I PAID $1000 For This MOD! | 6-6-6-6-6-6-6 Tower!

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this is a 1 000 mod it has seven different upgradeable pass up to a T6 and you can upgrade every single one of them to get the first ever six six six six six six six six six six Tower I'm gonna be comparing this one thousand dollar super mod all the way down to this one dollar mod to this 100 mod that has special sound effects upgrades and you name it so this mod is called the realistic monkey it just puts a skin of a 3D gorilla it doesn't even like move or anything he just stands there and just like a dart just shoots out of them does he have any upgrades no like nothing happens even if you upgrade them wait it just adds it to every Tower no way it just turns everything in just to a 3D gorilla that doesn't move next up this is a five dollar mod that apparently it just changes the sizes of everything wait so we have the dart monkey looks kind of normal but where's the balloons wait look how big the balloon wait look at the range of the monkey what is that wait now he's huge he's huge why does he just keep growing in size wait now he's tiny this is absolutely ridiculous look at how big these ddts are what is happening it's just turned into absolute Madness and this is a mod I had made for ten dollars it's the spit monkey it costs ten thousand dollars to buy that's outrageous he doesn't have a ton of range wait look at if you can zoom in you can see his mouth open he's like wait he doesn't have any upgrades it just says spits on balloons he's just like look at his face he has like shoots his Pitfall wait how strong is he what if we send like a ceramic balloon out of let's see can the spit monkey defeat a bad what happens if we get a bunch of spit monkeys oh my gosh wait he's actually so strong okay he's got 44 000 pounds he's actually good I would have never imagined that and this is a mod that costs 100 to make this is the R2 D2 mod even as sound effects look even the model actually moves and he just looks around which is very cool so let's see how strong is he like at the very start let's see wait does he even do anything at the start he doesn't do anything so R2D2 is given a skump link so it increases hero XP you can get life form scanner oh so it looks like R2D2 is just like a super strong support Tower we get to life form scanner installed so camo detection and MIB for 500 that's insane better scanner R2D2 now has the ability to regen lives so he gives you an extra life okay R2 G2 regenerates more lives even more lives 50 lives and then 500 lives on the final path so is it literally he just generates 500 lines around I love the sound of it he even like moves around look at that he's just like he looks around he even his little like middle things open up there that's so cool it's basically like the best support tower ever increases hero XP gain hero XP quicker even more hero XP R2D2 is now classified war hero portal ability no way and R2D2 God and then if you get the bottom pass so R2D2 is developed as an Astromech R Series so how much money do we make at the end of a round that's the main question oh look it is a little symbol look at that so he's in the range of R2D2 he actually attacks super duper fast look at how fast these guys took off he makes ten thousand Dollars around look at that we're generating 500 lives around now look at that Quincy's just gonna level up super fast too we just like put this all the way after this he's already leveling up Quincy's already just like full on sending it OG DG's made fifty thousand dollars that is insane but not as insane as the last and final mod this mod cost 1 000 to have made which is the Starship Enterprise mod look at how many pass it has all of these are custom upgrades and icons all unique paths equipped with phasers Photon Torpedoes and face cannons refit the ship and choose your career path always costs one thousand seven hundred and one dollars even has a custom like background and it even just like flies around which is so cool so as the base Tower and let's see how good it is so as the base Tower it shoots out like laser beams and then it has like these homing like explosive things like it's not it's not doing that great so the first upgrade on the top half is Phase variants phaser shots can critically strike balloons for 10 damage phaser beams deal more damage and will push back balloons so it looks like this is this upgrade for this phaser thing that it shoots like pew pew Firewheel adds additional phasers that fire as strong and close balloons oh look at that so yeah so now it's firing even more and it pushes the balloons back beam overload phaser beams create a burst of energy on contact with balloons also damaging other balloons nearby now we're up to 43 000 maximum power setting immense damage and crits if we set one Moab out let's see oh my gosh okay that's pretty powerful the bad I don't know if we can pop it now we have anti-proton beams for 200 000 devastating powerful anti-proton beams with crits strong enough to One-Shot many balloons oh look at that and so it turns into