Japan $1000 Crane Game Challenge Ft. @Emirichu

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we're back once again with another crane game video and of course i have all the monies here today i'm against emily hello are you excited i am i'm nervous no awesome let's start here's your money emily i get this is mine this is yours you gotta come play with the best gamer win all right let's get my lane come on i thought by now you would have like a small purse with you i should you're right but i just don't did you see the results melina of our crane game of course you won what do you mean of course i've watched your fans will vote for you sounds like excuses from the my lean crew over there is this your first time yeah oh my is that what i think it is it's demon slayer cars oh my hold the phone all right so this is a machine we haven't seen on the channel before when you press start the arm goes along to the right and you have to try and stop it perfectly so it hits the pink line in the middle if you do this hopefully you should win yourself a demon slayer car easy right oh my god clearly it's not that easy oh wait i think i got it i think i got it oh that's so close oh my god this is so hard oh i'm just bad oh my what am i doing i'm blind where is it going where are you going i want my first attempt to be one that i really want this one i love pom-pom put in he's my favorite sanrio character but i'm sure that emily will be doing much better on her first try right all right first attempt oh my god i'm so nervous please this is my first time seeing this footage did that just bounce in what i can't believe that happened it was my first try when you're first going where's connor i just rub it in his face that's literally coin number one this video is sponsored by oxu anyone who watches this channel will know that i love bong soon if you haven't heard of it boxu is a monthly subscription snapbox service that delivers premium japanese snacks and tea bearings straight from japan to your door the first boxer you'll receive is called seasons of japan following the season of japan you will receive a new monthly themed box like this one every single box who has its own theme this box whose theme is onsen vacation my personal favorite is this almond chocolate send because i love nuts and chocolate and then dee's not mmm that is divine i'm definitely going to be buying more of these the thing that often most impresses me about boxu is that these snacks are always so unique and even though i've been living in japan for nearly three years i've never seen most of these snacks i receive these boxes every single month and i destroy them so if you want to try some rest next with me and support japanese family businesses and support the channel smash that link in the description down below and use coupon code cdog15 to get 15 off your first boxu order thank you to boxing for sponsoring this video i just want to let you know i got this on my first coin what the [ __ ] no is she good who's actually gonna beat you then what the [ __ ] dude one more time i am addicted oh my god okay i have to try and get that car at least i did it wrong again but maybe i'll get it from what i said i was gonna stop i lied why is this so hard what if you go for the one on the far right oh yeah yeah yeah you're right you're right maybe that'll work i hate this it bakes you i saw stupid game oh this one's really cute i don't think lady luck will be on my side this time please [Music] and this is where you get addicted no no no but thankfully the crane game gods decided to humble emily that's so cute i want it so bad please please oh yes yes please please no no i hate it when they give you false hope by like lifting it up and then dropping it immediately hello kitty hand cream and towel well i mean i need that right this game is a bit of a unique one that you don't see very often there are these treadmill like things and your objective is to move them over the treadmill now you can move them all in one go by getting the center of the treadmill you'll see there's blue lights and your goal is to get right in the middle to get four bars or even five bars of movement and that should be enough to bring it over the edge wow what all right well we got it that was good next up i saw a prize that i really wanted to get earlier so we're just gonna go through right now this is so hard come on no this is the one i don't know i don't think so if it moves farther back i'm just gonna move on to something i'll come back to it i'll come back to it okay okay okay one more try one more try one more try the addiction begins i thought you said that was the last one no no no one more one more one more one more i'm getting closer i'm getting closer that one didn't count shhh the tail is right there let's just jump right into it oh my god jk shut the [ __ ] don't start with the oh my god i don't hear it please no no no don't go back don't go backwards we're gonna move on we're gonna move on i'm heartbrok oh my god is that a hamster in his hand yeah it's nice so cute oh my god his neck just snapped you just got like mortal combatted when they can stab his neck dab work please no no no come on no no no no no no no no no no no i'm not gonna recover from this just pain this is fine this is fine like i'm okay with losing all my money on this it's worth it it's holding a berry it's cute oh that looks strong oh i think that was it how's this how's this okay okay maybe this she's gonna like grab it oh whoa you totally i think maybe ah guys i totally want marlene i don't know i totally just ate [ __ ] wasted my money put like a clown in front of youtube i said so grab the head if i ever said i like crane games i'm a liar dude this is pain my god that worked oh my god it worked and i did it with basically no help she barely helped me it didn't help me at all they didn't even get the same