I Survived 100 Days as a KILLER BEE in HARDCORE Minecraft

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on day one I spawned in as a killer bee overlooking my entire Colony I watched as all of my people went through the hive spreading honey and servicing our amazing Queen you a new killer bee I think I'll call you bozo just then our entire beehive began to shake violently uh what's going on our Hive was pursed open and destroyed by a giant killer bear oh no uh yes more of my precious honey hibernation is just around the corner and I will stop at nothing to take it all from you I watched as my queen bee signaled the others to attack the giant bear they did their best but with the Bears brute strength it was able to swipe most of them out with ease my people Bozo you must take the honeycore now without it our Colony won't survive I quickly picked it up and knew that I had to believed if I wanted to save my Colony oh no you don't I flew away with the giant bear sprinting right behind me on day two I was being chased by the bear because I was still a baby my wings were very little making me unable to fly up high this sucks up ahead I noticed a log lying down and on it was an opening perfect I have to hide I flew my tiny wings over and was able to make it inside of the lock ah that was close am I safe just then the log burst open behind me ah you aren't going anywhere with my honey time to run I started to fly through the water with the bear destroying it more and more I then reached the other side but unfortunately it was over a cliff oh no I'm done for knowing I had no other option I decided to jump ah on day three I landed far below ah I was surrounded by a dense jungle not knowing where I was or where to go I can't believe my Colony it's gone that bear is pure evil I was so angry that I threw the honeycore right on the floor because of this it started to Glow what is happening a tiny honey Bean then Grew From it ah well man it gets cramped in there oh hello hi I see you were chosen to hold on to my core here look be just the entity then perform a magical spell which caused me to grow whoa there you go I've just given you the power of the car with it you could do great things but you must get stronger first but how in time you will see go find your special flowers with them you will grow to be big and strong wait but before I could ask any more questions the honey Bean disappeared flowers what flowers I was about to pick up the honeycore but out of nowhere I was hit with a bomb ow is that precious honey on day four a weird rap Bandit picked up my honey core and started to run hey get back here I tried my best to catch up but with its Swift movements and acrobatics he was losing me I can't lose that core we ran until he was cut off by a large lake rats hey who are you and why did you steal my honey oh me I am Splinter I was sent to Rome throughout these forests to get as much honey as I could but oh I Thorn he must be talking about the bear that's right boss man must hibernate before winter rolls through and if I help I'll be right there by his side eating his scraps no Splinter than whistle which signaled smaller rats to emerge from the bushes of the Jungle take that little bee out on day five the smaller rats charged in and began to attack they hit me with their Tiny Paws and bit at me every chance they had my hearts were getting really low and I knew there was no way I could take them on stay away from me I began to fly away from them throughout the jungle until I ran into another opening far on the other end of it lied a flower much larger than any I had ever seen is that what the honeycore was talking about out of pure urge I flew towards the flower and decided to pick it up because of this I gained five hearts and grew in size whoa I feel stronger and look at my new Stinger there he is that's him the rats charged in but since I was upgraded I was able to shoot out powerful Stinger attacks at will I was able to take down those rats look at me I did it now time to go make sure my queen is safe on day six I was able to make it back to my destroyed Colony I looked around and all I saw was destruction and Fire there Queen thank goodness you're okay oh Colony oh so it's destroyed all of our people have abandoned it that horrible bear I know we need to stop him but first it's time we build our Hive back up I place down the flower that I collected and used its pollen to start making a bigger beehive it's nothing compared to our old place yet but I know that it will be even better whoa look at you foso it looks like you found the first of five sacred flowers the others being the prickly cacti the burning sunflower the Raging blood tulip and the underground Titan Orchid we can build our Colony back up more and more with each one we collect well then I will go and find all of them for our people just then smoke started to emerge from the nearby tree lines oh no a forest fire I have to go see what's going on on day seven I followed smoke until I reached a spruce Forest that was completely on fire oh no my home are you okay no my ink Colony lives in this very Forest but fireflies came through and started fun and the entire thing down fireflies what do you mean just then I felt a pinch of heat from behind me ow behold the Blazing Wrath