We built this bridge using trigonometry... Poly Bridge 2!

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this bridge [Music] yes hello fellow Jazz and welcome back to poly bridge 2. now as you know a brand new update came out so if we go into Worlds we have these two bonus worlds here last time I did 25 of the glittering Gorge you can see here they're all under budget and Unbreaking however when I completed them the game wasn't released to the public so we didn't get to see in the gallery so we're gonna have a quick look first at firstly my solution which was 18846 we can see how it works the car plops off lands on the springy truss Bridge the car then drives to this where it turns around and nearly falls down but doesn't quite and then it just drives to the upside down flag at the end we're now only in the top 20 I feel like I was actually number one the lead World wouldn't do these last time so it shows how much easier it is to become first if you're the only person completing it anyway in the gallery sorted by budget this is the cheapest one oh look wait what why did they they spring Cannon down to there so if you watch it again look boosh so he lands over that I assume so you can reduce the number of Springs you need because otherwise yeah because there's no Bridge edge up the top anymore and if it landed straight down there oh no you got to get you gotta get the star in the middle haven't you interesting then this one is basically the same thing but without spring Cannon yeah it's basically it's just my bridge really so mine could have cost 11 Grand if I wanted to right right anyway we'll go to the last page because the last page is always the best page and we'll see yes these levels have been out for like 48 hours and we've already we've already done that I shouldn't encourage this sort of behavior is there actually oh oh I don't like that it's moving I don't like that it's me thinking about it makes me laugh I'm such a child yeah but we have this guy so someone did it using pretty much all Springs lots of movement going on there very expensive though uh just shy of a very nice Max dress and then this one I feel like someone just got really fed up of it breaking and just covered it in ropes anyway the next level was called turn around this is how mine works so the car did that we did like a loop around there and then we had to get the flag which was down there unfortunately we did drown at the end I'm still in the top 11 I'm 60th in the world I'll still take that the cheapest solution was what is that what so oh look did you see that so it landed like on a spring there so it didn't break then a bit of Road landed on its head then we have the most patience witnessed by anyone in the world ever like look at the sea in the background that must have taken so long and then somehow it slides and just about falls off the edge to the flag now by the way look at this look how smooth that jump is oh it's perfect Henry the most expensive Solutions are pretty much just using all steel I think although we have had some efficient engineering going on oh there's a flap movie then we had this flip and slide one which honestly took me so long I feel like I could have got this cheaper if I'd like fiddled with this a bit because I used a lot of roads to get our car to go upside down but it needed to go upside down so that it slides down there and then it lands down here heads up there to the flag which is upside down oh and again top 11 I feel like 11 of the community were really determined to beat my score but yeah the cheapest one is this which oh look so they oh they used oh they used really minimal road to flip over there I feel like my bottom bit would be way cheaper how much is that 13 Grand and minus 20 grand blooming out yeah we got schmodge field here so you can see to get that to flip it's all yeah it's all about making the flippy over bit really cheap I think and everyone's done it like different ways though that one uses just two roads oh and we got a few Falls until it finally works but yes on to the last page what is that oh I literally I literally thought that was a face that's that's not a face is it yeah this what there's nothing there why is that one so expensive oh whoa he just got hit by a messiah the car just got hit by a meteor did that actually that actually complete the level I'm not sure okay so watch that again I think when you like cover loads and loads of pieces like when you stack them like hundreds and hundreds of pieces they like glue for some reason in this game I think that's what happened there yeah we got this one which makes me feel best without my ramp look how many pieces were used for that well then this one which it flips forwards why did they flip forwards that's so unnecessary woozy you're doing your own thing right and then we have on a tit I mean no there's no one there ignore that I mean to be fair I can sort of see what my brain was doing there why it went to that shape so this one I did actually spend time trying to get this one cheap so it'll be interesting to see where I place now it was all about building a very good structure um and then getting the monster truck over without it flipping oh yes we're still in the top