Engineering the MOST PROFITABLE MINE EVER in Hydroneer...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to hydroneer now last time we used this mining rig here to drill down into the Earth's crust here we go oh with my machines broken oh that's no good but if you remember we found this look at the floor it's all shiny we found a core Stone ore so if we just come back down with a spanner and fix that there we go so this kicks out loads and loads of ore which if we follow this conveyor belt goes along here under oh no I'm stuck I'm stuck on the map I'm stuck in the map I'm gonna I'm gonna die here I'm gonna die here well at least at least I get to look at my bridge I guess I'm stuck yeah so the chunks of dirt come under the conveyor through here then you can see they drop onto this main conveyor where they're transformed in here into lots of resource but a lot of core Stone which was a rare resource but not anymore but today I want to do a bit of a test because obviously in this game well the more you add the more sort of frame rate issues we start getting frame rate is coping okay but I'm a bit worried if I keep adding too much stuff the frames could start to lag so we'll say goodbye to this area and we'll load up a new map we'll call this money money and we'll start in creative mode as well so here we are fresh start in hydroneer you'll see the fish NATO is still here do not worry and also if we head over this way we've got all the bridges yep gemstone suspension bridge pie Crete bridge over there the carrot Arch Bridge and the golden Shard one over that way because yeah these are a mod so these don't affect frame rate at all if you wanna if you want to download yourself here to start with I think we're gonna we're gonna come up here direct Quarry I don't think we've ever actually I don't think we've ever mined it it's 1200 quid let's just have a look at the other mines and see if they're like cheaper or more expensive so you've got Smith hope or 6600 that might be the one to go for because I really want to push the gold mining limits of this game yeah so the aqua one is cheap as chips 970 you don't and my usual one snow roon fools is oh it's seven thousand maybe that's why I went for this one originally anyway in this mod we can spawn anything we want so I guess let's start with the bar or even better a crafted resource yeah here we go so we'll go for an onyx necklace and we'll change the I think this is the value of it so we'll just do that and then we can spawn it out of midair nice okay so now we head to the jeweler shove it on there he's like blooming out do you know how much the money that is wait what was it worth where's it worth zero I just sold it for zero what that was meant to be like 2 billion or something though maybe I went a little bit too high let's just call it let's just call it a million well I can't actually sell oh is this because I'm in Creative it might be because I've been creative is there no there's no money in Creative so does that mean I can just go up to these oh I could have just okay wait the cleave is now mine anyway oh dear so I don't actually see any vehicles in here so I think we gotta go buy those ourselves so yeah we'll come up to this guy we'll buy that so this is the drill you can see yes I am still in the nude but we'll drive this back to our claim and basically I want to find one of those ore veins and I'm gonna try and find a gold one and we're gonna see how much gold we can get from that and then compare it to again here we have the god drill as well as the the golden drill and of course the new the new course don't do it basically I just want to compare all of these drills uh though I think the first two I think that's only tier one dirt that's tier two dirt and then this is tier three dirt I assume the God and golden drill will do tier three dirt as well don't actually know but first I want to find a a gold ore vein so we've just gotta can you see the radar on top we've just got a head to wait what yeah just go ahead to a spot where it starts spinning like that then we can drill and then depending what comes out the chimney there yeah can you see that's like there's chunks of iron coming out that's no good you want gold so we go out of range of that one then there you go it's pointing us over over there so just down here we'll do another bit of drilling now you can see they are shards coming out we don't want shards here we have oh is that calcium I think that's cloudium I want gold not cloudy even though cloudium is rarer and more expensive ah right we have gold coming out the chimney so this is where we need to dig so let's just drive this out the way so we'll park that up there I'm gonna spawn this guy the prospecting helmet so if I Wang that on my head yeah can you see the cogs they are moving because we're looking at when we're looking at the vein that means we're close okay next up I want to spawn a decent pickaxe now we have various different types if you remember I did a video where we unlocked all of these so I probably want fairly big I mean we don't want the claim destroy it because that will destroy the claim uh let's go go with maybe Ruby for now so there's a ruby pickaxe so give that a boost and yeah we just go down until hopefully I've gone past it okay apparently you've gone past it ah there it is there it is okay I