I Survived 3,000 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft...

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3 000 days in hardcore minecraft what a massive milestone and in this video i'm going to create the most powerful mob farm that exists in minecraft this slice portals light suppressors update suppressors an automatic bedrock breaking machine and bats lots and lots of bats and all this together will create the end of light mob farm getting me hundreds of thousands of drops extremely extremely fast at some point guys i promise i will fix my house but i thought it would be cool to get 30 notch apples for 3000 days and then have one for every 100 days so i'm gonna get a time on screen and see just how quickly i can find three of them this is the place my portal has come out at there is a mine shaft right here look at that minecart chest and not chapping one of these is rare but hey it's not impossible although it's it's pretty improbable maybe this ruined portal will be better or maybe it won't and you know what's going to be even better a desert pyramid one in ten of these will have a notch apple and this one did not and what about this one well it also did not same for the third one look at that there's trees in a desert because of a lush cave below i've never seen that before nothing in the fourth one the fifth the sixth the seventh the eighth ninth tenth eleventh you're kidding me i've searched twelve of these and still not got one today is not my day surely in the thirteenth one we've gotta have something but we haven't this is my fifteenth one and also my 15th failure and there we go desert temple number 19. that took forever and there's still two more to go i'm still searching all room portals in the area and i'll also search the rest of this desert for any more pyramids although the way it's been going okay well i don't say the way it's been going to me i don't expect to find another one anytime soon the very next pyramid better also check this chest just in case no there's nothing but all of a sudden things are right back on track can i make it three in a row no no i can't i think i've pretty much searched all of this desert i'm gonna do shift in f3 lower the render distance down to two and use this method to find dungeons here's dungeon number one here we are in the second one yet another one with no not chapel and this is the fifth dungeon with no success still and nothing in the sixth the seventh the eighth ninth tenth eleventh well thirteenth fourteenth and this is fifteen dungeon search and we got it we have now got thirty notch apples let's safely add all those to the end of chess that is technically won for every 100 days i'm very glad that this project is now over let's go home and the fastest way to do that is some nether travel there's a bastion here you never know there could be some good loot at the bottom then you're going to get a bit upset from me stealing all that gold but okay we got some near the right scrub that's not bad that's basically all that we successfully got oh my goodness okay now i've got to be a little bit careful there's a guy going after me i think we just get out of here but they are always worth searching in case you do find a nut chapel here we are home sweet home let's drop off all of these items also guys since it's 3 000 days there is another poster yes the goat of minecraft has been moved along slightly to make way for this beauty i've personally signed every single one of them which took a very very long time and they are limited edition which means there is only a limited number of them once they're sold out they are gone forever they'll probably run out in less than a week so get them whilst you can the link is in the description sb737 dot store and the next project that i need to do is finish this perimeter since doing that will be key in building an end of light farm they've all been set off and so far they are all working correctly so all i need to do is keep removing any water and also lava i'm not sure why but for some reason this one's decided to stop not entirely sure what went wrong there but i think i've fixed it everything seems to just like not moved across properly but yeah it's working again i'd better get back to removing water and collecting diamonds if i ever see them looks like i finally found my first big bit of lava but it's still way easier to deal with these compared to the pre 1.18 lava lakes look at this i've finally reached some of the bedrock there's still plenty of lava to be gotten rid of so much so that i'm going to temporarily stop the machines then i can properly clear everything out and by the looks of things i have got rid of all of the water and all of the lava let's set these machines back off and continue blowing up the massive perimeter well that was them there maybe i shouldn't have gone for those diamonds although i have likes to get loads and loads of dimes without like two stacks from all of this so all of this blowing up is a pretty easy way to find them pretty much just everywhere you look there's one there there's some down there some over there fun to build something using all of these eventually exactly what though i've still not decided look what we have here it's a fossil as well they're pretty rare out here but i'm not gonna get it because i don't really need it progress is