Minecraft The Movie..

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[Music] for as long as i could remember it was just me alex and brian and a whole bunch of nothing but everything changed the day that block appeared hey do you guys want to play i spy again brian we've played ice by a million times it's just not fun anymore come on just one round all right fine yes okay i spy something blue it's steve's shirt you always pick steve's shirt dang it it's okay brian you just don't have a lot of choices to pick from what is that thing create world i've never seen anything like this should we pull the lever do you think it's safe i don't know who cares we're all bored out of our minds anyway let's find out all right i think i'm gonna press it everybody get ready whoa what the heck what's going on where are we are you guys okay i'm fine but what is all this stuff oh we've gotta play i spy here oh look over there there's someone else excuse me sir whoa uh you guys are some ugly looking villagers where are we oh this is just your standard plains village you said we're villagers what are those really you don't know it's people like us that can talk and do things though i've never seen villagers quite like you what are all of your jobs uh what's a job oh boy you guys have a lot to learn and so steve alex and brian spent the day in the village each picking a unique job to learn steve chose to become a farmer okay steve we collect this wheat and we turn it into bread go ahead give it a try okay so i think i get what you're doing so just something like this no no no you cannot jump on the soil look you made it unusable these are the only spots of soil left if we run out of these the village won't be able to make bread and we barely have enough food to go around i'm so sorry i had no idea it's fine here why don't you go to the workbench in my house and turn some of that wheat to bread i'll finish replanting when i got to the workbench in his house i realized he never told me how to make the bread i was gonna go back and ask him when all of a sudden it just came to me for some reason i knew exactly how to make the bread this gave me an idea i went to the forest and collected some wood and built my own workbench and then i try to think of a tool that would help fix the problem and just like before it came to me in an instant guess what i have a surprise for you oh you're back wait what is that thing watch this oh my god that is amazing we will have more than enough food for everyone now i felt really bad i ruined the soil so i hope this helps what do you call that thing i decided to call it a hoe you could help so many other villages with that and so after a busy first day the three went to the house they would be sleeping in how did you guys first days go it was awesome i was learning to be a weaponsmith check out this iron sword i made oh whoa that is really cool what about you brian i did cartography training i was making maps of the town and places nearby this world is amazing there's so much to explore oh sick that's awesome this is not a drop there's a zombie attacking the village a what a zombie they're monsters that come out at night and try to eat us what do we do we get inside of our houses and we close the doors okay we're safe inside well the zombies can break down the doors we just have to hope they don't come to our house what what about the other villagers listen it's not a perfect solution but it's all we can do why don't you fight back you have weapons villagers don't know how to fight we just make them to sell i'm going out there wait alex you don't know anything about these zombies you cannot go out there i'll be back what are you doing no alex wait i can do this i can do this help us please the zombie's breaking the door and he's gonna get in any second don't worry i'll save you okay there's just one no reason to be scared i've got this [Music] wait i did it oh my god thank you so much you saved us i don't know how we're ever going to be able to repay you guys it's no big deal it was just one zombie i've never seen anyone kill a zombie before i saw everything you're amazing really guys it was nothing no way you're a hero word began to spread from village to village of steve's ability to create amazing inventions and alex's ability to slay monsters they became known as the first two heroes of the village and so after saying their goodbyes to each other they each set off on their own adventures steve went from village to village spreading his inventions and trying to create new ways to improve villager life alex went around protecting villages from monsters and even trying to teach the villagers on how to defend themselves alright guys so this is a self-defense exercise i'm still working out the details but i call it bed wars but not everyone was happy about the three parting ways oh man i am lost oh excuse me sir you know where the nearest desert is i'm trying to get a map of the temple oh my god hero steve no i'm not steve i'm brian oh i've never heard of you before okay whatever do you know where the desert is or not nah i have no idea oh thanks anyway the desert must be this way whoa what the heck what is that doing here if this thing could bring us all here i wonder what else you could do unlike last time brian tried to experiment with the cube and quickly realized that it allowed him to do things that shouldn't be possible at all a few weeks later steve and alex would have a chance encounter alex oh my god hey i haven't seen you in so long what are you doing here this village was next on my list to help wait me too i guess we'll be working to get oh my god look what the heck what happened oh my god the heroes you have to help us we've all been trapped what's going on how did this happen some man appeared in the town saying that he was here to save us he gave us enough bread to last years at first we were so grateful and then he did this i've seen this rock before it's basically unbreakable who could have done something like this he said his name was herobrine we'll stop him and figure out how he did this and then we'll come back and save you thank you both with the heroes helping us we have nothing to worry about i can't stop thinking about what that villager said you don't think this was brian do you there's no way brian would do something like that i don't know i feel like the name can't be a coincidence if it is brian we'll talk to him it has to be some kind of misunderstanding steve and alex were able to follow the trail of bedrock villages all the way to the person who was responsible brian what are you doing oh my gosh i wasn't expecting to see you both yet i wanted to save more villages first so i could impress you but i'm happy to see you guys why are you doing this these people what do you mean i'm keeping them safe i don't even understand brian how are you able to do any of these things you guys are going to love this i found the block that brought us to this world i started experimenting with it and turns out you can do all kinds of crazy things with it brian you need to use that block to undo everything you've done this is really wrong what are you talking about i'm helping them this isn't helping them i see what's going on here you guys are just jealous what are you talking about brian you're out of your mind now that i have all this power no one will need either of you anymore no monsters can get to them in