I Spent $500 at Japan's CRAZIEST Lucky Box Store

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i bought one of every single price ranged box that the store had to offer and i can retire now one million american dollars why is this this size thing better give me something freaking good i swear to god i spent a hundred dollars literally on a silver box no there's a price tag on this and it says how's it going everyone this is the anime man the new year has just passed by we are in the year of 2022 and if there's one weird event that is being held every single year at the start of every single year here in japan it's that japan manages to create this explosion of brand new lucky bags or lucky boxes depending on what the packaging is and uh unfortunately i missed out on a lot of the new year exclusive lucky bags because some of these lucky bags like you literally have to line up like weeks in advance for imagine lighting up weeks in advance for some gotcha but instead i managed to find actually a relatively interesting store that sells exclusively lucky boxes i just happened to find it randomly when i was hanging out with my friend rob on stream the other day and it's literally just this store that sells all these lucky boxes you don't know what the insides of any of these boxes are until you buy it and the different boxes range in different price ranges so i thought since in the past i have spent many amounts of yen on ridiculous lucky boxes and lucky bags on this channel i did something that i highly regret already before this video even begins and i bought one of every single price ranged box that the store had to offer and as you can see in the title in total i spent roughly 500 on stuff that i don't even know what it is i escaped from gacha games but i can't escape from gotcha in real life i have no idea what the insides of these boxes are i am very scared of what the insides of these boxes are because uh as as you guys know from my previous lucky box and lucky bag videos by the way all of them are down in the description below so please check them out i've gotten really lucky at times and i've also gotten extremely unlucky at times so this could go either way but without further ado let's open them up see if i made my money back that's a positive way to start the new year gambling but before we move on to the unboxing i'm here to let you know about a different box the sponsor for this video boxing box is a monthly subscription service that delivers premium japanese snacks and tea pairings straight from japan to your door each boxer features a new theme providing a gourmet journey through japan every month and box is the only company that partners with a hundred plus year old family snack makers for genuine and authentic selections this month's boxu is of course the february boxu and what better way to celebrate february than with the pink valentine boxer so each boxer is packed with snacks and it comes with a handy booklet to tell you what each of the snacks are their backgrounds behind it and how they relate to the theme of the boxer i'd say my favorite thing in this pink valentine boxu for me is the miyakombu senpai i used to eat this stuff when i was a kid so much like i was addicted to this stuff so i'm glad that they're also sharing it around with people outside as well because i feel this is definitely a snack that you can't really get outside of japan and you can pair all these delicious snacks with some classic japanese horchata as well to get that fine refreshing taste after a sweet meal so if you want to try some awesome japanese snacks and support the channel click the link in the description below and use my code to get 10 off your first boxu order thank you to boxing for today's sponsor now on to the show so to start off with is the cheapest box this one is the 300 yen box actually i actually bought two of these just because i was kind of curious and also this uh store has this really interesting i guess method where you can actually shake around the boxes because all of them are somewhat different in terms of the 300 yen ones i i just went for the first two ones that i saw so here we go this could literally be anything and i mean anything oh good uh a battered up white box okay i got some face masks okay you might think wow i can't believe you got face masks in a lucky bag but uh considering you know the state of the world right now hey i i could do with more of these i got a soft tina mask as well cuts 99 of all viruses or yeah i better bloody hope so oh i also got this it says tokyo odaiba tokyo japan sites shopping food and fun this looks like some [ __ ] you'd make in like word art in like five minutes all right let's hope this next one is uh somewhat better what what is this it's a mickey mouse tote bag an american classic god damn right okay you know what again this is uh not terrible uh you know i'm trying to save the planet try not to try to buy those plastic bags at the supermarkets you feel me this could you know actually work i could actually use this it's not like one of those weird tote bags that have like some [ __ ] i can't show in public you know also i can put all the stuff that i just receive right like like these masks in this post bag they go into this bag of goodies that's 600 yen right there so unsurprisingly the cheapest ones you know kind of decent not that great but the price range is only going to go up from here bam this one is the lucky box 1000 yen i did this really old video on this channel quite a while ago of these 1000 yen vending machines that they have in japan i might actually try and do that again because it has been a really really long time but this is kind of giving me those vibes also i i can already