of the fireflies oh they are literal fireflies the fireflies started to attack ah it shot dangerous Fireballs at me causing me to burn every time that I got hit I did my best to aim back at it and shoot my new Stinger attack but it had far more experience with its range attacks than I did no quick Retreat the ants signaled me to follow him and I did we both were able to run through the small cracks of the forest escaping the Firefly pathetic you better run on day eight the ant took me deep underground inside of its ant hill I looked around and even in here everything was destroyed everyone just looked so hurt and those fireflies and no joke man what made them come here the ant then brought me over to a room that held an empty pedestal we used to have a really tasty looking Cactus and those fireflies came through and burned everything luckily it survived but then not so luckily they decided to take it wait Did you say a cactus I need that good luck those fireflies I just gotta give it to you I mean look now all of us aunts don't got a home what if you guys come live with me I'm trying to build up my own colony and US colonies have to help each other out right the ants all seemed excited and agreed I quickly brought them all out of their base and was stopped by the main ant I appreciate you helping out so I'm gonna help you out the fireflies live in the desert not too far from here my guess if you find them then you'll find that Cactus you're after on days nine to ten I followed the ants directions deep within the nearby desert it didn't take long for me to finally come across a large sand castle there were loads of fireflies flying throughout it well it looks like I found their home score okay fozzo you got this I began to sneak my way through knowing if I alerted any of them I was done for hey Ralph are you worried about that killer bear roaming around lately what why would I be he's hibernating far off in the dark Forest miles away he knows not to come in the desert Dark Forest huh interesting on days 11 to 12 I made my way higher inside the sand castle okay I just have to make it to the top after a few close calls and journeying deep into the fireflies base I was finally able to reach the top and in front of me rested the prickly cacti I did it I flew over and collected it which caused my body to change I gained five hearts and my wings grew to full size I bet I can fly like a true killer bee now before I could do anything though a group of fireflies flew to the top of the tower uh oh hey he's taking the prickly get him the fireflies rushed in and began shooting their fire attacks at me okay time to test out these new wings I jumped off the tower and thankfully I could fly up very high now I started to leave the desert with the fireflies chasing right behind me uh stop it I can't get hit by one of those things I have to find a way to escape is that a waterfall wait a minute I have an idea I flew straight through the water stream leaving the fireflies behind due to their weakness some water on days 13 to 14 I made my way back to the queen and our Hive with my amazing new wings foso place looks great but that where can we stay oh right I went out and got enough materials to make myself a set of stone tools from there I was able to build these ants their very own ant hill on the opposite side of the tree perfect oh yes thistle do thanks I then placed the prickly cacti down on one of our Hills from it I began to collect its pollen and used it to further build up our Hive I knew I was going to get bigger so it had to fit me and our future Colony down the line OZO you found another flower but it's strange what is our people none of them have come home wait OZO do you have the honeycore about that uh no Queen I don't I'm sorry it was stolen from me that's not good without that core the other bees will never find their way back home I promise I will get that honeycore back before Thorne gets it himself you have my word another Forest down and from it more tasty treats honey berries and even you this place is taken care of on to the next on days 15 to 16 I was out searching for the honeycore thief Splinter no no what was that noise I started to follow the screams until I spotted a praying mantis crying hey is everything all right my life my passion it's it's over hold on what do you mean guitar it's gone I am so confused you see I'm a musician it's my last work I had this wonderful absolutely perfect guitar her name was Shirley but that's when it happened this evil evil bear destroyed my forest and because of it oh with my guitar behind who knows where it is now you must be talking about Thorn he destroyed my home too he's heartless I saw him talking to a stupid looking rat too wait wait you did suddenly I had an idea hey how about I help you get your guitar back and in return you show me where that rat is you would do that yes of course I went out searching for the praying mantis's guitar on days 17 to 18. uh bigoted thing I stole the garbage with the thing wait is that singing I followed the noise until I was brought to a small raccoon Bandit camp Hey give that to me it's my learn tacos spaghetti confetti enchilada they have the guitar hey give that back it's not yours oh looky looky it's a killer bee why would we give this thing to