I Google Translated Minecraft Items 1,000 Times

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in the past of Google translated Minecraft Mobs 100 times 1 000 times and even 10 000 times but I've never translated anything else in Minecraft which is why today I'm going to be Google translating every Minecraft item 1000 times okay maybe not every item because there's a lot of them but we'll start with the armor head yeah that's where the helmet goes I ended up drawing a messed up looking face and for the actual helmet I copied it on the front and added some hair on all the other sides honestly I think this helmet looks really good there is nothing wrong with it next let's do a chest plate I don't know why it keeps giving me body parts I decided to just draw an arm because that's what it said I then copied the arm over top of the chest plate made absolutely no effort to make it fit even though I did that I somehow got the arms in the right place not really sure why they're so big though next I made the leggings and I got rubber I could have colored the pants rubber color but instead I turned it into a rubber duck because I'm a duck I then drew a duck's face in a questionable area of the pants and colored the rest yellow these are the pants in game let me know if you would call for the boots I got both so I literally just copied tasted a boat on top of the boots I then made the actual boots boat colored this is probably the most normal piece of armor I made even though it shows up as a boat in my inventory The Shield is kind of armor so I translated The Shield this is a mystery because it's a mystery I just deleted the shield texture completely it turns out you can't delete textures though and it just made the shield all black alright now that I've made the shield I have a full armor set guys let me know if you would wear this next I'm going to be translating some oars I am a tree I drew a tree body and added some leaves on top and then I gave it a smiley face because the tree is alive next I translated an emerald monogan monagon I don't know what that is apparently monogan is a place in Ireland so I drew a four-leaf clover because that's Irish or something guys never let me draw a clover again for iron I got iron pot so I just drew a pot which basically looks like a big bucket so I added some handles on the side so you can tell the difference next I made gold and I got turned down I didn't know what to do for this one so I just made a road sign but put a down arrow instead I don't know what roads you can turn down on but that's not my problem next I translated netherite Ingot which isn't technically an ore but it's an Ingot so whatever I got bad netherite so I gave it an arm holding a knife with an unspecified red liquid on it and then I gave him two Angry Eyes with an upside down smile after that I decided to start a hardcore series okay guys so I did some mining off camera now I think it's time to build a house yo edit this part out all right now that the house is done we're going to build a giant ring of biomes around it I also translated some other ores so here are those quickly this is a copper Ingot as a suitcase this is redstone as Blackstone this is lapis's Onyx Stone okay I think I made the wrong type of Onyx this is Japanese coal and finally this is amethyst as a person also I know amethyst isn't an ore I just thought it fit here now that we've translated some ores we need something to mine them with so let's make some tools okay we got certify I decided to draw one of those certificates that they give out at school for good grades or something and then I added this line which is the text and I put one of those sticker things in the corner it kind of looks like I'm holding a hammer honestly I'm surprised my pickaxe still works now that it's made out of paper next I did the sword okay we got sword but big for this one I decided to make a really fat sword because I didn't really know what else to do guys rate my sword from one to ten you'd think you would do more damage because it's bigger I give it a zero next I translated the ax and it just translated to ah for this one I wanted to make the ax yelling so I added a mouth on the front and then I gave the ax a large tongue and finally I gave it an eye which has nothing to do with yelling I just wanted to do it I can understand why the ax is yelling I would be too if someone kept slamming me against a tree for the shovel I got spayed and a shovel is a spade so I made the thing from the cards instead okay this looks terrible instead of adding it to the top of the shovel I just drew the Spade instead and it ended up looking much better this thing would actually look kind of cool if it was a weapon but it's just a shovel so it's useless to me next I translated the hoe okay I got Adam's hat who is Adam I looked up Adam's hat and found someone wearing a yellow hat so I tried to make a yellow hat but it was hard because tools are usually made sideways the only reason this looks like a hat is because I know it's a hat I am also not Adam so I have to throw this away I'm not allowed to have it next I made some things that are technically tools for the bow I got plastic bags so I made a plastic bag that's it next I did a crossbow and it said rainbow so I added a rainbow gradient over the crossbow five times for all the phases the crossbow looked normal when I shot it but I can't say the same for the regular bow for flint and steel I got Stone and iron and that is basically what flint and steel is so I decided to replace the Flint with a stone block and the steel with an iron ingot to literally make it Stone and iron for shears I ended up getting there for I didn't know what to do for this so I just turned the shears into a mouth and gave it a tongue and one angry eye the reason I did this was because people might say therefore in an argument so he's meant to look like he's arguing now for the final tool I made a fishing rod and I got Madan madon I couldn't figure out what my Dan meant so I looked it up and saw this picture from a restaurant so I decided to make the plate with the food on it I even made it so when I cast the fishing rod the plate empties Isn't that cool for the next category we're going to