plush that's pretty cute eh 10 out of 10 for cuteness i have a big butt too oh wait this one's so cute okay we're getting somewhere we're getting somewhere i'm thinking i need to grab it from like the back area right so i'm trying to maybe like okay that didn't do anything oh i'm so close should i try pushing it down you can try that at the back because at the front the flower is going to touch it yeah i have an idea but i don't think it's going to work out in my favor i pressed it too far should i come back to this later we'll come back to it later she did not come back to this later i'm collecting all the pokemons with fruits in their hands wow water his arms again let's try it that did not work at all him plop's winking too isn't that just charming he's like oh me don't worry about it [Music] okay i moved it further away oh i think we'll see we'll see let me see how this works if you've never seen this machine before you just need to wiggle off the plastic bit off the rubber ball and you get your prize that's the game wait what it barely lifted it all right come on come on just when you think like oh easy enough then it like it like gets weaker or something this is what these arcades do to you are you kidding me are you kidding me are you i'm so close okay come on come on i'm making progress let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go maybe the butt because then the head will swing it into the hole oh look at this it's so funny looking why does it look like that maybe it's going to pull it hopefully and then bounce over oh i'm a joke maylene i know let's go let's get out of here i'm trying to get you a new home buddy don't be cringe it's almost like he doesn't want me to own him it's kind of dark no help needed look at that beautiful boy that took ten minutes you know it's a good thing okay i think you're talking about the other one 15 minutes this is 10 minutes whilst i was busy winning emily was busy doing this spending so much time on this stupid bird but i feel like i've made so much progress i can't walk going now this is the trap i know it's literally just on there by friction no i screwed up i screwed up no no no i win i can't look bro that is a hot royal mustang dude look at his abs dude his abs are like oh smoking dude why is he touching him though because he's so hot no it's because he's bleeding and he's hot how old is he old enough to to get it it's right there it's really neat it's a lot harder to do the pushing down but if you hit it you move it a lot more really okay that's the tech thing it only took me like what like thirty dollars or something oh fancy meeting you here you can get a bag you know you can yeah there's giant bags well in the giant bag you can't look at my bag this game is a really easy one basically you just keep pulling the tag and pull the box off the edge ages ago before gone oh perfect but i'm not gonna be here for like 10 years at this rate oh nice one nice one i hate my life really if i told you that yes oh okay well then nothing's changed i still hate it oh perfect oh oh that was so close to being perfect i lied i'm a liar i'm a dirty little liar okay here we go here we go here we go boys it's coming up eileen ready for the money shop it's kind of like two turns all right one no look it's more than half i reckon two turns including this one bro this is common dude i feel it oh my god oh my god i said four i meant four turns from the time i said is it gonna be this boom that's big look at the size in there another one it's so cute but i know the tech now i know the tech now okay we got some movement this one's hard interesting do i want the sword you look cool okay that opens up very wide that's why that inch matters matter whoa did you see that wait is that normal or am i i don't even know that was crazy what the [ __ ] happened i just got that in two bucks i feel like now i would do the push down technique right i'm gonna make a foolish decision hopefully it plays out in my favor probably won't damn it come on push punch punch yay i'm getting better well i'm feeling rather naughty so i'm going to get some chocolate choco baby i love choco baby that was an accident what just happened what the [ __ ] is happening it's like a demolition derby this should be it there should be goods what the heck this should be good i should get this one i did not get this one whoa you got this one did i actually yeah yeah grab it what the [ __ ] happened i think that's what's so exciting about korean games what the [ __ ] something fell in though wow were you even trying no i don't know if it's gonna work i think there's just too much [ __ ] on there yeah there's too much maybe maybe they'll reset it we can come back oh this looks good please [Music] what do i do you need to zoom in damn it that would have been lucky i will say that store person decided to be a bit cruel there normally you could argue to get that there that has to hit come on let's go chop chop that is a large figure i'm down oh she works out we're like the perfect couple you know like geez how old is she though listen she's old enough to save the wall right so is the baby from incredibles that's a good that's a good result that's a good result this is so slow wow that is strong though that was strong you can probably get her in like three i hope maylene don't jinx it if it was me it would probably get through but like i don't know about you oh damn okay them some fighting wood i'm starting to lose my mind so nothing has changed i like how there's no like stand beneath yeah i like this as well and the wrinkles in her shorts right they're very nice i see you're admiring rem as well huh what if i just paint her hair pink no what the [ __ ] the next time you ever have a house party go over and like with my pink paint you're not invited to any parties i haven't seen emily in a while i wonder what she's doing oh my