four percent we're 15th in the world oh look read Captain beat me by seven quid hang on I can't be having that I can't be having that where can I save seven quid yes we beat him we're now 14th although if I can save another 30 quid well 38 quid I'll be heading for the top 10 so it will just move this in a little bit move that down there then shorten this piece of road try and make this end a bit cheaper and then lower some of these very slightly and then suddenly as we watch this a lot of the bridge goes red we're 19 646 quid top three percent with we're 10th in the world all right so let's look in the gallery and see how should have done it way cheaper so this is the cheapest Solution by Zen so I guess just pretty similar I think they probably use less Road for their ramp at the end but are all pretty similar but then this was the most expensive solution which doesn't actually look I'm not really sure where the budget went I assume there's like there's tension under there so a lot of rope uh this one you can very much see where the budget went it had a drawbridge but anyway it's time to do some bridge building ourselves now because we're on to b105 Last Resort oh and I'll tell you what I should do proper H this is my last Bridge trust yeah that could be one for the future anyway so this one we have hydraulics so the truck and the car goes so truck on the right you've got to end up down there taxi on the left oh you've got to end up up the top these are stop symbols so they're gonna stop that then there's a hydraulic phase and then the camper van goes and a 2.1 it's a camper Van's got to go to the middle and then a 2.1 oh man okay so yeah we've we've got we've got we've got hydraulic level essentially uh we've only got eight roads as well so I guess to start so I guess we fill in our four roads like that copy this over to that side but that one wants to be rotated it starts like that and then essentially I think all I've got to do is make some sort of hydraulic system so that I can like rotate these to go like to there and then down to there yeah I do have four Hydraulics so we've got that going for us at least but looking at this we've only got we've only got one Anchor Point so we can't just build like a structure off that because that will rotate and fall over so first things first I know I'm gonna need nodes that like all of these locations and then probably I'm gonna need like nodes in the middle somewhere so I'll start 7.29 meters long so if I just go 7.29 so the node should need a node there so essentially if I just build up and then up like that I probably want to come down and use this rock to rest against and then I'll just truss up to the top get rid of that rope and then just joint all of those then if I just copy this to the other side slightly tweak that is that actually is that touching I don't think that's touching oh that's annoying let's just steal that piece so that's longer okay so that's definitely touching now so I feel like that's sort of the basis of this we then just need to turn these into Bridges by just trusting the top of them so we end up with that on there this side we go from the road to a truss Bridge like that and then for now I guess shall we just check that this works so yeah strong enough to take both of those so they stop in the middle and then we need to I think all we need to do this time is put a hydraulic in to bring that to the top so I'm thinking hydraulic from under there up to oh don't know actually maybe hydraulic on this side would be better so if we like dangle a rope down to there and then we hydraulic upwards and then we have this hydraulic controller so basically this first phase B when the Hydraulics go I don't want that to unlock so if I click that it won't unlock I do want that hydraulic to go so that's yellow so that should be fine so now these guys get to there as soon as they both hit that that triggers the next phase which is just this hydraulic moving that goes up to there and locks in so then the taxi goes and the camper van goes camper van goes all the way across yep okay so then the Final Phase oh no it doesn't it doesn't balls I forgot there's a stop in the middle okay so we do want that to disconnect so we can turn that back on and then we just need a hydraulic which will probably do a similar thing just dangle a rope hydraulic up to that you just want this one to be lowered to that mid point so that's yep locked in okay so now we're now we're sorted sort of we've got that so the next phase is not to do with those because we need to bring that one to the middle the left one down to the bottom yeah and annoyingly you can only use like a hydraulic once you can't like do another phase where it goes like by a different amount oh so how am I gonna do this how am I gonna do this I feel like what I could do is just copy that and imagine it has gone down to that point I'm just going to delete all of these nodes except for this one here we know that point there is where that's going to end up so what we could do is hydraulic from there to there make that a joint make up their joint so when this moves down they should all oh no the hydraulic went turn off that hydraulic so when these come down they should