looking very good indeed more and more of the hole is getting blown up nearly died there again guys i really should stop risking my life just to get a few diamonds after all they are for peasants anyway and look at this it is more or less done just these last few bits that are getting blown up and look at this the perimeter is now complete it also seems that my machine has got stuck on a bit of stone suppose it was bound to happen eventually you know what this is this is all going wrong now isn't it yeah you know i'm just gonna leave it i'm gonna be breaking anyway for these other ones i'm gonna disable them using redstone blocks tidy up these edges by removing all the lava absolutely magnificent and the next phase is to now break loads of bedrock and i could do that manually by using pistons and tnt and stuff like that but that would honestly take me like years and years probably the rest of my life if i was to break all the bedrock in there so instead we're gonna build a bedrock breaking machine now in order to build this machine i'm gonna need a load of pistons no that's not gonna be enough instead i'll have to craft a load more which means heading to the stone generator and mining loads of it up all of this should be enough so let's craft more pistons the entire shulker box should probably be enough also need loads of stone slabs so i've got all the stone in there ready and also observers slime blocks and a bunch of other items which i have right here i'm also becoming very very low on food even the food choker is practically empty so i'm going to fly on upwards above the bedrock take the remaining food from my hogland farm and then afk up here a bit to get even more food a little bit of time has passed i'm not going to stay up here for ages and ages the real question is uh what are you doing up there i'll just get rid of you top up the shulker box with pork chops and head over to the perimeter every time i see it i just think it looks so so good it'll look even better when i break all of this bedrock so right here is roughly the center of this area i may have to do a little bit of mining on these walls to make it a bit smoother you can see these bits sticking out at the bottom will probably have mob spawning on them but i can worry about that a little bit later and right here is exactly where i'm going to build the machine thankfully it's not too complicated of a machine and once you see it in action you'll think that it looks so so cool these pistons are where the bedrock breaking is going to happen and move around now let's build the area that kind of basically where all the magic happens [Music] there we are this side is complete took a little bit longer than i expected it to now to add all of the redstone on this side and thankfully it's not quite as complex as that one this side is also finished it was also a bit of a nightmare and all it's left me to do now is add loads and loads of pistons with loads and loads of slabs on top and whilst i still will need to add a lot more pistons and a lot more slabs i can actually add in those as the machine is running i think we test this out so to start it i just open up this gate here and as you can see everything begins moving and this tnt is blowing up and as you can see it is breaking the heads of the pistons so you get something that looks like this very strange on both sides and you can see the pistons from up here will be placed along here which is why we need so many of them so that's what the tnt is kind of doing and pistons are also getting broken so you can see this middle layer has actually broken the bedrock already so let me try and pick up as many of these pistons as i can and that's how i make sure i don't run out of pistons now i wait for the machine to go back along there and it's placing all these slabs along as well which i believe is taken from that roof and now more tnt is falling and more bedrock is being broken and before i let the machine go any further i'm just going to flick this gate which will turn it off as you can see we have two strips of broken bedrock so now that the machine is set up it is pretty self-sustaining it'll just you know keep running as long as i make sure i have all the pistons placed and of course the slabs above that then it will keep running without any issues so i'm going to get rid of a massive area of bedrock all along here and show you the finished product well the rain is pouring but as you can see the top layer of bedrock has been completely removed all the way over here but then i accidentally broke the machine because i forgot to place the stone and then i placed it too late and it just completely just everything does not work anymore but more or less at the end so i'm just going to remove these bits of bedrock manually and also manually mine up this machine it's also great being so far down because uh phantoms don't spawn down there so this is really really good the rains now stopped as well you know what guys these videos did take so so long to make and you've probably not seen many people that build a machine that actually breaks bedrock but trust me guys we are only just getting started so if you like what you see then make sure to subscribe since i'm also trying to hit 4 million subscribers this year and that is every single block broken now to collect up all of these pistons fly back home and