so many of them out there just keep spraying just keep go through as much ammo as you need oh i'm getting absolutely pummeled i'm pretty sure they're in i think they've made their way in dan are you dead [Music] oh they're running after us oh there's another tank there's another tank i shot it with the s'more just try to take down that tank or else it's game over [Music] they've pretty much taken over down there if anybody's down you might want to come up it's pretty safe up here i won't lie it's just they just keep coming more and more from the forest and it's so hard to see with this gun when i shoot i don't even know if i'm hitting them i think i am yeah yeah uh i've lost you where's the tank gone though i don't even know where the tank is anymore i'm so lost oh that they're all on it all right i'm just gonna all right anybody back here there's another person over here two people where are they all right barry you're good yeah you're good right let's get inside of this place oh oh my man down man down no matter how many of them we took down we were outnumbered and they kept showing up in waves of more soldiers so it was time to resort to our escape plan right is that how many people have we got here barry you good where's anybody else here there's literally like three of us three there's four of them behind us there's a cave down there if we can get to the cave there's a helicopter inside of it and we can go i'm going for it let's go right i've got rid of him right i'm in the cave i'm in a cave go go go go go go go the chopper is here right i don't know if they know i'm in here i gotta i gotta open the door if i click this there we go no they were still on the door they're in it they're in here with me oh shoot what i'm gonna have to try and take this 2v1 oh i'm out of ammo i can't reload no i'm going to use pistol no the chop is gone oh no i don't need help i need help where are you where are you i don't know if you guys know where that is i'm coming i see you i see you wait i'm going to small the door i'm helping from above at all i'm trying to help from above i can't really do too much if they come through i'll spray them down but they've just completely i can't get out because they're blocking the exit i'm just gonna spray the chopper's already gone anyway i've got nothing to lose oh if you can get one in trap him in then i'll be able to do a lot of damage from up here i honestly can't i'm gonna have to mine out they're trying to come in yeah i'm getting out and getting out and getting out and getting out all right i'll hold him at the door hold up the door all right i'm gonna try and dig out i've got my pickaxe no i'm not i'm still miles away how am i still watching i don't know i just fell down is that are you with our team yeah you're with us right okay but they're still in the door i'm gonna have to dig up there's no other option i'm just gonna oh man down again we've got another man down it's an air strike coming in everybody watch out we've got one guy down there right i'm up i'm out who's here oh my this place is destroyed once again we had been overpowered and with this place being in what looked like ruins we gathered as many of our teammates as we could find and made our way to our last resort the bunker we had lost not only so much loot resources and our main facilities but also so many of our members and as the explosions continued above ground we decided to hide deep inside of our bunker and started preparing for a revenge attack this time we needed to calculate the attack perfectly we had no room for error so we got to work gathering useful scraps from the mines and then forging them into new weapons so as the remainder of our team worked hard down below for a few more days making helpful weapons and armor i joined our team leader on a recon mission to see what was left of our facility and to see which was the best way to take it back so we armed up headed out and made our way towards the land all right i'm pretty sure is just over this mountain so let's make sure we do not get seen this place is destroyed there's a body right there i don't see anybody though oh yeah there's somebody right there he's just gone inside what are they there's a few of them i see quite a few of them in there as expected this place was destroyed but it seemed like these guys were actually fixing this place up and starting to turn it into their own facility so after watching for a few more minutes me and barry decided to slip away and head back to the bunker there's quite a lot of them down there yeah there's loads of them just watch out make sure you don't get seen i think we should go yeah agreed let's let's just sneak away quick don't just get spotted the longer we waited to attack these guys the stronger they would be so i called the team meeting and told them the plan all right here's the plan i have a plane waiting for me outside i'm going up in the sky and you guys are all staying on the ground barry will lead you to the hill and then once you see me dropping the bombs from above open fire on everybody you see good luck boys let's do this [Music] all right boys i'm on my way here we go get ready for it [Music] i'm going down the the the plane's nearly done i'm going down [Music] i had no option but to dump this plane in the ocean but now when i returned it was time for the real war to start all right this is it the team have been holding them off i'm pretty sure i'm only just getting back i've got a few airstrikes that we can use this is going to be a um this is gonna be a tough one is everyone good the tanks are there and everything oh god right i'm calling an air strike let's get this thing done just keep applying the pressure i don't even see them there's so many explosions going on oh there's one down there there's one down there keep keep the pressure on there's so many of them another asteroid watch out watch out all right clear nice all right is this place clear i don't see any more of them anywhere does anybody see any this that's one of our men all right how many did we lose are they done i don't see anybody it's clear this i can't there's no no one here this this building's clear just keep an eye out this place was in ruins no buildings stood remaining but most importantly neither did any of the outlaws so now it was time to start rebuilding what was ours and as the few remaining outlaws escaped into the forest we worked hard day and night making sure that this facility was back up and running as soon as possible but we needed to finish these guys off for good so after doing a few days of work i set off with another member of the team to go scouting we wanted to see if we could locate the outlaws main campsite so that we could launch a real revenge attack so we had to start traveling once again day and night until after a while we came across some light shining from the forest so we went to check it out what is this place you're good yeah right i'm gonna hop in i don't know i have no idea what this is to be honest there's a map over here what is that is that the farmers that looks like the farmer's base i'm not gonna lie is there anything else here this place was clearly the location that they operated the farmer's attack from but with no sign of life and all resources taken out of this place we decided to spend the night here and then move on to continue our search which once again went on for a while until one day finally this happened oh what's that there's a build watch out i see some stone i don't know if it's a uh is it a build i'm not sure oh yeah no this is definitely a a village of some sort there's massive towers but i don't see anyone but i don't know if my view is just not good enough it looks clear but i don't know who lives here so as the sun started to set and the moon made an appearance we sat waiting for some movement around here right is it oh his name's his name's his name's his name's his people it's them it is them they've got the helmets on it's definitely the outlaws for sure just watch out make sure we don't get spotted here because they don't know we know is it is it them so with this useful information me and dan headed home it was time to prepare the team for our final attack the outlaws main campsite had been found now it was only a matter of time before they were down all right boys we found it is everyone here yep all right me and dan found it if you get in the helicopters just follow me we will be there so that's exactly what we did we jumped in the choppers and started heading over towards this place before we knew it we were here and these guys were not happy about it and opened fire immediately so we had no option but to fire back all right i am getting shot i'm just trying to steer away just keep shooting shoot that way shoot that way who's going down who's going down watch out there's an airstrike coming this next right coming watch out oh that's ridiculously close two men and a helicopter were down already but we had no time to waste and had to keep the pressure on so i sent in an air strike right i've sent an air strike in watch out it's coming in oh that was perfect hit i got the tower directly all right nice that that should be burning down now hopefully you got a little bit more as well is there anybody right i need to find a safe way over that place is really burning up now nice this airstrike was perfect their tower was on fire and their walls were starting to crumble so i took some high ground and started opening fire right i'm on the mountain right next to it this place is really going down let's can we get get rid of that guy up there oh that was a good shot this place was already destroyed but this battle was nowhere near finished just keep applying the pressure boys i think there's one of them here yeah there he is spray him down spray him down get him going i can't see the sun's in the way he's gone no there he is keep spraying him keep fraying him i think he's gone just keep applying the pressure the more we can get the easier this is gonna be is there any oh they're still up there they're just camping up the tower oh oh no okay they're doing a lot of damage they've got some pretty accurate guns and they're still up there oh that was a direct hit whoever sent in the airstrike good job nice all right there's a few of them down bottom as well is that us in the chopper i don't think so is it i'm not sure if it isn't take it down get rid of it i got one i got one right that chopper definitely isn't us so just use shoot it down oh straight coming in watch out it's come on surely this thing is nearly done i've shot it so much is it smoking no it looks like he's going down though he's upside down take him out ah right then back up the tower just keep keep applying some pressure up there oh my god somebody shoot down that chopper he's gonna take us down i'm going in with the stinger screw it come on i'm locking on should get it shoot there we go oh he fled ah right okay he got lucky with that one just keep keep oh oh you're not on my team what are you doing here get away from me he's dead no no he's there he's right there might have to fall back here he's taking an absolute beating come on how is he not dead right that chopper's back i need to ch i really need to take that chopper down this place is in just ruins oh man look at it it's just is that one of us okay and yeah that is all right this place is we've done a decent job but this is tough what one of us behind one of them behind sure push up push over towards him they on the back they're back come on right i've sent them quite far launched them a little bit just keep applying the pressure keep moving let's say gum oh there they are you got them come on are they down no come on there we go nice good kill nice another one of their members was down but as we looked out onto the land surrounding their base this place was destroyed just as planned so we decided to leave with our remaining members before we lost anyone else we had no idea how many of them remained but the most important thing was that their base was gone and now after a long battle we could head home and rest all right just if you can drop me the chopper do you have it yep nice thank you all right let's um let's go i don't see any of them following us so i think we should just be in the clear just keep moving don't look back just go forward all right we'll be back for you boys later good luck if we can just land this this chopper is nearly broken it's on six durability i just need to land this safely and we should be all right come on slow and steady is the one there we go so after we got back from the battle this place still had quite a bit of work that needed to be done before we could properly start producing some weapons and vehicles again so we spent a bit of time fixing this place up and returning it to its old ways then finally we could start making some of the things that we had lost in the attacks and most importantly made sure that this place didn't look like a war zone anymore but once that was done that was it 100 days in a minecraft war we had taken down the outlaws main campsite and hopefully got rid of all of the bad in this world but as they say who knows what lies in the deep so on day 101 me and the team got straight back to work this facility was missing one huge thing a runway we rebuilt this facility to allow us to continue to make weapons tanks and of course planes so we needed a runway to make sure that we could actually put those things to use we decided to put the runway right next to our walls but of course we had a lot of trees to chop down and we had to flatten out the land we had quite a lot of work on our hands but nonetheless after spending a few days working through some pretty rough conditions we had the outlines of this place done now all we needed to do was add some gravel to mark out exactly where the runway is and then we could use this thing but that was when i realized i had a total of six pieces of gravel so i had to head out and try and find some more but when i did