the bedrock defenses i build and anything they need i can just create for them in an instant they don't need the two heroes of the village anymore now they just have one hero herobrine we're gonna stop you oh really and how do you plan to do that we don't want to hurt you i don't think you could if you tried fine you asked for this what the heck what's going on you guys don't even know what it means to be a true hero to be a true hero you need to be powerful so i use the block to make myself the most powerful person there is ryan you've lost it you need to stop i miss how you and alex used to be so i'm gonna make it like the good old days wait what does that mean brian what are you doing stop what what is this don't worry i'll visit whenever you guys need food and of course i'll be back whenever we want to play i spy wait brian stop just take a second we can talk about oh my gosh alex what are we gonna do with steve and alex trapped in bedrock there looked to be no one left who could stop herobrine but the world was going to be forever changed by a very stupid man hi guys it's siwa i wanted to give you a heads up in the future episodes the voice actors change a lot it's because we didn't know how big this series was going to become and i didn't have a lot of actors to choose from it won't happen again in future projects and i'm sorry about that enjoy i was about to do something no villager had ever done before but let me start from the beginning it felt like just yesterday i was a normal kid in the village and that's because it was just yesterday but now i've grown up and that means today's the day i'm gonna be assigned my job dude i am really nervous what about you me i'm not nervous at all i come from a family of blacksmiths i've been training for this my whole life i'll probably be a weaponsmith that must be so nice i have no idea what i'm gonna do i just know i feel like i'm meant to be something great like an astronaut or something what an astronaut welcome everyone this is an exciting day for you all as head of the village it's my duty to explain to you three the process of being assigned a job we're going to put you each through a series of tests that'll help see which job is best for you i want you all to do your best i know you'll do great things for this village though we each were led to our first test but this is where i started having trouble as a villager you need to know how to sell items so for this test i will be providing you some armor and you need to sell it for as many emeralds as you can i would say with this gear you should be able to get at least 32 emeralds you have all day good luck i promise i'm not gonna let you down i've got this i thought i was gonna have trouble selling the gear but i managed to sell it all to the same person for an amazing deal alright so how'd you do let's just say i did way better than 32 emeralds really that's amazing how many did you get well i was talking to this one guy and i sold him all the gear for two stacks of lapis he said this was way better than emeralds what are you an idiot wait what's the problem he said this stuff was as rare as diamonds i'm sorry but you failed honestly you did really well on this farm i'm impressed i think you could make a good farmer all that's left in the test is for you to take this wheat back to my house and then turn into bread then bring it back to me and you'll pass okay i've definitely got this i promise i'm not gonna let you down it's almost nighttime i wonder what's taking that kid so long i should probably go check on him and make sure he's okay oh my god my house what happened okay i can explain basically i was trying to make the bread and then it just what do you mean you were trying to make the bread you don't need fire to make bread oh that's why it wasn't working what are you talking about i'm sorry but i have to fail you as the day went on i just kept having more and more trouble and by the end of the exam i didn't even manage to pass a single test first i want to congratulate each of you on your hard work me and the other teachers went through the results and decided which job is best for each of you we decided you should be a farmer and you should be an armorer the two of you are free to go home and start working wait what about me what job did i get you need to come with me i've got to explain some things to you the cleric led me to his house where he was about to give me some very bad news listen i don't know how to tell you this but no one has ever scored as low as you did on the exam when someone scores as low as you did we're supposed to give them a green robe and the title of nitwit it basically means we think it'd be best for everyone if you just stayed out of their way you'd be doing more harm than good you understand i think i get what you're trying to say but you're just completely wrong i might not have been good at any of those tests but that's because that's not what i'm meant to do i'm gonna go out in the world and do something great one day i know it and when i do you'll all realize you were wrong so that's how i ended up like this but i was not gonna let this stop me i knew all i had to do was keep trying different things until i could find out what i was good at hey do you need any help i really want to learn about more jobs no thanks oh okay oh farmer joe you definitely need help can i help you work today uh sorry i gotta go share my cows wait that's not even a thing it was obvious no one in the village wanted to work with me now that i was a nitwit so i decided i was gonna do something that no villager had ever done before so i left the village and traveled the world trying to figure out what i was meant to do but i had a problem none of the villages i visited would let me in they all know i was a nitwit because i was wearing the green robe so i had an idea i collected some flowers from a nearby field and turned them into dye then i used the dye to change the color of the wool onto sheep and then i use the wool to make myself this disguise i've been going around as a wandering trader but my negotiation skills still need work i've never seen anyone like you before what kind of trades do you have i have amazing trades i'm willing to sell you this flower from a faraway land for seven emeralds we're literally standing in a field of those flowers right now why would i pay seven emeralds you drive a hard bargain two emeralds i was having a lot of fun traveling all over the world but i still feel like i didn't find what i was meant to do that's until i got to this village what is that thing i've never seen anything like this before what is it even made out of is someone out there it's alex and steve you need to listen to us oh my god alex and steve is this your guy's house this is cool no this isn't our house we were trapped here by herobrine and he's going to do the same to everyone else you have to stop him wait how can i stop him what do i do all his power comes from a special command block he keeps with him i know this is a lot to ask but you need to somehow get that block from him and bring it to us you might be the only one left who can stop him you have to succeed okay i understand i promise i won't let you guys down i've got this i ran to my village as fast as i could but when i got there it was already too late herobrine had trapped the entire village in bedrock i didn't know what to do so i tried to find someone