both lock in there we go so then if I make that a joint become a joint there we go then I put the hydraulic on a different number which means in the hydraulic controller first phase we don't want that to disconnect second phase we do and we don't want that hydraulic to go it's then second phase we want that to stay locked right the downside is as you add split joints you actually double the weight of the node so in terms of the bridge moving it's taking a lot more strength balls so what I might need to do is bring that down to make it stronger and then I'm gonna have to tweak that so it ends up at the same place but after Lots tweaking it's in the right place then the next phase is oh no why did you why did you guys disconnect I'm guessing do I say stay connected phase two okay so they connect and then those cars go that's fine assuming I've set it up right that should extend oh Bulls so what I was expecting to happen was this extend and to lower that down it does extend but it pushes everything up I don't get what's holding that bridge job oh anyway we're gonna have to do a different solution then okay okay let's get rid of all these joints then and then the other way I can do two phases is use all my four Hydraulics like down here so basically if we do like one I don't know one to there and then one up to there actually we can Pro we can probably get it to work in here then we just say first phase only one of you goes so assuming I can tweak this top one to go to the right spot that's a little bit too late so basically this first phase is all done with the top hydraulic bottom one's doing nothing so that locks in there then the second phase I want to say top hydraulic don't go and then the second one can so we just gotta tweak that so it ends up in the right place which involves just sliding that a little bit all right so this side now works we've just got to repeat over here so delete that shove two ropes down put Hydraulics between them and then these ones need to be expand ones and we have the bottom one go and then the top one gate and I'll tell you what that actually uses very efficient principles that oh and I just realized the taxis off the top the Taxi's at the top so hydraulic controller I actually want both of them to go oh this is going to be it's going to be awkward so if both those Hydraulics move at once will it get to the top oh tell you what that's not far off tweak that probably I mean the expansion percent will probably be 42 because that is the answer to everything as we all know oh and it actually was it actually was okay so hopefully when this next phase triggers that should go to the middle so then they can go either side oh my goodness I did a hydraulic level let's never do that again where do we rank though top eight top 18 that ain't bad now I'm watching this with the stress on I could I could make a lot of savings I'm not gonna light so I think I will I think if I swap that with wood it doesn't quite reach does it so I do need to do a muscle that is really annoying but that is slightly cheaper we can then just bring these way in then I can probably swap these ropes with wood as well because wood is cheaper than rope then I can probably make these trusses a little bit smaller as well particularly at those ends so without spending hours tweaking that works 20 752 we are in the top 15 so let's head into the gallery so the cheapest solution oh it actually does the exactly how is that cheaper than mine oh they don't have a structure in the middle oh yeah that would be a lot cheaper if you can actually get a bridge strong enough to hold itself that makes a lot of sense this guy they did a bit of both from the looks of it I guess this is like essentially what I did but like way more efficient they've got like locking nodes at the bottom but not on the upper levels decent oh and this one is literally mine but like the super super efficient way of doing it I mean to be fair none of these are actually that much cheaper than mine so that's on the back for Matt let's head to page four my favorite page ah here we go so this is the first level I told you guys to um do some cool stuff so we got some things to view what is that we've got like a huge a curved I guess it's like a crane you could call it this one we got similar but way less curve so nice uh this what are they have you tried to sneak them in sneaks man yeah we got this one which what there's so much what is that what the what what just happened I think he just he just skipped like an entire stage so let's watch that again so these Hydraulics they lift the taxi up they're like nah you're not you're not using my bridge you're going over straight away oh decent this one has some propaganda hanging from up there I love to see that sub to rce I know unnecessary oh this is the same one that we just saw but there's also a knob involved nice this one says would steal what's going on hang on what's going on here there's no there's no hydraulic there's no Hydraulics this is all done with like counterweights oh that's incredible I guess because there's a hydraulic controller you can like tell split joints to drop different weights and stuff oh that's awesome yeah then we have this one what is that