I Survived 100 Days as a FARMER in Minecraft

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if you could have any job in the world what would you be some people would choose to be an astronaut where you could float peacefully around in space while others would choose to be a police officer and rest bad people all over the world however to me both those jobs stink if i could have any job in the world i would become a farmer welcome to 100 days as a farmer where i have to survive 100 days against two hunters in minecraft the hunters have to do everything in their power to kill me and if i die just once i lose the challenge however because it's a 2v1 i get to use the powers of a farmer to help me survive which get really crazy really fast will i be able to survive the next 100 days let's find out okay as you can see i am a noob farmer and those are the two hunters over there boy that looks like a good plot of land to build our big businesses on okay here's what we're gonna do the second i leave this block they have the ability to come attack me so i have to be very careful the second i leave this block so that means we'll go in this direction now if i hit my special hotkey it's going to open up my farmer menu where i have different fighting abilities farming abilities and can upgrade my farmer so right now i'm a noob farmer but i can become a master farmer okay let's get going while they're up top they'll have to take fall damage let's go three two one go give us your crops come let's go this way this way this way get em okay there's a tree over here in the distance let's get to that big tree over there okay they're right on my tail okay we just need a few pieces of wood here ready i'm gonna be able to get two yes we got to go okay we get two lugs let's dive in this water okay there's magma over there oh that's a whale we don't want to go near that whale those whales are deadly oh that didn't work i tried to punch him in wait can i punch oh my god i can't punch i didn't know that was a thing let's keep going this way i have a good lead on them shamu we turn those into blocks slightly [Music] on me there we go that's the tree i need okay her more set again he seems to side of whales a lot i can't punch back i literally came on track pretty cool beat me up okay you know i lose that i lose the crafting table we're going in the water we're going in the water okay he definitely can't keep up they don't have a boat but it's not gonna take him long to get one let's just keep going this way for now okay we have definitely lost the hunters at this point so i think we're safe to stop and look to build a base so we're gonna look around here obviously because this looks big wide open and there's lots of stuff so yeah let's start here okay i just hopped out of my boat and it turns out i can't break the boat i'm clicking it won't break oh wait here's why i'm a noob farmer and i have weakness one meaning i can't even break a boat at least there's a smiley face on my overalls that looks happy okay let's just go up this hill okay the dark spooky cave behind me kind of looks promising but i'll pass oh but instead this cool little cave right here i could make a base in here this is kind of hidden okay yeah yeah this would make for a sick base so let's go gather some basic supplies shall we and start building this base well ready let's kill these sheep wait i can't hit any animal do i need a sword hold up let me try something now could i hurt the sheep okay now i can hit the sheep oh my god it takes like a billion hits to kill a sheep okay we got three wolf and tomorrow we'll get started on the base i spend the next two days just finishing up our starter base but here is where the fun begins now that we have a base we can start working on farmer upgrades and these upgrades get crazy i'm talking vegetable cannons potato turrets and so many other insane things okay so all the entrance of the base leaves much to be desired i went ahead and built this nice little balcony area where we actually built the base we got our chest there our furnace is right here and our crafting table and anvil right there right next to this balcony is my way to get down to the mine shaft i just go right here and climb down this ladder and then up here is my escape route i just go up here and follow this way myself to light it up but i don't have enough torches so we're not going to worry about that for right now we'll probably just put a door in front of it so no mobs spawn in here and come into the base yeah but once you come down this staircase you're going to see there's just a little light at the end of the tunnel you're going to see some water just come out into it and look you're at the bottom of the mountain and you appear under the water nice and simple okay so with the base complete it's time to start working on farmer upgrades the thing we've all been waiting for the first one i want to go for is called green thumb it's an ability that allows me to grow crops every three seconds and all crops are gonna give me double drops so i'm basically already gonna be an amazing farmer i just can't punch anything so to get this we need 128 seats 128 dirt and 64 bone meal so let's go make a shovel and grab a bunch of seeds and dirt [Applause] okay we've got 128 dirt now let's go get the seeds okay now we got all the seeds okay we're back at the base but instead of sleeping i want to go ahead and finish up the upgrade all i have to do is kill a bunch of skeletons and obviously i'm in a cave so there's gonna be skeletons so i'm gonna work and just kill a bunch of skeletons through the night and hopefully that gets me enough bones okay we're back and we got the bones we need so let's go ahead let's turn these into bone meal and do the upgrade there we go now we have enough bone meal and now we can get our first upgrade green thumb so now i've unlocked the ability let's go try it out okay if i put a piece of dirt right here next to where my infinite water source is and then i till it and put a seed there if i right click it with my empty hand it should grow look at that it did it did grow then i could break it and i should get doubled oh my god that is so broken so i can just infinitely go oh my god this is so broken infinite food well i'm never gonna starve i'll tell you that okay well that's enough for now that is that is cool let's just turn this into bread okay let's work on our next upgrade so i wanna go for the farming scythe which is gonna require three diamond hoes 32 feathers and 64 wheat now obviously the wheat is easy i could either go find a village