Escaping from EVIL SCIENTISTS As a MONSTER! - Struggling Gameplay

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do i need to go in there right there we go yes mission accomplished nope i died oh god oh god this is the worst no no don't touch him oh good what's this weird gross tunnel thing oh man are you serious [Music] don't want to miss a video subscribe to the channel and stay notified how's it going champs this is a sponsored video for struggling which is now available on steam and switch there's a link in the description below if you want to go ahead and grab it i've heard the game is very tough so let's jump into it and see if this game actually breaks me okay so that's me i am two arms in kind of two heads i guess left trigger to grab onto any surface okay yeah that works or right trigger to grab it with the right arm that's nice i can i can do that i can work two arms there's not even any legs this is a little bit like one of those weird wacky physics games where you have to control like every individual limb thankfully there's only two limbs though that's cool i like wacky physics puzzle games i just smacked my head or heads press wire to manipulate your arms reptilian dna i just dropped my arm like a lizard actually i think liz's dropped their tails not their arms imagine if they did that or if they could drop their head do you know any animals that can actually drop their head that'd be incredible imagine if i could drop my head there's a drunk scientist man what are you gonna do bro oh god he's he just vomited green sludge onto the thing and now my cell's being drained okay let's get out dude get out it's time to break free yeah should make awesome so yeah like i said before apparently this game is incredibly tough it's one of those kind of rage games ish but it's quite funny i'm like i'm liking the vibe man it's got some good vibes look at that dude up the back there who wishes he could escape like me but he can't because he's just a mouth and an eyeball go down the stairs don't you know how the stairs cheap the party's this way this is where we need to go that looks like it hurts okay climb over this is that guy dead that guy could be dead i'm not too sure now if you guys want me to play this game again let me know in the comments just leave a comment saying play the game champ and i will give it a crack i think i need to drop my arm let's get this one grab that guy by the noggin climb up the speakers there is an absolute raging party going on over here okay so what's over this way we need to make our way around this weird science place i guess we're escaping some kind of research facility or something there is actually a story involved in this so if you want to check out the story go ahead and grab the game okay i'm going to climb up on this platform there we go yes this game is now a platformer oh oh oh i just found a vent dude i found that thing what is that okay i'm gonna grab this i just grabbed a tin foil hat and now the x-files music is playing that's awesome ow dude that hurts okay checkpoint get in there chin look at me i look like a stack of sausages just an eight pack of sausages that is on the loose man that looks like me but a spiky version oh don't touch them okay i'm back out again i lost my tinfoil hat though that's the real tragedy of this game is losing my tinfoil hat i don't touch the spikeys okay you don't touch them this is where the skill comes in oh oh yeah buddy oh oh grab it grab it put it back on yes yes put it on your head oh got him we are getting through the level guys we're we are doing this oh throw myself got this we got this head man big jump yes you can actually kind of jump or throw yourself we are a chicken that is past it's used by date that's what i am right now look at my little chicken claw it's gross it looks like a deep fried chicken leg i'm going up here i'm going up get me up there there's there's a dead scientist man oh grab it grab it grab that thing got it got it i found a cup put that on put that on your head oh yeah i got it on there cool i found a hat it's a giant mouth man okay all right don't touch that don't touch that that's gonna be bad right we're gonna swing around go swing around underneath like this all right we got this we got this dude oh he's chasing me he's chasing me all right i'm gonna do the just the giant leap under that green thing it's ninja warrior this is now a ninja warrior game can he do it oh yeah buddy he made it i was not expecting to do that that was some legendary ninja warrior movie did i tell you guys i'm actually a pro at this game it's it's called struggling and i'm actually not struggling too much i'm doing all right oh i've got to stop losing my arm all right i'm just going to do the big leap got it all right swing around nice and hoo just got to reach it no maybe i can go under it that thing has a tongue like a frog that's the best way to do this grab the roof yes can we get some more hats i'm all about the hats all right hit the button oh what's going on here what are these scientists doing oh no oh no we just crushed that guy with the spiky blob thing what is that that thing is screaming ow ow dude dude could you ow could you not there we go there we go got this all right i just need to learn how to walk all of a sudden can we grow some legs you guys got any like hidden legs in there somewhere all right all right yeah yeah oh can we knock this person i'm just going to knock him down just slap him oh no no ow ow get your arm out all right all right we're good we're good we are revolving we're evolving we're gonna be humans in no time all right we made it we made it checkpoint time are there's rats here there's a rat sign late night regret department that's where i am hey there's a big vat of like radioactive stuff do i need to get into that that's maybe how i grow my legs finally i'm gonna get some legs you watch guys legs in three seconds do i need to go in there right there we go yes mission accomplished nope i died okay i see what's going on oh this is easy this is easy you just need to use a rope nothing weird about that at all man oh an elevator okay