i can grab all the materials i need to manually break the bedrock everything i need is right here so it's time to begin braking that's the first one done as you can see the bedrock underneath gone it's technically slower than using the machine but it's gonna be way quicker than rebuilding another one this floor here is also gonna be obsidian so i might as well start placing it at least i'd love to break these layers below of bedrock i just have to take out so much around the edge as well to do that and it's it's honestly take me about 20 hours to properly remove all the layers of bedrock and since i've only got like 33 hours per video i'm i'm only going to remove this top layer and for those of you that think that they changed it so that spawning is equal no matter what height in the world you're at they actually reverted that change before the full release of 1.18 and that is every single piece of obsidian down let's get rid of these extra bits of bedrock and that is all of the bedrock okay well maybe not that didn't work time for take two and now all of the bedrock has been removed although this obsidian does need to be one longer on the east side so i'm gonna break this strip of bedrock as well it should be a pretty quick process this extra layer is now also done and the platform can also be a little bit longer in this direction because the bedrock breaker was a bit wider than just three chunks as much as i'd like to get rid of these extra bits of bedrock i'm more or less out of tnt and my armor is not looking too good can repair everything at the gold farm then mine a load of sand grab a load of gunpowder to craft tnt so that i can break the rest of this bedrock and that is all of them gone now to fly home again grab more sand on the way then it can all be smelted the glass dyed various colours and then placed around the outside to fill in the gaps and create a nice little border it has to be something like glass so that mobs can't spawn on it and that is a red border completely done now to add some purple around it and it really is starting to come together it would look a lot better if there wasn't any bedrock on this top layer but you know what we can't be fussy now i've just run out of purple glass i need like maybe three or four more pieces but i have no purple dye left and that's because i have no blue dye left but very conveniently thanks this perimeter i can easily find lapis which can be turned into blue dye and from there make purple and that is two layers of the border done the final layer is going to have black stained glass but i'm a little bit worried that i might not have enough for this and that is all my glass gone i'm definitely liking the look of it but i'm gonna head back home grab these remaining pieces of glass and get all the ones that filtered through to this chest before i blocked the hopper now i should definitely have enough to finish the project and there we have it all of the glass that i want to have down is there and we can get a good look at it from a uh a nice top-down view i think it looks cool i think it's got a uh pretty cool different look about it and you'll see the border is four wide on all the sides except for this one but we are going to remove this obsidian layer anyway so i'll put red glass along there and i'm a bit tired of always running out of glass i think it's in my best interest to mine up loads of sand and all this could be smelted to top up the glass in my collection and i also need to remove these little jupiters at some point i suppose there's no time like the present that is the last of those broken now to remove the return terminals and that is all of those gone as well so now it's time to build the next contraption and that next contraption will be a light update suppressor basically one of these allows you to place light sources in a room and it will stay dark and that's how we're going to be able to have loads and loads of portals but still keep it very very dark on those blocks so that mobs can spawn as you can see if i stand in the portal the light level goes up to 11 but with a light update suppressor we can make that zero although first things first i'm going to need to build a chunk loader otherwise when i'm suppressing the light the chunks just wouldn't load so let's get this contraption built and oh of course you guys have to show up so that's my portal sorted as well as the redstone now to head through and do the same on the other side and the portals on this side is complete as well so in theory i should be able to put an item in here and look at that it just keeps going through so the chuck loader is now working let's break the scaffolding just seems to be raining raining and raining never ending before i forget i'd also like to build a beacon since this project is going to require a lot of mining of obsidian which means having a bit of haste will be very useful indeed and since the effects of that one don't quite reach all the way to the other side i'm gonna build another one right here there we go double beacon set up and you'll notice another problem that's starting to develop we've got bats spawning now bats are gonna be a real problem for this farm so i need to create something called a bat switch at some point but i'm not gonna do that just yet instead i'm gonna gather up all the resources that i need for this light