you we're making sounds of the heavens over here no you're not you dare disrespect our soothing voices without warning the raccoons started to attack me they were pretty fast and clawed at me with their little claws as we were fighting one of the raccoons accidentally punched a log wow wow hey Ralph did you hear that I did Gerald that sounded like a drum set now that is music from there both of the raccoons started to punch the log violently hey that's pretty good hey B you could have this stupid old useless dumb guitar we got a new instrument now yeah Ralph we're gonna be total rock stars now woohoo yeah rock stars uh thanks I left and brought the guitar back over to the praying mantis whoa amazing I would have never found this on my own follow me I will show you that wreck height on days 19 to 20 the praying mantis and I split up it didn't take long until I found the rat's cave this has to be it you have betrayed us we had an alliance with your people you filthy cheat me what you and thought are doing is wrong you're gonna destroy everything at this rate I have to get that honeycore I ran in and caught Splinter's attention we meet again Splinter charged in but I was prepared I fought back and with my new wings and bee sting I was faster and stronger than ever ow how did a bee get this much power the rat wasn't able to keep up with me and he started to run off I was going to follow him but just then I noticed the honeycore lying on his desk yes I went over and picked it back up I am never losing you again now I could really start to restore our Hive hey over here what did Splinter mean when he said you had an alliance my king made a deal with Thorne in that rat ler that's terrible Thorne is destroying the entire Forest I know my king he's gone completely mad ever since our people found this weird blood flower now now blood flower the blood tulip I'm looking for that do you think but before I could finish my sentence rumbling filled the Cave quickly followed by a loud oh no is that you gotta get me out of here man on days 22-26 I quickly freed the mosquito okay we have to leave this cave without Thorne noticing us if he does we're toast yeah Splinter where are you you better have called me here for a good reason while he was distracted the mosquito and I both flew for it but we're quickly stopped by a dead end oh no oh well isn't this a nice delicious surprise I think I remember you oh yeah does destroying my entire Colony ring any bells you need to stop destroying the forest you're going to kill everything and there will be nothing left even for you nothing left nothing left I have had nothing all my life my own crew of bears the ones I should trust most turn their backs on me like an outcast why because I was too big for hibernation there wasn't enough food so what did they do they abandoned me leaving me to die in the cold winter well look at me now I will always have enough now and no one will stop me you're a monster Thorne was angry and started to charge at us we were no match for him but luckily with our small size we were able to Fly Above him and out of the cave I will get you foso in time that honey will be mine on days 27 to 29 the mosquito and I were flying fast away from Thorn come on we have to keep flying the mosquito then just stopped hey what's the matter I looked around and everything inside the nearby forest was dead was this Thorn if we don't do something about him the entire Forest could turn into this this place it used to be beautiful I remember being here as a kid animals of all kinds shared the space in perfect balance and we all just got along then our King found that blood flower and that bear moved in and it's all falling apart that's horrible well don't worry we can change things and restore all of it I sure hope so bee but I'm not sure if I can fully believe it just yet at the very least you taking that flower will help save my people from our King so I'll take you there if you want thank you for having faith in me now come on let's go and fix this on tase 30-32 the mosquito brought me to his kingdom it was in a beautiful tall red Forest High up in the trees wow this place is amazing yeah it really is our King found it for us before he turned flower hungry high up were loads of mosquito carts everywhere I can see that how are we gonna get inside right it won't be easy the flower is in the throne room we need to be really careful come on I followed the mosquito through his home high in the trees remaining undetected Until We Came Upon the king's keep We snuck inside the key trying not to be seen is that far inside the throne room lied the blood tulip ah you you dare come back after what you've done to your people I betrayed you us mosquitoes are supposed to be allies to the forest King it is you that has betrayed your people all because of that flower you are a coward philosophy you have come here just to die on days 33-35 the blood king mosquito flew in and started to attack us he was much larger than the other mosquitoes and incredibly strong he shot out very powerful blood at us ah thanks to the help of my mosquito friend though we were able to outmaneuver the king's attacks and counter you'll think this is over the king isn't signaled lower mosquito guards to enter through the room oh no with their