tell i'm not going to get something that's of the size of this box all right let's find out what it is okay there's a number of things in here i got a doctor strange pin badge cool i got another tote bag but this is the roll bag it's kind of like those ultra compact uh down jackets that they sell at uniqlo except except it's a tote bag i guess i also got uh what looks like a a lucky ticket i did see a number of like things on the shelves that you could like win with some of these so i think i have to go back to the store to claim my prize for this i gotta have to remember that i mean i'm assuming that's a good thing i guess it's like a like a willy wonka golden ticket except it's made of paper oh oh my god the biggest win of my entire career ladies and gentlemen i can retire now because i am worth 1 million american dollars why is this it's like fake money i guess but it's it's a million dollar bill oh i'm trying to think right i'm looking at this thing it's like laminated like kind of plasticky but what what would i use this for to maybe i don't know full a five-year-old into thinking i was rich i like kind of go into my wallet pull this out and be like yeah your boy's rich he's worth one million macaroons the irony that uh this one million dollar bill is laminated but real american money is still paper okay so far i feel like i've got my money's worth especially with this lucky ticket right here maybe i can get something that's worth more than a thousand right so so far i think not bad not bad these boxes may look suspicious as hell but i think they uh they're giving me my money's worth but let's bump it up one more price this is a 2 000 yen this feels kind of heavy no rattling so far so i'm guessing it's one thing let's find out though i am very scared okay i'm starting to see a pattern here the boxes are getting cleaner and cleaner oh it's a number of things again it's just wrapped up in a in a towel oh my god another million dollars hey yo worth two million dollars doing youtube check i can't believe i got the same [ __ ] thing here is an acrylic phone stand for thor from marvel a metallic pin badge of spider-man far from home and a marvel key chain filled with uh toilet beads cocaine i don't know what that is i don't really want to know and a filler towel for my sporting days well um considering i don't really give two shits about marvel this stuff is pretty much pointless to me but i mean you know i'll i'll take a towel i'll take a good towel you know when i when i'm sweating it up during the summertime even though it's january now you can obviously tell what stuff uh doesn't properly get sold in a lot of these kinds of everyday good stores because a lot of it is stuff like this but what can i say man i was worth 1 million now i'm worth 2 million stocks but the price increase don't stop coming let's go bigger this is a 3 000 yen box obviously as you can see a lot bigger than the previous boxes and this one's quite heavy as well i don't know what's in it though let's find out i guess oh we've moved on from white box to a standard cardboard box all right three two one dragon ball z dragon ball z it's bardock hell yeah you know what this is actually not too bad i can see this being worth maybe about 15 20 oh cool we got another ticket a lucky ticket hell yeah we've got some more marvel [ __ ] uh this time it's a rubber clip of cartoon loki oh we have actually got some anime stuff now hell yeah although it is live action it's the live action ruro nikenchian final chapter notebook and a ruroni kenshin the beginning mousepad you know i did actually quite enjoy the the first to do onikenshin movie i think i think i've put it pretty highly as well on my uh live action anime tier list which you can go check out in the corner right there um not exactly items that i i need i've got plenty of notebooks and i i've already got a booby mouse pad so this is pretty much redundant now i don't give a [ __ ] about loki to be honest that's trash but hey man we got a [ __ ] bardock figure as well not bad at all i reckon in total i'm probably making my money is it stuff that i necessarily would pay money for though no but at least i'm not getting ripped off like a lot of these lucky bags that i've done in the past that's good but let's go even bigger this is a 5 000 yen lucky bag as you can see not even comparable in size to the 3 000 yen box so this size thing better give me something freaking good i swear to god this is more than what most people would normally pay for any kind of lucky bag what what the [ __ ] it's a bathrobe of dollar bills it's xl size which means it might honestly fit me but look look look down here it says which means it's worth almost a hundred dollars so we've already made our money back but hold on i gotta [ __ ] try this on [Music] i didn't see you there i've just i've just been bathing in my bathroom tub of money oh it's so hot oh oh lord oh [Music] god anything and money just gets me so hot and bothered this is the most ridiculous [ __ ] i've worn in my life there is a whole bunch more stuff in here though actually let me pull it all out bam bam oh my god more like marvel and dc stuff like like why we got suicide squad clear files suicide squad pin badges a suicide squad bath towel i didn't even watch suicide squad what why but these last two ones are actually not bad at all i got an iphone case from kangle kangle's actually a pretty relatively known brand here in japan and they make some pretty decent stuff so that's actually not too bad although the problem is this is for iphone 11 pro and i have an iphone 12 so uh i have to give it to a friend who has an iphone 11 pro and some anime things more specifically attack on titan how very timely