Japan $1000 Crane Game Challenge Ft. @AbroadinJapan

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Reddit Comments

This was so funny & cute lmao. Poor Chris, his stubbornness got the best of him.

And I guess the cat hair on Chris' shirt answers the question about who looked after Maro when Sharla was in Canada?

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/alladessadagar 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Human_Stick_Observer 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

"Imagine coming here with me on a date. It would be awful"
"I don't think that has anything to do with the crane games"

BASED cameraman

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/vamplosion 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Anyone else raise an eyebrow when Chris had a cat hair on him?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/WCBIS 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Every time it cut back to Chris trying to get the monkey I died a little. I need a followup video where he finally gets it (and then burns it)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jookz 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

obviously Chris won because he didn't have to spend money to "win prizes"

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Schm1tty 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

"Did you just touch me?"

"I was getting cat hair off of you."

Cat hair, eh? Hmmmm....🤔

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/lts_talk_about_it_eh 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Completely amateur random redditor opinion after watching a few videos of crane game experts (AKA Connor) playing. So I'm probably spouting full of shit here

Chris is using the claws wrongly. Trying to use the claws to grab stuff is pointless, the claws were deliberately designed to be weak.

Instead, he should use the claws to gradually shove, drag and flip the items into the exit slot. And if the items, like the monkeys, have a price tag hook, he should try and use the claw to hook that price tag. Not to grab it, as like I said above, the claw will immediately drop it, but to grab it long enough so that it falls closer and closer to the exit slot.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's really hard for me to watch this crane videos because, me being terribly impatient, I'd be frustrated at this cash guzzlers just from the first try. If I was there with them I dunno if I could resist kicking those machines in anger......

Plus that $500 each could really help me financially in a big way.......

