Minecraft but You Can SHRED Anything...

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I destroyed anything I want in Minecraft but what exactly happens when I shred something well let's begin by setting up the shredder okay so step one is to fix a shredder for this is our incomplete Shredder where we gotta put things in for blue red and green at the very bottom and right here it's a materials list that we just got which tells us blue is for dropper green is for stonecutter and red is for the conveyor belt now we got a brand new crowd on the screen right now so let's get all the stuff and start by getting some wood okay I forget about the food before we shred the food there we go and now we just need to get some cows before we go down there we are let's get a little bit more wood this will do let's do that and in total we need nine okay now we need to iron Cobblestone Redstone where's the cave or maybe a temple I was right there is a turtle Temple okay this is gonna help us good A bit because if we can get some iron early on and some Redstone we don't really need to go caving uh though I do need stones oh real quick let's break through let's grab some of this diamond sure some iron ingots not bad we're gonna need a bit more iron but let me go ahead and grab this Redstone because we do need that for the shredder there we go and can't forget about the traps let's grab the arrows might as well grab a dispenser why not and all the Redstone will ever need and a bunch of gold nice so the great thing about this is we're gonna need a bit more iron but now I can go in and show you guys the first craft which is gonna be the conveyor belt all right that's the first one done oh we need some more iron down the body cave oh this kid looks really cool what the heck okay well we're gonna need some coal there we go and we're also going to need some iron if we can find some iron nice and we need Stone we'll make some furnaces out of this and finally cook some of the stone we need a total six Stone Cutters done cooking in three two one and it's done and so now we can make the first two Stone Cutters we need that and a lot more of these there we go all conveyor belts we're gonna need as we need we just need Cobblestone now let's first make one of these and let's real quick go down a little bit well it goes deep my goodness that's what we need nice okay and why do we need the diamond it's because we're making a diamond pickaxe and now with the diamond pickaxe let's get stoned okay so now we can go ahead and make a lot of these right here which one I was supposed to make two but three is good and that's gonna complete all the ones we need there except the stone cutter which we're slow cooking there we go okay so now we need three more of these and these are the things we need so break that put the dropper there and I guess where it comes out here we put a dropper again all right that is the drop apart done and now on to the conveyor belt which is gonna be the red part so for the red part I think I just put it like this oh it's sort of a fare belt that's sick oh my gosh it's taking me okay okay hold on so anything on top of it slides oh gosh okay and of course it comes out at the bottom here because it's a full-on shredder and this is gonna be so cool my goodness okay so we do one two three and four animations goes to the end nice does it work with blocks it does yo and so now for the most important part which is gonna be with the stone cutter we gotta go all the way down here and break these and this will complete the entire thing all right one two three four five six there we go let's make our way all the way back up and now with the shredder ready all we gotta do is Click complete build and begin shredding in three two step two shred an iron golem oh hold on oh my gosh it's straight up it's a shredder so when it goes in there oh gosh okay okay okay let's not get ourselves shredded so now anything we put in there will come out right there shred it or do we have a farm for another Golem we do not that's okay to get some more iron foreign that's all the item we need but not the goal we need done done done and that's all we need all right let's make the iron blocks for the golden and with the shear all we need now is a pumpkin let's go up pumpkins let's real quick grab a few of these one two three might as well grab these two and now to the shredder okay so all we do is place down an iron block right here at the very end let's place down our goal and there it goes oh my gosh shred more now I gotta shred 10 hour Golems wait what shredded iron and we got a sack of iron too so some of the iron got double shredded and someone just became Iron oh wait a second so with this we can actually just keep making Golems hold on I have a plan we just keep doing this right here one two one two then put a goal in there put it on there that's gonna be even more of them come on guys they kind of made me feel good oh uh buddy did not get shredded that was only one can I push him in there come on buddy well I gotta punch you in there we go okay that's number three all right next we're out of Golems there goes goal number one have fun goal number two have fun again goal number five there you go and number six have a great trip oh wow this is a factory guys we just started okay bought the shredded iron