I Spent 100 Days as a Minecraft Bandit...

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today 50 players attempt to survive 100 days in a world with no rules anything can happen in this hardcore world so here it is surviving 100 days as a minecraft bandit but if you guys go on to enjoy this video make sure to hit that like button and subscribe if you're new around here but let the minecraft bandit journey begin so the journey began with all 50 players falling from the sky 50 players is a lot of players how many are gonna survive i have no idea but i am going to be doing my best to be raiding these folks i want to be the richest minecraft bandit on the server no mercy for these players but i started off like any other player by mining down wood and looking for a suitable cave to start gathering resources i found a cave just as soon as another player found a cave and we had an awkward stare off but i ended up winning in the end and he ran off this is now my cave and i'm gonna get mining the next two days are a grace period that means there's no killing anyone you can only die by mobs and natural things so when i leave this cave i want to make sure i leave fully prepared for anything to happen i started mining and i made myself a full set of iron armor at least that way when i leave i'll be protected after mining resources what seems like for ages i killed a skeleton that dropped a handgun the gun had no ammo but i'm sure it can be used for something near in the future after that i managed to go on a bit of a lucky spree i managed to find myself diamonds which is perfect because now i can mine the obsidian i'll need for an enchant table and i also found a slime and you might be like wait what like it's a slime slimes are incredibly useful for making guns you need slime balls and lots of them [Music] day four i returned to the surface with plenty of materials but now i needed a base somewhere that will keep me safe and allow me to get rich because without a safe place i'm just going to end up dead like all the players i'm going to kill on the server when i came to the surface it was night time and now the grace period is over so i need to make a safe place i have to find where i'm going to make my base this is when i found the area that i wanted to live i wanted to live in a secret underground bunker and i found the coolest way that i can get into it disguised by leaves around it my entrance would be inside a tree i dug out a little area and i deposited all my items into a chest now it was time to go on a mission to get some food i was going low and it's a needed resource now while on the hunt for animals i managed to hunt down the wrong type of animal another player now i knew i couldn't eat him that would be wrong but i had a genius idea it was the start in days guns were incredibly expensive to make but i had managed to get one from a lucky drop i knew exactly what player this wants i knew by the skin so i pulled him into my discord to talk to him i told him to face the opposite way and to not turn around and look at me and let's just say i asked him kindly to drop all the food that he had and he dropped a bunch of it he easily could have said he had none but the gun was working and then of course i got greedy and i stole his diamond chest plate as well now the tricky part was this guy was pretty close to where i lived and i didn't want him seeing me return to my base i buried him in a hole and asked him to wait 30 seconds i ran the opposite direction of my base just in case somehow he was watching i turned away and i ran off and as i was heading up the hill i saw two people coming towards me i instantly turned around and legged it this person had clearly called for backup and it looked like they were making a base here too i was lucky to escape here's the thing if you want to be a minecraft band on the server you gotta have a secret base and this secret base needs to go deep underground you need to be self-sufficient so you need a farm and lots of them enough to feed you and your gang and you also need a chest room to store all the valuable goods that you're about to raid and this one's optional but you need a trophy room where you can store all the heads of the victims you have murdered and this is minecraft after all so you're gonna need a mine but that mine needs to make sure it doesn't lead back to your base so with your new mine get mining and return home with a huge haul of oars and with those oars it's now time to start making your weapons and your armor and this is my armor it conceals me and hides my identity because there are no name plates on this server so if no one can see my skin they don't know it's me meaning they can't put a bounty on my head they can only put a bounty on what i look like not who i am i went ahead and i crafted myself two guns starting with the remington acr this is a hundred round mag assault rifle and it's perfect for all environments and i also crafted myself a trusty little pistol something i can whip out in case of emergency and that has now completed my look for the first time in what feels like ages it is now time to head to the surface and go on the hunt [Music] i had my eyes on this nearby base we were neighbors they just didn't know but this was a huge faction base and from studying it for