GROWING UP as a DRAGON In Minecraft!

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oh come on wake up huh what who are you oh there you are what is going on oh my dear God he's so cute wait a second who are you I'm not the youngest dragon in this family anymore oh it's okay Dragon since when did I become a dragon well just now son you just hatched I just hatched where's the egg oh you cracked it yeah it's gone oh my gosh no way I'm a dragon I've never even seen one in real life before yeah yeah I guess you don't seem too happy about me being in the family I want to be the only sibling guy then I get Christmas presents for myself you don't like having a younger brother look at me hey where'd you go how do I talk to you hey come back here hey oh oh gosh I can't fly hold up you don't got your wings yet what everyone has wigs except me I don't like this anymore can I turn back into a human human what do you mean I don't know how I got here guys I'm gonna be completely honest I have no idea who anyone is I'm getting out of here son son come back what are you doing yeah the outside isn't safe I think I'm Dreaming or something right now I've never been a dragon he's probably a reincarnation what Korean car what now a reincarnation is when someone dies and then they become someone else I have no idea what the blue guy's saying that's your brother's son uh hello brother can we be friends oh my gosh please I need someone to help me learn to be a dragon will you help me what what is going on ah the shower feels so nice shower that's lava yeah I'm a lava dragon bro what if you're a fire dragon I'm your son does that mean no what what I don't burn either yep you got it from your dad oh I prefer the water over here what yeah me too I'm just like Mom so you got your water look from Mom and I got it from Dad this is so awesome I like fire way more anyways yeah it's way cooler water's cooler what no it's not why is he being so mean to me you're probably like red yeah I love red well Blue's my favorite color oh my gosh I feel like he doesn't want anything to do with me yeah he doesn't but that's usually how older brothers are anyway are you serious yeah he's probably gonna bully you until maybe you're bigger than him what she's never gonna be bigger than me yes I will never I already am basically because you look come come here no I'm gonna be bigger than you okay fine maybe ah hey hey hey relax me and Mom are gonna go get some food okay what wait why you're gonna leave me alone with that guy yeah we have to hunt and your brother can watch over you are you serious I don't need a babysitter okay are you really gonna leave me alone with that guy hey you're the oldest you better behave okay fine I am going to teach him a lesson hey hey put me down and guys help me you think they'll be fine oh my gosh what do you want hey buddy why'd you come into this family I don't know I just woke up here you think I meant to intrude good job yeah no oh my gosh you're the one who won the race what what race uh never mind I have no idea what you're talking about just leave me alone dude I'm going over here by myself fine leave me alone no you leave me alone I don't have a problem with that oh my gosh gosh that guy's so mean he acts like I meant to even become a dragon and true the family but at least the parents are still nice hey what's this anyways I didn't notice this here gosh maybe it's a secret stash for my brother whoa what's inside of your pyromancer stuff and a bunch of blazers you cut it out dude oh my God touch my secret stasha you don't touch my secret stash it's mine oh gosh wait who is that gosh don't worry about these people they just come all the time oh my gosh she said she wants to make an underground base here but uh Japanese how do you understand that language oh gosh she just said she's gonna bring all her friends what oh god she'll be back oh my gosh are you ready dragon slayer yeah let's get these guys uh not these kids again hey kids what did I say yeah who are these kids I'm the dragon slayer hey oh my gosh so stop it what's wrong with you oh my gosh wait you just killed them that well they invaded our home oh my gosh that is super weird how many people come into your house every day you know a lot of people actually gosh well that sucks I'm sorry for you well I'm sorry for you now you gotta deal with this yeah it's okay I don't really mind but anyway sorry for going in your secret stash I could put it all away if you want so that's okay you can take whatever you want from there I don't care anymore really yeah I can't really use blaze powder because I'm not a fire dragon oh well I am so I could definitely put this stuff to use bruh I am an ice dragon that's a pretty cool building yeah you hit me oopsie oh my gosh calm down I can't really control my fire that well geez well you'll learn hopefully one day I wonder if there's