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yelsamarani 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
now i have gone to many crane game locations in japan everybody knows i'm practically obsessed with doing this but today i'm in a very special one because this location in sendai way up north in japan has the most crane games of any single venue ever in the history of crane game and man i have and a beautiful 1 000 that i'm gonna be giving to me and chris broad to see who can win the most prizes and it's up to you guys at home to decide on twitter specifically who won give me the money connor has given me like a plastic bag a sack to put all my coins in this one has cups so you can keep your coins in but luckily we don't need that i've come prepared i've done this many times i've brought a ziploc bag like a drug dealer and so after exchanging our completely useless paper money to heavy rock-solid metal coins it was time to go on an adventure to waste all my money now this is a competition the rules of this competition if you didn't watch the last episode are simple both of us will be given 500 each provided by yours truly and whoever wins the most exciting prizes is deemed by you the viewers on twitter will win the competition last time i did this video against gant gigger i just about managed to win according to you guys so let's see if i'll win again or a new challenger will dethrone me unfortunately i chose to go for quite the difficult one at first man this has got a banging song to it oh that's so slow okay that mean that was perfect this is not gonna be easy i mean that's as perfect as it gets look at that what the [ __ ] what am i supposed to do oh my god it doesn't even do anything it like tickles it it's like okay this is good oh what the [ __ ] that was so close now there's no way i can get it okay i feel it i don't feel it i don't feel at all about the law i'm gonna take my money back elsewhere i'm done meanwhile chris was trying to win something a little more practical as i said earlier my car literally covered in crap biscuits crisps everywhere no thanks to connor i want to hoover up the mess i want to keep my car tidy let's win the hoover i reckon we get this first time let's try again my tactic is to try and get the end of it push it up so it goes through the two little vents through the bars unfortunately chris's confidence quickly dissipated as his lack of crane game knowledge began to show what how does this work i'm gonna try one more round come on come on come on come on come on come on yes yes yes do i understand these crane game machine things after like 10 or 15 attempts probably more than that the crane gets stronger so we can lift things up right it's sort of i don't use the word rigged but the crane actually gets a lot stronger of course you don't know at what point it is right maybe 100 people have used this maybe three people you never know how close you are to the point where the crane is actually useful work and that is correct and japan does have those crane games but the one that chris was playing isn't like that it requires you to nudge it slowly over and over again let's get out of here i hate this thing my life this is a type of crane game i have never seen before what you have to do is pick up the bucket bounce it on the balloon or bouncy ball in the middle and hope that it bounces to either side and goes down really cool idea never seen it before let's see how well it goes um let's go for the chocolate one it's chelsea so i'm guessing it's supposed to be british with your tea oh lala i'm british look at me i'm actually british why am i doing that oh no if this doesn't work i don't know what will look at that grip man this is gonna bounce in i'm calling it let's go man let's go i want to keep going that's really fun meanwhile whilst i was winning chris was struggling to contain himself and his enjoyment with all of his new money oh my god the money literally it's raining money all over the floor there's nothing harder than getting a coin off the floor is there a strategy is there a tactic this is the real game this is what desperation looks like getting coins off the floor i think the trick is to grab it at the back so it bounces forward maybe i was a little too close to the side but we'll see oh that look at that grip man that's insane no this is profit already oh my god i'm gonna get a gift for connor because he's a very special friend and i like connor so much i know he likes monkeys he often refers to himself as a monkey or something so let's win him a monkey go go go go oh [ __ ] son of a bro i love the music though it's pretty cool come on come on come on come on oh come on now i'm feeling pretty confident i'm feeling very annoyed now five coins 600 on the machine just broken did you break the machine only been there 20 minutes already broken my first machine my coins gone in but nothing's happening let's put more in but i must have felt like a thousand yen in this now see my sim all right this is kind of greedy we'll see if this one works we've got a grip we've got grey oh my god they're going to bend me in a second i'm fixing the game look at this this is so stupid all right well we're done here we've already made profit ten dollars three boxes of chocolate that's pretty good so far we've spent about three thousand yen all i've had to show for it is a broken machine and relentless disappointment not a great start so far so this next machine is also quite a rare machine i've not seen before essentially there is a magnet in a small plastic ball the magnet needs to hold onto the metal boxes on some edges or corners and then simply drag it over the edge