update suppressor it's basically just gonna be one massive lag machine i've gathered up every single item that i need in all of these different shulker boxes it's not a very complex build but there is quite a lot of blocks that i need to place i'm building the spawn chunks so it'll keep running even when i'm not in the area and it's going to be built all the way up at sky limit since that is what will cause the most lag for the lighting engine i've marked out the entire border of this machine and on top of these we're going to have powered rails and there's going to be some strips along here as well and now adding strips along like this the reason i've got different color concrete is so i can mark out where each observer is going to go now to add rails all the way along on top of this then there'll be a row of observers attached like this to all of the rails so that it'll activate a load of pistons whenever these light up now to build a row of these on this side now we're going to add all of the stone and this is what's going to move back and forth to create the light updates i've marked out the edge now i've just got to fill in the middle that's all the stone placed down i can add all the observers by doing this and then all the pistons like this now to add a few more redstone components yes i just added a redstone here and it's it's it set everything off which was not part of the plan um okay but that stopped it again okay that's good turns out the reason for the issue was there needs to be a redstone block here before i place the redstone and that is all the redstone for this section done now to add more rails and now to repeat the exact same thing three more times [Music] with these three pistons it is complete well it's almost complete but i somehow run out of stone so um i'm just gonna grab a bit more and thanks to haste this is something i can do very very quickly now to finish it off before i test it out i want to head back to my house grab a load of ladders and build a way for me to easily get up and down just in case for some reason i can't use my electric because of all the lag now when i flip this note block okay something should have happened i'm gonna try placing the redstone block instead see if that works okay um something moved yeah that would be the way it works you have to bud all the rails so if i go ahead and i can't place it there but if i place it here you'll see that all these rails will stay on if that makes sense okay it's starting to work now just need to put these rails along here as well and as you can see this is this is causing quite a bit of lag now if i do that yes they've all stopped and if i go again everything should be moving okay i mean it's kind of working but not perfectly the main problem is the position of these observers you can see if i remove that it stops and then they uh they just need to go on this piston here all observers should be fixed in theory we should now have a working lag machine i'm going to leave it to room for about two or three minutes enough time has passed let's just go ahead and press it again to stop it and now the light cue is going to be pretty full which means i can do some pretty random things i'm going to place a torch here and a torch here and now if i close my game i've done it using task manager and now as you can see we've got a dark room with torches and they're just not properly lighting up the room and you can see from the f3 menu at klein light it's zero light level everywhere in here so mobs could spawn in here no problem and that is how we are going to build the end of light farm the next thing i'm going to build is a sliced portal in the nether that means that mobs will just fall straight out of the portal and it also looks way cooler as well and to do this we're going to need an update suppressor and for that we're going to need loads loads of powered rails i'm talking like 2 000 of them which is about 30 stacks all we have at the moment is three stacks so uh i better go into my nice old gold reserves everything i need is right here let's begin crafting turns out it's not actually as resource heavy as i first thought i've nearly got all of it that i need and i didn't even have to use up all of my gold i'm also going to use sandstone as the building block since i can get a lot of that very very quickly that is everything that i need and now i need a ridiculous amount of hay bales they'll be used to make target blocks but i'm gonna need like 230 of them which you know i could grow the wheat myself or something like that but that just sounds like a waste of time and energy instead i'm going to grab my trusty hoe and set off flying in search of new villages and from there i can steal all of their hay bales shouldn't take me long to get the 232 ones that i need look at that there's literally a village right next door to the one i was just at with more hay bales to steal already i'm nearly up to two stacks sorry about this mr farmer i can steal more from these pillagers by taking the bodies i didn't expect to be doing this when i set off on the journey and whilst i'm here you poor golems be free your days are being trapped behind bars and no more and i've actually got all the hay bales i need now so i'll fly back home i can do that by using a portal and then to craft the target blocks and what's that you say i i don't quite