I Survived 100 Days as an ALIEN in Minecraft

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do you believe in aliens well I sure do because one day when I was in my backyard as a kid I saw a massive glowing red ship fly over my house and I've never seen anything like it since so since I know aliens are real I have added them into Minecraft with all sorts of crazy alien Tech Blaster pistols flying saucers you name it we've added it into Minecraft with this mod and now I'm gonna be playing as the alien in Minecraft with the goal of surviving until day 100 where my mothership is Gonna Come and rescue me however the CIA has learned about my alien on their server and they plan to do everything in their power to capture me when my Mothership rescued me on day 100 or will I simply end up as one of the cia's experiments on day one I spawned in as a baby alien what the heck I'm not an alien I look like a little worm wait I'm that alien from AVP that pops out of people but God this worm is so weak I only have five hearts of HP right now which is a massive problem because there are three CIA agents right up there on that truck we're gonna hunt me down the second I leave this alien ship luckily for me though I have alien upgrades I can unlock like the juvenile alien which will make my hearts go from 5 to 15. we need to get that upgrade so for now let's leave the ship and see if we can ditch these CIA agents okay here we go we're gonna jump in that water below and go get that in alien okay quick let's go up the side of this crater oh God the CIA is coming in they're shooting Nets at me oh God we're spare bed on you I think they're trying to capture me okay let's go this way we gotta have the crater let's get across this River okay quick government alien what get over to this tree real fast oh God here they come I don't think we have time we're gonna have time for one we got one we got one go oh a minute okay I had to jump five times to escape that net but we got out let's go this way now oh they're right on my tail they're literally right on my tail could be a little alien okay I think we're gonna have to unlock an alien with more HP and actually take out the CIA following us okay let's go underwater real quick and use the underwater to check the upgrade now it looks like we're gonna need 32 string a block of diamond and a saddle to become a juvenile alien so let's get the heck out of here and get that stuff so we can quickly upgrade because I hate being a worm let's look for an abandoned mine shaft because that's gonna be our best bet to find a saddle and get string we just need to grab one more log and we'll be all good perfect here's a tree right here that is one high let's get underneath this and let's use this to break the log up close to him guys here we go cutting down the tree they're right around me they're right around me okay this way oh this is our chance to teach him just keep going this way keep going this way let's keep going in this Forest oh my goodness we're running out of hunger too this is really not good we have a cave right here oh bye Jeff bye Jeff go Google oh I didn't die wait my alien takes no fall damage let's go let's go okay we need to make a sword quick let's quickly make a crafting table I don't see any names I think we're okay for now let's Cooley make a sword another way of the sword we can start getting the string we need I turned one fall where are they no they're coming they're coming hide in this corner hiding this corner ready watch as they get closer we're gonna try and kill one ah dude nice he's dead he's dead we killed one use defenses is covered don't let him shoot you I mean he can't see me I'm behind the fence oh man nice he's dead we got another one oh God grab that string where's the last one whoa oh we got him yes we killed him oh my God now click before they come back we gotta grab some string ooh chest oh we got some iron ingots that's huge we can make an iron sword now oh let's go I found some wheat in a chest we have food and some more string okay that's all the string we need to become a juvenile alien now let's just keep looking around this mine shaft for more chests where we can find a saddle and hopefully some diamonds okay this chest doesn't have any saddles in it this one's also a dud oh yes a saddle and a golden apple okay now that we have the saddle we just have to get a diamond block and then we can get 15 hearts of HP with the juvenile alien but that means we get a five nine diamonds which is not gonna be easy oh let's check out here never mind it might be easy we just found a big open cave oh my God looky the CIA is literally right below me oh God they see me I'm going I almost hit him he almost had him oh you hit me there's one up there too quick go this way go this way go this way oh we gotta kill them off well we got Diamonds oh I see them to keep this way I got an idea I got an idea let's go this way I think we oh one's behind me oh guys quick this way oh God okay go go this way we gotta get deeper we need to find diamonds see how he's right there oh God okay down here down here down here okay we've got to get over this lava but I don't want us dying oh I see two diamonds right there we gotta get down there we have to get down there but we can't burn oh God I got an idea go this way oh my God if they come down here I can hit them into this little lava bit let's get their attention oh they see me they see me oh he's in the lava I blocked him off no he's going in the lava yes it's working oh is he below us oh no oh dude okay how do I ow dude I'm dead Okay one's dead one's dead he's done two down oh there's still one above with a gun okay there's still one above me we hit him lava yes yes [Music] doing the worm cause we got him now let's grab those diamonds oh my God there's a bunch here four oh that's a great start we only needed five more okay let's keep going deeper in the caves there's gotta be more diamonds down here that was actually super easy it only took me nine minutes to get all of these diamonds now let's pick a diamond block and now we can say goodbye to our worm alien friend and hello to our first real alien well basically just looks like a baby alien from the Alien vs Predator movie I mean look how cute but cute ain't keeping me alive what is is the fact that this alien alien in total hearts of HP he also takes zero fall damage has strength one speed one and jump two which means now we can finally leave this abandoned mine shaft which means now it's time to go off and start building an alien base which is gonna make getting all of our alien upgrades easier like the Plasma Pistol because we're gonna need a place to start storing our items so we can complete these quests so let's get a good base let's start by getting some wood okay that should definitely be enough Vlogs for now oh wait this looks like a great place to start building a base so let's start digging out all the stone that way we can make a full base after finding a place to start building my alien base I spent the next few days simply getting all of the essentials we would need tons of wood tons of coal tons of iron you get the idea with all that