I Spent 200 Days as a Minecraft Bandit...

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i survived 200 days as a minecraft bandit the last hundred days i was the king i was unstoppable and now players want to end me and end this series but this is what i say to those players my story begins landing at the new base i've been working on the base i lived in the previous hundred days i left behind it wasn't safe no longer after the video going out but as i was landing i saw something i didn't want to see my portable radar was giving me information that soccer was near my base sucker is a dangerous guy he's also a bandit and he has a group of people almost an army at this stage soccer and his gang had rose to the top spot in the top dogs in the server pretty fast because of one event they managed to take out their rival competition fairly quick and that was the corner obsidian base that i called the hornet nest that i didn't want to disturb soccer launched a surprise attack against the corner base and it was successful and there were no survivors this gave sucker and his gang the status as the most powerful players on the server but now that you know soccer and why i'm so scared right now let's go back to the story i knew soccer had seen me and ever since i declined to join him and his gang they've been hunting me just like they've been hunting everyone else they won't stop until the whole server is dead but my base was found anyway so i landed the plane and i rushed straight inside my base i didn't have any armor on at this time because to put it blankly i was an idiot i forgot to put it on so i rushed into my base to cover my body with the protection that i need i left my base fully geared with my sniper and my acr i knew soccer would have seen me and he'll be back but soccer and his gang now were the new bandits on the server but they weren't like me they weren't lone wolves and the server population because of them is dying you don't see as many people around anymore as you used to i believe the server is going through an extinction event the only way to survive on the server now is to either join them or be killed or live deep underground rarely coming up to visit as night was falling i spotted soccer running from my plane he was taking it and i was happy for him to do so if it would keep him away i was abandoned i didn't want to go to war i just wanted to be rich but sucker wasn't going away he was circling the area and with that i went under the tree so i wouldn't be spotted i knew it was only a matter of time that i would get caught out here so i wanted to make a dash back to the safety of my home so i took the risky move to charge across the field and i dive straight into my base [Music] i blocked my entrance up with iron ore and then i got ready to leave the base just in case they do find me it's better to be ready to go than not to be ready i was getting prepared to leave before just in case but this time i was really getting prepared i started grabbing supplies as much as i could but i knew i could only carry as much as i could take in my inventory my main thing is i wanted steel so that i could make new guns ammunition you name it and i stored that in the briefcase where i had thomas head and the armor he was wearing when he died after this i made a tactical decision to leave my base if it gets found i'm dead and if it doesn't get found well then that's fine but it's time to leave because if the first option happens and it gets found and i'm inside it there's gonna be no escape now i don't have to go out the front door i always make an escape tunnel always which leads up to the highest peak around my base i popped out of the mountain and instantly took cover a new plane was landing they were hunting me they were shipping in supplies so that they could stay here for a while it's almost like this was a siege and they were waiting for me to come out for air i slowly crawled around the mountain hoping for a better angle but with the rain pouring i decided to leave and just pray that my base will survive the night while traveling across the snowy mountain range i decided i would head over to their base and pay them a little visit maybe they have no one home and their base is just left open for anyone to come and visit there was a huge mountain range that looked over soccer and his factions base by looking down it seemed like no one was home this was the first time coming close to the faction base but with pure adrenaline i started heading towards it and instantly i could see a floor with the base and by using a certain mechanic i would be able to break in by lying down i jumped in the side window i don't think they thought this through i was in the base and it seemed like no one was home and i also had just seen their code for the door that'll come in handy in the future i started having a look around seeing what to loot with the space inside my inventory being limited i only wanted to take the good stuff but as i was searching the chest an unsuspecting guard came around the corner he wasn't prepared and i had better armor that suited so i knew i'd win the fight but it was a close one i came down to two and a half hearts i just taken a player out from the bandit army using the tactics that i learned from the previous series of taking them out one by one and that's the tactics i'm gonna keep during this series i noticed that i got the chords wrong and they were actually inside my base and had been for the last 20 minutes so with this i started rushing home even though i don't know what this would do i just had to see it from my own eyes i could see from the radar there were at least three players inside the base if not more my base had been found and the cameras were gone as i couldn't access them from the console panel for the first time in this series i'm being raided all the work that myself and thomas have worked towards thomas sacrifice all the loot we got from that faction base gone it's not gone forever it's just gone to them curiosity got the better of me and i started getting closer to the base and just as i was about to head in my survival instincts kicked in and i knew it's too late now to save the base but i can save myself just as ahead now i saw a plane even though they were raiding my base it wasn't enough they wanted me they wanted to kill me i knew i would have to take these planes out of the sky because they were feeding too much information to the foot soldiers on the ground and i'd stolen something very very good from their base i placed down their a gun on a nearby hilltop and i aimed that sucker up waiting