this is like an attack on titan werewolf type of like crossover i guess for those of you who don't know werewolf think of attack on titan crossed with a mogus but yeah that's actually not too bad i can maybe like play that with some friends but all in all i think the best thing we got was definitely this [ __ ] a dollar bill bathrobe i mean it says on the packaging it's worth a hundred dollars so i've already made my money back just with this and the fact that they gave me these it's just like everything fits in as well with these like two million dollar bills as well it's just it's so funny i can't make this [ __ ] up it's actually turning out to be like pretty hilarious and cool and almost worth my money but we have two more boxes and these two boxes uh were one the most expensive boxes that they offer in the store and two is uh of a completely different breed damn so we have here the 100 lucky box or more specifically the platinum celeb box i mean i feel it look like a celeb right now a douchey one but still a celeb apparently it says that it either has an accessory a appliance a brand like a like a high brand thing or some kind of jewelry thing so no matter what i'm probably hopefully gonna get my money's worth with this put yourself in my shoes by the way how scary is it to look at this and go yeah i'm gonna drop a hundred dollars on this like most of the times you drop a hundred dollars on something when you've seen it and you know what it is but no i spent a hundred dollars literally on a silver box i think i'd maybe want some kind of like appliance or uh maybe some kind of like high brand thing so let's find out here we go three two one it says technos there i don't know what that is but i'm assuming it's some kind of maybe appliance oh it's a watch oh and i got a ticket in it as well i gotta i got a lucky ticket right here this is actually not bad of a watch it's got like a guarantee in it as well i mean look at that that's actually not bad at all you know me guys i wear a lot of watches so uh this this actually might be pretty nice oh that's heavy oh my that actually looks kind of nice not gonna lie i love the kind of like black and silver aesthetic oh my god no is that real there's a price tag on this and it says this swatch is worth almost four hundred dollars yo what wait hold on no i don't i don't believe that for a second i gotta look this [ __ ] up technos is a watch trademark it was first registered in 1924 in switzerland and gained popularity after world war ii especially in japan and brazil the brand is now brazilian owned okay so it's a legitimate brand that's good okay i'm looking on amazon and there is a listing here that is down to 13 800 yen which is roughly a hundred and thirty eight hundred and forty dollars but the original listing price was three hundred and fifty dollars so i think this price tag is actually like somewhat accurate what that's crazy dude i just got a 400 dollar watch and i won some kind of like bonus item as well so even if this thing is worth close to like a hundred dollars i i still won okay i obviously have to get it fitted but that's actually a really nice watch what the [ __ ] i'm really happy with that dude that's actually insane did i legitimately just find like one of the greatest stores ever not gonna lie when i was buying all this stuff i thought i was gonna get absolutely ripped off with every single prize i got but so far oh my god this is this is really turning out to be amazing okay but last and certainly not least let's hope that we can crown everything up as a beautiful cherry on top of the cake with the final most expensive lucky box you can get at the store [Music] [ __ ] that's right this box cost me two hundred dollars [ __ ] my life two hundred dollars for a lucky box what the [ __ ] i think this honestly might be the most expensive lucky box or bag i've ever bought i mean before that it was the 100 and something dollar uh super nintendo one that i did in my previous video so yeah uh 200 dollars for a big box like this am i scared abso [ __ ] lowly i am but so far we've been on a really really good streak so i'm i'm feeling good about this one all right let's pull it out what's this yo this is a bomber jacket dude and it says here it's worth 385 dollars yo what hold on a second yo yo yo yo hold on hold on hold on yo oh my god that's like actually kind of sick it's it's like a it's like a pilot's jacket that's like a legitimate bomb yo that's sick dude what the [ __ ] that actually looks amazing wait wait hold on hold on i'm gonna see what else is in here i got like a little drone thing oh my god what uh it says here this is worth roughly a hundred dollars everything we've got so far is worth five hundred dollars already made our money back it's got like a small little like camera and everything hold on a second we gotta wait let's let's open the rest of this first give me a second we got a marvel shirt okay the first the first piece of trash thank god not everything could be good oh another roroni kenshin thing this one is a a satchel i guess is that what you call them oh i got another ticket right here hell yeah and finally we got something really wrapped up here oh it's another thing from roroni kenshin it just looks like a tumbler of some kind look at this oh it's like a japanese tumbler kind of all kind of similar to like a younomi as it's called it's like you can drink like tea out of it that's actually not too bad that's a good size as well my god i can't get over this bomber jacket dude that's one of the coolest things i've seen in any kind of lucky bag yeah us navy one hit high quality i mean even if it's not high quality it looks freaking awesome dude hold on let me try this on actually can