Hunting This Minecraft Pro (Friend or Foe #9)

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in this episode I hunt down as bee and Minnie makes me an offer that I can't refuse but can I trust him enjoy the show [Music] welcome back everybody to another episode of Friend or Foe and in the last episode we actually saw a big big fight between SB quiff and Minnie and I was just spectating I didn't want to help anyone out because it was just too fun to watch them fight Cliff actually ended up dying to SB and Minnie had to run so that was pretty impressive from SB he pulled off the 2b1 but that was that was a really good show wait wait wait hold on I need your help my friend spoke has always had more subscribers than me but now I'm the closest I've ever been to beating him so if you like what you see please do consider subscribing because I want to reach a million Subs first but also Minnie and quiff actually gave me some pretty good Intel because during the fight I was able to find out what SB has been planning you see there's a trap down there a certain trap and he wants me to go into and I was kind of pretending that I didn't know there was an actual trap because it didn't seem like SB actually realized that I knew there was a full trap there so maybe SB is still gonna try to pull the trap on me which will be exciting because I know exactly where it is but for now I think the best thing to do is probably go and get some emeralds but actually looking at my year I need an enchanted pickaxe ASAP I need that like right now I don't know why I'm walking around with an unenchanted pickaxe but that is not good for me let's go back home real quick and get that sorted look at that my sugar Cane's grown as well meaning we can get a few more book shall we all right let's put that back in here uh oh I do have my enchanting table and anvil on me because I think the last thing I wanted to do yeah I wanted to make sharpness books I forgot about that I think it might be a good time to go into the nether again then right let's go and get some more XP I also wanted to combine these bows I know that for sure gonna cost ten that's not too expensive yeah I remember now I was finishing up my last weapons and then it's being quiff got me to join their group call but right now is a very good time to just finish up my weapons and you know maybe I'll oh oh well this is uh this is a little bit awkward oh it's gonna wreck my armor isn't it oh that's what I get for not being careful oh boy right back in there okay there we go yikes that's a lot of armor damage that is a bit awkward uh we don't talk about that let's just get some more XP and then we'll start combining our weapons again yeah that was not my brightest moment not at all but what can you do right that should be enough to combine these we get sharpness three and then we just need another one of those and then we can get sharpness five but before that maybe we should just finish up this bow get around 10 levels that should be fine okay let's combine the bow boom power five game business let's do the same to the sword oh my goodness I did it again oh my God I can't believe I keep doing this I keep going into The Nether without a grindstone and without lapis I'm missing a grindstone of lapis right now that's bad I can't really do any enchanting right now with that so I'm gonna have to go back home now just because I forgot that where is the portal oh my goodness I'm not gonna lie I have a little bit of portal fear at this point I mean last time I died it was going through another portal so I'm not too keen on going through random Nether Portals anymore because I know that it's really easy to set up a trap for them all right let's get the things I need where's my grindstone so anybody around oh all right here's my gruntstone and here is the lapis that should be all I need in the meantime I'm gonna just do a quick check here all right sharpness efficiency that's already almost everything I need oh wait that's everything I need oh my God okay wait oh sharpness three okay yeah no not that okay that's not everything I need good thing I didn't combine those that would have been pretty bad come on sharpness sharpness three levels just one more level than I have right now well let's go out and get that final level all right that is everything I need okay get the final sharpness book there we go and now we can start combining them right that costs five to combine let's get five levels real quick there we go levels five and I forgot to bring the sharpness three books so we got to go back again let's see how many levels this is gonna need ten uh that's that's pretty doable how much is this gonna be though 22 okay so it's gonna be pretty expensive to put it on our sword is it deep dark time I don't know because I'm also gonna need a good pickaxe all right whatever it's deep dark time let's go mining right here we are at the cave and we're not even gonna need that many levels we just need a little bit more where and I still mine so Coke oh there's the wall with a lot of skulk okay sharpness for oh my God you have got to be kidding me why did it break right on this moment oh my goodness oh no now I'm gonna need a whole lot of iron okay let's focus down some iron then I guess because we are gonna need a new Anvil oh I actually thought there was a kill message in chat then I saw my own name and uh anyway that wasn't the case oh wait okay I think I landed a pretty sick burn on his be there it's been police said well clown imagine being killed by the worst player on the server and I said well I was a few episodes ago because SV is the one who trapped me uh that's pretty good all right we're almost at level 30 at level 30 I want to get back and we'll probably have enough XP to enchant a pickaxe at that point and at the same time also combine our sword with the book this can be interesting to see I really hope I get a good pickaxe again at least I'm breaking three efficiency four I really need one of those and it you know it would be a pretty nice bonus if it had a fortune 3 or maybe silk touch on the side that'd be pretty sweet right that's level 30. uh let's go back up to the surface Actually I don't even know if I have enough iron in my base to make another Anvil that might be a little awkward if I don't because then I have to go back down okay I'll just uh mine up some iron down here and then take it upstairs there a cave here yes there is nice uh we almost have enough iron and this looks like a pretty