I Tried Japan's GIANT PUDDING Challenge (ft. @AbroadinJapan) | 10,000 CALORIES

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foreign everyone this is the anime man today I'm here at nihonbashi Brewery it's a cute little Brewery in the middle of Tokyo and I'm here to do yes another ridiculous food challenge but of course I can't do a food challenge on my own that's sad and lonely so I invited my very good friend Chris Broad and it's my birthday happy birthday how old are you 47. you can get out the front I heard that uh you've been on a diet recently you've been doing a lot of workout videos you know cycling know how the trash taste boys laughed at me one year ago Look at me now I'm the fittest of all oh do you still have a six-pack yeah but hit that yeah that's not too hard well Chris I'm here to give you another ridiculous food challenge we're at a brewery today so uh can you can you have a guess I'm guessing beer or nachos or something actually fun for once because the last time was gyoza and that was disgusting I'm still traumatized from that in fact it's been one year since then but I'm guessing it's beer or something fun what if I told you that instead we're going to be eating some pudding dessert pudding pudding yeah you can't have like a a big pudding this is the one food challenge I haven't seen as well either yes I know the ramen one that goes up I knew kind of what I was in for but pudding pudding that can't be hard let's find out but before we begin let me ask you a simple question are you sick of experiencing the same boring anime designs in your jrpgs do you want to experience an immersive fantasy world inspired from various ancient mythologies then look no further than today's sponsor dislite the stories that unfold are beautifully portrayed in an ongoing series of comics with a distinctive cell animation based art style no matter what character you prefer there are infinite possibilities in dislike have you ever wanted to see Odin transform into a fierce motorcycle girl and kick a bunch of butt well look no further than this game because you can do that and right now 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minutes time if this isn't the food challenge why are we eating before all the food challenge well I mean again I I just said that we're going to be eating some quick so who knows this might be the challenge to be fair compared to a regular pudding that you can get from a supermarket is probably about twice the size like this is actually quite large for a regular pudding I'll do another good pudding but I'm depressed I'm editing the room until 4am I'll often go to Family Mart yeah just get on clothes and put it is the big boy channel so it does like documentaries with famous people and now he's having a pudding in a room I'll call you on to the most prestigious I'm nearly done with this so oh my God all right I do think by the end of this though I don't want to have another Hood it's a good way to uh spend my birthday really glad I came for this what quality time we're spending together feeding putting on your birthday I also I saw you we're falling off the back of a dog sled now eating a pudding and taking it what a great friendship this is but I must admit I'm halfway through and I'm already like a little bit kind of full well Chris you might want to stop your spoons right there I've got a sentence right now because here's the real birthday present what is that no I can't eat that I'm gonna literally be secretary this is the real challenge this is the giant pudding challenge it's gonna fall off I only gave you but a taste test for the small pudding and now this is the real challenge right here this is God knows how many tens of thousands of calories oh [ __ ] you know I'm already full from half this year however bloody hell am I gonna tackle this happy Birthday Chris Chris turned 33 and then he died a day later because he ate a giant pudding it almost looks phallic that is a choke this is actually a special order so you have to actually book this ahead of time with the milk from yard of cows to get the cream for the bloody pudding look at it there's a cow somewhere in Hokkaido he's like here's the plan since there's only one of these because I can only make one of these at a time I'll understand certainly enough cows in the world population is gonna go if they made more than one of these so what we'll do is we'll make it a challenge we'll try and evenly cut this in half whoever can eat the most in maybe let's say 30 minutes well when 10 000 Yen and die in the process I'm dying the process proceeds will go to your hospital you know what's your birthday you can complicated so set this ice cream oh my God it's gonna slide off oh chill out 30 minutes on the clock whoever can eat the most pudding wins ten thousand yeah finished in 30 minutes dead in 40. here we go three two one go I'm gonna get him before him oh lactose and taller people are [ __ ] in their pants just watching this a few years ago now skin his wife came to England on the last night before their trip back we had a cheese board and asked his wife was like ate the entire cheese board and then spent the next 15 hours on a plane being physically sick because her body was like why have you done this Most Japanese people laptop because cheese I don't think was introduced to Japan until like Edo period to have the gut bacteria for it but I don't think I ever got back to here to handle this either no to be honest my stomach is crying so far it tastes good but like I'm