100 Days of Hardcore Minecraft But I Complete ALL ADVANCEMENTS

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if you ask me the hardest part about making a hundred days video is figuring out what you're going to do I've seen people take on Ancient moms just become as rich as possible build gigantic structures but I'm gonna go a different route I'm gonna do what Minecraft tells me to there are 102 advancements in Minecraft 1.19 everything from getting a stone pickaxe to applying every single effect to your player at the same time I'm gonna get all of them in a brand new world in 100 days and shout out to the OG Switchback make sure to check out his video once you're done watching mine and by the way there's a link to my Discord in the pinned comments go join that so you can be in my next big video but alright let's get this started and as I loaded into the world ready for a new adventure here we go I started up The World by punching down a tree one of the most iconic things in Minecraft from there I made some basic tools saw a little bit of exposed Stone and using a wooden pick to get Stone Age my very first advancement in this world from there there I crafted up a boat and some stone tools for getting an upgrade heading out onto the ocean seeing what I could find around me there's a large nether portal which had some pretty decent gold tools but I'm not going to try to get that gold block yet instead I'm focusing on getting some flint and killing a whole bunch of animals I'm honestly a bit of a menace to the wildlife in this world I'm warning you now now I'm eating the raw food not because I'm an idiot but because I'm gonna need that for a balanced diet and just knocking that out right away but don't worry I'm not gonna test my stomach for the entire 100 days I cooked up some food so I actually had something to survive with from there I continued sailing along the coast finding the very first Village in a pretty perfect spot actually broke and replanted some of their crops for a seedy place and then did the one thing that I absolutely never do in Minecraft slept for advancement number four day two I spent a little bit of time killing their iron golem to acquire Hardware finding an abandoned nether portal right here by the village and this is honestly a perfect setup I crafted a bucket in a flint and steel murdering quite a few more cows for saving the Village from the temptation of drugs I'm gonna need that later anyway while there I ate a raw potato to continue on my balanced diet and bread up some bees to get myself the parrots and the bats advancement but it's back to the ocean play me ye pirate music in the background grabbing a treasure map which will help a lot and some armor and Foods in the front of the boat which I will definitely need I started following on the map finding my way to another Village which I slept there very quickly I'm still basically made of tissue paper right now killing their Golem for more iron and stealing everything that wasn't nailed down including some things that were including parts of their houses I did my best loony impression from The Game of Thrones scenario making my way down the river towards where the treasure was buried getting a heart of the sea and a bunch of gold iron and explosives all of those would come in handy but my inventory is looking quite full so I jumped back in the boat sailed back towards the original Village I decided I was basing out of and dropped off everything into the first chest and I'm gonna apologize now the inventory management situation never gets anybody better for the entire 100 days go ahead and cancel me the next day I converted a lot of that iron into armor so I wouldn't go ahead and start dying releasing all of the farmers that had been trapped inside of a pen and trading with one for what a deal grabbed myself an iron pick and then had to have a conversation with the locals my bad get out of my bed mine from there I grabbed a bucket of some hot stuff and stored it off onto the side carefully casting another portal right here at the Village which would prove extremely critical to my success from there I headed off to the nether spawning in and you know it of assault Delta of course of course it's a Basalt Delta there's literally lava on one side of my portal cannot believe this always happens I started doing a little bit of exploring in the Nether and it was not looking promising on second thought it is a silly Place let's go home back to the Overworld and back to the ocean the antithesis of the nether I sailed out finding multiple different Ocean Monuments and a sunken ship with a decent little bit of treasure waiting from the inside there's a map with no treasure on it whatsoever oh that's weird that's weird it didn't generate a treasure I've never seen that happen before but I'm mainly just checking her POI I found another room another portal that had some meh loot inside and considered really taking some rest okay a small part of me knows that this is potentially a really bad idea but I really and I mean really really need to get that trident so okay let's see if we can do this [Music] ow did he just break the boat oh no they just broke the boat now I actually absolutely have to do this oh and that was my first kill oh that would have been amazing oh I'm drowning I continued sailing finding a proper treasure map this time and I set a frost Walker boots so I can pretend to be Tanisha and I still hadn't reached the other side portals were giving meh loot so I turned around I'll see the other side of this giant abyss of an ocean someday on the way back I did get a bit of a jump scare oh my God that scared me ah when we can fly we're absolutely figuring out what's on the other side of this massive ocean eventually making my way back towards the village and figuring if not by sea then by land I should explore what's around where I'm basing up I made my way up a huge set of mountains seeing emeralds and other valuable ores in the distance bucketing down to get them every single one of those is one more trade I killed a spider a skeleton and a zombie basic mob but I do need them for Monsters hunted and I tried really hard for a while to get my own personal advancement come on no come on I want this to happen come on oh nope nope nope remember I want I'm committed now I want this disc never mind I'm not committed anymore I did end up killing an Enderman for a pearl and a child for the clout getting a zombie villager downed as well because there's no way I'm getting them all the way back to home running through the forest and cresting the hill to the sunrise going into day six where I was able to finally make it back to the Village proper from there I set up a little bit of a multi-course meal and decided it was time to venture back into the nether this time with some gold armor on so I wouldn't be attacked by my piggy friends having to fight some giant bouncy angry cubes who were trying to push me into lava I eventually made my way out of the basalt deltas and into The Nether wastes and into the Fortress for a terrible Fortress finding a blaze spawner almost instantly but opting for the enclosed one instead my very first Blaze killed nading Miya Rod were into fire looting a lot of the chests I found horse armor and Saddles but most importantly netherwort and diamonds for another advancement I continued My Way Through The Fortress getting all of the chests and all of another work that was here and then spend some time farming blazes I'm still very early on so I don't want to take too much damage so I just boxed them off and stabbed them in their bottom ankle Parts netting more than enough blaze rods would forget me to the stronghold and for some potions as well after I was done with the blaze murder I voted off of The Fortress seeing a few piglets in the distance and trapping them all in a hole for some capitalist I mean trading nabbing Ice Bucket Challenge and who's cutting onions from different obsidian trades from there I bridged across the lava to a warped Force I'd seen in the distance trapping Enderman in a boat and killing them trying to get enough eyes so I could eventually find the stronghold the train here wasn't the best so it did take a lot of searching around and a lot of murder and while I was only about three quarters of the way towards the pearls I needed I was out of food so it was back to the Overworld for a quick stop oh let's get out of here oh saw creepers nope nope time for sleep I will now celebrate by poisoning myself once I had recovered from my bad but necessary dietary decision I grew a few trees in the center of the village just for wood until one big one grew and nope it's lore now it stays there for some reason using that I was able to craft a campfire heading over to The Beehive that was right here for Be Our Guest which I'm gonna need for honey blocks down the road as it started to get a little bit rainy I trapped a villager inside another right box putting a lightning rod on top of their heads don't worry friend you will help at some point in the future just hang out there for a little while spoiler alert they stayed there for a very very long time and I do not feel at all guilty about it and you will see why in just a little bit I mean they make cleric and did some trading to get them up to a higher level hoping for a pearl trade recruiting a Fletcher inside one of the other houses as my primary resource generation trading sticks for Emerald it's slow going now as I have to chop down logs but I'm gonna have a lot of world exploring that I have to do and once I can find Bamboo that's going to be a cash cow into day 9 I'm still just deforesting most of the area grabbing all of the logs converting all of them into sticks and trading them in for money and now you're gonna see why I don't feel guilty about leaving this villager in the hole until they're eventual demise please be good please be Pearls do not pee bottles please please be pearls all right well now I don't mind if you get struck by lightning I grabbed a bow from the Fletcher because I totally make a good financial decisions and started Brewing up a few fire resistance potions so I'd be more equipped to fight blazes and get a lot more Blazer odds by day 10 when I woke up I'm feeling it I'm in a good mood so let's craft up the eyes and see just how far away the stronghold is throwing my first eye it sent me in a Southward direction towards another Village which was definitely helpful I killed their Golem off camera and then remembered oh I should probably have a shield crafting one while I continued searching for the stronghold I was doing a little bit of underwater mining digging into a massive cave which I just love 1.19 cave generation finding a few diamond ores in the distance thank you complementary shaders did a little bit more General exploration through the drip Stone caves picking up not today thank you while fighting off one of the skeletons breaking my ax and my chest plate at one point which would become a theme of this hundred days so to repair that I went underwater grabbing a little bit more iron smelting that up to be able to craft a new chest plate and a new primary weapon eventually I found the spot where the eyes dipped underground digging down and not directly I'm not an animal ending up with the I spy advancement and continuing an extremely scuffed stronghold navigation this thing had intersected with a mine shaft and multiple geodes multiple dungeons that it had overlapped and it was an absolute nightmare to explore are you kidding are you kidding there's a dungeon too this overwrote a dungeon a geode and a mine shaft what the heck it actually overwrote multiple of all of those things but I only found that out as I continued to explore it and I had gone down literally every branch of this thing and there was no clear path to a portal every single room was blocked I found another spawner that was not completely yeeded grabbing all the gunpowder out of that which would prove useful in the future but I literally went through every single door marking and blocking off the