in hand we're gonna be able to start upgrading our alien fast so we can survive and get to our Mothership okay so welcome your faces to the brand new alien base it's really basic but it gets the job done we have a bed to speed our way to day 100 discs and furnaces for basic survival stuff and of course a super deep mine shaft right below these trap doors but my favorite part about this base isn't the stuff inside because from the outside it's very hard to tell there's a base here there's simply a single block missing which if you walk behind it and jump you're now past our little hidden entrance and inside of our base now I don't think the CIA should see through that little base entrance but you never know so let's get upgrading right now so we can get some alien supplies like the Plasma Pistol to unlock it we just have to kill five Enderman we need to get the sneak 100 advancement and kill two of the CIA agents none of these are really that easy so let's start by killing five Enderman because I think that would be easiest let's start by grabbing our two diamonds in the chest in our extra iron pickaxe now let's go down to the mine and let's go look for another Diamond real quick that was easy now let's make a diamond pickaxe which gives us the ability to mine obsidian which is literally the block we need to make another portal and head to the nether now it's mine up 10 and quickly make another portal okay we've got 10 obsidian now let's light this thing up and let's go to the tether to take on some Enderman okay we're in the nether oh let's now just go find ourselves some Enderman inside of a twisted forest real quick and quickly kill them five times let's go we found a twisted Forest now let's just hunt some Enderman in here okay oh I looked at him in the face oh get under a tree now the Enderman oh okay I didn't mean to look at that Enderman but basically when fighting Enderman you want to make a platform that the Enderman can't get you under which is three highs you build a three by three platform just like this and now I'll look at the Enderman and I can fight them where they can't kill me I really need to make a shield though okay there he is ready watch this we're gonna get his attention I looked at him in the face over here quick okay we're underneath nice and now he can't get me two Enderman down three to go and there we go just like that we've killed five of five Enderman now let's quickly head back home through the portal and now let's keep working on our Blaster pistol now that we killed five Enderman now that we killed five Enderman now we just have to get sneak 100 and kill two of the CIA agents so let's start by getting sneak 100 because we just have to find an ancient city which a lot of people think is hard but it's really not because they only spawn under really high terrain making them actually fairly easy to find remember when I said they were gonna be easy to find yeah I was wrong I struggled to find one until day 17. oh oh I found an ancient city I was gonna say I found one of the sensors that will give us sneak 100 but it's in ancient city so let's go down here sneak around for a sec and we get the sneak 100 advancement oh God I just hit off that screamer now let's just loot the rest of this place and see what we get oh Warden wardens are starting to spawn when we make noise now so I'm just gonna open these two chests and then we're gonna get out of here let's hope we get something good nothing describe it's nothing go run we're leaving we're leaving we're leaving oh my God this season four God apples what they grabbed one on the way out and it's op you know what we're leaving we're out of here go go go go go go go go go go okay cool the wardens didn't see me which means I am out of here okay so now there's only one more Quest we have to do and that's killing two of the CIA agents at their base so let's go find the CIA headquarters and let's take them out it would take until day 22 to find the CIA headquarters and of course they now had new weapons ooh they like to live in villages they could be over in this Village oh wait what's that oh oh I found it they're on an island I was looking at a village but they're literally right over here oh they're gonna see me coming in oh they're totally gonna see me coming in they not see me I don't think they spotted me in here okay we need to get two kills here we need to be Enterprise watch this no signs of alien life oh he's on me he's on me he's up bro let's go your pistol oh God there's one up there up there oh we got him back to the boat back to the mountain go back to the boat oh Dodge that Dodge that don't let them shoot the boat don't let him shoot the boat okay let's quickly unlock the Blaster pistol there we go we got it and now we have a pistol in my hand that I can shoot let's use it on let's see how strong this thing is come here oh look at that he's getting electrocuted oh Annette I forgot about the net oh God one two three four five okay we're out oh God he's trying to hit me again move was that Rocket Jump he's doing okay let's get with this ready ah oh my God okay we can electrocute them with this oh this tree grew yes we have covered oh God nice he's almost done he's almost done oh nice we got him and now that we killed him let's hop in our boat and let's get out of here oh my God that fight was incredible and this Blaster pistol is awesome like I was totally destroying him with this thing and now that we have the Blaster unlocked we can work on our last tier one upgrade called alien epoxy which is basically a tube of space goo I can eat forever so not only does it count as a food source I will always have but as you can see it also gives me regeneration and resistance when I eat it so let's unlock it we just need to get 32 carrots 32 beetroot and eight purple dye so let's head to a village and start looking for some carrots and beetroot as that's gonna be the best way to find some okay this was the village that was right near spawn okay we got a farm over here let's hope there's some carrots in here uh you go away okay that got us nine carrots and absolutely no beetroot we definitely gotta find another Village okay perfect we're at a second village right now this is the one that's kind of close to the CIA base so we're gonna be a little bit careful here let's go and let's kill this guy and let's loot up his farm and just like that we have 33 carats but I still haven't gotten a single beetroot okay we found another Village wait is that iron armor what I didn't know this could spawn in Minecraft wait you can just find natural armor stands in Minecraft I had no idea that was a thing well give me these and let's go see if we can find any beetroots in this Village there is not a single beetroot in this Village so we still have to keep looking what is this look there's nothing here oh my god look guys look right behind me I just saw the CIA we're CIA agents we could survive in Minecraft they don't see me oh yeah oh you hit me here I gotta back off you hit me I gotta back off oh okay we killed one we killed one oh tagged him nice we got him use that electricity damage on him oh that hurts that's our last bit