and get it with hay bales or i could just grow it probably just gonna grow it it's faster so let's actually quickly do that okay my mini wheat farm is complete now let's just plant the seeds and then we're going to grow them all in okay let's let it all grow in now okay the farm's fully grown in now let's just chop it all down there we go and the 64 weed is complete now the feathers are going to be a bit more tricky because i gotta kill chickens or make a chicken farm so i'm gonna do is spend the rest of the day working on getting the diamond hose and then tomorrow we'll start to work on the chickens i should be able to get the diamond hose done today but we'll see [Music] okay we got all the diamonds we need and now we got the three diamond hoes now let's go to bed now the only one thing left we need for the next upgrade is a bunch of feathers and since it's a video about farming i feel like just killing chickens wouldn't be worth it we need to start a chicken farm and so yeah i gathered an absolute unit of chickens and i made about six trips back and forth leading the chickens to my farm and i'm just getting started cause if i'm gonna be a chicken farmer i'm gonna make sure to have plenty of chickens since they don't even always drop feathers okay so this is a lot of chickens but it's still not enough and i've still got 19 leads so let's keep getting more because we're gonna need a lot of chickens feathers and yeah four chickens okay we're almost back to the base come on they keep getting stuck here we go no the hunters are here no the chickens they're literally killing my chickens we found ryan's chicken farm you guys gotta wait hold on hold on you guys gotta wait oh they're still attached to me oh i don't have any arrows no stay back chicken meat oh my gosh no why are they killing my chickens hold on let me get blocks let me get some block no the chickens are getting out eggs don't knock back anymore loser that he's got to be in he's got how is he still alive why am i doing like no damage dude they just murdered like all my chickens oh small chicken oh no he's done he's got to be done right yes okay we kill one i see the other one i see the other one right here he's trying to get back to the chickens why is he murdering my chickens ding i don't have an axe so i gotta be careful here he's trying to run i'm not letting him run i have mirror i have here [Music] he's building a tower he's gonna regret that that's a slow way to do it oh yo use the bison use the bison on your right as a distraction well that's one way for the fight ten okay let's go see the damage because all my chickens are free oh my goodness okay well since the farm's destroyed my chickens are everywhere i'm just gonna kill them and do the upgrade goodbye harold jimmy james greg tina danny bieber donny rexio bronzo foso like it subscribe to the video and after that massacre we got all the feathers we need so let's do the upgrade well it's time to retire the chicken farm and retire for the night because that sun is starting to set so let's go clean up some of the battlefield and then we'll wake up tomorrow okay that was a bit too close you see with weakness one i'm actually really struggling to kill the hunters don't get me wrong the scytheability is really cool but i'm just too weak this weakness one of being a noob farmer is just holding me back we need to become an adept farmer because it's really not that hard all we need is wheat and sugar cane wheat farm check so all we need is a sugar cane farm so let's gather a bunch of sugar cane so we can start a sugar cane farm luckily there's sugar cane right outside my base and there's actually a lot of it okay that was 19 sugar cane let's see if i can make sugar cane grow my farmer powers do not make sugar cane grow so unfortunately we're gonna have to collect a lot of this stuff by hand okay that should be enough sugar cane now let's just plant it all along the coastline i planted an absolute boatload of sugarcane and when that grows in that will be more than enough sugarcane to do the upgrade since we have some time left in the day let's go ahead let's just get some wheat done with we'll get the sack of wheat and then we're gonna go ahead and go to bed okay we got a 64 week now we stand our 64 sugarcane to grow in and we'll be all set okay well we give our sugarcane some more time to grow i want to look ahead at the different upgrades that i could unlock and i'm going to need a lot of different crops including potatoes carrots and you name it so i figured today while the cane grew in we'll go find some villages and collect some crops so we can expand our farm well that didn't take long there was literally a village just down the river that's convenient let's see what crops they have nice looks like they have carrots and potatoes however i still need beet roots i really don't know where to find those though so it looks like this village only has one farm which kind of stinks so we're gonna go with this nether portal and then go looking for another okay sweet we found another village and this one has a lot of different seeds are these just basic seeds what is that hold up what is that that pumpkin oh melon well now we have melon seeds but once again oh beetroot seeds once again kind of a lame village i'm gonna start heading back to the base unfortunately we only got a few crops let's head back to the base okay day ten let's go check out our sugarcane and see if it's done yet oh that should definitely be enough okay in total that got us 32 sugarcane which isn't enough so we're just gonna go ahead and collect some of this back there we go now we have 64 sugar cane now we can go ahead and do the upgrade and stop being a weak noob farmer okay we got all the supplies on us let's do this from weak farmer to regular farmer you know i'm a regular farmer because i got straw in my mouth that's how you know i'm not a noob anymore you know i got the straw but you'll also notice i have 15 hearts of hp and you can't see it but i also have speed too so i'm even faster than i was before so now i get three abilities so next we're gonna work on the animal whisperer ability which allows me to turn wheat into golden wheat and then i can feed the golden wheat to an animal and that animal will then fight for me i could have an army of chickens fighting for me think about that i want that ability so to get it we need nine blocks of gold and 128 wheat the weight easy so we're gonna go ahead and get the gold blocks let's go get one more diamond so we can make a diamond pickaxe and then mine some obsidian here we are okay we got 