days i could see that there were seven of them they weren't overly rich but them all together it was something that i couldn't take while watching the base i noticed one player leaving he was going into the wilderness a dangerous place for a person to go alone and that opened an opportunity for myself to strike he was heading into the dark forest i tried to follow his rough direction and then he jumped down into the clearing area the hunt is now on and he doesn't even know it i gathered all these loot as quick as i could and i fled the scene i'm sure any minute now the alarm is going to be raised they're going to be hunting for me he should have been more careful i returned home as quick as i could that base is extremely close to mine and those now six players would be out searching looking for the person that just killed their friend so this will be the true test that my bunker works but of course it was now time to put down my first head wizard boy was my first kill and the first head to go down in the trophy room but this kill was so worth it we had managed to get ourselves a second gun very very useful i'm not gonna lie after that kill i was on a pretty big high so i decided i would leave the base as quick as i could even though i knew that team would be out searching but i was gonna go to the opposite end of the map and try to find more victims to bring home to my base i had my eyes on my next victim and this time i had a briefcase with me and inside this briefcase i had deadly poison i got this off a skeleton and if this deadly poison is consumed it's fatal now i know what you might be saying how can i get this player to right click at deadly poison well you get them in discord and you'll be friendly to them this is going to sound really dumb right and i have a bunker close now if i wanted to kill you i could have killed you but i don't i'm just working on my base doing my underground shoes a wizzle i just need to get infected blood and i can't take my own blood and i'm solo so can i ask you to do me a favor so i can build the machine i want what do you want then i need infected blood i need to take it from a player so i'm just gonna put this down okay i'm gonna throw you this thing right here okay inside is the thing that gives you the infected blood and then i will take it from you and we will go our separate way it will give you poison you'll go down to half a heart if less unless you eat you'll be fine you tell me what machine you need bill the adapter thing so i can actually make nuclear bombs but not nuclear bombs but all right after the situation i'll give you um uh what is it i will give you information that you'll need to know i'll accept this because i know you could have killed me then exactly [Music] the trick worked and the funny thing was when people consumed this deadly poison the deadly poison didn't seem to delete itself i still had it in my inventory i managed to pick it up again off his body but this was amazing i was after killing another player without spilling any ammo or sweat it was perfect the briefcase luckily came in handy as extra storage also when fleeing the scene i also stumbled across a very peaceful looking house there wasn't much in here but whoever lived here it seemed like a team of two judging by the beacon's place down looked like they weren't home yet i waited here for a little while seeing would they return home but they didn't but i'll return these guys look vulnerable later on that day i also returned back to the spawn area i wanted to see was anyone doing anything at the middle of the map and people were there seemed to have been a large structure on top of the hill someone was making a well fortified base and i can only assume that this was a team of a lot of players so i needed to be careful but i spotted someone out in the field below i was attempting to hide behind a tree but i think he saw me he kept etching his way closer and it kind of spooked me so i opened fired killed him quickly and ran because there was people on top of the hill it was a shame because i didn't manage to loot him but at the moment i am on a killing spree and it seemed like i wasn't being punished because as i was fleeing the scene i stumbled across another settlement no one seemed home at first and from the beacons i could see that this was at least a two-man settlement two people i could deal with three or four maybe five or more i'm not going anywhere near but it seemed like these people weren't home so i was exploring the base their base seemed to go underground so i followed it and i stumbled into a work room this is when i found out there was a third beacon this was obviously a three-man base only one of them was here but i wanted to try and do the whole deadly injection trick again so i put down my sign i didn't want to message him because i didn't want him known it's me straight away i waited to see would he return but he wasn't so i decided i would just stab him in the back but he returned and i tried to play off like i wasn't trying to just kill him he joined the discord i tried to explain to him that i'm trying to make a weapon a type of bomb i said i said i need him to inject himself with this deadly poison i said all it would do would give you a poison like effect and then i would have to right click