to win your price all right let's just go for the almonds i love almonds shout out to the almond best nut in the game well i got it right in the middle i mean wait [Music] that is uh excuse me unfortunately it didn't quite work out as i'd imagined but over with chris he was struggling just a little bit more than usual they're pretty vocal here about how this place is the guinness world record number of crane games guinness world record for most amount of money stolen from abroad in japan in one morning still trying to play while the machine itself's being repaired what's chris doing the machine took my money i put in 700 yen and i was trying to win you a toy monkey i had to get a woman over to try and fix it and she she got her hand stuck for 10 minutes i was watching in the end she gave up here's my chocolate supply you how did you win that i won it with 10 uh with ten dollars look at this machine this is this is a joke this look at this this magnet apparently mag did it right yeah watch this good luck i put five dollars in this [ __ ] off chris so chocolate is my favorite thing after fried chicken let's see if fate is smiling upon us slightly more that was [ __ ] it looks so precariously close to the edge though i'm at crossroads now do i give up i've already put five dollars on this i think i can get one of these for another five do it do it all right if i lose i lose you know i make documentaries about porn things like a tree i haven't had time to play crane games maybe this will do something that oh have to keep going i mean i'm gonna put three and i think i can do it in three and two maybe maybe this is good i don't know twelve dollars all right nice oh god all these prizes i gotta carry them oh jesus how are you gonna drive them home how much car are you going in because it's not gonna be my car well let's get georgia i think that's gonna be a good idea i have a feeling he's gonna be difficult because his legs are kind of under the sign a little bit so even if we pick him up he's gonna be like dragging so we're gonna try our best though got my money back she took pity on me the machine took my money they gave me like two free goes we're back at the monkey just in time to lose again the second of my free attempts i genuinely believed i had it then we're not leaving this machine until i win that [ __ ] monkey come on come on come on stop opening when you get to the top it's not how physics works i'm seeing that maybe going for the the big head is maybe the option here huh okay i'm so dumb that's not the proudest moment i've had on cotton film what you can do is use a claw unlike the head to like move it to one side if you move the claw over enough and then the cloth opens right yeah i know i'm sure that works his legs are sort of crossed over and i'm wondering if i can get the crane between his legs maybe that will hold on to the crane better chris's strategies were paying off but either way i've missed the whole monkey entirely so that no strategy at all it's another 500 yen up in smoke so close the shop staff sort of hovering around me looking nervous as they see me gradually getting angry and angrier probably think i'm gonna smash the machine and they wouldn't be wrong but now i'm enjoying this right this is the first hour it's fun we're having a great time winning cool prizes after like the first hour is when chris will start to experience true pain and he's already complaining he's going to be like complaining his ass cheeks off in like two hours okay finally oh yes eight dollars for this that that's so good man i'm so glad we're killing it so far whilst i was busy winning the entire venue chris was still trying to get one curious george actually don't believe this i've spent all the money that i turned into coins already i've just changed up another 3 000 yen 30 dollars into coins to get this damn monkey once and for all if i can't do with this i'm going to commit chef spoiler alert this doesn't end well for chris oh my god look how many new ram figures are poppy ram we have fairy rim we have a cheerleader ram they're really just killing us out here man like it's hard being a rem fan because you just have to go financially bankrupt every five months they release one of these like every week man i'm happy but i'm angry at the same time we're gonna [ __ ] just wanna hold it in my [ __ ] hands what does it feel like to touch this stupid monkey stared through it through the glass for like an hour now [Music] i actually hate crane games there's a reason i've never made a video on them i hate them so much you're coming home with me today rem we're gonna try and flip it oh okay that works too that works too he's insane he's actually what they feed me this morning i've turned hacks on we don't turn the hacks on there's a little bit of like plastic at the end there for the cord there's a little tag saying made in china with plastic if i can get the crane thing through there even when the crane opens it should still sort of be wrapped around it should still be sort of hanging onto it it's genius right it was not genius bad example but i was close i'm feeling optimistic for the first time in the last hour oh no no no no no i hit it too early right at the bottom right i need to pick up the bottom of the box but that means the claw can't hit the side of the box first otherwise it will close before it gets there it'll stop trying to open it so we need to kind of correctly predict the edge this might work okay like that like this exactly like this didn't do anything another ten dollars close oh my god i think i'm going to give up on that strategy just go for his head again that won't do anything men want one thing