have enough well don't worry i have a stack of spare ones in this chest i also need a non-sticky block like terracotta so i'm going to grab all the clay and set it off smelting in here and then since i have so much bone meal i'll turn it into white dye to create white terracotta and set that off smelting as well all of this should be enough for now i can leave the rest of it smelting in the background and before i actually do any building i'm gonna fly up to the pigment farm and repair my elytra since they're a little bit worse for wear everything's fully repaired so i'll activate the nether mob switch right here is where i'm gonna have the slice portal but to do that i'm going to first have to create an update suppressor and whilst i can build it over there i'll need a little bit more room here as well so i'm going to mine out this wall and also remove any lava that's in the way at the same time because these two appear i think i think i'm gonna have to plug them up as well which i i hope i can do with netherrack you know what i've got good armor let's uh i was gonna fly into the lava but uh i didn't need to i will for this one though there we go and now to continue mining everything over here has been done but i've still got a big area on this side to do and there's a little room portal here nothing too useful and whilst i'm at it i'll need to drain this lava lake as well but don't worry i've got a lot of experience when it comes to draining lava lakes so it shouldn't be too much trouble at all and that is every bit of lava drain down to bedrock and all of the blocks cleared out of the way as well now to make a bit of a floor with this glazed terracotta and this is going to have powered rails on top of it i'm also going to place them in this direction as well made a nice little sandstone staircase going up here and we're basically going to be using rail budding to cause update suppression which is gonna allow us to slice a portal right here if it sounds complicated that's because it kind of is i'm making a big platform right here which is just going to be full of rails it takes a serious amount to cause update suppression over 2 000. now i'm finally getting to place the trusty target blocks and then to add even more sandstone as well as the redstone underneath now i'll add a row of redstone blocks and the big task of placing all of the rails can begin and that is every single one of them placed it didn't actually take as long as i thought a little noteblock can go right there we're gonna have another rail here and now to add the system that will bud the powered rails all of that is now ready to go but now to create the system that will but these lines along here it's really starting to come together now i need to turn a corner and go in this direction all that's left me to do now is place redstone blocks in all these and this will put the pistons and but the rails actually it doesn't put the rails just yet but if i go like this and then do that now the rails are bullied and the update suppressor is working let's grab the flint we've got the obsidian and if all goes to plan i can go ahead and build a portal right here like so okay this isn't okay you know what something's not right because the rails have gone off let me go ahead and just redo it the rails go off now no you can see the stay on you can see things are moving so that means it is the updated person is definitely working that's what you the way you can tell and prepare for your minds to be blown as we break that look at this look at that the portal well it's not like a normal portal is it we can break another one and then we'll break this final piece of obsidian as you can see we have now successfully sliced the portal i'll turn off the update suppressor remove these blocks from behind and there you have it all of this work just to remove the bottom layer of a portal but it'll definitely be worth it because any mobs that come through this portal now will just fall straight down and i'll make a hole down there so next everything here needs to be removed and thankfully since it's all made from sandstone it can be mined very very fast well as we said mine up all those rails did not take long at all well if you haven't watched the video you'd have never have known that all of this was here before and now we've just got this lonely portal although i do still have some big plans and i'm now going to rebuild that entire update suppressor right here as it happens the beacon's going to be in the way so i better mine it up and then i'll be able to move it and there is also the issue that the blocks on the ground have to be non-sticky ones so the glass would be very problematic instead there's going to be lots of glazed terracotta as the floor which i'll change back to glass once i'm done and i'm also going to add actual blocks for all of the rails to go on and now to begin building the even bigger update suppressor it's pretty much the same thing only that rail and all the bloodlines will go further and the same in that direction and you've already seen me build this once before so i'll see you again when the entire machine is complete the entire update suppressor has been built as you can see this one is quite a bit bigger and it has all this extra mechanism behind it so that i can actually move the update suppressor across by touching that note