combined forces the battle was a lot harder but the both of us knew what we were fighting for and with one final hit we were able to take the king down wow the king's crown was dropped and Moe's went to pick it up hey look at you because of this the guards looked confused and stopped attacking whoa they must have just been following orders now my people can finally rest easy knowing that they're free thanks foso for everything of course we're in this together I then went over to the blood tulip and grabbed it because of this I gained five more hearts and my chest started to feel weird I now could shoot out hot honey at will awesome you know falzo I think this place has too much history with that King is it okay if I go home with you and start my own kingdom of course on days 36 to 39 I arrived back at base with my new mosquito friends I built them up their very own Tall Tree Colony so that they could truly call this place their home wow this place great Bozo I can't wait to grow this place up for my people of course it feels good that two different colonies could team up for the greater good speaking of colonies I place the blood tulip down which strengthened The Hive from there I collected its pollen and used the resources to build up the Beehive even more it's closer and closer to being complete my little bee just look at you did you find that honeycore I sure did the queen was excited and brought us inside the hive from there we placed the honeycore on a pedestal just as the core got placed a large signal burst out from The Hive what was that then I heard the sound of buzzing wait these my fellow bees started flying back from the forest and coming home all right our queen with the core back in place our Colony can finally find their way back home hope with more flowers I can make the hive even stronger than it was before great work foso now come with me I need to show you something on days 40 to 44 the queen brought me to a clearing out of our Colony Forest hey where are you taking me you see that cloud far off in the distance I looked up far off into the distance yeah what are we looking at well that is where the next flower is the burning sunflower that's great we are going to be back up to full force in no time not so fast that Cloud's hype is past the flight limitations of just a regular bee if you try to fly up there as you are now you won't be able to sustain the strong gust of wind and you well will die okay noted don't worry foso yeah so you see there's been said long ago an ancient bee history to have existed a special type of nectar nectar huh precisely otherwise known as the last ancient nectar however many believe it's a myth but not me if a bee were to find it and fought throughout his wings well it would amplify their flying skills by a wide margin huh very well now how do I find it on days 45 to 47 I followed my fellow beat until he led me straight to an ancient Temple wow I think this might be the place follows out but no one knows how to get inside I guess it's time I figure that out myself I left the beat and flew straight to the main entryway but just like the Beast said it was locked after trying to mine the blocks I realized I needed to find another way in I kept searching until I found a weird looking pattern of honeycomb Targets on the wall here goes nothing using my new Honey shot ability I try to shoot at one of the targets but missed by long shot I guess I need some practice you must use your heightened senses as a b puzzle that's the only way you're right I concentrate it and listened to my new friend come on fozzo heighten your senses I shot my honey shot and it was a direct hit two more times and the door finally opened I did it let's hope this nectar is worth it I wandered throughout the temple when I finally stumbled upon an opening right in front of me was a large nectar Oasis on days 48 to 52 I walked into the oasis I was about to dip my wings inside of it when I heard a skittering sound coming from behind me you stupid idiot B what how did you get in here I have been following you for days do you have any idea how bad you made me look to Thorne why should I care how could you even work for someone like him does it matter I am gonna defeat you here and bring him your head then I will finally get his approval Splinter was about to charge in but was quickly cut off by a loud crashing sound out of nowhere Thorne was there himself you've got to be kidding me Thorn what are you doing here I wasn't gonna let you fail me again you useless rat I came here to end this myself but but I wasn't going to disappoint you this time silence now I'm going to take this B down and end this Mutiny Thorne started to charge in oh no I knew I had to fight back with everything I had but I quickly realized that my newly found upgrades just weren't enough he ran at me with this brute strength and swatted me ah I was hit down into the nectar and my body started to feel strange I started started to become stronger causing my wings to change into full nectar Wings using the power of the nectar I shut straight up through the Spire of the temple on days 53-56 I shut up right in the center of the sky whoa I have never been this high up watch it you idiot uh sorry because of the bird I was turned around and is that it is the cloud