tunnels behind me and there was nothing I could not find it I am generally frustrated and I need to step away from this for a minute I am not kidding when I said I was exploring the stronghold for almost a half an hour when I finally got it I'm getting heated right now just looking at this footage and being reminded of this and then this moment happened and I was Vindicated so badly there's more stone brick right there if it's gonna be there the whole time are you kidding me so yeah the geode blocked it and I took that aggression out on the silverfish spawner and then any of those little buggers who happen to be in render distance are we on eyes of course zero eyes being four short on eyes I casted another portal right here in the portal room which would definitely come in handy for a traversal later ending up in a Ravine and just looking all Enderman in the eyes to lure them to their eventual death well that was easy but now we need to go get blaze rods with enough pearls in my pocket I headed in the direction of what I thought was my home portal because I know I needed a little bit more blaze powder to convert these into Eyes of Ender turns out though I was wrong and I got very very lost heading to an entirely separate nether fortress killing places there and getting the end result that was exactly the same but having to fight quite a few wither skeletons and some hoglands at the same time in a very tense very Troublesome build where I also broke my ax again and I just realized closing myself into a box Philly I grabbed screenshot of my coordinates of my stronghold portal so I checked that and was able to navigate my way back to the Ravine heading back into the stronghold and from there my world would only get weirder oh cursed door I headed my way up to the surface doing ax fishing for the entirety of the day getting enough salmon and then smelting that up so that I would have a reliable food source going into the dragon fight and then I was visited by my fence Switchback who did this challenge as well go check out his video when you're done watching mine he also brought me some leads and some leather how kind as I popped into the world and grabbed the end advancement the end fight is something that I am quite familiar with at this time I did however get Take Aim shooting the dragon so I think that really helps in setting the tone for what this world's gonna look like but as I was approaching the tail end of this fight an Enderman broke my shield causing me to panic having to run near the edge of the island and throw down a pool of water and since they don't like showering they were just staying on the outside not able to attack me once that was out of the way eliminating the dragon was just the next blink in the chain let's go okay now here's the big brain play well now you get a little bit of it we're gonna leave the rest and we'll be back later once back into the Overworld I was back to work chopping down trees which I can convert into sticks to emeralds but I also made a quick lectern knowing that there are some key books that I am definitely going to need and now I have the levels to do some enchanting as well so I took a quick nap going into day 15 trapping a villager in a small little box putting a lectern in front of them and getting to work enough oh no that was no I didn't mean to do that I'm so sorry they're not gonna give me good trades even oh no [Music] oh I'm supposed to have shaders on how long were they off why didn't any of you tell me see shaders will give me good luck nope [Music] oh yes okay 41 emeralds stay there don't do anything we're gonna lock in the trade before it gets too late and we'll come back and actually do it a little bit later but okay Unbreaking three yet but with one book down I trapped another villager into a room ready to repeat the process the next day and as soon as I reconnected to the world I got a stroke of amazing luck no shot did that just happen are you serious right now I I cannot believe it then just I literally just logged back in okay hold on we need to get you somewhere safe and yeah get we need to get you to move towards yes mending yes okay we're locking you in because oh my God you're amazing all right let's get you somewhere safe you chill right there I literally I literally just logged back in after having dinner that's amazing with very clear prices for the books that I needed I kept chopping down trees converting all of that into sticks and trading that with my Fletcher to be able to get a whole bunch of emeralds doing a little bit of fishing while they reset getting fishy business as the next event once I purchased the book I got all of the sugar cane and more trees organizing my inventory and heading underwater for a little bit more iron so I could be able to craft up an anvil from there I accidentally dug into a cave and things got tense oh my God [Music] that was terrifying a little bit more prepared this time I headed back down into the cave getting a ton of iron there was iron basically everywhere that you would look around here and I'm pretty sure it was actually a vein I smelted all of that up getting several blocks worth which I was able to craft into an anvil which would be pretty much Essential once I got to the end from there I traveled through the nether knowing where both of my portals were making my way into the stronghold jumping into the end portal then mining enough blocks and grabbing the remaining experience even though I hadn't done any enchanting I just didn't want it to despawn heading up to the end Gateway and throwing a pearl for remote getaway well would you love to oh you love to see it twice I headed over towards the first end City getting the city at the end of the game and doing the best I can to fight shulkers is probably the weakest armor I've ever come to the ending there's a ton of diamonds in here and a diamond armor which would get me covered me with diamonds which was a benefit and kind of the reason why I hadn't crafted any to this point but I don't have feather falling that's a key advancement that I'm missing which I usually have when I'm in the end and that would be terrifying but I used the levitation to float my way over to the boat mining in murdering the shelter that was the guardian of my true goal here in the end my wings it's time to soar yes the chests here weren't bad either a bunch of gold some protection 3 pants and an efficiency for mending diamond pickaxe definite wins here I crafted up a few shulkers Enchanted the elytra with mending and things are looking good and with that cue the Montage [Music] [Music] foreign and I'm feeling good we're 28 advancements in and I'm enchanting up pretty much Max tier swords and pickaxes right now I haven't lytra so transport's gonna get a lot quicker which is important because we're gonna be doing a lot of exploring very soon I sailed over towards the nearby Village grabbing a cap for best friends forever and starting my goal towards a complete catalog from there it's hitting every portal you can find trying to find a god Apple eventually grabbing all of the gold blocks for a beacon which we will need and taming more cats so we can breed them and also getting the whole set on day 21 I found my way to a jungle biome which is gonna accelerate my economy immensely grabbing bamboo for that and some melons and cocoa beans for different food groups and heading my way back towards my original Village planting all of that down and grabbing a fish in a bucket for tactical fishing from there I grew up a spruce log just to have a whole bunch of wood for supplies crafting up an enchanting table and buying a crossbow from the Fletcher because I make good financial decisions for old Betsy since I grabbed silk touch I grabbed and replaced the Beehive for total B location and worked on sniper duel until late in the night [Music] oh man where did it go day 21 and we're fifth of the way through the challenge and just about a third of the way through the advancements I need to get started raining and I figured since I was wet anyway let's go underwater and Hunt some drown I'm gonna need to pick up a trident for civil picky advancements along the way and while this child didn't drop their battle Fork I was not giving up that easily I had another treasure map which I picked up some mid-tier loot from and then was surrounded by so many drowned I need Nautilus shells and tridents so any of the others that are spawning are not really my bag and I spent all day and most of the night flying around and hunting them and had basically nothing to show for it that was a bit of a bummer day 22 I planted all of the sugar cane grabbed an Unbreaking three book from my ATM villager and finally fully Enchanted my elytra that feels good I headed back over to the nether since my exploring range was greatly increased not putting any gold on so I could pick up the ooh shiny advancement and flying eventually finding a Bastion and wishing I had some gold getting those were the days while landing on its roof I thankfully had fire resistance and a whole bunch of arrows so I was able to take out all of the piglets pretty much indiscriminately opening up a chest for War Pigs and finding some ancient debris inside of a chest for hidden in the depths it has a lot of advancements very quickly but it's only about to accelerate I got pick step which isn't an advancement but absolutely should be continuing flying around hitting a Soul Sand Valley for top tourists and as soon as I landed the first gasket I saw and me played a little tennis yes let's go two purples back to back six advancements in one day and I was feeling pretty good I flew through another Bastion in a hit and run finding more netherite scrap in their chests just continuing to search around for any POI that I could hit for a quick resource game it was then that I hit Bingo Fuel and things almost ended really badly oh oh that was so stupid with that very close and entirely my fault call I headed up into the Fortress barricading myself off from all of the mobs that were here making another portal getting an advancement to turn lemons out of lemonade but I was very far from home and had very little food and no Rockets so I spent a little time just decimating the pig population I'm not gonna lie this is a bit of a pickle I'm 8 000 blocks away from home with no gunpowder and time is of the essence and then I thought I would have the Giga Chad moment the absolute big brain play so instead of waiting until the night to hunt out for gunpowder I went back into the nether finding and killing a few other men to get myself a pearl from there I dug all the way up to the nether roof found just the right opportune moment and purled through to the nether roof and then while I was running back to where it spawn I started thinking about what were my key priorities next which advancement should I prioritize so I could do them early enough that I didn't have to risk them sneaking up on me at the very end of the challenge but I think my problem here is infrastructure I was able to make a portal and returned back to the Village taking a well-deserved nap getting to day 25 and well so I guess you could say that incident in the nether was foreign please don't quit I Enchanted a book to get the enchanter advancement and before I could go ahead trying to get Looting 3 via a lectern there we go that's what I need instantly threw that on the sword getting sharpness as a bonus and while I waited for it to get dark so I could put that enchantment to use I set up a Target block and started focusing on the bullseye advancement I knew I could get this a little bit later with a redstone Contraption but I wanted to try to get it legitimately moving my mouse pixels at a time in the low DPI mode that I never use because I don't really play Shooters anymore but unfortunately it wasn't meant to be and hunting creepers throughout the rest of the night for gunpowder was immediately more profitable plus I had mending on my pickaxe so I was able to use that to repair and I don't need to worry about a totem or shield in my off hand