worried this is going to ruin pudding for me I genuinely don't think I've had Gaza since our challenge because I see it and I get like Vietnam flashbacks well what's the next thing you're going to be consuming after uh when you get depressed next I'm running out of foods very quickly hanging out with you every time I hang out with you there's one less food I want to eat I have to start eating nuts there's no nut challenges there Joey I can't put that on the YouTube all right brain freeze oh my God you're carving into that what's gonna happen with this much sugar to your body like the Sugar Rush it's gonna be like a sugar epiphany see the future and then it's gonna crash and then you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna open all seven chakras and then just to get destroyed by the end of it I don't know what's more tough the ice cream or the pudding I think this is like an ice cream a sloppy ice cream challenge mess look at this mess oh Jesus Christ oh my God oh God oh [ __ ] this restaurant opens like two hours so they're gonna be nice dedicate two hours to wipe up this mess especially after I've thrown it up everywhere I think the ice cream is definitely way tougher for me right now than the pudding because at least the pudding is like not Airy but like it's it's less thick than the ice cream so the ice cream's just getting stuck in my throat not going down I'm glad we're gonna do this once a year I don't think I can do this more than once a year I don't know how many coupon avocados doing this [ __ ] every day um oh my God this is so horrible it's only been five minutes and I already Wanna Die just sugar yeah in my stomach it's so sweet Willy Wonka's factory in my stomach and the envelope was just like beating the [ __ ] out oh my God I actually worry this I could be sick but if I go yeah because I genuinely Wonder but how many people this is normal maybe 10. even even listening to me you're right no it's supposed to be my birthday what is this [ __ ] I'm making you reflect on your life by giving you flashbacks look at any reason putting you into a half comb estate you know so you can look back on your life before it disappears I was gonna do a live Less in this video but I learned by trying to let it through well that's the number one do it ten thousand calorie pudding a little puddle a puddle of ice cream I actually can't pick up this you're such a fake come on eat your pudding eat your [ __ ] your Strat is just kind of carving into the pudding first I guess I'm kind of trying to balance it out a little bit like pudding and then ice cream and then back and forth clearly it's not working for either of us thank God there's a bucket over there this is the most sick I felt here the food challenge dude it makes the girls a challenge look for your worries because I felt like physically awful doing videos as well but now I've got physically sick of this one who normally eats this I don't know it has to be a market for this I'll have the inordinately large pudding on a geisha mask who thought this up as like an idea I don't really need to sell our Brewery that's what I'm wondering why is it in a brewery of all places at what point did you think this was a good idea so far uh never how are you how are you doing this using special meditating yeah yeah yeah no one reason I've got fit fitter is like I just eat less fruits my stomach's a lot smaller but it wasn't here again like I only have one meal a day usually so there is this oh dude you're making a mess on your side my birthday I'll do it if I want to be sick all over a restaurant I will it's really weird how 20 minutes ago I loved pudding and in just such a short space of time I don't think I'm ever going to want to eat this this is this is like Speed Run getting sick of the food it's like getting a slab of butter drenching it in a like a whole sugar bowl and then just going wrong I just keep staring at it hoping that it magically disappears the other thick creaminess of it all I just don't want to imagine just sitting in a puddle I just don't want to imagine this in my stomach you're actually anyway I don't know how you're doing this I cannot eat sweet things to begin with my taste buds are like salty salty Savory salty by name salted by taste buds who thought this was a good idea the CEO of the breweries I know something do you know what if we make stupidly large pudding that no one can eat I genuinely want to know if anyone has actually done this challenge before I mean there's people that probably yeah that's why I'm wondering how many people did it take to eat this well probably one very insane individual this is like you know with kovid it like broke your taste buds yeah this would be great oh yeah I've down it in one when your mouth isn't overflowing sugar the more I carve into it the more it just spawns oh it's about to slide off okay you're at your side yeah oh my God what are you doing oh you when's your birthday Jay September 28th oh I hope you like asbestos challenge I'm gonna get you back for it you probably better than this but otherwise it's a Swiffer death that's for sure which is what I need right now a few years ago in this phase where I drank Bailey's Irish Cream whenever I went to a bar but I noticed every time I did it I was violently sick and I'm a strong Drinker I don't I never sit every time I had babies I was sick and I discovered in Japan people don't drink Baileys they just have it on the Shelf they'll open it Pour someone's drink and then they'll sit there for two