goodness look at that mug oh oh no [ __ ] way no way no [ __ ] way no way did that just work so now you can just push down that corner it might just fall in oh wait no screw oh shoot oh did you push it back no oh no i screwed up again didn't i i'm dragging you to the edge keep dragging it please yes yay i got my cup i wonder if i should have tried one angle rotating but i don't know i'm a bit stuck now i think look so it'll it'll jolt back now look at that you see that that's good right nope it's too far deep oh you set it up pretty easy i think like this literally like this is what he said oh [ __ ] it nudged it [ __ ] hell see about there we this i think you'll get it now oh yeah oh we got it okay i was very skeptical when he said that would work but yeah it seemed to work i mean i have a relaxing time run let's go and talk [ __ ] to emily let's go we've done this one before damn [ __ ] you're really trying to get that damn what do you mean i'm kind of kind of packing right now what do you mean yeah what do you mean trash i literally have the prize you're trying to you got trash you only have trash oh my god dude good luck loser see you in 10 years i don't have a good eye for these things oh wait wait what oh i screwed up damn it it's so hard i feel like i'm pushing it backwards you are a little bit normally you would give up here because you've messed it up i can't really move the claw that much it's really difficult um should i give up on this one you can ask them to reset it if you want it i think maybe i should maybe i should go for a different figure all right next one will you get it in one shot it'd be pretty funny if you did that could have that was close you think you're known as the crane gang guy maybe for some people oh that band's so so close oh my god what the actual genocide okay this is it i am playing games anymore holy [ __ ] i made it worse i'm trying something crazy whoa that actually into holy [ __ ] i'm i'm like galaxy level brain i'm impressed at something i did work all right miku come home with me [Music] come on miku if you're ever in japan and you have the box kind of at this angle i would recommend just asking for help more often than not the claws actually don't go deep enough to make any sort of movement at best you can shimmy it around but it might take like five to ten turns it's better just to ask for help and get a reset but to emily's credit she powers on i feel like we're heading into hopeless territory the only thing you could do is you can ask for help and see if they reset it in a nice way watch them move it back to the green thing all uh round two baby around 200. did i make it worse i have no idea oh dear god is it getting worse i'm gonna do one more i want to go back to the bouncy ball one that one made me feel like i was good at this all right i give up we started on such a high i give up i give up i give up i'm sorry because goodbye which one's cuter i think my melody is cuter who's my melody i think my melody's on the right oh this looks pretty good oh let's see if the hat is a weak point ah i can't even grab this one please please they just keep falling further and further away it's infuriating okay we'll check this [ __ ] out man check this [ __ ] out oh i got the ball that's actually what i wanted actually so this prize right here i was a bit confused i am dumb i thought this was a cinnamon roll plush so i proceeded to spend a lot of money trying to win it now my shortcomings are that i don't know when to stop and i ended up spending a lot a lot of money i'm doing this the way she instructed me to but i'll be honest with you it's not helping much see your mother you have to be kidding me dude and now it's going to flip again and there it is this cinnamon roll is the hardest thing to get here it never flips this way it always flips that way they've got noses cinnamon roll doesn't have a nose how much money have i wasted trying to get this i thought this was seven holes what was that why you were trying to get yes what the [ __ ] i thought i told you it was not no so you're gonna leave it because it's not cinnamon roll oh my god dude i thought this was cinnamon roll this is cinnamon roll wait but i thought this was like an evil version no why it looks so similar you already know what's up oh jacob you already know what's up i like this look at this guy he's so cute oh that's a width huh oh bro he's so cute how did she do that i think you do stab technique because it has space in between oh [ __ ] no no no no no that's good that's good we can do that i think we can go with that oh you [ __ ] dog you just call it a dog yeah you filthy animal get in my bag okay maybe it's in a good spot now yeah maybe we can try let's try it oh i felt my my pp like invert a little bit there your your what don't worry about it if there is a god please please i'll become religious i promise all right there's a lie i'm never going religious so um yeah my life's going great everything's going as planned i'm getting the toys and things that i want to win as you can see oh jesus you're you're all you're really low i've literally lost like 100 bucks for these things i lost like 40 bucks to that and i have nothing to show for it see am i saying [Applause] no no no no no no no [ __ ] after he after he put so much effort into like making it so that he oh i'm gonna i actually want to cry that hurts so much i was not having a good time he's like for sure you're gonna get it and then you didn't get it [Music] full [Music] yeah finally finally thank you woman is it worth it yeah oh well it's not worth it mouth love cinnamon roll bro i've got like no prizes i've spent so much money and gotten like full it's a pretty sad hall today and i've got like no money left holy [ __ ] dude i'm boosted because it's like what can you even get with this money left anyways again well now they have the brown one it is edging