to help sir what do i do i was supposed to warn you guys about herobrine but i was too slow alex and steve need my help but i don't think i can do it i'm just a nitwit you're wrong i don't think it was an accident you weren't in the village when we were attacked for all you know you may be the last one who hasn't been trapped by herobrine you can do this i know it how there's no way i can stop him he's too powerful i have an idea it's not going to be easy but if you pull it off you'll be stronger than even steve or alex it may help you beat him you see that brewing stand it's been passed down from cleric to cleric it comes from another world you can use them like a potion that make you stronger okay perfect how do i use it that's the problem i don't even know how it works the portal to the other world has been closed off and we were told to never open it but i fear it may be our only option go to the blacksmith's house and take whatever gear you can get and go to the ruins listen carefully i'm going to tell you exactly how to fix the portal i did exactly what the mayor told me to do i went to the blacksmith's house and grabbed all the gear that was there then i went to the ruins for some reason this area was always off limits to us but i just thought it was kind of a big pile of rocks i opened the chest and followed the exact instructions the mayor gave me he said to use the obsidian to complete the frame of the portal and then he said once that was done i needed to light it on fire part of me didn't believe it was gonna work but i did what he said and started the fire and the portal opened this was it i had to do it the potion was the only way i'd be able to stop herobrine what the heck what is this place i quickly focused on what i had to do and started looking for someone to teach me how to make potions i ended up at this old abandoned castle oh perfect hey man do you know how to make potions ah leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone sorry i'm sorry hey can i talk to you really fast oh my god please leave me alone i'm sorry i didn't mean it i left the castle because it was a terrible place i wasn't sure if i was ever gonna find someone to teach me until i found this group of pigs wearing gold armor it gave me an idea i had seen a bunch of gold on the walls and floors and i'd been ignoring it but now i went back and collected it all once i had enough i snuck into the forest to get some wood i used the wood to make a crafting table then i used all the gold i'd collected to start making armor once i had a full set my plan was ready hey what is up my fellow pig guy wait a second you don't look like a piglet oh that's just cause i come from a different forest plus if i wasn't a piglet why would i be wearing gold armor hmm yeah i guess that makes sense anyway do you know anything about potions of course i know a ton about potions i like to make the pretty orange ones ah that's so cool do you know how to make a strength potion yeah i know how first you need to get nether wart and blaze powder from the scary fortress and then i think you need to get a golden carrot and a fermented spider eye ah perfect man you're the best thank you wait or was that swiftness as fast as i could i started collecting everything the pigment had told me to get once i had everything i needed from this world i went back to the normal world and then i went out and got the last few ingredients i needed for the potion sir i did it i got everything i needed i can make the strength potions now i can maybe stop here o'brien i knew you could do it you're our only hope you have to stop herobrine don't worry i promise i'm gonna stop him and free all of you i won't screw this up once i finished making the potions i took all of them and then i started searching for herobrine it took me a few days but after a while of searching i finally caught up to him and i was ready to fight i knew it wasn't gonna be easy but i drank my strength potion and got ready to battle why are you doing this to us you're hurting people you stupid villagers don't seem to understand think about how many villagers used to be killed by mobs or by not having enough food if you all would just let me protect you no villager would ever be hurt again what gives you the right to control us you want to know what gives me the right this block gives me the right with this block i might as well be a god if i wanted to i could completely erase you from existence what the heck listen i don't know who you are or what you think you're doing but if you put that block down right now i might let you live well that's going to be a problem i managed to escape herobrine because i was invisible and i ran as fast as i could to alex and steve by the time i got there my potion had worn off guys i did it i stole the block from herobrine great now you just have to get the block in here to us how am i supposed to do that i don't know maybe try activating it i'll see what i can do but i really don't understand this block at all i don't want to screw this up here goes nothing [Music] i thought you'd bring it here and it looks like i'm just in time too you haven't figured out how to open the box yet you had a chance to give me the block now i'm just going to end you sorry hero brian but you were just a little too slow what what's happening without the power of creative mode herobrine realized he was outmatched and he surrendered peacefully he was then locked away by alex and steve in a bedrock prison i started a group called the wandering trader association our goal was to work behind the scenes and move in silence to prevent disasters like this from happening ever again the world was finally freed of herobrine or so we thought son when you grow up you can be anything you want to be really dad like an astronaut oh no no no more like a librarian there's really only 13 things you can do oh all right trades now uh i got brain of arthropods for 15 emeralds say that silly again i got mending for two emeralds yeah that's more like it in the boat dad do you know this guy son it'll be okay protect your mother dad dad this is where my hatred of players began i was too weak to save him back then but i promised myself i would never be too weak again i started training every single day honing my skills and abilities and then i sought out on a journey to find my father i searched and i searched but it just looked more and more hopeless as days went on i began to resent the useless villagers who did nothing as my father was taken from me but stand back and watch and as my hatred grew i felt myself begin to change i continued my search for my father as i swore one day i would free him and as fate would have it on one random day i finally found him the man who took everything from me [Music] hello my dog do you know who i am i've never seen you before in my life oh whoa i'm really low when i was a kid you took my father from me he was a librarian where is he uh maybe in my villager farm i think villager farm in a fit of rage i killed him villager farm what a disgusting term as if we're some kind of livestock what i found horrified me tens of hundreds of villagers ripped from their towns and families forced to serve this greedy player i hadn't seen my father anywhere on the farm so i anxiously entered the final building oh my god dad i finally found you stun is that you you look so different yeah i've been looking for you for 10 years