of food I don't know where he went I don't know oh there's one with a jet pack over here oh he's doing a lot of damage here we go we got one oh my God [Music] yes okay we almost died there well we survived so now let's just keep looking for villages okay there's another Village generating right in front of us please for the love of God have beetroot please tell me beetroot seeds yes we got beetroot seeds Okay let's just go and quickly grab all the ones we can and now that we have some beetroot seeds let's go grow the Beet Roots back at home with some bone meal okay let's dig out a little corner of the base over here real fast where we can build a beetroot Farm now let's put a bunch of dirt on the floor and now let's make a couple of stone hoes and let's tell all of this dirt oh wait I forgot we need water it's just gonna turn back into dirt so let's just break this block and put some water here let's add some water over here and now let's plant all our beetroot seeds inside of our new Farm and to make it grow faster we just have to get some bones so now let's go kill some skeletons shielding excuse me and so now with the Bones from killing skeletons and some others I found in my chest we can turn all of this into bone meal and now we'll be able to get all of our beet roots and now let's simply collect all these beetroots and we have 31 did I miss a beetroot oh I did I thought I somehow didn't have enough beetroots we're good we have 34 beetroots which is all we need to get the alien epoxy and now we see to get some purple dye which is actually really easy to get let's simply just go outside and let's grab four red flowers and let's grab four blue ones and now if we turn the poppies into red dye and the corn flowers in the blue dye we combine that all into one die we get eight purple dye which officially means we have everything we need to unlock the alien epoxy and with it in hand we can say goodbye to kneading cooked food because all we need now is this alien drink which is gonna give me resistance and regeneration every time I drink it but with the alien epoxy officially finished we are finished with our tier one upgrades but now it's time for tier two now when I tell you to think about an alien power what is the first thing that comes to mind for many people it might be a laser Blaster like this but for me it's actually telekinesis which is literally our next ability now if you don't know what telekinesis is it's basically that ability you see one use in stranger things yeah that's the ability I want the 111 has and luckily we're gonna be able to unlock it all we need to do is get the Return to Sender advancement get a pig step music disc and then get four kills on the CIA agents with my pistol so let's start with the easiest one of that which is just getting returned to Sender all we have to do is head to the Nether and now he's gonna go kill a ghast with its own Fireball okay I found one come here shoot me oh okay oh okay we actually killed one let's get this one over here we got it return to Center yes nope what we've returned the fireball to the guest which means oh there's another gas hold on [Music] which means now we have to get a pig step music disc which we can also do in another all we gotta do is locate a Bastion and check the chests inside and see what we can find okay perfect we just found a Bastion and it's literally the best bastard you can find in the game the bridge Bastion mostly because it has a ton of gold blocks both on the back of the Bastion and the bottom of the Bastion okay so let's just work to get the gold on the back first because that's gonna be the easiest to get so now let's go inside and get the rest of it oh wait we got a bunch of gold blocks and we still gotta find Pig steps let's just finish killing all of these piglens oh god with our laser so let's check out these chests and see if we can yes big step I didn't get to finish my sentence which means now that we have pig step it means we can actually now leave the Nether and we can head at home now to kill off the CIA agents four times with our Plasma Pistol okay let's go to the portal and get those kills oh TT they're literally in here oh he's here he's here he's here oh God oh God run okay goodbye we're gonna die we're gonna die oh he came in with us he's here with us okay we killed one we killed one oh dude is there a Bed there oh I'm dead oh get inside get a second inside get inside tase they try and get out we're gonna blast them ready now go back inside nice we got him we got him he should die here he should die here he's definitely done we got him yes okay it looks like they're all dead but uh our base kind of also died so we're gonna have to make a new one because I'm not staying in a base that's just gonna keep getting blown up so let's go make another base somewhere else and then we'll finish getting killed with our Plasma Pistol after losing my amazing starter base we obviously had to move to a new one which is why I actually came up with my second base design before this video ever began but before I finish that base I had to stop by and pay the hunters a little visits [Music] let's go in the race okay we killed one oh man I'm okay we got him go inside oh my goodness got him he's gotta be low right he's gotta be low get back here alien at least we got him oh jump over that guy I just dropped my sword I just dropped my sword oh God we're getting out of here oh God quick to the boat go go go go go go and we are out of here wait why do I only have three kills oh come on I definitely killed two of them we're going back so Rude Dude he's actually getting away oh he's coming back oh they see me coming in too oh no okay we got him in the water they got rid of my boat oh God no I'm dead that totally kills me okay let's put our boat down hop back in and we can use this chance to go get away get away run we have all the kills we need and after that battle I simply went back and finished the base let's check it out okay so welcome your faces to the brand new alien base it looks pretty much the same as before but now we have an enchanting table and we have another portal plus we have an infinite water and lava source right here with a few lava generators below it and now that you see the new base let's finally unlock telekinesis because I've been waiting for this base to be done to actually test this ability so let's go into our combat menu and let's unlock it and now let's go harass some of these villagers with our brand new power okay there's a village right in front of us oh there's a villager right in front of us okay let's get him a telekinesis ready if we hit the button you're gonna see that we can hold him and then we can throw him and now the villagers gonna float away and while he's floating we can shoot him see telekinesis is fun let's try it on you come here I need you come here okay now we're gonna throw you and now he floats away while I shoot him oh yeah that ability is pretty awesome anyway now that we've unlocked my favorite Power telekinesis it's time to get our next power called the energy Shield which is actually like a bubble shield from Halo it's gonna cover my entire