right now because I'm doing okay seriously Knight 25 is where things started to take a turn and I had a lot of the advancements and infrastructure that I needed or is actually able to make progress turning a near-death experience into when I started to dominate this game on Day 26 I watched one of the bees kill a skeleton and before I could breed them up they got trapped on the campfire and killed themselves there too dang it so with no Bees left I grabbed the last little bit of honeycomb from there and wax on wax off right after I got that though it started raining and I was really hoping it would be a thunderstorm so I could teach that villager a lesson but once I realized it wasn't I flew out to a bunch of different Villages taming three different cats at the Savannah Village over and we're not gonna talk about what happened to one of them and as I'm out on these adventuring parties I'm checking any ruined portal I can trying to find a god Apple I absolutely need one for a balanced diet and to get how did we get here I did find a few drowned with Nautilus shells in hand which was definitely helpful getting back to the village and try to put some time into getting the bullseye advancement don't worry though I'd already spent half of a day just shooting arrows wildly at a Target so this time we're using a little bit of mechanical know-how and a bunch of arrows trapped in a trapdoor to get it with the flick of a lever the next day though I'm still out in search for a trident and to knock out any biomes I can I captured another cat for the catalog now only needing a few more finding a bamboo jungle grabbing a little bit of that and breeding two pandas for two by two from there I popped into a savannah Village dumping almost a full stack of fish into this orange cat and it still didn't want to be my friend until it was night time I'm not mad about that at all I promise but for some reason I was compelled with rage to kill a bunch of drowns throughout all of the night e29 I was breeding the cats at home and heading out for yet another adventure are just trying to find try to drowned and I found multiple oh there's two there's three okay one of these has to drop it they're like four there's still three more right here this has to be it this has to be when we finally get it seriously there were three of them right there oh this is the worst it's right there let me pick it up after some unsuccessful Fork collection I did happen to find another four letter f word just waiting for me in the swamps frog okay where's other frog I continued flying along in this path getting from the swamps to snow lands breeding another cat near Village and killing a straight from Monster hunted and a rabbit because well I that would come in which would matter a lot on like day 87 don't worry that will come up I'm taming basically every cat I see probably almost certainly getting some duplicates going into day 30. I trapped a goat in a boat jumping into it for one advancement breeding two of them for two by two and then I wanted to get something that might not have been on my to-do list but was definitely something I wanted here we see a wild Tanisha in its natural habitat it can be seen wandering through snowy Plains known mainly for stealing and chaos and mischief it is unknown whether or not this one will find its way home [Music] oh hello there oh yes yes it did it it did it where's the horn I got it [Music] this isn't an advancement I just wanted one with the goat horn in hand I murdered my audience there can be no evidence of this using one of their crossbows to shoot another one of them and who's the Pillager now from there my tour around the Frozen lands continued taking a few more cats and a dog just you know being equal opportunity 31 I'm continuing my Biome World Tour searching for a few of the rarer ones deserts Badlands and oh look at that ice spikes I'm stopping at any Village that I can find looking at every single cat and just constantly asking are you one of the ones that I need are you one of the ones that I need both both of the cats I need are right here I'm Gonna Stand still I'm actually gonna do it how it's intended to be done for once I'm not look I don't have the patience to do the whole stand perfectly still in place and don't so much just touch your mouse if you want to be able to tame cats I chased them down and shellfish into their face until they love me with three more I'm just missing the one that would come out of a witch hut grabbing a little bit of seagrass and breeding up some turtles for two by two flying over a coral reef and finally finding a desert and finding potentially the smallest desert ever which I thought was a beach until the husks started spawning I killed one of them for Monsters hunted taking a nap and then double checking on my advancement yep just one cat left and that one I don't find in a village but while we're making progress in all these advancements on the way home I saw an underwater portal and well we made a really big step forward oh that is amazing I thought I'm gonna have to go to an ancient city for that I can't believe I just found that in a random portal from there I did a little bit of organizing and I like I said at the start of the video the chest monster never gets better it only ever gets worse I repaired my diamond boots cooking up the rabbit to make a rabbit stew as well as eating the cooked rabbit directly and fought creepers for the rest of the night for gunpowder going into day 33. it took all of the ancient debris that I had collected in my first blast mining trip smelting it down and thinking I might not be able to get all of it in one go but I definitely want to be a bit more protective with a Netherland chest plate from here I'm back out over the ocean flying around and I'm going to keep going until I get this trident the first one that I killed didn't have anything and while I was finding more with Nautilus shells in their hands and they were more than willing to share it took a while before I got what I was looking for finally oh my God finally I got it I got it uh uh okay that is huge we need to get home as quickly as possible with a trident finally in hand I needed to get home and get that Enchanted as quickly as possible it needed mending on breaking and channeling on it because the window to get a thunderstorm is actually quite small and if I missed my opportunity it's possible that I would not be able to complete this hundred days challenge so that's what I was doing on day 34 just economy full send capitalism here we go while I was waiting for the Fletcher to restock on their trades in the second trading round of the day I built a scaffolding tower all the way up to build height dug a hole all the way down to bedrock we're gonna knock out several advancements all in one go as it got into the night I was killing creepers as I did almost every night for more gunpowder for more Rockets so I could go fly around usually I build a farm but in a temporal world like this didn't really make sense and then I realized that one of my villagers had been converted into a zombie villager and was sitting in a boat down in the coast so I built a roof over their head to protect them going into the next day Brewing up some Splash weakness potions throwing one of them onto it and stuffing a golden apple in their face continuing work on the tower to get it all the way up to build height and doing more trades with my villagers for more emeralds I made a spyglass for something we're gonna need a little bit later when zombie doctor finally popped as did them in the boat standing up where they almost suffocated to death oh that was almost really bad hi friends how you doing let's get you up somewhere where you can you know not be dead since this was the first villager I had cured I definitely wanted to turn them into a traitor so I would get better rates and on the second roll I got Infinity for one Emerald oh my God it only took like three rolls oh that's so good I immediately locked that in upgrading my bow with it so I would never have to worry about running out of arrows and that's one fewer resource I need to worry about managing as I went flying off towards the desert but as night fell I realized it would be an advantageous moon cycle to head back over to the swamp hopefully to find some slimes that I could kill for slimeballs that I could use to breed frogs a few had spawned which I was able to take out pretty quickly making my way down into a lush cave knocking that off for adventuring time and grabbing some glowberries to snack on for a balanced diet I also flew over a frozen ocean finding several more Frozen Villages and on the morning of Day 36 wandered my way into a Pillager Tower the closest one to spawn that I could find and it's over 2 000 blocks away I did a casual bit of murdering for voluntary Exile freeing a few of the alas giving and throwing a potato at them for You've Got a Friend in Me one of the Hidden inventions from there I headed over to one of the villages that I had found but a nice ice Lake on one side which would be good to escape enemies it was time for a raid I don't even take on raids in my hardcore world I really rely on a rain farm for any of the resources I would get from that and by the way my hardcore world is pretty amazing you should go watch this series in it I'll leave a link below the like button but I was keeping my distance using the ice which kind of messed with the Pillager pathfinding to be able to Sprint jump away and cover distance very quickly there were a few incidents of Friendly Fire but we're not gonna talk about that I better not see anything in the comments as an iron golem was doing some work helping me with the evoker that was trapped inside this little offense netting me my first totem up and dying the fight continued all the way through the night and Vex were basically my biggest problem without power 5 Bow a lot more than were spawning than I normally had to deal with when the final wave of the raid was up and we were talking evokers on ravenders that's where it started to get a little bit tricky and they had to do quite a bit of just running and kiting shooting down enemies from a distance thankfully I'd safely protected all of the villagers inside meaning I didn't need to be actively patrolling and could just be picking them off occasionally whenever I had the opportunity as I killed the fourth evoker downtown getting yet another totem all of these which would come in extremely handy I found a few mobs pinned down in the cave and this raid met an unceremonious hit let's go nice from there I flew home using The Spoils of War and hero of the village to get discounted trades on Unbreaking 3 and mending which I would use to enchant the Trident to get that thing back up into fighting shape this morning though there's one more spell that I need and I was able to do a little bit of re-rolling with a lectern and one of the few uncommitted villagers outside getting channeling after just a few tries now looking back at this footage I passed on that I passed on channeling for 17 and instead I kept rolling for loyalty which I got for 33 after a little while I mean it does help making sure the Trident is more than single use but why would I pass up on that in why would I do that it took me a good portion of the day trading in Alder bamboo and sticks for more emeralds and trading in a bunch of wheat to one of the farmer villagers that was here to be able to pick up the Loyalty right at the end of the day and I still needed channeling just oh but at least the thing was enchanted now meaning that I could finally repair it in my nightly hunting session and to catch half the night off I Let It Fly for a throwaway joke which funny story was my band name back in college but on the morning of day 39 I realized that with hero of the village active and my cured villager I had a positive Loop being able to trade bookcases for one and then individual books for one meaning I got a 2X return on any emeralds that I threw in so I spent quite a little bit of time investing with them all