block in the distance i've got my beacon back but i can't have any light from the beacon coming over here so that's why it's completely been covered and i'm just gonna make it so there's no skylight coming down so that this farm will work even during the day because even without the roof the game will still think it's dark down there the only issue is that this roof is absolutely massive so it's gonna take me quite a bit of time to fill it all in tell you what building the roof alone has been a monster project but i am now very very close to completing it and that is mission accomplished i think this beacon is far away enough but i'm just going to patch it up to be extra safe and according to the f3 menu there's still one and two light levels and three even on the uh on the sky from the sky so i'm just gonna extend it a little bit further out so i'm gonna extend it by four on this side and i'll also do the same thing on this side although i've just run out of blocks i didn't think i was gonna need this many that's three shulker boxes worth thankfully i don't think i'll be running out of netherrack anytime soon looks like all of my glass that i set off smelton has done as well that's gonna be useful for the project and now to get back to finishing this roof it would seem that on this side the roof is already wide enough but just to be safe i'm still going to extend it by a couple of layers and i already know that this side needs way more layers let's extend the beacon cover up a little okay not like that though up a little bit and then we can just extend the roof around it and now mission to build a giant roof is complete and i also want to add an extra layer of blocks in front of this beacon because if you have to accidentally break some of the sandstone it would cause a lot of problems and i do stupid stuff all the time so uh yeah that should be much safer feels so dark in here alright well you know what that means guys it means it's time to begin although before i can actually do the part where i slice all the portals i plan to build the afk platform which will also have a bat switch and part of that is going to be to have a flint and steel with unbreaking three on it and i will also need a water bucket so i'll just take an empty one and i was gonna say that finding water should be pretty easy but everything's frozen not to worry i can just literally do this take the middle one and that will refreeze now the afk platform is gonna be right in the middle which is is here so it's gonna be built from glass to keep it spawn proof and this portal here is going to be our bat switch i'll make sure there's glass on top so nothing can spawn there and on this back side we're going to have a couple of dispensers so i can turn the portal on and off that's why this one has a flint and this one has a water bucket so the one with the flint is just gonna have a normal button on the side like that so the water bucket one is gonna have an observer that way when i press the button you'll see the water both appears and disappears because of the observer and i've got to change your heart decide to move the dispensers to this side that way it's just a lot easier to get to the buttons next it's time to do some portal linking on the other side now the most important thing for this part will be to make the portals around it slightly higher so because these portals are one block higher any mobs and bats that spawn at the bottom of the world will go to the lowest portal which is this one and then some bats will fly into these portals once their cooldown is finished and this portal here will link to in here so yeah i'm kind of trapped right now not too much of a problem and once i get about 15 bats in here i can go ahead and turn off the portal and then no more bats will be able to spawn all the way down there so all it's left me to do is make sure that every portal is linked and then encase this entire area in a glass box that's the walls behind the portals complete now to add a roof actually i want the roof to be one lower otherwise the bats might get stuck in the corners and now to encase the whole thing in a glass box so that nothing can escape and the mobs are going to fall straight down here and there'll be a collection system at the bottom but that's all i need to do with that for now i'll finish it later instead let's begin this project before i set off i'm just going to make sure this chunk loader is working which it is and before i actually start the machine i've actually grabbed a few extra items so you can see when i power this note block everything starts and then when i unpower it it stops so i'm gonna build a really simple little hopper timer that when this hoppo empties it will then activate the redstone and turn on the machine i just took a load of slime blocks in for now since i don't need them so from the moment i flick this lever i oh i need some redstone i have now got two minutes to get to the chunks because chunks will load fine when it's not on but when it's on yeah jump loading is a bit bit dodgy really okay i didn't mean to use a totem you know what it's all in the name of speed it's a race against the clock i can't be messing about although to be honest two minutes was loads and loads of time so i don't think i was ever in any danger of not making it let's get another totem whilst i wait for the uh the