him with a bucket and get poisoned blood i just made this up now he agreed but on a server with no rules he really shouldn't just go along with things but i suppose he saw the gun that i had in the armor i had and had no choice so he said let me get some food so that when i get poisoned i can just heal back up sure have your last feed i said in my head i also told him not to contact anyone i don't want any surprises as i was waiting for him to make his bread so he could have his last meal i noticed a player in the distance who saw me and i saw him and he started running away but i got paranoid it seemed like he was heading back somewhere to tell people or it was his teammate i'm unsure but i tried to hurry up the process he right clicked and he died easy easy kill but i'm not gonna lie at this moment i was quite paranoid thinking that someone was coming back because he did kind of slip that his friend was on the server so i kind of fled the scene for a second but then 15 minutes later returned the guy that i'd seen over the hill was now at the base it was his friend i believe [Music] a creeper was keeping him occupied by the stairs i was just waiting for him to come up [Music] i wanted to annihilate this settlement and raid as much as possible [Music] two players down there was only one more that i knew that lived in this base but where was he i took as much stuff as i could carry storing as many things in my briefcase as i could these guys had a lot of guns i must admit vectors that was now a submachine gun added to my arsenal this was great i managed to find myself a missile as well these guys were working hard the only thing i didn't have was a platform to be able to fire it from but this would be perfect for taking out the settlement that is close to mine it'll be useful for sure but i raided as much as i could burned down the house and left i knew the third teammate would be back soon so i sat on the hill waiting and i saw him and i was ready to move in and i had my moment but then i suppose nice ryan came back for a split second and i felt bad i just knocked out his two friends so i'll let him grieve if he wants to stay living there that's his funeral i returned home and immediately started storing all the loot that i had gotten throughout the days so having all the extra resources that i've got for my victims i was able to do some major base upgrade i started by making myself an escape tunnel hooked up to a rail car system so if anyone comes i can get out as quick as possible i also installed security cameras all around the base so i have eyes everywhere i even booby-trapped the top of my base so if someone enters and opens a chest it will set off an alarm alerting me allowing me to either escape or go into my safe room yeah that's right i made a safe room this is where my control panel for all my security cameras are so i can decide when to come out and when to not [Music] but all these base improvements made me hungry and it was time to head back out pick up the armor and continue the murdering and raiding adventure and i knew just a house to go to that was the little peaceful house i'd seen on top of the hill and this time the person that owned it was home or one of them was home and i noticed he was taking stuff out of his base and putting inside a secret chest just on the hill there little did this guy know that he wasn't really gonna be on the server long enough to have a secret chest i ran up to his door with a claymore so that when he comes out it'll go boom he was damaged but at this point i don't think he knew exactly what was going on i think he assumes a creeper just exploded outside his front door he doesn't seem to be in a panic but he should be he was now dead but just as i killed him the rain started pouring and thunder started going off like mad it was like the server was telling me no you are bad was it a sign for things to come but i found the secret chest that he was trying to store in and he had some stuff for a solo little guy yeah diamonds iron loads of other oars a handgun that's pretty good i took it all and i stored it in my briefcase i burnt down the house and i jumped down to now loot the guy i just slain and he popped with a ton of loot this guy had a gun it's a shame that i'm so sneaky he didn't even get to use it i store it as much as i could and i headed back to base but while heading back to base i got jumped for the first time i was getting a taste of my own medicine i was up against an evenly geared player and i think this was the friend that lived inside the house that's what i assumed anyway but we were having a fight back and forth and not much was happening we felt evenly matched or that's what i assumed when the guy shot me with what seemed like a sniper by the sounds of it and it took me straight down to three hearts see snipers were rare and they only come in admin supply drops which i had not found any yet i was now being hunted and after that shot my hands were now shaking because i was in a big open field perfect sniping conditions if you ask me so i got on top of a hill and i hid i watched him walk right by me just where i came i thought i got in a way of it but he had seen me so i kept running all he had to do was hit me twice with that sniper and i'm dead so i had an idea went on top of