and it's disgusting the limited edition dog his legs are dangling over the edge into the abyss of my winning come on come on come on cut no if i win this monkey i'm gonna cover it in petrol and burn it hey chris [Music] stop monkeying around shut up for the head for the heads for the head oh my lord i think this one you have to ask for a reset it's stuck i think this can still work every time i hit it i roll it over it rolls over and unfortunately after 30 whole hard spent dollars it didn't look like i was gonna be able to get rem in its current state so i did what any good japanese crane game player would do ask the staff for help ah say my thing whilst i was being a little baby boy getting help from the big adults chris was busy spending so much money on one single lap that he probably reinjuvenated this entire store just think right the net value of this monkey probably three dollars or something and we've already spent 35 worth of money on it there's no economical sense the only thing you come away with is disappointment and stress and there's a little stupid smiling face oh that might be bad shut the [ __ ] up for two seconds and get down the goddamn hole if i can put my hand like in i can go like okay no i can't do that all right that was a good thought cheat code for the second time [Music] shout out to that guy he's amazing all right this is it the last time i'm going to do this today before i go and kill myself yes no after spending over 100 on a curious george that chris didn't even get he decided to go for something a little easier let's go and get some food so this one another dodgy crane game and some of these are like kind of perilously close to the edge so it should be doable if trying to win a monkey for the last hour has taught me anything it's don't be too optimistic when playing crane games come on come on strawberry koala thing this is the least amount of fun i think i've ever had in my life i love it i love crane games so much i won a thing it's the first time i've won a crane game in the last hour and a half yes because i haven't felt pain enough today i'm going to try and get another ram we'll see how it goes no no no i wanted it i really wanted to flip over actually i think that was to my benefit and now it begins oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] we just gotta not tip it that's all we gotta do is just not tip it just move it don't tip it i'm begging you we're gonna be eating good tonight boys we're gonna be eating good okay if this isn't there i don't know what we're doing oh that looks good the reason why i'm so devastated by the box just simply flipping over is that in this position it's actually really difficult to actually get the prize there's pretty much no way to turn it and it won't really do anything if you pick it up but whilst i was recovering from that loss chris had already found his next prize i'm not really a fan of chip star imagine pringles but dreadful and that's chip star this game is super simple it's a ring of lights and you need the light to stop on one of the blocks where one of the arms is located if you stop it on one of those arms it drops one two three oh come on you use the force here we go it closed my eyes it didn't work the force doesn't work and after having the box reset it was time for me to try again for rem all right one time left so i gotta try to shimmy it along but he's in a better position now this looks good one fifteen dollars oh that's clean all that's clean no what is that what what i do with that now [Music] if you ever go to play crane games in japan i implore you to learn the word help and please as let's be honest there's no reason for you to waste more money than you need to on these crane game prizes so don't be afraid to ask the staff for a little bit of help if i can get that one at the end over there which is definitely never ever going to happen then like the whole thing will topple and i'll have a monopoly on all the world's supply of chip star so let's put another 500 yen in oh yes look at this look look look okay nothing happened yay we've won the most paltry pathetic hello kitty fluffy marshmallow sweets i really want to do win the chipstar i feel like we've done a lot of the legwork so let's change up some more money and we're going to do it i can feel it coincidentally i also found one of these games to enjoy and had my eye on the tower of porky i was determined to win every single pocky here [Music] that's hard man again [Music] okay one down one down there was a total of five arms that i needed to drop what am i aiming like what the [ __ ] how much have you spent so far already fifteen dollars and it's been like two minutes this is a money sink bro i'm so hungry trying to win a monkey for the last 90 minutes has taken the life out of me so i'm gonna have to cannibalize some of my own winnings and eat this marshmallow chocolate thing from hello kitty the word regret springs to mine but i'm so hungry i've invested about three thousand yen and all i've got to show for it were two marshmallow sweets one of which i've eaten already in goes the money wasted forever at least this is connor's money and not my money like this was my money i would be so depressed right now but it's connor's money and so we can waste it as much as we want [Applause] that was not what i went for but that's good nothing came down okay if i can hit this one everything is gonna come down that's a joke that's [ __ ] up [Music] okay we're gonna get this [Music] and although i missed so many times finally i did it what's it for what's it for nothing fell down and nothing happened i had to get the other two as well all right well this is gonna