i can finally break you out of here let's go wait son i don't want to go what do you mean you don't want to go we can be a family again we can start making up for lost time lost time i'm exactly where i want to be being taken is the highest honor a villager can receive i wouldn't change anything even if i could this is how villager society is meant to be well if this is how villager society is meant to be then i'll form my own society and we'll start tearing down villager society starting with my own father what do you mean son i just wanted to be an astronaut so i formed my own society i may start small but over time i'm gonna build something that can reshape this world into a better one i think this is going to be the end of me a campfire i'm saved oh my god sir i'm so sorry to be a bother but i'm starving i've been lost in the woods for days do you have any food oh of course here take some bread oh my god thank you oh and here's a health potion oh my god a health pot you're a saint thank you so much wait whoa what was in that health pot [Laughter] i'm sorry but i need you to help fix my brother your your brother what whoa what the hell is this thing wait where are you going as days passed the situation looked helpless for the adventurer until he was visited by a strange man oh my god sir i don't know who you are but you got to get me out of here now this guy is crazy he's been running all these tests on me and i think he's trying to bring his brother back to life calm down kid i'm a wta agent we've known about this guy in his experiments for months i'm getting you out of here oh my god thank you so much before we go i need to blow up this research it's glad it's horrific i knew the wta was investigating me you people do such sloppy work fortunately you both will not be leaving here alive there's no time kid i'm sorry this place needs to be destroyed do it wait no no wait stop please you'll kill us and so the lab was destroyed along with all the research the explosion at the lab left just one survivor but for now this story turns its lens to a normal village blacksmith i'm just a normal villager let me walk you through my day i wake up at sunrise every morning i start doing what i do best blacksmithing my trades are axes pickaxes and chest plates and i love what i do because i'm the best at it around 2 p.m is when the players start arriving and i stay extremely busy because my prices are fair and my work is excellent yo man can you repair my iron sword for me i damaged it during my last adventure oh man i wish i could but i'm just so swamped right now is there anybody else you can ask nah man it has to be you you always make the best stuff all right i think i can squeeze you into my schedule just give me the sword and try and come back the same time tomorrow yo let's go man so as you can tell i had a pretty nice life in the village that was until that day help me help me whoa what the heck why did you kill him someone like you would never understand but these players are not our friends i've seen the evil their greed leads to and i'm freeing this world one village at a time sir all the players in this town have been killed should we move on to the next nice work let's move out i couldn't understand why you said the things he said i spent my whole life in this village living in peace and harmony with the players they weren't our enemies but our friends i knew he had to be stopped so i went and did what i do best blacksmithing as you all know this village is under my control now this means i will kill any player that tries to come to this town this banner is a symbol but more than that it is a promise that i will not let a player hurt a villager ever again from this day forward players are no longer welcome here you need to leave this town now are these statues supposed to intimidate me i'll give you one chance to leave peacefully you must be out of your mind you there kill him for me what they can move leave here and never return or i'll kill you you're gonna wish you didn't do this and so the blacksmith removed the pillagers from the village but for how long headquarters is only a few hours away we just need to keep moving look sir a campfire maybe we should set up camp it is getting late let's go check it out uh sir you might want to see this what is it help oh just a filthy player i'll put him out of his misery no wait do you have any potions of health why would i waste any of my health potions on a filthy player like you oh well it doesn't even matter at this point all my research on body modification it's all gone and my brother he's dead body modification wait a second we're bringing him with us what this chance encounter would lead to the creation of something that should never have existed open the door ah hello there i heard you had something to show me ah yes welcome i think you will find that your research money did not go to waste to you oh that's what i love to hear wait what's this guy's deal yes he may look like one of us but he's actually been leaking information to the wta what that traitor please yes don't do this i have a family i was one of you guys drop him and now watch oh my god it's magnificent what do you call it yes my masterpiece i call it the ravager this is exactly what we needed to change the tides look they're setting up the celebration for you yeah yeah i guess it looks fun what's wrong you're the hero of the village uh it's just ever since that day i've i've had a bad omen what was that sound what the hell is that kill them all but save the blacksmith for me there you are this is madness you'll get everybody killed if that's what it takes you had your chance to join me and you chased me out with those iron golems so i've returned with a beast of my own i think you'll find they're quite powerful what are these things some more people who are foolish enough to cross me i've had them genetically modified and now they're my ultimate weapon these used to be people you truly are sick sir the enemy forces are retreating they've been overpowered by your golems we've won i suppose i'll kill you another time sir what happened i heard about the loss that was no loss i got exactly what i went for wait right here i'm going in alone welcome back hero brian [Music] i always felt like i didn't know what i wanted to be my mom was a librarian and my father was a farmer but i never really liked those jobs i always felt like i was destined to be something great like an astronaut or something so i set out on a journey and explored villages all over the world but everyone was just doing the same boring jobs and all the jobs that i did try i was terrible at all right show me what you've done i feel like i screwed it up let me see here uh what how did you get bane of arthropods on a pickaxe why would anyone want this i'm so sorry it's fine it's not that bad it was pretty bad i had finally accepted my fate and became a farmer but life had different plans for me when i woke up i was completely different all of a sudden i knew how to make these magic potions they could make people run faster or make them stronger they could even give people the ability to regenerate i knew right then and there that i needed to use these powers to help as many people as i could so i opened up my own hospital but that's when the raids began the pillagers were destroying any villages that stood in their way i could barely keep up with the amount of