I Survived 100 Days as a DRAGON GOD in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one I was a dragon God ruling over my 1 million followers nobody can withstand my might suddenly my followers all turned on me and started attacking I tried to make them stop but they wouldn't listen to me anymore what's going on obey me no way we only follow the shadow God now just then the shadow God emerged before me I have influenced your people to obey me now they no longer believe in you we'll see about that we both flew outside where I was ready to remind my people why I am the ruler I used my immense power to fly around my Challenger at blinding speed trying to confuse him I blew my fire but his shadowy breath attacks pulled me closer draining my energy I tried to outmaneuver him but he hit me with beams of power that seared my wings finally the fight came to a head and we used our breath Powers against each other fire versus Frost but somehow his Frozen breath overpowered mine despite my efforts the shadow God was too powerful he struck me down reverting me back to a demigod I only had 10 Hearts my former followers all came after me I had no choice but to make a run for it on day two I was being chased by the shadow Gods men maybe you need a reminder that I'm Your Leader I tried to use my Godly powers to assert my authority but I was only able to shoot fire oh no since they don't believe in me I've lost my Powers I was no match for the Army anymore so I took to the skies and flew away with my wings I managed to narrow escape and found a safe spot to catch my breath a God is nothing without his followers if I'm gonna get strong again I need more mobs to believe in me just then I heard someone crying for help I swooped in to see what the yelling was about and realized that a little coin Dragon was being attacked by a bigger mob don't worry I'm coming I jumped into the prey and began to fight off the Beast although I only had my fire breath I was still a demigod meaning I was Stronger than other mobs I swiped the hell out of my claws but he stabbed me quickly with his bite I blew a wave of fire slowing him down briefly as he charged he couldn't take the heat after a tough fight I took down the Beast and saved a little mob well thank you Great Dragon God I am in your debt don't worry I'm always looking out for my subjects well consider me one of your followers then I'm zip I felt the tingling sensation in my chest like I was a step closer to regaining my strength I'll have to befriend all the kingdoms if I want to increase my followers on day three zip and I boasted off to find a spot to start our new civilization I started by building a structure on a cloud in the sky I made sure it was made of quartz and embellished with accents of gold to represent my status as a god once I was finished I moved on to the surface beneath the cloud and started building a house for zip I plan to one day have a massive Village below me to house all of my people the shadow God better watch out after completing my build I needed to find some food for zip and I so I took to the skies in search of some grub I spotted a village and landed and asked them for some assistance hello I command thee to give me an offering of wheat seeds why would I do that for a whippy little demigod you'll regret that villager I will smite thee I honed in all of my powers and the sky began to grow dark I was a kind God but I wasn't afraid to show people what happened when they disrespected me die laughs oh is that it kind of feel bad for you now the Villager handed me some food at a Pity mark my words when my Powers returned you will fear me I took to the skies and noticed one of the Shadow Gods followers walking by I wonder where they're headed on days four through seven I followed the Goon into a chicken Village whoa It's like a KFC multiple of them were in the center of the village worshiping Barako the Sun God is that shadow ball we're planning on taking their followers too I gotta warn them I rushed inside of the village and quickly found a shadow goon hiding under barako's altar stop right there without thinking I began to attack the mob unluckily for me they were quick on their feet stop this demigod he's jealous of barako's power no I'm trying to help this guy is evil he's trying to disgrace Morocco get him the followers didn't care what I said and attacked me anyway I wanted them to join my cause so the last thing I plan to do was fight back I ran around trying to avoid their attacks when this became too difficult I flew up into the air once I was Airborne I noticed the shadow follower running away hey stop on days eight through ten I pursued the shadow follower they were fast but my wings allowed me to easily keep up after a lot of traveling I followed them into a nearby cave once inside they quickly reached a dead end I'm gonna reveal your true intentions to everyone yeah right they never believe you then I'll just have to stop you right now oh yeah catch the follower tossed over a cooked