can take this stupid helmet off now then we just want to clear the ground I mean it's very very high up I was hoping it would be a bit deeper if I'm honest but yeah this is the spot to dig so I think let's get a rake and then we'll try and flatten this ground out a bit okay still not entirely sure this thing's meant to work but I guess that's big enough space so basically let's shove one of each of these drills down annoyingly the calcium one has a the intake on the side so we might need to put that one on the end all right they're the three in-game drills yeah just to see us doing pipe work all the way to the Sea over there I've got this golden intake spawner a bottom left you can see it's a intake that works on land and gives pure water and has maximum pressure so these will never never break true creative mode genius so we'll just shove one on each of these for the for that one can I rotate these no I can't fair enough so we'll show that on the top and then we'll do then we'll do a core Stone elbow up there oh wait are these not actually going okay I think these aren't actually going in can you see like this splashing out or is that one isn't I think they probably need to be connected to a pipe plant so you can see water dripping there okay if we just shove one of those in oh no it does still it does still Splash there oh but it does work okay that's weird well we'll shove that back there so that's sorted we'll take this bit of dirt we don't want to eat but actually I do so let's actually let's get one Shard of each so boost there's that one and then turn that one on boosh there's that one so we should have a Shard I mean it's not guaranteed to be gold we're probably gonna have to double check this but if we shove a pan down and then shove the dirt in all of them yeah can you see the dirt actually like blocks in splot so then we can spawn a bucket and then we can just I guess rotate this because uh then we have a bucket of water so if I just drop water in all of these like that I can then get a brush Tada and then we can give all of these oh my good what the all of that from one okay so that was the the tier one so the tier two oh it looks it looks very similar actually and then tier three okay right now I guess we want scales so we've got some scales there so tier one if I shove this on uh easier said than done so you can see that is worth 245 hydrocoins it's got a weight of 15 in tier 2 exactly the same and tier three oh slightly more I imagine that's because it's a different Stone though because yeah that is an uncut Ruby whereas these ones had uncut uncut sapphires so if we just measure like a block of that that's worth 85 ways five eighty five ways five okay good to know also good to know check out the shadow nice so basically these all produce the exact same they just work at different levels so if we went down to like tier two or tier three dirt the that top one wouldn't work and then this one wouldn't work a tier three dirt so that's good to know I guess I guess next up we'll check these two modded ones so we've got the golden drill and the god drill so this one is a super fast T3 drill that mines bigger resources even at the surface yeah because I guess actually that's something we didn't check how fast these actually mine so let's try and place these in roughly the right place then so one Oh I thought it was gonna be a lot quicker than that that's the ages two okay how fast is this one it does help if you if you Plumb it in matte so does it go left right for the next one no okay tier two slightly quicker interesting let's try tier three then oh tier three is so much quicker okay well let's turn all of these off we'll clear all dirt chunks boost and then essentially I think we're done with those two we know core stone is by far the best so we'll grab a wand and just boost and boost those out of existence then we'll place this one in here now I'm guessing the advantage with the golden one over that one is because we're at a higher level this should make bigger chunks of gold so if we just spawn one and out of there one yeah look you can see the dirt is different I think that's tier three dirt so if we shove them in fresh hands like that yeah you just look how much more dirt is than that one than that one oh yeah but I will add the Water by doing that and then we'll give them a brush each as well so we've got looks like the same amount of gold but let's compare the actual gold chunks so core Stone 85 it weighs five that's exactly the same as before the god drill is oh 85 and five it hasn't changed at all I think then where when you find a vein it counts as tier 3 dirt for that resource anyway or maybe for every resource both these gems weigh 5 as well interesting well the next test is which one of these plumps out dirt faster oh it looks like the tier 3 is actually winning no way yeah I can only imagine that's because this was created before this update now but remember this is not the this is not the final form of the drill because we have this guy the god drill the best drill possible produces resources instead of dirt so I guess the question is how big are the resources oh man I think that comes out a lot faster so is it gonna weigh more than fight oh my goodness I can see why it's called a god drill do remember this thing created Five weights let's create 84 weight and if