I Used 25,749 Conveyors To Build An Entirely Pointless Fishing Machine in Hydroneer

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oh boy hydrogen here back again time to break the game another time so you probably remember in the last video where we nuked the entire map with bagel splody boys and then managed to duplicate our way to building like 51 trillion dollars worth of gold but that's not exciting enough no we're gonna reset that map and go into a brand new creative world now the developer max my dude he uh he worked his magic and not only can we shoplift literally anything we want like this hourglass so i can make the world not be annoying and dark half the time and we can make the proper timeline perfect for recording videos but no we have the magic gravity tool of gravity-ness that we can cause this thing to go into orbit uh-huh just spin spin and wait no i missed i pressed the wrong one remember one time i said yeah and then it flew up into space but no that's not what we're doing today so this update on the public test branch allows me to do something that i've not tested yet and that is place down anywhere on the map and build things oh you're probably saying to yourself what does that mean blitz and real talk i'm not sure yet but we're gonna make a really stupid big machine and it's gonna be funny i promise so we'll just levitate our way over to the other store oh oh is it gonna glitch out of existence no we're good and we're gonna go with a nice five finger discount on some conveyor belts actually just one of them because we can clone it and speaking of stealing things you guys probably noticed that there is new merch on the merch store well it's black friday today so why not run a black friday sale 20 off using the code turkey day for the next week or so make sure you do that that's exactly what i was talking about when i said glitch and do out of existence and please work game thank you for landing me properly unstuck perfect i did it also there's still a lot of comments about my house here this is blitz's house if you're wondering literally this is my house you're supposed to stay out of here if not the dinosaur will eat you i think there's a couple other things my buddy dre has his name imprinted on the bottom here and raptor i believe is hiding somewhere in a cemetery i'm not sure where so i just need to buy a few more tools maybe a nice little smelter and a brushy brush so we can bumble our way across this thing right into the ocean stop there's trees oh yeah the trees are in i still don't understand this i can drive through a tree but i can't walk through it also i don't have legs which doesn't make any sense it's backwards but the good news is i can duplicate everything and make amazingly stupid designs oh come here you also why does there have to be a rock in my way i was not planning on rocks to be in my way but maybe i can just drill a hole through it like such as nope it's making noise so that's good it's squirting juice out the side oh nice also this probably doesn't make any sense to you i would build a really really long pipe right here but the entire idea is that i can drip water to the bottom of the world so i can throw a bunch of trash down the hole and i can magically fill up my bucket automatically nice that was easy now i just take a shovel and do a scoopy and then a poopy and then a nice wipe and trash pops out now my entire objective is to get gems which i'm not getting why am i not getting large gems i want them game i promise i only really want one because once i have one we can drop it inside of here and then make a little bar but i'm not gonna do that i'm just gonna go unstuck mode place it down right about there grab my magic wand of magic and ah make a bar and then stand on top of this and duplicate that bar up a billion times also there are a lot of people in last video who are complaining about me not making the auto clickers spam things very very fast there's a reason why something about things getting clogged up and not working properly and the game kind of breaking yeah that's why you don't spawn things very fast you just kind of do it nice and slow and collected and calm and then after a few minutes of clicking your button over and over and over again hoping things don't break or trying to smelt down your magic stick you create a giant bar that you can use to power the reactor for the rest of eternity in the hole you go my little friend no that's the wrong direction can i catch it oh i just about hit a lebron on that and caught it just kidding he doesn't catch things he just punches people in the face so now we have another science experiment if we take these and place them right on top of here without the game legging out can i fit one of these little fellas directly inside of it oh boy i think you know where this might be going actually you do i don't know why i keep doing this like oh it's gonna be a big surprise but then before you even saw the video you saw the title and the thumbnail and you're like oh blitz is gonna do the dumb again and it's gonna be funny now where'd my dumb magic wand go here it is so we'll make a big platform pile of these things i think it's also kind of cheating when you guys know the title and the thumbnail before i do it's like you're time travelers or something you're coming into the future and i just recognize that i really don't need to build all of these