things took a sudden turn for the worse why is the weather always raining on this server there's something i don't know what this is is this someone's base i have no idea what is going on here looks like a pretty protected ladder i don't see anyone what is it oh that's a missile launch pad i guess we can go in i just don't want to run into somebody is there anybody in here doesn't look like it looks pretty clear what's down there no no people that's all right what's in this chest oh okay some guns all right i'll take all of this i am just scared that i'm gonna run into somebody okay coast is clear that is definitely a missile launch pad what's in this chest oh another launch pad okay a gas mask some a large thruster a a cluster missile and some more thrusters okay that's pretty good i don't know who i've just stolen this from but i probably want to get out of here before i get caught please don't be anybody up here the coast looks pretty clear i only came out for gravel and this is what i've ended up getting aha gravel here we go this is what i've been after finally all right let's grab as much of this as possible i brought enough shovels to get a load so i'm just gonna keep digging away oh oh it was hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what what's going on hey drop the weapon who are you what are you doing oh this isn't gonna end well it's me i'm just getting gravel i'm not doing anything what if i've done you got any inventory where have you been i've got nothing man i've got some shovels a gravel and a gun what's going on all right then give us that gun to yours and stay on the floor man i'll give you whatever you want i don't want to have to deal with this what do you want i want to go i'll give you whatever you need it's like a single step you're going to get shot don't move okay all right what do you want then we want whatever you've got so why don't you give us a reason not to kill you all right all right all right don't kill me don't kill me i've got an idea i can give you some information how about that i might i give some information about my team then you can let me go you get something out of me then i get to live all right well what information can you offer us a bunker we've got a bunker remember when you guys took over our facility and we came back fully prepared out of nowhere i can show you where we were i'll show you the bunker that we're at i can give you that all right well you have to show us it if you want us to believe you that's fine i can see you there right now all right we'll start moving let's head down another after being held up and knowing my life was on the line i had no option but to give these guys whatever i could to stay alive so as promised i led them to the bunker alright we're almost there just keep following me all right this is it this is where we were well are you guys still using this bunker have you abandoned it after the last fight honestly we've not been back here since we took back the facility but this is a way to show you that i'm not trying to backstab you right now or anything there shouldn't be anybody in here so yeah this is it this is where we stayed while you took over our base when i was down here i agreed to continue to meet these guys every five days they wanted more information from me and in exchange they would let me live so i signed away my life and headed home now technically i was a spy working for the opposition but what the outlaws didn't know was that as soon as i arrived home i called team meeting with my leaders and told them about the whole thing i explained that the outlaws held me up and demanded information from me and that i had convinced them that i'd somehow work undercover for them giving them information about our team but of course that was completely false and all the information that i would be giving to the outlaws would be wrong so after the approval of the team leaders we set out a search party using our brand new planes and runway to try and locate the outlaws new living space and to put them to a stop once again but after i spent a few days searching around with the team we found nothing and it was time for me to head back home because i needed to go back towards the bunker since it was time for my second meeting with the outros okay the coast seems clear i just every time i show up for these meetings i'm gonna feel like i'm gonna get jumped unless i don't know why i'm risking this every time but let's go oh okay yeah they're already here during our second meeting the outlaws started asking questions about our search parties asking what they were looking for and why they were in the sky i explained that they were still suspicious of the outlaws being around so they were scanning the area to see if they could find anything somehow the outlaws believed this lie and came up with an idea they wanted to tell me the rough location of their base so that i could direct my team in a completely different direction so that the outlaws could stay hidden of course i agreed and told them that this was a great idea this was my best chance of being able to narrow down where they actually live so i accepted their offer and started following them towards their base as the sun started to set into the distance we entered the dark oak forest and as we arrived on top of the trees the outlaw leader told me that their base was located somewhere inside of this forest and now it was my duty to distract my team from searching this location on their scout missions so as i left knowing that i would be doing the complete opposite to what they think i made my way back home to inform the team of the news so was the search parties carried on looking i continued my meetings with the outlaws every five days and made sure that my team leader was kept involved the whole way through these outlaws had no idea that i was still working against them but one morning i headed towards the bunker to meet the outlaws for what i didn't know then would be the last time i'm a bit late but the coast is clear so let's just hop on in i'll close that behind me hopefully they're not oh they're not even here are they actually not here what's going on they've not even showed up oh take this all right the spot by mastery so okay so it is them what's this we won't meet today but to gain your trust we must do a test location 740 640 in five days from today meet at this location and bring your team if you lead them to the trap successfully we will trust you the outlaws well obviously i'm not gonna set my team up so is this the point where my cover gets blown i'm not gonna take my team to a trap i assume it's a trap i'm gonna have to speak to the team about this one so as the moon took over the sky it was time for me to head back home and alert the whole team because this attack that the outlaws had planned on our team was about to heavily turn against them alright boys it's fight time the outlaws are back just follow me and when we arrive at the location you'll see a fire pit we all need to get into a position where we can see the pit and in a few days the outlaws will be showing up to what they think is an ambush on us but we're flipping this right on their heads good luck and stay safe okay it should just be here there it is all right take positions this one um oh god this is gonna be chaotic so the team took their positions and waited for the outlaws to show up because eventually it was going to happen there's literally no sign of movement yet but we've not been here for long i am just ready for literally anything to happen we waited all day but there was still absolutely zero sign of movement so was the sun slipped away and the moon decided to show up we had no option but to just wait but then in the morning finally we saw some movement right there here they're here they're here they're here get ready to shoot in three two one go where's the laser oh there's a lot of them there is a lot of them watch out i'm donating thing right it's exploded i'm here take as many of them down as you can oh my god that was a big explosion there's so many of them down there oh wait okay watch out these guys are these guys got pretty good guns oh airstrikes coming in are they else or is it oh is that them i don't even know they brought a lot more than i was expecting i did not realize they still had this many members [Music] oh they're right here they're right here oh come on man this shotgun oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry if i'm shooting my teammates and just watch out they're pushing forward but yeah they're literally all coming forward right now they're pushing around as well they're trying to flank just watch it [Music] i'm just going to try and get on top of these trees here a little bit they are they're all yeah they're all moving around where i am if you guys are still on top of that mountain hey just um yeah just try and take as many of them out as you can oh my god oh this is getting tough they're really pushing forward [Music] just watch out all my they're sending me flying there's so many of them they're in the trees i'm just gonna push this guy i think he was on his own if i can just get up close with the shotgun i should be able to take him out there he is come on come on here we go he wants him twice oh no he's got a good teammate no oh okay no i'm falling back i'm pulling up okay i'm out numbered here boys i'm outnumbered over here they're everywhere it's so hard to shoot them through the trees all right i'm just gonna can i get in this cave come on there we go nice i need to get over to that mountain that's where all the team is i'm literally completely split up from everyone i need to try and make my way over on oh one of them in the tree there reload the shotgun right come on just get on top of the mountain get on top of the mountain i feel like we're holding this mountain pretty well guys that they're like they seem to be falling back a little bit just keep spraying i think we've already taken out quite a few of them i think they're falling back to be honest a lot of them are um they're pushing back let's push forward let's push forward push forward oh yeah there's a body here there's literally one dead right here all right well yeah we've definitely taken a few of them down then just keep pushing forward let's try and push them away oh they're running they're falling back for sure they're definitely trying to make a run for it i think they know they're being beat yeah they're running back into the uh the forest oh they're in the caves yeah that one guy's on his own yeah he's getting drilled he's down he's down he's down nice nice there's one up here there's one up here on his own there's another one let's just keep pushing they all went this way and i'm not sure whereabouts they are anymore but they all definitely went this way [Music] i'm shooting can anybody get over here can anyone even hear me oh and reloading come on oh there's one other team right there i'll get him get him i think he's down nice good stuff right go for the chopper oh my god right he's dead over here that chopper got away quick any good loot we'll take his uh syringes get a bit of armor some ammo oh man oh they left the helicopter we might as well get get that and steal that all right yeah we're coming back over to the uh the main spot just everybody meet where we were a minute ago this location had been destroyed but in our eyes so had the outlaws and our plan to put them on the back foot had worked so we headed home with our heads held high just keep following me it's so dark i honestly can't see anything but i'm pretty sure the base was back this way so i'm just going to keep going this way just follow me if you can yep here we go nice all right good work boys my cover as a spy working for the outlaws had been well and truly blown after that ambush so a few days later me and a few members of the team headed out on a scout mission since the outlaws are probably low on gear and members after that ambush if we could find their base and launch an attack now we'd be able to take them out for good so we took a quiet trip into the area that they told me that they were living there so that we could try and track them down okay it was this forest here so if you see anything literally anything say speak up right i'm gonna do one here let's uh pop that there we go let that load in i don't see anything on the map right now if i can just get like four of this area right let's uh a little bit more out and then pop a note a little bit further boom there we go right let that one load in as well okay yeah this is this isn't too bad yeah there is light down there oh there it is we've got this map grab this map i wonder if that that's got to be it right surely that has to be why is it no that's definitely a base light just doesn't radiate from the trees all right i've got the maps anyway i think let's just go let's leave we can come back with the whole team and take this thing out properly but there's only five of us right now so let's just head home with what we've got so with us having the maps we needed and having what we could only assume was the location of the outlaws bunker we headed home with this information and got the team ready because now it was time to take these guys out once and for all i explained the plan we would attach a camera to one member of the team who would make their way into the light source as we watched from outside if the coast was clear we'd move in so after a little bit more preparation the team was ready to head out all right it was just down here everybody on top of the trees just they stay crouched stay shifted right if i attach the camera now it should work on this screen yes i can see what you can see so just walk towards the door [Music] it just looks empty what's going on in there oh there's a ah right there's a bunker for sure be careful what is it oh move invoice moving what was that it was a trap it was a complete trap this is nothing right just watch out make sure we're not being pushed from outside make sure that