injured people just rest for a few days and then you'll be fine ma'am we have another refugee in room two i'm coming oh my god what happened to this one another attack from a raid the whole village was burned to the ground he was the only survivor that's horrible he clearly needs this regeneration potion but it's our last one i'll have to make more tonight ma'am you haven't slept for two days you need to rest i have a responsibility and i promised myself that i'll help as many people as i can the witch's ability to create these magical potions garnered the attention of the generals of both armies sir we've learned the location of the witch as you requested should we send a team to capture her she'd be an incredibly valuable asset don't bother the witch is going to choose to come to us of her own free will very soon i have it under control understood excuse me ma'am oh my god the generals of the player villager alliance to what i owe the honor the honor is all ours man you feel the countless number of our soldiers we will never be able to pay back that debt oh please i did what anyone would have done you've already done so much for us but we have one more favor to ask what is it well those potions of healing you make we want something more deadly i don't really understand what you mean we want you to make us potions we can use as weapons against the pillagers we think it would really help turn the tides into war i'm sorry i can't do that i only use these powers to heal people i don't want to hurt anyone ah we understand how you feel we would never force you to do it against your own will think our offer over and if you change your mind you know where to find us let's go the witch felt the conversation went well but as she found out later that night it did not oh general steve i didn't hear you come back what the heck where am i i am not as soft as that blacksmith this is a war if you ever want to be released from here you will make those potions we requested as the days went on the situation looked more and more helpless for the witch how are you feeling today i'm starving you guys haven't been giving me any food well i can provide the best food our men can offer that is if you give me the potions i want i already told you i only use my potions for healing hmm very well i'll check with you tomorrow everyone cracks eventually wow quite impressive most people don't make it to a week well let me know have you got a change of heart yet i told you already it's not happening oh it will if you have any plans to leave here alive let's go and on day 10 the witch cracked or at least that's what she wanted them to believe i'll make the potions you want if you promise to release me of course i'm a man of my word okay but i'm gonna need a few things anything i need glass bottles golden carrots and fermented spider eyes you hurt her go get those things little did they know these weren't the ingredients for a potion of harming they were actually the ingredients for a potion of invisibility so i drank my invisibility potion and waited for them to open the cell for me what where is she you starts to sell she must have dug out somewhere after they opened the cell escaping was easy but i didn't run away i waited in the general's office invisible for my chance to take revenge it's getting late soldier head home to your family yes sir [Music] surprised to see me oh did you reconcile the offer is that some kind of sick joke after he locked me up and tortured me i am here to kill you and i brought those potions you wanted me to make so badly what is he talking about steve i did what had to be done we're at war too many lives are on the line and she has a duty to her people oh my god i'll see to it that he's properly punished for this on behalf of the entire army i'm so sorry maybe you aren't all bad or there's just another lie either way i am leaving if you try to contact me again i will kill you and so the blacksmith had steve arrested for his crimes you haven't been acting like yourself recently steve if we go around kidnapping people we're just as bad as those pillagers i think some time in here will do some good and the witch secluded herself to the swamp where she would never be bothered again or so she thought who's there i heard you show yourself listen i just want to talk i'm sure you've heard a lot about me but it's nice to finally meet you i'm sure they've tried to convince you i'm some sort of monster but that couldn't be further from the truth i'm someone like you someone the players have hurt you've seen what their greed can lead to i have exactly so you should join me and i don't want you to fight i want you to go back to doing what you do best healing people but i want you to heal my soldiers and help us free this world from the players so what do you say will you help us i'll join you perfect there's also one more project i want your help with we captured these iron golems during a raid on a village we've been trying to use their souls to finish a project we're working on but we're missing something but we feel with our technology and your magic will finally be able to create the totems mount dying sir all the soldiers have been given a totem of undying and are awaiting your orders perfect let the men know we're going to be marching right into the player's headquarters what are you sure i know the witch trained some of our soldiers in magic and we have the totems but don't you think that's a little risky it is but they have a valuable asset we need to reacquire i don't understand follow me oh my god is that general steve it is i captured him at the start of the war he's been here for quite some time now if he's been with us this whole time and who's been with them a valuable asset sure the pillagers they're here what do you mean they're here we don't know they just showed up and started attacking the town this deep into our territory they're crazy go prep the iron golems yes sir even for them this is crazy they must be up to something oh my god what are you doing you must have a death wish i do have a death wish i wish for the death of every player that's ever captured a villager and used us as property we should end this violence we can work together to create a world where villagers and players can exist peacefully everywhere a world like that could never exist because the player's greed knows no limits if we follow them it'll lead to the destruction of our people i had a chance to kill you before i let you get away it won't happen again i think you'll find you're gonna have a very hard time killing any of my men today it's finally over it's amazing what you can make with the help of a witch oh no all men retreat the pillagers gain control of the town but more importantly they regained access to a great ally sir everything played out exactly how you said it would the witch joined our side perfect what the where the hell am i swim swim wha what's going on man i just spawned in i thought we were supposed to spawn in the overworld i don't know man but if you don't keep swimming you're gonna fall in that hole over there what's so bad about this hall i just keep hearing the zombies who fall down there scream man don't do it well i don't see another way out and i don't want to spend my whole life swimming so i think i'm gonna go check it out dude no please don't do it no whoa where am i now what the you're in my mob spawner i just sit here afk and