you were to check the speed comparison little bit different oh now you don't need to do anything with that oh no it has clogged itself up though not ideal not ideal good way frame rate so let's just clear all the resources and dirt chunks yet clear those please thank you oh annoyingly gems are not resources so we do have to get rid of those manually oh man look how many Onyx gems oh this thing is insane yeah one more test I want to do just to just to doubly make sure so we know that on a gold or vein this this creates five weight of gold let's dig down to the actual bottom of the claim I know what this pickaxe won't dig through oh yeah bottom left it's a tier two it's got the tier two symbol okay that's slightly annoying we can spawn the new tier three pickaxe but look how small the hole is oh no this could take a while um is there a better way of doing this you better believe there is a throwable mega nuke um so throw that down there see you later mate ready ready oh oh no oh that is a mega Nick oh I'm an idiot that may have been slightly more powerful than slightly more powerful than I expected I mean it is called a nuke but um compared to the normal nukes in the game that's quite a big hole man you can see so much so you can see like that's the tier one dirt tier two dirt and tier three dirt and then you can see the actual The Ore veins they just they literally just float well now I'm wondering is is an all vein up there the same as Northern down here I don't know before we do that let's just test the normal like ground at this level so that's as low down as you can drill in the claim got pipe intake on top intake out the back so let's just do one of those shove the dirt into the pan I mean I can just put the pan under there I think that's got water in it now give it a brush and see what that weighs it weighs five okay so there's literally no difference in that that does make you wonder though like why would there be like what's the difference between that and that well actually what's the difference between the dirt up there in a vein because I thought the vein just meant the gold was like a specific size right well let me just grab the dirt wand and let me just do a little check so if fights of face of dirt there you can see it's tier three dirt if we go up a level to there okay it's tier two dirt so wherever I wherever I do the dirt okay got it got it so if I use this wand to go up all right so it sort of looks like a snake head but we we have dirt ready there to be drilled and then do the same over this way it'll just fill all of this in with dirt all right and then we move this guy well actually actually I should just I should leave that one there so you want to shove one on the snake head like that one up there run them all in then we'll compare all of these dirts so there's get rid of that dirt go where that dirt go must roll downhill somewhere does anyone see a bit of dirt anywhere I've lost it I keep a better eye on it Matt so he went down there okay I think they're going miles I think they're going miles let's go have a look there's one there's one oh look they're all down here okay they're all down here nice so we'll grab one of these give it a clean we'll see they're all exactly the same I'm confused now because that's like a massive area you could fit loads of drills in this one really small so I guess the question is is this going to give us better dirt so there's the chunk give it a brush note they're all identical they are identical all I can think is maybe maybe the intake is like is the intake having an effect is that making them bigger I don't know I didn't really want to have to do this but guess I have no choice like even in Creative this is gonna take a long old time so it will just keep adding loads of straight in case not too bad I mean the Beats doing it in normal mode I'll tell you that so it will take it over this way and then from up here we've got to take it down to all of those oh it's gonna take so long right so it took a bit of work but we are there I also added these boosters as well as the pressure gauge so you can see we've got 347 in that one this one because we've got the same setup 346 wait what did I really read that as 347. anyway 346 346 in this one and if we head over to this one 346 as well so let's pull the lever and the dirts come out we'll follow it down there it is and funny story while I was talking to the dev he told me uh Matt this is this is the wrong pan when we spawn pants can you see there's two apparently the left one is like a fake tutorial only pan so we want to use the right one so if we just fill this with water shove the dirt in there give it a brush then there you go I think that's why we're always getting the same like two Golds and one one other thing so we can finally do a fair test now I think I'll leave that there then check this one as well so oh yeah that's a bigger gold that's a much bigger gold so high level low level they're both in the gold ores by the way so I imagine this one it may be just less likely to get gold yes because we got iron instead so I guess that's the main benefit of using the the gold veins here right we finally got some gold so I imagine this might be slightly slightly heavier just because it's slightly lower let's start with the high one so that weighs 1.18 the middle one there that weighs 