take way more money than i thought it was gonna take this is what thirty dollars yeah i get the impression we're not gonna win this one three more attempts and i'm done look how close it was all right i give up but then i don't i feel like i've put so much money in that surely one of them must topple one of them's gotta go this is how gambling addictions start isn't it come on [Applause] all right well i'm done oh come on [Music] that's one is it just all it's all on this one this is literally like my editor holding up my channel here we go here we go here we go here we go and due to the fact that i was extremely excited that i won i'd kind of gathered a bit of a crowd so i decided to give some pocky away okay that was kind of fun that was kind of sick that was kind of cool all right that was awesome imagine the look on connor's face if i were to come around the corner clutching the world's biggest tube of crisps i feel like it could be worth it you have to stop it and then the conveyor belt incrementally moves forward we won bonus even more things putting all my winnings in the bag because i'm a winner yeah just ignore the whole first hour of the show where i tried to win a looking monkey that didn't work i don't care how much money it costs i'm not leaving this machine until i get one of those big tubes i've said that three times on three different crane games today and i've given up i'm not giving up now hey time to change some more money up don't mind me don't mind me what about your prizes the first hour i went for really high value things and won nothing i went for like a vacuum cleaner i want nothing did you not ask them for help you can ask for help if you've got in a position that's too hard ask them hey can you put it in an easier position that's why i've got all these i've gotten so many things show you i'll show you i don't want to get hooked on this type of machine but uh you know your boy needs it come on come on come on oh it's so close right about now we need a magnitude six earthquake and i will win those pizza flavored crisps get ready for this this is gonna be big what you [ __ ] what the leaning tower of pisa pizza the leaning tower of pizza i don't know what i'm saying i've gone mental trying to play the bloody game look at this the glass is literally gonna smash because all the crisps are leaning against there come on come on come on come on are you taking the piss now they're so desperate for these crisps to not fall off oh my god what's no it's stuck it says if it touches the black if it's stuck on the black part then it counts as a win um so we will have to call someone over yeah all right well yeah stupid [ __ ] game oh this is faster than the one before okay one down already nice nice uh yo okay oh i'm gonna [ __ ] myself this is so difficult i did not [ __ ] myself is it getting harder am i getting stupider yes here we go one down we're getting this friend too did i really win the staff came over i was like i think i've won she was like oh yeah and then she just put the back on the shelf as though i hadn't won them it turns out she was wrong another member of staff came over and she was like oh no no you've got it wrong he did win and thus yes i've won right in the middle of the two this is the 200 that i just got out and we've gone through it our lightning speed [Music] oh that felt rigged we have a replay i stopped it there [Music] there we go there we go very cute very cute look at him this is the only way connor wins he like bribes the staff oh look at that can you knock that one off the edge for me can you knock it over sorry can you help me i do it by the book chris is getting angry because you just can't win so this game is a bit of a strange one actually again another one i've never seen before the nib will go down when you press the button the idea is that you want to hit the yellow line and it'll cause it to tip giving you hopefully some of the delicious prizes it was worth coming over this side just to see chris salty yeah it was worth coming all this way just to see christmas mental breakdown that was worth it look at the size of this you could like kill someone with this like connor [Applause] i don't understand this machine this is weirdly really fun i'll try two more times five more times that's it [Music] half of them aren't even falling in what the [ __ ] what is going on yo no no all right next machine but chris undeterred went back to curious george to waste even more money come on come on that was the perfect the perfect shot uh of course it wasn't do you know what the definition of insanity is have you played far cry 3 that was [ __ ] categorically [ __ ] do you want to consolidate prize i've already got like four of these in my bag did you actually did you actually get some yeah this is it that's a pretty good attempt right this time to get more money more problems as they say is this not the cutest kirby you've ever seen in the history of kirby's all right how many temps is going to take 50 100 one one year one take first time i'm gonna regret putting all this money in because i'm going to get it in one tape this is going to be so easy oh look at that this is a her sword from casino as much that's what is that i just turned around what on earth is that [Music] that is so cursed okay that does not open that much a learning process a living process yeah first one is always learning so we just need to keep nudging this box ever so slightly towards the edge and hope that we can get it to turn to a 90 degree angle and it'll fall down i'm taking in the information pc calculation is done okay ready we're gonna lock it in it's gonna be a dab okay [ __ ] that was part