chicken which I instinctively picked up huh before I had any time to react baracko's followers caught up to us he's eating our people oh Morocco please save us without hesitation the mystical Barako yelled from outside the cave you will leave my people alone on days 11 through 14 I came out to face Barako who came at me with the might of a sun god Rocco yelled a deafening cry and streams of sunlight started to explode around me the hot sand made the fight difficult so I decided to even the odds with my flame breath he summoned his minions and they began attacking me and healing him hey not fair I dive bombed right into his belly but he bounced me right off he used the power of the sun to create a blast of heat scorching the area he was powerful but I couldn't call myself a God if I lost here I had to use all of my strength to take down Barako you're stronger than you look but I will fight to the death no please this is all a misunderstanding just then I spotted the shadow followers sneaking up behind Barako he was going to land a secret killing blow look out I use my abilities to kill the shadow follower where he stood everyone celebrated the safety of their leader and one of the chickens walked up to me oh my gosh that Dragon saved Our God I see now you were telling the truth thank you really awesome suddenly I felt a new power surge within me my strength increased my scales hardened and I grew in size I now had eight additional hearts and the power to hurl Fireballs I was an adult Dragon God I finally have more followers I'm one step closer to taking out the shadow God on days 15 through 17 I returned to my base with some of my new chicken followers I began to do some expanding to the village and built additional housing for all of my new chicken followers to stay in I also made them an altar so they could continue to worship Rocco as well as myself let's share the love I let the chickens get settled in and flew up to my sky base for some more expansions I added a royal Nest fit with the table in the center to discuss my future plans and a luxurious Landing Pad my little Cloud Fortress was starting to look like home finally I added a farm to my civilization so we had plenty of food for all of my subjects as I cultivated my crops I remember the Villager that mocked me a few days earlier time to pay them a little little visit I returned to the village and spotted the Villager from the sky above hello there I'm back to Smite you oh ah you're big taste my wrath in a fit of rage I threw a fireball at the Villager okay you're cool I'm sorry that's what I thought we're sorry for mocking you our village is willing to move in and serve you that sounds good to me I brought the villagers back to my base and got them settled in some houses of their own this is almost better than our road home almost well the people of the north are playing their music way too loud don't worry I'll go check it out for you on days 18-21 I want to investigate the source of the music when I arrived I spotted town of scary looking monsters boy who's this guy the dragon God turn your music down well the only way we'll do that is if you beat us in combat no a dance off we moved to the dance floor where all the monsters were showing off their dance moves the monsters each had their own set of crazy moves I watch as they spun around and showed me everything they had be dead oh yeah I did my signature spinning move and began to break dance on the floor I wasn't Only a God but I was also an amazing dancer yeah once I was done it was clear that I was the winner of the dance off those moves Rock you're a cool god consider us your followers just then I gained two more Hearts nice oh and lower that music please with my quest completed I took to the skies to start searching for more followers as I scouted I discovered a wooden beam that was poking out of the ocean what's that on days 22-25 I landed at the shore of the ocean to prepare for my journey dragons can't breathe underwater good thing I'm a God I use my Godly abilities to transform into an entirely different type of dragon my lungs turned into gills and I gained some fins to help me navigate the ocean I was now a water dragon I hopped into the water and swam towards the wooden structure when I arrived I discovered it was a shipwreck that was housing a civilization of dolphins but they didn't seem to be doing well they look hungry I wonder what happened suddenly a dolphin came barreling towards me give me your food or else what they began to attack me with everything they had before I could blast them off though the Dolphins leader arrived enough the Troublesome Dolphins swam off leaving me alone with the leader what was that about I'm sorry Mighty God my people are starving and our goddess is nowhere to be seen I can help you find her if you manage to do so then we would be honored to follow you too please take this map to her Temple but be warned the journey is a treacherous one you can count on me on days 26-28 I began to follow