you [ __ ] believe it it's also perfectly my size as well that's so cool dude it's it's very warm first of all very durable that's that's amazing i can't i can't actually get over that that's so cool i finally got like a like a proper pilot's jacket bomber jacket i don't even know how you call these things but it's pretty sick honestly and we gotta try out this drone thing as well apparently it's got a camera attached to it this little thing apparently that's the camera i guess i i'm not actually too sure how this works but uh there's a slot for a a micro sd card in there so i'm assuming there has to be some kind of camera in here somewhere okay so i played around with this for maybe 20 minutes just trying to get it to work and it just straight up doesn't work i turned it on for like two seconds and there was like a blue light which doesn't show anymore the sd card that i said it came with is just nowhere to be found and when i turn on the controller which i realized this is just like a [ __ ] sticker that's attached to it it just starts beeping and then makes this horrible [ __ ] sound oh god was it about so yeah suffice it to say doesn't work not that great but of course before we end this video i have to go collect my other prizes i got four prizes right here i have to go back to the store and pick those up so uh i'll see you guys with some brand new prizes [Music] okay i am back with a fresh batch of gifts so first of all starting from the smallest prize which i believe this is the ticket for the 300 yen box i got this like little towel blanket of some kind i guess you can open it up and then i guess put like a a water bottle or something inside of it here's my tea that i've been drinking for example i can just kind of put it in like this and keep it cold i guess that's that's pretty neat i don't know when i would ever use this except maybe keeping a a warm thing warm you know maybe i can like shove this in the freezer or something i don't know but either way very cute we also got a bunch of figures as well starting off with my wife this one says here that it's worth 3 000 yen i don't know if this is like really old or not but i've never heard of project evangelion racing in my life so assuming this is kind of an older one but hey it's my evil waifu i'll take it the other one which uh arguably is the best thing that i've ever received is i finally got a yoda you know what's so weird is that for one this thing is the same price as the ava but this is like a million times heavier i don't know if you can make that out on one but it is very bassy yoda is very top-heavy let's just say that i don't know if we can maybe put this on the trash taste uh set maybe we can pair him up with mike wazowski or i can just shove him in the background over there as like a little easter egg i don't know but uh either way you'd get and last but certainly not least this is the biggest prize i got over here which i'm honestly pretty [ __ ] surprised i got is a humidifier to be fair we already have like a [ __ ] ton of humidifiers in our house but this one is actually like really small and compact you could probably put it around like you know maybe even in like this room or like next to my desk or something but i really like this this is kind of neat small cute the design is good as well uh even though there's a hole in the box right here that i just realized what the [ __ ] well yeah i got myself a [ __ ] humidifier free humidifier uh does it say how much this normally costs oh i'm looking it up right here the if so humidifier this especially this model right here costs 2 000 yen great or if you want to get yourself an affordable little cute desk humidifier go to if so i've never heard of this brand in my life but yeah that's pretty much it uh for this video but did i make my money's worth that is the biggest question of all to be honest i wasn't keeping count so hopefully my lovely editor mudan has checked the prices of all of the things in the boxes we received and given us the grand total of what everything is worth ba bam if this number is bigger than 500 then that means stocks if it's less than 500 no stock although to be fair with the watch and the bomber jacket that i think that's already worth both of those together is already worth more than 500 so suffice to say actually a pretty good selection your boy got that gotcha lock and pulled an ssr yeah but i definitely think the watch and the bomber jacket and this horrible [ __ ] dollar bath gown are probably the best things that i got honestly i guess that's the one perk of mystery boxes is that you get a bunch of stuff that you otherwise wouldn't actually spend your own money for also it makes great content if i do say so myself but anyways guys hopefully you enjoyed this video if you'd like to see more unboxings of lucky bags lucky boxes again i've done a bunch of them so i'll leave all of those down in the description below and if you like to see me do more lucky bags and lucky boxes in the future because japan has a shitload of those to offer then make sure to leave a like on this video and maybe subscribe japan you never fail to amaze me with the crazy [ __ ] you come up with now i've gotta clean all of this stuff up because it is an absolute mess in this room so in the meantime thanks for watching guys and i'll see you in the next one like your favorite if you enjoy subscribe for new banter keep watching anime [Music] you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 1,450,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Spent, $500, at, Japan's, CRAZIEST, Lucky, Box, Store, mystery, bag
Id: PTrPeKEdQ5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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