grind levels to get op gear mob spawner what the we're supposed to get a chance to fight you this isn't right this is inhumane i suppose this is inhumane but luckily you guys aren't humans you're zombies wait so it's all right no no every day i saw more and more zombies fall victim to the trap eventually i swam close enough to see what was going on it was evil i tried to learn everything i could to make a plan to stop this terrible machine but i was gonna need more time whoa a wolf here buddy have some bones oh yeah bones are my favorite hey i'm going on a quest to find a saddle there's a lot of tough mobs out here i can use some backup you want to join me that sounds like a ton of fun if you can't give me food like this you can count me in all right let's go buddy so i joined him and it looked like we're gonna be best friends forever until we got back to his base oh my god that adventure was awesome i killed so many monsters i can't wait for the next one oh okay i'm sitting now whoa i know he had a cat are you excited did he just sit you yeah he just had me but only for a minute i'm sure we'll be back to another adventure soon you must be new to this huh what what do you mean new to this i have been sitting here for seven years what as it turns out he wasn't lying the player rarely visited us and when he did it was just to get items from his base i'm just grabbing some items then i'll go on another adventure wait maybe you can take me on this one we already talked about this i know but it just gets boring in here and i felt like i don't think you get it you go out there and you could die and i don't think i could handle that so you're gonna stay in here where it's nice and safe forever as time went on i began to hate him more and more whoa how have you guys been long time no see i've been miserable there's nothing to do we're starving we need food you don't need food you're at full health if you were hurt maybe otherwise i'm not gonna waste my food on you i was just coming here to grab a few items don't worry i'll be right back he's not coming back is he nope and there's no point trying to convince him otherwise i've tried everything this is our life now this can't be our life i'd rather die fine i've made my choice what do you mean next time he comes i'm gonna try to kill him are you crazy he'll kill you i'm not gonna sit in this room my whole life if i die so be it hey look what i found out apparently i can use this dye to change the color of your collar isn't that cool what did you really just attack me can't you see i'm in full diamond gear what did you think that would accomplish unfortunately i have no use for a dog that would attack its owner ah what you too the dog is right i'm sick of being stuck in this room i'd rather have you kill me stupid pets let's see if a few years in here will make your behavior any better and so the player went to his mob grinder to blow off some steam but little did he know what was waiting for him there finally are you the zombie that i've heard swimming up there for weeks thank god some good news i was having such an annoying day oh my pets are being very bad oh i'm glad you've finally given up i have been up there for weeks but i didn't come here because i've given up i'm here to kill you oh and how do you plan on doing that it seems like you've fallen right into my mob grinder and about to die any second am i missing something i was very careful and managed to look into the hole to see how this spawner works you made one fatal mistake and it's gonna cost you your life i've been building this army for weeks what the hell are you talking about get em boys wait what what hey stay back what i don't deserve this someone help please nicely done the zombies didn't know but by killing the player they freed the cat and the dog wait wait a second i can move again what what are you talking about no way i can move too what does this mean i have no idea this has never happened to me before well who cares this is our chance listen i know we're just a cat and a dog this isn't gonna be easy but i believe if we work together there's nothing that can stop us let's go all right open the door wait i can't open the door i'm a cat you open the door wait i can't open the door i'm a dog all right we have no other option stay close and follow me we have to go deeper in the base look for another way out all right let's go fast before the player gets back i'm starting to think that that door was the only way out of here we can't give up we gotta keep looking what the hell is this please i need your help i know they're zombies but please help these children escape this base there was an evil player who was farming us like animals and we killed them but they can't find their way out of here on their own the player who owned this base you killed him was he your owner oh no i'm sorry but he was pure evil and he had to be stopped he was our owner but he was terrible he had us trapped in a room we would never be able to leave here if it wasn't for you he's right we owe you guys everything we can try and leave them out and find an exit but what about you we can't break the blocks get you out you're stuck forget about me just get them out of here so they can experience life on the surface okay we will do it and we'll find help and come back for you too we promise the cat and the dog were able to lead the baby zombies to an exit that didn't require a door once on the surface the baby zombies went to look for shade before it became day and the cat and the dog went to find help for the zombie like they promised the first person they found was a very strange looking villager sir sir we need your help our friend he's stuck you have to save him whoa whoa whoa slow down tell me what happened there was this player and he seemed nice but he was horrible and he trapped us in his base he's gone now and got away but our friend is still stuck back there lucky for you guys i run an army for people just like you people that the players have hurt would you guys like to come back to my base you can tell me more we're in perfect i'll have them make you a room welcome to my mansion okay so about this friend you said he's a zombie so you can't get him right now anyway it's daytime you guys stay in this room and when it becomes night i'll go get him thank you you're so kind when it turned night the pillager went to the base like he said he would what the heck yes did the cat and dog send you yeah your friend sent me and they said you were stuck and needing my help but what's going on here what is this thing he called it a mob grinder he was farming us like animals so he could get levels for powerful enchants oh my god i know it's horrific isn't it it's amazing what yeah this is gonna be great for our soldiers we'll be able to produce high quality gear to fight with are you joking don't worry your people's sacrifice will help us beat the players no hey guys i have some really good news i went to the base you told me to go to and guess what your friend wasn't there what do you mean yeah i don't know i guess somebody must have shown up and saved him because the glass was already broken and it looks like he escaped anyway i gotta get back to focusing on the war i'll let you two know when you're needed to fight something doesn't feel right what do you mean he said the zombie got freed that's great news i know but it's only been one day who could have found