the map I got from the dolphin leader when out of nowhere a trident nearly hit me I looked around and discovered a group of drowned were attacking me I'll make you pay for that the drown began to swarm a throwing tridents but they were no mad for my reawakened lightning powers the electricity surged through them in the water totally obliterating them their metal tridents worked against them conducting more electricity and frying them to a crisp it didn't take long for the mobs to come to my crushing Powers normal mobs don't stand a chance against to God I kept moving until finally arriving at the temple but it seemed as if nobody was around just then another Trident flew by me to my surprise it wasn't from a drought but I tried and tired back here I chased after them as quickly as I could but as I turned a corner I was face to face with a sea goddess instead oh thank goodness I found you you okay the sea God has attacked me with her massive Jaws I did my best to avoid the sea goddesses Onslaught I wasn't sure what had come over her she's not acting like herself something is wrong each snap from her Jaws did massive damage I had no choice but to fight for my life the goddess chomped into me relentlessly I tried to keep her at Bay with my lightning but she brushed it off like it was nothing I tried using my spin attack but she dodged narrowly my thunder strikes only slowed her down for a second before she came right back at me with full force despite my efforts she was far more powerful than the others I'd faced I wasn't gonna win just then I spotted the Trident Tyrant looming in a hiding spot what are you doing here at the shadow God will be angry with me did you say shadow God you're going down I knew he was up to no good so I changed my Approach I attacked the Triton Tyrant and managed to take him out just after the Tyrant fell the sea God has snapped out of her rage what happened that entity must have been influencing you you sure people need help say no more we returned to the dolphin Village and the sun goddess gave all of her followers the miracle of food thank you Dragon God we will follow you loyally suddenly I began to transform I gained 10 more Hearts thank you all for your support I'll make sure the shadow God pays for this on days 33-35 I returned to the shore and transformed back into my land form to my surprise I had a new appearance I look a bit different now it must be because of my new dolphin followers I flew back to the base and decided to get to work on some areas for my new subjects I dug out a lake and added some waterfalls to give it an aquatic feeling to round out the Dolphins area I added a shrine to the sea goddess so they could worship her as well after I was done with this I built an altar for my followers to present me offerings to my surprise they were all eager to hand me what they had there you go thanks for you I appreciate it thank you sir now this is an offering I put on the armor and instantly felt more powerful than before no one would dare to find me now just then I spotted one of my other villagers wandering away from the base he looks like he's up to no good I tell behind my follower to discover he was headed towards a shadow God Temple what business does he have with that guy I found a hiding spot and watched as he approached my Nemesis do you have any new Intel for me yes the Dolphins just joined up with the dragon God how unfortunate oh well he doesn't stand a chance against me I stepped out to intimidate them stop right there four you let him right kill me Shadow got struck down the traitors and lunch in me the shadow God breathed his powerful cross breath in me trying to freeze me mid-air I retaliated with my flame breath and fire bolts to keep things nice and toasty when he realized my Flames were too hot the god-fired beams of light at me as well as dark matter to try and enemy right then and there we sword disguise dodging and weaving each other's attacks but even I couldn't avoid all of his moves whenever he managed to hit me it dealt loads of damage despite my growing numbers I still wasn't strong enough to defeat the shadow God you're not the only one gaining new followers stay in your place demigod he took off to the skies and I swore Revenge I needed befriend the remaining kingdoms before he gets even stronger on days 40-43 I knew that the shadow God's power was spiraling out of control I need to reach out to subjects Beyond just the Overworld I built myself another portal and traveled inside when I arrived in the nether I was suddenly bombarded with tons of mobs the schreider military was waiting for me nobody else is hurting our village what happened a horrible guard came and destroyed our home then I'll take care of this I began to fly around the nether in search of the Angry God after a while I managed to find him holed up in a golden cave your Rampage ends here you're just a demigod don't make me laugh the god unleashes fiery breath and flattened me out of the cavern ow I'm gonna have to get