10 obsidian let's go make another portal okay the nether portal's complete i have no idea why my screen's glitching out and why i look like this but i got a tether portal i'm gonna quickly reboot my game okay we're in the nether the hunters definitely just saw that i got that achievement i gotta be really careful they've been using my achievements to track me in videos i found out recently so i know they're watching anyway let's go find a bastion because we need gold luckily using f3 we can go ahead and find the closest bastion simply by looking at the numbers as i spin around see it works every time let's go ahead and go over here and enter the bastion hey there's one gold block nice here's two more oh my god and an efficiency five diamond pickaxe okay cool we found one more now let's go all the way up there and see if there's any more chests i found a gold block okay we found one of this one up here some golden carrots yo this bastion is amazing we have another chest two gold blocks and a bunch more arrows we still need one more gold block and i haven't found any more chess meaning we can either craft it or we can go find one in this bastion because there's probably one hidden somewhere i know there's one around this area of the bastion where you see these three faces i just remember where is it underneath oh my god it is oh my god there's a bunch down here oh my god oh my god oh my god i didn't realize there's this much golden bastion is that it oh we definitely have it up we have 17 gold blocks okay let's head back to the base okay we're back at the base and as you can see we got the gold blocks taken care of and all we need is 128 wheat but first let's leave okay it's day 11 let's go ahead and let's unlock this new ability once we get the wheat we already almost have enough so we just need to throw in a few seeds here there we go we have it just enough now we can go ahead and unlock the animal whisperer ability now let's try it out so if i take some wheat seeds and i plant them and i grow them into wheat i can now take this wheat and turn it into golden wheat and golden wheat's gonna allow me to tame an animal and let it fight for me so i give it to this guy he's now my friend and if i go and punch this cow you're gonna see that this cow will now attack that cow yay for cannibalism that's a joke you're gonna see this cow also follows me as i run around he's gonna teleport to me my cow companion oh i'm going to eat anyway that's how golden wheat works and i think it's pretty cool anyway with this ability i could have a whole animal army following me the sun's already starting to head down and i want to do a little bit of mining so we're gonna do a little mining and then go to bed okay day 12. we got to pick another crazy farmer power to get something about either going for intermediate farmer or going for nutritious and delicious because whenever we eat a fruit or veggie whoa hunter there's another one over here why someone get him cow get him call him in the basement all over the base he's launching outside no he killed me okay one's dead the cow got him he's blown up the other base get away come on skeleton get him oh my god i'm being attacked by mobs oh yes the skeleton got him okay the hunters are dead though that's what matters my entrance is kind of destroyed though i guess i'm gonna spend the rest of the rebuilding my front door that was the most failed attack i've ever seen like they didn't even work in fact one of them died in my cow i spent the next five days just fixing up the base to look like it did before and i worked on some boring mining and whatnot cause normally after my base gets destroyed i would have moved to a new one however this time i decided to keep the outside of the base looking damaged so that way if the hunters returned they would think i had moved oh i found a village okay we finally found one and do you have beetroot seeds okay i went throughout this entire village there is not a single crop pile anywhere we're moving on to the next one oh yo we got another village let's go okay does this village have the crops i need let's find out okay there's not a single beetroot here and once again there's only one farm in the entire place and it's right here we're never gonna find beetroots oh wait i broke all the seeds and there was two beetroot seeds we're saved oh my god and now we have two beetroots okay perfect we have everything we need let's go ahead and let's go back to the base okay we're back at the base let's go ahead let's head down here let's place all our beetroot seeds just like this a few wheat seeds like this and then let's go to bed and we'll get all the crops we need tomorrow day 20 one-fifth of the way done with this challenge and just as a reminder we only need three bowls and 64 of all of those things so let's get farming [Applause] there we go now we got a stack of beetroots complete now let's get a stack of carrots there we go stack of carrots complete now let's do potatoes okay now we're done with the potatoes let's add the carrots and the potatoes to the chest now we just need a stack of wheat but surprisingly weed is the most annoying one to do because it has the lowest yield of crop so i gotta do this a lot more times with wheat than i do with the other ones there we go now we have the stack of wheat as well now let's just make three bowls and now we can unlock nutritious and delicious and it's unlocked so whenever i eat a vegetable fruit or even bread i get regen 2. i now have regen 2. being a farmer's o.p this is great day 21. okay but for real let's pick our next upgrade we're gonna work on i want to work on this upgrade called hard work pays off i gain resistance two and fire resistance and i no longer have a swing speed cooldown meaning i can spam click so to do this upgrade we basically need the same exact stuff we need to get double the crops we just got so 128 of each and then we have to add on 128 nether warts as well so once again we have to go get a new crop so let's go find ourselves some nether warts it would take me two full days to find another fortress where i could get netherwards i legit looked everywhere in the nether and i just couldn't find one that is until i saw in chat that the hunters had found another fortress so instead i went and found their base and went through their nether portal once i was through i followed their paths and i found another fortress however the hunters were still there okay this is their fortress oh did i just see what i do i see them they're literally at the fortress right now i don't think they know him behind them