right time for like three advancements at once this should be interesting I've done this once or twice before and it's a really cool way to hack the system so all we have to do throw a Purl down that way and then straight up open up the UI parade and then fall and I have my totem oh no I think I did it wrong do I have to go one further down I think I have oh no I did it wrong okay let's try this again this time we will water bucket clutch it hey let's go never let it be said that lagundo doesn't know how to MLG I can clutch it when it counts it's day 40 we're over halfway done with our advancements and we're below the halfway marking days but difficulty ramps up pretty quickly when we get to some of the later ones and they require a bit more setup case in point a full tier Beacon where we're gonna need a lot of gold blocks for thankfully I have a trident so I can go around killing Elder Guardians who I do need to kill for Monsters hunted and running around and grabbing sponges which I don't need in this world but you know that Luke Goblin in me is always going to go ahead and collect those regardless the big thing I was at for each of these monuments was the gold locks and by day 41 I was attempting to sneak my way into the back before mining fatigue would become active grabbing the gold and just doing the occasional Elder Guardian kill whenever I didn't happen to get to it fast enough I did this for several Monumental kind of varying levels of success and a decent bit of murder in there as well with the stack and a half of sponges in my pocket for good measure while I hadn't completed any advancements for the last two days I definitely made massive progress on the big ones so I celebrated with a cookie day 42 I started today by doing a little bit of repairs on my sword and my helmet flying out and finding the next Village over putting down a bookcase there and grabbing channeling for 15 emeralds after a little bit of time these actually seemed great that I passed up on why didn't I have this three days sooner but I guess without loyalty it would have made clearing The Monuments impossible so you know what I big brain did I absolutely knew what was going on from there I continued searching around just trying to find any new and different biomes that I could for adventuring time I eventually stumbled my way into a mangrove forest finding a few more frogs there which would definitely come in handy reading a few of them with slime balls and making a small puddle for them to drop the Frog spawn into from there I threw both of the frogs in a boat so they wouldn't be going anywhere I made a portal recording the coordinates since I had access to the netherroof or kind of had access to another roof I'd be able to get back here with a portal on the nether side a corresponding coordinates would you make transporting these frogs a lot easier but once the eggs hatched I scooped up the tadpoles for bucket bucket advancement and being able to breed those up in different climates flying my way through an eroded Badlands and a desert and the fact that I emphasized eroded yeah that's gonna come up later trust me I'm still collecting any obsidian that I could find for some of the later advancements that I'm worried about that I will definitely need that for but as I was flying out over the planes you know what's about to happen right oh my goodness hello never punished every series we always find one let's get you in a boat come here yes hello [Music] I'll be back for you later just wait here every time without fail I love it what do we do by celebrating the presence of an interdimensional God being you know it we throw Jude bugs down for sound of music now you might not believe me but if I hadn't found this pink sheep at these coordinates I would have failed the entire 100 days challenge when that time came around but I ended day 44 by shooting arrows over a mountain at a few pixels off in the distance at a random skeleton and it turns out I am the better Mark Wahlberg day 45 was about traveling and breeding mobs first I bred a horse and a donkey for a mule and then two horses together for another horse eventually finding a few chickens and breeding them together for wouldn't you know it a horse no I'm kidding it's a chicken saw a few more drowned trying to pick up Nautilus shells and I got like this trident thing instead worthless but I'm just running around searching for more mobs right now trying to complete two by two I brought up a few pigs the next morning just to be sure I wasn't sure if I had done it by this point flying off in another direction making my way over towards a mega Taiga Biome where I was able to find some sweet berries grabbing those and eating them but eventually spotting an azalea tree digging down immediately underneath it I hope to be able to find some axolotls down here I dug through a geode into the actual Lush cave space finding a whole bunch of diamonds throughout the majority of the night and fighting creepers for gunpowder and ah I just love 1.19 cave generation it's amazing you wouldn't know it being underground and everything but I spent all of day 40 36 just searching on day 47 finding a few isolated water pools up in a corner making a few buckets and grabbing the cutest Predator with a few of them in bucket form in my inventory where they would keep for forever I flew through another crack in the surface making my way back up to the Overworld finding a few foxes who I leashed together fed berries and bred them for two by two as I was pulling back up to home after this massive adventuring party out a thunderstorm began and I needed to move quickly the first thing I realized was that I didn't have channeling on the Trident so I threw that on as quickly as possible but before I even had an opportunity lightning struck the lightning rod turning that villager into a witch and it didn't count as being for me so I flew off to the next Village over where everybody was a bit more free-range grabbing surge protector from the lightning rod that was stuck on somebody's roof and then throwing and tried it through their door attempting to hit them with lightning realizing that they need to be outside I hit a nearby zombie to pick up very very frightening bunny in a witch and running I realized as it continued to go off this is my opportunity to get a zombie piglin kill without too much danger hitting a pig with one of those and then eating them off in the distance that's one more mob killed for Monsters hunted oh that feels so good I think we're done that was the most that was the hardest part and I think I think we just got it I cleared out the witch before she would be constantly throwing potions at my ankles and at this point I think we were done with any weather-based advancements so that was one last piece of RNG that we were through on day 48 I flew off to capture some buckets of tropical fish bringing it back home to breed up the axolotls for two by two throwing both of my adult axolotls into buckets and bringing both of them along with me for a fight so I just punched a drown and then let the axolotls kill it thinking that was what you needed to do that's what the advancement says but it turns out that's not exactly true and even after a couple different attempts that wasn't working it actually took quite a bit of Googling getting my way to the Minecraft Wiki and realizing that this advancement is basically backwards of what it says you actually have to do so on day 49 with two of them still in buckets I dove my way into an ocean Monument we needed multiple enemies that were tagged at this point that then I could kill not the other way around once they had tagged one of the Guardians I followed up with the sword stabbing them quite a few times in the face for the healing power or friendship it's funny how that works sometimes but as I was trying to get my axolotls and get out only one of them was remaining unfortunately the healing power of friendship only goes so far well I was mourning that loss I headed home grabbing a bunch of wood and converting a little bit of it into a sign having killed a glow squid on my way back home and approaching the midpoint of this entire challenge glow and behold we were making big progress day 50. it's time to head back to the nether but with an entirely different set of goals I found a spot where I could just mine down to y equals 15 and it's time for some explosive bed lighting normally when I'm netherite mining I have a ton of TNT and beds is way slower and a little bit more dangerous but I did eventually find a grand total of three pieces of netherrite and after mining lives up and preparing for the next bed well we continued with the theme oh no oh that's massive that hurts so much I kept bedbinding though after that not realizing that I needed the diamond pick in order to mine the ancient debris I'm good at this game I promise I promise I actually know what I'm doing so the next day we need a new diamond pickaxe and probably some more shulker boxes to be able to transport all the resources we're looking for so a good idea would be heading over to the end and being reminded of my mistakes by having to break the basalt by hand since there was no pickaxe available I flew through the end Gateway and over to the end cities just trying to find any chests that I hadn't looted my first time around the first couple cities that I had visited were fully looted so I just spent the rest of day 51 sailing off in One Direction just trying to find another city to potentially Loot and on day 52 I found a brand new city which was really great and while I was collecting shoulder shells I grabbed an efficiency 3 diamond pickaxe and then noticed that I had a bunch of diamonds in the Ender Chest I actually realized by the other this video I never used an inner chest at all maybe that's an extra bonus advance but with the pickaxe and trails in hand I flew back towards a city that I had cleared previously the one I had gotten my wings out originally and there was a Gateway right inside and right about now my hard drive filled up with all of the recording I had this and The Game of Thrones video and another thing that I'm recording that will come later and I didn't notice for a little while as I was building up a platform and a bridge eventually I caught on just after I had trapped a shulker in a boat and Was preparing to set them off on the bridge sailing them in destruction was extremely tense and they had hit me with a levitation ball right before I got in the boat so when we went through the Gateway I got great view from up here by transporting not only 50 blocks down but thousands of blocks laterally as well which is a unique way to get this one while we were on end advancements I was reminded to pick up the egg for the Next Generation putting it on top of some ancient debris and then using a fortune pickaxe to mine down all of the diamonds and iron so that we can set those up in block form for a beacon down the road the next morning I did a little bit of Creeper hunting just to re-up on my gunpowder Supply so I can continue flying around searching around for mobs to breed and biomes to discover I went flying in search of the deep dark primarily diving into every hole that I could find but saw a few donkeys that I was able to breed for two by two getting to about three quarters of the way there and flying around the different jungle biomes grabbing anything from Jungle biomes with flying around the jungle biomes with hitboxes on trying to get spot trying to get eyes on an and flying around the jungle biomes with hitboxes on for anything that looks vaguely like a cat or you know an ocelot which is a wild cat I didn't find a cat but I did find a bird looking with it through a spyglass to get the is it a bird achievement I don't know Minecraft is it bird is bird you know what burb is not burb is not part of two by two advancement because you cannot breed parrots Mojang why why can you not breed parrots but I realized as I was searching for ocelots I didn't have enough fish in my inventory probably so I did a little bit of