of the calculation part of the calculation this is going to take at least twenty dollars at least is that good i think that's good oh my god perfect oh we got some good movement there it's nice to do something with someone who's saltier than me for once you know that's really nice i i don't know if you missed that oh that's good that's clean oh that's clean all right oh right between [Music] oh we're so close to getting this this is this is in the bag and with surgical precision i won myself a commit snowy sword nice winning is just a state of mind and i have it but questions spotted a prize that even i didn't see something quite practical i'd say this would make up for the first hour i spent trying to win that bloody monkey i could do it i could do it the only thing worse than this is watching a sea dog va video it's the only thing more excruciating than this bloody crane game it's going it's literally it's going it's actually going we're going to win a noodle making come on yeah we won the noodle maker noodle maker at last i've won something worth winning and look at the blatant ripoff of cup noodles logo and the branding i love it life has just got worth living and in my attempt to get an amusing reaction out of chris i decided i was going to try and win a prize that he had attempted and failed i see when christopher might have had some difficulty here you want me my hoover yet i'm trying to get hoover for me i put like 2 000 yen into that but like icarus i had flown too close to the sun and it turns out this was just a really hard price to get so i gave up and that is how i got humbled everybody loves pringles especially me i love the way my portfolio of winnings mainly consists of crisps potato chips and was that money rolling away my money's literally rolling away my coin like ran under the machine all the way to you it knows it's like please guess someone who knows how to use me please how much the fingers cost for again sure how much they cost just wondering hundred year and four of them hundred yen two hundred it's doing it in right no so if you get five now a wall hey i got a one yen suite it's worth 500 yen watch this yeah i'm watching [ __ ] you gotta get the joke oh oh what's that pringles oh it's hard it's hot bollocks normally you're dealing with the best of the best as i was saying a minute ago literally all my willingness is just food i need like i need a teddy bear i need to get a teddy bear don't know let's get some teddy bears [Music] the perfect grab let's go let go watch this yeah of course it does people come here on like a date imagine coming here on a date with me angrily shouting at machines would be an awful day in hindsight i don't think i have anything to do with the crane games how do you you're the worst cameraman ever it wasn't me just touched me i took the cat hair off you oh [ __ ] i must admit i i don't feel as excited winning stuffed toys as i do getting food from this angler it looks like he's mocking you laughing at me sneering at me bastard if you let me win i'll take you home no no all right no more pac-man unfortunately for chris his aim isn't quite as good as his level of insult creativity so he didn't walk away with a pac-man plush i decided i would revisit a fun game from earlier the bouncy ball one watch this this is gonna be one go how am i this good this is not gonna work yeah wow jackie chan flip holy [ __ ] no the other chocolate blocked it the [ __ ] okay let's um i've got one so far let's get a second one oh [ __ ] that's bad i faltered actually actually actually maybe not bruh a simple bouncy ball game i can't even win anymore chris failing to learn his lesson from earlier decided to go for curious george but bigger if i can win this maybe this will make up for the horror show the absolute cluster that was the first hour of today's crane game session biggest claw i think i've ever seen it the crane is so big it made like a really loud noise when it war come on come on come on come on come on come on come on curious george curious george honestly after today i never want to look at a monkey again i especially never want to look at connor ever again either come on yes no right that's that end of that bit never again when i get home i'm going to download some software that blocks curious george from ever appearing anywhere on my laptop and that was the story of how curious george stole 300 off chris are you winning you bet on winning at life how many of you won oh so much so much winning i just want to win down to my last coins no no i need some chocolate chips lollies i need to eat something i need some sugar i feel like i've run a marathon today a marathon of pain and crap and horror why are you putting all your money in i want those chopper chops lollies this is like a kid's game you're supposed to win this but even this game's rigged as well what if you come here as a kid like mummy let's win the sweets oh mummy i put in all my pocket money it's [ __ ] gone what do you learn as a kid like never have friends never have money never have fun stupid game i hate this so much i hate crane games i don't know who designed them but i'm going to go back in time and shoot them in the foot i'm not going to murder them it just caused them pain like they've caused me yes yes no i wanna i wanna go on the chopper chops no you're gonna win i wanna try so all my bags are in the way hold on all my weddings are in the way oh god i didn't win any chopper chaps chris had spent all of his money and i was nearly done spending all of mine i wanted to try and get some popcorn for the end but this game was a bit of a weird one you had to try and pull the elastic band above the box so