hold up let's get him oh they know i'm here now is there an easier way up there in other words okay we got 24 in other words oh throw up here they're above me they're above me right there oh that hurts oh oh fire okay i killed one i killed one with the scythe but uh it's not coming back this time oh oh no there it is oh i'm getting it by blaze not the time blaze friend okay let's get up there let's get the other one gotta be deleted to death let's get him with the red bed okay he literally does not know where we're behind him he's oh he definitely sees me now that's not gonna do anything i got it no what are you doing what are you doing oh god oh no oh that's good over here that's got over that's got over okay they're dead let's go ahead we got the netherwards now let's go quickly get a blaze rod real quick there we go a blaze rod you know i'm just almost dead okay let's get going back to the base and get the rest of the items for the nutritious and delicious upgrade okay day 25 so to grow the netherwarts we just simply have to do this put them down and break them and it doubles so let's go and just keep doing that there we go two stacks in other warts now we just need 128 of carrots potatoes beetroot and wheat let's start with the potatoes [Applause] there we go now we're done with potatoes now let's do carrots and we're done with carrots let's grab our beetroot seeds there we go we're done with the beetroots now let's get 128 wheat [Applause] and now we have the wheat as well and if we look at the upgrade we can now do hard work pays off so let's do it so if we look when i swing my sword i no longer have that dumb icon meaning i have a cooldown i can now spam click my sword i also take no more damage and lava so that's fun okay day 26 i'm also feeling a little mischievous so i'm gonna go ahead and make a couple of tnt and blow up the hunter's base just because i can i'm not really gonna fight them i'm just gonna blow it up and run i just want to annoy them okay their base is just up ahead there we go let's just quickly get inside and we're gonna set off the cnt now i just realized something i don't have a flint and steel or anything to set it off but luckily there's a redstone torch on top i'm gonna steal that and use it to set it off oh he literally doesn't see me i just got right past him and they're gonna think it's each other making the noises i think okay let's go up here thank you okay now let's drop some tnt up from above ready right there back off uh-oh hey are you late and let's do one more by the front door shall we oh yes okay good enough okay put your shoes up i fell oh you're bleeding though he's bleeding again no no we got him with the bleed oh but their bed is still there i gotta destroy the bed oh his bed was destroyed yes i destroyed his bed now he's trying to put it back no way oh no oh god oh no oh god we messed with it no he's trying to get back in the base that bleed's gonna hurt though yeah we got him there's nothing really useful let's just go ahead and get out of here after damaging the hunter's base i started working on becoming the next farmer 15 health was just not cutting it so i gathered up 32 slime balls grew 128 potatoes and then i just needed some strength potions and i could become the next farmer okay we got two fighting upgrades left to go three farmer upgrades left to go and three farming upgrades left to go that is confusing but to make it simple we're gonna go for golden touch next and we need 12 apples for it so we're gonna go ahead and make our way to the forest and start breaking a bunch of leaves and hopefully get some apples okay let's just go ahead and go to the forest right up the hill okay here's the forest let's go get ourselves some apples there's gotta be some apples hunters oh you don't like that do you oh he has knockback raccoon you're fighting for me get him raccoon where's the other one did man just use they've they're trying to blow up my base i need to get back to the base okay we made it back to the base i don't think they know they're here they're definitely here okay one's down let's look at this guy where'd he go i hear him he's below me he's somewhere oh he's right over there oh man of blocks he's trying to block off dude he's literally trying to blow my base no oh he's bleeding oh we got him oh he messed up the base bad though no dude dang it well there goes the base okay so maybe living in the same spot where my base got attacked before wasn't a good idea they quickly came back and destroyed it again this time i'm moving and it's time to make the farmer base 2.0 now this base is gonna have a fake base on top of the real base which is gonna be hidden below it even has a multi-layer farm for each of the major crops that i found so far additionally i finished off the intermediate farmer upgrade and only had two more farmers so i could reach the master upgrade welcome to the farmer based version 2.0 now i know this base looks basic but trust me it is anything but let me show you around first things first to get into the base do a basic water entrance with soul sand to shoot us up in the air and magma to take us back down now the entrance to the base is actually super hidden it's just at the bottom of this hill in this little lake you dive into the lake you turn to the left side and you're gonna see these bubbles and you're down at the base but what makes this base extra cool is that it has a hidden feature literally if you go to the corner right next to the nether portal and break the carpet you're gonna find some scaffolding and if i hold shift on this scaffolding i'm gonna start to go down and when we get down here we get to the lower part of the base the real base upstairs is a decoy so we have our chest and furnace room really in here with our chest over to the left and the right side we have an enchanting room right in here we sleep right here right here is our wheat farm that's our potato farm carrot farm and our beet root farm this base is much better for a farmer but now it's time to get back to upgrades so obviously we want to go ahead and get golden touch and before we had all the gold we needed but then our base kind of went and now we don't so we gotta go ahead and get more gold get the apples and make another enchanting table so let's start by mining all the gold we need okay gold's melted and in the chest now let's go up to the surface and go get ourselves some apples okay we had to cut down a small forest but we got the 12 apples we needed well ro let's kill these cows for their leather because we need to make an enchanting table let's grab