swordfishing in the rivers finding a jungle temple which is the most underwhelming structure in the game but there were a few emeralds in the chest so that's nice but I'm looting portals and sleeping out underneath the stars getting into day 55 when I realized that I was looking at the wrong biomes so I headed over towards a proper jungle biome finding an ocelot on top of a tree I grabbed a lead immediately tying them up to a pole and figured if I flew back and forth searching around another one would probably spawn and the one who was leaded wouldn't despawn right well no it turns out that's only actually boats I'm not gonna lie I was a little heated about that and I I Rage Quit for about a day on this challenge just because of that cat and after three in-game days of searching an hour worth of searching when I logged back in two days later you know what I found I found two cats almost immediately I got them both on leads and bred the ocelots for two by two continuing to fly around looking for additional biomes to explore any gold blocks that I find are going directly into the inventory and any creepers that I find are being turned into gunpowder which explodes in my face or goes directly into the inventory one of the two on day 56 I finally found some 1.19 mountains with a Snowy Peaks biome and a huge portal right here which just looked really cool I killed a couple animals for leather yes all animals that drop leather don't you judge me like I said I'm a menace making some leather boots for light as a rapper by walking on powdered snow from there I dove down into hole and yes this is the perfect spot as there's a deep dark biome down here that is pretty accessible there's no ancient city at least as far as I can tell but there is quite a bit of diamonds and other resources and some shriekers that could be easily isolated or at least I thought they could be easily isolated [Applause] I killed a couple creepers right at the edge of the biome and got it spread by one of them dying next to a catalyst throwing down some torches thinking that the space was safe and it was very much not safe as a warden spawned on my head that is what we in the business know as time to leave so I flew through to the other side of the caves a couple hundred blocks away where I was probably safe grabbing whatever gunpowder I can from the creepers and whatever diamonds I see embedded in the floor or walls I found a separate spot that was much more isolated from any other potential Outlets of the deep dark and isolated a single Shrieker grabbing some obsidian from my shulker box and making a portal here but not going through I wanted to note the coordinates so that I could isolate this on the nether roof to be able to get easier access to it because when it comes time to use this space I will definitely be on the clock from there I dug up to the surface and b-lined it straight home I can't sleep right now because I'm trying to spawn Phantoms for a different advancement that I need so I spent the night organizing so to make this all all work we're gonna need access to the nether roof we've already been up there and there is a portal there that connects to the portal at our village so we're going to need to break bedrock to get to it and then I thought I had the big brain idea we have a portal so we don't need to break bedrock all we need to do is get rid of the portal that we have on the lower level now we could have just broken that portal but that's not cool so I decided to blow it up um welp that didn't work if I see so much as one comment in there that all I needed to do was like the TNT later in that process I'm just gonna ban you I really am I feel bad about this and I'm ashamed and I don't want to hear about it the problem I have now is I have none of my shulker boxes I don't have a totem anymore and I have very limited Rockets to be able to get to where the stronghold portal is I demolished the existing obsidian and flew over towards where the stronghold portal was located ending up in the end and then being reminded that there's a shelter box just sitting there on the spawn platform I did a little bit of digging right there just to get that place a little bit ready when it's time to bring the shulker to the Overworld from there I jumped into the end portal ending up at World spawn and marking it which would be extremely important for later going through the portal at the Village which now did link to the one on the roof so mission accomplished I guess so day 60 I forgot to start recording before heading off to the nether roof but all I'm doing right now is going to all of the coordinates that I recorded in my notes for working on this document and getting the corresponding portals on the nether roof so we'd be able to link everything into the portal Network first up was the frogs getting them on leads and back towards spawn secondly was the pink sheep that we had found earlier making sure that they would be safe and cozy at our home in the Overworld every time every hundred days you'd love to see it hello my pink friend my wonderful pink friend hello I'm having a moment here from there I set up a few tadpoles in a box so we'd be able to breed orange frogs and the next morning we need new nether access to be able to access the main body because we're not just done with everything inside hell yet I cast a portal in a nearby lava pool getting into The Nether and putting down a respawn anchor for not quite Nine Lives fully charging it marking where this portal was eating some mushroom stew to contribute to a balanced diet and heading off to a fortress where I was breaking spawners and breaking necks on wither skeletons I'm taking some hits though getting down to only about three or four Hearts so I needed to find one in a much more adaptive biome this one an award Force looked pretty good and I was able to run a pretty consistent loop around the overall structure with more wither skeletons spawning around me that I can consistently be farming for skulls it's efficient but it's not fast getting my first skull and spooky scary skeletons on day 61. as I continued just running the loop and running the loop I did pick up a second skull from a hack of wither skeletons that was on the roof of one of the outcroppings and then just continued going around in that Circle several times and I'm talking several times until I was completely out of food but finally picking up the third skull after about 10 more minutes from here I am totally out of food but there is food at home but there's also food here in Hell except the food does try to kill you here in hell I didn't get to see the rare piglet dance as they had just slayed one of the hoglands and this batch around me was docile but I also couldn't breed them which is something I did need to do I tenderized several of them into pork chops and then selected two very special ones to breed them for a two by two one of them falling into the lava immediately after but with everything I wanted to do in this trip in the nether complete ice headed back towards my home portal and placed the skulls on top of this ancient debris Tower day 63 I'm hunting any creepers that I can find and harvesting wool from all of the sheep that I could find for additional bed bombing I started carving out a 50 block long tunnel that we'd be able to fill with lava for strider for feels like home which we're definitely going to need to do but before I was worried about any more lava filling I was back to netherite mining bed bombing is proving moderately effective and I was Finding pieces of ancient debris every now and then with another five in my inventory after just a few minutes and even more a few beds later after that I need 15 pieces of ancient debris for everything that I want to do to be able to get all of the advancements for a full set of armor A lodestone and A netherright Hoe but wouldn't you know it time is like a flat circle it Rhymes and well I I broke my pick again if I had a nickel for every time I was netherite mining and I broke a critical tool which I was currently depending on I'd have three nickels two in this series and one in Dominion which is disappointing that it's happened three times out of frustration I headed back towards the portal finding a lava pool that was actually relatively close and picking up a strider for this boat has legs which I think they named that advancement for me setting them up in a little pen and being reminded that you you can pen animals so the Sheep are no longer free range I'm gonna be harvesting all of the wool a lot quicker now from there I crafted a new diamond pickaxe and explored some possible enchants for it smelting up two netherite ingots and a bit of extra scrap it's also time to repair my boots pants and helmet without Unbreaking on everything I think armor and tools are not lasting as long but some extra durability from nether riding the pants and boots that could definitely go a long way and I'm three quarters of the way to cover me in debris to end the day off I bred some frogs pulling them through the portal so they could hang out with their Brethren here on the nether roof which is safe and right now as I'm looking back at the footage I realized I had forgot to turn on shaders again so I apologize that this video looks a little inconsistent I Enchanted up a crossbow with piercing which I'll use later tonight harvesting wood and wool for additional bed bombs which I will use in just a couple days I threw another tadpole in a bucket so I'd be able to get green frogs a little bit later doing multiple trips back and forth from the Nether and to my little channel here to set it up with lava buckets except I didn't really have a lot of buckets I did that for the better part of day 65 just getting that lava Channel ready to go but when night fell this is the main thing I wanted to do today I need to get two birds one arrow and the easiest way to do that is by trapping two Phantoms in a boat and then shooting them both when they can't escape I was able to get them both in the first time but they weren't low enough health and the arrow just broke the boat sorry but thankfully there was only two Phantoms that had spawned and reinforcements never arrived so I was able to get them trapped in the same boat a little little bit later in the evening and launch an arrow just ah that feels satisfying on day 66 I upgraded that crossbow getting piercing 3 on it just one more to the final step of what I need setting aside the ingredients for a cake which I'll need for a later advancement and making a few extra buckets just to try to make this lava Corridor be a little bit faster after only a couple more trips I had fully completed the corridor and I grabbed my friend Walter The Strider and headed off to the Overworld let's go yes okay friend I feel bad kidnapping you so we'll just we'll put you back besides I'm probably gonna need to bring the frogs over here so I don't want them in the way there's only a few more nether advancements that I need and most of them are gated by netherite but one isn't it's uneasy Alliance and for that I'm gonna need to build a couple really big portals so I spent some time mining out a bunch of obsidian until I got jump scared foreign yep yep that's the sign I can't believe a mob actually tried and almost successfully assassinated me on day 66 I'm making Order 66 joke like every other one of these videos and one was finally made on me I completed mining out all the obsidian on the morning of day 67. heading back into the nether to do more bed Mining and getting lucky occasionally with some ancient debris just where I'm setting up the tunnels as I was wrapping up with only another three ancient debris to my name a piglet jump scared me and got me down below half health I have to remember that they don't like me in this reality but I got home smelted that all up and cover me in debris is done now there's only two ingots remaining and I already have half of one of them ready to go and don't worry I didn't break my pick a third time I did repair it with a couple diamonds that I had lying around