be translating some foods first I did steak and I got meat I'm pretty sure steak is meat so I decided to color it a weird color and add a question mark so it's mystery meat instead would you eat this it kind of just looks like bread with a question mark next I translated an apple and I got Lake I added a big pool of water and then I drew this boat with a big red flag in the middle I will not be taste testing this one because my mom told me not to drink the lake water when I was younger for chicken I got you cannot so I just put a big red X over The Chicken meaning I can no longer eat it next I translated bread and I got a piece of bread so I turned it into a slice of bread and put a nice patch of butter in the top corner for cake I got pockets so I made the cake into the shape of pants and then I gave it two pockets I kind of forgot that cake is a block so really the only one I can eat is a slice of bread it tastes really good the Yellow Part really gives it flavor next I made a cookie and I Got Dirt so I just cut the shape of a cookie out of dirt my mom also told me not to eat dirt but I'm going to do it anyway because it's in the shape of a cookie for the golden carrot I got a golden beginning so I made a certificate again because that was the first thing I made in this video now for the final food item I translated the golden apple okay we got liver I decided to just draw a liver which is somehow the most normal food out of all of these alright liver taste test in game not actually I would never eat that wow it actually gives me a lot of potion effects maybe the liver King was right all right now that I've done some foods it's time to translate a bunch of random items the first item is the totem which translated to down the totem pole for this one I just made a totem pole which was kind of hard to do when it's this small but it doesn't look that bad when you hold it or when you die so that's cool next I translated the ender pearl and I got a Japanese word which translated to show it turns out I have no idea how to draw a shell and I'm not even sure if I got the color right because I was thinking of the gas station for the Eye of Ender I got I do not know so I cut the shape of a question mark out of the original texture this is how it looks when I throw both of these if you wanted to know for egg I got in bed so I drew a red Minecraft bed around the egg as if it was sleeping this kind of looks like one of those egg drop projects so let's see if it works nope the egg still broke next I made a snowball and I got viburnum which apparently is a plant that looks like this I drew some leaves around it and then turned it yellow to match the little white things on the plant next I made an arrow and it didn't seem too happy with me so I just drew an angry face for a bucket it translated to two with a quotation mark which sounds the same as the number so I copy pasted another bucket beside it so there was two buckets next I made the water bucket and I got a glass of water so I I drew a wine glass around the water and added a little spill on top because it was overflowing finally I translated a lava bucket and got room so I decided to make a 2d picture of the back rooms placing the back rooms on the ground and having it turn into two buckets looks quite interesting but honestly I kind of like the back room's art not the buckets though this sucks for the final category I decided to make some items that come from the nether in the end first I translated Nether wart okay I don't know who was released but it doesn't sound good so I drew some iron bars around the netherwort and made the ones in the Middle look like they were broken and another Ward is escaping next I made a blaze rod and got this I decided to make a night sky with some thumbnail colored grass in the bottom and then I added some stars and finally I added the Sun instead of the moon for the gas tier I got there is nothing wrong with yelling why are these so scary all of a sudden I drew a man with an exclamation mark coming out of his mouth to show that he's yelling and then I put a green check mark over it showing that it's okay next I made a potion and got house or tint it's nice that it's giving me options I decided to just make a little house and I gave it a door with two windows which looked like eyes and a moe great now you can't tell what any of the potions are without reading them also I like how the man yelling is in the top left it's a true work of art I made a few more nether items but don't feel like showing them so here's another brick as a name tag with a colon original name on it here's another right scrap is low sodium next we have quartz is a low-res Emoji holding up a thank you heart and finally we have a fire charge pointing at you now that we've done the nether it's time to do the end and there aren't that many items in the end so first I made a chorus fruit okay I'm gonna re-roll that one that's better I didn't know what to do for this so I just colored it purple because product color I guess next I made an elytra and got little wing for this one I just made one of the Wings smaller and I made both of them small on the model because it turns out you can't edit the wings separately next I did dragon's breath and I got this is a dangerous city apparently Tijuana is the most dangerous city in the world so I'm going to draw a picture of it first I added a road in the bottom corner and then added this arch in a couple of palm trees after that I added some buildings behind them and finally I added some water and some sky in the sky for the final item I made an end Crystal and I got crystal structure I decided to make the crystals smaller and put it on top of a building I even added some windows so you can really tell it's a building now you might have noticed that an end crystal is also technically a block but it's the end of the video so I'm scamming You by not making it it is definitely not because I have no idea how to turn this into a building subscribe before 600k I don't have a no true
Channel: Eider
Views: 3,774,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CjlYFavjtc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 01 2023
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