but i guess i'm going to anyway because i spawned them in and now i'm getting a phone call so all i need to do is just figure out how to get lots and lots of these things all to funnel directly into one big thing i just used the word thing like seven times in a row and it probably shouldn't have i should probably use made up words like i should droop the snoop over to the doop doop and then bop the bebop and then clone the thingamabobber snaggle the scullywig until the wiggly waddle waffles and tada my magic wand disappeared but i built something kind of interesting the flipping magic wand go come on man you're making me look bad i'm trying to make a video here do i have to go buy a new one for free stupid magic wand said it was gonna go out for a gallon of milk and never came home so it's time to shoplift another one and i'm gonna buy two this time so that way i can land properly at my house [Music] just like that nice and spawn some more so i never lose them ever again also that's kind of a satisfying sound like no joke i don't know what it is but it's satisfying now the objective here is gonna be how to cook a fish without making the fish burnt i don't know how many furnaces i need i also don't know how many conveyor belts i have to glitch into existence to make this work good job little conveyor belts i love you so much please don't run away like the magic wand did now the real question is do i let the stupid things burn first and then dial back or do i get the proper amount to begin with and make everything work perfectly because everyone knows this is the game about mining not about cooking fish so all i need to do is grab a few more of these slap that sometimes words kind of get tangled up behind my teeth hole and then i don't know how to properly make the words come out right so just close that up and the magic conveyor belt of magic ah and wonder is wondering why it's having to be here with me today also these things are stupidly annoying so i'm just going to turn them off that constant sound of water dripping makes my ears want to explode would you shut up over here so much more quiet all right so we ride the conveyor belt of death and then we run over all of these furnaces and the objective is that the fish will get cooked shut up you're so loud also if you want to cook a fish you have to have a way to catch fish which the obvious answer is by my first fishing pole i almost bought it how dumb would that have been i could just steal it but there's something else here the fishing pots it's kind of interesting design and i'm thinking we can make something with this i'm gonna buy two of them just kidding i don't want to i'm gonna i can't even get rid of it i can't i can get rid of it how do i get rid of it i almost stole something i don't want to steal yo got rid of it ah now i have this let me steal this quick i originally didn't even think about this idea but i had the big brain plan once i got to the store so the idea with these things is they're super dumb they sit in the water and then magically in a few hours they get a fish i feel like we need jeopardy theme song music except it's copyright claimed so i'll just make mouth noises that sound like it do do it's not working okay those things are terrible but what's not terrible is fishing poles so if i sit over here right on this thing i can eat the fish machine in i might need to figure out a different way to do this but we're going to practice and then the fish goes on the thingy it rides up the conveyor it turns properly which i'm kind of surprised about and then it jumps up on top of there goes down the conveyor belt and i'm stuck i got it i got to go up here to see it should magically cook as it rolls through like the grocery store hot dog actually like where are they is it cooking i can't tell it kind of looks like it's cooking that actually kind of worked it's kind of cooked herring the silver of the sea it looks like what i was trying to say oh no no that's stupid why would you want to do that what i was trying to say is it reminds me of uh when you go to a gas station and they got like the hot dogs on on the rollers and then you get like food poisoning them for them because they've been there for 18 hours oh it burned okay that's good to know come here wagiquand i need you because i lost my other one and now i just need to make some more of these oh but good news everyone the fish trap caught a fish how do you get it out of there hey what the fish trap's got a fish in it but you can't get the fish out why do you gotta be like this game i just want the fish i wish i could automate this so i didn't have to sit here for 14 hours fishing so let's try this a second time what's that maybe can i get thank you fish that's not what i want oh balls why did it have to fall there that's illegal okay it fell the right spot it's going up it's going over nice nice i probably should get one of the centering things not weird like buddha sort of centering but we totally need to roll this little hot dog herring all the way down the conveyor belt it's in the center too which is working properly very nice very nice keep getting burned keep burning eating keep burning don't burn get cooked get cooked get cooked it's kind of rolling over to the edge oh it stopped that's stupid and now it burned that's probably not enough gotta test it again tumble little fishy yes it's working [Music] i got stopped