some sort of way I could turn this box red or something it would look way better back Mr brother the miners are back and they're ruining the cave hey cut that out please please don't break that this is where I sleep hey Japanese oh my gosh what is this guy writing down now this is chaos hi hello can you please leave cut it out no don't break that nope oh my gosh guys I'm sorry but I have to do this God take this uh [Applause] oh yeah let's go I can't believe I had to do that wait what is the last Miner doing hey are you trying to steal my food get out of here what's going on oh my God no stop running you're supposed to cook alive oh my gosh dude it's too late I already killed most of them where were you you got them yes I well I killed three of them I don't know where the last one went oh my gosh I was just looking out for Mom and Dad oh my gosh well I had to deal with all those guys by myself they were super annoying and they ruined our cave ah what well mom and dad said to meet them at the mountain at the mountain what what mountain so you can learn how to fly duh come over here hey pull me down okay fine you know what whatever just take me there I guess we're gonna teach you how to fly uh we're really high up though I don't know if this is a good idea don't worry about it this is fun okay okay cash right over here gosh what is it guys why'd you want us to come up here oh well I think it's time for you to start your flying lessons flying lessons how am I gonna learn to fly I don't even have wings like you guys well you'll grow some uh hopefully well son a dragon always grows his wings eventually are you sure okay well how do I do it then honestly you just have to take a leap of faith what there's no way I'm jumping off this brother can you push him off no no no don't push me off please stop don't do the difference cut it out come over here no way hey pull me down put me down please oh my gosh no no no no all right he should grow his wings midair no no no wait what am I flying he's doing it guys how did I not just hit the ground right there let's go guys that was really scary yeah but you did it oh my gosh well please don't ever do that again I could have died well guess who has wings now look at yourself yeah wait I have wings what I actually do well look at you oh my gosh this is awesome you evolved does that mean I could just fly whenever I want pretty much let's go and you can hover wait try and hover okay like that yeah perfect oh my gosh all right but you're not done yet son so let's take you to the dragon course wait what but I already learned how to fly yeah there's much more trust me are you serious come along and you know what uh I'll wait for you at the end like you'll ever beat it no oh my gosh all right son we're here what this is the flying course it sure is it doesn't look like it was made for Dragons well it was made for Dragons yeah take a look inside it just looks like a huge cave hey we don't talk about the architect all right well there should be some mob spawners down here though we have to fight what I don't want to fight them though can we just skip that ah fine I think you're ready enough for combat so we don't need to worry about that wait but how do we even get through this wall there's something blocking it ah I think we need a lever search around in the barrels oh fine you guys should already know how to complete this so didn't you guys do it when you were younger he sure did but that was over a thousand years ago okay well I found the levers in this chest right here yeah good job gosh we're gonna get through this so easy but what's the whole point of this like what do you get at the end well you gain all the element staffs at the very end the element staffs wait like this fire staff that I have from earlier yep oh my gosh I want all of them I want the ice one and what other ones are there there's a lot there's Earth teleportation slime that sounds awesome okay I'm flicking the lever ready yup go oh my gosh that looks so cool wow I forgot how nice this place was but what is this place it just looks like a bunch of lava walls it's a flying course come on a flying oh my gosh this is super easy though yeah and plus remember we're fire dragons so I can just do this hey okay I'm gonna do that too hey hey no cheating though what no cheating yeah come on you got to do it the right way you're a newbie oh my gosh whatever fine how many times have you guys even completed this only once oh really yeah and guess who hasn't who your brother are you serious so why'd he skip to the end well he's uh he's what we call a pansy Dragon oh my gosh of course he's made of ice too so he's not as strong as us fire dragons hey I made it out of ice oh sorry I forgot about that Mom oh is this some sort of lava maze are you serious hey be careful what you say say to your mother she takes offense to a lot of things yeah I