it would fall out the difficulty being that the rubber band is tensioned quite heavily and it's really hard to get it to move at all that's actually pretty good that looks pretty good hey yo what though that literally did like a flick when you signed up to do this video with me what did you think was gonna happen oh my i think i just pushed it up didn't i i thought fun was gonna happen yeah oh this is five hundred dollars go apply some things yeah and all i've done is win nothing and waste about three hours of my life it definitely hasn't moved that's it i'm out i'm out no more and now that we had spent all of our money it was time to review the prizes all right we've had a good adventure today at the crane good yeah honestly i think my blood pressure's gone up like 60 in the last six hours i don't think curious george is meant to make people violent that's the first for everything i suppose but this part of the video we're gonna be reviewing what we won and kind of making a case to you the viewer who got the best items and who won the most and i guess who you're going to vote for as the winner should be difficult i got these were a nightmare to hoist around the store we got the potato chips pizza flavor crisps and ready salted and then this little bag of uh nice not bad that's not bad let's just start with one bag i have so it's all falling out this is too much of it that's one you got another big bag there's nothing in there and there's still okay another really heavy bag on top of that so i i'm quite the hall you have a good amount though like yeah it's like you've got something it took me a long time to get this project 25 minutes of effort this is wagyu beef jerky everyone like you like beef jets it really is easy why you beef jerk from a crane from a crane so how much does it cost you to win this 40 us dollars that'd be some damned beef this is like wagyu harami steak and this is guitar tongue or steak do you try to wag you okay so here we go there's like four slices in there all right let's take one extra salami it's pretty awful wag you what why are you tired what do you think of beef jerky you think of spices and seasoning right and this is none of that it's kind of done the bare minimum four out of ten that's kind of [ __ ] going on one up me with your goodies your sack of winning oh oh my god what's that why is there so much pocky so i think i spent 50 to get maybe 20 25 worth of pocky you know i mean there are worse prizes to win you know beef jerky i think is one of them like at least we've got a good variation here it's not all you got all the flavors of coffee this was an ice cream street oh [Applause] these are what 10 yen 10 yen they look but why is that off of it's like there's crumbs all over your table chris how many did you eat one uh shut up these are good umaibo delicious stick like a cheeto they're like 10 yen right yeah you open it up best 10 yen you could possibly spend oh it's not about price well that was the most knife how much is the cost i don't want to talk about it how much it costs for about 4 000 yen for one marshmallow that's from demon slayer you seen he was like you bet i haven't how have you not seen democrats everywhere i love the scene where he like slays the demons so how much did you spend on this demon slayer sword this one maybe i think 20 25 oh that doesn't that's pretty underwhelming it's a sword you can't have it in the be a real sword in a crane game that 10 year olds win whoa don't ruin it to collect this item if anyone is watching this show has seen comets no yuba they would love it they would love this she doesn't slash with this she pokes pokes to death that's why it's a it's poisonous poisonous my goodness this is the most expensive most brilliant thing i've won and i did it in like mere seconds or minutes how much did you spend on it for about 2000 yen this is a noodle maker you can make noodles you can put the whole ramen you can put the whole ramen check this out how insanely cool is that okay that's actually pretty sick all right who's i've won no i've oh someone look at that how is this this looks like an electrical hazard this looks like it'll burn your house down next time connor's in the bath i'll tell them chuck this in the door look at it let me have a feel for it but it's already stained i mean it's definitely the coolest thing you've got so far i hope you've got cooler than this um that's that is that is cool comment guys comment please comment help me comment your favorite anime jujutsu kaisen i love jujitsu kaiser a really nice quality you know you can squish their head about smells like premium fabric to me yeah i know that you should also be digging on my items but i mean yeah oh it's [ __ ] yeah it smells like that one's a cute one right sounds like cholera yeah collar brush i got this in maybe 30 bucks both of these the thing i hauled around the store more than anything were these crisps right what are one of those how many crisps are inside it to warrant this size right i i know because i've won this before it must be a lot right and there's a reason why i didn't win it again all right here we go one two that's quite a lot more than i was expecting to be bro so you have paid for three bags of pizza potatoes for like 5 000 yen's worth of crisps five hundred yen five thousand five hundred yen five dollars worth of crystal how much does it take you to get it sure dinner you know they're all good but how much did you spend on getting it that's what i wanna do forty dollars on a piece of cardboard and three bags on a piece of cardboard filled with more air than potato chips kirby oh kirby's good what's gathering to kirby's face say it's kawaii