4.76 and the lowest one 5.01 so yeah basically the lower down you go the bigger the resources get which is what I expected just turns out that I'm terrible at playing this game non-jismately apparently so yeah if I want to compare these two and see which one gets the most gold now we're gonna have to expand our setup we're gonna need like conveyor belts and sources and stuff so let's just clear some room and get rid of the pans and stuff we've done with those get rid of these extra pipes although we'll actually need them in a second oh in case you're wondering what the pressure does the pressure is like how fast the uh the bits of dirt come out so in order to see how much more gold we get from the gold or one let's get a load of Harvesters so that can go underneath there this one annoyingly is gonna have to go there because I'm gonna need conveyors up but if I do that and it looks like that conveyor is not moving so I think I need to do okay I need to do one more all right so if we do that the dirt should come out there come out there into the Harvester then I just need the smelted cauldron things no no I need saucers which means I need more conveyors so if 3D conveyors like that we can then use these splitter conveyors and if we come up with that setup and we just shove a block of gold on there then what should happen is all the gold goes up that way and gets melted and then everything else just ends up in a mess and pile there that's fine right okay so in order to make this fair I'm going to go up here I'm just going to remove that bit of pipe and we're going to turn both of these machines on like that and then when we put this pipe back in that should turn both of them on at the same time then we can watch and see how much gold gets made then if we just leave this running for a minute or so we can then pour out the bar and see which one made us the most gold so you can see dirt goes in if there's no gold it just plows up at the end if it is gold it goes up there lands in here this one in the gold or vein you'd expect a lot more gold to come out and I think that's how it's working but there'll only be one way to know and that is to measure these bars at the end right so that's probably been long enough let's go shut this thing off just by removing that then let's weigh both of these out so this is the low one that's not in the ore so what does this one wait 87.56 so we'll just pour that one out then we'll place this on the scales oh wow it's nearly double it's nearly double so even though it's higher up the fact that it's in a golden vein means there's a lot more gold almost twice as much however there is only one of those ores at this level so we can't really take advantage of it so I guess if we want to make the most efficient mine we should probably probably just keep everything at the very lowest level just like we just like we always used to do but it would be it would be nice if that patch of all was a lot bigger I could use it on more than one drill but yeah for now I think let's build at this level and man this thing is so deep it's so deep down here I'll just go around getting rid of all the scrap at the bottom we don't like getting in our way then I'll tell you what I'd love to do I'd love to have like so much gold on a conveyor like if we try and go like up a hill it just sort of falls down so I guess to start with we actually we need the conveyors don't we so let's get the pipe Network down because remember our conveyors run on the pipe Network so we just do like a stepped pipe Network like this and then I'll probably take the water from here connect this all up then I'll replace one of these end pieces with a booster one because we're going to need a lot of pressure so you can go there shove a Shard bar inside I said inside me just poking out but I'm sure that'll do then down here we just want a load of streets for the well the straight careers and we just got to work out how to set up these Harvesters and drills so we want the Harvesters to fall onto the conveyors but I can't actually put them next to each other because the because the intake pipe's white why is that a thing devs so it will do every other then the resources should fall onto here we do need to sort somewhere maybe I don't want to go that far but then I can do the opposite ones on this side we end up with that then we need golden intakes so we just shove those like that so all of these are running now we just need to shove dirt into the top of it but before we do that I should probably convey a belt up so vertical conveyors all the way up to the top so we've got that in so if we just run down here you will want conveyors along here but then instead of doing that I might want if I turn left and then go around that way I think that's the only way I can get though I only want gold going up there not all the other resources so if we get rid of that hopefully this makes sense so I'm basically just gonna do that sort of thing with the T in there then we want a left conveyor there to write conveyors like that and then a splitter that sends stuff left with a chunk of gold on top so gold should go up that way I think I then want all the other resources to be split along here just so it doesn't lag out my game if I do a right splitter every time shove a gem polisher on there then I should be able to just put all