right there get the normal iron and now we should have enough for all the goals we have left all right last batch of Golems one let's get four right here in a line this might backfire but it's all good and first one up there you go beautiful next up go again that's a done number nine and finally number ten get in there that should be all of them oh and something came out upgrade make the input wider oh is that in there hold on let me grab all these so from just our gold stuff we got that much iron I'm Gonna Keep a stack and real quick let me open up this here I wish what we got okay I don't want to go through that we can't grab some of these and so we got some more small conveyor belts oh we're gonna have to make this bigger oh and this sets now remove roof do I just press it oh and the roof is gone okay so now we gotta and this which gives me an idea that's going to be very simple but we're just gonna simply add more of these guys more conveyor belts there we go and now we have a triple one oh and step three shred 20 villagers at once how do I get a villager to follow me oh hint trying Emerald oh hold on if I want to get an emerald then let's record talk to this guy and he wants 20 Wheats that should make it easy just grab three of these there we go and we got 28 and so now we just trade with this guy get one emerald and so if you guys all follow emeralds oh they do all right come with me guys we are gonna go to the shredder though I gotta set up something for them so because it made a bigger area this might be the move right here I'm gonna real quick pick a staircase just a quick one um okay it works oh my gosh we need 18 now anyways we're gonna get them up here we need some fences of course that should be good there let's real quick get the fences going and finally we just need one of these one fun skate so now we get all the guys villagers come with me give me one sec all right all of you will do so now we break this thing real quick and all the villagers jump down there they go go on guys yes it's working let me get these guys too there we go okay that's 18. let me get two more all right going buddy last one there he goes and yes the shredded villager wait step four off the tread Village oh my gosh I just popped in wait it's literally a shredded Village okay what oh there's even villagers I can talk to you all right hello villagers how do you guys need my help won't need it collect and Cave at 32 wool wait I didn't try shooting a sheep oh I'll be right back buddy all right Mr sheep come straight this white do the shredder you go good luck buddy yes 32 white wool nice now let's go back and to this guy here we go 32 white wolf he seems happy so I'm gonna get a shredder piece oh okay so our goal is to craft that on the screen right now which is gonna be a shredder upgrade I guess the shredded villager would have a better Shredder clean up get rid of the trees and debris uh trees and debris oh maybe that I have just a thing for that all right let's just remove everything we don't need like this yeah a lot of debris all right give me one second time all right that should be the job done oh he took my cheers oh another shredded piece next up we have a guy here here and over there what do you want logs needed oh collecting give 16 logs oh I already have the logs but I'm kind of suspicious of something we have this sapling right here and would this give me locks I mean we can try anything oh there it goes does that work oh yes I gave us some Vlogs nice that's handy I like the shredder a lot so now buddy here go take all the logs you need and that's the job done let's get that shorter piece and onto this guy with the glow all right Mr globe map guy what do you want maybe a map oh yeah wow I was actually right bring a shredded map oh it wasn't trash Oh paper that's Andy hold on wait so if we want to get the shredded map all we gotta do is actually real quick make one Compass there we go and with the compass we put the paper around and we got an empty map but we can real quick start it up there we go and now let's go to the shredder all right Shredder let's put in the map right here there you go and with the shredder What's It Gonna become oh it's a shredded map I don't think I have any use for this maybe he does here you go one shredded Mac do I get the shred piece nice okay that is is another one done and what the heck happened here shredded villager piece oh my goodness you guys running incorrectly do I put this guy back together can I pick you up oh trying to build your piece and do I put him with this guy oh we made him full okay that works nestlow sign Vision on to the next the heck is this guy this is not a tree oh a villager in a tree hello breathe up grab shoes and an ax okay I have shears right here and I do have an ax if I like hear you oh oh Cleaves all right let's keep cutting you down maybe we can use the accent o'clock again oh he's coming out and he's out hey let's go I mean I'll take it I think and a shorter Beast we have another shredded villager right here for the next Shredder piece help needed bring three mining Golems oh that's a mighty Golem on screwed right now which I might be able to shred something for gold I mean it's made of gold material it's worth the try before we go mining what if we grab this and we go down and then throw the Bell into the