on day 68 since I was no longer worried about the depths of the nether at least not for a little while I went flying on the roof over to the coordinates that I needed to be able to link the deep dark into the portal Network thankfully it was only a couple hundred blocks than another so that worked out wonderfully I mined a few diamonds that I saw and put down the tadpoles so they would grow up into green frogs the deep dark counts as a cold biome figuring out where I was gonna plant the beacon and Mining a spot just straight up to the surface once daylight had been achieved I headed back down underground and found something that I thought was impossible wait a minute wait a minute isn't that supposed to be like near impossible in 1.19 isn't that supposed to be not able to generate look at me I found an illegal block seriously if you want to access my map after we're done accessing it via patreon is the best way to do it is available for all tiers just go check it out but as I'm waiting for the frogs to breed up I just mind some skull I need levels anyway so just mining this is definitely great but eventually I heard the grab it and one green frog was waiting for me I grabbed them on a lead and got one the squad hops into town which to be fair I thought you actually had to have all three at once that's way more thematic now this is the way you should actually have to get the advancement when the squad truly hops into town we've got them all going though now kind of want to be safe here so let's let's let's let's be smart so let's hook all of them you you're my guinea pig and see whether or not we can take you to the magma cubes or have to bring the magma Cubes To You okay all right they're ready to go I headed back to the Overworld bleeding my frog and running along the little path that I needed to from the roof portal to the floor portal basically since the basalt Delta was right there it was gonna be really easy to get this frog very close to some magma cubes they were practically spawn camping me at this portal I did do a little bit of work to make sure that the Frog wouldn't just immediately unalive Itself by jumping into lava but once a few magma cubes were close I pulled them on the lead and got my first few frog lights one for three down and two more to go I full sent it just grabbing both of them at once and getting almost killed by a creeper bowing down whatever mobs are in my way and getting my hoppy buddies to the lower levels of hell where they were both able to spawn me or Frog Light where I completed with our powers combined d70 and I'm feeling like it's time to close out the nether altogether if I have one fewer Dimension that I need to worry about when it comes to Future advancements that's definitely a better position to be in getting towards a Crimson Forest and building a portal thinking I could easily get a hogland through it all I had to do was light it once except the huglin literally just walked through the portal it didn't get sent there and I thought maybe because it's a single player I have to go through first which I did very quickly and then a few seconds later was able to send through two hoglands to the Overworld by the time I had gone through the portal they had already transformed into zoglins were easy to kill meaning I only had one mob left on Monsters hunted and it was gonna be a big one but the next thing for me was uneasy alignments I would fly up to wherever I saw a gas and then try to speed build a portal with limited obsidian I had using a fishing rod to try to get them through I did pick up is it a Balloon by looking at one with a spy glass but I absolute worst luck getting it down to the surface and then instinctually punch the fireball at one point killing my perspective Ally I'm thinking netherweights is probably not the way to do it and also doing it in open nether might not be the best idea with limited resources I should build a little mini gas farm and see if somehow I could wire that to work through a portal so I headed to the nether root flying around until I saw a Soul Sand Valley and then building a large Netherrack platform that was only four blocks tall with a portal on one side of it figuring that if a gas spawned in here they'd be stuck and then I could just fish and Rob them through the portal super easily the problem I have is there's a reason that you go with the Farms that the actual smart people design because this thing was absolutely scuffed I mean it worked mobs spawned on the platform and guests were spawning around except they were spawning on top of the blocks that were meant to hold them in place which meant I had free floating Ghasts in a free-floating platform with no ground in any direction for at least 100 blocks so it was even harder than trying to do it in the open nether where there were you know walls I tried that for all of day 71 and then demolished this little farm and bathed in my shame Day 72 I'm back to the Overworld and realized that I'm not going to complete the nether right now and I need to make progress I can't just be sitting and getting frustrated with gasks so I smelted up a little bit of food banked all of the resources and then leashed a dolphin and started searching around to hunt drowned I was specifically looking for Nautilus shelves and wouldn't you know what oh another trident we're absolutely gonna get Zoomies on that we've had enough rain I want to be able to fly here anyway here I go killing again [Music] but as it was somewhere on the border of Day 72 and 73 as I was just out hunting for two days a puffer fish killed my dolphin and I have only two rockets in my inventory so that's not enough to fly home I hunted whatever drowned were between me and the closest Coastline ending up at The Acacia Village that I had teamed some cats at a little bit early they also picked up mining fatigue from an ocean Monument along the way which was super unfortunate but once that cleared I made a quick Acacia boat and then I figured I should bring this cat home as well and have more than just one of my types of cats with me at the Village this didn't help with the advancements this only helped with telling a good story what helped with the advancements was hunting for ender pearls and gunpowder throughout the rest of the night of season three day 74 I'm doing a little bit of inventory management taking stock of where I'm at and how far I still have to go we're about to hit the three-quarter Mark as far as days and I'm still lagging a little bit behind as far as where I want to to be as far as advancements this one is going to come down to the wire but I figure it's time to knock out three really big ones all at once I grabbed the Wither skulls and Soul Sand a few blocks of iron and a pumpkin that I had found along the way doing my best to prevent any Villages from using drugs finally finding a win select Gravelly Hills and a windsorrupt forest biome bringing my adventuring time up to 46 of the 52 biomes remaining from there I grabbed a few hay bales and was able to breed a few llamas that I had seen on one of the mountain and a few wolves that was the next one over for two by two and I would betray these wolves in a horrific way in just a little bit but on the morning of day 75 it's time to do some summoning and it's time for a battle I popped down the skulls for withering Heights and knew I needed some backup so I hired some help as well partially so I could get a Wither Rose and that's where I forgot that the Wolves were still gonna try to fight with me but I didn't have time to worry about that anymore more the Wither was spawning and this was going to be a tense one [Music] [Music] foreign I normally do that with a lot more potion prep goodness doesn't seem like a fair trade but at the same time I can't complain pretty nice yeah I I totally missed something I have no idea what I have not yet killed while I was on the flight home I did a little bit of just mental inventory trying to figure out what it was that it prevented me from getting monsters hunted and as I was flying just a few degrees off of the path that I used to get here I made a huge step forward finding both a mushroom Island and a few drown that were holding Nautilus shells I had a little bit of wheat in my inventory so I was able to breed the mushrooms together for two by two and following a treasure chest I was able to get a little bit more resources from there day 76 I'm continuing flying around finding some of the colder biomes as well which I had still needed to pin down I'm raiding Villages for anything that I could find useful breeding a few rabbits together for two by two thank goodness they're not actually murder bunnies finally finding my way towards a deep frozen ocean which was a huge thing that I was worried about finding the next Village I went to I threw down a lectern just to try to spend the night getting a possibly good advancement and immediately rolled silk touch which is something that I needed I need to be able to get a few blocks specifically that would break in any other circumstance I'm pretty done with Phantoms though so I slept here and the next day was immediately going at it with another villager just trying specifically to get Riptide and I only got Riptide one which I bought four books to be able to combine into a rip type 3. it'll be expensive but it could be worth it but as I sailed out of the village I saw it the potential end to my search I think this might be it so if we go this one bad lands are there trees somewhere around here oh come on I just need trees trees is this it yes that is such a relief I can stop farming for Rockets constantly now now I can just go on the portal Network oh that is such a relief with adventuring time complete one of the grindiest advancements that there is of this whole project that put wind back in my sails the other thing I'm going to need is a full powered Beacon so I figure I can do that and take advantage of the gold spawn rates here in the Mesa Biomes being able to pick up a ton more gold and since it's fortunable now in the Overworld it's double or triple the return I mine for all of day 77 and a good portion of day 78 getting several stacks of raw gold into my inventory and then just beelining it back towards where home was I really didn't need to head out and search the whole world anymore but I did have one last thing I needed to find and thankfully I flew over while I was on my way back finding a swamp with a witch hut inside and inside was the last potential cat I did a little bit of Sword fishing to get the requisite offering to the Beast that thinks itself a god killed its previous owner and then assumed Direct Control that that's how adoption works right this is the last major traveling task now we can just focus at home oh that's awesome well enjoy the fish and I'm Gonna Fly Away now I don't think you'll be able to keep up with me you got this covered friends with two Epic Level advancements complete I spent the rest of day 78 just flying back towards home on as close to a straight b line that I could being so exhausted both in and out of game Landing straight on the bed and calling it a night there day 79 I Enchanted the diamond pickaxes to upgrade and repair ending up with a fortune on breaking 3-1 which is just amazing and absolutely keeping that it's melting up and crafting all of the gold and putting it into this chest I have most of a beacon I'll have more by the time everything is done but I went to go check on my mending villager to get books and I could not find them which baffled me because they've been locked in a room oh friend oh friend no don't jump Queen how did this happen okay hold on oh no this is really oh no Okay can would this work yes yes yes yes come on nope oh no Okay so back down you go there is no escaping this church you live here for forever well my mending villager is recovering from whatever trauma they just went through I did have to go and cure the Fletcher again so I'd be able to actually use some research generation harvesting all of the bamboo which I'd be able to convert into sticks the