Becoming a DARK PRINCE in Minecraft!

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so would you want to show us again Nico my new magic trick magic trick all right it'll show me then first I gotta put on this jet pack look at my back up okay and then I have to go over here no way that thing works check this out yeah what oh my gosh let me try but that's it watch this what is that yeah ew is that your tongue the heck Nico let me try oh gosh I'm stuck I'm stuck Nico you look like a balloon oh geez oh gosh okay here you want to try um after seeing what just happened I don't know if I want to try man let me try that bro let me try that okay Josh good luck though why is Josh here man where's the trash can at bro this thing is lame what no that thing is awesome don't throw it in the trash pick away Josh come back here hey what are you doing gosh I don't know how to break this thing bro y'all that stuck on your back no it's not look I got it now oh my gosh give it back to us no I'm gonna go throw it in the water no don't throw it in the water that's gonna short circuit it yeah you're evil I am not evil bro this is just lame no it's not that's the coolest thing I've ever seen But jet pack steak I thought I did something cool for once Josh why are you such a party pooper I'm not but look there's a fire right here oh my gosh Nico he's gonna throw it in no no no no no no no no oh my gosh what the heck I'm going to tell the principal that you did that this is out of the school grounds bruh it don't even matter yes it does I could still go tell her and I'm also going to tell my mom on you then you'd be a little tattletail baby boy what no okay fine I'm not a tattletail yeah me neither exactly what about you Zoe I won't say anything good good okay okay well why would you throw away our only source of fun that was the coolest thing I've seen in decades yeah that's what I'm saying because it was fun for me what the look on y'all's faces was priceless bro oh my gosh you're so beat up now what are we supposed to do bro you guys have no idea what being cool is bro we don't care about being cool we just want to have fun I need to show y'all how to be cool just just follow me guys come on you don't need to show us oh my gosh all right you know what let's go guys oh gosh where are we going Josh man I just wanted to show you all this dark magical forest all right I don't want to go to a dark magical forest and I doubt that's even real yeah that sounds scary well it's way cooler than whatever y'all were doing no way I've never even seen with this dark Magical Force is about yeah this isn't cool on my metric y'all were just freaking out over some little dinky jet pack anyways this place is super haunted so y'all are probably too scared to go in anyway why would we go in there then you know if you want to be cool then you got to go into Forest guys come on let's just forget about Josh I'm not following him anymore why is being watch it cool I don't like that nah y'all gotta go in bro no we are not going into some haunted forest we don't care about seeming cool no you gotta go in get away from us Josh we're hanging out alone now I'm just taking it guys guys he's picking me up somebody help me Nico Zoe hey guys uh what the heck we go into the dark Forest no matter what Nico you're missing I'm trying to Tick Tock oh my gosh Nico he's taking me to the Dark Forest no I don't like this Josh I'm gonna tell on you if you don't put me down bro I don't care you guys going in the forest oh my gosh no hey hey wake up bro wake up what wait is it already nighttime outside yeah why are my friends handcuffed Josh release me please yeah do it now okay I'll release you in a little bit but welcome to the dark magical forest I don't want to be here how long have we been walking for guys a couple hours are you serious I've had plans for today yeah this is so creepy and it's night time already come on let us go Josh yeah all right all right here I'll let y'all go geez oh my goodness all right now we're going back home come on guys yeah if you could catch me bro see ya wait what follow Josh he's trying to get back home guys Josh get back here we know you're wait where'd he go oh gosh he just left us here to get eaten alive how are we gonna get eaten I don't know there's probably some creepy things in here do you guys see that light over there oh what is that I hear I don't hear anything stop freaking me out you guys are messing with me I'm hearing scary things I just see a bunch of lights around the place what does it mean Nico cash was that you that was you Nico you hit me I saw a red monster no you didn't wait I think I just saw something over there I hear something laughing around me don't say that I'm getting away from oh gosh ladies stop splashing me with that stuff sorry prince prince why are you calling me Prince for and why am I still stuck in this hole get me out sure sure let me get the ladder okay yeah just toss him down for me wait you have wings you could have just flown down here yeah you're right oh my goodness why am I still here and one of my friends just ditch me like that they ran away