thing to start by my calculations it should now started i can test it out just by flying away and as you can see no new chunks are loading look at that we can't really uh we can't go there so we know that the light suppressor is in action so let's start up the update suppressor and get to work there's a lot of suppressing going on in this video isn't it i'm also going to use the trunk borders to make the portals the right thing i know it's working because the things are moving when i play stuff so we're going to light it up and now when i mine up this obsidian as you can see we have sliced the portal i can get rid of the top one as well and i have to break this entire top row now this is what's going to take the most time just mining loads and loads of obsidian this is where my glass is going to come in on the end if on that edge i don't need to do anything actually but when i get rid of this portal this obsidian block right here can instead be glass so nothing can spawn there and as you can see when you break a bottle it always you always lose this end one which is why i have to make it one longer than i want it to be got a bit carried away with this third portal and made it way too long now let's create this third portal slice it once again and remove the excess obsidian this right here is gonna get changed to glass and this end bit of obsidian in the floor is gonna be red stained glass that's layer one successfully complete let's turn off the update suppressor and now when i use this note block everything moves across one and we repeat the exact same process right here it's just so satisfying every time when you okay as i said when you slice the portal in half i should turn on the update suppressor first and i just realized why it's not working i am i need to extend this so this be a block there and then that like that then it's all connected now i can start the update suppressor light the portal slice it that's layer two complete so i'll move the suppressor along again and just rinse and repeat i've managed to complete eight layers but as you can see my game is now going very very laggy thank you something to do with the massive light cube so i'm going to enter the nether through one of these portals and see if it even works okay i did work okay and straight into my own trap and yeah you can see we're getting a lot of bats spawning as well that's why we need a bat switch could the bats be causing the lag well flew away so they'd all despawn yeah it's not helped so instead i'm going to reload the game now then when i reload the world it actually takes me back here which is probably not a good thing so i need to go through this portal so now i'm going to make my way out of here then i'm going to hit the spawn and the spawn chunks load with no problem which is good then i'll remove all of the slime from here and i need to flick this off don't i put some back in the machine stops the lag's gone it's beautiful now to flick this lever and repeat the whole process again and thanks to the f3 menu i can tell that this has worked and everything is light level zero and now i can get back to work and add more layers [Music] well it has been a massive grind but i am finally on the final layer and the constant lag is driving me absolutely crazy but yeah we're so close to the finish line i've spent a good four or five hours just doing the same thing over and over again and i'm so glad that the finishing line is now in sight and there we have it every single portal is complete the update suppressor can be turned off for the final time and i can now move this machine a few times so that it goes out of the way i'll just keep going look at that it's so cool when you just like actually watch it move like that and then another time i think it's well and truly out of the way now i'm gonna tidy up the area a little bit and get rid of this beacon now before i forget about it i still got a lot of things to do to make this work and if i make one wrong move all my progress will just be wasted and i do not fancy having to replace every single portal again it seems a few neighbors spawned without me realizing and i'm guessing this was from a lightning strike the next thing i will do is go through one of these portals and join all about oh my goodness yeah this is absolutely crazy this is probably one of the reasons why it was so laggy there's 1400 of them here i can't get out of here because my game's kind of in this laggy state now i'm just going to have to quit the world it probably won't let me quit i'll probably have to like end it with dust manager and that ladies and gentlemen is exactly why i created a bat switch i definitely do not want something like that to happen again now we can safely fly up to the light suppressor and turn it off it feels so nice to have smooth normal gameplay i'm at this in about five hours i will need it again before the farm is finished but first i'm going to head to my pigment farm and repair all my tools all my items and i'm going to take a break well that's enough of that let's dump all of these items grab more shulker boxes and then i can start the timer for the light suppressor to turn on this chunk loader up here can be removed i know the light suppressor is working because chunks will no longer load so that means that i can safely remove this entire roof this is definitely a much