the hill and tried to wait here hoping that he would just run over the hill thinking i went over there and i could go in another direction this is also a risky move me being closer to him means it's easier for him to hit i got down staying as low as possible he was searching i thought he was coming back up the hill right towards me but he was actually going down the hill he thought i jumped into the water but it seems a bit but that's when he spotted me again because i looked at him like an idiot but this time there was a mountain between him and myself so i just ran off and while running off i managed to find my first admin supply drop and in here there wasn't a sniper which i would have loved but attachments for ars so this could go on my remington if i wanted to it had a red dot a silencer and a grip i suppose this is actually kind of useful for the fact that we can't craft this kind of stuff with this cool loo i started heading home but little did i know there was a threat following right behind me he was using the tactics of how i killed my first victim and i didn't hear him thanks to replay mod i'm able to see this now and it makes me look like the worst minecraft player ever but you just don't know who's behind you but if i didn't put portable radars in my base i wouldn't have known but luckily i did tommer underscore tom 87 came up in chat that he's near my portable radar this is when i knew i'd been followed home so i went to my emergency room i went into my security cameras looking around i stayed watching the camera what felt like for an eternity when i saw a figure i approached the door my hideout was now breached he was inside my secret base he was confused by my pressure plate which i suppose you would be he triggered my alarm [Music] and he also found my second alarm [Music] he slowly started coming down the ladder he had found the ultimate hideout now at this point i was staying inside my bunker my secret room because at the end of the day if i die i won't be respawned if he raids me it'll be a shame but that stuff you can replace it was actually funny watching him in the security cameras just looking around to see where i was he was hunting for me he now started heading out the chest room going straight towards my cage trap he had now been encaged and this thing is amazing because you cannot break out of it unless you have a certain tool i watched for ages just waiting to see did he have the tool he needed but he didn't he was trapped inside here and there's no way of getting out i left the safe room knowing he's entrapped now the only thing i'm scared about right now is if he messages someone else the chords but he seemed to have been a solo player at this point i didn't know if you could still shoot through the bars so i wanted to play careful but i had to test he tried shooting at me but it was useless you can't shoot through the bars this is perfect i now have a player entrapped in my base keep shooting thomas it's gonna do nothing for you as he was entrapped we got talking and we kind of became friends see me and thomas have a deep history of each other we're good friends and he's a bandit himself so he joined me and my underground operation and i told him about a nearby base that we cannot raid or that i cannot do alone and if we can take this space down together we will come home with a lot of loot will be rich this bandit hideout was now for two and it felt good talking to someone it is quite lonely when you play by yourself so we both headed out towards the direction of the base we had a look at their base and we noticed a massive tower that overhangs right above them it's a huge weakness but just as we saw it a plane passed us by we got to the ground as quick as we could i don't think he saw us now our mission was to climb that hill and to get a vantage point above their base thomas had left me with the sniper in charge of taking out all the weak ones this was going to be a sneaky attack and to take them by surprise if they're not ready for this this will be a great success let the plan commence [Music] [Music] [Music] the base was now weak the rest of them were carrying underground taking cover with this i took the initiative for thomas to start bridging across and for me to cover him we were going in we stormed the base like commandos hunting down all the ones that cowered underground we found one hiding on the ground and we opened fire and he opened fired back and in the crossfire thomas got knocked off the edge he had died way too soon [Music] it was now just me by myself again like good old times thomas knew exactly what he was getting himself into and he went out doing the thing he loved killing other people and i'm going to continue to raid in his memory i now knew there was one more guy hiding in this base area i could hear him i started hunting for him i heard him going down the ladder he was trying to escape but there's no escaping me you only escape if i let you escape that was it the base was now mine it should have been ours but thomas sadly lost his life that could have been any one of us out of respect i'm gonna leave thomas grave here i'm not gonna loot it so it can just be frozen in time but it was no time to grieve and no time to raid just yet because during the attack i had noticed that my radar