that the queen showed me I started to fly over to it these nectar wings are something else I finally arrived at the cloud and was shocked to see a civilization of wasps what's a killer bee doing up this High how did you get up here it's a long story look I'm here for the sunflower oh well then uh I'm sorry you're out of luck pal what no I came all this way it must be here ah follow me the sky wasp took me to another room of their Kingdom and sitting there was the sunflower but it didn't look so good hey what's wrong with it some ship came by a couple days ago and took our sunflower seeds without them our precious flower is dying I will go out and find them if I'm able to bring them back can we make a deal I need this flower you're one ambitious B I'll think about it now go on days 57-59 I started flying off to the North in search of the sunflower seeds when out of nowhere I spotted an Airship huh that seems worth checking out I approached it and saw penguins what they said it wasn't possible they sent us fatties could never fly well look who's flying now as I got closer I could see that the Penguins were using the sunflower seeds to power up their ship whoa time to sneak on board and grab what is mine I flew in unnoticed and made my way over to the seats yes I got him or or what what else we're going down why is this happening I have literally no idea knowing I had to think fast I use my new hot honey ability and shot it at the ship's generator this caused the fuel to fill up again and the ship started to stabilize must have been a malfunction or something anyways phew that was close okay time to get out of here I returned to the sky wasp Society on days 60 to 63. from there I brought the sunflower seeds back to the guard who is waiting for me here you go wow you really found them oh this is perfect the guard walked over and put them back in the sunflower and it immediately began to transform the sunflower was now back to its full Glory you know what B without you this wouldn't have been possible go ahead take the sunflower only if you promise to take care of it of course I will thanks I grabbed the newly transformed sunflower and began to upgrade I gained five more hearts and grew larger in size because of this I also got a really cool honey grab ability that came straight from the ground this is sick thank you Sky wasp you have no idea how much I appreciate this on day 64 to 68 I got back to base and immediately placed the sunflower down with the additional pollen my fellow bees and I went to work and started to build up our beehive even more inside of it I made sure to add some sleeping quarters for my other bees to stay in awesome because of this I noticed even more bees starting to come in from the tree lines with the bees coming back and the improved Hive it was really looking like we had a chance against Thorn OZO The Colony my goodness it's almost complete you've done very well just one more flower and we may be able to stand up to that bear and stop his destruction Thorne is going to regret ever coming to this Forest just then I noticed that there were some hummingbirds entering our base yeah this place will be great don't you think it'll be great yeah I think what are they doing here and there's a lot of commotion going on away from camp and it's pushing some of the other animals over here could be worth checking out huh you know you you might be right on days 69 to 73 I followed the trail of Critters throughout the jungle it didn't take long for me to finally reach a really damaged Village what is going on here not my home oh this sucks it sucks so bad man I looked around and all the Villagers houses were destroyed just then I heard a cry that was much different than the others I've walked inside of a house to see a villager who was alone and sad what the just then the Villager used the potion of magic and reveal themselves to actually be a witch ow this was how easy then something really hard hit me in the back and I began to pass out on days 74 to 77 I woke up to the sound of snarling what is going on ah you stupid b now I get my revenge I am going to save her this moment just remember the swamp is off limits yeah yeah get lost so what this is it it seems that way foso you did all of this just to fail you are only an insect after all it looks like I win yeah we you win shut up you rat I had to do all of this myself because you are such a failure but I've been helping you this whole time I I swear help you think you were helping me you think you're anywhere near useful as me yeah yeah you have done nothing you really thought I was going to give you my scraps you really thought I would share I was just keeping you close for one last treat before I hibernate well what you are going to eat beef that's enough time to finish off this bee Thorne started to turn to me and I thought that I was done for then right before he took me out Thorne screamed in pain an explosion happened caused by Splinter leave him alone you monster he then shot another one which opened my cage Thorn turned around and swatted at him you traitor in the commotion I had just enough time to fly out of the hole come on Splinter we have to go now on day 78 to 80 the rat and I ran far away through the trees we heard rustling off behind us and I knew that