body and make it so I can't take damage but unlocking it is gonna take 64 lapis nine Shields and nine lava buckets which luckily with this new base we have isn't too hard to get let's go into this chest over here and you're gonna see I have a bunch of lava buckets and we can simply go down here and grab three more and just like that we have the nine lava buckets we need now we should need nine Shields sounds throw a bunch of wooden iron in the crafting table and boom we have nine Shields and I wish you need to get some lapis lazuli because we don't have any at this base don't simply head over to our mine shaft and let's start getting some lapis okay we got all the lapis that we needed which means we can unlock our energy Shield a brand new bubble Shield that will follow me around and keep me Invincible but you're gonna see as I take damage that this thing starts to lose some health and now I'm taking damage again okay cool so now that we can activate a bubble Shield our alien is Wicked Strong and the only weak thing about him now is that I only have 15 hearts of HP so let's turn into an adult alien where we're gonna get 25 total Hearts all we need is 10 Blazer odds 32 green dye in a recovery Compass but since it's night time we'll work on that tomorrow by simply grabbing some blaze rods okay so let's just make our way over to the nether fortress and also taking out these blazes with our pistols okay there we go we have all 10 Blazer odds we need so now let's head on home and start working on the recovery Compass okay it's already nighttime outside so let's just use this time to actually head out to the ancient city since we already know where one is and that's where we'll be able to craft the recovery compass with simply a compass and a bunch of echo shards would you leave me alone shards in here okay we didn't have that Streaker thank gosh nice we got two Echo shards in this chest and we have a compass which means we just need six more Echo shards three more Echo shards nice okay no Echo turns in this one and we set up a Shrieker three more Echo shards nice that gives us eight and we found two more God apples which means if I put this compass in the center and Surround with Echo Shirts we should get our recovery Compass which means now we just need to get 32 green die and we can become an adult alien so let's quickly go mine these diamonds up here and now let's get out of this ancient city before we accidentally summon a warden okay so obviously we need to head to a desert if we want to get the green dye but I literally have not seen a single desert yet in fact all I've really found is Forest and planes biomes so I guess let's just start exploring and looking for a desert biome which could take five minutes or could take five hours it turns out I got a really unlucky spawn for deserts because the closest one I could find was over 7 000 blocks away oh a desert I see one down there yes finally we found one now we just need to collect 32 cactuses so that way we can make some green dye look at all that Cactus now she's at home and turn it into green dye it took all of day 44 just to get home that's how far this desert was okay so let's throw all of our cactuses into these furnaces and watch it slowly turn into green dye now let's collect it all and now that it's done let's turn into an adult alien oh my God look at me my tail is huge and look how fast I am it turns out that's because I have speed too and you'll notice I also get strength to it and jump boost form so this alien is getting strong and the coolest part about this alien is the fact that when he swings his tail he actually stabs with it just like the alien from the movies anyway now that we're gonna unlock this alien we can officially move on to the tier 4 upgrades this is where my alien powers start becoming broken like no joke my next ability is literally a laser shotgun and yes you know I have to unlock that and since I haven't actually seen the CIA agents in a while let's head over to their base and let's kill six of them with levitation just like we're about to do to this villager let's go all their bases generating up ahead I see it literally there's the tower let's go oh there's cih on the roof Rose blind okay we're at the base we're at the base okay let's get him quick we gotta get him while he's levitating no dude oh we got him killing our Quest Bar always behind me oh he's behind me Dodge that net Dodge that net get around the building I got an idea I got an idea away from around the corners we can play around this building here the help get away nice we got him this too nice to three just keep coming in yup shoot him a few times and now get him with the pickaxe nice we got him that's four no not me oh dude nice that's fine just keep coming in please yes this is so easy I got a shovel oh my god dude yes okay we got him quick get out eat some food oh he's bucketing me he's bucking me oh okay put on the bubble shield and put on the bubble Shield see some food this should make it so it's harder to get me okay get rid of him oh okay let's throw them all out into the ocean I just got flung and let's use that chance to get back to our boat and now let's get out of here oh God lay behind me oh they're behind me they're gonna try and shoot up my boat just dodge the arrows Dodge the arrows Dodge and weave boys dodging weave let's go there's no way they can catch me now we are out of here okay so with the CIA agents dead have to kill 25 creepers and make 10 villagers die by Fall damage and I kind of already killed most of the villagers in this Village so let's leave them alone for a second just go kill 25 creepers foreign villagers which honestly sounds kind of fun to me okay let's start with this guy right here we're just gonna go ahead and grab him and give them levitations straight up in the air and now he should die of fall damage perfect one Village you're down nine to go oh look at you three oh hello there okay we've officially killed all the villagers in this Village and we still need to go get four more so let's go get to another Village not too far away okay here we go there's a bunch right here just gonna grab you throw you shoot you okay there we go we've officially dropped 10 villagers maybe we can now unlock our laser shotgun a brand new laser weapon that does this [Music] oh my God I'm not gonna lie I was not expecting the explosion but this is cool watch oh can I spam this oh not much I can like spam this look at this oh my God this is broken okay so now that we have a shotgun that does this can literally sister and gollums then our next game 3 upgrade okay so with this shotgun now unlocked let's work out our next tier 3 ability alien resourcefulness which is gonna double all orders with mine and it's gonna make it so I can see diamonds and gold through walls and yes that does include ancient debris so let's start by grabbing 64 Redstone Dust because that's gonna be super easy to do okay that's the 64 Redstone we need and since we're already down to the mines let's go look for some glow squid down here and start killing them for their ink sack though this might take a while because finding a bunch of glow