following morning to turn that into emeralds because that's how capitalism works I went off to the nether to breed my Strider who had helped me with the Feels Like Home advancement with another one who was right close by finally completing two by two yes another major advancement down okay so at this point I have two hard things I need to do I need to convince a gas to come to the Overworld with me which has proven difficult and I need to do the most difficult advancement in the entire game I also need like six more pieces of ancient debris and or two netherite ingots from my hoe and a lodestone respectively but I had a thought about that just maybe bastions bastions have netherrite so we're gonna try that quick so yeah it's day 80 and I figure if we rate a couple bastions maybe we'd be able to pick up some ancient debris or netherite scrap or if we're lucky a full idiot which should short-circuit the remaining mining that we have to do so I flew into the back of the bastions because we also need gold blocks to be able to get a full power Beacon so harvesting these they're just sitting here out in the open that's a definite win as well I'm being very careful making sure that there's no access roads to me whenever I'm breaking these blocks and spending some time using a bow and a sword to just kill any brutes who are here that we are not 313 right now first chest I opened did have a piece of netherite scrap in it it also had an iron block which would be pivotal in completing the beacon later the next had a diamond pickaxe but I already had a better one in my inventory so I thought let's go down to the towers side of this one to get all of the gold that's sitting down there to help again with getting this Beacon completed I'm working in a two by one tunnel just trying to be very careful really make it so that nothing can get to me mining up all the gold and shoving it into my pockets I grabbed some spectral arrows which I would definitely need and there were three Diamond chess blades here so I only took one I'm not being overly greedy just the appropriate amount of greedy heading out of the Bastion I flew through a small tunnel in the Netherrack and my goodness there's a gas and potentially the perfect location it can't escape it can't fly away all I have to do right now is trap it in a box to make this work so I built up some quick walls just to protect myself from the ghast Fireballs fishing Rodding the gas into a small confined space and building a box around it which means it can't escape anymore and I have the perfect candidate for uneasy Alliance I quickly built up another portal lit it and thought yes and tried to pull them in and they didn't go through and then I realized this is the exact same thing as the hoglands what do I do here it's in okay let me try this maybe that will get pulled through too oh don't you dare please please do not despawn oh goodness this is awful okay oh I also realized that the Netherrack wall directly behind the portal but it's a little bit too too thick so I dug out a little bit more space pulled the gas through and went to the Overworld to try to kill it on that side but when I escaped from the portal nothing was there I checked by reloading the chunks trying to see if I could see it or hear it and then I noticed the gunpowder in my inventory no after all of that no don't do me like this game honestly it's starting to feel like this might be the advancement that costs me everything either this or how did we get here are potentially going to be the ones that prevent me from fully completing this Challenge and it's really starting to make me nervous because I'm running out of time to do everything that I still need to do I did eventually fly off to another Soul Sand Valley building a very large portal on the nether side heading through and breaking that digging my way up to the surface which was an ocean setting up an exact coordinates and the large portal on this side as well there would be nothing for the gas to potentially suffocate on if they were coming through they were going to be able to be murdered by me directly I should have been prepared for what was coming next so it's worth noting that I'm only going into this with two fishing rods which I would find out later was woefully underprepared I did have some initial luck with capturing a few Ghasts and getting them close always close never actually making it through after my second fishing rod broke I went back to the Overworld because I need to get resources here finding a Pillager Tower with the string and sticks which would be definitely useful but killing a few extra spiders just to make sure that Overkill is underrated we are completing this thing come hell or high water heading back into the nether I worked on that for day 81. for day 82 and just as we crossed over to the morning of day 83. I finally had one gas who was so kind to not only allow me to fishing rod them down to where the portal is they lit it on themselves please please please yes oh thank goodness [Music] I am done with this advancement I never need these again oh my God that did so much damage to all my gear all right let's get home with that advancement out of the way I'm once again re-energized and figuring we can actually do this thing heading back to the home portal portal getting all of the gold that had been smelted and crafting that down into blocks for the beacon and enchanting another crossbow with piercing four so we can complete a hidden advancement I also finally crafted the beacon after beating the Wither almost a full 10 days ago and crafted the eyes and then the end crystals so we'd be able to respawn the dragon to be able to kill that again as well I re-enchanted and re-upped on all of my armor getting at least some basic protection enchants onto it and started with the Brewing process I'm gonna need one of every potion for how did we get here and I want to make sure that they're going to last as long as possible to try to make that window as easy to do as I can and you see this inventory you see this little Gap in the inventory up here at the top well that's where my leaping potion would go if I had one but I'm out of food so I spent a little bit of time right at the start of the day doing like any proper piglet wood harvesting potatoes cooking them all up to have them potentially be my fuel source for the remainder of this challenge but as I was working on all of that after a little while I saw a couple Trader llamas just wandering around and a few leads on the ground which meant there was a Wandering Trader somewhere around here I'd eventually find the particles seeing them and they're selling Nautilus shells I'm gonna be honest in the moment until I saw the Nautilus shells in their inventory I had forgotten about the conduit even though it was sitting right there in the chest right in front of me so I immediately grabbed all of the emeralds that I had created a whole bunch more sticks for more Nautilus shells and purchased the three that I needed without that random spawn I might have failed this entire challenge but then what was also convenient was now that there was a llama relatively close by which could help with our realistic spend a little bit of time on the night and then grabbing sheep first thing in the morning on day 85 getting them all into a nice cozy little hole with a chicken and a cow as well meaning that I had five different mobs in a one by one space while this is all going on I'm converting all of the other potions that I had brewed in splash potions so I'd be able to apply them extremely quickly I'm just preparing for the end game now I also combined the riptide books into a Riptide 3 that I don't remember if I ever actually put onto a trident and then walked over towards the hole and shot my shot but not everything died at once that was weird so I had to reset doing another round of trading sticks for emeralds just to pass the time while I was collecting passive mobs to go into the hole and I'm gonna catch some Flack for this one I used both a frog and a cat I really didn't have a lot of options y'all I also made sure to poison all of the mobs so they'd be at Absolute minimum health I'm not gonna lie I feel a little bit guilty about this one but gotta be done [Music] I'm gonna catch some heat in the comments for that aren't I oh no with the secret advancement down and knowing what we have to do to be able to get towards our next one I headed back over to the snowy area having to hunt some rabbits for a rabbit's foot for a potion of Leaping okay I'm sorry bunnies this is gonna suck for you more this guy suck for me I did not feel good about any of these murders all like 10 of these murders but thankfully one finally did the drop oh thank God Mojang what is wrong with you heading home I brewed up the last potion I would need for how did we get here and packed another shulker with all of the essential tools and materials for that specific machine and with all of that in storage I saw the end crystals and was reminded that I still had a dragon that I needed to resurrect and then kill again but let's complete these dimensions in order so I went back to the Nether and this had to be the final netherite mining session if I didn't get everything right now I'm not gonna have time to complete the remainder of my advancements it's getting tense thankfully I had three extremely quickly a fourth a few bits after that and with the scrap that I had collected from my Bastion rating strategy just a little bit earlier I only needed five pieces once those were all safely in my pockets I went back to the Overworld enchanting and repairing my bow so we'd be able to do a dragon fight that much faster and getting some serious dedication to the game a little bit after that I made up a lodestone and click click that for Country loads take me home wait that one's that purple that one that one should be purple speaking of purple I also now realized what the mob that I had not yet killed was for Monsters hunted and it was an Ender Vice so before I was gonna go respawn the dragon I made myself a little Enderman killing chamber accidentally making it one block too skinny and getting to Hackle from Enderman punches before getting a stack and a half worth of pearls and then just throwing them at the ground consistently spending all of them killing one more Enderman getting a few more pearls and getting an Enderman on the first shot there we go finally got that one done with most of our grindiest advancements out of the way on day 88 it was time to bring the dragon back to life and then remind her who killed her in the first place I saw the Dragon for the end again making sure to take a look at it through a spyglass for is it a plane and while I'm destroying crystals the first Fireball down to me was where I grabbed a bunch of breath for you need a mint that's three advancements in about 30 seconds not bad taking on the dragon with an elytra is an entirely separate game from taking it all when you're confined to the ground being able to eliminate almost all of the crystals in one big scraping run that definitely makes this fight a lot easier and soon the dragon fell again and with that the end advancements were fully complete I crafted up a couple more fishing rods and I made a few Splash regen potions because there is one last thing I needed to do in the end actually and that was get a shulker out of it while he's doing my final prep and Potions reviewing I did also accidentally get a record that was something that I was trying to do back on like day six it felt good to have it finally happen though day 89 I was reminded that there was yet another villager that would have sold me Nautilus shells if only I had remember to find them here near the end heading through the portal I used a fishing rod and pistons to get the shulker up the staircase and over towards the end portal this was an insanely tedious part of the process and the two times that it knocked itself out of the boat where I had to re-trap it inside of a boat that was potentially the worst thing I used a crossbow to break