quicker process than it was to place all of these and because i've got the light suppressor on this will make the game think that it is still dark down there when i reload the world and so mobs will still be able to spawn down there even in the daytime and that is all of that removed let's get rid of this where the beacon once stood and also remove the update suppressor let's also remove the other beacon all this needs to go as well and now to get rid of all these rails and the sandstone underneath and finally every single one of the rails has been removed and the final thing to be done is to mine up all of the glazed terracotta and replace it with glass i also almost broke my other pickaxe so uh thankfully i just about did a substitution in time the final steps of this farm have involved a lot of mining i've removed all of the terracotta but i'm sick of the game being so laggy so i'm going to mine up all the shulker boxes and then head through the portal nice to be welcomed by a lot of pets oh no not again it is not easy to get out of there one bit i've made it all the way to spawn let's turn off this machine okay the frame rate it's too much nicer how old did you get a bit have fun getting down mate that was uh that was really evil i'm gonna reload the world anyway now now everything is so much smoother and i i you know what i can't do it to you guys actually i'll leave you guys up here now to head back home drop off some of this stuff and then let's get this pickaxe repaired and now let's place down all of this glass i've also realized that i did mess up the skylight suppression somehow so this farm will only be running at full capacity at night and that's because that roof should be the final thing that you remove not all the stuff but that's not to worry because i can fix it i just have to rebuild that roof then start light suppressing and the problem will be fixed however since we're on day 3000 we don't really have time to do that so we're going to test it out tonight when the sun goes down because it'll it'll just work like normal at night and i think that is now every piece of glass placed down let's fly back home offload these remaining items and grab magma hoppers and a bunch of rails and now let's sort out the chamber where the mobs are gonna fall we're gonna have a layer of magma here and then hopper minecarts would pick the items up under here i'm gonna create a much better storage system that will cope with the sheer amount of items it's gonna be like a hundred thousand items per hour but i haven't really got time for that right now the only thing i do have time for is to turn off this mob switch and then to test out the end of light farming oh my goodness you can see it happening right below your very eyes look at the mobs spawning in and then just and then going through this it looks so so cool and i can actually see what's going on on the other side but i'm going to show you guys in replay mode just looks so mesmerizing from up here though yeah i thought i'd look at the replay file as well guys and um yeah the sheer carnage is amazing but this is this is not quite how it's meant to go yeah i definitely need to work on my bat switch a little bit but i haven't seen anyone successfully do that in a single player world i've only seen people do it with more than one player so i'll take my thinking cap on with this one because i'm bats are coming through but there's there's still way too many butts through that actually i put lava walls i'll i'll call it with something from the f3 menu i can see that loads of bats coming through since they're cool down we've already got like 40 bats in here already and now we've got a spider yeah i'm definitely going to um i've got to sort the farm out a little bit because yeah there's too many mobs for me to handle right now the system i've got the system through there will definitely be improved the bats just keep coming we've got 160 500 yeah you see no more new bats will be spawning but because there's like a thousand already in there they'll just keep on coming through but you've got to say guys it really is an insanely amazing farm i mean the idea was that when i get to 15 bats i would just press that and then they would stop coming through but 250 i'm not meant to be able to uh to get that many so yeah before any more come through i'm gonna disable that that should hold them back any more bats now will probably go down there and hopefully they'll despawn after a bit you guys just just all land and make yourselves comfortable but yeah guys if you thought that this video was amazing if you think this farm is something else then uh please subscribe i just appreciate it so so much the sun has set guys so that was 3 000 days in hardcore minecraft also don't forget to get your signed post right i am actually signed this one yet but it will be signed when you order it
Channel: SB737
Views: 3,986,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gaming, sb737, sb minecraft, sb, let's play, minecraft hardcore, hardcore, surviving 100 days, 100 days, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, 3000 days, eol farm, eol, end of light, end of light farm, eol mob farm
Id: oBqU1ve8LRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 6sec (2046 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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