stronger and put him in his place on days 44-46 I returned to the Striders and told them what had happened if it's true he will help eliminate the Beast then we will put our trust in you I began to train up with the Striders they had me undergo numerous tests including flying through Rings all of it was a piece of cake for me I managed to only gain two more Hearts I guess since I'm a God traditional trainee doesn't work as well gain more followers then the pig Limer in the Bastion Remnant I did as I was told and flew over to the piglets I touched down over their civilization and demanded their loyalty oh hello Mortals about your new God do you have some gold we don't take kindly to goldless deities oh one sec I quickly struck down one of the bystanders and he dropped a Golden Gate how about that good enough I now had the power of the piglets on my side with my big boost and followers I transform changing my dragon scales into a red lava resistant form and even gained 10 more hearts that did the trick time to take out the nether God on days 47-50 I confronted the nasty nether God once again come out and face me the nether God emerge from his dad and looked down onto me looks like you have more followers but not as much as me we'll see about that the nether God's blue fire was super hot the ceiling was low and the lava crazy hot as hot as nerfold not to fall in I struck it with my Cobalt sword dealing massive damage the battle was fierce and the Heat the heat intense kept flying over me making it hard to land any clean hands I felt like I was flying in circles I knew I couldn't keep this up so I touched back down into the cave to fight uneven footing the nether God landed inside and maganda slashing me with his powerful claws each hit he managed to land in loads of damage so I retaliated with my fire breath we breathed Flames at each other but thanks to my latest transformation my scales were fireproof I used my armored body to my advantage and overwhelmed the god with my attacks my new followers gave me the strength I needed to overcome the nether God I had him cowering in his cave a yield you're too powerful have mercy on me only if you promise to give the Striders their home back in my name yes of course I needed a lava to forge my gold it's only fair if I restore it good uh got anything cool that I can use to beat the shadow God you're going against oh God you're you're crazy but since you were able to take me down it might be possible here take this the nether God gave me the royal red leggings and boots I put it on and felt like I got in the world I look sick I flew back to the Striders and told them the good news they were all Overjoyed thank you Dragon guard you have our undying support the shadow God better watch out now on days 51-54 I returned to my home in the Overworld and started expansion of my base to house my new followers I carved out a small cave protected from the Sun and filled it with lava so my Strider crew could feel right at home I opened another portal for them so they could travel back and forth between the worlds and even gave them a shrine to the nether God since he was the one still keeping the nether warm in the center of town I added a message box so that any of my followers could submit requests for anything they needed lastly I did some renovation on my own cloud base adding more moats of gold I even started my own horde of treasure after the building was done I checked my Town's message box to see what kind of requests my followers had Dear Dragon God we need more food the fields are dry no sweat this will be easy I headed to the farm plot and re-sewed the fields with wheat now of water I Godly powers to perform a miracle I summoned rain causing the seeds to Spring to life and the wheat grew instantly my followers cheered and rang out with Applause let's go thank you thank you you're all too kind whoa Dragon God you're amazing amazing zip we're buddies you can just call me Max okay so how's it going do you have any requests follower number one actually I do not for me but for my friend Spyro who needs some help looking for gems [Music] like treasure gems yeah he's a natural treasure hunter he's been everywhere looking for Treasure even hey I need to go there too maybe if I help him out he can help me find a portal okay zip I'll help your friend Spyro out yeah on days 55-57 I flew around looking for Spyro zip gave me a good idea as to where he might be as I flew overhead I saw a small purple dragon digging holes in a badlands biome hey are you Spyro that's me my friend zip said you needed help looking for gems yep magic gems that'll get me home I don't know if you can tell but I'm not from around here yeah you are pretty small for a dragon what did you say nothing uh so if I help you find these gems do you think you could help me out sure thing whatever you need Sparrow and I dug around in the Badlands for a while just as I was ready to give up a hole opened up underneath us and we fell through we landed in a cavern