Escape Or Get Eaten As Cows in Minecraft

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hey everyone today's a day like any other except we woke up as cows cool that you Mikey yeah just making sure anyway look around we're in one giant room surrounded by white walls on all sides it's kind of strange but awesome I want to stay forever I love it why come here check this out [Music] whoa Nita and on this side there's apples wow just spitting them out I'm gonna try one how is it good good it's still going better turn it off it's an all-you-can-eat buffet that's right it just keeps coming unlimited food now that's a deal it gets better get a load of this what is it it's a diving board whoa try it that looked like a blast I bet we could spend all day jumping off fun huh oh yeah Welcome To Paradise this place rocks hmm oh other couch for us to be friends with three of them even one two three so three not including us let's double check you're right here one two three there are three other cows I told you so we have friends but that's not all check this out look oh tons of beds perfect for an all you can sleep Bonanza you can snooze all night and then eat all day in this place we're living the dream we really are we could have a comfortable life here it's practically too good to be true I was gonna say huh something's off first of all what are we doing in here why are we Boxed In by these big white walls I want to see past them find out what's out there be on them why does it matter you complain too much here we're safe and have everything to live a good life that should be enough let's just enjoy it I still can't help but feel that something isn't right whatever lights out that means it's time to sleep uh off to bed so there is night here hmm I call this bed in that case I'll take this one so cozy good night JJ good night hmm wait hang on a second who turned out the lights seems kind of important hmm oh well the lights are on I guess it's morning let's spend it having fun first things first breakfast morning everyone yummy that's your breakfast can you even eat that much I can try I love this it really is like we're in Paradise I could stay here forever so what should we do today huh hang on a minute what is it wait wait wait wait what give me a second [Applause] mommy already JJ come on come on it's just what maybe I'm misremembering but weren't there three other cows here yesterday yeah that's right three cows plus us so what I'll do a quick head count is that you over there yep okay so me and you plus three more one two Mikey right now there are only two other cows in here with us really yeah no kidding I only see these two I knew something was off we're down one cow but where did it go I'm sure it's fine maybe it's playing hide and seek speaking of playing how about a game come on yeah this place rocks something's not right it's the best I'm gonna pretend to fall asleep tonight so I can see what's going on maybe even put a stop to it looks like it's lights out for the day today was a blast I love this place but I'm tired gotta get some sleep all right good night good night this really is Paradise hmm now that Mikey's gone to bed I'm going to pretend to be asleep so I can keep watch something fishy is going on at night I'm sure of it and I'll stay up as long as it takes to find out what oh laughs [Music] huh wait what's that noise something's out there hmm what is that duh someone's there they're right outside the window who is that and why did they have a cow on a leash they're leading it somewhere but where wait they took it away no this can't be I need a moment something terrible is happening Mikey Mikey wake up come on what what is it here's the middle of the night listen I just witnessed something awful you gotta come see hurry can't you just tell me JJ look there's only one cow in here with us now huh the other one was taken away we have to get out of here quick or it could be us next okay I see there's a cow missing but how do we know it's not just hiding somewhere because someone nabbed it I saw it with my own eyes possible or surrounded by four walls and no door how could someone have gotten in well Mikey I can show you exactly how they got in follow me [Music] see this it's a secret exit watch closely a what I don't see anything here whoa you were right there is a secret exit but did someone really take a cow through here well it's certainly not in this room I know what's going on it went out to play I bet there's a playground out there and everything yeah that must be it I seriously doubt that but let's find out come on it's this way let's see what's on the other side of this door I wonder here goes nothing no it can't be those this Mikey and why it's even worse than I feared every night a cow is taken away and brought here to be roasted I know I can't believe it oh those poor cows don't Mikey behind you and from before run for your life your life good keep going this way it's the guy who's been sneaking in at night and kidnapping cows we have to get away from them come on up here I see something a little further ahead I'm right behind you good he's watching us I bet he's gonna chase after us too what do we do keep running Mikey are we gonna be able to escape I really don't want to get eaten well we've been spotted so he's sure to sound the alarm we'll just have to be fast is this the exit hmm is it let's find out huh huh what's this where are we huh it's cold in here oh what we're in a freezer huh there's ice everywhere and cows and raw beef they must be preserving them what for well what are they gonna use them for Mikey I think we're in a Beef Processing Plant if we'd stayed in that room you loved so much we would have ended up just like this cut up and chucked in the freezer that's horrible I don't want to be eaten then we need to focus on making our Escape do you see a way out no look they're coming for us quick hop in the boat [Music] Hang on we're getting out of here this is bad this is really really bad they keep finding us we have to get away from them somehow whoa what is this place oh no it's a dead end JJ if they catch up to us or doomed what do we do it does look an awful lot like a dead end Mikey but let's take a closer look at what at these the red arch and the green Arch check out the stones underneath them they're absolutely riddled with cracks that's true and it means what it means that if we can find something to hit them with then we might be able to break them of course there must be an item in here that the chess let's see whoa this one is stuffed with meat yeah there's more that could have been us actually no way we would never let that happen to us even more meat is there really nothing else in here but chess and meat oh this must be a storage room they store the beef here before it gets picked up and shipped out do you think so I'm pretty sure what's in here oh wait more meat actually look there was Dynamite inside amazing well what are you waiting for hurry before they catch up we have two mining charges so we can destroy both walls but which should we start with I'm not sure we're kind of in a rush here buddy okay then great blow it up we're all set you ready yeah here goes let's hope it reveals the way out fingers crossed whoa whoa hang on that's one of the guys who've been chasing us never mind red let's try green good idea keep running Mikey hang in there come on this way this way we're gonna be all right we just need to run as fast as we can okay yes sir Roger that he's coming he's right behind us this way buddy I found something I think this device will take us all the way up there yes it worked wait for me of course but hurry here I come I made it good work now follow me before he follows us this way what's that there's something up here where are we hmm good question what is this place seriously I don't know well it looks safe enough wait what I've got it this is a butcher shop and the lair underneath is a meat processing Factory [Music] let's not stay for too long they were going to sell our meat at this shop weren't they you're right let's get far away from here Far Far Away hurry follow me huh oh no he caught up to us he's right behind us if you want to live don't look back and keep sprinting no matter what if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 7,854,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: HBi4IR1cMVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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