without telling me he was behind me yeah they were pretty scared how do you know you weren't even here I was watching I've been waiting for someone to be brave enough to face the Dark Forest I wasn't even brave enough you know I got dragged here by some bully named Josh know that's just a side effect you still were here yeah wait why does my skin look like that why do I have a crown what's going on because you're the Dark Prince now what I don't want to be a dark Prince but it's so cool really how is it cool you got all these Powers you control this entire Forest basically wait seriously so I get to rule like the entire Forest yep you sure do what kind of powers do I get here spawn your Ender mites what Ender mites I've never really spawned Ender mites just do it come on you'll feel it I feel what I don't really feel anything I'm trying to spawn under wait since when did I have a crown on my head that's the dark prince crown obviously oh my gosh wait what what just happened oh there's endermites on me wait why are they attacking me aren't they supposed to be helpful oh geez I think they're attacking you now oh they're attacking me okay baby I actually do like these Powers a lot what else can I do oh you can also make a cloudburst a cloud burst oh wait like that yeah like that how are you deflecting it I'm from the Dark Forest so it doesn't work on me oh that makes sense wait can I use it against these endermites then take that bro no it's not working oh I just pulled him close to me oh he did not like that oh my goodness Hey listen do you have any food I'm starting to get kind of hungry sure what would you like um do you have any steak on you or maybe chicken um nope I only got figs figs can I have something else nope sorry Prince oh geez you know what fine I'll eat a fig I guess it's not that bad anyways so what other powers do I have as a dark Prince uh you've also got invisibility really how do I activate that well you gotta close your eyes and then just think I want to be invisible okay I want to be invisible it's not working I'm already invisible you gotta try harder I'm trying as hard as wait what just happened can you see me Prince hello I think I swim fully visible uh listen lady I'm right behind you oh I thought I lost the prince again yeah I'm gone again wait what if I mess with her what if I pick her up right now oh I'm getting attacked by Ender bites no look what's going on I'm picking you up in haunted mode I'm a ghost ah put me down I'm just kidding it's me I'm picking you up oh thank goodness oh where did they go I have no idea I think they just disappeared well that's not good you know I think I really like being the Dark Prince I could use these powers to my advantage against people excuse me lady give me your wings my wings yep you're the minion aren't you I am give it to me even my wings away all right I'm taking them off oh my goodness there we go now I should be able to fly yes whoa you really look the part now holy smokes thank you so much I'm gonna go use this against people now okay good luck I love being evil let's oh I'm first with these Powers I could do anything like spawn Ender bites just like that oh geez I think they all just fell to the death whatever I could go invisible and I could shoot Cloud bursts this is so awesome wait what did I just spawn uh is this a weird fig Cloud oh no that's poison holy smokes I didn't know I could spawn those I could just do how many ever I want and look there's Nico inside of his house I could just spy on him wait let me go invisible real quick boom okay there we go I wonder what he's doing in there I can't believe I slept last night yeah she was stuck in the dark Forest oh my gosh he's still talking about that I can't believe he ditched me you know what I think it's time to mess with him a little bit I'm gonna go through his front door I'm feeling a dark presence inside my house for some reason wait what I wasn't even in this house yet why is he saying all that okay you know what I'm just gonna sit and watch my black screen I think Nico might think that he's haunted it might be funny to mess with him even more you know what I'm just gonna break this piece of glass right here and see if that bothers him what sounds class what happened to you not true uh I'm not mean to do that fire what do you gosh wait that was actually hilarious I'm gonna do it again oh God oh God I'm launching him across the entire house holy smokes what's going on uh I think he's super confused should I reveal myself yet he's so good there no I'm not gonna remove myself I'm gonna do a point that cloud boom what is this thing wait he didn't even take damage from it oh geez I spoke too soon I took a big car did if they went for cash it now they're going for me I didn't where's he going hey oh my gosh it goes overreacting it wasn't even that scary you know what I'm just gonna hang for this illegal wait wait what is he doing oh my gosh um why is he hanging from the ceiling oh gosh I gotta hope for the best nothing can get me up here good thing I can fly and use this thing on him boom that didn't really do much what's eating me I think