again stupid why do you do this to me and that one straight fell off thankfully i brought these along there we go little fishy do your thing do your thing it's cartwheeling it's cartwheeling it's rolling it's staying on the roller that's nice everything's going well okay this is usually where problems happen yep we've passed it oh balls why is that one not functioning like seriously why don't you want to play nice maybe because i pressed the button over here now the conveyors are working okay we got a big chunker this time come on chunker do your worst yeah it's it's functioning it's working we're cooking that fish keep on cooking keep on being delicious and tasty and wonderful i feel like if i get bigger fish and that is not going to work all right it made it to the end it's still not all the way cooked let's restart the cycle stop it and see how many it takes to cook it we're gonna have we're gonna have counting with blitz are you ready one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 really is that anything even cooked at all 34 25 26 27 38 29 30 1 2 3 3 4 3 5 6 37 38 9 40 4 1 2 2 3 4 45 46 it's still not cooked 37 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 five why is this not cooking any six maybe seven fifty eight fifty okay it took 58 it took 58 more to get cooked that's ridiculous thankfully i have all day ahead of me and nothing else to do sure it'd be nice if these things just didn't fly all over the place and nicely placed down exactly where i want them but no they have to jump around and be all dramatic and stuff why can't you play nice like these platforms they're just wanting to pile up in a nice neat snack i said snack not stack again as i said the words are trying to escape my teeth and it's not working properly they're like oh no we're trapped in this little prison it stinks in here all right fish are cooking and i think this is going to be good enough for girls i go with because my wife likes sushi and i really don't know what else to do also this one's cooking very nicely and the last one didn't so i just think of long conveyor belt oh that one burned okay whatever is this one gonna burn too somewhere right in here they burn so you know what we're gonna do we're gonna remove that and i don't understand this game sometimes so we'll just get rid of everything inside all of that work for nothing all right so let's do a little test now i do have an idea that we probably should get the bigger fishing pole and it would also be a really good test for my next stage of this machine good little sardine i feel like i should have got the centering conveyor belts instead of just the straight ones might have solved some of the issues but i really don't care at this point and that fish made it through without even getting cooked to begin with so it works okay so we're gonna work a little bit backwards on this my idea is that we're gonna build a little contraption to go all the way over here so we'll fill in the corners with corner pieces the game seems to be dropping frame rate a little bit which is kind of fun sometimes so let's drop this down here turn that way nice we have conveyor belt conveying it's conveying all the weighing and then it drops up in here and this is a stock market this isn't a fish market but i'm going to see if it works so i'll just stand on the pipe cast a fish out and if i get one of the fancy fish that levels me up then i'll pull it off here before i sell it but if not the fish is going to go all the way to the stonk market and i can sell it for little stocks i've been fishing here for 27 minutes and i haven't caught a single one of those stupid little shrimp and it doesn't look like every one of my fish made it to the shop but a fair number of them have so i can sell them for dollars it's actually working i'm excited about that but the good news is i had a spare shrimp back here at the base there he is okay so i've been doing this for like an hour and look at that chunk and lobster that just came up it's a big one it's a chunky boy i still can't catch a stupid shark though oh oh oh oh that was a shark it's been it's been literally an hour and 30 minutes of me doing nothing but fishing oh i finally got it yes yes and then the shark goes in the hole and i go bongo and then i get this pull which is not the best pull but then i can grab this thing and throw the lobster in and now bingo bingo alakazam i have the master rod i also don't know why that's so exciting um yeah look at all my fish proof of concept that things are kind of working properly also check out this chunker of a lobster i don't know why that's funny but this thing is huge look at his little beady eyes isn't he adorable you look good in merch all right let's quickly sell that i have no idea how much money is 3 000 it's stupid oh throw our pet back here i'm gonna name him his name's gonna be kevin kevin the lobster or my it's my brand spanking new fishing pole what did i do what did i do with it already found it are you my friend you're gonna come with me because we have stupid experiments to do we need to know if kevin the lobster likes riding conveyor belts because we're gonna make him a roller coaster oh he's having fun yes good job kevin okay now you're already cooked because you're red not one real lobster colors but yeah i didn't think he might like that yeah he doesn't like he's dancing good job kevin good job he's made it