i just need to hit the button climb up there dude hit that button just whack it with your face whack it again maybe i need to close the door let's get that door closed yes okay we got the dog just lost my arm grow a new one back dude all right we're good oh good what's this weird gross tunnel thing oh man are you serious what what what no no no the big thing just ate me why is something as simple as closing the door really hard to do ready watch this move this is how we're going to do this oh we're going to sneak in and then i'm just going to sneak back on top of the roof the guy has a face on his bum as well just hide up here dude i'm just going to avoid this floor and i'm going to go up to the third one floor 2 is a bad floor let's see what's on the third floor there's some weird whispering going on what is that it's creepy whispering man all right we're going up here let's do it oh something whispering the word secret to me is there a secret up here i think there might be yes i just got an achievement there's some kind of is that like a russian hat or something yeah that's a book give it it's another book get the book off me get the book over there why is the book all right now i got the hat how do we get back out of here do i just grab this stuff all right let next floor let's do this oh we're at the top cool man climb the ladder i believe in you you can do this got him got him okay keep going up there champ oh grabbed it all the way to the top we can do this it's probably not very far yeah oh man what just took that guy that side just just got smashed oh there's a rat stop it red throw him away the rats are deadly they eat you well that one's got like 50 eyes ow he's on my head get him off my head there's another one who's on my face i need to go up here up in the vent up in the vent before the rats get me there's so many rats there ow are you serious rhett what is that rat doing i just noticed i look more and more bruised as i cop like all these hits and stuff oh god this is hard i'm so jammed inside this tube oh i made it yeah i got a new hat all right let's get out of here before the rats get me he's screaming oh i'm gonna smack a rat into one of those ah my hand i just lost my hand that was my strong hand too there we go right into the spiky thing oh stop it bro this is the worst i just died oh oh he's eating my face i can see my face all right plunge hat we're under a winner narrowing some when we're in something stomach what what is this there's gross eyeballs and stuff everywhere oh this is not good this is not good i don't think we're in the lab anymore i don't know man i'm getting eaten and all sorts of stuff stop it rant oh my god it's a stack load of rats are you serious i have to climb over them right oh god oh god this is the worst no no don't touch them don't judge them dude gotta make it over the rats that's disgusting no no no they're coming they're coming roll cheap roll grab that thing grab it we got to get out of here dude we've got to go we got to go all right we're fine we're fine quick the rats are coming jim we can do this gross head man all right we're in some blood is that blood no all right where are we now oh god there's more rats it's a sea of rats it's a plague this is the worst there's all right just gotta keep climbing the boxes oh no no no no no get up there dude is actually really hard i knew it was gonna be hard i wasn't expecting it to be this hard all right on the platform on the platform yes we're getting there man we're getting there made it i made it i gotta make it up in this vent the vents are the hardest things to navigate i've found this is a pro move okay all right i just need to drop my arm for a second there we go yep yep drop in the arm was the good good idea it was a good idea to do that just to drop my limb that's it are we all right checkpoint oh my god dude what's this thing can we go in there oh yeah cool hey there's like a little magnet thing we have to control oh yeah oh yeah nice nice we can work this all right get in the chair dude get in the chair get in there get in there just get in there there we go we'll move this thing all the way over here and what is there oh there's like scrap bits of metal okay maybe we need to fill the gaps with these scraps of metal yeah that's what we have to do i can do this this is easy all right let's drop that there just right there buddy yep that's it and then drop drop it just we can drop this we can do this man hit the button no god not again i've only got two pieces of junk that i can use to climb across so i might need to use the magnet thing itself to actually climb across the last one oh god this is so hard to do all right drop that all the way down champ i think that's about as far down as we're gonna get all right let's make it out of there see if we can actually make it across this nuclear waste crap oh it's actually moving still all right we're fine we're fine we got this this was a big brain move putting all this metal junk here and uh throwing myself over there now i need to reach that somehow all right i'm not gonna make that what do you mean oh oh just just lost my arm so close dude how am i supposed to make it over there i just need to destroy myself ready watch this move this is the move i died oh come on man all right here we go we're going to do this again so hard it's so hard to do all right i'm going to leave a video here that is super tough now like i said this game is available right now on steam and switch if you want to go ahead and grab it there's a link in the description and thank you very much for watching this video if you liked it give us one of these ones i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 607,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Struggling, Struggling Gameplay, Struggling Lets play, Funny struggling gameplay, Struggling impressions, new frontier game, funny physics game, hard games, purposely hard games, difficult to control, comedy games, wacky physics game, download struggling
Id: XnYlr3oT0gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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