it might be time to stop scaring Nico you know what I think I want to do one more prank on him before I reveal myself dark minion I summon you dark minion I thought that would kind of work you know since I'm the Dark Prince did she spawn anywhere near me yes I'm here wait what where oh what you're behind me where are you oh uh here let me just go uninvisible uh hey I need you to mess with that kid over there oh geez let me go invisible again oh him yes all right I'll get him hey you're not allowed in my house uh it's my house now what hey oh geez okay okay oh geez did I do a good job no why'd you kill him he's gonna respawn to his bed now and he's gonna know that oh uh I think he's coming down hide oh okay oh geez oh uh gosh uh hi Nico why do you sound like my friend Josh Hey listen listen I can explain everything okay I am cash oh gosh I don't want to look into your eyes for too long why to tell you I'm not gonna do that oh you know what hold on Minion where'd you go down here I don't really know where down here is that's not really a landmark or a specific point of location oh I dug a hole wait seriously come back up hey yeah oh my goodness okay here Nico look you see when I fell into that pit while you guys ditched me this minion saved me we thought you died forever cash no I didn't she splashed a bunch of potions or whatever on me and now I'm the Dark Prince do you see me thanks for saving my friend no problem he's now the prince he does not look normal though what yes I do you know he used to be red now he's a dark Prince so he has to be all dark yeah no I don't like that my new favorite color is black I'm sorry Nico what what your favorite color was red not anymore and Nico are you gonna be with me or against me uh you know I'd rather be with you good choice all right come over here oh gosh what are you doing I'm gonna turn you into my dark minion oh gosh are you serious yep just stand in that little pit for a while all right I'll be back minion come up here I need your help with something yes sir while Nico is turning into a dark minion I need to renovate my house oh what you gonna do with it now that my favorite color is black I want you to change all the red in the house to Black got it you can keep a little bit of red if you want but uh where'd you go I'm teleporting you're teleporting of course since what can we teleport you didn't tell me I could do that I can I don't know if you can see right here wait what what oh my goodness okay you know what whatever just start turning everything black I'm gonna go check on Nico real quick all right got it time to check if Nico has become one of my minions if so then that means he'll listen to me to whatever I say because I'm the Prince and everyone has to listen to me oh uh Nico my favorite color is black let's go you look so good Prince why are you looking at me like that because we have much to do Nico come on let's go prank some people with these Powers it's time to take over the that's exactly what I'm saying let's go and I know the perfect next Target Zoe oh my gosh yes do you still have a crush on her what do you mean oh oh my gosh I think he does he's getting really embarrassed anyways whoa look at my house Nico look whoa Alex big darkified let's go it looks so much better do you want to do the same to your house before we go to Zoe's yes of course okay dark minion teleport here where are you I have her do all the work for me she's kind of like a mini assistant just like Brianna yeah she could be working on your house while we go prank Zoe okay sounds good let's go okay another house got it yes work on it now we'll be expecting it to be done in five minutes so hurry up okay all right Nico let's go mess with Zoe now sounds good okay Nico you see her through the window right there yes I do I'm gonna go invisible and you need to mess with her so I'll be right back got it let me go in here real quick and let me just close the door uh did Zoe notice any of that no she did this is perfect I'm just gonna go in here and spot a poison Cloud right there oh geez I gotta get out of here what was that oh gosh she didn't even realize that it was me oh gosh that was kind of scary ah time to do some more pranks on her like a whoosh huh something wrong with my candy no is it haunted okay I think she's definitely freaked out Nico it's time for you to come in Prince I'm coming I need you to go in and just act like a normal Nico and I'll mess with her while you do that got it Zoe my queen Nico is that you oh hello the queen what is Nico do oh my gosh why are you short now wait what happened well I became a dark minion because cash became the Dark Prince and we're darkifying my house right now just like his house Nico you're spoiling everything uh we were supposed to mess with Zoe what is wrong with you my fault ah well Zoe I guess it's time to explain when you guys ditched me in that Forest some dark minion saved me really yeah oh and what's with this little outfit and why do you have wings you see I kind of took them off my minion and uh gave them to me so that I could fly like this works I think so and now I serve cash with