closer and closer yeah it wants to go down so bad i can feel it the innuendos are insane stop don't make me laugh i'm gonna f up no you made me screw up now dude it's debating me right now it's so what is it sitting like i don't know it's holding on for dear life this is it no i whiffed it do that again really again are you serious yes that's actually moving good oh again i see what you mean oh my god what what is it i don't understand how this thing is still balancing on there please release yourself i literally took you long enough get in there with your brother i'm realizing that emily is just playing the same type of machine over and over again which one's cuter squirtle uh challenger charmander girdle's like whatever what squirtle is not whatever if squirrel was sentient he'd be real her by those words how hard is this one pretty hard i mean these are generally quite hard because they're like high value items normally so what starter pokemons you usually choose i normally go for water water's really overpowered what about you fire i like the red the red and the i don't know and you're a fiery fiery person really it makes it through pretty easily oh that's a nice grip oh that was nice hopefully this gets a nice little tug oh let me just stab it out just dab i don't think it's the right angle i think you can't that's too much of a grab i think no no no i think it's i think it'll be good i think we're good [Music] all right all right is that it i think so please please please it is it yes good job oh my god i think the struggle for cinnamon roll trained you for this bro that was awful oh you're gonna get this one too okay let's get both i'm gonna roll whilst i was busy winning emily was busy coping up i'm risking it all you see how far back you went this time yeah that's like almost too far but when do i pull out the sumimasen it's not even worth it but i need it it's so cute look at it it's so cute you want to reset if you're going to play again you want to get that reset so grab the head flip it forward bro i thought it was gonna happen me too it gave me hope i'm running out of coins stop bouncing look at his begging to be brought home you're very committed to this bird life i know i probably should move on to other things but this is so cute i couldn't i can't i can't walk away i'm so scared this up let's go let's go let's go oh what the f what was that slap dude oh it's like like you said that one time it's like trying to birth a child right you're trying to squeeze it through the canal of life unless you're a man unless you're a man then i suppose have you seen he's expecting it i know no [ __ ] you dropped them oh my god you're just a disaster you're a disaster what that means i'm i'm done what's up [ __ ] you done no i still have some coins i'm on like my last four bucks really yeah well i gotta find something to spend all this one so i was out of money let's see what emily gets up to should i go for this what then is it called yeah that's pretty cute oh no i don't have many coins left i'm not gonna get it but an attempt will be made how crazy would it be if i got it on the last one huh you need help from god to like get out on this this is impossible i know it's not going to get lifted okay yeah i had a little bit i'm not me too me too like you know it was just going to do something crazy well now that i'm out of you know money that was used on the crane games i'm gonna gamble my own money which i don't really have much left actually okay i got 4 000 yen two tries at the expensive one we're probably gonna get nothing but let's try it 40 bucks down the drain let's give it a go i have a key i don't think it's a key i don't think it's a key this that's [ __ ] pray to the gods we get the oled switch i'm praying it's not the key god why have that foul forsaken me a usb oh that's kind of cool i guess we're gonna burn down my house save this image i paid 40 bucks for these two things i'm an idiot i will never learn and i will be back all right i guess we're done we have a [ __ ] ton of stuff wow you have big bags i do i do first of all how did you find it i'm really sweaty okay but it was a lot of fun all right let's go and review them i'll bring out the big guns right away the host of course i remember you had a minecraft costume that was incomplete because you lost your sword and now you've gotten it for 200 yen i lost my diamond pickaxe that's even better all right what's all this then what the [ __ ] bro that's sick bro oh my god actually yo this is not bad yo that's right this is really sturdy this is the other official one that cost me 40 bucks or 30 bucks no this is way better i got it in two dollars and with the yen inflation bro that's like one dollar have you got emily i have this cute fat bird that's okay excuse me he's cute though huh look at him it's part of the sumikograshi it's a little anemic it feels like they're really lightly i feel like they could have stuffed it a little more he's so big yeah he is big he is big well i have something you did walk away from oh no most sexy handsome boy in anime roy mustang hard yeah well i mean it was a it was a premium prize you know it was elite gamers yeah you only like to have one of them okay quality check yeah let's have a look oh he's small oh my look that kind of feels like that was the entire box those [ __ ] right that's where the weight is of the box this is where you're trying to pull it over the edge so all the weight was in the back of the box and you're pulling it from the front that's so [ __ ] crane games exposed that's why i had such a hard time oh no no you were bad oh [Laughter] it's okay i'm not that impressed by it the box makes it look like an absolute giga chad yeah and then and then you get it like you must have known that obviously no i didn't i was joking what it was a joke yeah i knew a [ __ ] that's right i knew that i would end up