him this fast i feel like he's lying all he's done so far has helped us why would he lie i don't know i was also exploring this mansion the other day and i saw him leave a hidden room in his office i want to know what's back there i don't know man if you go snooping around we might get kicked out and i like it here listen just make a distraction for the next time that he leaves the room i'll check it out really fast if everything is fine i promise i won't bring it up again fine i'll do it sir sir there's a group of about 10 players behind the base with insane gear i think they're about to attack us what are you sure alert the guards this is not a drill show me where they are wow that cat did amazing he had me convinced time to see what he's hiding from us [Music] oh my god help me please [Music] give it to me straight how bad is it out there i'm gonna be honest it's terrible we found the enemy's main base their army is massive you found the base show me i marked it on the map the red dot is the exact location of their base our scouts think they're planning an attack it's going to be the biggest one yet how long until the attack by our estimates it will be sometime next week oh god do you think we can fend off another attack so soon i'm gonna be honest i've been making as many iron golems as i can but i still don't think it's enough i was thinking the same thing this might be the end for us i can't believe i actually made it here guys steve please help me what what's going on where am i a doctor is he gonna be okay he's gonna be fine he hadn't had anything to eat or drink in a few days that's why he passed out i treated him so he should start feeling better soon what's going on oh blacksmith can you please give us some privacy i need to ask you a few questions of course sir you've got a lot of explaining to do steve i haven't seen you since you broke out of prison prison i don't have time for this where's alex what are you talking about alex went missing right before you did about three months ago oh no this is bad we have to go find her you need to tell me what's going on here all right i'll start from the beginning about three months ago me and alex realized this war was not going to go our way we knew we needed to find some new weapon or technology to turn the tides so we came with a plan i was going to explore the overworld for 100 days and alex was going to explore the nether be careful you too and don't forget we're meeting here in 100 days sounds good see you in 100 days that's when we split up and i went to explore the overworld to see if i could find anything useful but quickly into my adventure i saw a ghost wait what there's no way it can't be oh my gosh i guess i'm just seeing things what's up with this tree whoa no i know i saw it that time it has to be him what eventually i followed this ghost all the way to a giant mansion all right i know i saw him going here there he is i know it's you herobrine how did you escape get over here what what what the where am i you what did you do to me glad to see you're awake let me out of here right now or you're gonna regret it oh really and what exactly are you going to do if i don't i'll find a way to get out and when i do i'll kill you and anyone else in this building interesting well let me explain some things to you you're on half a heart and don't have enough food to sprint there are 200 soldiers in this building and they have all been given the order to kill you if they see you outside your cell normally you'd be able to beat them easily but in this state even the weakest soldier could defeat you so i suggest you don't try anything what do you want with me anyway you've gotta need something for me or else you wouldn't have kept me alive you'd finish me off when you had the chance so what is it why am i here i'm not the one that wants to talk to you hang on i'll go let him know you're awake what who are you talking about herobrine hello steve i hope you find this cell more comfortable in that bedrock box you left me in to rot i should have known you were behind this how did you even escape your prison i'll be asking the questions here where is the command block the command block's gone i destroyed it it was far too powerful it would turn anyone evil that's impossible there is no way that block can be destroyed you're lying what did you really do with it i told you the block is destroyed and even if it wasn't do you really think i would ever tell you where it is i would rather die than let you have that block who knows what you would do with it fine if that's the way you feel i suppose there's nothing i can do maybe a few years in here will change your mind where are you going come back let me out of here oh my gosh please dog you have to help me get me out of here what's going on why are you back here listen i don't know what they told you but the men that run this place are evil and if you don't let me out of here they're gonna hurt a lot of innocent people why should i trust you i'm telling you you have to feel it too can't you tell they're evil get me out of here please he's gonna be back soon anyway so i can't do anything right now i'll think about what you said and i'll be back soon wait no come on let me out then what happened well a few days later he came back oh my god here take this this is perfect this is exactly what i needed to get out of here listen you just helped so many people you don't even know it i'm forever in your debt thank you okay if you go out the back you can avoid the guards no one is there right now all right we shouldn't leave at the same time or they'll be suspicious but the second you get the chance go south of here you'll find my city and i'll protect you thank you for this i'll never forget it okay that all makes sense but i'm confused then what happened to alex that's the problem i don't know either day one this place is terrible it's so hot and there's fire and lava everywhere and i mean tons of lava at the end of the first day i finished my house and went to sleep for the first i really hate this place day three i was really starving there are no animals here luckily i found out mushrooms grow in the nether and was able to make some mushroom stew day nine while exploring i found a crimson red forest and it was gorgeous so i went to explore it ah get away get away day 20. i managed to get to the other side of the crimson forest and found another forest this one was blue day 28 i used the wood from both forests to build a bigger house now i had somewhere to store all the things i was finding on my explorations day 47 i realized if i wear gold armor the pigmen will not attack me they're even willing to trade with me for some pretty cool items [Music] day 62 while exploring i found an abandoned fortress the mobs that lived there weren't nice but they dropped some pretty interesting items day 75 today i found a massive castle the pigmen here were very tough but i kept coming back and after a couple of weeks i managed to get the loot at the bottom day 95 i found some new type of ingot while i was testing it i discovered that if i fused it with diamond gear i could make the equipment even stronger than before this is exactly what we needed day 100 i left another to meet steve but when i arrived he wasn't there day 103 i'm still waiting for steve he's not here yet but i'm sure he'll show up soon if you want to see your friend steve alive ever again you'll