had gone off that a player called inferno was near it so i went home thinking the worse thinking my base was being raided again and i was also a little concerned that maybe thomas had betrayed me maybe he lied that he was alone maybe he was trying to get revenge for someone that i killed there was all sorts of things racing through my brain i went into the base gone out i took it slow i searched it but it was untouched no one had been here nothing was missing i can only assume that the person was just running above the base area and the radar picked it up only time will tell over the next few days i kept running back between the base that i just raided raiding all the loot these guys were rich and this base was so rich compared to all the other bases i had raided in the past days it took a while to move everything out but i cleared the whole entire base all the stuff that i didn't take i burnt so another faction couldn't come along and take it i headed down to the ground to pay my last respects to thomas and just to say goodbye the rain was very fitting just wrong place at the wrong time i suppose it was over but life goes on goodbye tom you'll be missed i luckily had spare armor and i now had tommer's head so in honor of him [Music] i made an armor stand so he'll always be in my base and also if anyone decides to come into the base it's going to freak them out and it wouldn't be this series if i didn't place down all the heads of the victims that i just murdered when scouring through all the loot that i had raided i actually found that i managed to loot a plane of one of the guys it was the plane we saw in the sky it was fueled and had armor i now had a plane for doing barely any work at all i suppose you could say there was a cost of life we did lose thomas and that's a very valuable resource can't get a friend back like that the plane will never replace him but it's definitely much faster this was the perfect tool to now go look for other bases i was safe in this guy or so i thought i was flying to every corner of the map and in the corner i had found a base and this was a real faction base this made the last base look like nothing compared to this this base had obsidian a tank inside it a guns this was a proper factions team and they were also geared this would be one hornet nest that i wouldn't want to stir so i flew off searching for more bases and i did find another but it looked abandoned it had probably already been wiped out by that big team in the corner but this is when i spotted something interesting another plane in the sky and of course i couldn't resist i opened fired and i started attacking the plane that this player was flying was extremely slow and it was a sitting but i nearly had him but he was heading to that big corner base so i banked right i couldn't go anywhere nearly without thinking i had just stirred that hornedness and a plane was dispatched to try and take me out but i had luckily intercepted behind it and started attacking him this was also quite important because if i could take down all their planes one by one they couldn't follow me back to wherever i live there wasn't much the plane could do in front of me other than dodging weave but he must have been going low i fired so many shots into him you can even see the hit markers coming up in the middle of the screen and i was right he was going low he had no wings no propeller he was falling out with the sky he was now going to be easy picnics he was now very far away from his base this would be the perfect opportunity to hunt him down from the skies and take him out no big bass in the corner is gonna save you now so i started swooping in watching this back i'm not sure why he didn't just dig underground maybe he was confident and he's dodging and weaving he was heading towards the village he's gonna hide there but just in the nick of time i took him out that's one less player to worry about now but i just stirred that hornet's nest and if there's any team that's gonna be after me it's gonna be that one so i immediately started heading home i landed the plane at the faction base that i took out previously where thomas had lost his life it was so nice having a runway very close to my base and that brings us to the end of this 100 days journey as a minecraft bandit it was action-packed and i done what i didn't think i could do i survived will i survive the next hundred days to come you'll have to find out if you guys got this far comment bandit in the chat and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 4,633,343
Rating: 4.9150038 out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, 100 days hardcore, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in minecraft war, Surviving 100 Days as a Minecraft Bandit, Surviving 100 Days in a Minecraft WAR, creepersedge, hardcore minecraft survival, hide or hunt, mc war, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hide or hunt, ryan not brian, ryan not brian minecraft war, ryan not bryan, ryannot brian, ryannotbrian, ryannotbrian 100 days, ryannotbrian hide or hunt, ryannotbrian mc war, ryannotbrian minecraft war
Id: qsGbrxnbPmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 6sec (2166 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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