and when we looked around there were diamonds everywhere jackpot this is more than enough let's grab them these are diamond Spyro not gems just grab them this is what we need I started to mine one of the diamonds but when I did a bunch of gem monsters emerged from behind us oh no gem monsters come on let's take them down these gems are ours Spyro and I fought the gem monsters together the gem monsters were strong but our fire was hot enough to make them molten they may have thought they had strengthened numbers but I had strengthened followers Spyro's height worked to his Advantage as he bit and slashed at the ankles of the monsters with my last brother Flames I melted the monsters into a fiery puddle after a hard battle we took down the gem monsters and claimed our prize gem monsters have even more gems thanks for the help stranger now what can I help you with do you know where I could find an Ender portal an Ender portal like the black Spacey looking one yeah that's the one I remember where that is follow me Spyro took his bag of gems and let us out of the cavern on days 58-61 I arrived at the end portal with Spyro here it is I gotta go now but good luck with your journey to becoming the dragon God again thanks Spyro see ya after saying goodbye to Spyro I jumped to the portal and made it to the end City but to my surprise the whole place was on fire what's going on just then the Ender Dragon flew over my head hear me now subjects you are now not only under my rule but the shadow goes as well kneel before my double power oh no I gotta help these Endermen Evacuate the city the Ender Dragon's gone mad the Ender Dragon was too busy destroying the area to notice me Gathering all the Enderman to a secure location come on this way I'm taking you to a safe spot just as I got the last of the Enderman to safety the Ender Dragon spotted me those are my followers fool stop right there the Ender Dragon charged right at me I had to give the Enderman more time to escape so I charge right back at her on days 62-64 I battled the Ender Dragon to save the Enderman we both took the disguise to test our Godly strength we were similarly matched but he managed to outmatch my power with devastating flame breath I find it out as long as I could but I quickly realized I wasn't gonna win this one despite my new Strength I was too weak to continue I had no choice but to run get back here coward I managed to escape and hide the cave with the Enderman hey you saved us we want to take out the Ender Dragon he's been an evil Tyrant even before teaming up with the shadow God can you help us out of course with all your guys's help that should give me enough strength to take him down the Enderman gave me a list of items to gather to better equip them battle Ender carrots chorus fruits and enrods okay I'll go find these and be right back I started out searching for under carrots farther from the city I stumbled upon an end farmer hey farmer do you happen to have any end carrots we're gonna overthrow the Ender Dragon overthrowing the Ender Dragon that's great great she stinks anyway there you go just like that the farmer drop me tons of under carrots for the cause thanks a bunch I'll put these to good use next I went around chopping down chorus trees trying to get as many as possible lastly I needed some n Rods so I snuck back into the city buildings to collect some the fire was dangerous but I made it through safely I returned to the Enderman and gave them everything they asked for this is perfect the Ender Dragon won't know what hit him as thanks the Enderman gave me a new piece of armor to add to my set cool this will definitely Aid me in battle we made it as an offering to placate the Ender Dragon but he laughed in her faces when we showed it to him it's better you have it I'll put it to good 268 I arrived at my Ender Army at the Ender Dragon's Lair it wasn't long before the oversized lizard spotted us what's this a rebellion that's right and we're gonna take you down I'd like to see you try the two of us charged it head on and began to fight it out I took to disguise and battled the Ender Dragon from above my Army of Enderman stayed close by and shot projectiles from the ground I use my dragon breath and my blue geode sword to twiddle down his health he then retaliated by using fire attacks of his own his Flames were so powerful that they dealt damage over time bringing me close to death I couldn't let the Enderman down so I kept fighting with all of my might despite our efforts the Ender Dragon continued to regenerate hell from the pillars we were gonna lose at this rate I had to change my Approach so while my Enderman Army had the Ender Dragon distracted I flew to the pillars and destroyed every crystal with my fire attacks soon they were all blown to Smithereens and the Ender Dragon and I were on 11 playing field I returned to the battle and used everything I had to finish off the Beast after one final blow I took down the corrupt leader and liberated the Enderman from their