years so I was going around bars in Shinjuku mopping up all the old moldy fermented Baileys and they're just basically sick now I remember how I felt for that weird period of my life that's bringing back a lot of memories and I can't drink bending anymore yeah well understandable so putting Bailey's Ramen goes there just tick off everything he will do terrible I'm genuinely impressed you were able to eat this much what might beat you or something you know what I'm not even gonna be mad at this point Come On Let's including Joey I'm trying this is your bloody video I'm trying if anyone's gonna be physically sick all over a table it's you don't talk about sick Danger [Music] ous I don't want to look back at my 33rd birthday and just remember my head in the toilet going I don't want that you need to stop talking about being sick otherwise I'm going to be sick if I preemptively make you sick then I win don't I yeah I think so stop stop okay it's like a waterfall here it's like Niagara Falls it's just disgusting to be honest this is like diabetes speed rug [ __ ] Jesus Christ that was close I am about to shove two fingers down your throat yeah [Music] my secret plan is that I'm hoping that the ice cream just melts look like this look around his side he's dripping off the floor Joey it's literally on the floor oh you're doing awesome what's going on eat one spoon I think I've eaten myself it's not an ice cream on your house does that mean everyone FPS footage of me throwing up head over to my patreon to Mad World yeah why would you spend five dollars on a subscription service when you can spend five dollars watching me throw up on camera it's hard bargain Australian style content bro I'm like I can't I actually can't it's actually disgusting here comes the airplane filled with pudding I mean that would make a great birthday watching Jody be physically sick that'd be a very cathartic happy birthday indeed oh it's a very visceral experience because my stomach's like going like this and I'm watching this dollops of ice cream drip off onto the table which makes me feel quite sick that's what the inside of our stomach looks like right now it's actually disgusting next mouthful Joe oh no oh yeah eat that little singing makes me feel sick this is not fun at all I really don't want it anymore go on one more mouthful for the road no it's so big no it's so you better hold it that's the wrong thing I'm not even joking that was so close I've eaten all the pudding yeah I really I'm like genuinely impressed how have you done this if you can chest box do Spartan races and side so you can eat a bit of money I think you ate a lot of ice cream I did yeah I think that was the big mistake but then most of your ice cream is melted on the table and all over the floor look at the puddle of ice cream on the floor look at this is what Joey's done yeah I just I don't know man I am I like that one more mouthful for them I am going to stab you wake up I'm gonna stab you at this point yeah t-shirt brand nonsense it's [ __ ] this is nonsense no this is how I'm feeling right now that's that's how I'm feeling what'd you say rocket all right that's what happens when you eat all the pudding Pudding we get words and the ability to speak is the timer up yeah four minutes it's pretty much it's pretty much four minutes please [Music] hold on this is disgusting is this a baby's field wipe your face this is a travesty it's gonna get demonetized what a food on my face disgusting I should have been Aki dearest it's not me I will never subject after this brilliant it's cheers because I'm a real friend because Aki would break up with you if she had to do this sort of crap I think she just like dropped dead how am I gonna eat a pudding again you won't this is the point I mean I'm actually impressed I don't know why I thought I would this is the line right this is the No Man's Land that didn't you pretty much ate all of your pudding all the pudding left a bit the ice cream I mean half the ice cream yeah because I made most of my ice cream no difference here well you know what Chris I can see different you genuinely eat way more than I thought you were going to congratulations happy birthday happy birthday well congratulations Chris you have won the pudding challenge fair and square I think no no contest at all there yes yes this is my real present to you I would say six seven eight nine wait what I thought you said it was ten well guys I hope you enjoyed this video [Applause] don't make us do this do the watch any of our past food challenge videos because we've done a couple we've done the monster Ramen video together we've done the gyoza video together I either did the longer server video together in the description below and uh of course go check out Chrisley's in the description as well happy Birthday Chris I'm gonna need like the big chair on the bullet chain on the way home because if I'm like next to someone I'm like I didn't swim you need thanks for watching guys see you in the next one down here [Music] thank you
Channel: The Anime Man
Views: 794,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, theanimeman, reviews, discussions, music, let's, play, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, moments, epic, fail, commentary, live, reaction, Japan, Japanese, The Anime Man, thean1meman, Tried, Japan's, GIANT, PUDDING, Challenge, Food, dessert, 10000, calories, Abroad in Japan, Chris Broad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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