kirby and i also got a pokemon isn't that a cute pokemon though it should be a pokemon you've got to be in a ridge in the original lineup after that they got greedy they got carried away they got cool they got greedy i like this one this is pretty good how much was this i think this took me 20 dollars what are you gonna do with it let me just give it to someone i don't know give it away to one of the beautiful viewers watching this video if you go to my twitch channel cwa [Applause] kuala bear these are like little strawberry flavored koala bears they're basically for children that are four that's better than a kirby or a no it's blastoise whatever it is i wanna oh coco i think it's just dark chocolate isn't it i think i know what it's gonna taste like i won these in ten dollars on the bouncing game the ball oh the ball one yeah and i won crunchy island on the magnet game from clunky almonds frankie's like crunky that's [ __ ] look at this metal box for two [ __ ] bags about either i'm feeling rather cranky but uh scotch okay let's dive in so i don't know are these popular have you seen them i don't know what it is there's only four layers of wrapping oh my god there's a box there's a wrapper there's another outfit oh it's a butterscotch it looks like well there's original is it really oh that's i like those next up i won pringles i have all the crap on this table this is probably the most delicious edible thing i don't know about that i spent 70 on this again i don't understand the appeal of crane games or fun what's that dog rem dog i'm not opening it it's a collector's item ram what ram run run ram how's that spell i am right rem i thought you're saying ram is in like a show that's the uploader sister this is my favorite anime woman my wifey okay where is curious george you're not getting then you spend like a hundred dollars getting curious george now i've got this thing why oh this feels like there's more in it one two three four five six seven eight seven six get out [ __ ] chris it's literally more fun using it like this hello i didn't win curious george i'm really disappointed right at one prize you could have won you didn't win i went back to it three times on tempo i wanted this like really nice narrative arc where like you know i struggled i got better i caught it and we all was happy ever after i didn't get the curious george monkey and i hate myself for it more than anything ever it was over 300 so you won these ready salted [ __ ] crisps i did which we already established on my video you don't even like these they're horrible angel ran oh my god what's that fairy ram why do you like this she's cute who else you got that's it no that's it that's a lot of stuff 500 it's not my money you won maybe twenty dollars worth of prizes with my money we established a sweater a hundred dollars it's knock off this is even legal are they even allowed to sell this probably not now but like this is better than anything connor's got times 10. so you think that this is worth more than my entire haul in both monetary value and sentimental value god okay well i got more stuff easy to win and cheap that is practically nothing another demonstration oh my who's demon slayer who what is demonstrated the show come out to know your neighbour oh yeah my favorite it looks like he's like had some cocaine or something look at his face how many drugs does he have whilst slaying demon so i have the sword got the kirby toy tv i'm still munching this butterscotch this is good you like it well i'm leaving them here for you wow thank you and then i've got all the pocky and all that so i think i've got quite the hall i think i would value all my haul at around retail about 200 250 when you look at my pile as well it's a lit a literal tower of feed here it's a done deal i think i've won this one we've made our case for who should win now you need to go to twitter and decide who's won the crane games there'll be a poll on my twitter for the next three days overall chris how was your experience with the green game well one to ten yeah three i thought you'd give it a one i feel like it's time i'll never get back if i was to write a list of the things i enjoyed the things i didn't enjoy i don't know what would go on the enjoy list that sounds sad but the most part it wasn't fun so much money was wasted we could have like you know spend that on something good like uh like what i'd steak dinner no mcdonald's would have been better we can't film mcdonald's i was eating them with dads i'm gonna go back to that place and i'm just gonna spend two days there getting curious george without asking them to be like oh can you move it to the edge and help me like you did for your bloody demon slaying toy can you help me please i really want to do this chris is angry because i asked for help twice and i got help twice i think for that reason connor shouldn't win all right well that's enough of chris's uh excuses and complaints thank you so much for watching this video and if you do want to go check out chris and our wacky weekend series go to his channel and uh binge watch it all just binge binge watch it well that's been it uh go rewatch if you want to see chris have a mental breakdown get out my studio bye right get out now take your pikachu and your jigglypuff with you you [ __ ] [Music] you
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 2,859,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Crane Game, Chris Broad, Connor, CDawgVA, Cranegame, UFO machine, Japanese Crane Games, Japan Crane Games, CDawg, Japan UFO machine
Id: Tjwxr6SJIUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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