if they're coming at us from outside to make sure the coast seems clear does anybody see anyone no it seemed like the one thing we didn't take into account the fact that the outlaws may have known i was double crossing them was in fact the truth and this place that they showed me was just a trap so now we had been completely set back to square one and we had nothing on the outlaws anymore so in the meantime as our search parties continued to try and find their true base we started expanding our land and constructed some watchtowers to allow us to keep an eye on the surroundings because as predicted the outlaws were not finished yet right here oh [Music] all right oh there's one coming in this one coming in watch out watch out coming right at the tower he's praying watch out watch out he's smoking he's smoking he should be down any second oh there's another one coming here watch out whoa okay these guys aren't messing around seriously watch out there's a huge beach away in the sky over there i don't see anybody i got one if anybody can make their way to the top of the tower is there there's loads of room up here i see there's a japanese plane above the base one coming in right i got it i got it nice right it's coming down somebody trying to take care of the pilot take care of the pilot there's another one coming in there's so many of them oh my right watch out in the tower watch out another one oh oh my oh okay all right these guys have come prepared this time they are playing games where are they coming from though where are they making all these planes okay all right i'm gonna need to take some cover in a second on surely i've gotta take one of these down in a minute another one's coming in on the runway oh one coming in barry watch out oh it's literally right there i'll get down get down sorry oh uh then oh watch out watch out watch out the oh okay the big guy's coming back if you're on the ground watch out the bombs coming in oh there's one there's what i'm locking on i'm walking on it's getting yes i hit it i hit it right he's down he's down yeah he crashed he blew up i just keep focusing if anybody's got a stinger take out the planes if they can that's another one down good stuff they're going to end up bailing from the planes and hitting us on the floor so get ready for ground attack oh he's coming in watch out oh okay right they're straight up kamikaze and into the towers now [Music] kill them nice you got them yeah yeah there's another one coming in oh no no no no okay [Music] oh the tower is completely done that's coming down that's coming down watch out watch out oh right they crashed onto the roof they crashed onto the roof if anybody's on foot on the east side please come help did they drop out i don't see i'm just gonna spray come on is anyone in there screw it i'm shooting anyway oh i've got three on me i think it's playing just spray them down if you see them take them out oh my i'm getting drilled they're driving us out of our own place this place is ruined barry where are you step out the back this place was being hammered by the planes above and me and barry had no choice but to slip away this place was destroyed and we had lost so many of our members now it was every man for themselves [Music] right i'm just going barry if you're following me just keep just keep coming are you are you following yeah right okay just run just let's just get out of here oh my god so as we slipped away into the forest our facility continued to crumble behind us and now with no team no base or no protection we had one option left my original bunker from the start of this world so was the rain kicked back in we started heading there was this way we just got to keep i can it's so hard to see things in this rain just go through these trees this is it what's this i don't even know what this is why is this place there's somebody in there we gotta go i don't wanna i don't know what this is but i don't wanna find out right now if that's the outlaws facility that we've been trying to look for for ages there's no way it was around here somewhere are you still following yeah okay all right the coordinates what are the coordinates is it it's uh oh there it is yeah this is it right just get in slot the door oh man so as the rain continued to hammer down outside me and barry stayed bunkered up the condition of our base and team was completely unknown and until we decide to leave it's going to stay that way but with us now knowing the possible location of the outlaws true base who knows what it's in for the future so because we were bunkered up hiding from the outlaws this made gathering resources much harder than usual since we wanted to make sure that we could stay hidden this meant that instead of going to the surface we had to dive into the caves of this world and mine up as many resources as we could to help get back on our feet so after we spent quite a while mining gathering the oars and cooking it all up we were able to craft ourselves a few weapons that we could use for defense if needed so now that we had some weapons and could properly defend ourselves we headed out we wanted to head back to our facility that was taken down by the outlaws during the previous attack but on the way there we came across a new addition to the world there's a new building there try not to get seen i have no that definitely was not here last time we came here i think it's huge i wonder what i don't have a clue what's gonna be going on in there they've put it right next to that place i can't see anyone but i don't know if we're just out of render distance this place was brand new and it had been built right next to the outlaws campsite that we had found during our escape from the facility but before we got caught snooping around here we continued to head towards the old base to see if we could find any loot left behind whatever we could get would help us not only to protect ourselves better but also help us start rebuilding our team so we headed over to see what we could get right just make sure there's nobody here all these dead bodies oh yeah yep this place is well and truly destroyed wow this body's everywhere just see what loot you can grab there's gonna be loot the bodies if there's any chests grab stuff out the chests this place is so much worse than i was expecting [Music] oh marine helmet take take the helmet i got grenade as well take the helmets we can um we can use those as like cover like disguise if we need to this is a barrett and stuff what else is going on here is it oh there's another body there oh there's two more oh two more there load up load up take the helmets take the stems as well it's more than i can actually carry that's true stims come on taking these there's more than i can carry here this is all clear over here there's just a bunch of crates but they're all empty there's nothing else oh there's a helicopter or something watch out watch out watch out watch out get down it's flying right over us is it landing here i have no idea if it's landing just get down make sure you don't get seen right it's gone i can't see it i think we should start going soon we don't want to get caught here we've only just come out last thing i want to do now is get into a fight really all right i'm happy i've got three helmets i got a load of ammo i'm pretty comfortable to leave you got enough stuff yeah oh yeah might as well just get out of here no point in sticking around when we've got what we can if we there's always more stuff that we can come back for which is most important we left this place with some very helpful items most importantly the outlaws uniform so as we slipped away into the night the moon lifted into the sky and when morning came around we were still traveling home but then something quite unexpected happened oh oh oh well there's a house right there is there a wait put the marine hammer on put the ring in here one don't think we're outlaws oh yeah yeah there's a guy literally right there right there right there right in front of us hide i'm i'm down okay he's run away he's run away did he see us no no no he didn't i said we back off for now yeah wait where are you i'm going to drop back down towards the water yeah right let's keep these helmets on for now let's try and just get home all right since we both had inventories filled with loot we decided to stay away from this village for now if we could come back here empty-handed and do a sneak attack on these people we could leave with another couple of inventories filled with loot to help us with our comeback and thanks to our new helmets that we just scavenged from the bodies at the old base we could do the attack under the outlaws identity so after checking the outlaws land on the way home to see if we could get any more clues as to what was going on inside we saw nothing new so continued walking home and eventually made it back and dropped off all of our loot the outlaws were really starting to expand their land a lot and if we didn't find out what was going on soon it may be too late to fix it after a few days passed it was time to make a trip back towards that village we found our plan was to attack this village in outlaw uniform stolen from the dead bodies this way none of what we did would be traced back to us and would all be blamed on the outlaws so one night we snuck out into the forest passed the outlaws base and then just as the day started to break we arrived at the village now we had to be stealthy oh i see someone i see someone yeah i don't know who that is oh i think someone's coming into the farm nope they're just going out i want to try and make my way down to that house okay they're chopping the trees i don't see anyone the coast looks clear should we just make a run for it do you want to try and get in this house to the right here yeah yeah i mean to the right of that yeah right right right i'm going in and going in and going in i'm in the door oh god play i think that guy may have seen one i think you may have just killed upstairs get ready if he comes in just kill him did you shut the door yeah we should be all right then if we hear the door okay i saw someone but i don't know if he saw me back oh it's raining oh it's getting misty now oh okay right yeah you just look watch the door i'm gonna loot there's so much stuff oh yeah actually wait can you come and grab some grab some stuff there's so much coal and stuff and my inventory is already full it's iron yeah i'm grabbing them oh there's copper in there as well copper nice yeah i've grabbed it i just need to find a way to get out of here that window is gonna bait us out i'm gonna make a run i'm coming out oh there's someone that someone's throwing eggs he's on the bridge what am i saying just come down yes all right okay we could go to this one to the left yeah i think we should try and make a run for it i'm just going to go to the other house the one to the left yeah get into cover that that's one guy the name tag oh there's no door on this side let's go upstairs okay these ones are empty okay now we've got a problem we've got no windows to check now if the coast is clear religion's just trapped here yeah oh he's he's moved he's moved he's moved oh oh yeah like go get out he's running back he's running he's running back no no no no no you see no wow oh my god we were trapped in here and if we left now we would be spotted without a doubt but just as all hope was about to be lost one final plan came to mind if i shoot that glass it'll break and we'll be able to crawl out oh that's true that's true that right got it got it got it got it got it oh he's right there he's right there should we just go for it i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm resting for a chunky box i'm out i'm out right i'm sorry let's hide here let's get back get back in the forest a bit okay there's another house right here i wonder if this wait is there a window at the back that we can smash oh yeah there's quite a few oh there's a guy in that farm right there wait i'm i'm getting down where in that farm that should to our left i'm gonna shoot the window from here okay got it right i see him he's in the farm he's the afk do you think no he's only just got there he can't be where are you okay you're hiding me on that one he is looking directly over here i don't know if he's fishing though he's in the water oh is he coming over he is fishing maybe he wasn't looking at me then maybe he's just fishing there's two of them another one's coming over i could snipe him right now he's down in one shot without a shadow of a doubt right i have my scopes on him there's two of them there's two of them right you get you get your scopes on the one on the right he's farming on the right you see him oh man oh there's there's three there's three that's three oh okay this is gonna be tough then can we shoot we're shooting i don't know how many scopes on them i do i do go right i'm down they're running they're running yeah i'm i might as well try that place i'm gonna go in i'm going through this window oh he's right there he's right there shoot him nice nice nice right i'm through the window what's in here right yeah i got some carrots yep there's this one over there which one where are you oh got one all right there's another one he's got guns he's got guns they're hiding if they get a piece of our skins it's done it's turning day time they're gonna start seeing more loud let's go let's go once again with two inventories filled with stolen loot we escaped into the forest and headed home this village had no idea who had attacked them and now we could arrive home with more loot to use to help us take down the outlaws which was seeming more and more likely day by day so after putting a few more of our supplies to work we headed back out we wanted to keep some surveillance on the outlaws and to do that we needed to set up a hidden scouting spot just short of their land that we would be able to use to check up on them but as we were heading over towards our spot that we chose previously we stumbled