with a subpar figurine so i have to walk away i already knew you know artist intuition what have you got then shut me up show me wrong another fat bird look at this isn't it cute look at him he's sleepy yeah this one's way better than the other bird i'm not gonna lie this one's like way more loved and he's so cute look he's friend-shaped that's not all you know what i get extra bonus points you know why i've got a friend for him i gotta admit that's pretty cute this one's got a big dumpy though this one's like got a beehive i like this one this one's mine yeah the i love how i take this one no they you can't separate them oh a pimp this one is actually hella cute and the quality is like nutty it feels so nice the kiwi's still better [ __ ] you kiwi's fuggley dude kiwi wishes he was a branded character dude he's dying for some branding this is cute dude all right you won't believe what i have what do you have you won't believe it's another fat bird look hello please take me home oh my god please take me no that's why you say it what does this one say i'm piplup i eat fruit oh i'm pokemon i'm pokemony hey hey hey i also got another figure i knew you're gonna get one of them yeah i thought this was the best one though doesn't she look like a little a little naughty dude just like working out just she's wearing like mom clothes you know i liked it that's a plus it was a heavy yeah exactly like this one's beefy dude wait this is actually really nice what could roy mustang look like this look at the details on the clothes yeah dude look at the shorts damn bro it looks amazing this actually looks really good i'm kind of yeah right oh yeah she looks good that's good i can't even i can't say [ __ ] she looks good all right what's yours what's good all right i present to you i know you're gonna get this it looked like a dick from far away oh have you ever have you ever seen those creeper plushies from the back they look like dick and balls i mean i kind of oh that's a nice yeah yeah he girthy dude i can already tell that if i actually died this is going to be like that's pretty cool actually yeah i liked it and it didn't take too many tries another pokemon fruits it's got a little berry the same same berry because they're saucy i don't like that they're winking you know why not like you don't want to you're going with fruit come to eat my fruit i mean come on we have the fruit gang and i have the luke they're not even like proportional to each other it's like twice their size yeah it's eight that's good it's good what do you mean all right what do you got next i present to you you know he's the new hot character in town this one took two tries really yeah this is nice quality you got two these are so cute but how many tries did this take this one took like 30 this one took like 50. i was in too deep i couldn't turn around i actually got the pom-pom pudding version of it this is the very first prize i got at my very first crane game on my very first coin pretty incredible next up another pokemon i don't like how fuzzy he looks charmander should not be fuzzy like this it is a bit weird but i do like the feeling a lot why'd you get so many pokemon cause i got another one oh my god got a squirtle too why is he fuzzy i think these are good though these are like official pokemon merch they're good quality if they're so good why aren't they at the pokemon center um because it's limited edition they obviously can't just sell these because everyone would go crazy so they have to limit them or make it more complicated to get them by having to go to the crane game i think cinema rolls cuter at least i have four pokemons that's the amount of pokemons i got what else do you have i've got a mug quality check i can tell you what the quality is going to be like no don't tell me it's like shitty plastic oh wait wait what the [ __ ] wait that actually looks good hold it ceramic no i know that looks decent i thought it was going to be like shitty like toy plastic oh my god wait that's so cute i love i would have bought this mug regularly on like a normal day do you like snacks i do okay well close your eyes open your eyes i had these sometimes in um california oh they're like 10 yen here mmm look at big cheeto funny you say snacks because i also have a snack yeah but you know they're like such a scam though because like you open it up and then you just get two what oh yo they smell good why does it feel like a bowl sack that's kind of disappointing and the last thing you got nerds i hate nerds is that it yeah you're really going to ham on there right now that's all good well i got more for you it's a hand and cream hand cream and towel how cute ramen strawberry chocolate galba bro you're making a mess and two choco babies and i didn't even play this machine but i played the machine next to it and it made it shake and fall and drop this one you got quite the heart so this is all of the hall let us know who you think won down below and make sure to go to my twitter and vote on who you think is the winner of this episode and why is it me what no make sure to subscribe to this youtube channel if you haven't already make sure to check out emily's channel a link description down below and youtube.com slash emmerich emily also streams on twitch at americhu yt yes well thank you so much for coming on emily thank you for having me all right all right bye guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 3,151,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crane Game, CDawgVA, Connor, Cdawg, Emily, Emirichu, Emirichu Japan, Japan, Crane Games, Crane, Game, UFO Catcher, UFO Japan Catcher, Japanese Crane Games, Japan Arcade, Japanese Arcade, Crane Game Guide, crane game japan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 20sec (2120 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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