Thorne was searching we have to to keep going stop stop what we can't we have to go no you it's up to you now foso don't talk like that come on you can make it I'm so sorry I just wanted to feel needed foso no one has ever wanted me my entire life who'd want a rat I just thought if I joined Thorne I would be powerful but oh he was just using me all along Splinter we can do this together we can take him down no I'm I'm sorry there's nothing I can do to make up for any of this please just don't take it out on us rats we just wanted to feel needed Splinter Splinter no I was extremely sad but was interrupted by more leaves moving throughout the woods oh no Thorn just as I thought I was done for smaller rats emerge from the forest I could tell that they were extremely sad and they knew so was I the rats then started to walk in a direction and I felt as if they were signaling me I followed them to see what they were trying to show me on days 81 to 85 I followed the rats until he reached a creepy looking cave entrance uh where did you guys lead me this place holds the Titan flower then night is the only night it will Bloom until a whole year so you better hurry right I did as the rat said and entered throughout the doorway hello I want throughout the Lush cave tunnels until I reached an underground opening but there was nothing inside just then the moon started to reveal itself through the clouds causing the entire cave to shake what's going on a flower much larger than the others sprouted in the center of it awesome I went to go pick it up but to my surprise it started to attack me what the this flower is hostile on days 86 to 90 the flower started to attack ah it shot out very powerful poisonous attacks at me and I knew that I had to avoid them I kept shooting at it with my honey blast which caused it to shoot out very dangerous Vines from underneath me uh get away I knew what I was fighting for and because of this I couldn't give up I used everything I had on the flower which finally caused its defeat I did it I went over and picked up the flower which caused me to fully upgrade making me grow larger bee antlers I gained five more hearts and now had a very powerful Honey Trap ability I could now trap and explode my enemies with ease with this I think I'm finally ready to take on Thorn on days 91 to 94 I arrived back at my hive with the rats I immediately went over and built Splinter up his very own memorial site I know he started off evil but he truly did make it up you did the right thing Splinter you were a hero truly a hero all of us rats will always remember you winter hey Bozo thanks for giving us a hope yeah we haven't had one of these places before of course I went out and got the right amount of materials to build the rats their very own houses there you go I hope you guys enjoy it this is amazing it's even better than cheese from there I went over and placed the final flower because of this my fellow bees and I went to work by fully building up our new beehive with all of us working together we were able to finally finish it up wow just look at it it's finally complete oh though I don't know how we could have done this without you you are truly the Savior to our people not yet I'm not I think it's time we take down this bear together on days 95 to 99 I gathered all of my friends and fellow bees around the base what's going on I don't know man just listen I'm trying to pay attention thank thank you all for listening to me today a while ago our homes were rated and destroyed by Thorn but look at how far we've come to truly turn things around while our home may be safe others are still in Jeopardy I think it is up to all of us to make things right by taking him down yeah a green oh yeah just as I was about to leave with the insects a large explosion interrupted us it was Thorn himself I heard you've been making more honey I'll be taking that now on day 100 my fellow bees and I all charged in together bring it I watched as Moe's flew through the skies and attacked him whenever he could the ants took the floor below him and started to bite at his feet and the Rats did what they could to hurt him as well I have worked way too hard for this for all of it and I won't let you peel these insects take it away from me my fellow bees then flew in as well and started to attack he countered everyone with this brute strength and even took down a few of my friends oh no he's still too strong hey you want to fight someone fight me with pleasure Thorn then turn his attention straight to me and began to charge in I use all my newly acquired abilities and managed to really stun him he was easily my toughest opponent yet but I thought of everyone that was counting on me I have to win I have to I hit Thorne harder and harder until finally he was starting to grow weak no no foreign was finally defeated and now the forest and the Animals inside of it could live in peace
Channel: Fozo
Views: 1,423,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft 100 Days, 100 Days In Minecraft, Killer Bee, Bee, Minecraft Bee, Minecraft Killer Bee, 100 Days Bee, 100 Days Killer Bee
Id: 92bp4XyDcMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 1sec (2461 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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