across a new location that seemed much better is this one right here this is like very small i think it could work yeah yeah this could definitely work dig something into the sun oh it's so much closer as well i feel like yeah yeah right wait what's the other side looking like i don't really wanna it's like a stone bit oh mate that is perfect that is perfect if you just have a quick look at the edge it's like a stone it's like perfect right let's just dig a little thing here i just don't want to dig out the other side by accident this place was perfect less than 100 blocks from the exact place that we needed to keep our eyes on at most times so me and barry got to work digging this place out we found a very useful thing in this mod pack a block that lets us see through one side but looks like a completely normal block from the other side this would allow us to have a 100 view of the outlaws whilst they had no idea that they were even being watched so we set up the blocks and tested our tactic it was perfect from the outside this looked like a completely normal mountain which allowed our window from the inside to be kept perfectly hidden so after waiting for a few days to not cause too much suspicion over the activity nearby we started moving in some important things to aid our surveillance this included uav stations these things let us send uavs out that we can control to get a much closer look as to what is actually going on over there so that is exactly what we did all right so if i just put the uav inside of here it should let me click into there we go yes all right let's go and see exactly what we can find over here this thing is pretty loud but it's very small so hopefully it doesn't draw too much suspicion oh just stay away from this place a little bit what's inside i saw someone stood there i can't see anything in the windows i'm trying to get up close just so i can just try and see anything wait is that dan wait i swear to god i can see dan inside of there i think it's a prison let me see if i can get a little bit closer what there is a zoom key but i don't know how it works that is definitely dan there it is okay that is him 100 oh they got me they blew it up all right it was 100 down i'm not even lying no doubt about it so it's a prison then this information was huge it turns out that this was a prison all along a prison that one of our old members was stuck inside of but as the realization hit that if we wanted our member back we'd have to break him out that was also when a new completely improvised plan started the uav that had been shot down by the outlaws had exploded and caused a fire to break out and as the fire was starting to spread two of their members left the prison to put out the fire that was when we came up with a new plan we wanted to carry on setting the forest on fire to lure two of their members back out of their prison that way we could kill them and walk straight into the prison in their uniform and break our members out before the outlaws realized that we weren't their teammates so we grabbed a flint and steel and headed into the forest all right i don't see anyone so the coast looks pretty clear i just have to set some trees on fire and hope that some of these guys come out which ones should i even do i don't see anyone all right let's do the what if we can get a closer ones let's do these ones then hopefully they'll see if i do it too far into the forest then right that should be enough yeah i want to make sure that they see it so they come out i just don't want to bait out the little hill base now we just have to wait oh it's spreading a lot come on where are they at oh it's big oh yeah this is that's spreading so much as the fire burned into the night there was no sign of outlaws coming to put this out so eventually we just had to pack our bags and head home we realized that if we wanted to break our members out of the prison we'd have to do a real breakout so as we arrived back home we spent a few days preparing and then early one morning we left it was time to get our team back all right are you ready sweet let's do this it's time to get our team back [Music] [Applause] [Music] there it is just remember straight in straight out just can do our best as long as we don't die we can't lose here [Music] oh they're shooting all right get up yeah i'm out oh it's oh oh watch out oh there goes our escape plan they got anti-aircraft right okay oh i'm already getting shot you're in there they're all inside drop in drop and drop and drop in i'm in i'm in as well there's a hatch there watch out the door there's no people though i don't see anyone i'm getting down i want to see if there's anyone through that door first oh oh literally right there do you want to open our spasm go don't suppose each other nice oh another one another one damn all right oh wait get him out get him out blow him oh watch out watch out for watch out blow it down [Music] they're coming up they're coming up oh no no no no no no no no no boys follow me follow me oh my god go just go so loud yeah run oh oh my god i'm getting lit up watch out the boys are gonna probably shoot us as well by accident oh wait is it done open go go go go go just go just go just go just go jump get out run let's pick up finn come this way hold on i'm getting lit up still i'm trying now run run to the right a little bit just so they don't like just follow this way all right boys we're almost home just keep following just this way finally the members that were captured back at the facility were back out of the prison and with three more members added back to the team our comeback was looking promising so we headed into the bunker and gathered up we had to start deciding what was best for our team and how we would come back to take down the outlaws for good since their team and land is growing more and more each day we explained what happened at the village to the team and we came up with the idea that we would now go to the villages in our uniform and offered them help against the outlaws since they still had no idea that it was us that did the attack on them a few days previously we let a few days pass before we went to speak to the villagers we had no clue if the outlaws were still out looking for us so we stayed on the safe side and as i was hiding i wrote a book for them it said hello we are the army we came across your base a few weeks ago and didn't want to approach you in case you were hostile we saw that your base was small and you could possibly need some protection if that's something you're interested in please meet us in five days at this location come alone and we can talk about protection so with the book i left the bunker and headed over towards our helicopter and then i attached a container to the heli that had the book inside this way i could lift a container and fly over the villagers base to drop the crate as the sun slipped away i flew off into the night there it is we're coming in hot i need to lower myself down a little bit and then when we get a little bit closer i can drop there we go all right let's get out of here quickly before they start shooting me down oh i don't like flying that low now if i just land this perfectly back home successful mission there we go now we've just gotta wait for five days and see if uh see if they come and meet us so that's exactly what i did i know they got that message now all we had to do was wait around until the day we agreed to meet when i arrived i was all alone nobody else had arrived yet but after a few minutes the leader of the villagers showed up as promised i spoke to him about protection and offered it to his team for the right price he did not hesitate to tell me about the attack that had happened not too long ago and said that protection is definitely something that he needs we discussed pricing and after talking for pretty much the whole day he agreed to pay the price that we asked for so with the deal done we left this place and headed back towards their base but before we left i set fire to this tent making sure that no traces of this meeting were left behind for the outlaws defined [Music] then as i arrived at their village i had to play it cool and act like i had never been here before even though i had attacked this place with barry not too long ago their leader took me on a tour and showed me all of their houses this alliance was the start of something good one that we hoped would eventually lead to the downfall of the outlaws a few days later when i was farming some wheat at our new village one of our members from the old base rushed over to deliver a message he explained that the enemies were expanding their land and our old base was close to being exposed so i rushed off into the forest and started heading over to our old base leaving our new home for now after following his lead for a while we arrived back at this place and had seen some serious change our enemies were starting to chop down all of the trees surrounding their base and that meant that our bunker was at risk of being found there's so many yeah they've got rid of a lot of the trees there can you see anyone though that's the prison i don't see anyone walking around here there's gotta be someone if this has only been done recently there must be someone walking around oh this one right there yeah i see someone he's just chopping the wood he's in full marine armor so he is on their team try not to get caught make sure we don't get see oh he's gone where's he gone i can't see him oh is he doing that wood pile i think so right the bunker is only there so we just need to either make sure he doesn't see that or he doesn't see us but at the moment it looks like he's just chopping down the wood and making the piles if you can drop down here we should just be able to sneak around him is he okay yeah he's too big he is busy you should be able to just sneak by he's just making more piles this guy was just chopping away at trees and even though he was peaceful for now he was still a part of the enemy side so as the sun slipped away we snuck around him back to our bunker because in the morning we were going to take care of that lumberjack to allow us to get all of our loot out of this place rise and shine it is time let's go get this guy i've got my sniper you coming nip okay yeah i've got my sniper i got a shotgun we just need to be swift and get this guy killed yeah i don't know where he's gonna be now it's been what like five ten minutes he could have moved so just keep your eyes peeled oh is that him yeah i see him i see him yeah i assume all right just make sure there's nobody else here if he's not on his own then it's going to cause a lot more problems it looks like the same person though right let's get him yeah we'll do we had our target in our sights now we just have to make sure that we can take him out without anybody spotting us i just stay try and obviously just don't get caught but i have a feeling he might not be alone i don't see why he'd be out here alone so let's just be very careful okay watch out for land mines as well i can hear him there he is there he is shoot shoot go go go go go did we get him nope spray him down spring down right he's down right just double check there's no one here take cover i don't see anyone i think the coast is clear right just keep your eyes out i'm just gonna look at the body real quick we got here full set of marine just some wooden axes yeah that's expected not bad though i'll take it our enemies had no idea one of their workers had just been killed now we had a limited time to get all of our loot out right let's just double check there's nobody else here because if there is somebody here that's seen this we've got even less time just make sure make sure this entire forest is clear this area looks alright for now is that extending the wall it looks like oh yeah definitely they're bringing that wall this way so they're definitely planning on expanding their land to where all that was being chopped down oh god we were in a race against time it would only be so long until they realized that one of their members had never returned so as i arrived back at the bunker we started emptying our chests and exporting all of the loot out to the new base we had a lot of stuff here so this wasn't going to be easy but with the help of the helicopters and some crates we were able to get out of here with most of our valuable items before we were caught so we booted up the engines and took off we would have to come back soon but for now this was a successful getaway with most of our loot the problem we now had was that the bunker was still there and there was still quite a lot of loot inside so before they found this place and took the loot for themselves we needed to get there first and close it off which meant we needed to go back to this bunker one final time so we got back into the helicopter and headed over but we were not ready for what was about to happen when we landed i just heard a chest i just heard a chest watch out there's someone in there they're literally inside the thing our enemies had clearly found the dead body of their teammate and tracked down our bunker whilst we were away so as they looted up inside we sat and waited for them to leave yeah get a landmine down right there okay right just move back a little bit as soon as that goes off we just need to get ready for them to walk out how have they found it so quickly we only killed that guy like 15 minutes ago right just also make sure there's nobody else here as well check the uh check the trees around i don't see anyone but we might not be alone out here as the sun set and we expected to be waiting into the night the door opened our time had come it's open they're coming out they're coming out watch out if they come in they come right go go go go go shoot him down where's he on i don't see him he's there spray him is he dead i think he's dead one more just run inside there he is he's there okay i missed i missed a mistake just keep pushing oh he hit me he's got a shotgun watch out