put away your sword and follow us good choice i'm glad you're feeling better but you need to come with me i have a lot to catch you up on this village is one of the last left we've been taking refugees from other villages this is where i've been working we've been using all the iron we can spare to produce iron golems but i'm afraid it may not be enough and these iron golems set up around the outside of the walls are all we have left after the recent battles as you can see we're in tough shape i can't believe you accomplished all of this while i've been gone you've been an excellent leader thank you so much for protecting everybody here's our biggest problem our intel suggests we should expect a massive attack sometime next week next week that's a huge problem i was hoping we could find alex before the attack she might have some gear for us but we can't wait that long we need to prepare our defenses now we can find her after sir some people are here they're saying they need to talk to you what are you talking about who could be here oh my god i can't believe it i'm so glad you made it here safely listen we have a big big problem wait what after you escaped the leaders got angry and changed their plans they aren't attacking in a week anymore when are they attacking today sound the alarm we need to get ready this is bad today is the day we will finally tear down village society once and for all we will be attacking their capital head on once their leaders fall the remaining villages will have no choice but to join us prepare yourselves men because today we are all going to make history all right everyone this is it here they come i've been waiting for this day my whole life attack [Applause] this is going to be a massacre all right men we have to keep them outside of the village at all costs get ready this is going to be our final stand attack all right little man listen up we don't want to hurt a little kid but you're a villager so you have to come with us we're taking you prisoner got it wow i got one wait what okay one more time here we go what's going on here they can't be killed oh my god they're immortal they have too many totems of undying we can't win well we have to keep trying if we lose this village it's all over there's nothing left wait what is that we're just in time wandering traders attack a llama what are you supposed to do spit on me wait what the heck ah okay now blow up like you promised listen guys i don't want to blow up i i want to live don't make us bring you back to the machine okay fine fine i'll do it perfect everyone they broke through the front gate retreated to the village they're retreating inside the walls after them we can't let them get any further into the village we have to hold them here this is our final stand wait steve maybe we can end this without any more bloodshed what are you talking about since when do you care about bloodshed bring her out wait alex what happened i'm sorry i got captured i'm on half a heart hero brian how could you do this to alex you really are evil i'm not some kind of monster i have a deal for you if you tell me where the command block is alex will not be harmed neither will any of the villagers in this village wait hang on a second what will it be don't listen to him forget about me i don't want to see anyone else get hurt i'm sorry look after the villagers for me sir what are you doing let's go smart choice now take me to the block here it is i threw the block in this portal years ago what alex what happened she collapsed poor thing is probably on the verge of death you go through that portal and start looking for the block i'll join you in a minute yes sir i knew you were a terrible person but how could you do this me you and alex used to be friends you're just gonna watch or die i don't care what happens to alex once i have the block i'm going to erase everyone in this world anyway i will create my own perfect world wait what about the pillagers on your side the pillagers were useful to me but i will be getting rid of them too i will rebuild my world from nothing until it's exactly how i want it here alex let me help you up he's gonna get the block it's over we need to go after him what do you mean i can't fight him alone and you're in no position to fight look at you oh my god guys i can't believe you made it here you got the message yeah we stuck out of the village and followed the redstone trail you left it was genius steve do you still have any of the eyes you used to find this place uh yeah i have a couple here but how's that gonna help right now okay now does anyone have any obsidian yeah i have some but what do you know the stuff for i don't get it herobrine thought i didn't have any items on me but that's because i hid them all in a chest like this that only i could see wait that's amazing but you're still in no position to fight even with weapons i just need a health potion and i'll be fine wait that's amazing is there anything else in there that can help us fight yeah i also have some incredible gear wait what is that i'll explain later we have to go after him this is our last chance to save the world we have to go after him no time to waste whoa this place is like space you know i always wanted to be an astronaut wait what you guys did too anyway we don't have time let's go we have to stop herobrine once and for all [Music] we're here to stop you you're here to stop me and exactly how are you four going to do that don't make me laugh we're gonna stop you no matter what we won't let you have the block oh well there's one small problem with that i already found it and i've already used it take this and keep looking for the exit yes sir on it you i see you've changed your clothes but don't forget what you really are you're a failure you're all failures i've already used the block it's over i've won all four of you come at me at once you won't even stand a chance [Music] we can't beat him like this you guys go after the block i'll buy you five minutes alex what are you talking about just go i've got this you heard her guys let's go where do you think you're from what the let's do this [Music] so enough [Music] we don't want to hurt you just give us the block too slow again here give me the block he's lying to you wait what he said if he gets the block he's gonna use it to destroy everything you and the pillagers what i told you to give me the block didn't i get over there finally you did all that but you achieved nothing i win it's over for you now [Music] wait what are you doing i'm just a nitwit you lied to me no they're gone all of them alex [Music] alex alex wake up are you okay what what happened it's finally over [Music] well guys i hope you liked it this series is gonna have a special spot in my heart for the rest of my life i've had so much fun telling this story with me and my friends and let's just say we've got a lot more coming so definitely subscribe and stick around
Channel: SeaWattgaming
Views: 5,269,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Seawattgaming, Seawatt, Seawatt gaming, The story of minecraft's first, The story of Minecraft, the story of Minecraft's first PLAYERS, The story of Minecraft's First Raid, The Story of Herobrine, steve vs herobrine, Minecraft The Movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 1sec (3781 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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