tyranny we might have defeated the evil Ender Dragon but our home is destroyed where will we go you can all stay with me in my base I can keep you safe from the shadow God there that sounds great we will follow you o Great Dragon God the new influx of followers caused me to gain even more strength and I now had a total of 50 Hearts my body once again underwent a transformation turning me into a shadowy purple color like an Enderman I tested out my new power and realized my Flames had grown so hot they were now purple one step closer to defeating the shadow God on days 69-72 I made the trip back to the Overworld with all my new followers I began expanding the base starting with the tower fit for the Enderman people now they have a great view of the village and the Overworld I also built an altar to commemorate the fight against the Ender Dragon my base needed some more Godly touches so I added another layer on top with a few stairs surrounding my sky build suddenly I heard a scream From Below what's going on down there I swoop down to meet face to face with the shadow God had to protect my people so you've killed the Ender Dragon and taken the Enderman under your wing too unacceptable these people have agreed to follow me leave now or face the consequences I'll leave but not without taking a few of your followers first the shadow God turned to a crowd of my followers and with his power made them all sink into the ground hey what did you do your followers are now mine good luck getting them back the shadow God flew away and I immediately gave Chase on days 73-75 I swore through the sky as fast as I could to chase the shadow god without warning he turned around and shot a shadowy spear at me it hit me dead on and took away my wings [Music] lucky for me I had the water below to cushion my fall phew that was close how did he do that I couldn't stop now even without my wings I was determined to find my stolen followers they needed my help as I swam ashore an armored Knight stopped me in my tracks ah a dragon you will be a great addition to the feast Feast oh my God you should be bowing before me ah sure you don't even have wings you're barely a dragon at all prepare to be dinner the night slashing me with his powerful sword and tried to take me down quickly unfortunately for him I was wearing full armor which protected me from his attacks I slashed back with my own geode Blade the sound of our weapons clashing filled the battlefield but his heavy armor also protected him from my attacks I decided to use my new Ender Flames to melt through his defenses by force in combination with my other fire attacks I weaken the night bit by bit after a while I saw an opening in his armor and breathed my fiery breath once more he can no longer withstand my attacks and began to crumble to my power as a God I took out the overconfident night easily woohoo upon his death he dropped a strange map titled Grant Feast was this what he was talking about this might be worth checking out I followed the map all the way to the location of the feast when I inspired someone followers in a cage what the before I could do anything someone bonked me on the head and I was out cold on days 76-79 I woke up to find myself in the same cage that all my followers were in outside the head guard was speaking to his men hey great work today tomorrow we'll Feast on the foolish Dragon God and his followers what all of the men left leaving me alone in the cage with my followers are you guys okay what was that guy talking about after the shadow got captured as he sent us here to be eaten eaten why would he do that since his followers were becoming disloyal he figured eating them would be a fitting punishment to ensure no one ever leaves we would be forever trapped in his belly that's sick let's find a way out of here I took a deep breath in and exhaled using my new Ender breath power to melt the bars and let all my followers Escape we're free thank you Dragon God are you coming with us I'm gonna stay back and investigate you guys go on ahead my followers ran to safety and I snooped around the massive table to try and find out more about the shadow God's plans as I scan the scraps of the table I managed to find a note left by one of the knights I picked it up and took a look inside the civilization in the sky is real we must report to the shadow God so he could gain more followers a civilization in the sky if I could find in the city I can really grow my kingdom stop right there just then a group of guards arrived Nowhere to Run Dragon god let's get you back in that cage no way I'm not gonna be anyone's dinner I had faced one of them before but now that I was up against an army things were a lot more challenging the horde of nights Swang at me with their blades but I knew that my sword wouldn't be enough to pierce through their armor I use my purple Flames to melt through their numbers and keep them at Bay the knights teleported at me trying to get in close but I pushed him off of me with my geode