spray him down go for it we got this there we go nice good stuff oh right double check there's nobody else in here this room's clean was there really only two of them i'm just gonna go down here and check that's clear clear and right yeah let's all clear down here we had our bunker back and most importantly of all all of our loot was back inside of our hands too so after clearing this place out completely i grabbed the stone and blocked this bunker up for the last 400 days this bunker had been my safety net but now it was time to move on so we hopped into the helicopter and headed right back to our brand new village this village was great but if the outlaws ever found out that we were living here it would be burnt to the ground so to make sure that our team would never be spotted here we started working on a new underground bunker to store all of our loot inside of and to hide our team from the outside world we wanted this to be made from the strongest blocks possible so i had to spend quite some time mining and gathering resources and after a while i had all the stuff we needed so passed it onto the team now it was time for me to go on a solo mission and check in on exactly what our enemies were doing in the morning i locked up my house left the village and started heading over towards their land all right i'm just gonna go out very badly should be just over this hill here all right yeah there it is okay all right now we gotta be careful because if they are out in this forest chopping down the wood still then oh oh that wall oh they're building the wall right now i was just about to say this that wall's extended quite a lot but there's literally a guy building it right there there he is okay all right i need to make sure i do not get seen by him i wonder i'm so confused what they could be building in there is there any are they actually starting any buildings yet i am really close to this guy right now i need to be seriously careful he's right there he's got no idea i'm here if he's alone we should be all right we took out three of them the other day so they can't have too many members left but he is just building away doing his thing [Music] i could kill him i could kill him but i don't they're gonna know they're gonna know that we're still around here if i do take him out so i need to be kind of careful about this i'm just gonna go back over towards the bunker to see if they've uh see if they found it damn this hill used to have so many trees on it man it looks so much worse when all the trees are gone it's quite a shame the guy i'm pretty sure he's still building let's see if we can drop down here right the body's there but the bunker is still closed so that is a success at least i wonder if they literally they've chopped all of this down i assume they're gonna get the wall done first before they build any buildings but all they've got is buildings right now all they've got is a wall right now they've got no buildings before i was caught snooping around and watching what was being built i headed home my plan was to come back in a few days to see what had been built and if the wall was complete and that's exactly what i did after spending a few nights with the team building our bunker i headed back to check up on their progress it should have they done much more okay yeah there's a lot more of the wall down there are they doing it all the way around now there's still nothing built here it's just wood piles everywhere oh wait no there's a huge new building right here someone building it what even is that a missile pad it looks like it is a guy stood right there but he's i think he's just afk by the looks of it this guy's building that's the second floor of that building clearly that those like the uh those are the missile colors though yeah here we go this is a better view let's just crawl through here that is definitely a missile launch pad no question these guys had made some serious development and the main thing they had clearly put some time and effort into was a missile launch pad as everyone knows a missile in the hands of the wrong people can be devastating so as they continue to build i tried to slip away but then this happened there's a landmine down there i need to try and get away from here can i hear a helicopter yeah okay yep my hands are glitched there's definitely a helicopter flying is it oh there it is it's right above me i need to be careful should i try actually i'm going to follow it i'm going to see where it's going i wonder if they've got another base that's definitely going somewhere so they must have another base somewhere i'm just gonna keep following this way it looked like it was going straight so we might as well see what we can find after following the helicopters path for a few minutes i found nothing and as the rain kicked in i decided to head back home and stop for the day i needed to break the news about them having missiles to the team when i arrived back home i called a meeting with barry and told him the news about our enemies having missiles we agreed to immediately assign a group of people on our team to start our own missile production if we wanted to stop them from using their missiles we had to make some for ourselves as the saying goes you have to fight fire with fire so as the team got to work on that i headed back out into the wilderness to try and find some resources to put towards making our missiles oh that is a huge tower that's got some satellites on it what the hell wait who's built that that's like not even inconspicuous at all that's so obvious clearly they're not trying to hide i don't see anybody here i'll hear anyone looks pretty quiet anything inside oh there's a crate in there let's take the door down the door's boarded up so maybe this is abandoned yeah there's nothing inside this isn't too bad the tower is massive though i wonder what we can see from up here what's this actually made of steel this whole thing is steel oh it is that's so expensive that's really valuable as well i'm grabbing all of this oh hold up who just shot it quickly became clear that i was not exploring an abandoned tower and most definitely i was not alone here did someone see me i don't see anyone or oh well i don't hear anyone either apart from that gun shot this place looks pretty clear though is there anybody in there i just got i'm gonna have to check this place out properly i don't see anybody in the windows this place looks completely empty who the hell just shot a gun it sounded like a shotgun [Music] the door is here anyway let's just sneak up to this thing is there anyone in here no it's empty oh no it's not there's someone right there let's get him is he dead i think i got him yeah okay right what he's wearing what's this hazmat helmet he's got a hazmat suit on okay right i'm grabbing all of this stuff what else we got in here steel loads of steel okay these guys clearly have a lot of it nobody else here i'm smelling i'm really scared more steel i may as well grab it iron as well i feel like somebody else is gonna pop out here oh my god there's so much steel here this place was filled with valuable items but the huge tower that stood next to the factory was something that we could not miss out on and it was a job that definitely needed more than two hands so i decided to go home grab barry and then headed back towards the tower we cleared this place entirely and took all of the steel home but as we were making our way back we stumbled across something new what there's something right here barry i don't even know what this is oh it's a it's a launch pad it's another one i wonder if this is what's in here what's air strike designators nice those are going to be helpful dust more steel some more loads of loads of um loads of missile stuff in here as well which is perfect i'm grabbing all of this what a find we got super lucky finding this place by accident all of the loot inside could be used in our eventual attack on the outlaws so when we arrived home i dropped off all of our loot and continued working we had no idea how far into their missile development the outlaws really were but if we could hit them with a surprise attack and neutralize their production we could take them out for the last time after letting the team work away for countless days i was told the production had been going great and that we finally had our own nuclear missiles ready to be launched all right let's open the hatch slide on down i love that door it's so good hopefully barry oh okay open the door there we go oh this place is looking great wow all right are these oh my the missiles are huge oh yes but whilst i was down here i was told about one final problem the team found out that to launch a missile at a location you must pick the exact block that you want the missile to hit meaning that i would somehow have to break inside of their base again and select the spot so it was time to risk my life again here we go this could be the final or one of many more times i'm gonna risk my life but it's time to go sorry chicken you're gonna die all right just watch out we need to if we can get in and out without anybody seeing me that is perfect that tower is definitely new i have never seen that before there's nobody up here which is perfect we just need to get over this wall somehow i think i should be able to just jump it i don't i don't think we need to actually blow it up there we go right and we're in all right just watch out get ready to small that wall okay right i'm going solo here we go is there anything here houses okay they've built houses in here now there's so much more here now i don't see anybody hopefully everybody's either come off for the day or in bed oh this one right there right he's just gone in the main building did he or has he walked past no i think i think i'm in the clear just gonna double check no i think i'm all right coast looks clear let's just get over here quickly quick quick quick select the spot come on do it there that'll do right go i'm out i'm running and running and running nobody saw me definitely right i'm gone all right get ready blow the door three two one go perfect right get me out of here just run don't even wait for me just keep running all right we just gotta get the team ready now this is it we've got everything we need after spending the last 400 days at war against the outlaws we had all of the pieces in place and finally we felt like we had the upper hand so with our plan ready we set off we had one goal get in and steal their nuke and if that wasn't possible we only had one final choice just stay down make sure we do not get caught until we're ready to do this when everybody's in position i'll do a countdown from three and then we'll shoot we'll open fire from that point the tower looks clear let's just get ready getting in positions i don't see anybody yet [Music] oh they're shooting the shooting they've seen us they're right there on the wall right take positions get ready this is it i'm getting shot yeah watch out they're up the tower i'm gonna try and take some shots i've hit him a few times if anybody got a view on the guy at the tower keep shooting oh he fell out i think that guy up there is a sniper and he's doing a lot of damage so just watch out i might just go nice are you guys still all right yeah yeah yeah i think i got a smaller book yeah probably i've hit him a few times again oh i'm not that low he looked oh okay no he shot me he's got a really good aim up there so just watch out just need to find a way to get inside of that building you keep trying to distract still holding down the wall was that the mine what's that they must have got most of their team online here oh he's back on the walls all right let's take him down they keep just popping out my render distance oh okay right watch out they are they are doing some big damage on these hits trying to hit them off barry do you have any more small shots i've got one okay where do you go no it's all right if you've only got one we can wait just try and get that guy down with the sniper he's doing so much damage we could have two of us go on the outside because they just they only see us here yeah that's what i was trying to go for wait as soon as i see you we'll push in the main entrance right okay yeah all right everyone get the logs and get ready to fish in i flanked around the left i'm gonna see if i can i don't think they saw me drop back and flank left so i'm gonna see if i can get some shots off here i'm pretty close to the nuke i can see the top of it just popping out there's nobody in the windows right there there i may be able to just pick one or two of them off from the side there we go i hit him right if i get down they shouldn't know i'm here yeah they didn't see me they didn't see me just perfect all right come on here we go did i hit him i think so oh there's so many of them i'm just picking them off oh oh no they're spiderman they've spotted me then i'm here oh they're on the roof they're on the roof of the nuke building if we can make some movement forward possibly i might try and flank around the side again right nobody nobody i think they're all focused on you guys i should just be able to drop in here nobody's here right i'm in all right come on what's in here nothing it's clear clear right i'm through one building let's just keep moving here i'm scared there's going to be so many of them on the other side of this wall we've got to do what we got to do here we go right still looking clear for now all right we're in the walls we're coming over to the prison right now yep no one here just sneak on through get all these ladders perfect all right we can hold off here for now and they don't actually know i'm here yet i don't think so i should be all right oh no they do they definitely know i'm here they're at the bottom of the stairs if you guys can try and get over here quickly that'd be great yeah i'm running over now push the walls get in we're here jump over here there's two of them at the bottom of the stairs we're literally we can see you