squid can actually be kind of hard okay that's all the glowing insects we need so let's get out of this cave and let's finally head back up to the base where we just need to enchant a bunch of diamond tools and we can wrap up this upgrade okay we're back home so let's just go to sleep and tomorrow we'll wake up and we'll finish up this it's through this mannequin I'm dead help me dude oh he's dead yes okay we killed them all off they blew apart of the base though actually all they blow up with this our chests are totally fine they stole some of my stuff but overall our base survives except for our bed I have no idea where our bed went our bed is literally gone am I supposed to sleep without a bed get over here sheep I need a new bed so now let's make a fresh one and let's go to sleep okay so obviously this base has been completely compromised and a normal person would leave but I gotta finish this upgrade first so let's quickly make ourselves a diamond pickaxe a diamond ax and a diamond shovel now let's go over to our enchanting table and let's enchant each of these with a level one enchantment and now just like that we can unlock alien resourcefulness which is literally gonna double all ores I mine so if I mine this diamond over here you'll see it drops two diamonds instead of one which is gonna make getting items way faster now but that's not the only thing this ability does so as you can see in front of me I can now see all the diamonds through the world so you'll see if I mine through the ground right here there's literally a diamond below this rock meaning getting diamonds and stuff like that just got a million times easier and with that ability unlocked we are done with our tier 3 upgrades now before the CIA comes back and absolutely nukes the heck out of this base it's time to pack up and move so let's grab all our stuff before it gets blown up and let's get the heck out of here so now that we've finished the alien resourcefulness upgrade it's time to move bases before the CIA comes back and gets rid of all my items I cannot have any more setbacks this video if I want to make it to my Mothership so it's better to make a new base now than risk waiting till later okay welcome to the brand new alien base it's literally just down here in the water we Simply Swim in this giant hole in bada bing bada boom we're in the so I'm not gonna go over it because we got to get our aliens stronger still so let's start working on the tier 4 upgrades by starting with the tier 4 ionizer it's basically a Gatling gun that shoots rapid fire now to actually unlocked this amazing weapon we just have to kill a warden 30 magma cubes in eight CIA agents with our shotgun so let's start by heading to an ancient city so we can quickly kill a warden and get the dangerous part of this challenge out of the way and done with okay so now we're in the ancient city so let's just work on getting the warden summoned by literally just running around till one spawns okay there's the warden here we go yes we killed one of the wardens oh God we gotta kill this other one though yes both wardens are now dead which means we just have to head home now and start killing some magma cubes okay so now we have to kill 30 magma cubes which are gonna be easiest to find inside of a bridge Bastion so let's quickly look for one of those and see if we can find one well that was easy there's literally a bridge Bastion right here anyway we're here to kill a bunch of these slime boys so let's get to work and that was super easy we already have all 30 kills we need it's not just finish off the remaining dudes and now just grab these gold blocks for fun this might just be the best Bastion ever I got an ancient debris another I didn't get 26 blocks of gold and pretty much just this one room and there's still another chest over there okay yeah this one wasn't as good but I'll take the single gold engine okay so now that we're done in the nether we just need to kill the CIA a bunch of times with our shotgun so let's make our way to their base Okay I lied I guess we're not killing the CIA today because their base is completely abandoned every single chest is pretty much empty so you know what I'm gonna do to it I'm nuking it okay that should do now just go find their actual base wherever they decided to move it so it turns out the CIA made a new base super far from Spawn and if it wasn't for the fact that I did a lot of searching earlier I probably never would have found this base oh that's got to be the base you know we're gonna go straight and we're gonna go straight in we got the explosive shotgun we just need to get eight kills with it let's get their attention now let's fire off at the glass Dome oh yeah we destroyed the whole top of the Dome let's go okay watch he's gonna try and get on me nice we blew one up that's one with a laser shotgun I did it again oh my God that's two down oh I'm stuck in the net you're the guy who uses the net you die yeah thanks we got one can you see one more kill we see one more kill here nice we got him no that's eight for eight now let's get the Gatling gun Okay g combat the ionizer okay let's try this thing out on him oh it shoots so fast oh my God look at it oh my God what is this there's so much fire I'm letting your base on fire I'm gonna paint the whole Mountain oh my goodness okay I don't know how much range this thing has but oh my God is this broken you know what this gun is stupidly broken I'm gonna take this chance to just get out of here okay no joke but the ionizer is amazing and now that we have it unlocked we can work on the next tier 4 upgrade which is called the matter transport gun if you know the game Gary's mod and you know the gravity gun it works kind of like that except instead of moving items it's gonna move me so let's start unlocking it by first getting a looting sword which will make getting ender pearls a lot faster so let's take our diamond sword with sweeping Edge too so let's just throw it in our grindstone and remove the enchantment and now let's try and get looting on this sword there we go looting we found it so now let's head to the Nether and start killing some Enderman okay let's build an Enderman fighting area right here where we're just gonna put a bunch of dirt like this now let's make the Enderman angry oh here he comes okay that's all 16 ender pearls we're gonna need so now let's head back home because all we need to get is some slime balls and some sponges and luckily the easiest way to get sponges is right here in a village all we have to do is put down this cartography table and wait for a villager to take this job there we go we have a cartographer now let's trade in all our paper for his emeralds now all of our glass panes and now we can trade him for an ocean Explorer map which if we follow it is gonna lead us to a place where we can get sponges okay so the map's actually telling me I need to head Northwest which is literally in this direction over here so let's just keep going this way till the map starts to generate apparently it's somewhere near here because the map's starting to generate and I'm kind of close to spawn but because I didn't go into the ice