this sugar thing to make books now let's go back to the base let's go ahead and grab a diamond and some obsidian let's make two books now let's make it in channing table there we go apple's an enchanting table check gold check let's go ahead and get gold in touch now if we break leaves without a tool we can get a god apple but we'll test it tomorrow let's go to sleep and we can go ahead and get the string potions we need to become an intermediate farmer because we already got the potatoes and slime balls so might as well okay day 43. let's wrap up the intermediate farmer today because then we're gonna have two upgrades left in each group and luckily strength potions are super easy to make so just run to the nether and gather spice real quick [Music] okay that should be enough blaze rods okay let's let the sand smell real quick now let's turn them into glass bottles let's fill them with water now let's make a brewing stand put the three water bottles in it throw some blaze powder in and then we're gonna turn these into awkward potions now to turn them into string potions we just add a blaze powder now we have three potions of strength and if we look that takes care of that now let's grab our slime balls and potatoes let's grab our slime balls and let's go grow our potatoes there we go now we have everything to become an intermediate farmer let's do it [Music] now i look the exact same but i have green hands get it like a green thumb like a farmer okay i'll stop okay that's another upgrade down and now we only have two upgrades to go in each slot we have vegetable cannon potato turret entangled plant fiber wings expert farmer and the master farmer next i'm likely to work on the vegetable cannon i'm gonna go ahead and mine for some of the iron and redstone it needs okay we're done mining let's head back down let's get these doors melting okay well the iron the gold and the sand smelt now we need to begin killing creepers for their gunpowder because we still need 64 gunpowder to complete the upgrade and that should be all we need we currently have 25 so let's go kill some creepers [Music] okay we got the last of the gunpowder i need so we're gonna go back to the base grab the rest of the supplies and then test out our brand new cannon and there's the glass we need and turn this gold into gold nuggets now we can go ahead and get the vegetable cannon what you're gonna see has popped into my inventory it's a literal handheld cannon now let's quickly go to bed so i can show you what this cannon will do in the morning okay we're on the surface let's try this cannon out so right now it's in carrot mode which allows me to shoot rapid fire carrots at enemies it is a potato mode that shoots potatoes like a shotgun it has a b root mode which shoots b roots like rpgs and yeah that's it so it's got three insane modes a machine gun a shotgun and an rpg the only thing i gotta do is provide the ammo which comes in the form of bee roots potatoes and carrots now i gotta try this thing out against the hunters so let's go farm a bunch of ammo and go test it against their base ah there's their base i literally see their names their names are right in this ice thing i see a light down there too he sees me oh okay there's a whale coming i have an idea can i befriend this whale with my golden wheat let me try something oh i cannot befriend the whale and they know i'm here let's show them our cannon shall we okay let's show them what potato does okay they're going back to their base actually this is our chance let's in fact blow our way into the let's break some of these basement dude i can decimate their base from in here oh they're behind me [Music] [Music] oh we got him where's the other one i don't see him let's make sure their beds are destroyed inside okay i got an idea ready let's go this way okay nice we're back in the base let's destroy his bed there we go his gun nice oh that's gonna hurt dude the whale jumped out of the water is it going out oh my god he's gonna kill play oh wow dude look at his diving for him what did we get him in the water [Laughter] let's go dude that was the best way to test this vegetable cannon after destroying the hunter's base yet again i knew my farmer was only gonna get more op from here the next ability we want to unlock is called entangle which allows me to stop enemies from moving if i hit them with the ability however to unlock it i need an absolute boatload of vines and three slowness potions okay so we need a lot of stuff for entangle which i probably just went over in the narration before this today we need to get the 64 vines and the 64 leaves my helmet and chest point kind of stink but check out these boots though so we're gonna go ahead and go find some vines and go find some leaves and just cut them down let's go over here and grab some leaves okay 64 leaves done let's go find some vines and we got the vines now let's go back to the base before the sun fully goes down okay we're gonna put the vines and the leaves in this chest next to my bed and we're gonna go to sleep tomorrow we're gonna go ahead and get the bone meal and the three slowness potions if i can get it all done in one day we'll try okay so we need a stack of bone meal which means getting bones which i thought i had some but apparently uh i do 14. okay i do have bones how much bone meal is that 42. so i shouldn't have to kill that many skeletons let's see how many i can find there we go 64 bone meal okay killing the skeletons took longer than i thought so uh we're gonna go to bed and have to do the slowness potions tomorrow okay so making slowness potions is a bit tricky we're gonna make a speed potion i'm gonna get a fermented spider eye and that'll turn into a slowness pouch now to make a romantic spider-eye we need a brown mushroom a spider eye and a sugar which i have the spider eye i don't have the sugar and i definitely don't have the brown mushroom so let's start by getting those first okay here's some sugar now let's go find a brown mushroom the big brown mushroom okay give me one i just need one i literally just need one yes thank you there we go eight brown mushrooms that took all day i guess i had to do a lot of traveling but dang okay now we just need to go ahead and get the ingredients to make the potions okay that crafts the fermented spider eyes now we add the fermented spider eye and these speed potions are gonna turn into slowness potions and there we go three potions of slowness so if we grab our vines and our leaves we can now unlock entangle so let's go ahead and unlock it yeah you know we gotta try this thing