we'll literally run actually oh i see you right okay yeah nice they're in there they're going to come out that door any second now is there anybody at the news uh no i don't know where all right hold them in there i'm going for the nuke i'm going for it i got it right perfect now where are they all oh we just sprayed that guy down yeah everyone's still all right yeah kind of there's about 10 of them but yeah all right i need you to try and keep them all in the base i'm calling in the missile now just get ready to run on my call everyone just get ready all right go go go go run get out of here quick it's coming in quick go go [Music] the mission was a success most of our members were able to escape just before the blast took us out and now for the final time it was clear that our enemies that we had been battling for the past 400 days were down and their base was left in nothing but ruins so as we gathered back up and arrived home we could finally put our guns down the war had been won [Music] now with the thoughts that our enemies had finally been taken down we started living our normal lives again expanding our land and building up our own community during that time the radiation around the explosion site had reduced this meant that when we were ready we could head over to the bomb site with hazmat suits on and check out the damage so that's exactly what we did me and my team member geared up and left our compound to head over alright let's go have you got your hazmat yeah yep right okay nice close the door let's get ourselves over there let's see what we can find there it is that is looking misty okay let's get a little bit closer and then throw on our hazmats all right i think now is probably a good time this should keep us protected if all goes to plan but no promises we'll find out now okay it says i'm contaminated but i'm not dying which means this hazmat suit is doing its job which is perfect right what just a few holes here and there okay i do see a little bit of destruction we just got to get a little bit closer to view the real damage here it completely wiped this entire area out though look the trees are gone for miles yeah this is crazy oh there's a dead body there okay one guy down oh another one there as well okay that is a huge crater man wow that is crazy the amount of damage those things do are wild look at the size of that thing oh my god the destruction here was massive but one good thing to come from the explosion was the resources all of the ores in the area had surfaced meaning that we could grab a load of valuables from this place well as we were mining my teammate spotted a player come out of the crater wait what where right the bomb oh oh i see him yeah you're right move back a little bit let's go who is that just go up this tower here see if we can get some high ground maybe we have to just watch what they're doing i don't who is that we had no idea who this was but they were not with us so we took some high ground and tried to look out to see what they were doing i don't see them anymore do you oh there they are yeah i see them what are they doing oh they're just mining is that wonderful did one of our teammates follow us no we were the only ones that came who is that he's just grabbing the resources from this place as well i wonder if he's just on a different team and he's just like getting the same stuff the longer we waited the darker it got so as the moon broke out we spent the entire night watching this guy from the darkness just gather up resources i do not have a view on him anymore so just make sure you keep him in your sights right yeah we'll be i can see him now where is he yeah he's still money just down there oh okay yeah i see him he's turning day which is the main thing where's he going he's going down watch out he might be coming this way just make sure you don't get seen okay he's got what do you mean where's he gone he's gone into a door what what the hell is that what is that was that there earlier i don't know i didn't see it it's just a door there right we need to get out of here did he see us he escaped through a door we had no idea where this door went to or who put it there so before more people showed up we got out of here and headed back home inside of our compound we were safe and it gave us a load of time to produce a plan to get inside of that door after a while i headed back out in the evening alone without telling the team i came up with a plan to try and get inside of that door if this works this is going to be legendary but there is also a very high chance here that i die and throw away all of my progress i change my player skin my goal was to impersonate an enemy player to try and sneak inside of the door so as the sun started to set i headed over i needed it to seem like i was coming home after a day of mining at the crater the sun is going down the time is now this is if this works i can't i'm so excited there's nobody here okay that body's been broken since last time we were here but for the most part it does look clear here so let's make our way down see if we can get inside of this place right this is the closest i've been there's a camera here if i'm being watched this could go horribly wrong oh oh the door's opening was that easy what oh my goodness that is a very long tunnel okay i need to get inside of here before i start acting suspicious the door is closing and we're in and i'm locked in which is the worst part let's take the hazmat suit off and let's get this armor on i'm in their uniform so i should still look normal but obviously the cameras are on me so i just need to be careful here what does this say campsite and mines all right i want to know what campsite is so i'm gonna keep going down here i was in and even though i was being watched they thought i was one of them this place is legit like they put a lot of effort into these tunnels so much stuff down here and it's really long as well i've already been traveling for quite a little bit and it's starting to go up and left i'm just when am i going to arrive somewhere or these tunnels just a dead end i have no idea right i'm just going to start grabbing up some of this wars anyway there's a load of ores on the walls here so i am if i manage to make my way home this is going to be great help i can put this towards ammo guns armor all sorts of stuff so i'm just going to take as much of this as possible oh campsite and a number two door what's they say mine's the main base okay we've seen that sign already campsite what is this is this i need to be really careful here what is oh wait i've been here before this is the old am this is the old outlaws campsite yeah okay campsite makes sense now why have they got a tunnel to this place though that makes no sense this place hasn't been used for so long why oh i i have no clue okay right let's just go back down let's see what else we can find i'm just going to keep following these signs mines and main base main base is probably where i want to go but these tunnels just don't seem to end how long am i going to be walking down these for i've been going for so long more signs would just say bomb site okay that's where i've come from wreck site and mines wreck site what's that let's go have a look okay here's the door to the wreck site hopefully nobody's gonna be here i hate these stairs okay a door that's fine open that and oh it's this base these tunnels led me to the previously destroyed outlaws bases which clearly weren't in use anymore so after checking them out i carried on searching the tunnels to try and find where that player had gone to right let's just shut this door make it seem like nothing's happened here i'm pretty sure back this way was a turn off right because that was a dead end there so i'm just gonna go down here and see what i can find there's so many ores on the walls here just minecarts dash around cameras i hope i'm not being watched that would be really bad what's this to-do list okay start clearing wreck site get resources from bombsite hazmat needed okay that's where i came from gather the oars from the mines and finish the wall around the land where is the land main base this way right i'm just gonna keep following the signs double check this oh my whoa okay iron gold more iron a load of cobblestone i'm gonna take oh this is great oh is this the main base then i assume so oh oh oh this guy this guy i'm just gonna start mining play it cool play it cool play cool there was a player in these tunnels with me so i had to play it safe i uh right he's not like reacted to me being here yet i'm just gonna keep mining i look like a normal player maybe a part of his team all right where's he gone that's a dead end so this is the end of the tunnel main base here and another staircase okay right what is main base where are we here we go and the exit is here all right wow what is this i have never seen this before how have we never found this we've done so much searching it's like a barn here or no no maybe like a barracks or something there's a lot of beds in there what's up this path here is it i've seen that tower before i've definitely seen that tower before secure access okay the door is open so it isn't that secure but we're gonna go check this out we need to see what's going on inside of here the cameras i really hope there's no one stop watching these cameras there's a lot of storage um that's a load of gold oh okay he's here he's just cooking up the okay i'm just gonna join him hey dude i'm on your team i'm also here after a day of mining putting some iron in these furnaces as long as i don't get killed by this guy we should be all right i think it's probably best if i leave i've got a load of information already this guy doesn't even know that i'm not on his team this place is crazy though let's just get out of here cameras if you're looking at me yeah goodbye where can i get out what's the best way to get out of here okay there's a dock and a boat get me on this ah how i the team aren't even gonna believe that this has just happened the plan worked i had not only got inside of the tunnels but i had also located a whole base and got away without anybody realizing it was me so as the sunlight broke i headed home with this information and gathered the team for an emergency meeting it was time to do an attack i explained everything to the team and told them to start preparing because in a few days it would be time to go after a few days of preparation it was time our team had grouped up and grabbed the enemy's uniform that we had gained from previous fights now all we needed to do was get our hazmat suits on enter the radiation zone and sneak into the tunnels so we set off all right everybody out make sure you've got ammo and all that stuff because there's no turning back now this is it all right there it is make sure everybody got your hazmat suits on if you don't put it on now okay hold back hold back hold back i'm just gonna double check the coast is clear it looks all right yep looks clear you guys can move forward all right i'm gonna go down if i can get the door open again then then you all drop down stay there for now i've done this once before i can do it again yes yes okay right come on quick before they close it again oh i don't like this place but this has to be done [Music] swap up your armor guys take off the hazmats yeah everybody suit up okay right just follow me this is a long walk ahead but it's gonna be worth it we were in now we just had to sneak down the tunnels and make our way into the main base and just hope that they weren't expecting us wait what you found a door oh this wasn't here last time what is it okay it's clear this was not here last time just take everything you guys can get i have no clue when this was built it must they must still be adding to the tunnel all right let's just keep moving down anyway start grabbing a few oars if you can uh if you got a pickaxe just grab a few could take all these home i brought quite a lot back last time so this is all gonna be helpful the journey through the tunnels continued and as we grabbed up more ores we kept finding more things there's another room here another one yeah okay they've seriously been adding to this this tunnel this definitely was not here i made sure i checked this tunnel thoroughly i think we should just keep moving yeah let's just keep moving man i don't know this they're clearly they're clearly still adding to these tunnels okay the main base is to the left here oh oh okay watch out watch out hide hide there's people there what are they doing i think they're mining when we finally arrived it seemed they had started one of their tasks and they were quickly coming down this tunnel to gather all of the resources inside so as they were mining we stood waiting for the perfect time to strike right as soon as you see one of them walk past here open fire they're here they're here get ready any second now go go go go go go go go go go just watch out because these guns do a lot of damage oh there's one down already nice nice good work good stuff let's see if you can take any of them out we've got the upper hand here the surprise attack it might not be ready for a fight i just take cover they're pushing all the way down the tunnel right we might want to move forward to apply a bit of pressure they're still there though i can still see one of them just to the right well there's two of them i see two just keep shooting boom right okay i don't know if i'm hitting them or not we've already lost one guy yeah we've killed two of them though he's literally stood right in the middle of the tunnel just shooting oh oh okay i'm jumping back i'm jumping back healing up just watch out because they are doing a lot of damage here if anybody can try and get to that body of ours that's on the floor yeah barry it's right next to you there see if you can grab any loot from that that's gonna be helpful two of us there is it yeah there's that's two there's two of us no that's one of their bodies and one of ours all right i'm gonna see if i