is that like a witch or is that meant to be me with a pointy hard hat um I know what that is in the middle though I'm just gonna say actually what is that using what part of me or that person is that using I don't like that I don't like that finally you have this one which obviously um just just efficient engineering going on there yeah and then what is what is that counterweight doing oh no no it's using it's using the the Dynamics to ensure that like this doesn't fall over you know like really really super tall buildings they have like a counterweight up the top but that counterweight doesn't stay there there it sort of moves to counteract the sway of the like huge structure yeah that's that's what that is it also says RC down there then finally we have high rce well hello DMX loads of numbers all right so let's move on to the next level pushback uh so looking at this everyone goes at the same time okay so so this guy has to get all the way over to there that's fine you have to avoid the boat in doing so that's also fine and then down here you've got to get to that star wait but then you've got to get back to the wait what but that's that's just a star you usually have like a a turn aroundy thing oh I've just realized we have a blade on the front so oh that's cool push back okay so if we go from there to there we'll try and curve that a little bit then fill that with rude and then we'll fill a line up to there with Road and then presumably I just have to I just have to build this right so let's trust this up so we got this which seems to be holding so you go to there oh it keeps driving okay so it does stop because it goes up there it adds quite a lot of force to that but if you were to just reinforce through that middle piece hang on let's turn on the stress as well and see what happens so oh that's quite that's quite under stress there so if we just reinforce all of these roads is that gonna be strong enough so it comes down gives that a push so that's going to get pushed into the flag oh but then we're gonna have to get up that side so imagine this is gonna need reinforcing is that oh it's holding it's okay it's not holding all right let's watch the stress on this so oh man it's we can try and make these trusses bigger I'm not entirely sure trust like this will do I mean it will I'm sure there's people that have done it in a trust like this but for now I might just have to replace some of these with steel yeah I'll tell you what let's steal that piece oh and then oh we've made it we've made it okay so as long as you get to the flag I think we're done sweet oh look where we came nice so I feel like that's not even any point in trimming this one down let's just have a look in The Gallery at how the cheapest solution did this that one is gonna use a glitch isn't it wait is it why is it oh okay so yeah that used a glitch fair enough the first sort of legit one does that so we've got some like proper rope Bridges going on bear play that is that's pretty decent that yeah so generally people realize it's a lot cheaper to dangle the bridge from these from these anchor points on top of this wooden thing I completely ignored those for some reason because I could have that's pretty much my trust but they're just hanging it from under that's way cheaper than mine yeah because it means you can use your normal Road rather than the reinforced ones okay decent decent we'll go to the last page my favorite page we'll see some RC propaganda as well as some efficient bridge building oh my God look at that oh what is that doing it's not even there for efficient reasons I don't think it's just that's architecture hang on that's architecture juicy Chop Chop shame shame shame we've got this one with a buoyant counterweight there it's got a wet tip well that really helps with the dynamic pressures that can force a bridge yeah definitely not there for architectural reasons that yeah this one looks pretty normal it's 60 Grand and oh hello ow that hurts oh there's another one hello mate ow uh this one what is that Contraption no wait you kept it on top basically this in the middle is sort of like so he pushes it from the top to push him along the bottom that's so cool that's so unnecessary I love it uh we have this one and dumb uh why what have you done oh look is that the same thing that's no that's not dumb that's actually really clever because you did it way cheaper than the other guy did so fairly yeah we got more efficient designs some doubly efficient designs I don't I don't like the detail on some of these uh this one which I can see the efficient supports under there I don't understand what did that say at the start I I don't know what that says I'm sure the editor can like stop it for you and you can read it but I can't read it I'm gonna assume it said something nice like Paddy is the best dog or something what is what is that what is going on what's the whack dude I'm sorry architecture is taking over the gallery a bit I'm a little bit concerned oh look it's another way it's another way of dragging so this one actually drags it back it's made like a like a cage for the top truck and then it's connected to the bottom one which is also in a cage uh by a rope so it drags it