out if i hit my two key i put a vine out you can see that it's hurting him and he's slow and he can't move pointy that's pretty cool i kind of want to try it on the hunters to be honest but we'll worry about that tomorrow for the rest of the day i'm just gonna do a little bit of farming so i have tons of them already okay today we're gonna do something really really fun we're gonna mess with the hunters because i found their new base and since we have the new rectangle ability it gives me a chance to try it out so uh let's go mess with them oh yeah dude this base this is guarded i'd be surprised if ryan manages to destroy this this is goated oh god oh you're destroying it you had to open your big mouth get out of here we got to get him with the tangle here we go ready oh what's that you can't move can you oh that really stinks doesn't it oh he's done all right well there's a dog whoa let's begin on their base ready come on yes dude here's a blue bed oh he's in here yes the other one is right here let's go let's get this bed as well that is a lot of doggie ski let's get him with entangle again ready okay doggy's getting tangled now you're blind and dead my dogs oh yeah we got him with a snipe dude oh god okay you know what no we're getting out of here bye-bye okay after kicking the hunter's butt it is day 56 and it is time to turn into the next farmer to become the next farmer we literally just need 192 carrots 40 leather 10 diamonds and a sticky piston i need a lot of leather which i think i have in here somewhere okay i was wrong i just have a lot of wood that's what we're gonna work on today getting the 40 leather we need to become the next like uh oh yo the hunters are here he sees this let's do it remember place right stone torch first and then tnt next to them dude i just want to get leather no okay wait keep away from everybody just keep away from the real base let them think they destroy it let them destroy watch out okay we killed him the other one's oh he's here he's here he's almost done he's bleeding there we go see you later okay we have him dead but they just took out my fake base okay well this place is absolutely destroyed we definitely can't use this as an entrance anymore so let's go ahead and seal up the upper base forever and we'll have to find another entrance later okay so they kind of destroyed the upper base so today we have to build a new exit cause uh our decoy exit is now kind of uh gone do i think i'm gonna build this exit in the farm since it's already kind of a tube so what i'm gonna do is pick one of the water spots and have it be a water tube that goes all the way up i just have to make sure everything's a water source block which could be a pain but let's start okay i finished it i ended up changing the design a little because i realized making these waters here into source blocks was gonna be a pain so what i did was i swim up this water here then up the ladder is this room right here the soul sand doesn't push me up all the way just enough to get out of this little base and then i can quickly escape right into the same lake i was in before except now i'm on the back side instead of the front i'd say that is a successful brand new base so we might as well start working on our next upgrade and i want to become an expert farmer so i get 25 hearts strength two speed two and jump boost too in all i need 192 carats but i should be able to do that before the end of the day and then we can sleep and start working on the rest of it tomorrow let's gather them and see how many we get and carrots done next for the expert farmer we need 10 total diamonds so uh let's go mining okay we'll put the diamonds in here and tomorrow we'll work on getting all the mob drops like the leather and the slimes i'm sorry cow but i need your leather time to die okay leather complete okay it's day 60 and we are an expert farmer i recorded doing the upgrade but obs crashed so you can't see it anymore okay now there's only one more upgrade to go in every single category and with my farmer hat on it's gonna be super easy to do he's just standing there yo partner i think he's afk you got an idea get you know partner we could just push him off right now i kind of want to know i want to see your reaction that means that that's not here in the spirit of the challenge there's a ladder here let's hide down here in this potato farm okay recording software is good it's open minecraft whoa why is there team dude the hunters are here if i move from this pressure plate it's gonna set off i could try breaking the redstone but once again that does all it is gonna do is set it off okay i think my only chance at survival is to go deep in the farm towards the mine shaft okay goodbye base number two oh dude i'm gonna bleed you to death for that dude they just made me blow my own base okay one's down yes we got him no dude everything's gone in here no way oh dude this base is gone i should have known the hunters would come back and destroy the base after all it happened to the first one i'm not gonna make the same mistake again this time i'm gonna build what i'm gonna call the farmer's volt a farmer base that is not only gonna be near impossible to destroy but is also gonna be near impossible to find welcome to the farmer's vault that is right this is our new base doesn't it look so sick this is the entrance i'll i'll explain this later but you don't see an exit well i'm gonna go ahead and give the full tour of the base and take a guess in the comment section below where you think the exit's gonna be and then edit your comment afterward let us know if you got it right here we got the enchanting room down this really long hallway we got the farm and the farm is pretty much the same layout as before with the top being wheat then potatoes then carrots then beetroot did you spot the hidden exit well i'll show you where it is if you go to this lava patch right here and swim through it on the other side there's another water patch that'll launch you all the way up and out of the base and then we follow this tunnel which leads to a water patch and it spits us out into the middle of a village i think this is gonna be near impossible to find but even more impossible is how you get into the base now if i run around this village you may not notice anything out of the ordinary you have tons of buildings that look you know villagey including this one but this is no ordinary village base if you look really closely you'll notice things like a window that doesn't see anything but that's part of the fun so if we enter the base you're gonna notice you