shredder there it goes oh not me not me not me did it work oh it did and from the Bell we got oh my gosh almost a stack of gold hold on okay wait so he did need mining gold columns but what if we do the same logic again because he wanted three it's a low key if this works again this could be very big brain all we gotta do is place that there there we go put the Golem down and going to go to go on please work please work please work please work come on give me the gold and it worked that is very OB let me keep doing that real quick let's do it two more times so we get all the gold we need one two then we do that and that let's get the first guy going there we go have fun and the second guy that is the perfect way of getting literally two sacks of gold all right so in total we need 16 Gold Blocks there we go that's gonna be for three goals and I'll bring it back all right you right here let's real quick do first goal that's number one we'll put number two right here and finally number three right here there we go is that what you wanted oh does that be nice now that's another Shredder beats now two more to go oh found the next guy and he wants Shredded Wheat I got hey wait I got nine all right back to the shredder we need to shred it nine wheat one two three four I guess I'll just throw it all in and uh we'll see what happens oh it's Shredded Wheat and out of it all right let's trade here you go that's gonna be number eight and now where's number nine let me look around oh this guy's so sneaky okay he was in the cave the whole time what do you want there's a drop bring them outside oh that's easy enough all right come on you can get out there we go and you're out hey nice now we have all the shredded pieces let's real quick combine them together and now we get the shorter upgrade upgrades nearby shredders okay let me get back to the place then okay we got the upgrade right here and so do I just right click this oh it's transforming and one became gold yo now step five for myself oh a hint you'll need protection maybe it might be time we make some armor let's go to make a full set of armor real quick and hopefully this doesn't kill me oh gosh okay I got the full set of iron armor and I guess all I gotta do then now is literally jump in the shredder and see what happens all right here goes something oh gosh okay oh wait oh we're getting teleported Shredder interior find a way out wait we are the shredder oh okay what are we doing here it's all the code and the door will open what is this oh I gotta match the sound oh that makes sense hold on let me work on this for a little bit all right I think you got it we got boom boom boom boom and then we play this one does the door open it opened yes oh my goodness now what do we have here okay this is the Fire part of the Shredder okay I did not even know I set this up but um just so let's grab the chest okay let me go jump here and jump down okay there we go let's go all the way down here oh and some gold and a key piece oh okay so we've got a cute Craft on the screen right now so I'm gonna guess we need four of the key pieces so we have another chest right here let's grab that some more gold now we go to the other side which is gonna be straight this way and okay chest on here let's grab that there we go that's three oh and now we gotta do some weird letter parkour okay let's jump through here grab that and finally all four key pieces so with all four we just put down the crafting table let's put those together and we get a key let's go all right let's jump to the very end and unlock the lock hey we did it now what the heck is this deposit six support clogs and the door will open there's a sapling and all this cheers also okay a really good pair of shears apparently wait so do I just like throw this oh we're down in our tree shopping era nice what does the shirt do though oh wait he always gives saplings I think oh that's OB hold on we can make a super Tree Farm real quick then so if I put a tree here here here and here then grab the boat mule grow not grow not grow and grow I mean this could go by pretty quickly and now it's going to be one stack of Oak Lots there we go hold it open yes all right now what talk is this oh wait so Penny mates oh yo this is sick okay I don't know if I'm going the right way guys but we're going for painted painting there's a cat here I'm gonna guess the cat is the correct way cute cat okay if we trust in the cats guys if I see a cam going through it we're getting closer to the thing there and another cat so is the cat the way the cat is the way I always starts with the cats now return back to the shredder oh we get the next Shredder upgrade all right so we're gonna be shredded oh wait what was that dude I get shredded oh I am a shredded piece of paper yo okay we are now shredding duster it has shredded Nester let's upgrade this thing one more time and oh is it made of what is that even made of anyways that's nice it's just running down pickaxe to have enough Diamonds oh wait I do have a diamond pickaxe so I guess let's trust the process and throw this guy in there you go down pickaxe do your thing and out comes I swear to diamond pickaxe and now step seven is the shredded desert temple can I mine with this shredded time pickaxe and Beauty with shredding hour okay so what does the pickaxe do can