big cave I think we're gonna get enough iron in here I remember correctly an anvil is 31 iron and we're on 25 right now so we're almost there I think this is probably the last iron vein we need no actually we need we need one more one more piece of iron see it it's exactly one piece that's all we need let's go back up all right which way is home oh is that over there well this might get interesting what's up Mimi oh hi Hi Minnie how are you doing I'm good man it was good fighting you earlier finding me yeah a little prank a little prank in the chat that I killed you oh oh yeah yeah no yeah that was those yeah the good times good times we need yeah what do you have to right now huh you've got my way back from mine where's your Armory go it's in my chest man I I ain't taking an oath I need the diamonds to repair it oh really oh oh yeah okay so I'm gonna sneak back on my base before you PVP comes up diamonds on me really yeah we're good friends yeah we're buddies see can I see your base yeah come on in oh awesome what do you think of the place I think it's nice sorry about that I didn't mean to flood your place yeah I'm sorry you got my chest though but that's fine oh can I can I have some of these I don't know what just uh just all of it well I don't know about all of it uh how about the chest plate the gold chest plate you could take the chest plate yes just for you hey I'll tell you what just because I like it that much the two chest plates two chest plates how am I gonna carry all that I don't know man just just gonna it's you've got it you're gonna have to make some kind of filter device I have a I have a gift for you me because you're you're my bestest friend here oh my God you're kidding me I am give it back okay I'm sorry okay can I have that can I have the lava bucket actually I'll trade you this for the lava bucket behind her thanks and I get what's happening here maybe a mug is this what's happened oh nice Dodge there this is this is illegal he's not up no it what's illegal is is actually killing you that is true yeah you have a netherite sword what enchant have you got in that bad boy uh I only got like knockback one on it it's actually pretty bad but I'm working on that I'm working on that look I got a nice sword in there if you want to love a little look at my chest what I've got oh oh thank you no no that would be called raiding ratings honey I'm not a it's okay God okay this is nice I like what you're doing mini keep it up I'll uh I'll see you around it's always fun to mess around with Minnie all right let's go home and get this sword finished up let's go and smelt this iron then and maybe have some left in the chest I do actually SV just got hidden in the depths that's good he can make some hidden in the death's armor soon all right I guess the first thing I want to do is make another pickaxe as I am going to want to enchant it that is two diamonds that is not enough there we go Fortune two okay that's that's not all that great uh before we keep enchanting let's go see oh we have an apple right here how did I not notice this okay we need 27 levels but that means I can do a level two enchant what's level two gonna give me silk touch okay whatever 27 levels there we go practice five netherright fire spec two that's pretty good badly didn't really get efficiency on any of my pickaxes but at least I got silk touch I think I'm just gonna go try and mine some emeralds in the mountains because I'm gonna need some emeralds for player tracker and if I want to do any killing this episode I'm gonna need one of those so you know I don't exactly need a player tracker and track down as B right now okay okay okay I'll just I'll go check out his base just in a moment just just to check because you know if he's there this is gonna be pretty nice but I have to prepare my inventory for that all right let's take all these into my inventory that should be good uh that's about everything I need let's go try to kill SB oh okay that scared me all right let's go yeah I don't actually think he's home here I might want to take his portal see if he's around there oh he is here he's actually here where could he be is he another red mining oh he might be another right mining you see him he's down under the lava there we go my pots I did not bring you good enough pickaxe for this oh this could actually be bad is it be he has a way better pickaxe than I do [Music] my pickaxe isn't good enough foreign [Music] there he is OSB you don't want to be in here with me I definitely should have gone into this with a better pickaxe this is not a good idea oh he has a knock knock sword thank you [Music] foreign like this no he's back in the lava oh that's infuriating if he dies in love all his stuff Burns and I'm after his stuff in the lava [Music] lava [Music] egsb oh at least the stuff didn't burn all right I was scared that he was gonna die in the lava there I only got one piece of ancient debris right now let's quickly get oh he was working on a trap somewhere the weapons though are amazing look at these weapons well the bow is is that my original bow or did he make a new one he might have made a new one I don't know exactly but I think those are just about all of my strength pods so let's uh let's get out of here with the loot okay well that is at least a spare set or when I die again I mean actually I didn't even realize I have actually quite a few spare sets already but we'll uh we'll just store this uh around here what's up SB it's a big JJ clown it's a big GG there yeah I think I caught you uh without fighting gear again yeah I mean I was kind of hot but I didn't have any strengths on me it was a Manchester now just yeah and I didn't have any arrows I was I was a little kind of in the back of my head but not fully so yeah I mean I hope after this you realize you got at least like two or three strength potions on your inventory just keep it working just in case yeah yeah did you break through my Armature enough I think I broke your helmet yeah my my armor was that was a problem I'm not sure about it but I didn't have any diamonds yeah yeah I mean you got some gear here oh thank you well you know what that makes it a little bit better yeah yeah at least your time down there wasn't for nothing you still got your uh I saw you get that a little bit ago oh wait do you make chess play for somebody or do you put that in your inner chest I got it from you yeah oh wait yeah I remember now yeah I had that in my inventory yeah GG I mean he's got