enter into this room if you come up here you're gonna see a note block and apparently i missed some blocks so i gotta fix that however you just come back here press this button and run and then you fall in this hole and we're back at the base this might just be my most hidden base ever okay with that out of the way now it's time to start working on completing our final three upgrades and the next upgrade we're gonna go for is the potato turret so to get that we need 128 redstone 64 gold ingots 64 iron ingots 16 diamonds and 500 potatoes in another stock we're gonna start by going to kill some wither skeletons so we can get their skulls and uh eventually summon a wither okay we got three skulls that wasn't too bad now let's go grab some soul sand and head back to the base okay and it's night time so let's go to bed and then tomorrow we're gonna fight that wither so it's time to fight the wither however while my armor is currently okay my sword and weaponry kind of overall stinks so we're gonna make an opie sword and bow just to make sure this wither fight is a cinch and then we're gonna use our helping hand ability to get a bunch of animals to fight the weather for us first things first let's enchant the sword okay it's just sharpness two but i'll take that nano enchanted let's give it power four that's perfect now let's go gather an army of animals okay the sun is setting but i have my animal army ready to fight the wither tomorrow it is so laggy with all these animals you have no idea our server is dying but it's totally worth it so we're gonna go find a village nearby sleep and tomorrow we'll go fight the wither okay day 72 let's fight this bad boy this looks like a decent place to have the fight so let's put everything down fight him i'll get him to the ground so that my animals can murder him come on get him crow get him i see the crow going for him dude he's coming down get him team yes we're dead and we got our nether star rest in peace animal army you were short-lived even if you lagged my entire server okay now that we got another star we just need to go ahead and get a bunch of oars and five yeah 500 potatoes luckily as a farmer though 500 potatoes should be a cinch let's get to work okay potatoes done now let's start going mining for the redstone gold iron and diamonds okay all the ores finished melting and now we can go ahead and do the upgrade now we can unlock the potato turrets now it's not gonna shoot at me but it should show to anyone who isn't me now we have two upgrades to go master farmer and plant fiber wings and both require things from the end so it's time to add to the nether and start getting the supplies for eyes of ender and we're on top of a bastion ooh a chest oh a chest with another right scrap and three gold blocks and on the other side and there's three more there too and another one right here that should definitely be enough gold now would you have to go ahead and trap a couple of piglets in a hole and then trade with them oh we got ender pros already no way how did we get we already have four let's go i was building the wall okay and all we got 19 total ender pearls and all this stuff but most of it's staying here so now let's go gather some blaze rods okay we've got the blaze rods now let's go back to our portal and make the eyes of ender okay back in the portal now let's go to bed okay we gotta head to the portal so let's go ahead and turn the blaze rod into blaze powder and let's combine that with our ender pearls and now we have 16 eyes of enders which should be enough oh i also found this guy outside last night and he had a flower so i captured him he's kind of cute anyway let's make our way to the end portal oh is that it that literally is it that's no brick isn't it i literally found it okay let's get to the portal inside okay this is the main hall of the end fortress let's just clear off rooms one by one oh oh he's coming partner be ready that that oh my god donner's here thunders are here i'm blasting that wall boom they were waiting for me here but it ain't gonna be enough baby thanks we activated it oh they're gonna come right in they're gonna come ready i gotta real quick i don't quite oh this is a bad spawn spot dude wait did you not see me 100 down i can't believe you didn't see me okay we got 100 down no there's still 100 left though there we go it's gone all the healers are gone oh my gosh oh my gosh how is he getting up here yes okay one of them is down oh no goodness no he got me let's make you bleed oh we got him sit down okay now he's gonna go ahead and uh kill the dragon two more entities done oh we went flying there he goes let's grab all that xp and grab ourselves that dragon egg there we go and we got the dragon egg now we need to go ahead and get some elytra after getting the dragon egg i made my way to the outer end and started looking for elytra and of course with my luck it would take quite a few end cities till i found one with an n-chip that would allow me to get elytra okay let's get to the engine and let's go grab that elytra and the elytra there we go now let's make our way back to the portal and return to our base and we're back at the base okay with only two upgrades left to go we have the hardest items already completed for the plant fiber wings we just need 128 leaves 128 vines and 10 blocks of grass for the master farmer we need 256 beetroot 20 emeralds 20 diamonds and the dragon egg we already have let's work on getting silk touch so we can get some grass blocks and get ourselves some plant fiber wings okay let's go to the enchanting table i got a bunch of shovels and let's see if we can get silk touch there we go third time's the try we already got silk touch taken care of that was nice and easy now let's head upstairs and go grab the grass blocks that we need now let's grab 10 blocks of grass and that'll do let's put the grass in the bottom of this chest and store up the rest of the shovels now let's work on making a smithic table so we can upgrade our sword into netherride now we should need three more near the right scraps and we'll be able to make another right ingot which will then get us obviously another right sword but anyway it's getting late so let's go to bed and get working on the upgrades again tomorrow okay next up we just need the leaves and the vines which again is super easy to do let's just make ourselves a few shears there we go that's four pairs of shears that should be enough now let's go grab the leaves and vines [Music] okay vines and leaves complete let's make our way back to the base okay we have everything in our