I just like climb with it what's mine right here why not oh it mine's a huge area so we gotta find a temple so let's go on this is what we need all right let's go inside the temple real quick and do I just like mine right here oh what do we do desert temple oh my gosh wait drop the loot also a couple enchanted books let me real quick check this out piercing two why not and the other book is gonna be aqua affinity really amazing and now with this thing let's take it to the shredder now back to the shredder let's just throw this guy down there we go going simple go inside oh I think it's shred again and I think that's the shredded Temple oh my gosh oh okay turn into ribbons do I like brothers let me find a good open spot for this all right right by the tread Village let's go ahead and throw this right here and oh gosh what is it gonna face us a short thing oh that looks so lucky okay what is this right here place four shorted items to gain entry oh so we need shredded paper shredded steak shredded iron and shredded carrot okay I already have that one I gotta get carrot steak and paper all right let's get to the shredder and guess thank you carrot care won't be too difficult we just grab that let's get this guy right there there we go and now we're just cook it all right let's get some steak that's steak done now we do the paper we do the cooked steak and we do the carrots and that's done I should probably do the iron too all right uh here I don't know what the test one but oh good we got the iron that's done and that's all the four pieces all right so we put the thread of paper the shredded steak shredded iron and then finally the shredded carrot and so does this open up something oh it did and now it's open I guess it's a little bit of an entrance down here I'm not sure what exactly to expect oh colored cactuses okay so what the cactus is to open the door oh that's easy enough okay so we just break the cactuses and put the yellow ones in the yellow chest and all the other ones in the other chest fair enough all right so pretty much breaking cactuses very nice we got the yellows done let's get the greens out of the way and now finally blue cactuses which don't look right but I'm gonna go with it why not all right there we go we got the yellows in there we got the blues in there and we got the greens in there and that should be done all the doors open nice next up we have what looks to be like a stone cutter but uh image all right let's put that right there okay you see I'm pretty good at these where we just kind of flip it over and over again and then at the very top it is the stone gutter there we go that's a next door open and now solve the puzzle to open the door one wheat seed and what do we have here oh it's a shredded chicken done with three shredded chicken by the way if you're not subscribed trying to chicken you should go ahead and subscribe right now by the time that we are done with this maze all viewers watching right now if you're not subscribed go ahead and check in click that red button it's completely free literally free all right let's real quick take you to the stone thing oh wait you can't fit do I just press it myself there we go oh it opened it no cheating at all good oh wait treasure found shred a friend wait a friend oh yo Calvin what's up dude solid what's good Nester what's good I'm stuck in here oh yeah well how did you get in here okay let me let me let y'all real quick watch this watch this oh okay there we go buddy oh oh don't die don't die okay here I have some bread have some bread thank you thank you I have a mission for you though I just got the message to shred a friend you are a friend of mine I I need you to come with me okay we're gonna go straight up you're telling me Nestor I'm getting shredded yes yes it's kind of coming straight up um no questions asked I'm shredded right now don't worry it's a great life okay all right Calvin buddy this right here is the shredder and voluntarily uh all I needed to do is just jump in and then something good happens apparently if I'm getting shredded then I guess I'm going in all right good luck buddy oh here bro what is this oh come good you out there oh you became some upgrade I guess with these things all right let me real quick come down here holy conveyor belts okay let me grab all these real quick there we go oh gosh let's make sure not to get ourselves shredded and now the shredder is made out of diamond apparently nice nice now this says extend Shredder so do I just press it oh extreme extend it all right so now we just gotta extend this real quick let's just put it backwards there we go and now round two perfect and it's done okay now step eight shred a crafting table so now with the brand new conveyor belt for this bigger Shredder we put down one cotton table and let's see what happens is this ready oh gosh okay oh and there it is it is a crafting table but in multiple pieces what exactly happens with this thing I have no idea oh and what the heck new craft we can now make another portal oh that kind of makes sense all right we only have five City right now but I might know the way to get some easy obsidian let's go to the cave all right let's real quick put some water here and some water there now we just break one of these oh okay that worked and we get all them all right that is