can tell all right we should be nearing the end I'm pretty sure that's pretty cool but anyways does every dragon have to go through this they sure do I don't even understand how I became a dragon I was literally born this morning your mom you know laid an egg and then you hash I don't know how to explain it to you other than that oh my gosh okay I don't need the details yeah I won't dive too deep on that subject when was my brother born uh I think he was born a month ago a month ago wait so he's only a month old yeah are you serious he was acting like he was way older than me but we're basically the same age I know he's a little cocky but he gets that from his mother hey whatever do you guys know where the exit is I'm lost me too geez you guys aren't too great at this either well I think we just made a wrong turn and now we're kind of stuck oh my gosh oh guys I think I found it look there we go it's just a huge water thing though yeah get ready to hold your breath bucko oh my gosh fine let's oh geez that was not too bad actually son I'm just kidding we're dragons we can breathe underwater wait what yeah you yeah you got him okay let me drop you just lied there's no way I could breathe underwater oh well I can oh my gosh hey yeah yeah maybe our son just hasn't learned that yet ah what even is this room anyway and we just keep going over a bunch of lava I have no clue to be honest with you who built this thing the Elder Dragon the Elder Dragon yeah who is the Elder Dragon whoa what is this oh goodness what is this place I forgot about this honey it looks like some sort of Dragon egg in the middle okay uh we should probably get out of here before it hatches guys what do you mean it doesn't even look that harmful no that's a very dangerous Dragon I don't think so I I want to take it son give it to me don't disrupt it please hey hey hey stop messing with the egg wait what who are you well I'm Amber and that's my little brother Amber wait your little brother is an egg yes he's going to hatch soon and my dad's going to not be happy if he sees you playing with it oh my gosh I didn't know there was a dragon in there I thought it was like something I could play with what on Earth made you think you could play with it I don't know wait a second Amber is your dad the Elder Dragon well yes he is oh dear you touched the wrong egg son what who's the Elder Dragon well the Elder Dragon is the king of all dragons the king of all dragons you never told me there was a king we probably should have added that oh my gosh well uh do you think the king would let me date his daughter son oh did you hear that I heard something um nothing oh my he's grown up so fast well we apologize Amber our son here is just trying to get through the dragon trials yeah oh goodness the dragon trials I didn't even have to do those what oh well if you won I could lead you through the dragon trials and take you to my dad oh yes please that would be super cool all right Perfect all of you guys follow me let's go gosh why is there so much love in this place anyways well this is the dragon trials it's not supposed to be easy well it is actually pretty easy I haven't even gotten hit once well you kind of look like a fire dragon so it must be pretty easy for you yeah I got it from my dad right Dad yep you're the best out of them all son that's what I said anyways where are we now well this is the next room in the dragon trials but it also leads to my dad what well uh your dad's kind of blocked off by some iron so I don't think we can get through this room yes we can look at this puzzle puzzle wait what where what I don't understand this puzzle well for this puzzle you must find all the matching colors for it find all the matching Colors oh and do I just place it inside like that yes and since you're a red dragon you can't use red for all of them said look I already found one blue wool good job son that goes right here right no oops never mind uh I know where it goes sorry there perfect now we just need five more colors there you go and I already see a chest right here it has the yellow wool all right now put it on there okay I will these Dragon trials are super easy yeah they were pretty easy when I was a kid well you only completed it once though well yeah but I was a professional Dragon oh my gosh there I already found the third one I'm gonna do this so much faster watch come on dad tie me uh I haven't been keeping track of time I'm not gonna lie what okay whatever it's fine I'll just find the last few you are going pretty fast though this will impress the king I know now all I need is orange and purple left did you guys see a chest here anywhere one right here one right here where over here oh my gosh let's go and it has orange now we just need purple oh where could purple be hurry up guys help me find it I want to set the world record well I don't want to give too many