the boat that it was in setting it off to the Overworld and and realized that somehow I had broken my boots along the way uh day 90. you're in the end game I have a shulker in the Overworld and after killing the freeloader I was able to get them in a boat and start sailing away something with the shaders was glitching here but thankfully it was only visual it's in there cause it's still shooting but it's also not in there once the shulker was relatively nearby I already have the Pistons in my inventory ready to set up to get the ladder to be able to get them up to the surface and regen potions in my back pocket to make sure that they weren't gonna kill themselves somehow while doing a little bit of mining they did knock themselves out of the boat just one more time no no no no no no no where did you go but thankfully they were easy enough to find after digging out a few blocks inside of one of those houses right there that they had teleported into with that I got them into The Nether and quickly got them back into a boat prepping myself for a very long and tedious Journey on the Netherland and we're not kidding it's day 91 and a good majority of this whole day was literally just transporting this angry little box from one place to another place the only thing I really needed to figure out was how to get it up a few levels and I did need to fishing rod it up at some point and then I noticed that my sword had one durability on it so at least I caught one of these pieces of armor or weapons before they actually broke fishing the shulker worked like an absolute charm getting them through the portal and back into a boat on the other side just storing them off in the corner now a smart person would have put them in a box or something but I am not a smart man and I will pay for that mistake in just a little bit I purchased a name tag from My Librarian villager heading grabbing some speed and a slow fall potion that I could apply to one very specific purposely friend as I got them on the lead and pulled them up onto the surf I now had exactly three minutes to transport them over the roof of the Nether and get them in contact with water again hence the speed potions on my part and the slow falling potions on their part so they didn't die when going crisp Splat off of a lead come on stay alive imagine just imagine if this dolphin would die to gravity how anticlimactic would that be anyway no oh this shulker well after finally deciding to do the smart thing and put the shelter in the Box I wasn't paying attention and I did the stupid thing oh my God what even is going on right now but I did eventually get that shelter closed off into a box I'd have to move them later when doing final prep and building the machine but at least it was safe now I grabbed a little bit of glass turned all of the wheat that I had remaining into bread to be able to get more food those potatoes didn't last nearly as long as I had hoped and brewed up a second set of potions and a name tag for my dolphin friend from there I made sure to give them a drink on the surface in the village using the pond that I had initially made for the frogs before getting them through the portal speeding my way across in the Overworld and getting them safely into the water pond on this side from there I built up a Max tier Beacon using every single block of gold iron and Diamond that I had that one from the Bastion being the last one that went underneath the beacon itself with that I completed the with that I completed the bring home the beacon and beaconator advancements which is two more for my total and this is also a key part of how do we get here one of the only ways to get haste and regeneration really easily from there I made a little water pool with a ring of dark prismarine around that we could power a conduit inside and dirt on the ground for us to be able to plant a Wither Rose onto setting up the conduit there's no advancement for that which feels a little discriminatory Mojang water beacons deserve advancements too but I also backed up the shulker inside of a different area a little bit closer to the water with TNT blocking the door now this is critical TNT is instamide and even if you have mining fatigue 3 which is going to be one of the potion effects we come into this room with so prepping that is essential the last thing I did was use a golden ax to silk touch a sensor which I thought I would need and set up a little head hitting area for me to be able to Sprint to make sure that I was hungry enough to actually take this advancement on but once I got back to my Village I made a new sword using it to repair my primary sword from Wonder ability to full how wonderful I then used a few of the mushrooms on the netherroof along with an azure fluid to get a suspicious stew that would give me the blindness effect was was the last potion effect I needed crafting up all the bread it's go time okay I think yeah we'll get this when we get it I think here we go with one last repair of my bow it was time to take a small break from this world here's where I needed to practice this advancement was all about precise timing and execution everything needed to be done in a very specific order and I only had one God apple to my name and there wouldn't be enough time to search for another if I happen to mess this up so I rebuilt this same machine in a separate creative world and then just tested this saw if I could do it it did require some small modifications just for timing being able to have the withered Rose down in the corner and making sure that I was doing invisibility last as for some reason it was really inconsistent in getting dolphin's Grace for me you'll see that when I actually get it on the advancement I practiced for maybe two days just running this how did we get here advancement two three four five times in a row once I added to the point where I felt pretty consistent with it I felt that I was prepared then it was time to log into the war world and do it for real and I only had one attempt I remembered to start my recording after I had already landed on the Pillager Tower getting one of the last hidden advancements birthday song by making an alley drop a cake for me at my location oh I'm so glad I noticed that also my helmet just broke so we're gonna be doing this down seriously down on some armor which is uh not great late in the night I saw a Pillager with an ominous Banner above their heads and I gotta say with the Game of Thrones The Game of Thrones Banner Modpack it looks pretty adorable so I think I'm gonna keep that for forever now thanks Shadow with a bad Omen on me the next step was to protect a village from The Raid that I was about to cause so I went to the first Village that I had completed a raid at knowing that it was a relatively safe and stable location to do so and without armor these mobs hurt I'm able to stay on top of buildings and just bow down the rank and file mobs they're not a problem even ravagers can't really get to me the problem we have is the ones that can I was able to take down an evoker which would get me a new totem of dying something that I had been missing for a very long time picking up a second just a few minutes later and then a vex chunked me for half of my health in a single hit the fight went through all the way of Day 94 and into the the night and with the damage I was taking I can't believe I didn't pop a totem here but I popped a totem by tripping in the deep dark as it was late in the night I found the final Raider a witch killed them and got the hero of the village advancement from there I flew back over towards the Pillager Tower knowing that I would once again need to speak to a manager to pick up bad Omen again so I would have both of those and they were on the longest clock so I still didn't need to rush but I definitely needed to move with purpose after picking that up I'm flying as fast as I can to one of the Ocean Monuments and then trying to get to my portal so I can get to the place where I have my machine set up but once I picked up mining fatigue I noticed that bad Omen was gone wait where did bad Omen go where did bad Omen go you can actually see it right here which I stopped to review the footage I flew just a little bit too close to one of these Villages along the way so now there was a random raid just occurring somewhere and bat Omen had been consumed so I needed to head back to the tower again with mining fatigue by the way so when I put down a crafting table to make rockets I'm never getting that again luckily a Pillager Captain spawned on the second wave and I was able to very quickly get them down and this time being much more careful about where I was flying getting to the ocean Monument to be able to pick up mining fatigue in just a few seconds as I flew and started to see the village in the distance I realized I would have the exact same problem here my portal was practically in the middle of the village and I hadn't set up a contingency the portal that was further away would get me into The Nether body and there's no way I'd be able to Purl up and through to the nether roof in time then I remembered the pink sheep that I had found dozens of days ago there was a portal waiting there a portal that linked to the nether root and it wasn't super far away so I made a beeline through those coordinates flying through the night into day 96 making it through the portal and onto the nether roof at this point in time I have maybe two minutes on my mining fatigue I don't think I opened my inventory here at all and I'm starting to panic this is Do or Die the one attempt that I have at doing this when I made my way into the deep dark with the machine prepped and ready my modifications in place they're also happened to be a skeleton with the bow and arrow just chilling inside the water pool because of course I dumped everything non-essential from my inventory throwing it into any shulkers that I could find grabbing all of the potions and trying to organize my inventory in a way that I could do this calmly I'm not gonna lie I paused the game here and just sat and caught my breath for a few minutes I edited all of that that out and then finally it was execution time I'm going to let it play out unedited [Music] oh I did it all of that practicing oh my God I really should have uh hacked something because yeah my inventory is a mess once all of the poison and all of the other horrible potion effects had subsided I spent a little bit of time breaking down the beacon and the conduit so I could take them back home with me the shulker well it can stay here I legitimately never want to see it again oh no I did that without shaders on what well you know what I'm just glad I got it at all look at that every advancement completed some of them the first time I've ever done it I hope you all enjoyed the video this is just a fun project to end out the year and a little different from my interconnected Multiverse series of hundred days or was it there might have been some Clues hidden in here you never know where you need to look thank you so much to my patrons whose names are on screen if you want to join them hit up patreon.com a bunch of amazing new projects coming early 2023 happy holidays everybody have a wonderful New Year and I'll see you all in a couple weeks bye
Channel: Legundo
Views: 910,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: legundo funny, legundo minecraft, legundo 100 days, legundo game of thrones, minecraft game of thrones, minecraft all advancements, minecraft all advancements 1.19, i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft, i completed all advancements in 100 days of hardcore minecraft, all advancements, all advancements hardcore, 100 days minecraft, 100 days hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore advancements, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 100 days, minecraft, hardcore minecraft, 100 days
Id: Cl5_aCpQudc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 52sec (6052 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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