one of my books stock of obsidian now let's get let's go all right weird cotton table a lot of obsidian let's place it just like this and now we get another portal in item form let me guess we gotta shred this somehow oh step nine Shred the portal yep you're right let's throw the portal real quick now we go to the other side and so is this one yep shredded poodle nice what the heck is it gonna do did I just like throw it here let's walk like that oh and it's a portal what the heck is this okay you know what I'm not even gonna question it but I'm gonna I guess right now is this the shred of nether let's just go inside and see where this takes us oh my gosh wait it's straight up is the shredded nether find a shredded Bastion okay everything is in pieces here all right let's try to find a Bastion then okay we found the Bastion it's literally a short fashion everything about this place destroyed it it just doesn't really make sense but I'm just gonna go with it okay we're supposed to find another right in here I don't see any netherrite though maybe it's in the center or something oh let's go buddy okay oh we need to leave right here hold on okay what we can do is real quick bind this oh get all these guys down and oh my gosh oh my gosh okay please send me another rides my inventory oh it is yes one block of the other way another I found now we can grab the shredder upgrade oh pretty much we gotta do one of these one of these and then that and there it is no might be a good moment to just walk out of here and get away from the piglets okay so we are now back and with the shredder upgrade do I just right click this and does this become another way yes it did hey let's go and now step 10 is to shred a never right pickaxe oh hold on I have an idea for this okay so we already have it on pickaxe we literally just gonna make a smitten table through the smitten table do the other way pickaxe and now with this in the right pickaxe uh is it just like the shredded diamond pickaxe let's Let The netherlight Shred you oh wait we might better work with this thing oh we can shredded into the right pickaxe and I guess let's go get bedrock to shred all right we already have a Bedrock spot right here let me real quick check this out and so do I just mine one Bedrock that literally worked okay doesn't make sense why is shorter pickaxe sets up but we don't question it now let's go shred this all right Shredder all I gotta do is literally put in the Bedrock there you go one bed rock down it goes and will the neverwhite mind this oh gosh it did wait plant the seeds did we just totally get that rock seeds huh let's go plant this all right I have no idea what this is gonna give us we're just going with the flow but let's just plant that right there oh here it goes What's it gonna do I gotta like right click oh oh no oh no oh gosh oh Bedrock tree find a way up oh um okay this looks like it's a little parkour thing thankfully it does not give any full damage but my goodness all right let's swordfish let me real quick take you guys down all right now let's go up and what do we have here is there like a door up oh wait there there's an entrance okay let's go up to ladders no idea what to expect from Bedrock tree but we will go along with whatever flow it gives us oh wait it's a little maze hold up I can maybe do this that's my ability wait did we just figure it out oh my gosh that was actually instant what the heck okay next four Shadow M5 that made that a lot easier than it looked anyways now we got a little bit of Parkour let's get to the very top and is this gonna be oh wait this might be the end wait are we gonna shrunt the end or are we shredding something here oh portable Shredder a bunch of Ender Pearls eyes offender on a boat power 50. you know what sure okay Power 50 bow let's go inside and I'm gonna guess this is what we do to shred the dragon here we go okay we are inside and oh we're Right Step 13 is destroy the dragon and it looks like it's an end without any crystals literally just me and the dragon is this gonna one hit it oh oh wow it does a good bit of damage all right perfectly do your thing let's get this guy as low as possible oh my goodness this is amazing okay couple hits I shred it right now or when I purchase I don't even know what if I beat it beforehand oh wait wait did it just fall huh uh do I like replica oh we have a sleeping dragon now hold on with the portable Shredder is this like something to put down oh it's a shredder do I just throw the dragon on oh two no three three shredded Ender Dragons oh my gosh okay wait that's the literally did double its Health oh my gosh okay there goes down one let's get the other one down real quick Tom goes that one and for the last one let's do this the old-fashioned way Tommy goes oh that's it congratulations sounds complete so with that being done guys I am fully shredded hope you guys all enjoyed up for probably one of this video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,991,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, Minecraft but You Can SHRED Anything, minecraft shred, minecraft shredder, minecraft shred anything, minecraft shred items, shred, shredder, mc shred, shred anything
Id: EO8B-4pgnkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 23 2023
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