for the plane to come back around i almost dared it to and it did and i opened fired blowing the plane up and shooting the player right out of the sky if that player was any higher that drop could have been fatal for him but he luckily survived and now that player is stranded and all alone giving me an opportunity to take him out of the game before backup arrives but they had another plane in the sky these planes just don't stop coming but it was too late they were already grouped together and the plane in the sky had spotted me and now i was being hunted this was also another first i'd never been hunted like this before and my heart was racing the plane was following every move i made flying overhead of me dodging the trees well the players on foot were now pushing into the forest and closing in fast i knew if i had to escape i had to do something drastic so i went into the small valley and i started looping back around on myself my idea was to go to a place where they would last expect me to be and that would be at my rated base i just had to get there without being seen they wouldn't expect me to come back here right i jumped in and instantly i could see my base was absolutely stripped apart i needed to cool down my heart was racing and i didn't want to make a silly decision and die so i climbed up into the ceiling of my base and i just hid here for a while in hopes that things would go quiet and i would calm down and i would decide what the next course of action would be but there's no rest when you're being hunted vex and rangs had came back to the base were they looking for me or were they grabbing more of my loot i don't know but my heart is still racing from the events that just happened i could hear blocks being broke and it was giving me anxiety at this point i knew my base was no longer safe and never will be again and i needed to go this time and i waited for ages until vex and ranks disappear from the radar but just as i jumped down they reappeared again and i jumped into the tunnel as they were just coming into the base i blocked up the water blow so they couldn't jump down well if they did they'd meet their fate and they would end their life i quickly climbed up the ladder i had managed to escape the base and i headed off into the night that was too close and the next morning i found myself a lovely sandy island this is where i can get some needed respite just beneath the sand but during this process i was having a chat with tippy tumbles the co-leader second in command to sucker she wanted to betray soccer and she had players in the faction that were loyal to her i asked her to bring me rings facts and suckers head and then maybe we could have peace and we could all get over this then i'll trust her but she insisted that i meet her back at my rated base and we take them out together i didn't trust it and i sniffed the trap but just in case it wasn't the trap i messes sucker saying that tippy is betraying you and wants to kill you so that if this isn't a trap i'm playing mind games with the enemies and destroying them from within but i needed to stay focused i was still at war and i wouldn't stop until they are dead or i have took my last breath thanks to my portable raider i now knew that vex rangs and soccer were still at my base probably because i told tippy that i would meet her at my base to take them out but i took this opportunity to head to their base to take out more of their guards straight away i know a security was ammed up since the last attack and now there was a plane flying around patrolling but i stayed under the water and stayed low i could see two guards on the rooftop one very well geared and the other not so much and i knew that if i could take the right shot with my sniper that iron guy would drop like a sack of potatoes i just needed one shot to hit him i needed to wait for the right opportunity so i made myself a little sniper's nest hidden from the sky so the plane wouldn't spot me and i patiently waited for the right moment but from studying this iron player for a while i knew he wasn't going to stay still and it was only a matter of time before the gang arrived back at bait as well i just needed one shot to hit let's give this a try and on the third shot it hit him right in the head taking him out of the game the plane in the sky came in closer to take a look to see what's going on but as long as that plane stays in the sky it's not a threat to me i could easily outrun it but i broke into the base through the same defenses that they still have not fixed and i was searching for that second player i took him out as quick as i could and this time i wanted to raid the base but i noticed that my portable radar had went quiet vex and the rest of the squad were on the way to come and get me and with the base being obsidian box it's not a good idea to stay in there once they move in you'll be trapped and essentially it's an obsidian coffin returning back to my sandy island the new place where i'd now call home i didn't realize but with the events that were taking place the days have just ran away with me and it was now day 234 i believe this is the quickest the time has ever went by for me but it was just so action-packed but it was now time to get started on my new base and this time there were no more hiding if i'm gonna go out of this world i want to go out fighting and the last 34 days had just taught me that that i don't want my final days to be hiding in a base waiting for the enemy team to come i'd rather hold down the fort and go down with the ship i know that's what thomas would have wanted as well so i got to work flattening out the island because this is going to turn into a small one-man fortress i want to keep it tight and compact so that when i'm being attacked i can hold down all angles without stretching myself too thin using the cobble that they left in my raider base i started making the walls around the area they weren't tall walls but it should be enough to repel a small army and it's almost like i was getting ready to say goodbye to this world to this series and take my last stand but i wanted to go out fighting that would be fun and with my base now done i wanted to go mining to get enough supplies so when it comes to my last stand and there at my front door knocking i'll be able to give everything i've got to them and when i returned from my mining trip there was a gift left with me up in my base called dear ryan and the book was left by vex saying i need your help soccer's group was falling apart vex portrayed soccer and was loyal to tippy the group was fractured and sucker killed