inventory let's do the upgrade we now have plant fiber wings that allow us to fly like a lytra and we could boost up into the air using them if i'm over here in this planes and i need to fly i can hit my hotkey and it will boost me into the air which allows me to fly and get away so i can go ahead and get some distance and then do the exact same ability again only one more upgrade to go yes all we're going to do is become a master farmer which requires 20 emeralds 20 diamonds and 256 b roots since my beer farm looks nice and done let's see how many beer we get from cropping these real quick and see if it's enough to get the upgrade we need 256 total beetroot which is quite a bit this is an interesting village this house doesn't look real this entrance looked like it was added on nice that is enough beetroot wait wait oh my turret's going off it just killed one of them they're at the base where's the other one whoa he fell here he is get him turrets no he's taking stuff no you don't don't oh no i'm gonna die nice yes the potato turrets they saved the day thank you potato turds okay they almost got my base there but that shows they actually know how to get in dang man i thought this base was so hidden how'd they find that now we gotta go ahead and get the diamond and emeralds because we're already done with the beetroot so let's get to work okay we're back with everything we need to do this upgrade now i'm huge buff got a cowboy hat got my green thumbs got the straw in my mouth dude i'm basically just set i am the ultimate farmer so i don't really fit in my base anymore i'm kind of too tall for a lot of it so we're gonna work on fixing that over the next couple days and resizing this place to the best of our ability and definitely gonna add more protection because i guarantee you the hunters will be back soon after getting the final upgrade the hunters wouldn't show up again until day 96 and when they did show up they truly brought as much firepower as they could to take me out okay good now our farm is completely accessible we you know we just had to widen it a little bit how about you go first this time buddy i'm i'm just going to break it all right good luck nice try i'm going on my own accord not because you hit me okay well now that that's done let's oh the turrets are going off they're literally here get them turrets get them oh they're blocking you no no i need to get by i'm so big it's gonna be hard to navigate my own base one's down oh my god he hit me really hard he's trying to block me off let's get our pickaxe we can get him we get to him no way am i letting him get far he's done see you later you know what i'm gonna attack their base i'm so strong at this point i don't think they could even stop me that's how ob i am let's head back to their base and let's go mess with them for the final few days okay this is their base and i just saw one of them go in so i know they're here one bed gone go this way oh they hit me down i'm so big they can just hit me let's break the bed nice it's broken both beds are broken now let's kill them and let's take over their base he's standing around the iron golem so i hit the golems but i don't want to hit them cause they'll attack oh now he's getting attacked by his own golem oh nevermind now i'm getting attacked by the golems okay let's start destroying this base oh hit me down okay that's a fall damage but we're doing good their base is taking a ton of damage okay that's gotta hurt he's bleeding yes one's down he's bleeding too that's gonna kill him that's definitely gonna kill him holy solo dude would you just get out of here he's trying to run he's bleeding we got him we got him yes let's go base equals mine you can have it nerd they're just surrendering like that get you wait oh wait do they have another base is this not their main base that base was old this is their old base dude they have a new one oh how did i not even realize okay we gotta go find their new base this is their base it is a lava walled contraption they they think they can stop me but i can just boost myself up in a lytra luckily we can we can kind of like boost ourselves let's go up and now we're above them let's go okay one of them's outside this is our chance we need to get to their beds and they have a city and layer on top luckily the sides are all cobblestone it appears so here's what we're gonna do let's get our beetroot gun out and let's shoot these walls see lava doesn't hurt me so i can just blast through these things okay let's go through this lava we're almost in the base and we're in he's breaking in okay let's take out their beds their beds are down here oh he's trying to block them off no you don't one bit gone we need to get rid of the second one the other one's still good guys both beds are gone i'm one handful heart oh my god these jukes these jukes ah he's done yes that's one of them gone oh let's go he doesn't know that i actually made multiple things so we can blow him up with this let's just blow him up wait what there's someone alive how i just i definitely destroyed his bed i want a heart i want a heart i've got you thank you he's done see you later dude oh this one's trapped this one's trapped we gotta be we're gonna be we're literally gonna be oh he protected his bed let's break the bed nice the bed's broken he's done he's gotta be done yes let's go we killed him dude this base is mine they're done any more bases or are you finally done i know it that means we've basically won i'd say that's a victory for me because you guys have pretty much nothing at this point there's no way you're killing me in two days yeah you're right no we give up we give up i didn't think you'd be this good as a farmer dude dude the farmer is opie and so the farmer wins so since there were still two days remaining i made the hunters work on all of my farms until day 100 to teach them a lesson thanks for watching
Channel: Ryguyrocky
Views: 2,477,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, minecraft roleplay, ryguyrocky, unicorn mann, 100 Days as a Farmer, Minecraft Farmer, minecraft 100 days, 100 Day Farmer, ryguyrocky 100 days, 100 Days mod, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, spotlight, playthrough, no cursing, no swearing, family friendly, kid friendly, kid, kids, school, fozo, I Survived 100 Days as a FARMER in MINECRAFT, zozo, bronzo, i survived 100 days minecraft, 100 days in minecraft
Id: d07f3sAfdZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 26sec (2786 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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