sword one by one they began to succumb to my power despite their numbers I took out the group of guards all of a sudden I felt my wings grow back perfect timing now I can play out of here on days 8 through 83 I flew to the world asking various mobs for information about the sky civilization in the distance I spotted a strange Tower with an old wizard watching me from the top I flew in closer to talk to the old wizard hey why are you looking at me like that ah young one I've seen a place a hidden place where dragons like you roam freely in the skies well that's convenient where is this place hmm I don't remember perhaps some food would help jog my memory I offered him some of my food I had but he rejected it no thank you I only eat the fruit of the golden apple tree ah fine I guess I'll go find you a golden apple I flew around until I spotted a golden apple tree but it was being guarded by an Overworld Drake with no other option I charge you the bad Lakeland out of Jimmy with his powerful horns and Bash into me to deal big damage luckily I was protected by my armor otherwise I would have been badly hurt I melted through a scales of my Godly dragon breath while trying to keep my distance so he couldn't reach me with his claws this went on for a while but I was beginning to overpower the Beast after a difficult fight I managed to slay the Beast now that the monster was gone I picked a few apples from the tree and flew back to the wizard I gave the golden apple to the wizard and he ate them up quickly do you remember me now ah yes you see it was a rather mundane Tuesday afternoon I think or was it Wednesday no it was definitely a Tuesday go on anyways I was wandering through the desert and began admiring a particularly fascinating Cactus you know the ones with those spiky bits when suddenly a dragon egg fell from the sky and landed right on my Noggin the desert that's where I'll have to go next I flew off leaving the old wizard to ramble to himself it was quite the sensation though not particularly remarkable All Things Considered on days 84-86 I flew to the desert the old wizard told me about after some searching I found a Sky Dragon on the ground greetings fellow dragon please listen to our plate the evil entity controlled by the Shadow Garden self has taken over our daily Sky Temple and what's worse they're taking him captive can you help us Brave Dragon that's what I'm here for the dragon started cheering and applauding I was I was like their leader oh just go straight up the sky Temple isn't hard to miss sounds easy enough I love the dragon and began flying straight up into the sky there I found a Giant floating island being corrupted by The Entity oh this guy's bad news on days 87-89 I began to investigate the sky Temple for the trapped leader as I navigated the temple I was suddenly ambushed by a horde of Naga the nagas were skilled Flyers like me and spun at me with a powerful spinning move I try to retaliate with my fire attacks but the rain made it impossible to use luckily my purple breath was hot enough to withstand the rain I went in close to my blue geode sword and began to slash the nagas up close and personal they dug into me with their powerful teeth and span green projectiles that mean to deal loads of damage unfortunately for them they were not able to withstand the power of a dragon God I managed to take out the goons and continued searching the temple after a while I stumbled across the sky dragon leader who was being held captive in a cage don't worry I'll blast you out of here with my Godly fire breath I tried to score to the bars but nothing happened wait what these bars have been reinforced to withstand any manner of magical interference the only way through is to catch the entity who holds the key just then a tiny player holding a key scurried by that he is get him I did as I was told and zigzagged through the sky Temple after the key I hurried until the little player ran into a jungle golem look what we have here trying to free the Sky Dragon's leader I see that's right hand over the key you'll have to get through me first the shadow God won't be happy if you give these followers in your hands the jungle Golem picked up the key and charged at me he went at me with his fists trying to beat me down with Brute Force now that I was indoors I was able to use my fire abilities again I began to burn through the Golem's defenses and tried to overwhelm him with the fury of my Flames the jungle Golem retaliated with powerful explosive projectiles thankfully my armor protected me and I continued wearing him down bit by bit once he was weak I finally Unleashed my purple flames and dealt the finishing blow after he went down I claimed the key time to gain some new followers on days 90-92 the key worked in the bars of the cage disappeared thank you Dragon God your perseverance has saved myself and our people from that Wicked tracking God's tyranny no problem saving people is kind of my specialty what will you do now we'll have to find a