biome because I hate them I never knew this Monument even existed anyway just keep following the map because apparently it's under the ice somewhere up here oh yeah here's the underwater temple okay let's take these guys out and we just got mining fatigue but I was ready for it I got four milk buckets on us so let's just drink one of these bad boys and let's head back inside okay we made it to the sponge room let's drink another milk bucket let's start Gathering some of these okay there we go we got all the sponges now let's get out of this underwater area before I die okay we are out of here and with all the sponges in hand we just have to get some slime balls and since the moon is out and it's already night we might as well head to a swamp and see if we can get any slime balls while the Moon's still up since uh for those that don't know you can only really get slimes at night and swamps and while what I said is not entirely true it's basically the only way to get them okay we found a slime right here in this tree no it's gonna kill you a bunch of times so you give me some slime balls well there we go the sun's starting to rise and literally I only found one slime in this whole swamp so we still need seven more slime balls before we can even unlock the transport gun but whatever we'll head home for right now and we'll come back tonight to get the rest of the Slime balls and while we wait for it to be night time let's actually enchant all of our diamond armor and give it stuff like protection for protection 4 again and protection too and now we're ten times stronger and by the time we get back to that swamp it should be night time okay I got to the swamp a little faster than I thought so let's just wait for it to be night time and then we'll kill the slimes okay that's all the Slime balls weenie so now we can go on home and simply dry out the sponges so we can unlock the matter transport gun okay let's try this thing out if I just aim in this direction and I hold it right click here to see a Teleport to be super far and now I'm over here on the trees you wanna see me go to those Turtles while we're going there next we made it okay so now that we have a really cool TP gun it's time to unlock our last tier 4 upgrade the alien Monarch who has 40 hearts of HP string three and speed three this guy's a monster and this ability is gonna be super hard to unlock because we need three totems of undying 16 blocks of gold and a heart of the sea and I can't believe I'm saying this but the easiest thing to get on that list is the heart of the sea so let's swim out to the ocean and start looking for some buried treasure wait why am I swimming I can teleport what am I doing let's just go to that Island oh we got a shipwreck I found one okay one's TP to that shipwreck okay perfect we made it and please have some buried treasure that's gonna lead me to a heart of the sea let's check in here okay so let's go let's grab the berry treasure map from the chest and looking at it we're actually really far from this buried treasure because the treasure is located to the West which is in this direction so let's just keep tping until this map find loads okay I think this has gotta be it right oh oh this is near their base oh God we gotta be careful this buried treasure is near the CIA base I didn't even realize I was over this way okay let's dive in the water and travel underwater for now okay there we go the map's starting to generate somewhere at the end of this swamp Okay the buried treasure is literally under me in the sand somewhere so just start digging and see if we can find it oh wait what I did it again this is like a few videos in a row where the first block I break has the chest under it oh my goodness please have a heart of the sea yes let's go well there we go that's amazing we found the buried treasure and the Heart of the sea which means now we can go home and start collecting some gold in the nether let me just double check I don't already have enough gold wait we have 26 gold blocks is that enough oh it is we're already done with the gold blocks never mind all we need is three coders of undying let's just get out of the base real quick then and let's find the Cartographer that we set up in this Village I think that's him actually right here it is and now let's trade him we need a compass we need a compass to get the Woodland Explorer map wait here and do not die okay there we go two compasses okay cartographer where are you at you're somewhere in this Village I know you are there you are okay now I'm gonna trade you for the Woodland Explorer map and with this map in hand we're gonna easily easily able to find a woodland Mansion where we can get three totems of undying against those magic pillagers that summon vexes and stuff I always want to call them illusioners but I know that's wrong so let me know in the comments what they're actually called is it like a voker or something like that I don't know let's just follow the map and see where it leads oh we'll imagine we tped right on it let's go we found it okay let's just go ahead and let's TP onto the roof oh oh I see nameplates below literally the CIA is here and I think they're here getting totems the same thing I need to get let's go down a floor let's go in here and see if we can get a quick totem oh wait there's vaxxas yeah they're definitely doing it they're definitely getting them there's one right here got him yes we got a totem okay this building's on fire I gotta eat you got Apple oh my goodness I need to find more of those totems before they all burn with this Mansion here's one yes okay cool we got it that's two totems that's two totems there's another one literally right here quick you're gonna burn buddy oh what is happening help me oh my God bro okay we killed him oh my goodness how many totems do we have I don't even know oh we have three we have all the totals we need let's go okay we got them all there's still a CIA agent here though 100 I definitely saw another one there he is get him where'd he go there's no way that didn't kill him oh he's blow me he's blow me oh his whole place on fire I got him I got him I got him yeah we got him and this place is burning to the ground in fact let's go ahead and slide it up a little bit more well with the Mansion burning behind me let's simply head on home with our three totems of undying in hand and so with the heart of the sea the gold blocks and our totems we can become an alien Monarch which you could literally see walks on two legs sprints on all fours and of course attacks with his tail so yeah this guy is just a little bit broken and now he's unlocked we are down to three upgrades to go till our alien is literally at full strength we obviously need to get the mothership unlocked to get home but on top of that we need to unlock mine dominance and alien overlord to help us wait till day 100 when the mothership actually arrives because I can't summon this thing until day 100. so let's just work on getting these last three upgrades real quick so I can call the mothership and head on home but actually do that we're gonna have to start by going to the nether because if you actually