something we'll both be interested in well I guess we go over and uh yeah let's do that okay sorting out all The Spoils of War I am did anyone burn this before we go and sleep uh okay okay I'm gonna sleep next to my killer it's uh sorry about the point now where you thought I might get away um yeah actually the whole time because um I have silk touch on my pickaxe and nothing else the whole time I was like I can I can get it I should be able to outmoney but I couldn't outmine it and place the blocks yeah yeah I was uh we had stronger blocks yeah exactly yeah if you had stronger blocks that would have been really difficult for me I was really trying to not get you in the lava because I remember what happened last time yeah it's like blocking off the lava while you were going in it and I honestly just because you didn't have any strength on you I didn't really have much to worry about yeah like I just knew like once we were trading like you have strength I don't I just didn't stand a chance gaining a life what is he what is he talking about I guess I guess is he wanting to give one of his lives up I'm a Minecraft player I'll never have a life there he is okay he's got a he's got a whole setup oh my God SP don't don't be rude to the man instantly what did you say you said something about your build I said no no I said about a lovely build wild things wild and cold yeah yeah the Mini's wild and cool like yeah we're good take a seat boys scary I was gonna take my helmet off but I've got no inventory space so I'll take your hand off your hands if you want there you go then you know what you need wow you really you really trust me but listen guys I'm selling my limes you selling your lives yeah I'm at the top you know me and you clown yeah true lives I've got I'm willing to get rid of at least one in the night in the next episode so I'll take whatever the highest bidder wants to give me wait wait you're selling your life so I can I get a life back you gain a life I gain a life you gain a life oh my goodness it depends what you give me and you know a lot of things are going into this clown clown I know you've got yeah I'll take you to 10 lives so do I want to risk giving you like getting you the 10 lives I think you do I don't think I do I might want to help her speak okay it's gonna cost it's gonna cost okay but I don't think it's be as much to offer right now I can pay well I can I can pay better I think I can pay better I'm not getting teased this episode next episode I want to see what you guys have got to offer okay that's the deal I can I can offer me more than you could ever offer in class I actually doubt it free money can't buy okay but you owe me 200 chess I'll just give you the opposite okay you know what you know [Music] good luck May the best bitter win all right well now we're gonna have to figure out something to give Minnie for that life because I really do want to get back to 10 lives that would be really nice what could he want I mean the set of netherite from quiff that's a pretty good start I feel like that that could be good but we need something extra because I feel like SB can also get that we need something that SB can't give I'll have to think about that I'm not I'm not sure yet all right but let's go from battle mode back to exploring mode because we're gonna need to explore a bit let's go explore all right let's set out on a Grand Adventure here and he's at my base I just left that all right fine we'll go see Minnie I just left on my grand Adventure hello Minnie hey hi what are you what do you want to discuss I'm good how are you I want to discuss further all right come on SB came over and he wants to discuss but I had a little chat with him okay okay and uh you know what do you have to offer then like he told me he's gonna offer okay because that'd be unfair but I need you to teach me some things I need you to show me the route I don't even know where to mine for diamonds correctly I don't even I've never had a piece of netherrates you know how you get another right I don't no exactly how do you get another right oh even better than SB honestly but you know kill me well you see me every everything comes from here's the deal here's the deal meaning SB could go right now he could give you a fully Enchanted armor set and if you whatever and you know that's nice that's nice but you know what they say what they say they say give a man a fish and feed him for a day but teach him how to fish and he'll never go hungry again that's a good statement sir I know that's why I will offer you everything I know when it comes to getting gear and grinding have I ever let you down before Minnie you haven't and I told I give you information about SB yeah I give you information well and then I protected you you know what you're right you kind of did you you was it was coach clown that was coach clown and I can be coach Clown again so they said clown PVP is on right now you could slay me and you've made a good point you're one of the best players if not the best on the server maybe you could teach me the ways you could definitely teach me the ways I could I definitely need some stuff as well clown so next episode I wanna I wanna see what you've got to offer yeah sure see you soon and hey Minnie that that is B he's a tricky one okay okay yeah I'm always look at this I'm always watching my boxes yeah true real true yeah all right look at that that could be an SP it could have been SB as well could have been coming for you right now but okay Minnie good luck well this can be interesting I might have to teach Minnie everything I know about grinding but if I get back up to 10 lives that would be very very good I think we made a bunch of good progress today next episode we'll we'll have a look and we'll we'll see if we can actually get that last life from uh mini but until then I'm gonna log off for now so that's the end of this episode I will see you guys next week bye bye
Channel: ClownPierce
Views: 271,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, Parrot, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, Technoblade, HermitCraft, Grian, I Destroyed an Army on this Minecraft SMP, ClownPierce, Minecraft Hardcore, minecraft 100 days, minecraft revenge, minecraft mods, pvplegacy, deadliest smp, deadliest minecraft smp, last life, hardcore minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival
Id: 9o_sTBEQ1GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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