tippy but vex luckily escaped and tippy wants me to help him when just the other day he was hunting me down with them and he was the one who raided my base vex is now alone now he knows what it's like to be me over the last few days i've had a stalker he's been watching my base and it's vex i know by the skin he's not very discreet about it it's almost like he wants me to see him and he expects that i'm going to be on his side and that i'm going to help him he raided me it's not going to happen i snuck out of my base to get a better shot and a better look and i got behind him he didn't even see me leave the base i want to kill him but he might have the stuff he raided from me tucked away inside his base and i want it so i got into position to get ready to shoot him i knew this wasn't going to kill him but that he would run and probably go and return home it's now time to hunt him i shot three times and i missed every single one i was hoping to at least get one shot but he was on the run and now it was time to follow him and i tracked him down to his nearby base i knew it was somewhere around here because in the book he had told me about a runway he had made inside a forest and this was definitely some sort of runway and after a while of waiting around the airfield he came out it looks to me like he came out of a cave just below me he was now on the runway getting ready to take off probably to attack my base i didn't care at this point but i wanted to find his base so i can raid my stuff after carefully searching the cave i found the entrance concealed by granite i was in the base and i was optimistic my stuff could be here or at least half of it but as i started looking through the chests i wasn't finding much but the base went underground even more this was definitely a new base alright when looking through the chest i found a cage trap that probably came from my base and instantly i had a plan i was gonna place down the trap so that when he comes home he'll be entrapped and he'll have to watch his base get raided right in front of his eyes and there's nothing he can do about it and then after i'll kill him but this plan sounded good on paper but the problem was i was in the base for ages waiting for him to return home when eventually i heard the ladder creaking vex was returning home [Music] he opened the door and instantly got entrapped he was now my prisoner but the trap hadn't worked as i thought it would and it had left some spaces just in the middle vex could easily get out of this by crouching down i just had to hope he didn't know how to do that i insisted he hands over all his armor and weapons and he did just so his life is in my hands now and he knows it i then did my best to block up the spaces so he can't easily escape i then began raiding he wasn't overly rich and i could sense that he didn't have a lot of my stuff it was probably still with soccer in the rest i took what i wanted and i burnt the wrist right in front of him i then had my moment to kill vex just like i wanted but i decided for once to give mercy and maybe now he'll learn his lesson not to mess with me or anyone else for that fact and i left his base and i returned home there's something i need to craft days went by and i knew it was only a matter of time before vex would tell soccer where i am and that vex and a bunch of players would come and i can finally have my last stand that i wanted but to my surprise soccer showed up to my base completely alone has his bandit empire fell apart or is sucker just feeling confident i instantly fired at him and he turned his boat around looking for cover that's when i lost him in the swamp i knew he was out there somewhere and as time passed i started getting nervous because maybe he's just waiting for backup to arrive maybe he's waiting for ranks but if that's the case that's not a problem i have a plan and i'm gonna stick to the plan so i surrendered the base and i got into position burring into a little hole i made just in front of my base's entrance that goes deep underground i waited and that's when i heard an ender pearl land right in my base i was no longer alone and sucker was here as i heard the ladder slowly creaking he was going right past me he had fell right from my trap i ascended to the surface as quick as i could and i dropped the three deadly grass grenades that i had been working on and i dropped them into the obsidian coffin below it was a fake chest room and there was nothing there but death grenades exploded and quickly sucker inhaled the gas into his lungs there was nothing he could do but die the bandit empire that soccer had started was now over but this base had been one big trap all along this is not my real base i've been hiding it from you my real base is on this island right here almost 200 blocks away do you really think i would make my base on the surface and just ask to get destroyed i'm gonna survive for as long as i can i'm not gonna build something for my last stand i'm going to win this was the base that i made the grass grenades in and i've been storing all the stuff that i've been getting since my loss of my last base and it's also the place i put thomas down to rest again where hopefully he'll stay this time and he won't need to be moved or disturbed with soccer now dead and i had already gotten revenge on vex and he doesn't seem to be coming anywhere near me it's now time to hunt down the last remaining bandit of this squad because i might have just cut the head off the snake but if i don't take them all out another one will just grow in its place it's time to hunt down the last and final player who raided my base and that's ranks it's time to hunt again no rest i searched high and low for him and i never end up hunting him why because he's hunting me and i don't even know [Music] [Music] wars like this never end and only the dead see the end to the war guys i hope you have enjoyed this video it was an absolute struggle and i feel like the odds were stacked against me but i had a blast and i would do it [Music] again [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 4,518,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in minecraft war, creepersedge, hide or hunt, mc war, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hide or hunt, minecraft war, ryan not brian, ryan not brian minecraft war, ryan not brian minecraft war. ryannotbrian hide or hunt, ryan not bryan, ryannot brian, ryannotbrian, ryannotbrian 100 days, ryannotbrian mc war, ryannotbrian minecraft war
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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