the resources on top and make them end up in like I don't know I mean I could put them in a smelter but I think yeah that's gonna go under the ground oh that's annoying I think they're gonna just shove another another pipe along there and then these vertical conveyors can sit on the pipe like that they still work so that's good so let's just plug this in make sure it all works fine so yeah all conveyors are moving we've got movement all the way to the top yes we do that is movement okay good so next up we actually need to fill these things with dirt so core Stone drill if we do one like every spot like that and we can also do one there as well so there's twice the dirt going into every Harvester yeah before I copy any more I should probably Plumb these in and just check that they that they work that they get into the Harvester I guess if we shove a hydro t-pipe on all of these and then maybe do the same for these ones I can have two golden intakes for each so just fill in all these gaps like that then I've got a gap there so that I can just run these first two to make sure it works so switch machines on then shove golden intake at the end of both pipes then what we should see I was gonna say what we should see is dirt go into there but there's no dust underneath because they're floating in the air so there is a shovel around here somewhere here it is the tier three shovel so I can go grab some tier three dirt so thank you now just gotta shove this under there like that so yeah dirt's coming out there now there's the gold knife so we'll do the same for that one and I'm pretty sure this dirt will never disappear now so oh man that is a lot look at all that that's just from one Harvester so over this end you can see the gold is going up there everything else is going well it's going it's going all over the place if I'm honest yeah right let's unplug these let's shove these pipes on and then let's just grab some resources so we've got iron we can say iron in the first one core stone that can go in the second one shards that can go in that one got a bit of altiums that can go there then I think that's everything that can melt so then it's just the the polished gems so we got sapphires rubies and then we have to wait for an emerald but I think that's pretty good we'll just shove gem compressors at the end of all of these then we'll shove an emerald on there and then the Onyx will go straight into the end so that should be everything sorted we just got to shove Blobs of dirt under all of these I would use the wand but annoyingly with the wand you can only place dirt on dirt so you can't actually Place dirt like on the floor here but with this shovel you can considering how many hours that Quest took a little bit disappointed not gonna light right then I just have to turn on all of these machines and then once that's done we can shove these intakes back on and then we should see a lot of a lot of resource coming along here that is brilliant yeah production line looking good gold heading up the surface that is decent wow the amount of iron cone in there there's a sapphire so shove that on there so all sapphires should go that way meaning hopefully any Onyx we get should go straight ahead and that is everything sorted and like I mean that in a literal sense now like literally sorted so very nice the only thing left to do now is to do the this other side so we'll turn that off for now it will clear all dirt chunks and all resources then we'll add a load of drills add a little more drills make sure they've all got dirt underneath them then we add the pipe work we had the rest of the pipe work turn on all the switches and then bit A Farewell to my frame rate because this is probably gonna hurt so that is all four intakes on and that is a lot of resource a fair play though game seems to be coping like perfectly fine let's say everything's being sorted decently as well look at the waterfall of gold look how beautiful this thing is this is efficient mining to the max oh frame rate is stuttering though is that because oh that's probably because this gold where does it end up oh dear oh dear yeah I can guarantee there's gonna be a lot of gold in there I'm not even gonna touch that because that is dangerous oh frame rate is like gone completely all right now let's quickly get rid of these oh my God favorite all right clear overall resources I think we need to we need to make sure the gold actually ends up somewhere so the question is once the gold gets up here what do we what do we actually do with it I mean I guess I could build some conveyors along here then when I plug these back in we can watch all this awesomeness taking shape and then we just stand over here then we just say yep it's raining gold hallelujah it's raining gold I'm having a golden shower oh that was uh that was what we did today I guess had a massive golden shower well I hope you guys enjoyed yeah that was a lot of fun as always hydrogena is always good laugh even if my GPU doesn't seem to agree but for now I'll say peace love and golden showers bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 664,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hoCYlL4RYtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 10sec (1450 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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