the ultimate goal of taking over the world yes and Zoe I want you to serve me as well do I have to yep you have to you don't have a say in this come over here okay all right I'm just gonna spawn that on her and we'll check on her in a bit come on Nico let's go check out how your house came out got it this looks amazing yes and maybe once Zoe's turned into the dark Zoe we can turn her house too yeah this looks amazing yeah no kidding now two out of the five houses are dark now we just see Zoe's house to turn dark yeah no kidding do you want to go check on her and see if the potion worked yep okay let's go I can't wait to see what a dark Zoey's gonna look like and I've never seen Zoe unhappy so maybe this would be a change of pace Zoe why are you still all pink and happy oh it didn't work you must be too sweet what no way why does the potion not work on you I don't know I think we're missing something give me one second okay I don't think that's gonna work ew oh geez yeah Nico that might have been too far is your favorite color black yet nope still uh Nico I guess you could say that was a little too far oh Nico stop doing that don't worry Zoey I'll take care of him come on stop using the fart gun on her sorry I feel stinky oh my goodness I really gotta teach you about manners who's screaming who's screaming help is that shady oh geez I need to go check on him one sec stay here Nico do not move okay got it and no use of the fart gun while I'm gone got it Shady what's the matter why are you screwed oh my god get away get away from me hey minion minion stop that's my friend your friend what do you mean yes that is my friend why are you trying to kill him I thought you wanted him to be a part of your pack no oh my gosh that shady what are you okay did she hit you let me check do you have any scratches on your face on your back no I I just woke up on my couch and I saw a little girl with the sword oh my goodness that's my minion I told her not to attack any of my friends I think oh gosh she's coming back up get her away stop right there yes sir see she listens to me I'm the Dark Prince um this is kind of weird you're like wearing like something that I would wear I know it is kind of your colors but listen it shouldn't be a problem anymore because I'm going to tell her that I don't want to be the Dark Prince anymore does it really just work like that yeah I think it does I'm gonna go tell her right now okay this is dark minion hey I got something to tell you dark minion Nico hey Nico yes you can unpause now did you see anybody walk by here into the city uh yeah I saw her walking that way wait what the dark minion yep where are we going come on yeah I don't know okay Nico where'd you see her go I saw her walking into the movie theater we gotta go quickly into the movie theater are you sure yes sir okay what would she be doing in there maybe getting a popcorn or drink I don't know something mischievous hey hey man get away from me what are you doing what are you doing get away from Clyde hey man I'm about to get massacred you need to cease all of this stuff right now are you trying to attack the citizens of square City but they haven't joined the Dark Forest that is just messed up and listen I have something to tell you I don't want to be the Dark Prince anymore wait what yeah how do I take off these clothes and These Wings I don't want this you can't really take it off but you can transfer it to someone wait really yeah so if you want that llama over there to be the Dark Prince you could do that no no I do not want that no I don't think anybody in square City would want to be this well I would I would love to be the ruler uh I don't think I could trust you with that you're kind of trying to kill everyone no no you can trust me don't worry you know what listen if you promise never to come back to square City and terrorize us then I guess I'll transfer it over to you really oh okay I promise promise Shake on it I'll shake on it I'm gonna transfer over my stuff so you don't have to be my minion anymore Nico no you don't you like blue remember I'm turning oh my gosh what is he doing uh you know what whatever here take all this stuff oh wait there we go I think it worked whoa I can't believe this is happening I'm a princess now yeah and you remember your promise you said you would leave Square City now uh yeah you're right okay uh Nico I don't really know if I trust her word not if she's gonna leave the town yeah I don't know either but why haven't I turned blue yet I don't know but at least that's out of the way she's not terrorizing our friends anymore that's good hey man hey get away from me what's going on hey hey if you want to watch more videos from us then click on your screen right now and also don't forget to subscribe subscribe bye guys bye
Channel: Cash
Views: 2,784,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cash, Nico, Nico and Cash, Cash and Nico, Minecraft, Minecraft mod, family friendly, kid friendly, Becoming a DARK PRINCE in Minecraft!
Id: 2-wpEbUQlJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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