look at these final three upgrades you're gonna notice I need a lot of stuff from the end meaning I need ender pearls so let's start by getting the blaze rods we need and then we'll get the ender pearls to turn them into Eyes of Ender there we go we have 10 blaze rods so now let's make our way to a Bastion so we can get some ender pearls okay cool now normally I'd mine up a bunch of gold in these bashes to trade for but since we already have 36 blocks of gold we don't gotta do that we just gotta trap a bunch of piglets so let's get on this bridge down here and let's trap some okay we have a basic box set up now let's just go and turn all our blocks of gold into ingots and start chucking them inside of this hole come on just come this way no you're supposed to trade there's gold down there yeah now let's just trap a few more we'll be all good to go oh my God they've ordered a few trades today 14 Hender pearls that's wild see what's got more this is wild hold on split them in half we almost have an Avenger Pros if I just get like one or two more we're fine okay everyone that's 1800 pearls that's definitely enough okay you're all gonna die now now let's take our gold back and now let's head on home okay so now let's go and let's turn our blaze rods into blaze powder and let's combine that blaze powder with our ender pearls to get a bunch of eyes a vendor with these we can now find the end portal but before we go we're gonna need to get 32 dragon's breath which means we need to bring some glass bottles to the end now right now I have three water bottles in here that I can simply drink and now I have three glass bottles and then if I look at this Barrel there's three more in here which gives me six total but I need 32. so let's just grab some of this sand real quick okay we got the sand now let's go back home real quick and let's throw it into our furnace to quickly smelt and once this is done we'll actually start going to the end okay now let's grab all the glass from below and let's turn it into glass bottles and now we have enough to go to the end so let's throw off the first eye Avenger and it looks like we're going this way perfect so let's just use our teleporter and teleport 100 blocks 200 300 400 and 500. now let's throw another eye and see where it is oh we're still going this way okay hope the eye went backwards we're finally getting close let go on the ground throwing another one yeah we're right on top of it let's go we found it now let's dig our way down to the stronghold we made it we're in the stronghold now let's just look for the portal oh yes we found it oh that took way too long okay we got it now let's put all the Eyes of Ender in place and in we go okay now let's teleport over here and now first things first let's get a bunch of dragon breath from the Ender Dragon only cool he shot a bunch of stuff let's pick it up and now let's shoot our Gatling gun on each of these towers take out the crystals on top now shoot our shotgun at the ones protected okay that gives us 37 dragon's breath which is literally all we need for the alien overlord so now we can just kill the sender dragon one more shot in this guy's dead let's get it with the pistol oh the pistol doesn't work well you're dead and there we go the dragon was sniped and taken out with all our alien in Weaponry now let's simply grab a torch and let's get the dragon egg so let's just break a couple blocks below it place our torch and now we have the dragon egg and with this bad boy in our hand there's literally only one more thing we actually need from the end so let's go to the other end and get that dragon head and so I looked around the outer end for a couple of days till I found the dragon head I needed oh we may have one yes it's an end ship oh teleport me over there right now I think we can make it if we go straight we're gonna make this yes perfect okay we can get up to the end chip let's go and the best part is I don't have to worry about the end City we can just teleport up there so let's just get below the ship right over here and let's teleport ourselves straight into the sky and then simply land on the ship and now we can loot the inside okay so let's grab the elitra inside the ship grab all the gold and armor now let's break the ceiling and let's work on getting this dragon head over here since there's land below we just gotta break it and catch that portal over there and let's head on home home sweet home oh wait that doesn't bring me home right that just brings me back here I have to go through the portal oh thank God I almost just jumped and killed myself oh my goodness that was dumb but we're alive now let's go to go through the portal and actually go home okay we are we Ash up our last three upgrades versus the alien overlord where we just need five skulk sensors then there's our Mothership which we can't use till day 99 or 100 anyway so I'm not worried about that one and finally is mine dominance so since I need so much stuff for that one let's just stick with going to an ancient city real quick and grabbing some sensors okay now let's just go through this ancient city and check the chests out for some skulk sensors like this one right here this definitely has one A no but it has two God apples gotta check this one another God Apple but I just need sensors oh wardens are being summoned oh god oh there goes another one I summon a two okay what do we have in here anything we need nope over here please give me a sensor yes we got three sensors two to go okay another God Apple okay let's check this one yes there we go the source of the sensors we need let's get out of here because there's a warden through that wall okay so now that we have six skulk sensors we can become an alien overlord oh my god look how big I look I'm like a dinosaur it's an alien meter a king because I have a crown but that's not all you're gonna notice I have 50 total Hearts jump eight speed four and strength four and it don't even fit outside my base anymore anyway this alien is absolutely absolutely massive and with him unlocked we just need to burn down a thousand blocks with the ionizer that's gonna be easy and there we go just like that we've burned down an entire forest and 1 000 total blocks which means at this point there's very little we have to do we just have to kill 10 players to unlock our Mothership get 24 bookshelves and ender chest and a beacon remind dominance now I already have all the supplies I need to make the bookshelves that are listed so we literally just need to get an ender chest and a beacon okay so back at home if I go on my crafting table we actually already have the Eyes of Ender and obsidian to make the Ender Chest so let's go ahead and start by doing that but now we should need 24 bookshelves which are also super easy to make and if we grab our books from our chest we're gonna be able to make a ton of bookshelves and just like that we have all the bookshelves now all we literally need is a beacon and 10 kills on the CIA agents and then we will literally be at Max string and then we tip to wait for our Mothership to come save us okay while I'm heading over to the CI agent space you're not gonna