can grab any of the loot he's literally right there i need to be careful here all right i've got some armor guns i need oh can you shoot me shoot me i'm gonna have to move back we have to move back any second now let's see if i can put off a few shots i'm just missing i'm just missing i think we should fall back i think we're not in this isn't gonna work two of our members died almost instantly and even though we had killed our fair share of enemies we were still heavily outnumbered in enemy land so we had to retreat we had a long way to run but we were determined to get out of here alive when we arrived at the exit we suited up and escaped all right here we go everybody throw your hazmat suits back on quickly let's do this right here we go come on come on come on come on come on come on right go go go go go get out i'll close the door behind right go let's just get out of this place with a few less men than we entered with we left the radiation zone and headed home with a few kills added to the list due to our disguises the enemies didn't know which team hit them so we got away from this with only a few scratches but they would be looking for us soon so we had to make sure that we stayed hidden which with a base this size was going to be hard after a while passed all seemed peaceful again we had it notable from the outlaws and it seemed that our attack had worked perfectly at keeping us unknown so i decided to go back undercover by changing my skin and going to their base i wanted to see what was happening at their compound okay it is just behind these trees so i need to get ready and there it is okay right in and out that's all i need to do like last time get in don't get seen and get out okay right it's night time so hopefully like last time there was a less a few less people oh there's a guy right there okay one guy is all right i can deal with one guy let's just go up here this place doesn't look much different it doesn't look like they're doing much oh it's a different guy oh there's a few people in here actually oh okay there's a lot of people in here what are these maps these maps are huge he's just doing some cooking what's he just put some maps in there enemy facility main base these are of oral bases but even this is pretty close to our new base that's obviously the the explosion site what's like our base is just at the top of there are they not looking no right is there some maps in these okay yeah perfect right let's take a few of these we need to get those maps done so that they don't see near our area if i can get them done then they're not gonna know that we're living there because i'm gonna have done the maps not them now i just need to get out of here again without being seen which seems to be just getting easier and easier every time those cameras are doing nothing for them their map was set out just on the border of our land so if i could get these maps done myself and make sure that i was the one exploring this area on their team their team would just assume that there was nothing found in these parts of the world allowing our team and the farmers that lived with us to stay hidden for longer this meant i had to go out with those maps and start loading in those areas all right it is breaking daytime which means it is time to get these maps and go back out here right that one we can't put this one in the item frame because our base is literally in that frame you can see the wall of it so i need to walk a little bit over here just get into the next area slash like map zone and then click on another map and it should not have our base in it so if we just walk this one doesn't have our base in it and then we walk right next to it here boom and there we go that one doesn't have our base in it either so we just need to run in a straight line and get all of the maps needed and then they'll just see the maps and see like oh someone's been there checked it and they never found a base because no one mentioned anything that's what the plan is this was going to take a lot longer than expected but regardless i continued running through the forest and collecting these maps because if i didn't our base would pay the price right i think i have all of the maps that i need i might be wrong but i can come back you see to get back in here let's just scoop around this wall there we go it's turning night time again so this is like perfect just gonna seem casual again just need to get back in here get these in the item frames and it should be all right is there anybody in here okay there is there's a few people again all right let's just try and get these in i can't reach come on there we go right that one's in i'm actually gonna lower this down by one because then i don't even need to put in anywhere near our base if i just lower this whole thing by one quickly without them seeing i'll be able to hide even more so there we go and get these last couple in and it's done let's get out of here the maps were in place and now i could escape this compound once again and run into the night what i had done may have saved the base from being found but as this 100 days comes to an end only time will tell after a few days passed we heard nothing the base seemed clear and we went back to living well farming and advancing as a team that was until the admins of the server decided to host an event that would ruin our chances of staying hidden the event was a mining mission that introduced some of the ores that were taken out of the world by the admins not too long ago to limit their usage these ores included gold copper and sulfur they made three different quarries all around the world for people to try and find and gather the resources from so with these ores being very valuable and limited i set off in one of our helicopters to start scanning the world and looking for the quarries as expected the enemy team also headed out of their base to hunt these down but luckily as we searched we didn't run into each other as i was out flying my helicopter i spotted one of the quarries down below straight away i flew home to pick up one of my teammates to help me clear this place out as we approached we were careful the coast seemed clear and this place was filled with all of the ores that we were promised by the admins we mined up as much copper and gold as we could but as we were occupied in the mines the enemies also continued to search the world and well that's when they found our base since we weren't home we had no idea our base had been found so we continued to mine up the remainder of the loot here and then headed home to our newly exposed base with the riches we knew that these ores were valuable and before we found a use for them we'd have to store them at somewhere very safe now after last episode we built a brand new fallout bunker filled with beds and hazmat suits for emergencies but behind one of those suits was the perfect spot to hide our new resources we made a fully secure entrance into our reserve that was now filled with the rich's mind from the quarry [Music] we made sure that these rooms were guarded at all times and constantly checked on the other teams in this world would kill for this copper so as soon as they find out it's here we would have to protect it now that the enemies knew where we lived they were going to want to know what we were doing beyond these walls and as expected one of their members decided to take one for their team to venture in and try and find out [Music] at the time we had no idea this guy was snooping around our base sneaking through the trees and by passing our security [Music] but that night he made his way all the way into the base and was snooping around taking cover in the wheat fields without us knowing a thing [Music] after checking back on the cameras we saw he checked out a few places including the bunker and a few houses before sneaking out of the camera's view and escaping through a hole in the wall as he ran into the night we had no idea our base had been invaded yet so after the team found out it was time for a meeting all right boys our cover has been blown we're expecting an attack someday now so get prepared and get on the walls be ready the team were told the news and placed on high alert on the walls we knew something was coming but all we could do was stand on guard late into the night and wait a few days later early in the morning the enemy attack happened our team had spotted a few of them lurking in the forest around our base so instantly we left what we were doing and got on the walls to defend people is that you guys down there no no there's people well okay all right we're coming out all right go go [Music] which side is it what did you say west i'm gonna send an rpg everybody watch out did it hit anyone i'm not sure i'm just reloading going in for round two just watch out i'm pretty sure they're all hiding behind those trees yeah yeah oh they're in they're in the wall yeah has anybody got uh flint and steel or something oh my god they're completely on the walls oh no i don't have a guy watch out all right get back they're all over there they're all over the wall seriously guys you need to watch out guys what's up there you go yeah watch out because we've not got much cover on these walls here watch out did you die yeah they're everywhere there's explosions going on all over the place all right push them back and push them back i've dropped them i'm just trying to chase this guy through the forest right now he's running yeah there's like five of them on us from both sides who's this i go back to the end oh this guy here go back in the chat okay oh oh no are you good dan oh one down oh yeah there's one here i killed another one oh my god i'm almost said i'm almost dead i've killed two one reload i'm holding this wall on my own right now i don't know if this is [Music] [Music] we killed four [Music] we were putting up a great fight and even though they had breached our walls it looked like we were going to take them down but what we didn't realize was that there was another team that was against us living not too far away waiting to join in this battle they worked together with the outlaws to attack us when they needed it most so once they got the call they opened the doors to their mountain and headed over with a whole new troop of soldiers but unfortunately for us that wasn't the only thing they came with what the hell yeah keep going this mystery team came with force hitting us with a missile and blasting through our walls and now their team were on the way to attack through their brand new entry point but before they got in they sent two more missiles oh my god yeah wait barry let's drop down here wait wait wait wait open the hole here and let's get ready to drop on the head when they walk through wait wait i think we should jump in ready yeah oh [Music] loads of missiles coming in just take cover the base was in ruin fire raged through our houses and craters stood where the houses used to but luckily we had only lost a few members of the team so we were not giving up now oh i'm done there's two of them they're in the wheat field oh i'm getting destroyed oh my god oh yeah yeah all right everyone pushing pushing i think i feel like they're lying down in the wait yeah they could be watch out unless they've fallen down are they trying to escape or something but they literally just vanished there's five of us here so we should be able to take him on him yeah him twice nice their team leader was dead meaning that now their entire team was in hardcore mode as more enemies kept arriving causing destruction to our base the nuclear siren went off another missile was on its way and we did not have much time to react we had to get to the bunker i don't know yeah i i don't know where it is there's a lot of gunfire where the fire is yeah there's still a lot of gunfire going on here all right just get in here they're all gonna die the team reacted quickly and was able to get inside of the bunker before it was too late what was happening above the surface was unknown but as we kept safe inside the bunker we heard explosions [Music] instantly we put on our hazmat suits and waited for it to calm down after some time had passed it seemed quiet outside so we used one of our only transportable cameras and attached it to one of our teammates to show us what was happening outside he left the bunker with a hazmat suit on and explained exactly what he could see fire uh houses on fire more fire um hopefully no enemies oh oh what's radiated here oh it is radiating yeah there's radiation here so someone's nuked us or something like that our base had been hit with a nuke causing our grass to become radioactive and our houses to decay as they burnt to the ground this damage was immense the base was destroyed beyond use so as barry confirmed the coast was clear he arrived back at the bunker to join us all as we ventured out the whole team saw the damage and looked at what used to be the houses that we lived in this explosion had made miles of land unusable and filled with radiation so until we had a plan we ran back towards the bunker and closed the doors once again but even though our base was destroyed we still had the most valuable resources on the server meaning that as soon as we decided that we wanted to leave we could come back stronger [Music] we let some time pass and as we waited the base continued to spread the decay and contamination by the time we left our base was almost gone all that was left was the charred remains of the trees houses and part of the wall instead of traveling a long way to escape the radiation we thought it would be best if we made a campsite inside of it so me and barry got to work clearing out some of the charred trees and leveling out some of the ground to start building on once we had an area to work with we went back into the bunker and gathered some resources to start building with our plan was to make some reinforced pods that we could make airtight and then decontaminate inside of when closed we built late into the nights