through the fire and now he's enjoying his ride it makes me wonder can conveyor belts go the opposite way is there a switch boy on him that i can turn it backwards i don't think so water drips out no it's still going the wrong way i have a feeling that kevin is probably gonna like this trip i don't know why i'm doing this this is stupid but it's gonna work eventually right tell you what this is one of the reasons why i wish multiplayer would come to the game so i could just make interns show up and be like hey dude uh i kind of got a job for you can can you fish for me for like seven hours today and i'd be like no i'm gonna go edit some more videos also i seem to have contracted smallpox so i'm not showing up to work again ever be like intern but no i need you because this is my numbing then i'll ask him for a doctor's note and he'll be like ah just kidding i'll come in and play video games for you and the frame rate's starting to really go down making me nauseous yay there's just something just satisfying about making these things fly everywhere it's annoying but satisfying nonetheless oh well my friends i did it this has been you know i get these really great ideas as something exciting and fun to do and then it's like hey guess what it's six hours worth of work yeah so this has been my day today how's your day been i think my favorite part is coming up right up here i made a little tower that kevin and his friends are gonna fall down after they get cooked of course there's just something satisfying about that part where they fall down sideways and then go up this hopefully it's working i haven't actually looked please be working it's working are you working yep it's working i also had to put in a power booster here because that long conveyor belt ran out of power so let's grab that fishing rod and give the little fishy a ride of his life go little buddy i promise you'll have tons of fun also there's a kind of a pipe block in the way sometimes you gotta forget about that and just go with it isn't that right little fishy guy you're gonna have so much fun he's going up the first elevator oh look he's gonna fall down it's gonna be funny and perfect and up the next elevator and oh perfectly done again they love our adventure one last drop this is the one i'm scared of and now you get an unlimited ride all the way to the vendor and now you're probably saying to yourself that was stupid why would you ever do something like that and the real answer is because fishing sucks in this game but spawning fishing does not suck it does not suck at all especially when you break out the trusty rusty auto clicker maximum fish power well good news everyone i broke the game oh yeah um don't worry the problem is me uh wow hello uh yep so these cauldrons while it was a good idea they just don't work right especially with these little fishy things some of them are making it through the sound of sushi being cooked is delicious you can go for some real good fish and chips right about now evidently this variety of fish does not like to go on conveyor belts be free fish be free this is two frames per second so let's try this a second time i think that might be enough oh cake is it working oh i see fish going up that conveyor belt yes it's working we have a fully functional fishing display they're making it up very nicely they're falling down and all over the place that's fine that's it was designed that way uh it helps with the cod liver oil it just continues to do things is any of them are any of them gonna make it this is the dumbest idea that i've ever had in a video game before oh and that's where the big one fell off at the first turn and the giant chunk it's halfway there oh there's a few of them that are actually making it i'm so impressed with myself oh the first fish is going in yay wait there's some in there already there's some in there already oh my i can make 69 and then that one goes up and i mean as proof of concept it works that one made it all the way here and just went yeah and then it's not going anymore you know real talk i probably could have just sat here and spammed the thingy for days and that would have made me lots of money but we're not in this for money we're in this for fame and fortune didn't make sense but it worked and that's the end of the video thanks for watching bye i'd also like to thank all of the youtube supporters and patreon sponsors for supporting the channel this last month including sacks if you sphere joe b ob john kenobi fury arrow doug rules 2.0 nerdy geek pyro h max m allen h apollo bunny auto dave ben dickey h teddy hippies desby eagle arc maxer whippy good spencer t baron fox starring off deegan jason m and real oh yeah and keep your stick on the ice or something okay that too yeah
Channel: Blitz
Views: 771,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, hydroneer, hydroneer gameplay, hydroneer blitz, blitz hydroneer, hydroneer update, hydroneer nuke, hydroneer ep 1, hydroneer ep 1 blitz, hydroneer automation, hydroneer factory, hydroneer new update, hydroneer onyx, hydroneer playlist, hydroneer walkthrough, hydroneer fishing, fish hydroneer, hydroneer 1.7, hydroneer creative mode, hydroneer creative update, hydroneer creative, blitz hydroneer nuke, hydroneer fishing update, hydroneer fishing pot
Id: DAmnGUVvRlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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