this like dark red and he's actually doing enough damage to hit the bad and we only have one out of seven different upgrade paths that we can get faster arming torpedo takes less reload time what is the torpedo I think that's the torpedo Torpedoes now firing a burst of a three wide so does it shoot three Torpedoes now like it does look three of these Torpedoes so look at that it just like one shots OMG balloons imbue Torpedoes we still can't see camo balloons though which is a problem Quantum Torpedoes upgrade Photon Torpedoes to powerful Quantum Torpedoes explosion damage radius and Pierce increased quran's basic Torpedoes Torpedoes now phase through balloon layers dealing massive damage to all layers at the same time wait so let's go to like a bad so now it's defeating a bad before it can even get to the beginning stage and we've only gotten through two upgrade paths we still got five more face Cannon attack angle increased space cannons fire much more faster oh so these are the red cannons that get fired out quad cannons heavy cannons and then polaron cannons upgrade to Polar on Canon stealing massive damage with unlimited Piers look at this it's giant purple lasers look at how much damage is doing look the dummy Volute can't even get by now attack pattern Alpha increase the attack speed of all Enterprises weapons every weapon's now faster increase the Pierce of all weapons so this path just increases like everything right surprise attacks do bonus damage to ceramic and fortified balloons divert power from all non-essential systems and give it to the weapons so we can use that to boost it even more attacks do bonus damage to Moab class balloons and finally attack pattern Omega Enterprise attacks do bonus damage Beijing maximum HP of balloons so oh my gosh look look at this look what it does against this balloon look at this look at the dummy balloon this is the literally the test balloon and it's popping it like instantly and we still have three upgrade pass this Tower is crazy deploy shuttle crap these let's just get all these wait wait oh look at this it adds more more things upgrades deploy shuttle stronger so now there's multiple like shuttle craps eject the warp core so so it creates an explosion and then a shuttle Squadron five shuttles and then there's one last one so Admiral instead of deploying shuttles calls in all previous Enterprises so now we have even more oh wait so is this like an ability oh we can just call him like a huge bomb explosion now and now the bads are just getting destroyed what would happen if we jumped up to like round 500 and we just played on round 500. it's actually destroying around 500 but it can't see camos yet we still have two upgrades though so can pop purple balloons there we go scan for life forms allows Enterprise to see and pop camo balloons remove regrow fortified properties oh look at this even the icon has literally a picture of the monkey in it Grant all monkeys temporary access to Advanced star Fleet technology wait what monkeys have permanent access to even more advanced Starfleet technology ability now increases its attack speed gives all monkeys the most advanced star Fleet technology G possible wait wait what does this mean does this mean that these monkeys have like like lasers or something I don't know I can't tell oh he has 700 pops that's definitely the case like if we hit play oh my gosh look at this guy it's a zero zero zero Dart monkey that has almost a hundred thousand pops so it literally Mega boosts all the other towers by it look at this wait look at the darling gutter the darling Gunner's firing purple laser beams too upgrade to the Enterprise a oh so wait oh look we're upgrading and getting more the ship is changing now we have two ships all right the next one is the ambassador class the Galaxy class holy cow look at it we've got like a whole Fleet of ships just flying around in outer space is this even balloon Sour Defense anymore Sovereign class and then the Odyssey class and Chris Pierce and damage for all weapons and here it is is finally the one thousand dollar mod let's see how it does let's go to like round 750. it just destroys it our Darwin look at this wait and so we can use this a bit we could like we have abilities too so it definitely has a couple of problems with DDT are super duper fast but it has five billion hops giant ships just flying around that is so cool and if you want to see more of these things please hit that like button huge shout out to all the modders who participated in this by the way
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 316,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTD 6, Bloons TD 6, $1 VS $1000 mod, 1 dollar vs 1000 dollar mod, hack, mod, Tewtiy, best mod, coolest mod, BTD 6 mod, Bloons TD 6 mod, BTD 6 hack, Bloons TD 6 hack, Most expensive mod in BTD 6, cash hack, modded, hacked, modder, doombubbles, uss enterprise, startrek, Starwars, gorilla, spit monkey, 1 vs 1000, challenge, mod competition
Id: PiyQTthW89g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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