once again and as we finished the shell of the pod we put down our decontaminators and tested it by taking our armor off it worked our first pod was made and now we could start moving some of our loot from down below up here to kickstart our civilization once again as far as we knew this radiation carried on for miles and as the cloudy air covered the distance we had no idea how many of the enemies were alive out there or how many other teams this affected but with the outlaws team leader dead this meant that they were all on their final life so if they wanted to risk it all and continue to attack us they knew it could cost their lives for good as time passed i built through the days and nights and made our team a perfectly secure pod that we could start planning our attacks from and since miles of land around here was also destroyed from the radiation i made a farm inside the pod so that we could feed our team and stay alive once the pod was complete me and my teammate decided to head out into the wasteland to see how many other teams in the world had been affected by this radiation and to see if any remained with limited visibility it was hard to see past even a few hundred blocks but as we explored my teammate told me that he had walked all the way over to the outlaws last known base and spotted them all still alive inside even though they had also been affected by the spread of their own missile they had adapted and started living with it just like us i started working my way through what used to be a forest and made it all the way to the base that he was at all right i think i'm here is this yeah you see me yeah i see i think i see you down there oh yeah i need to try and get away i don't see anyone all right i'm gonna make a run for it yeah you look clear for now there's people on guard so watch my back all right yeah i'm watching i don't see anyone you should be good to come since we knew these enemies were still alive and now they were all on their last life since their team leader died in their last attack we could start preparing our final attack on this team to wipe them off the server for good as we got away from this place we continued to search the lands for any useful resources even things as simple as trees and animals were valuable now but no matter how far we explored the trees were still all destroyed barry hello yeah i think i've lost barry this is not good this is the last place i want to lose him barry here hello [Music] where is he at oh oh there he did is find trees no no not yet god i thought i lost him then as we made our way back we continued to scan for food but as the day came to an end we headed all the way home and called off our search for today all right another day another time to try and find some trees hopefully i can actually make my way to the edge of the radiation today that's my goal anyway once again i set out the team couldn't make any more progress without necessities such as wood so if we wanted to take down our enemies for one final time i'd have to venture to the edge of this radiation zone and find some trees but as i traveled i came across something a bit unexpected oh there's something up there what's that this was the base that some of our enemies had been living in but at the time i had no idea i need to be careful here i don't is it is this a base there's a path so clearly something's man-made i don't know what this is though some some barricades right there okay there's a huge door as well oh there's a camera up there i need to make sure i don't get seen here probably not ideal yeah i'm just going to get out of here before then if somebody's looking at that camera and i get seen they're probably going to come out that base i will come back here with the team when we're a little bit more prepared for sure as i continued on my journey i finally found the edge of the radiation and spotted some trees the wood wasn't the main goal here i wanted some saplings so that i could plant these inside of our pod and we could start our own tree farm so we wouldn't have to keep traveling so far for wood so when i got the saplings i needed i headed home okay that was not too hard it was a bit of a journey but at least we made it all the way back now let's go in here need to plant down one of these saplings let's put it right there perfect now we just have to wait ah there we go this tree was all we needed to start preparing for our revenge attack on our enemies so as a few days passed we got to work [Music] after the team came together and worked hard to rebuild our defenses i called a meeting to tell them all about the mountainside base that i found a few days earlier i explained that i had no idea if anybody was alive inside or which team it belonged to yet so after we spent a day preparing to go back to battle for the first time since our base was destroyed we all gathered at the exit of our base in our hazmat zoos to go and get those answers since we had no idea what was behind this door we had to be careful and made sure that we were as sneaky as possible when we approached when we arrived i got the team in position and we made our move okay we just need to start crawling here just watch out there may be some people on guard i didn't see anybody last time i was here but there was cameras so we just need to make sure that we don't get seen before we get in the coast looks pretty clear right now yeah i can't see anyone all right don't open the door yet don't open the door yet everybody just take some positions behind whatever these walls are or these these trees i'm gonna open the door is it clay yeah oh right yeah watch out i mean i guess we don't need to crawl anymore is this pretty clear yeah yeah this part wait don't don't drop down don't do that yeah i'll go first [Music] be careful guys whoever's in the back watch the back [Music] watch out don't shoot each other [Music] this bunker was filled with the enemies that helped attack our base previously so now that they were trapped it was time for us to get our revenge oh someone's running he's running go go go follow him push him back hold this room hold this room don't go down the stairs yet is everyone in here uh i think he played it no lk lk gaming i've got a camera on you you go down for it oh we got one we go right okay let's move let's move [Music] whoever just rushed in and killed some of their people oh they're holding positions they've got like all sorts of machines and stuff in here wait what's around this corner here can i think oh no no no i can't i can't i can't i'm gonna throw a flashbang everybody i'm gonna throw a flashbang down there everyone needs to look away okay i can hear it there we go right it's gone all right it should have them this room looks clear all right push into the chemical room let's check behind the machines about the people hiding yeah [Music] well there's two people you lie down here they can't they can't really hurt us [Music] oh ryan died no we have a man down two of them clear them [Music] right from that team let's move down let's move down let's go right i'm going through here there's another room to the left oh oh yeah i think i got laid barry have you got that on the door i can see them from this angle i'm going to take a few shots you're all right what is this i don't even know where i am i've made my way into some sort of back room i'm just going to double check this place i'm going to clear it out looks all right for now i don't see anybody here just keep applying the pressure on these guys that through here how are you doing yeah oh oh one's coming at me one's coming at me i'm gonna run back we had already lost a few of our teammates but they only had a few more remaining so we had to keep the pressure on they seem to be getting supplies from the right hand side of them yeah i think they've got all that chest room in there they could have slim packs for days they're pushing forward i go one step one dead one's dead all right let's push the other guy looks dead be careful not to shoot each other nice he's down that's everyone right clear the room make sure everyone else is in here one more daddy here oh that's one of us right yeah after a relentless attack on this base we had cleared out every single person that was a part of this team and since their leader was dead they were gone for good now our team could head back to our dome knowing that one of the enemy teams that attacked us had been taken care of as the team arrived back we realized that a lot of our resources had been used for ammo and guns to take down this bunker but luckily since we were able to get our hands on two of the three mines that the admins placed around the map we still had a huge stockpile of copper that we could put towards more ammo as some of the teams stayed back and crafted some more members headed out and gathered some more common ores from the world as the enemies base sat waiting in the radiation guarded by their soldiers we continued our efforts to become a stronger team and once the time had come we gathered in the meeting room and got ready for what could be our final battle when we were ready the team left the base and started walking straight out into no man's land we had quite a long distance to travel but we made sure to stick together and enter this battle as a team [Music] as i arrived i looked down from a mountain range at their base and spotted their guards on duty but just as they thought i was alone the team arrived for backup and now this was it the battle for everything [Music] right i'm gonna crawl into these trenches [Music] the fight had begun they were shooting into the trenches and now we have to put it all on the line to push forward and take them out [Music] there's so many of them yeah there's a lot if you've got a center now where's there's a guy coming over we're moving down he's flanking on the east behind the radiation right okay oh yeah i see him on the ground right might stream for nothing we can push forward if you want i think right yeah yeah let's i'm going to move over to this little a little bit of land here yeah we can get them off that roof that big mountain there they're going to have to push that mountain in front diving here yeah i think the closer we get the better it'll be yeah where'd you guys go we are on the east side of their base moving up a little mountain we're hidden in the trees we were covering a lot of ground using the trees cover to get some free shots in what they were holding strong on their land yeah i'm taking some cover behind the trees oh there's a guy here i died yeah let's fall back to the trench see if we can draw them out we're gonna have to get a few of the two of them because we've lost two yeah yeah one of them yeah yeah i sniped him i started uh right chimney but like top bit yeah i'm just gonna try and flank around again right they dropped off the chimney they dropped off oh they've got ladders on the back so they can they see you they see you they see you yeah yeah he sees me oh oh they're pushing around they're they're trying to fly because they're trying to find cause i'm gonna fight one in the battlefield here yeah i'm coming to you on the right hand side in the planes i'm reloading one jumped off he's pushing me he's pushing the trench somehow damn i shrink up for you oh this is perfect done let me just set up here oh yeah i'll just take shots no okay ryan i can try and drop you some ammo they're dropping down right where are you done yeah just come here you can see all those i've dropped a few from amazing so just watch out for them to explode in a sec they'll be any minute there's one oh there's another yeah they're all right oh you opened it you opened it for us right okay nice dan i'm gonna drop a grenade right at this gate here all right yeah go for it i've got radiation poisoning as well oh i'm getting lit up he's that he's so dead dan come on let's push it he's just been destroyed quite a few of them right here i got one got one nice bobby 06. down oh grenade's just gone off watch out i'm putting a grenade at the back of the barn watch out watch out watch out that you're standing on the grenade there's a guy closing the door watch out for that grenade whoever's in the water there there it is it's open right three grenades up there [Music] get that guy get the guy he's running yeah yeah i'm chasing him he's gone right hold up hold on for now hold on dive in one of the trenches or something is there's after a long and tiresome battle this base had fallen our team had done an amazing job of taking down the enemies and this time it was the final time that we would be battling them so as a team we headed home in victory [Music] after an eight month long battle on this server that had seen countless bases fall missiles launched and players killed for the first time in a long time we could walk home knowing that all of our enemies were defeated the team that had destroyed this server and turned what used to be people's homes into nothing were gone now we could start living again making cool builds forming villages and advancing in this world as a team to explore what's out there this journey has been incredible and only possible due to the amazing players that play on this server and fight their hearts out every single battle but for now this minecraft war is over [Music] you
Channel: Sword4000
Views: 5,268,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Sword4000, 100 days, Hardcore Minecraft, Hardcore, 100 days hardcore, 100 days Hardcore challenge, 100 days minecraft war, Minecraft war 100 days, Minecraft War Mod, Sword4000 war, Minecraft War Movie, 100 days War, War is Minecraft, Minecraft War, 100 days in a Minecraft War, Helicopters in Minecraft, Hardcore War, 1000 Days, 1000 Days Minecraft, Minecraft Movie, Full Movie, War Movie, Sword4000 Movie, 1000 Days Minecraft Movie, 1000 Days Movie, 100 Days Movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 162min 15sec (9735 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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