way to continue living in peace but with all this Corruption of our land I don't believe it's possible you guys can stay with me I tossed over a map to my base so we could all meet up there later your kindness will not be in vain my people and I will honor you Great Dragon God suddenly I felt a huge surge in my follower account my body underwent another transformation I grew bigger and more powerful and my scales glistened in Gold I now have the power to control the Sun and regenerate this is it my strength is returned I could finally defeat the shadow God on days 93-95 I return to the base to find the shadow God looming over what do you want I'm strong enough to take you out right now I've heard that the sky dragons were coming here I've come to claim my new men you can't force people to follow you that's no way to be a god we'll see about that the shadow God shot a powerful Attack Of Darkness at my followers I couldn't let him hurt them so I intercepted the attack causing me to take massive damage you're sacrificing yourself for more those you're a fool this is where you fall the shadow God shot another attack trying to take me out while I was weak but zip protected me before I was hit zip no the projectile concept to be corrupted by the shadow God he now followed him let him go if you watch your little friend back then come and get him the two of them vanished from my base he's gone too far I'm Gonna Save my first follower no matter what on days 96-98 I begin to work on the final preparations I need to do before facing the shadow God I started by building an area for the sky dragons to call their own I made sure it was perfectly fit for them and reminiscent of their original home next I did the finishing touches on my Tempo I added arches above the top platform to give the base a more elegant look I also added my very own Throne that I could sit in as I watched over my followers with that my dragon God base was completed perfect once I was finished one of the sky dragons landed at my base come with me I want to show you something I followed them down to the the surface and realized my people had thrown me a festival in my honor surprise enjoy the festivities whoa this is awesome I began to explore all the different things my followers have prepared among all the people celebrating was a massive golden dragon statue surrounded by a ton of offerings I dug through the offerings and found a potion of void resistance that would be useful in my journey ahead this is amazing thank you all I'm only this powerful now because of you go save zip I will with my mind made up I took to the sky and headed towards the shadow Gods fortress on day 99 I returned to my old kingdom to find the entire Place transformed the blocks had changed and the air felt heavy this place has a bad vibe to it now just then a horde of my old followers confronted me we are the God we abandoned leave these lands the shadow God is corrupting you he only wants to eat you for more power despite my pleas they didn't listen the corruption took over and caused them to transform they all began to attack me in their new form they were much stronger but I didn't want to hurt them I went easy on them using mostly my sword to fend them off they didn't stand a chance against my Godly Powers but I was able to knock some sense into them they all turned back to normal oh my head Great Dragon God is that you yeah I quickly explained what had happened and how they're being controlled by the shadow God he wanted to eat us don't worry we follow you now with my followers back to normal I took down my potion of void resistance and continued deeper inside the castle on day 100 I broke into the Fortress to find the shadow God waiting for me beside him was my friend zip trapped in a cage I see you managed to get past my guard but that doesn't matter I'll defeat you just like I did on day one I'm stronger than you think let my friend go never he began to attack me in the fight of the Gods began we flew out of the castle and fought in the Sky Dragon vs Dragon we were both skilled Fighters and shot powerful attacks at each other the shadow God used his void attack in combination with a powerful laser although he could both fly I was quicker than he was I dodged his projectiles and retaliated with my fire powers I use them to burn through his scales while my potion of void resistance protected me from dark attacks in combination of my hot purple Flames I'm bombarded the God so quickly that he couldn't keep up he was getting confused I use this to my advantage and went and closed my blue Geo sword to slash him down it was anyone's game but I finally managed to defeat the shadow God I did it I preached it from his prison and now once again ruled over my domain I'm the mightiest Dragon God
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 2,228,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bDaM6V8lfRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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