along oh it seems like quite a few people have done the like top Bridge bottom Bridge thing but yeah fair play some good engineering anyway we're going on to the next level make waves wait wait as in the sea what is going on down there so we got some like underwater okay so they they move up and down I guess oh they you got are they joints I can connect to are we gonna make a wavy Bridge so yeah I think we need to make a flexible Bridge so yeah if we watch this move around you can see the top thing is tilting I mean for now I guess I could try just going straight up and see what it actually does if we just have a few of those so if we did have a trust just connected to that that's oh that's gonna fall over yeah that's gonna fall over hang on okay so if I do that that won't fall over so we can see how this works so it's going that way I mean there's actually potential we could we could make this so if I were to just copy all this to the other side I mean we're over budget obviously but let's just see what happens in terms of the movement is there any chance we will like line up in the middle I feel like it's sort of slim to none there's probably a different way of doing this uh so if I wanted no movement this is what's moving I think I need to make a node like over this side yeah because I think let's just we go like right on that joint like connect that together I think if we watch this yes so that's not moving that point can you see that so all of these are moving because that's the hinge we now have a static node which means we could use that to go up here like before although no no we can't connect to that we can't connect to that bit Yeah so all we can do is that but then we can if we copy this to the other side so there we could then do a bridge straight across like that so if we go and fill in that and then just trust all of this then we'll end up with a wait where's that breaking why are you breaking right okay we have a bridge we oh we did we had a bridge yeah let me just let me just trust over there so that should make these a bit stronger I mean there's a lot of force on the list oh I'm gonna have to make sure that node is like bang on I don't entirely know how to do that without eyeballing it all right here we go oh man this is gonna be hard okay let's we might need a steel muscle down here I've turned the stress on as well just so we can see where the stress is oh that's looking all right that's looking okay down there is looking very red but for now hunt oh no it got to 100 what break you broke that's fine we'll just make you steal man we are close to budget already 65 Grand like everything's almost a Max dress it's I'm intrigued to see other people's solutions to this one but oh no that's too late that's too light well that's definitely too low yes down there that broke so again we need to mirror the muscle and then we just want to raise up the road on that side I think yeah that looks better so hopefully that will make it to the end yes yes 97 97 stress but we did it with less than three grand short I'm in I'm in the bottom half I'm in the bottom half I mean surely I can save a few Bobs somewhere right just to get into the top half at least so I feel like a lot of these could be wood so the middle of all the muscles definitely and maybe that piece oh maybe not okay so in the top path we're 99th in the world let's have a look in The Gallery at the cheapest Solutions first legit solution are it is just a moving bridge I should have stuck with that I should have stuck with doing that I tried to be clever and do static nodes man look at this look at this what we got some bending going on there it even stops at that point so when it comes back up it just lands in the right place man that must have taken ages to tweak oh look we've got one here that did static static joints same as how do you do that for so cheap 49 Grand they use a lot less steel down there I don't know how theirs didn't break though because mine was not in a good place as we go through there seems to be a good mixture of people that embrace the movement and those that didn't like this one is this all wood nearly yeah lots sort of lots of wooden muscles going on yeah oh we got this person who just ignored that completely they used the the edges down the bottom to build their own arch bear plate thinking outside the box oh we've got this one they made a face it's like eyes and eyebrows and then a nose in the middle oh I love that absolutely love that yeah we've got how is this one going okay is I'm pretty sure that one's just architecture even I can't excuse that one and then oh look this guy did a bridge from like the ends so he's similar to the arch that we saw underneath but just going to the very end now that one looks even more like a person like with red hair so the next level is a hop skip and a jump but if you want to see that you're gonna have to wait till next time because we are ending peace love and bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 467,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, rce, real civil engineer, trigonometry, bridge
Id: lAQeHf6iZ_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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