believe what I realized I Can Fly the final alien can literally fly this giant thing can fly does it make sense no of course not but this is gonna make it easier to get to the CIA agent so let's go there it is there it is there it is there it is there's their base they're gonna see this giant monster fly up I cannot wait to see their reactions to this I'm gonna go slow too look at this boom oh my God what is that dude They See Me Now oh I just sent him to the Moon okay let's keep getting him let's keep chasing him look at this I got me I'm surprised he actually got me no no you're going flying dude you're going flying keep going [Music] we got him oh my goodness the ionizer is broken oh we got him again we got him again he's done we only need six more kills okay here we go let's just blow you guys up eat some quick food I'm bringing out the withers it's gonna get a little crazy a Wither are they summoning Withers oh my goodness wait that actually works out I need to make a beacon still so I can steal another star two three Withers I'm getting this one far away so I can steal its nether star okay let's get over that weather come on we can get him oh yeah get that start get that another star come on yes we got another story dude their weather plan is totally backfiring look I'm killing them for you guys if you're gonna keep summing them then fine I'll just sit back and let them handle it they're the ones who summon them oh am I being attacked by a Wither oh yeah there's one way up there okay let's go let's just get rid of you then okay only one more wither to go there we go all the withers are dead now where are the rest of you yeah they're all done and you're done next okay there's one right here oh he's trying to fly to me oh he's done there we go got him okay let's get close let's get close got him there we go that's seven there we go we only have to kill one more oh my goodness I can't do anything I can't do anything yes that's all the kills we need we can unlock the Mother Ship okay let's go and let's summon the mothership okay it's in my inventory currently if I right click this it should summon it okay here we go three two one can't summon Mothership in range on day 99 right we can't use it with that fight officially over and now having another star in our inventory we could literally make the last item we need the beacon let's just grab three obsidian from this chest and now if we combine that obsidian with a bunch of glass in our nether star we get a beacon which means we can now unlock mind dominance which is the strongest alien ability I have basically what this does is any creature I look at is immediately Frozen with fear and they start to take a ton of damage and die let me show you what the new ability does we're gonna go up to this bee who's flying and we're gonna use it on him and you're gonna see he stops moving and is constantly taking damage he's stuck in my fearsome gaze and now he's gonna die and the best part about this ability is if I tag something with the Mind dominance and then undo it that mob is now my friend and it's gonna follow me wherever I go now you're gonna see that I have a couple cows that are on my team and so now with our mind control ability unlocked all we have to do is wait for our Mothership to save us on day 99. I assume since the CIA agents have been fairly passive this video that they would just leave me alone till day 99 but that is not what happened because on day 95 they came in with a literal Redstone bomber you guys ready get ready to breach and clear they have a nuke platform what is that they just nuke it look I knew they'd come back to attack at some point I was not expecting a nuke okay that's it you're all dying [Music] oh that did a lot hold up we gotta eat some food oh they're a lot stronger this time thanks we got one okay let's take this guy out okay that's gonna hurt him with the electric I got an idea here we go ready oh he's done there we go I'm gonna die I I couldn't leave my Apple fast enough oh this battle is intense yeah we got him is done but so is my face oh no dude this face is so toast well I guess since we're full strength that means we should simply fly back to spawn and let's live in our broken ship that crashed at the beginning of this video when we were just a tiny little worm but now look at us we're huge and we have all these insane weapons so we're gonna guard this ship till day 99 when our Mothership will finally come save us and finally day 99 came around and we can now summon our Mothership but of course the CIA agents were not gonna let it be that simple all right firing squad ready yeah three two one fire they're here wait what wait damn explosive guns now where did they get those you know what they destroyed our thing but we got the ionizer baby okay we got one knocked away we got one knocked away let's get these guys down here get this guy with the laser shotgun hurry up Moon I needed to become day 99 so I can summon my Mothership and then my Mothership will save me okay we got one down we got one down oh my God I just got destroyed we're out of energy we need some alien epoxy now let's get this guy down here let's get this guy down here oh the sun's starting to come up please faster it still says day 98 though come on son we need to summon the mothership okay here we go let's get this guy nice we killed one oh we killed two oh my goodness oh my God you just got Merc dude I just got murked dude are we doing 99 yet no it's still 98 what the sun's so high come on get him how is it not day 99 yet it's still 98. it's Gotta Be day 99 right it is it's 8.99 okay we're summoning the mothership ready we're gonna go right here and quickly summon it ready oh God nothing happened I need full energy okay we can't fight with our guns for right now let's use our pickaxe oh I'm stuck again oh my goodness he just keeps putting me in the net I just need to get to full energy how long is this gonna take it's almost full just a little longer come on get off my ship oh they're blowing up the inside oh no oh okay because we either got apple eater eats a million epoxy that should get us to full and now we can summon the mothership okay here we go ready and Mothership the mothership's here yeah yeah start sucking them up yes suck them up no I'm literally getting sucked inside goodbye CIA and now the mothership is literally gonna ban them from the server watch boom dude just like that they're all banned and the mothership has officially saved me from the CIA agents and now it's time for me to head back home into outer space thanks for watching
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 1,134,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, I Survived 100 Days as an ALIEN in Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Day Alien, Minecraft 100 Day Alien, Minecraft Alien, Minecraft Custom Mod, Minecraft Custom Map, ryguyrocky 100, minecraft academy, academy, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school
Id: vhBdgfoU6KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 10sec (2830 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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