hints because you actually have to learn yourself I already found it good job let's go last wool inside boom gosh what's taking so long oh wait uh never mind I spoke too soon there we go it opened what is this part though well this is leading down to my father are you serious you have to choose a path so Choose Wisely I think I'm gonna choose the Green Path because you're green very smart choice follow me I don't know if I'm ready to meet him though but son we might need to talk to you before what okay okay what is it about all right shouldn't we give him a pep talk I mean she is meeting the Man's father and the king of all people yeah son just be on your best behavior and be respectful why he doesn't even seem that scary oh just wait till you see him okay well I guess thanks for the pep talk yeah he's ginormous don't worry I'll be fine see you guys all right we're where is your father at oh he's right over there on the throne wait what oh my gosh he okay he's actually huge gosh I should have listened to my parents hello my darling hello Daddy I mean um King Dragon who is this guy honey oh this is a fellow dragon that I met doing the training uh yes sir oh okay well aren't you cute yeah I am pretty cute uh please don't hurt me I'm not gonna hurt you I bet you came here to become a real dragon right yeah I guess I did come here to become a real dragon but I'm kind of more interested in dating your daughter you said what now uh nothing I mean uh you have a very nice daughter so you want to date my daughter huh yes okay well say three nice things about her right now three nice things okay uh she has a nice color she has a very fiery breath okay one more gosh I don't know um she's very smart you know what I think that's good enough you're allowed to date her wait really yay what do you mean yeah all right honey get out of here your new crush is gonna have to fight my boss hey that's not cool I'm leaving what where'd she go oh my gosh why are you not letting me date her trust me if you beat this guy then uh she'll definitely fall in love with you buddy beat this guy who are you talking about I don't know you're a nice kid though so don't die uh what all right hang on let me go grab him okay okay all right he's coming out wait what uh hey yeah Dragon uh oh you're kind of scary you're the guy that the King Dragon sent out yeah I'm I'm good come here what I don't want to fight you I'm gonna kill you in like one hit though no I'm really good King Dragon do you really want me to fight this guy bro okay fine I guess we could fight then yeah and uh you're going down because I'm gonna date his daughter yeah oh my gosh no you're not I am oh yeah why don't you just come over here and take this away he's actually hitting me yeah how do you like the wrath of my sword that was a foul you know you listen I don't want to hurt you dude you have to one of us has to be the champion okay well uh boom Oh my gosh yeah I knew I was a bit too strong for him um King Dragon I killed him I say here wait what you're back well yeah I didn't want to see the fight oh okay cool well does that mean that your dad will let me go out you then hmm maybe daddy hang on honey I'm back here eating yeah he was kind of munching on some stuff while I was fighting that guy yeah he usually does that today's been super weird that was a great meal how does he even fit through that door don't ask kid uh okay all right well it seemed like you defeated the uh boss yeah we did I kind of killed him in one hit he wasn't really that strong like I believe that what anyway I think you're perfect fit for my daughter Amber just make sure he takes you out on a nice date okay okay I'll tell you if he doesn't yes sir I will and you know what happens if she doesn't what I eat you well okay let's get out of here so Amber how do you like this date it looks so beautiful but my wings are getting kind of tired what what do you mean okay you could just relax then I think I might I might as well look at the scenery I know don't I choose the best spots in the world you do okay well I'm gonna go fly around and explore a little try not to get hurt or anything all right what is this blue thing this thing looks awesome I kind of want to take it for myself Blue Egg huh what Amber is that you help what's going on this is in Revenge for my brother my brother no no no don't do this please help no hey hey excuse me excuse me oh there oh you just killed my girlfriend get out of here that's right I don't know what to do anymore now I'm all alone hey wait what where's my daughter um listen I can explain watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys [Music]
Channel: Cash
Views: 3,681,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, GROWING UP as a DRAGON In Minecraft!
Id: 2C4wxvCCB2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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